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INTO #aspnet_RoleMembers EXEC sp_helpuser @name DECLARE @user_id smallint DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(500) DECLARE c1 cursor FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT User_id FROM #aspnet_RoleMembers OPEN c1 FETCH c1 INTO @user_id WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0) BEGIN SET @cmd = 'EXEC sp_droprolemember ' + '''' + @name + ''', ''' + USER_NAME(@user_id) + '''' EXEC (@cmd) FETCH c1 INTO @user_id END CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1 END0•у )8(newid())0ыМЭ )8(newid())0$сС  &8(NULL)0]Ж! %8((0))0zКz& 8 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion @Feature nvarchar(128), @CompatibleSchemaVersion nvarchar(128), @IsCurrentVersion bit, @RemoveIncompatibleSchema bit AS BEGIN IF( @RemoveIncompatibleSchema = 1 ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions WHERE Feature = LOWER( @Feature ) END ELSE BEGIN IF( @IsCurrentVersion = 1 ) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions SET IsCurrentVersion = 0 WHERE Feature = LOWER( @Feature ) END END INSERT dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions( Feature, CompatibleSchemaVersion, IsCurrentVersion ) VALUES( LOWER( @Feature ), @CompatibleSchemaVersion, @IsCurrentVersion ) END0h € й8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_SetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @UserName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256), @PageSettings IMAGE, @CurrentTimeUtc DATETIME) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL SELECT @UserId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC dbo.aspnet_Paths_CreatePath @ApplicationId, @Path, @PathId OUTPUT END SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC dbo.aspnet_Users_CreateUser @ApplicationId, @UserName, 0, @CurrentTimeUtc, @UserId OUTPUT END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) -- Username not found RETURN IF (EXISTS(SELECT PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE UserId = @UserId AND PathId = @PathId)) UPDATE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser SET PageSettings = @PageSettings, LastUpdatedDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId AND PathId = @PathId ELSE INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser(UserId, PathId, PageSettings, LastUpdatedDate) VALUES (@UserId, @PathId, @PageSettings, @CurrentTimeUtc) RETURN 0 END0Ё+ Г8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState ( @AllUsersScope bit, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Count int OUT) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN IF (@AllUsersScope = 1) DELETE FROM aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId IN (SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId) ELSE DELETE FROM aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE PathId IN (SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END END0кO <8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState ( @Count int OUT, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId IN (SELECT AllUsers.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers AllUsers, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND AllUsers.PathId = Paths.PathId AND Paths.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path)) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END END0tќ +8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState ( @Count int OUT, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @InactiveSinceDate DATETIME = NULL, @UserName NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @Path NVARCHAR(256) = NULL) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE Id IN (SELECT PerUser.Id FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Users Users, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND PerUser.UserId = Users.UserId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@InactiveSinceDate IS NULL OR Users.LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) AND (@UserName IS NULL OR Users.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName)) AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path))) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END ENDotectType, [Action], Grantee FROM #aspnet_Permissions where Object = 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Ÿ’0а“3, ў 8CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_AnyDataInTables @TablesToCheck int AS BEGIN -- Check Membership table if (@TablesToCheck & 1) is set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 1) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers') AND (type = 'V')))) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_Membership' RETURN END END -- Check aspnet_Roles table if (@TablesToCheck & 2) is set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 2) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'vw_aspnet_Roles') AND (type = 'V'))) ) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_Roles' RETURN END END -- Check aspnet_Profile table if (@TablesToCheck & 4) is set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 4) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'vw_aspnet_Profiles') AND (type = 'V'))) ) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_Profile' RETURN END END -- Check aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table if (@TablesToCheck & 8) is set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 8) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User') AND (type = 'V'))) ) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser' RETURN END END -- Check aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table if (@TablesToCheck & 16) is set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 16) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent') AND (type = 'P'))) ) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.aspnet_WebEvent_Events)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_WebEvent_Events' RETURN END END -- Check aspnet_Users table if (@TablesToCheck & 1,2,4 & 8) are all set IF ((@TablesToCheck & 1) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 2) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 4) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 8) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 32) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 128) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 256) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 512) <> 0 AND (@TablesToCheck & 1024) <> 0) BEGIN IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_Users' RETURN END IF (EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications)) BEGIN SELECT N'aspnet_Applications' RETURN END END END0 И'- ;8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_Applications] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Applications].[ApplicationName], [dbo].[aspnet_Applications].[LoweredApplicationName], [dbo].[aspnet_Applications].[ApplicationId], [dbo].[aspnet_Applications].[Description] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Applications] 0Bм. o8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_Users] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[ApplicationId], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserId], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserName], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[LoweredUserName], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[MobileAlias], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[IsAnonymous], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[LastActivityDate] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Users] 0бйШ4 %8((0))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™ ^ `РТ<—eС&S ж7 n0 ўМ5 ‡8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_CreateUser @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @Password nvarchar(128), @PasswordSalt nvarchar(128), @Email nvarchar(256), @PasswordQuestion nvarchar(256), @PasswordAnswer nvarchar(128), @IsApproved bit, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @CreateDate datetime = NULL, @UniqueEmail int = 0, @PasswordFormat int = 0, @UserId uniqueidentifier OUTPUT AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL DECLARE @NewUserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @NewUserId = NULL DECLARE @IsLockedOut bit SET @IsLockedOut = 0 DECLARE @LastLockoutDate datetime SET @LastLockoutDate = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptCount int SET @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0 DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart datetime SET @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0 DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart datetime SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) DECLARE @NewUserCreated bit DECLARE @ReturnValue int SET @ReturnValue = 0 DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 EXEC dbo.aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END SET @CreateDate = @CurrentTimeUtc SELECT @NewUserId = UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE LOWER(@UserName) = LoweredUserName AND @ApplicationId = ApplicationId IF ( @NewUserId IS NULL ) BEGIN SET @NewUserId = @UserId EXEC @ReturnValue = dbo.aspnet_Users_CreateUser @ApplicationId, @UserName, 0, @CreateDate, @NewUserId OUTPUT SET @NewUserCreated = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @NewUserCreated = 0 IF( @NewUserId <> @UserId AND @UserId IS NOT NULL ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 6 GOTO Cleanup END END IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @ReturnValue = -1 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 10 GOTO Cleanup END IF ( EXISTS ( SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE @NewUserId = UserId ) ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 6 GOTO Cleanup END SET @UserId = @NewUserId IF (@UniqueEmail = 1) BEGIN IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m WITH ( UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK ) WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND LoweredEmail = LOWER(@Email))) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 7 GOTO Cleanup END END IF (@NewUserCreated = 0) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate = @CreateDate WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END END INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_Membership ( ApplicationId, UserId, Password, PasswordSalt, Email, LoweredEmail, PasswordQuestion, PasswordAnswer, PasswordFormat, IsApproved, IsLockedOut, CreateDate, LastLoginDate, LastPasswordChangedDate, LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart ) VALUES ( @ApplicationId, @UserId, @Password, @PasswordSalt, @Email, LOWER(@Email), @PasswordQuestion, @PasswordAnswer, @PasswordFormat, @IsApproved, @IsLockedOut, @CreateDate, @CreateDate, @CreateDate, @LastLockoutDate, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart ) IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN 0 Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0C"Б6 ~8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @UpdateLastActivity bit = 0 AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier IF (@UpdateLastActivity = 1) BEGIN -- select user ID from aspnet_users table SELECT TOP 1 @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@UserName) = u.LoweredUserName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) -- Username not found RETURN -1 UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserId, m.IsLockedOut, m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE @UserId = u.UserId AND u.UserId = m.UserId END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserId, m.IsLockedOut,m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@UserName) = u.LoweredUserName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) -- Username not found RETURN -1 END RETURN 0 END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ч`СУ<џћТ& ‡ЖA0|FЅ7 Ž8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByUserId @UserId uniqueidentifier, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @UpdateLastActivity bit = 0 AS BEGIN IF ( @UpdateLastActivity = 1 ) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE @UserId = UserId IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 ) -- User ID not found RETURN -1 END SELECT m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserName, m.IsLockedOut, m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE @UserId = u.UserId AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 ) -- User ID not found RETURN -1 RETURN 0 END0Еj™8 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByEmail @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @Email nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN IF( @Email IS NULL ) SELECT u.UserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND m.LoweredEmail IS NULL ELSE SELECT u.UserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND LOWER(@Email) = m.LoweredEmail IF (@@rowcount = 0) RETURN(1) RETURN(0) END0юŽ9 }8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @UpdateLastLoginActivityDate bit, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @IsLockedOut bit DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier DECLARE @Password nvarchar(128) DECLARE @PasswordSalt nvarchar(128) DECLARE @PasswordFormat int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int DECLARE @IsApproved bit DECLARE @LastActivityDate datetime DECLARE @LastLoginDate datetime SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = u.UserId, @IsLockedOut = m.IsLockedOut, @Password=Password, @PasswordFormat=PasswordFormat, @PasswordSalt=PasswordSalt, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount=FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount=FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @IsApproved=IsApproved, @LastActivityDate = LastActivityDate, @LastLoginDate = LastLoginDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND LOWER(@UserName) = u.LoweredUserName IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN 1 IF (@IsLockedOut = 1) RETURN 99 SELECT @Password, @PasswordFormat, @PasswordSalt, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @IsApproved, @LastLoginDate, @LastActivityDate IF (@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate = 1 AND @IsApproved = 1) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET LastLoginDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE @UserId = UserId END RETURN 0 END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ю`ТФ<? ПУ&Ÿ a_Ў0'Г:€ _8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @IsPasswordCorrect bit, @UpdateLastLoginActivityDate bit, @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int, @PasswordAttemptWindow int, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @LastLoginDate datetime, @LastActivityDate datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier DECLARE @IsApproved bit DECLARE @IsLockedOut bit DECLARE @LastLockoutDate datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 SELECT @UserId = u.UserId, @IsApproved = m.IsApproved, @IsLockedOut = m.IsLockedOut, @LastLockoutDate = m.LastLockoutDate, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = m.FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = m.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = m.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = m.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WITH ( UPDLOCK ) WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND LOWER(@UserName) = u.LoweredUserName IF ( @@rowcount = 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @IsLockedOut = 1 ) BEGIN GOTO Cleanup END IF( @IsPasswordCorrect = 0 ) BEGIN IF( @CurrentTimeUtc > DATEADD( minute, @PasswordAttemptWindow, @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart ) ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc SET @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc SET @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAttemptCount + 1 END BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAttemptCount >= @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts ) BEGIN SET @IsLockedOut = 1 SET @LastLockoutDate = @CurrentTimeUtc END END END ELSE BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAttemptCount > 0 OR @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount > 0 ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0 SET @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0 SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) SET @LastLockoutDate = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) END END IF( @UpdateLastLoginActivityDate = 1 ) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate = @LastActivityDate WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET LastLoginDate = @LastLoginDate WHERE UserId = @UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET IsLockedOut = @IsLockedOut, LastLockoutDate = @LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`УХ<k ‘Ф&в4ВL/0`зu; {8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetPassword @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int, @PasswordAttemptWindow int, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @PasswordAnswer nvarchar(128) = NULL AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier DECLARE @PasswordFormat int DECLARE @Password nvarchar(128) DECLARE @passAns nvarchar(128) DECLARE @IsLockedOut bit DECLARE @LastLockoutDate datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 SELECT @UserId = u.UserId, @Password = m.Password, @passAns = m.PasswordAnswer, @PasswordFormat = m.PasswordFormat, @IsLockedOut = m.IsLockedOut, @LastLockoutDate = m.LastLockoutDate, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = m.FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = m.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = m.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = m.FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WITH ( UPDLOCK ) WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND LOWER(@UserName) = u.LoweredUserName IF ( @@rowcount = 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @IsLockedOut = 1 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 99 GOTO Cleanup END IF ( NOT( @PasswordAnswer IS NULL ) ) BEGIN IF( ( @passAns IS NULL ) OR ( LOWER( @passAns ) <> LOWER( @PasswordAnswer ) ) ) BEGIN IF( @CurrentTimeUtc > DATEADD( minute, @PasswordAttemptWindow, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart ) ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount + 1 SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc END BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount >= @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts ) BEGIN SET @IsLockedOut = 1 SET @LastLockoutDate = @CurrentTimeUtc END END SET @ErrorCode = 3 END ELSE BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount > 0 ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0 SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) END END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET IsLockedOut = @IsLockedOut, LastLockoutDate = @LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END IF( @ErrorCode = 0 ) SELECT @Password, @PasswordFormat RETURN @ErrorCode Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0™ћi< Ж8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_SetPassword @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @NewPassword nvarchar(128), @PasswordSalt nvarchar(128), @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @PasswordFormat int = 0 AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN(1) UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET Password = @NewPassword, PasswordFormat = @PasswordFormat, PasswordSalt = @PasswordSalt, LastPasswordChangedDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE @UserId = UserId RETURN(0) END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!л`ФЦ<EЕХ&  1jh0в^= Э8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_ResetPassword @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @NewPassword nvarchar(128), @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts int, @PasswordAttemptWindow int, @PasswordSalt nvarchar(128), @CurrentTimeUtc datetime, @PasswordFormat int = 0, @PasswordAnswer nvarchar(128) = NULL AS BEGIN DECLARE @IsLockedOut bit DECLARE @LastLockoutDate datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount int DECLARE @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart datetime DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SET @UserId = NULL DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF ( @UserId IS NULL ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 1 GOTO Cleanup END SELECT @IsLockedOut = IsLockedOut, @LastLockoutDate = LastLockoutDate, @FailedPasswordAttemptCount = FailedPasswordAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WITH ( UPDLOCK ) WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @IsLockedOut = 1 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 99 GOTO Cleanup END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET Password = @NewPassword, LastPasswordChangedDate = @CurrentTimeUtc, PasswordFormat = @PasswordFormat, PasswordSalt = @PasswordSalt WHERE @UserId = UserId AND ( ( @PasswordAnswer IS NULL ) OR ( LOWER( PasswordAnswer ) = LOWER( @PasswordAnswer ) ) ) IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN IF( @CurrentTimeUtc > DATEADD( minute, @PasswordAttemptWindow, @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart ) ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @CurrentTimeUtc SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount + 1 END BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount >= @MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts ) BEGIN SET @IsLockedOut = 1 SET @LastLockoutDate = @CurrentTimeUtc END END SET @ErrorCode = 3 END ELSE BEGIN IF( @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount > 0 ) BEGIN SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0 SET @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) END END IF( NOT ( @PasswordAnswer IS NULL ) ) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET IsLockedOut = @IsLockedOut, LastLockoutDate = @LastLockoutDate, FailedPasswordAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = @FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0 DR> 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF ( @UserId IS NULL ) RETURN 1 UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET IsLockedOut = 0, FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0, FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ), FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount = 0, FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ), LastLockoutDate = CONVERT( datetime, '17540101', 112 ) WHERE @UserId = UserId RETURN 0 END0DhF? j8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_UpdateUser @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @Email nvarchar(256), @Comment ntext, @IsApproved bit, @LastLoginDate datetime, @LastActivityDate datetime, @UniqueEmail int, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = u.UserId, @ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN(1) IF (@UniqueEmail = 1) BEGIN IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WITH (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND @UserId <> UserId AND LoweredEmail = LOWER(@Email))) BEGIN RETURN(7) END END DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LastActivityDate = @LastActivityDate WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership WITH (ROWLOCK) SET Email = @Email, LoweredEmail = LOWER(@Email), Comment = @Comment, IsApproved = @IsApproved, LastLoginDate = @LastLoginDate WHERE @UserId = UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN 0 Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN -1 END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K-`ХЧ<лЦ&_ wџ?Ћ0}Œ:@ t8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @NewPasswordQuestion nvarchar(256), @NewPasswordAnswer nvarchar(128) AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Applications a WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LOWER(@ApplicationName) = a.LoweredApplicationName AND u.UserId = m.UserId IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN(1) END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Membership SET PasswordQuestion = @NewPasswordQuestion, PasswordAnswer = @NewPasswordAnswer WHERE UserId=@UserId RETURN(0) END0ЖА.A€ ’8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @PageIndex int, @PageSize int AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN 0 -- Set the page bounds DECLARE @PageLowerBound int DECLARE @PageUpperBound int DECLARE @TotalRecords int SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound -- Create a temp table TO store the select results CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, UserId uniqueidentifier ) -- Insert into our temp table INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId) SELECT u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.UserId = m.UserId ORDER BY u.UserName SELECT @TotalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT SELECT u.UserName, m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserId, m.IsLockedOut, m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u, #PageIndexForUsers p WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND p.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND p.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound ORDER BY u.UserName RETURN @TotalRecords END0яд"B #8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetNumberOfUsersOnline @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @MinutesSinceLastInActive int, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @DateActive datetime SELECT @DateActive = DATEADD(minute, -(@MinutesSinceLastInActive), @CurrentTimeUtc) DECLARE @NumOnline int SELECT @NumOnline = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u(NOLOCK), dbo.aspnet_Applications a(NOLOCK), dbo.aspnet_Membership m(NOLOCK) WHERE u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LastActivityDate > @DateActive AND a.LoweredApplicationName = LOWER(@ApplicationName) AND u.UserId = m.UserId RETURN(@NumOnline) END0(љC "8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserNameToMatch nvarchar(256), @PageIndex int, @PageSize int AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN 0 -- Set the page bounds DECLARE @PageLowerBound int DECLARE @PageUpperBound int DECLARE @TotalRecords int SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound -- Create a temp table TO store the select results CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, UserId uniqueidentifier ) -- Insert into our temp table INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId) SELECT u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND m.UserId = u.UserId AND u.LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserNameToMatch) ORDER BY u.UserName SELECT u.UserName, m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserId, m.IsLockedOut, m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u, #PageIndexForUsers p WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND p.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND p.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound ORDER BY u.UserName SELECT @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM #PageIndexForUsers RETURN @TotalRecords END0a D p8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByEmail @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @EmailToMatch nvarchar(256), @PageIndex int, @PageSize int AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN 0 -- Set the page bounds DECLARE @PageLowerBound int DECLARE @PageUpperBound int DECLARE @TotalRecords int SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound -- Create a temp table TO store the select results CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, UserId uniqueidentifier ) -- Insert into our temp table IF( @EmailToMatch IS NULL ) INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId) SELECT u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND m.UserId = u.UserId AND m.Email IS NULL ORDER BY m.LoweredEmail ELSE INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId) SELECT u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Membership m WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND m.UserId = u.UserId AND m.LoweredEmail LIKE LOWER(@EmailToMatch) ORDER BY m.LoweredEmail SELECT u.UserName, m.Email, m.PasswordQuestion, m.Comment, m.IsApproved, m.CreateDate, m.LastLoginDate, u.LastActivityDate, m.LastPasswordChangedDate, u.UserId, m.IsLockedOut, m.LastLockoutDate FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership m, dbo.aspnet_Users u, #PageIndexForUsers p WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId AND u.UserId = m.UserId AND p.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND p.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound ORDER BY m.LoweredEmail SELECT @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM #PageIndexForUsers RETURN @TotalRecords END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ћ‰ f д`ЦШ<иЧ'q~y^0šAџD ь8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[UserId], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[PasswordFormat], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[MobilePIN], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[Email], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[LoweredEmail], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[PasswordQuestion], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[PasswordAnswer], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[IsApproved], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[IsLockedOut], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[CreateDate], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[LastLoginDate], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[LastPasswordChangedDate], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[LastLockoutDate], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[FailedPasswordAttemptCount], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowStart], [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[Comment], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[ApplicationId], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserName], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[MobileAlias], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[IsAnonymous], [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[LastActivityDate] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Membership] INNER JOIN [dbo].[aspnet_Users] ON [dbo].[aspnet_Membership].[UserId] = [dbo].[aspnet_Users].[UserId] 0№ИJ №8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_GetProperties @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN SELECT TOP 1 PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, PropertyValuesBinary FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId = @UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT > 0) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate=@CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId END END0)?ЌK г 8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_SetProperties @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @PropertyNames ntext, @PropertyValuesString ntext, @PropertyValuesBinary image, @UserName nvarchar(256), @IsUserAnonymous bit, @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 EXEC dbo.aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier DECLARE @LastActivityDate datetime SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) IF (@UserId IS NULL) EXEC dbo.aspnet_Users_CreateUser @ApplicationId, @UserName, @IsUserAnonymous, @LastActivityDate, @UserId OUTPUT IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users SET LastActivityDate=@CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF (EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId = @UserId)) UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Profile SET PropertyNames=@PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString = @PropertyValuesString, PropertyValuesBinary = @PropertyValuesBinary, LastUpdatedDate=@CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId ELSE INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_Profile(UserId, PropertyNames, PropertyValuesString, PropertyValuesBinary, LastUpdatedDate) VALUES (@UserId, @PropertyNames, @PropertyValuesString, @PropertyValuesBinary, @CurrentTimeUtc) IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN 0 Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0bc L •8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_DeleteProfiles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserNames nvarchar(4000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @CurrentPos int DECLARE @NextPos int DECLARE @NumDeleted int DECLARE @DeletedUser int DECLARE @TranStarted bit DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 SET @CurrentPos = 1 SET @NumDeleted = 0 SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 WHILE (@CurrentPos <= LEN(@UserNames)) BEGIN SELECT @NextPos = CHARINDEX(N',', @UserNames, @CurrentPos) IF (@NextPos = 0 OR @NextPos IS NULL) SELECT @NextPos = LEN(@UserNames) + 1 SELECT @UserName = SUBSTRING(@UserNames, @CurrentPos, @NextPos - @CurrentPos) SELECT @CurrentPos = @NextPos+1 IF (LEN(@UserName) > 0) BEGIN SELECT @DeletedUser = 0 EXEC dbo.aspnet_Users_DeleteUser @ApplicationName, @UserName, 4, @DeletedUser OUTPUT IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF (@DeletedUser <> 0) SELECT @NumDeleted = @NumDeleted + 1 END END SELECT @NumDeleted IF (@TranStarted = 1) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END SET @TranStarted = 0 RETURN 0 Cleanup: IF (@TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0›‡”M 48 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_DeleteInactiveProfiles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @ProfileAuthOptions int, @InactiveSinceDate datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT 0 RETURN END DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Profile WHERE UserId IN ( SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND (LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) AND ( (@ProfileAuthOptions = 2) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 0 AND IsAnonymous = 1) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 1 AND IsAnonymous = 0) ) ) SELECT @@ROWCOUNT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Є< L`ЧЩ<Я#Ш'2 bР0дЋˆN Œ8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_GetNumberOfInactiveProfiles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @ProfileAuthOptions int, @InactiveSinceDate datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT 0 RETURN END SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Profile p WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.UserId = p.UserId AND (LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) AND ( (@ProfileAuthOptions = 2) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 0 AND IsAnonymous = 1) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 1 AND IsAnonymous = 0) ) END0 а|O J8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Profile_GetProfiles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @ProfileAuthOptions int, @PageIndex int, @PageSize int, @UserNameToMatch nvarchar(256) = NULL, @InactiveSinceDate datetime = NULL AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN -- Set the page bounds DECLARE @PageLowerBound int DECLARE @PageUpperBound int DECLARE @TotalRecords int SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound -- Create a temp table TO store the select results CREATE TABLE #PageIndexForUsers ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, UserId uniqueidentifier ) -- Insert into our temp table INSERT INTO #PageIndexForUsers (UserId) SELECT u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Profile p WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.UserId = p.UserId AND (@InactiveSinceDate IS NULL OR LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) AND ( (@ProfileAuthOptions = 2) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 0 AND IsAnonymous = 1) OR (@ProfileAuthOptions = 1 AND IsAnonymous = 0) ) AND (@UserNameToMatch IS NULL OR LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserNameToMatch)) ORDER BY UserName SELECT u.UserName, u.IsAnonymous, u.LastActivityDate, p.LastUpdatedDate, DATALENGTH(p.PropertyNames) + DATALENGTH(p.PropertyValuesString) + DATALENGTH(p.PropertyValuesBinary) FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Profile p, #PageIndexForUsers i WHERE u.UserId = p.UserId AND p.UserId = i.UserId AND i.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND i.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #PageIndexForUsers DROP TABLE #PageIndexForUsers END0FєpP Ё8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_Profiles] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Profile].[UserId], [dbo].[aspnet_Profile].[LastUpdatedDate], [DataSize]= DATALENGTH([dbo].[aspnet_Profile].[PropertyNames]) + DATALENGTH([dbo].[aspnet_Profile].[PropertyValuesString]) + DATALENGTH([dbo].[aspnet_Profile].[PropertyValuesBinary]) FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Profile] 0œЭ)V )8(newid())0+Ыж\ Q8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_IsUserInRole @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(2) DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL DECLARE @RoleId uniqueidentifier SELECT @RoleId = NULL SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN(2) SELECT @RoleId = RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LoweredRoleName = LOWER(@RoleName) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@RoleId IS NULL) RETURN(3) IF (EXISTS( SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE UserId = @UserId AND RoleId = @RoleId)) RETURN(1) ELSE RETURN(0) END0dяЪ] x8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetRolesForUser @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(1) DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier SELECT @UserId = NULL SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@UserId IS NULL) RETURN(1) SELECT r.RoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles r, dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur WHERE r.RoleId = ur.RoleId AND r.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND ur.UserId = @UserId ORDER BY r.RoleName RETURN (0) END0П^€ Z8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Roles_CreateRole @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 EXEC dbo.aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF (EXISTS(SELECT RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LoweredRoleName = LOWER(@RoleName) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId)) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = 1 GOTO Cleanup END INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_Roles (ApplicationId, RoleName, LoweredRoleName) VALUES (@ApplicationId, @RoleName, LOWER(@RoleName)) IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN(0) Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЩQз 6 ь`ШЪ<^œЩ'n bМ%Š0ж7Г_ ,8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Roles_DeleteRole @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256), @DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty bit AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(1) DECLARE @ErrorCode int SET @ErrorCode = 0 DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END ELSE SET @TranStarted = 0 DECLARE @RoleId uniqueidentifier SELECT @RoleId = NULL SELECT @RoleId = RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LoweredRoleName = LOWER(@RoleName) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@RoleId IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT @ErrorCode = 1 GOTO Cleanup END IF (@DeleteOnlyIfRoleIsEmpty <> 0) BEGIN IF (EXISTS (SELECT RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE @RoleId = RoleId)) BEGIN SELECT @ErrorCode = 2 GOTO Cleanup END END DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE @RoleId = RoleId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE @RoleId = RoleId AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF( @@ERROR <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @ErrorCode = -1 GOTO Cleanup END IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END RETURN(0) Cleanup: IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) BEGIN SET @TranStarted = 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END RETURN @ErrorCode END0\Ї` P8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Roles_RoleExists @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(0) IF (EXISTS (SELECT RoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LOWER(@RoleName) = LoweredRoleName AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId )) RETURN(1) ELSE RETURN(0) END0H€›a€ Р8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_AddUsersToRoles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserNames nvarchar(4000), @RoleNames nvarchar(4000), @CurrentTimeUtc datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @AppId uniqueidentifier SELECT @AppId = NULL SELECT @AppId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@AppId IS NULL) RETURN(2) DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END DECLARE @tbNames table(Name nvarchar(256) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @tbRoles table(RoleId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @tbUsers table(UserId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @Num int DECLARE @Pos int DECLARE @NextPos int DECLARE @Name nvarchar(256) SET @Num = 0 SET @Pos = 1 WHILE(@Pos <= LEN(@RoleNames)) BEGIN SELECT @NextPos = CHARINDEX(N',', @RoleNames, @Pos) IF (@NextPos = 0 OR @NextPos IS NULL) SELECT @NextPos = LEN(@RoleNames) + 1 SELECT @Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@RoleNames, @Pos, @NextPos - @Pos))) SELECT @Pos = @NextPos+1 INSERT INTO @tbNames VALUES (@Name) SET @Num = @Num + 1 END INSERT INTO @tbRoles SELECT RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles ar, @tbNames t WHERE LOWER(t.Name) = ar.LoweredRoleName AND ar.ApplicationId = @AppId IF (@@ROWCOUNT <> @Num) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM @tbNames WHERE LOWER(Name) NOT IN (SELECT ar.LoweredRoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles ar, @tbRoles r WHERE r.RoleId = ar.RoleId) IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN(2) END DELETE FROM @tbNames WHERE 1=1 SET @Num = 0 SET @Pos = 1 WHILE(@Pos <= LEN(@UserNames)) BEGIN SELECT @NextPos = CHARINDEX(N',', @UserNames, @Pos) IF (@NextPos = 0 OR @NextPos IS NULL) SELECT @NextPos = LEN(@UserNames) + 1 SELECT @Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@UserNames, @Pos, @NextPos - @Pos))) SELECT @Pos = @NextPos+1 INSERT INTO @tbNames VALUES (@Name) SET @Num = @Num + 1 END INSERT INTO @tbUsers SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users ar, @tbNames t WHERE LOWER(t.Name) = ar.LoweredUserName AND ar.ApplicationId = @AppId IF (@@ROWCOUNT <> @Num) BEGIN DELETE FROM @tbNames WHERE LOWER(Name) IN (SELECT LoweredUserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Users au, @tbUsers u WHERE au.UserId = u.UserId) INSERT dbo.aspnet_Users (ApplicationId, UserId, UserName, LoweredUserName, IsAnonymous, LastActivityDate) SELECT @AppId, NEWID(), Name, LOWER(Name), 0, @CurrentTimeUtc FROM @tbNames INSERT INTO @tbUsers SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users au, @tbNames t WHERE LOWER(t.Name) = au.LoweredUserName AND au.ApplicationId = @AppId END IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur, @tbUsers tu, @tbRoles tr WHERE tu.UserId = ur.UserId AND tr.RoleId = ur.RoleId)) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 UserName, RoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur, @tbUsers tu, @tbRoles tr, aspnet_Users u, aspnet_Roles r WHERE u.UserId = tu.UserId AND r.RoleId = tr.RoleId AND tu.UserId = ur.UserId AND tr.RoleId = ur.RoleId IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN(3) END INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles (UserId, RoleId) SELECT UserId, RoleId FROM @tbUsers, @tbRoles IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) COMMIT TRANSACTION RETURN(0) END !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!м Œ`ЩЫ<тЪsю3цМџї0Єb Р8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_RemoveUsersFromRoles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @UserNames nvarchar(4000), @RoleNames nvarchar(4000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @AppId uniqueidentifier SELECT @AppId = NULL SELECT @AppId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@AppId IS NULL) RETURN(2) DECLARE @TranStarted bit SET @TranStarted = 0 IF( @@TRANCOUNT = 0 ) BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @TranStarted = 1 END DECLARE @tbNames table(Name nvarchar(256) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @tbRoles table(RoleId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @tbUsers table(UserId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) DECLARE @Num int DECLARE @Pos int DECLARE @NextPos int DECLARE @Name nvarchar(256) DECLARE @CountAll int DECLARE @CountU int DECLARE @CountR int SET @Num = 0 SET @Pos = 1 WHILE(@Pos <= LEN(@RoleNames)) BEGIN SELECT @NextPos = CHARINDEX(N',', @RoleNames, @Pos) IF (@NextPos = 0 OR @NextPos IS NULL) SELECT @NextPos = LEN(@RoleNames) + 1 SELECT @Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@RoleNames, @Pos, @NextPos - @Pos))) SELECT @Pos = @NextPos+1 INSERT INTO @tbNames VALUES (@Name) SET @Num = @Num + 1 END INSERT INTO @tbRoles SELECT RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles ar, @tbNames t WHERE LOWER(t.Name) = ar.LoweredRoleName AND ar.ApplicationId = @AppId SELECT @CountR = @@ROWCOUNT IF (@CountR <> @Num) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 N'', Name FROM @tbNames WHERE LOWER(Name) NOT IN (SELECT ar.LoweredRoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles ar, @tbRoles r WHERE r.RoleId = ar.RoleId) IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN(2) END DELETE FROM @tbNames WHERE 1=1 SET @Num = 0 SET @Pos = 1 WHILE(@Pos <= LEN(@UserNames)) BEGIN SELECT @NextPos = CHARINDEX(N',', @UserNames, @Pos) IF (@NextPos = 0 OR @NextPos IS NULL) SELECT @NextPos = LEN(@UserNames) + 1 SELECT @Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@UserNames, @Pos, @NextPos - @Pos))) SELECT @Pos = @NextPos+1 INSERT INTO @tbNames VALUES (@Name) SET @Num = @Num + 1 END INSERT INTO @tbUsers SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users ar, @tbNames t WHERE LOWER(t.Name) = ar.LoweredUserName AND ar.ApplicationId = @AppId SELECT @CountU = @@ROWCOUNT IF (@CountU <> @Num) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 Name, N'' FROM @tbNames WHERE LOWER(Name) NOT IN (SELECT au.LoweredUserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Users au, @tbUsers u WHERE u.UserId = au.UserId) IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN(1) END SELECT @CountAll = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur, @tbUsers u, @tbRoles r WHERE ur.UserId = u.UserId AND ur.RoleId = r.RoleId IF (@CountAll <> @CountU * @CountR) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 UserName, RoleName FROM @tbUsers tu, @tbRoles tr, dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_Roles r WHERE u.UserId = tu.UserId AND r.RoleId = tr.RoleId AND tu.UserId NOT IN (SELECT ur.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur WHERE ur.RoleId = tr.RoleId) AND tr.RoleId NOT IN (SELECT ur.RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur WHERE ur.UserId = tu.UserId) IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION RETURN(3) END DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE UserId IN (SELECT UserId FROM @tbUsers) AND RoleId IN (SELECT RoleId FROM @tbRoles) IF( @TranStarted = 1 ) COMMIT TRANSACTION RETURN(0) END 0КШƒc ~8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_GetUsersInRoles @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(1) DECLARE @RoleId uniqueidentifier SELECT @RoleId = NULL SELECT @RoleId = RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LOWER(@RoleName) = LoweredRoleName AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@RoleId IS NULL) RETURN(1) SELECT u.UserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur WHERE u.UserId = ur.UserId AND @RoleId = ur.RoleId AND u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId ORDER BY u.UserName RETURN(0) END0ѓьwd д8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles_FindUsersInRole @ApplicationName nvarchar(256), @RoleName nvarchar(256), @UserNameToMatch nvarchar(256) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN(1) DECLARE @RoleId uniqueidentifier SELECT @RoleId = NULL SELECT @RoleId = RoleId FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE LOWER(@RoleName) = LoweredRoleName AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId IF (@RoleId IS NULL) RETURN(1) SELECT u.UserName FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u, dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ur WHERE u.UserId = ur.UserId AND @RoleId = ur.RoleId AND u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserNameToMatch) ORDER BY u.UserName RETURN(0) END0,le ю8 CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Roles_GetAllRoles ( @ApplicationName nvarchar(256)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN SELECT RoleName FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId ORDER BY RoleName END0e5`f "8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_Roles] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[ApplicationId], [dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleId], [dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[RoleName], [dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[LoweredRoleName], [dbo].[aspnet_Roles].[Description] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Roles] 0žYTg Ъ8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[UserId], [dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles].[RoleId] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_UsersInRoles] 0є2 m )8(newid())0-Wn 68CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER OUT) AS BEGIN SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName END0f{ѕn€ j8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_Paths_CreatePath @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @Path NVARCHAR(256), @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER OUTPUT AS BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths WHERE LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId)) BEGIN INSERT dbo.aspnet_Paths (ApplicationId, Path, LoweredPath) VALUES (@ApplicationId, @Path, LOWER(@Path)) END COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT @PathId = PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths WHERE LOWER(@Path) = LoweredPath AND ApplicationId = @ApplicationId END0 х~x )8(newid())07e (8('true')0;++f %8((0))0tOg€ .8('2011-07-01')0ЎЙЈp )8('False')ЙЋuL‚‹`fr>ž `‚ЪЖ< цЫ( Щх^ 0KR[{ 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_GetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT p.PageSettings FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers p WHERE p.PathId = @PathId END0„vO| ќ8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_ResetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId = @PathId RETURN 0 END0НšC} l8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers_SetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256), @PageSettings IMAGE, @CurrentTimeUtc DATETIME) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Applications_CreateApplication @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC dbo.aspnet_Paths_CreatePath @ApplicationId, @Path, @PathId OUTPUT END IF (EXISTS(SELECT PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId = @PathId)) UPDATE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers SET PageSettings = @PageSettings, LastUpdatedDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE PathId = @PathId ELSE INSERT INTO dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers(PathId, PageSettings, LastUpdatedDate) VALUES (@PathId, @PageSettings, @CurrentTimeUtc) RETURN 0 END0іО7~ 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_GetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @UserName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256), @CurrentTimeUtc DATETIME) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL SELECT @UserId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) -- Username not found RETURN SELECT p.PageSettings FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser p WHERE p.PathId = @PathId AND p.UserId = @UserId END0/у+ 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser_ResetPageSettings ( @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @UserName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256), @CurrentTimeUtc DATETIME) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @PathId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER SELECT @ApplicationId = NULL SELECT @PathId = NULL SELECT @UserId = NULL EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @PathId = u.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path) IF (@PathId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END SELECT @UserId = u.UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u WHERE u.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND u.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName) IF (@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN END UPDATE dbo.aspnet_Users WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LastActivityDate = @CurrentTimeUtc WHERE UserId = @UserId IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 0) -- Username not found RETURN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE PathId = @PathId AND UserId = @UserId RETURN 0 END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!кШ \``‚ЮЗ<ц Ь)Љтэ0щ0Ѓ ш8 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_Setup_RestorePermissions @name sysname AS BEGIN DECLARE @object sysname DECLARE @protectType char(10) DECLARE @action varchar(60) DECLARE @grantee sysname DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(500) DECLARE c1 cursor FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT Object, ProtectType, [Action], Grantee FROM #aspnet_Permissions where Object = @name OPEN c1 FETCH c1 INTO @object, @protectType, @action, @grantee WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0) BEGIN SET @cmd = @protectType + ' ' + @action + ' on ' + @object + ' TO [' + @grantee + ']' EXEC (@cmd) FETCH c1 INTO @object, @protectType, @action, @grantee END CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1 END0"U— 8 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_Setup_RemoveAllRoleMembers @name sysname AS BEGIN CREATE TABLE #aspnet_RoleMembers ( Group_name sysname, Group_id smallint, Users_in_group sysname, User_id smallint ) INSERT INTO #aspnet_RoleMembers EXEC sp_helpuser @name DECLARE @user_id smallint DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(500) DECLARE c1 cursor FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT User_id FROM #aspnet_RoleMembers OPEN c1 FETCH c1 INTO @user_id WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0) BEGIN SET @cmd = 'EXEC sp_droprolemember ' + '''' + @name + ''', ''' + USER_NAME(@user_id) + '''' EXEC (@cmd) FETCH c1 INTO @user_id END CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1 END0•у )8(newid())0ыМЭ )8(newid())0$сС  &8(NULL)0]Ж! %8((0))0zКz& 8 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].aspnet_RegisterSchemaVersion @Feature nvarchar(128), @CompatibleSchemaVersion nvarchar(128), @IsCurrentVersion bit, @RemoveIncompatibleSchema bit AS BEGIN IF( @RemoveIncompatibleSchema = 1 ) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions WHERE Feature = LOWER( @Feature ) END ELSE BEGIN IF( @IsCurrentVersion = 1 ) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions SET IsCurrentVersion = 0 WHERE Feature = LOWER( @Feature ) END END INSERT dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions( Feature, CompatibleSchemaVersion, IsCurrentVersion ) VALUES( LOWER( @Feature ), @CompatibleSchemaVersion, @IsCurrentVersion ) END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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Г8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_DeleteAllState ( @AllUsersScope bit, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Count int OUT) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN IF (@AllUsersScope = 1) DELETE FROM aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId IN (SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId) ELSE DELETE FROM aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE PathId IN (SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END END0кO <8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetSharedState ( @Count int OUT, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers WHERE PathId IN (SELECT AllUsers.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers AllUsers, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND AllUsers.PathId = Paths.PathId AND Paths.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path)) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END END0tќ +8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_ResetUserState ( @Count int OUT, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @InactiveSinceDate DATETIME = NULL, @UserName NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @Path NVARCHAR(256) = NULL) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE Id IN (SELECT PerUser.Id FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Users Users, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND PerUser.UserId = Users.UserId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@InactiveSinceDate IS NULL OR Users.LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) AND (@UserName IS NULL OR Users.LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName)) AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath = LOWER(@Path))) SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT END END0L˜№€ 8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_FindState ( @AllUsersScope bit, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @PageIndex INT, @PageSize INT, @Path NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @UserName NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @InactiveSinceDate DATETIME = NULL) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) RETURN -- Set the page bounds DECLARE @PageLowerBound INT DECLARE @PageUpperBound INT DECLARE @TotalRecords INT SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound -- Create a temp table to store the selected results CREATE TABLE #PageIndex ( IndexId int IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL, ItemId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ) IF (@AllUsersScope = 1) BEGIN -- Insert into our temp table INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ItemId) SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths, ((SELECT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers AllUsers, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND AllUsers.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath LIKE LOWER(@Path)) ) AS SharedDataPerPath FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Paths.PathId FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath LIKE LOWER(@Path)) ) AS UserDataPerPath ON SharedDataPerPath.PathId = UserDataPerPath.PathId ) WHERE Paths.PathId = SharedDataPerPath.PathId OR Paths.PathId = UserDataPerPath.PathId ORDER BY Paths.Path ASC SELECT @TotalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT SELECT Paths.Path, SharedDataPerPath.LastUpdatedDate, SharedDataPerPath.SharedDataLength, UserDataPerPath.UserDataLength, UserDataPerPath.UserCount FROM dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths, ((SELECT PageIndex.ItemId AS PathId, AllUsers.LastUpdatedDate AS LastUpdatedDate, DATALENGTH(AllUsers.PageSettings) AS SharedDataLength FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers AllUsers, #PageIndex PageIndex WHERE AllUsers.PathId = PageIndex.ItemId AND PageIndex.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND PageIndex.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound ) AS SharedDataPerPath FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT PageIndex.ItemId AS PathId, SUM(DATALENGTH(PerUser.PageSettings)) AS UserDataLength, COUNT(*) AS UserCount FROM aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, #PageIndex PageIndex WHERE PerUser.PathId = PageIndex.ItemId AND PageIndex.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND PageIndex.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound GROUP BY PageIndex.ItemId ) AS UserDataPerPath ON SharedDataPerPath.PathId = UserDataPerPath.PathId ) WHERE Paths.PathId = SharedDataPerPath.PathId OR Paths.PathId = UserDataPerPath.PathId ORDER BY Paths.Path ASC END ELSE BEGIN -- Insert into our temp table INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ItemId) SELECT PerUser.Id FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Users Users, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND PerUser.UserId = Users.UserId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath LIKE LOWER(@Path)) AND (@UserName IS NULL OR Users.LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserName)) AND (@InactiveSinceDate IS NULL OR Users.LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) ORDER BY Paths.Path ASC, Users.UserName ASC SELECT @TotalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT SELECT Paths.Path, PerUser.LastUpdatedDate, DATALENGTH(PerUser.PageSettings), Users.UserName, Users.LastActivityDate FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Users Users, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths, #PageIndex PageIndex WHERE PerUser.Id = PageIndex.ItemId AND PerUser.UserId = Users.UserId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND PageIndex.IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND PageIndex.IndexId <= @PageUpperBound ORDER BY Paths.Path ASC, Users.UserName ASC END RETURN @TotalRecords END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!z O`‚ЭЬ<†pЮ)Š*D†Ÿ0…Мф ™8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAdministration_GetCountOfState ( @Count int OUT, @AllUsersScope bit, @ApplicationName NVARCHAR(256), @Path NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @UserName NVARCHAR(256) = NULL, @InactiveSinceDate DATETIME = NULL) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ApplicationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER EXEC dbo.aspnet_Personalization_GetApplicationId @ApplicationName, @ApplicationId OUTPUT IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) SELECT @Count = 0 ELSE IF (@AllUsersScope = 1) SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers AllUsers, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND AllUsers.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath LIKE LOWER(@Path)) ELSE SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser PerUser, dbo.aspnet_Users Users, dbo.aspnet_Paths Paths WHERE Paths.ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND PerUser.UserId = Users.UserId AND PerUser.PathId = Paths.PathId AND (@Path IS NULL OR Paths.LoweredPath LIKE LOWER(@Path)) AND (@UserName IS NULL OR Users.LoweredUserName LIKE LOWER(@UserName)) AND (@InactiveSinceDate IS NULL OR Users.LastActivityDate <= @InactiveSinceDate) END0Ори 8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Paths] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_Paths].[ApplicationId], [dbo].[aspnet_Paths].[PathId], [dbo].[aspnet_Paths].[Path], [dbo].[aspnet_Paths].[LoweredPath] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_Paths] 0їЭ I8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_WebPartState_Shared] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers].[PathId], [DataSize]=DATALENGTH([dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers].[PageSettings]), [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers].[LastUpdatedDate] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationAllUsers] 00)С s8 CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User] AS SELECT [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser].[PathId], [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser].[UserId], [DataSize]=DATALENGTH([dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser].[PageSettings]), [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser].[LastUpdatedDate] FROM [dbo].[aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser] 0Mо…  И8CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.aspnet_WebEvent_LogEvent @EventId char(32), @EventTimeUtc datetime, @EventTime datetime, @EventType nvarchar(256), @EventSequence decimal(19,0), @EventOccurrence decimal(19,0), @EventCode int, @EventDetailCode int, @Message nvarchar(1024), @ApplicationPath nvarchar(256), @ApplicationVirtualPath nvarchar(256), @MachineName nvarchar(256), @RequestUrl nvarchar(1024), @ExceptionType nvarchar(256), @Details ntext AS BEGIN INSERT dbo.aspnet_WebEvent_Events ( EventId, EventTimeUtc, EventTime, EventType, EventSequence, EventOccurrence, EventCode, EventDetailCode, Message, ApplicationPath, ApplicationVirtualPath, MachineName, RequestUrl, ExceptionType, Details ) VALUES ( @EventId, @EventTimeUtc, @EventTime, @EventType, @EventSequence, @EventOccurrence, @EventCode, @EventDetailCode, @Message, @ApplicationPath, @ApplicationVirtualPath, @MachineName, @RequestUrl, @ExceptionType, @Details ) END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!И 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Complete with his six year old sidekick, a sheltie dog called Max, Andrew offers his patrons the recommendations that keep them coming back for more.

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A doctor and spine surgeon, Dr John Ferguson returned to his favourite city Auckland in 2006 after refining his spinal surgery skills in the USA. When he's not performing life changing surgery at Starship or Auckland hospital, he can be found enjoying the spoils of the Hauraki Gulf. A resident of Herne Bay, John is a captivating host of many a soiree on his veranda that overlooks the harbour.

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Having worked for New Zealand's leading design magazines, Anna knows a thing or two about quality design and architecture. As The Denizen's in house photographer, she's also well versed with capturing the best aspects of the city on the go and can often be found in new restaurants throughout the city, or on the beach with her two dogs.

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As the owner and operator of Auckland's recently opened MooChowChow, Mark is on a mission to revolutionise the concept of Thai dining in New Zealand. Mark has a well rehearsed ability to discover the best and often unheard of gastronomic experiences. When he can, Mark escapes the social madness of the Ponsonby strip to his home and refuge in French Bay where you'll likely find him whipping up a storm in the kitchen whilst singing show tunes with his piano playing partner Max. Likes: historical biographies, travel, fishing on the choppy Manakau harbour, Chenin Blanc, Slow Food, Monte Carlo biscuits, Peeking duck, Black Jack, Jeffery West shoes, entrepreneurs, sexy boys and sexy girls, late night dance-offs. Dislikes: Carbs, cheap wine , negative people, bad shoes, plastic wrappers, morning bird chorus i.e it's time to go home.


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Jade Hurst is the perfect person to lead us through the jungle of things we covet to help make our lives just that little bit more fabulous. As the a brand specialist at her business Raw Brand + Connect, Jade has worked with a number of brands including Huffer, Heineken, Stolen Rum, Mini and G-Shock.


0SМP­њ№р4HjHayley MiddletonHayley_Middleton.jpg

In the business of brand amplification at her Christchurch based media and communications company Tailor and Muse, Hayley Middleton knows a thing or two about what's happening in and around Christchurch. The perfect person to keep us up to date on the success stories emerging from this grand dame of a city, Hayley's insights into the happenings in and around her stomping ground will prove that this city is rebuilding bigger and stronger than ever.


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Denizen's Editor-in-chief, Claire knows a thing or two about the art of living well. Having published some of the most highly regarded magazines both locally and in New York, Claire has a well honed eye for unvieiling the best of the life that surrounds us. 

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No stranger to design, Nat helps run Cheshire Architects – a studio of 15 people in central Auckland, where architecture is considered a ‘total’ practice, and where he moves organically from huge institutional work to fabricating bespoke door handles and furniture. He spends much of his day running a triangle between building sites at Britomart and High Street, and his office in St Patrick’s Square - usually hardhat in tow and smeared with cement dust - doing terrible things to his shoes. In the evenings he retires to his sliver of an abode located in a 130-year old Turkish Bath house.


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Denizen's Editor-in-chief, Claire knows a thing or two about the art of living well. Having published some of the most highly regarded magazines both locally and in New York, Claire has a well honed eye for unveiling the best of the life that surrounds us. 

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As the owner and operator of Auckland's recently opened MooChowChow, Mark is on a mission to revolutionise the concept of Thai dining in New Zealand. Mark has a well rehearsed ability to discover the best and often unheard of gastronomic experiences. When he can, Mark escapes the social madness of the Ponsonby strip to his home and refuge in French Bay where you'll likely find him whipping up a storm in the kitchen. Likes: historical biographies, travel, fishing on the choppy Manakau harbour, Chenin Blanc, Slow Food, Monte Carlo biscuits, Peeking duck, Black Jack, Jeffery West shoes, entrepreneurs, sexy boys and sexy girls, late night dance-offs. Dislikes: Carbs, cheap wine , negative people, bad shoes, plastic wrappers, morning bird chorus i.e it's time to go home.


ings to his shoes. In the evenings he retires to his sliver of an abode located in a 130-year old Turkish Bath house.


0SЙPЏЫ№р.<КJade HurstJade_Hurst.jpg

Jade Hurst is the perfect person to lead us through the jungle of things we covet to help make our lives just that little bit more fabulous. As the a brand specialist at her business Raw Brand + Connect, Jade has worked with a number of brands including Huffer, Heineken, Stolen Rum, Mini and G-Shock.


0SМP­њ№р4HjHayley MiddletonHayley_Middleton.jpg

In the business of brand amplification at her Christchurch based media and communications company Tailor and Muse, Hayley Middleton knows a thing or two about what's happening in and around Christchurch. The perfect person to keep us up to date on the success stories emerging from this grand dame of a city, Hayley's insights into the happenings in and around her stomping ground will prove that this city is rebuilding bigger and stronger than ever.


0\А`Ѕ‰`3FTClaire SullivanClaire_Sullivan.jpg

Denizen's Editor-in-chief, Claire knows a thing or two about the art of living well. Having published some of the most highly regarded magazines both locally and in New York, Claire has a well honed eye for unvieiling the best of the life that surrounds us. 

Aа0Б,№р8CШMatthew Bray Heathermathew1.jpg

Having worked at some of the world’s most prestigious bars and soirees, his tasty creations have been enjoyed by titans of the stage, screen, fashion and art worlds. As co-owner of www.thebespokebar.com, a specialist premium home bar consultancy and management company, Matthew stocks and supplies bespoke bars for the homes, yachts and private jets of his discrete clientele.

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0D_­В№р1@GLouisa Penneyloulousmall.jpg

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Dislikes: Morning, Rugby League, Jim Carey, Chardonnay.

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This is not the case. Many years ago during a forced stint in the Sexual Health Clinic at the Public Hospital (as a doctor) we were informed by our seniors to tell patients not to drink whilst on antibiotics.ask-the-doctor-alcohol--antibiotics11_mainImage.jpg05aint@[s>žuЮ>žs@@ jИШ€л№№№№9Q`Andrew Barber ExhibitionLarge scale works destined for the residences of art enthusiasts go on display‘8_bigThumbImage.jpg8_smallThumbImage.jpgHopkinson Cundy is soon to present 'Studies', an exhibition of new work by Auckland-based artist Andrew Barber. Studies features three new large scale canvasses by Barber, including a hazy landscape, a grid painting with tartan and a monochrome composition constructed from sewn linen panels that appear as a cloudless landscape.andrew-barber-exhibition8_mainImage.jpg05mpas€ŒjЏž!HР;жЎžwх@@ fДФ€зь 5]šЎНA Legendary CleanserVoted the best cleanser in the world by Vogue - we had to try it for ourselves1_bigThumbImage.jpg1_smallThumbImage.jpgEve Lom legendary facial cleanserWe trial Eve Lom legendary face cleansereve lom, face cleanser, vogue, cleansingWith a waiting list that averages three months, Eve Lom is one of the world's most sought after facialists. Lom believes that the key to radiant skin is in the cleansing, and as such has developed an all encompassing product that replaces your cleanser, exfoliator, toner, and moisturiser with one luxurious cleanser.a-legendary-cleanser1_mainImage.jpg05 lphoСХŸ!ŸG"@@ zкъ€ўzŸЏAsk the Doctor: Cellphones & Sperm CountWorried the habit of keeping your cellphone in your pocket is ruining your ability to procreate?‘ 12_bigThumbImage.jpg12_smallThumbImage.jpgWe have been suspicious of our cellphones for some time now. Popular culture has blamed them for a myriad of ills. Recently the LA Times, Fox News, and the Daily Mail have all run stories suggesting that cellphones on belts or in front pockets, in addition to being crimes against fashion, might also have an adverse effect on sperm production and function.ask-the-doctor-cellphones-sperm-count12_mainImage.jpg05  vitСХЯžiпЯžqЂ@ lЪк€ю 5Y_w‡Ask the doctor: Vitamin C?Does vitamin C have a role in the prevention or cure of illness? Dr John Ferguson investigates ‘ 13_bigThumbImage.jpg13_smallThumbImage.jpgVitamin CDr john ferguson investigastes vitamin cvitamin c, illness, dr john fergusonThis is a highly contentious issue highlighted recently by the family who went to court in an attempt to force an intensive care unit to give it intravenously to a sick relative. The end result being that the vitamin C was given and subsequently the patient recovered. (The relatives contend that it was the vitamin C that saved their loved ones life the intensive care doctors are suspicious his survival owes something to the care they provided including the ECMO {a heart lung bypass} device they treated him with).ask-the-doctor-vitamin-c13_mainImage.jpg<5 nd aСХиžlСХиžžt>ž9В@@ cРа€фњ 7^p‘Christmas ChurrosHeading out to view Ponsonby's world famous Xmas lights? Don't forget to pick up some churrosD–31_bigThumbImage.jpg31_smallThumbImage.jpgChristmas-ChurrosMark-Wallbank's-Christmas-Churros-from-RoccoChristmas-Churros-Spanish-Dessert-RoccoOur favourite gastronomic Denizen - 5 will be busy in the lead up to Xmas. Not only catering to the hungry crowds descending upon Rocco, but also serving up fresh hot batches of his famous Churros from a cart outside the restaurant - perfect for sharing under the Xmas Tree.christmas-churros31_mainImage.jpg05 efinРP”žu8€ѕ žzV@@ ^Ши€ь2[‹—ЇBored shortsLeave your boardshorts for the boarding and graduate your sartorial tastes to something more sophisticated2“22_bigThumbImage.jpg22_smallThumbImage.jpgBored ShortsThe Juvenile Shorts from Zambesi Manjuvenile shorts, zambesi man, boardshortsThere's an elevating level of fear amongst kiwi blokes when the temperatures begin to rise - the fear of exposing the sacred above the knee zone. A nation of boardshort devotees, there's a definite lack of refinement when it comes to choosing the right shorts to wear off the beach and onto the streets.bored-shorts22_mainImage.jpg05  tic Ÿm ŸF|@Р [Žž€ВШчPˆ˜Carry AllWe track down the answer to your business bag needs<“27_bigThumbImage.jpg27_smallThumbImage.jpgWorking style attache carry allworking style attache business carry all caseworking style, briefcase, carry all, mens, business, attacheBusiness time calls for some serious accoutrements. To be taken seriously in the big bad world of business one needs to make wise sartorial choices, choices that show your business competitors who's boss. Its slick styling and supple leather make it the perfect solution for serious business time needs.carry-all27_mainImage.jpg05 іdЙ—I7žоР;ж6žt–@€ ^ЉЙ€Эуя ‚‚Child's PlayKeep the little people in your life happy with this selection of wonderment@•29_bigThumbImage.jpg29_smallThumbImage.jpgChild's PlaySelection of children's toyschildrens toys, meluka, andy warhol, nettie & gee, pull me rabbit, driade, Vittorio Locatelli, Indice , Unique Boutiquechilds-play29_mainImage.jpg05—I žuм žtД@ _ПЯ€уљљљљdqBlack is BackFood Guru Mark Wallbank discovers a new breed of rice and gives us a tasty option for cooking it,“19_bigThumbImage.jpg19_smallThumbImage.jpgI've recently discovered a great new product from Italy, from an area just outside of Verona. A newcomer to the world of whole grain rice - Riso Venere. It has a beautiful black colour and natural perfumed aroma which works well with seafood as I found out. It's also loaded with goodness and is extremely healthy, which is great news as we charge on into summer.black-is-back19_mainImage.jpg05яmЪСХя{L@ \Хе€щџ.pš‚—ЇCafщ HanoiA new Vietnamese restaurant in Auckland's Britomart precinct satiates the hunger of central city dwellers:“ 26_bigThumbImage.jpg26_smallThumbImage.jpgCafe-Hanoi-New-Vietnamese-Cuisine-to-BrittomartCafe-Hanoi-is-a-New-Vietnamese-Restaurant-in-Auckland's-BrittomartVietnamese, Restaurant, Brittomart, Asian,After a long period of promise that Auckland's downtown Britomart precinct will become the city's answer to Soho New York, we're pleased to see things starting to materialise. The recently opened Cafщ Hanoi, ticks all the boxes of a savvy inner-city eatery. The slick interior designed by Nat Cheshire, great service provided by the immaculate Hector Palmer, and a tasty menu by chef Jason van Dorsten all combine to make for a restaurant worthy of a cosmopolitan, soon to be, Super City.Cafe-Hanoi-Brittomart26_mainImage.jpg05icksРP”DžeћDžp @@ eЏП€гщќ.ъ§ Best of Beauty 2010What promises of eternal beauty have been lurking in my handbag this year?*‘18_bigThumbImage.jpg18_smallThumbImage.jpgBest of beauty 2010Claire Sullivan picks her best beauty buys of 2010tom ford, dermalogica, st tropez, revive, best of beauty, chanel, bobbi brown, diorDenizen's Editor-in-chief Claire Sullivan sums up her selection of beauty favourites of the year to date.best-of-beauty-201018_mainImage.jpg05 outРP”>žt>žGЯ@@ cРа€фњ 7^|Christmas ChurrosHeading out to view Ponsonby's world famous Xmas lights? Don't forget to pick up some churrosD–31_bigThumbImage.jpg31_smallThumbImage.jpgChristmas-ChurrosMark-Wallbank's-Christmas-Churros-from-RoccoChristmas-Churros-Spanish-Dessert-RoccoOur favourite gastronomic Denizen - Mark Wallbank will be busy in the lead up to Xmas. Not only catering to the hungry crowds descending upon Rocco, but also serving up fresh hot batches of his famous Churros from a cart outside the restaurant - perfect for sharing under the Xmas Tree.christmas-churros31_mainImage.jpg05  tic Ÿmv ŸoV@Р [Žž€ВШп Hw€Carry AllWe track down the answer to your business bag needs<“27_bigThumbImage.jpg27_smallThumbImage.jpgWorking Style Carry Allworking style attache business carry all caseworking style, briefcase, carry all, mens, business, attacheBusiness time calls for some serious accoutrements. To be taken seriously in the big bad world of business one needs to make wise sartorial choices, choices that show your business competitors who's boss. Its slick styling and supple leather make it the perfect solution for serious business time needs.carry-all27_mainImage.jpgild's PlayKeep the little people in your life happy with this selection of wonderment.@•29_bigThumbImage.jpg29_smallThumbImage.jpgChild's PlaySelection of children's toyschildrens toys, meluka, andy warhol, nettie & gee, pull me rabbit, driade, Vittorio Locatelli, Indice , Unique Boutiquechilds-play29_mainImage.jpg05 іdЙРP”7žР;ж6ž=ы@€ ^ЉЙ€Эуя ‚‚Child's PlayKeep the little people in your life happy with this selection of wonderment@•29_bigThumbImage.jpg29_smallThumbImage.jpgChild's PlaySelection of children's toyschildrens toys, meluka, andy warhol, nettie & gee, pull me rabbit, driade, Vittorio Locatelli, Indice , Unique Boutiquechilds-play29_mainImage.jpg05oma @FЕ žu ž@ш@@ _ПЯ€уљљљљdqBlack is BackFood Guru Mark Wallbank discovers a new breed of rice and gives us a tasty option for cooking it,“19_bigThumbImage.jpg19_smallThumbImage.jpgI've recently discovered a great new product from Italy, from an area just outside of Verona. A newcomer to the world of whole grain rice - Riso Venere. It has a beautiful black colour and natural perfumed aroma which works well with seafood as I found out. It's also loaded with goodness and is extremely healthy, which is great news as we charge on into summer.black-is-back19_mainImage.jpgbeauty 2010Claire Sullivan picks her best beauty buys of 2010tom ford, dermalogica, st tropez, revive, best of beauty, chanel, bobbi brown, diorbest-of-beauty-201018_mainImage.jpg the corner of our humble abode, we get mixing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WWWWWWWІд Cђ •q 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WMG provides full service back up with factory trained sales, service &amp; parts staff. All customers have access to 24 hour service &amp; courtesy vehicles. We are a one stop shop for WOF, servicing, vehicle re-licensing &amp; road user charges. With 30 staff here to serve you and an excellent reputation - you are in great hands at WMG.<br /><br />*FINANCE OPTIONS* Available to approved purchasers from low deposit up to 48 months with Motor Trade Finance. Normal lending criteria applies. Contact our Business Manager for terms and conditions for a quote on this vehicle. <br /><br />*ABOUT US*<br />Waikato Motor Group is an award winning, privately owned, multi franchise dealership specialising in new &amp; used Hyundai &amp; Peugeot products. We have been trading from our current location for over 20 years. WMG provides full service back up with factory trained sales, service &amp; parts staff. All customers have access to 24 hour service &amp; courtesy vehicles. 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wo months ago, a small piece of thisw.crane-brothers.com

With a strong architectural element, ad, Herne Bay, Auckland.

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J– A great day for me typically starts with a couple of double espressos. Occasionally people are surprised by this and try to tell me that there are healthier alternatives or even worse that I'm caffeinating myself into an early grave. I beg to differ and recently a number of studies have supported my contention that if it feels and tastes this good then it must be. 05$ office.пžsпž&˜Рs( gŸ€ŸŸŸŸŸwCreateFirm by BioelementsWe take heed of a glowing recommendationN—We've recently been introduced to the Bioelements skincare range by one of the members of the Denizen team after she proclaimed that it erased her facial lines on impact. A statement not taken lightly in this office.05& She's al6žc6ž&šРs( _—Ї€ЇЇЇЇЇѓDelicate CeramicsA local designer reinterprets jewellery in new materialsR—Vivienne Long specialises in jewellery made from ceramics. In her final year of Bachelor of Design majoring in Contemporary Craft & Ceramics, she seeks to make work that evokes an individual's sense of play. She's also a member of Auckland's M.A.K.E Collective that's committed to the innovation and maintenance of all things clay. 05!pen days)žo)ž5Рsp VЇЗ€ЗЗЗЗЗёїCocoroThe eagerly anticipated little sister to Japanese restaurant Soto opens its doorsH–Over the past six months there's been a lot of talk about the imminent opening of popular Japanese spot - Soto's new restaurant. After several attempts over the past few weeks to catch the restaurant on its open days - we finally struck gold last night and happened upon their first official open night of service.cocoro05"self intДžmДž3оРs0 d›Ћ€ЋЋЋЋЋ-Coffee: Good Or Bad?Grappling with the benefits of your morning cuppa Joe? J– A great day for me typically starts with a couple of double espressos. Occasionally people are surprised by this and try to tell me that there are healthier alternatives or even worse that I'm caffeinating myself into an early grave. I beg to differ and recently a number of studies have supported my contention that if it feels and tastes this good then it must be. coffee-good-or-bad05$ office.пžsпž4fРs0 i‘Ё€ЁЁЁЁЁy’CreateFirm by BioelementsWe take heed of a glowing recommendationN—We've recently been introduced to the Bioelements skincare range by one of the members of the Denizen team after she proclaimed that it erased her facial lines on impact. A statement not taken lightly in this office.createfirm-by-bioelements05& She's al6ža6ž9ЖРs a™Љ€ЉЉЉЉЉѕDelicate CeramicsA local designer reinterprets jewellery in new materialsR—Vivienne Long specialises in jewellery made from ceramics. In her final year of Bachelor of Design majoring in Contemporary Craft & Ceramics, she seeks to make work that evokes an individual's sense of play. She's also a member of Auckland's M.A.K.E Collective that's committed to the innovation and maintenance of all things clay. delicate-ceramics05$ offСХпžsпž4g@ k“Ѓ€ЗЭЭЭЭЅОЮCreateFirm by BioelementsWe take heed of a glowing recommendationN—36_bigThumbImage.jpg36_smallThumbImage.jpgWe've recently been introduced to the Bioelements skincare range by one of the members of the Denizen team after she proclaimed that it erased her facial lines on impact. A statement not taken lightly in this office.createfirm-by-bioelements36_mainImage.jpg05$ offпžq пžBI@ k“Ѓ€ЗЭц D5ECreateFirm by BioelementsWe take heed of a glowing recommendationN—36_bigThumbImage.jpg36_smallThumbImage.jpgCreatefirm by Bioelementscreatefirm anti-ageing by bioelementscreatefirm, bioelements, skincare, anti-ageing, forme spaWe've recently been introduced to the Bioelements skincare range by one of the members of the Denizen team after she proclaimed that it erased her facial lines on impact. A statement not taken lightly in this office.createfirm-by-bioelements36_mainImage.jpg05"self@[sДžmYДžr@ fœЌ€Рж№(OНЯпCoffee: Good Or Bad?Grappling with the benefits of your morning cuppa Joe?J– 34_bigThumbImage.jpg34_smallThumbImage.jpgCoffee-good-or-bad-for-youDr-Ferguson-tells-us-the-benifits-of-your-morning-coffeeDr-John-Furguson-Coffee-is-good-for-youA great day for me typically starts with a couple of double espressos. Occasionally people are surprised by this and try to tell me that there are healthier alternatives or even worse that I'm caffeinating myself into an early grave. I beg to differ and recently a number of studies have supported my contention that if it feels and tastes this good then it must be.coffee-good-or-bad34_mainImage.jpg05!@[s)žmг)žt@ XЉЙ€Эущ7qw‡CocoroThe eagerly anticipated little sister to Japanese restaurant Soto opens its doorsH–33_bigThumbImage.jpg33_smallThumbImage.jpgCocoroCocoro-Japanese-resraurant-in-PonsonbySoto-Cocoro-Japanese-Restaurant-PonsonbyOver the past six months there's been a lot of talk about the imminent opening of popular Japanese spot - Soto's new restaurant. After several attempts over the past few weeks to catch the restaurant on its open days - we finally struck gold last night and happened upon their first official open night of service.cocoro33_mainImage.jpg05& She'—I7žayР;ж6žnЛ@ c›Ћ€Пец<‡˜ЈDelicate CeramicsA local designer reinterprets jewellery in new materialsR—38_bigThumbImage.jpg38_smallThumbImage.jpgDelicate CeramicsVivienne Long's ceramic jewelleryjewellery, new materials, ceramics, christmas wreathsVivienne Long specialises in jewellery made from ceramics. In her final year of Bachelor of Design majoring in Contemporary Craft & Ceramics, she seeks to make work that evokes an individual's sense of play. She's also a member of Auckland's M.A.K.E Collective that's committed to the innovation and maintenance of all things clay.delicate-ceramics38_mainImage.jpg05$ offпžq3пžyн@ k“Ѓ€ЗЭц DМехCreateFirm by BioelementsWe take heed of a glowing recommendationN—36_bigThumbImage.jpg36_smallThumbImage.jpgCreatefirm by Bioelementscreatefirm anti-ageing by bioelementscreatefirm, bioelements, skincare, anti-ageing, forme spaWe've recently been introduced to the Bioelements skincare range by one of the members of the Denizen team after she proclaimed that it erased her facial lines on impact. A statement not taken lightly in this office. With the promise of boosting collagen density, this skin tightening serum does just that - tightens your skin and in the process of which it erases fine lines.createfirm-by-bioelements36_mainImage.jpgШ€ШШШШШ`Denizen: 17A globe trotting sub-culture buff, 17 knows a thing or two about the things you probably don't `˜ Qubic Store founder 17 traverses the globe regularly to seek out the cool, networking with a huge range of international runway designers, graphic artists, fine artists, musicians, DJs, the odd celebrity and other cultural luminaries along the way. His travels have taken him to Japan, Asia, Europe, and the U.S.A on a regular basis in his relentless quest to hone his vision for Qubic Store and New Zealand.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ggggggg) РВ‘85:`р9Ч}f WGЦi054 s Camera ž! ž9ЗФs \\l€lllll Desert Childn˜It's a rough world out there. Make sure you're armed and dangerous with these essentials that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of life.desert-child056ugh the Щž!Щž9ИРsP cЋЛ€ЛЛЛЛЛN`Destination: WanakaTake your next break in one of the most picturesque parts of the countryr˜A beautiful place to visit anytime of the year, Wanaka offers something for all tastes. From breathtaking views overlooking dramatic countryside to the lake beyond at Rippon vineyard, to sculpture walks through the works of some of New Zealand's most prominent sculptors. Or, if none of that works for you, there's always hitting the slopes. Denizen, 6 takes us with her on her recent Wanaka adventure.destination-wanaka058€Ё(ž!`žzѕ@ qУг€ч§$M‡$BRDish of the Week: Chicken SaladIN SEARCH OF AN OFTEN ELUSIVE HEALTHY LUNCH ALTERNATIVE, WE FIND A OURSELVES A GEMv™56_bigThumbImage.jpg56_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of_the_week_Charlies_chicken_saladdelicious-Chicken-salad-from-charlie-boyshealthy-takeaway-delicious-chicken-salad-from-charlie-boysThere's a daily panic that sets in at our office around lunchtime. The time when rumbling stomachs can no longer be ignored. The sensation spreads through the office like wildfire, followed swiftly by a chorus of 'what's for lunch?'. It would be fair to say that we are constantly on the look-out for something that satiates our lunchtime cravings, whilst still considerate of our sedentary desk-bound lifestyles.dish-of-the-week-chicken-salad56_mainImage.jpg057РeR žiС ž{@ vСб€хћJoЈЫлDish of the Week: Braised Pork BellyIn our search for succulent crisp pork belly we discovered a perfect optiont™55_bigThumbImage.jpg55_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-braised-pork-bellybraised-pork-belly-from-Ella-Cafe-and-LoungeCafe-Lounge-Lunch-pork-belly-PonsonbyPork belly, you're generally either all for it or staunchly against it. Me - I'm all for it. Fat is flavour in my opinion; not the same opinion held by my trainer I might add, but what does he know about such things. It is with great delight then that I have discovered the delectable pork belly on offer at Ella.dish-of-the-week-braised-pork-belly55_mainImage.jpg059€Œjžqž9Л@ uЕХ€йяGr7YiDish of the Week: Chinese dumplings5 discovers cheap and tasty Chinese dumplings in a bustling cafщx™57_bigThumbImage.jpg57_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Chinese-DumplingsBest-pork-and-cabbage-Chinese-dumplings-upper-Queen-StChinese-restaurant-dumplings-cheap-Top-CafeIf you're a Chinese dumpling fan you are going to love this little place. I got a tip-off from one of my staff who's been trawling around town in search of a good cheap eat - and what a find it is.dish-of-the-week-chinese-dumplings57_mainImage.jpg05:—I)že_)žpŸ@ sЄД€Шоў,TnŽžDish of the Week: Cream DoughnutsLooking for some well deserved afternoon delight?z™58_bigThumbImage.jpg58_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Cream-doughnutsCream-Doughnuts-from-Connon's-Bakery-KingslandCream-Doughnuts,Cannon-Bakery,Kingsland,It's amazing how far a little sugary delight can get you in life. Turn up to a meeting with bag of these puppies, and we pretty much guarantee that negotiations will head the way you want them to. Soft and doughy donuts loaded with fresh whipped cream and jam. A deal closer indeed.dish-of-the-week-cream-doughnuts58_mainImage.jpg054 s Ca@FЕž!Р;ж ž< @ ^^n€‚˜˜˜˜-9IDesert Childn˜52_bigThumbImage.jpg52_smallThumbImage.jpgIt's a rough world out there. Make sure you're armed and dangerous with these essentials that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of life.desert-child52_mainImage.jpg054 s Ca€Œjž!Р;ж ž=Ÿ@ ^ѓ-----9IDesert ChildIt's a rough world out there. Make sure you're armed and dangerous with these essentials that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of life.n˜52_bigThumbImage.jpg52_smallThumbImage.jpgdesert-child52_mainImage.jpg054 s CaРP”ž!Р;ж žC"@ ^ђ,,,,,8HDesert ChildIt's a rough world out there. Make sure you're armed and dangerous with these essentials that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of lifen˜52_bigThumbImage.jpg52_smallThumbImage.jpgdesert-child52_mainImage.jpg059СХžpž‹@ uСб€хћS~CeuDish of the Week: Chinese dumplingsMark Wallbank discovers cheap and tasty Chinese dumplings in a bustling cafщx™57_bigThumbImage.jpg57_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Chinese-DumplingsBest-pork-and-cabbage-Chinese-dumplings-upper-Queen-StChinese-restaurant-dumplings-cheap-Top-CafeIf you're a Chinese dumpling fan you are going to love this little place. I got a tip-off from one of my staff who's been trawling around town in search of a good cheap eat - and what a find it is.dish-of-the-week-chinese-dumplings57_mainImage.jpg056ugh Ъž! СХЩžBЉ@@ e­Н€бччччzŒœDestination: WanakaTake your next break in one of the most picturesque parts of the countryr˜54_bigThumbImage.jpg54_smallThumbImage.jpgA beautiful place to visit anytime of the year, Wanaka offers something for all tastes. From breathtaking views overlooking dramatic countryside to the lake beyond at Rippon vineyard, to sculpture walks through the works of some of New Zealand's most prominent sculptors. Or, if none of that works for you, there's always hitting the slopes. Denizen, 6 takes us with her on her recent Wanaka adventure.destination-wanaka54_mainImage.jpg054 s Ca@[sž!:Р;ж žrL@ ^Сб€хћћћћXdtDesert ChildIt's a rough world out there. Make sure you're armed and dangerous with our pick of the essentials.n˜52_bigThumbImage.jpg52_smallThumbImage.jpgWe select a collection of pieces that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of life.desert-child52_mainImage.jpg056ugh Ъž!СХЩžQм@@ e­Н€бччччƒ•ЅDestination: WanakaTake your next break in one of the most picturesque parts of the countryr˜54_bigThumbImage.jpg54_smallThumbImage.jpgA beautiful place to visit anytime of the year, Wanaka offers something for all tastes. From breathtaking views overlooking dramatic countryside to the lake beyond at Rippon vineyard, to sculpture walks through the works of some of New Zealand's most prominent sculptors. Or, if none of that works for you, there's always hitting the slopes. Denizen, Jade Hurst takes us with her on her recent Wanaka adventure.destination-wanaka54_mainImage.jpg056ugh СХЪž!ЇСХЩžpW@@ e­Н€бчћBо№Destination: WanakaTake your next break in one of the most picturesque parts of the countryr˜54_bigThumbImage.jpg54_smallThumbImage.jpgWanaka by Jade HurstWanaka by Jade Hurstjade hurst, wanaka, destination, the cow, 47 frocksA beautiful place to visit anytime of the year, Wanaka offers something for all tastes. From breathtaking views overlooking dramatic countryside to the lake beyond at Rippon vineyard, to sculpture walks through the works of some of New Zealand's most prominent sculptors. Or, if none of that works for you, there's always hitting the slopes. Denizen, Jade Hurst takes us with her on her recent Wanaka adventure.destination-wanaka54_mainImage.jpgthe way you want them to. Soft and doughy donuts loaded with fresh whipped cream and jam. A deal closer indeed.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЊЊЊЊЊЊЊc лЭь95;`Ћ G:Еaо §D3Т05EPerrСХЩžq;Щžx@@ jжц€њ(RˆЩсёDr Perricone Cold PlasmaAmerica's go-to doctor for anything from weight loss to anti-ageing has caught our attention with this creamš 69_bigThumbImage.jpg69_smallThumbImage.jpgDr Perricone cold plasmaDr Perricone cold plasma anti-ageing creamDr perricone, cold plasma, anti-ageing cream, skincareI am a sucker for promises in a jar. As such, I have conducted vast amounts of personal research on the subject of delivering on one's promises. My new promise keeper is none other than American Dr. Nicholas Perricone. What's not to trust about a guy with intensely tight and dare I say it, potentially over-botoxed skin?dr-perricone-cold-plasma69_mainImage.jpg05<@[s‹žmя‹žt@ sЉЙ€Эу$XИзчDish of the Week: Fritz's WienersWrap your laughing gear around these Bavarian delights~™ 60_bigThumbImage.jpg60_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Fritz's-WienersFritz's-Wieners-bratwurst-sausageFritz's-Wieners-bratwurst-sausage-BBQ-Customs-StreetIf you're anything like me, you'll know how hard it can be to go past the smell of a good BBQ sausage. And while I am often wooed by the fund raising classic outside Mitre 10 outlets on the weekend, they're no match to the mouth watering tastiness of a smoked bratwurst sausage. Let me introduce you to the new sausage on the block - Fritz's Wieners.dish-of-the-week-fritzs-wieners60_mainImage.jpg05;РP”vžuvž{щ@ pІЖ€Ър§JІУгDish of the week: Duck RavioliAn Italian favourite gets a refreshing summer makeover|™ 59_bigThumbImage.jpg59_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-duck-ravioliPonsonby-Road-Bistro-Duck-RavioliPonsonby-road-bistro,duck-ravioli,restaurantIt's hard to dodge the lure of Ravioli on a menu. The promise of velvety soft pillows stuffed with tasty goodness to fulfill our hunger pangs is hard to pass up. On a recent visit to Ponsonby Road Bistro we were once again lured into Ravioli's clutches. The recent addition to their ever changing bistro menu delighted us with its summer freshness.dish-of-the-week-duck-ravioli59_mainImage.jpg05?ick €Ё(QžqvQž{Ц@@ rОЮ€тј;jэ Dish of the Week: Maple PancakesIt's hard to beat ol' fashioned pancakes served up opposite Kohimarama Beach„š63_bigThumbImage.jpg63_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Maple-PancakesMaple-Pancakes-found-at-Cafe-om-KohiKohi,cafe,pancakes,beach,sun,maple,Tamaki-driveCafщ on Kohi offers something of an anomaly: an amazing sea view coupled with excellent food. And with brunching season firmly upon us in our (almost) holiday mode, we discovered their pancakes. Served up thick with a dollop of pecan maple butter (with pecans scattered on top too for good measure) and a healthy drizzle of maple syrup, they certainly satisfy any sweet morning cravings.dish-of-the-week-maple-pancakes63_mainImage.jpg05Ft neРP”LžqЦLž{1@ ]ЈИ€ЬтэIэјDuck DeluxeOur favourite gastronomy expert serves up round two of his famed Xmas lunch’š 70_bigThumbImage.jpg70_smallThumbImage.jpgDuck-DeluxeSpiced-Braised-duck-withalmond-and-chocolate-sauceduck,vlahrona,chocolate,dinner,dish,recipeWell here we go denizens, you've had time to get over your scallops from last week and we're moving onto the second course of Spiced braised duck with almond and chocolate sauce. It's a yummy dish that needs some preparation time, but it's really worth the effort. The secret ingredient is Valhrona Xocopili, savoury and spicy dark chocolate pearls that are great for sauces or just eating on their own as I found out!duck-deluxe70_mainImage.jpg05Dr anСХž!СР;жžy‚@ jЫл€яaxˆDo we hear Sleigh Bells?Alexis Krauss & Derek Miller's Debut Album Treats is the summer soundtrack we've been waiting forŽš 68_bigThumbImage.jpg68_smallThumbImage.jpgBrooklyn duo Alexis Krauss (former kindergarten teacher and teen pop group member) and Derek Miller (former guitarist for post-hardcore outfit Poison the Well) are 2010's unlikely couple: the school teacher and the punk. They're also music's current "it" group, being the recipients of some of the most incendiary online hype for quite some time.do-we-hear-sleigh-bells68_mainImage.jpg05Bn fo@[s6ž!j6ž{†@@ qЩй€э!Szb€Dish of the Week: Steak TartareWe discover traditional Steak Tartare being served up the old fashioned way in KingslandŠš66_bigThumbImage.jpg66_smallThumbImage.jpgDish-of-the-week-Steak-TartareTraditional-Steak-Tartare-found-at-Tabou-KingslandFrench,restaurant,steak,Tabou,KingslandWe recently ventured off the beaten track in search of a different scene. Located on the main New North Road strip in Kingsland we happened upon Tabou, a French restaurant that's been situated in this location for some time. Amongst the menu of tasty French style cuisine on offer we came across an old favourite - Steak Tartare. Served up with an assortment of condiments including capers, anchovies, finely diced onion and Worcestershire sauce with a carefully balanced egg yolk on top.dish-of-the-week-steak-tartare66_mainImage.jpgmbImage.jpgBrooklyn duo Alexis Krauss (former kindergarten teacher and teen pop group member) and Derek Miller (former guitarist for post-hardcore outfit Poison the Well) are 2010's unlikely couple: the school teacher and the punk. They're also music's current "itт€ group, being the recipients of some of the most incendiary online hype for quite some time.do-we-hear-sleigh-bells68_mainImage.jpg05Ft ne@FЕLžqLžB@ ]ЈИ€ЬтэIэјDuck DeluxeOur favourite gastronomy expert serves up round two of his famed Xmas lunch’š 70_bigThumbImage.jpg70_smallThumbImage.jpgDuck-DeluxeSpiced-Braised-duck-withalmond-and-chocolate-sauceduck,vlahrona,chocolate,dinner,dish,recipeWell here we go denizens, you've had time to get over your scallops from last week and we're moving onto the second course of Spiced braised duck with almond and chocolate sauce. It's a yummy dish that needs some preparation time, but it's really worth the effort. The secret ingredient is Valhrona Xocopili, savoury and spicy dark chocolate pearls that are great for sauces or just eating on their own as I found out!duck-deluxe70_mainImage.jpg05Dr an@[sž! ž; @ jЫл€яby‰Do we hear Sleigh Bells?Alexis Krauss & Derek Miller's Debut Album Treats is the summer soundtrack we've been waiting forŽš 68_bigThumbImage.jpg68_smallThumbImage.jpgBrooklyn duo Alexis Krauss (former kindergarten teacher and teen pop group member) and Derek Miller (former guitarist for post-hardcore outfit Poison the Well) are 2010's unlikely couple: the school teacher and the punk. They're also music's current "it" group, being the recipients of some of the most incendiary online hype for quite some time.do-we-hear-sleigh-bells68_mainImage.jpg05Dr anРzž!Р;жž?@ jЫл€яaxˆDo we hear Sleigh Bells?Alexis Krauss & Derek Miller's Debut Album Treats is the summer soundtrack we've been waiting forŽš 68_bigThumbImage.jpg68_smallThumbImage.jpgBrooklyn duo Alexis Krauss (former kindergarten teacher and teen pop group member) and Derek Miller (former guitarist for post-hardcore outfit Poison the Well) are 2010's unlikely couple: the school teacher and the punk. They're also music's current "it" group, being the recipients of some of the most incendiary online hype for quite some time.do-we-hear-sleigh-bells68_mainImage.jpgrench restaurant that's been situated in this location for some time.dish-of-the-week-steak-tartare66_mainImage.jpgmainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!——————' `/З Q8:5<`ЈF;ДЪg %гh>05I then whЎžsЎž4нРsp U €     EbisuThe new Japanese restaurant serves up the classics in style˜šWe're suckers for Japanese cuisine, we like the way it makes us feel all healthy and virtuous as we indulge in fresh raw fish with accompanying seaweed salad groaning with chlorophyll. It's a sly old trick then when we casually throw in an order of soft-crab, or chicken karaage. What's not to love about these delectable crunchy deep fried morsels.ebisu05L  over.frž-ž3№Рsp kКЪ€ЪЪЪЪЪ КEssentials: The White ShirtThere's nothing quite like the comfort and look of a classic white cotton shirtžœIn my on-going quest to find the perfect white shirt, I have been known to steal them off the backs of men and have them haphazardly altered in order to create just the right silhouette. My search may well be over.essentials-the-white-shirt05UunchјuЇјzŒ@@ f­Н€бчќ?{Federal & Wolfe CafщA pop-up cafщ in downtown Auckland looks here to stay for the long-haulАœ85_bigThumbImage.jpg85_smallThumbImage.jpgFederal-and-Wolf-CafeFederal-and-Wolf-Cafe-AuckalndCafe-Federal-and-wolf-Auckland-KokakoFederal & Wolfe was initially described to us as a pop-up cafщ in the space Rice restaurant use to occupy in Auckland's CBD (unsurprisingly on the corner of Federal and Wolfe streets). We headed there for lunch and learnt that it's actually more of a work in progress that's destined to stay rather than a temporary spot. A far cry from the stark modern interior of its predecessor Rice, Federal & Wolfe has taken the rustic approach with large wooden spools used for tables, massive blackboards and industrial light shades all adding to the comfortable casual ambience.federal-wolfe-cafe85_mainImage.jpg05Jund РP”>žmМ>žrЃ@ `Чз€ы+WњEgyptian MagicA healing balm that's being revered back stage at the international fashion shows catches our attentionšš74_bigThumbImage.jpg74_smallThumbImage.jpgEgyptian MagicEgyptian Magic healing balm,egyptian magic healing balm, beauty productsEgyptian Magic, a balm used by everyone from recovering surgery patients to pop divas (Madonna apparently won't leave home without it) is one of those miracle creams that actually works. While it has been around for more than 25 years, thanks to the legions of big name makeup artists using it for backstage emergencies at the recent international fashion shows, it's garnering a new era of cult-like status everywhere.egyptian-magic74_mainImage.jpg05R fam@FЕLždLž9Ч@` pЩй€э=ZjExhibition: Outrageous FortuneThe notorious New Zealand family park up at the Auckland Museum for their final swan songЊœ 82_bigThumbImage.jpg82_smallThumbImage.jpgOpening at Auckland Museum this Wednesday, Outrageous Fortune т€“ The Exhibition has been developed in partnership with production company South Pacific Pictures to give a behind-the-scenes look into the West familyт€™s world and the motivations behind New Zealandт€™s most watched drama series Outrageous Fortune.exhibition-outrageous-fortune82_mainImage.jpg05I the—IЎžqЎž{r@@ W’Ђ€ЖЬц .Ž“ЃEbisuThe new Japanese restaurant serves up the classics in style˜š73_bigThumbImage.jpg73_smallThumbImage.jpgEbisu-new-Jananese-cuisineEbisu-Japanese-Cuisine-in-BrittomartJapanese-Restaurant-Ebisu-BrittomartWe're suckers for Japanese cuisine, we like the way it makes us feel all healthy and virtuous as we indulge in fresh raw fish with accompanying seaweed salad groaning with chlorophyll. It's a sly old trick then when we casually throw in an order of soft-crab, or chicken karaage. What's not to love about these delectable crunchy deep fried morsels.ebisu73_mainImage.jpg05L  oveРP” ž-€рb ž9Ц@@ mМЬ€рі#i?YiEssentials: The White ShirtThere's nothing quite like the comfort and look of a classic white cotton shirtžœ76_bigThumbImage.jpg76_smallThumbImage.jpgThe White ShirtThe classic white cotton shirtwhite shirt, society, italian cotton, siena, men's fashion, nightshirtIn my on-going quest to find the perfect white shirt, I have been known to steal them off the backs of men and have them haphazardly altered in order to create just the right silhouette. My search may well be over.essentials-the-white-shirt76_mainImage.jpg05R fam@FЕLždLž:ш@` pЩй€э9VfExhibition: Outrageous FortuneThe notorious New Zealand family park up at the Auckland Museum for their final swan songЊœ 82_bigThumbImage.jpg82_smallThumbImage.jpgOpening at Auckland Museum this Wednesday, Outrageous Fortune т€“ The Exhibition has been developed in partnership with production company South Pacific Pictures to give a behind-the-scenes look into the West family's world and the motivations behind New Zealand's most watched drama series Outrageous Fortune.exhibition-outrageous-fortune82_mainImage.jpg05R fam@FЕLždLž; @@ pЩй€э8UeExhibition: Outrageous FortuneThe notorious New Zealand family park up at the Auckland Museum for their final swan songЊœ 82_bigThumbImage.jpg82_smallThumbImage.jpgOpening at Auckland Museum this Wednesday, Outrageous Fortune "“ The Exhibition has been developed in partnership with production company South Pacific Pictures to give a behind-the-scenes look into the West family's world and the motivations behind New Zealand's most watched drama series Outrageous Fortune.exhibition-outrageous-fortune82_mainImage.jpg05L €Ё( ž-Й€рb žrЅ@ mМЬ€рі#i!1Essentials: The White ShirtThere's nothing quite like the comfort and look of a classic white cotton shirtžœ76_bigThumbImage.jpg76_smallThumbImage.jpgThe White ShirtThe classic white cotton shirtwhite shirt, society, italian cotton, siena, men's fashion, nightshirtIn my on-going quest to find the perfect white shirt, I have been known to steal them off the backs of men and have them haphazardly altered in order to create just the right silhouette. My search may well be over. Crafted in beautiful Italian cotton, the Nightshirt is long enough to wear alone over bare legs in summer, or thrown on with boyfriend jeans while you eagerly await for your legs to get summer ready.essentials-the-white-shirt76_mainImage.jpgWolfe streets). We headed there for lunch and learnt that it's actually more of a work in progress that's destined to stay rather than a temporary spot. A far cry from the stark modern interior of its predecessor Rice, Federal & Wolfe has taken the rustic approach with large wooden spools used for tables, massive blackboards and industrial light shades all adding to the comfortable casual ambience.federal-wolfe-cafe85_mainImage.jpg05Jund €Œj>žo>ž2s@ `Чз€ы+WњEgyptian MagicA healing balm that's being revered back stage at the international fashion shows catches our attentionšš74_bigThumbImage.jpg74_smallThumbImage.jpgEgyptian MagicEgyptian Magic healing balm,egyptian magic healing balm, beauty productsEgyptian Magic, a balm used by everyone from recovering surgery patients to pop divas (Madonna apparently won't leave home without it) is one of those miracle creams that actually works. While it has been around for more than 25 years, thanks to the legions of big name makeup artists using it for backstage emergencies at the recent international fashion shows, it's garnering a new era of cult-like status everywhere.egyptian-magic74_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ДДДДДДДДАМ> ;5Ј`~v<Гiю 00‡р05Zate,СХј!мјwа@@ cКЪ€оєL>YiFrench DelicaciesWe get seriously wooed by the pretty pastel colours of these authentic french macaroonsКŸ90_bigThumbImage.jpg90_smallThumbImage.jpgFrench-DelicaciesFrench-macaroons-by-VaniyщMacaroons-french-treats-ganache-Vaniyщ-sweetsAny website glossary that includes delectable words like Pхte de fruits, Financiers, Ganache and Macarons de Paris; along with explanations like, 'velvet chocolate spread made from half-cream and half-chocolate,' is sure to have us take note.french-delicacies-by-Vaniyщ90_mainImage.jpg05]bt b€Œjџm™џtн@@ \ЏП€гщѓ /žЎОGet NailedKeep your nails looking freshly polished for weeks with this new manicure techniqueРŸ93_bigThumbImage.jpg93_smallThumbImage.jpgGet nailednew manicure techniqueOPI, Axxium nails, manicure, servillesThere's nothing quite like freshly polished nails. Over the past few years finger nails have taken priority with bright bold colours competing alongside soft grey and beige on our finger tips. This has no doubt been brought on by the addition of cost effective nail bars throughout the city, where a classic manicure and polish can fit easily into your weekly budget.OPI-axxium-nails93_mainImage.jpg05^ est €Жцžqщ€ѕ žwF@@ gЉЙ€Эуч§;{ŸGet out of here: PihaAnna Hood discovers a weekend getaway on the outskirts of AucklandТ 94_bigThumbImage.jpg94_smallThumbImage.jpgPihaBlack Sands Lodge Pihablack sands lodge, piha, rsa, bach, deck chair, cape cod chairMany a day trip has been had out to Piha and many black sandy selves have reluctantly been carted back to Auckland but last weekend when the need to escape the city took hold, instead of heading afar in my quest for remote tranquility I took the familiar Scenic Drive to Piha and the two nights away were a true delight.get-out-of-here-piha94_mainImage.jpg05a put @[s#žm-Р;ж"žy@@ ]ЇЗ€Ысь1”ЋЛPetite PotsBring a smile to someone's face with one of these little pots of happinessШ 97_bigThumbImage.jpg97_smallThumbImage.jpgPetite PotsTully and Gardner potspots, gifts, tully and gardner, african violetsIn search of a little pick me up for a friend one can often lose sight of the objective and get drawn into expensive gifts to please. Here's a little alternative that won't break the bank but will be sure to put a smile on anyone's face. The folks at Tully and Gardner on Richmond Road in Grey Lynn, have put together a selection of potted delights to go.gift-giving-petite-pots97_mainImage.jpg05b Roit@[sMžiЮ€ѕ Mžr'@ eЖЦ€к№%_ЌЫлWing of Desire RingA new piece from coveted jewellery designer Jessica McCormack lands on our shoresЪ  98_bigThumbImage.jpg98_smallThumbImage.jpgWing of Desire RingA new piece from Jessica McCormackring, jewellery, wing of desire ring, the department storeLondon based New Zealand jewellery designer Jessica McCormack has designed exquisite pieces for her fair share of celebrities including Alexa Chung, Madonna, Rihanna and French Vogue's Editor-In-Chief Carine Roitfeld. This ring titled Wing of Desire is quintessentially McCormack with a balance of a single diamond and pave settings.gift-giving-wing-of-desire-ring98_mainImage.jpg05Y e ra—Ižm'Р;ж žr‰@@ eъњ€$7Jg‘ЊКVintage TypewritersLooking to deliver urgency in your next correspondence? Look no further than the humble typewriter to create a sense of erratic charmИž89_bigThumbImage.jpg89_smallThumbImage.jpgVintage typewritersvintage typewriterstypewriters, vintage, lettersWe've had a bit of a fascination with vintage typewriters of late. And while there are hundreds of variations of the 'typewriter font' available for download onto your computer, there is nothing quite like the randomness of letters created and the authenticity that ensues from a hand typed letter.found-vintage-typewriters89_mainImage.jpge.jpget drawn into expensive gifts to please. Here's a little alternative that won't break the bank but will be sure to put a smile on anyone's face.gift-giving-petite-pots97_mainImage.jpg05b RoitРP”Mži€ѕ MžG @ rУг€ч§2lЙишGift Giving: Wing of Desire RingA new piece from coveted jewellery designer Jessica McCormack lands on our shoresЪ  98_bigThumbImage.jpg98_smallThumbImage.jpgWing of Desire RingA new piece from Jessica McCormackring, jewellery, wing of desire ring, the department storeLondon based New Zealand jewellery designer Jessica McCormack has designed exquisite pieces for her fair share of celebrities including Alexa Chung, Madonna, Rihanna and French Vogue's Editor-In-Chief Carine Roitfeld. This ring titled Wing of Desire is quintessentially McCormack with a balance of a single diamond and pave settings.gift-giving-wing-of-desire-ring98_mainImage.jpg05a put РP”#žmР;ж"žFе@@ jДФ€июљ>ЁИШGift Giving: Petite PotsBring a smile to someone's face with one of these little pots of happinessШ 97_bigThumbImage.jpg97_smallThumbImage.jpgPetite PotsTully and Gardner potspots, gifts, tully and gardner, african violetsIn search of a little pick me up for a friend one can often lose sight of the objective and get drawn into expensive gifts to please. Here's a little alternative that won't break the bank but will be sure to put a smile on anyone's face. The folks at Tully and Gardner on Richmond Road in Grey Lynn, have put together a selection of potted delights to go.gift-giving-petite-pots97_mainImage.jpg05^ est —Ižq€ѕ žFЗ@@ gЉЙ€Эуч§;{ŸGet out of here: PihaAnna Hood discovers a weekend getaway on the outskirts of AucklandТ 94_bigThumbImage.jpg94_smallThumbImage.jpgPihaBlack Sands Lodge Pihablack sands lodge, piha, rsa, bach, deck chair, cape cod chairMany a day trip has been had out to Piha and many black sandy selves have reluctantly been carted back to Auckland but last weekend when the need to escape the city took hold, instead of heading afar in my quest for remote tranquility I took the familiar Scenic Drive to Piha and the two nights away were a true delight.get-out-of-here-piha94_mainImage.jpg05a put —I#žmР;ж"žLГ@@ ]ЇЗ€Ысь1”ЋЛPetite PotsBring a smile to someone's face with one of these little pots of happinessШ 97_bigThumbImage.jpg97_smallThumbImage.jpgPetite PotsTully and Gardner potspots, gifts, tully and gardner, african violetsIn search of a little pick me up for a friend one can often lose sight of the objective and get drawn into expensive gifts to please. Here's a little alternative that won't break the bank but will be sure to put a smile on anyone's face. The folks at Tully and Gardner on Richmond Road in Grey Lynn, have put together a selection of potted delights to go.gift-giving-petite-pots97_mainImage.jpg05b Roit@[sMži€ѕ MžNR@ eЖЦ€к№%_ЌЫлWing of Desire RingA new piece from coveted jewellery designer Jessica McCormack lands on our shoresЪ  98_bigThumbImage.jpg98_smallThumbImage.jpgWing of Desire RingA new piece from Jessica McCormackring, jewellery, wing of desire ring, the department storeLondon based New Zealand jewellery designer Jessica McCormack has designed exquisite pieces for her fair share of celebrities including Alexa Chung, Madonna, Rihanna and French Vogue's Editor-In-Chief Carine Roitfeld. This ring titled Wing of Desire is quintessentially McCormack with a balance of a single diamond and pave settings.gift-giving-wing-of-desire-ring98_mainImage.jpg its belly. No one will suspect the wealth of riches that lay inside such an innocent looking farm yard animal. A perfect gift for the budding investment banker. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗс &‡Щ`М ‚џ<(ж=Пёd.Œ<vІ hFЗ4Ÿ--€?BКY;‹‹ЋѓЧD€–CЋѓЧDt{wƒ_„g„X7ѕдГ’ q 2 Œ k J )G&фУЂ`?§мЛšyX7ѕдГ’ q!P"/#$э$Ш%Ї&†'e(D)#*+с+Р,Ÿ-~.]/<01њ1й2И3—4v5U6б6А78n9M:,; <ъ<Щ=Ј>‡?f@EA$BCтCСD EF^G=HIћIкJЙK˜LwMVN5OPѓPвQБRSoTNU-V WыWЪXЉYˆZg[F\%]^у^Т_Ё`€a_b>cdќdлeКf™gxhWi6jkєkгlВm‘npo!pqпqОrs|t[u:vwјwзxЖy•z0€?€?п

(438 Queen Street, Auckland City) 


Cost: $120

Available from Novel bookstore, 202 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland.


"God was having a sensational day when he created Florianopolis. While New Zealand was being dishe;o, www.confrariaclub.com)



Newmarket Superette
34 Nuffield Street, Newmarket, Auckland
09 9663 2853



$199.90 for the iPad case and $299.90 for the MacBook case. 

Available from shop.thanksyo.com



Available from One
504 K-Road


“Borrowing the visual style of kids' comics and cartoons, Mitchell's provocative paintings Bay
from 18 May to 11 June with an opening tonight from 5:30 – 7:30pm.



Appropriately local fashion emporium Superette is hosting an exhibition of her lateer 2010

Superette, shop 8, 282 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, 6-9pm.


 And it’s this release that perhaps finally signals a graceful transformation from themp;rel=0" />





Famously remembered for Easy Rider (1969) and his performance in Apocalypse Now - tm Novel,
202 Jervois Road,
Herne Bay,
ph 09 376 5869


"When I was eight, I cracked the Rubik's Cube in to find your own way to develop your smarts when you're young, however creative that might be."


Prawn & Marlborough Regal Salmon with red pepper co/www.vinnies.co.nz" target="_blank">www.vinnies.co.nz

Entry has now closed.


1. Café Habana - 17 Prince Street @ Elizabeth St, Nolita, New York, NY 100120€?€?€?п

Cafe Sopra, I absolutely adore this place. Set in an industrial factory building collectors of all things unique and eclectic. (901a Bourke Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017)


Drive By Truckers: The Big To Do

Proudly an old fashioned rock and roll aR8uO81M?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" />


Epolitos Pizzeria owned and run by Chick Rose, Epolitos provides authentic New Ysquo;s raining. My favourite. (Elliot Street, Auckland City)



One whole duck
Salt brine -  water , garlic,br />www.sabato.co.nz
ph 09 630 8751


La Petit Village, this place is a treasure trove of amazing bits of furniture, hng three weeks in Italy every year. (Rialto Cinemas, 167 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland)


Monterey, an awesome neighbourhood bar in Newtown with I think, the best cocktaifavourite; the food is delicious, and they have umeshu. (43 Courtney Place, Wellington)


Plato-8, the best restaurant in Dunedin. It is full of clutter - there is so mucby it, we got a swan plant and our own butterflies for the workroom.




Step One: Get up and throw some cold water on your face, it's essential you play supplies now.



The yoga Academy on Federal St, I try to go 2-3 times a week in the mornings befd keep you motivated throughout the pain! (4 Glenside Crescent, Eden Terrace, Auckland)


1. Dermalogica's Microfoliant is a daily facial scrub. Do we hear a succession otionwide, Chanel & La Mer available from leading department stores nationwide.



13:00  Check into your suite in the Philippe Starck designed


A forthcoming exhibition  will give Aucklanders a rare look at this iconic artist's works. & 5 -7pm.

Gow Langsford Gallery
26 Lorne St
Auckland City
Ph 09 303 4290


A little over a year ago owners Mikey Riordan and Jimmy Macken expanded on their success and opene.

Five Loaves
29 Church Street
ph 09 445 8954


A recent visit to Louis Vuitton filled me with memories of this dying art. New York based artist 09 358 5080
www.louisvuitton.comПёТ€ЄuvІ >0€?€?€?п

After doing my research, trawling the net for what was considered to be the very best and most ef/www.prescriptionskincare.co.nz" target="_blank">www.prescriptionskincare.co.nz


Album opener Don’t Know Who We Are is a chilled laid back start before thrc="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WZLOJW7XLiY" width="425" height="349" frameborder="0">


All through the album you can hear the sound bouncing off the cold, ice cold, wooden floors and ttube.com/embed/8kjkikCq510" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">   


An all natural skincare cream, Egyptian Magic promises to have legendary healing powers due to itkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000WNLFBI" target="_blank">here.


And to really get the evening started, James is the first restaurant in Auckland to offer an arrassential.

18 Stanley Street
ph 09 366 4755


And while we're not suggesting you re-launch the 'Walk Short'  look that embodied male high land 09 524 7805



At the risk of over committing ourselves to an unrealistic schedule of cinema-hopping (in other winemas around the city.


Backing these media claims is an increasing body of scientific evidence that further confirms thee phone at or around waist level - something we would never condone for sartorial reasons alone.


Be sure to check it out. The exhibition runs from  20th to the 31st October 2010.

Seed Gallery
23A Crowhurst Street
Ph 09 522 5360


Bill Cunningham is the fashion photographer for the New York Times, and even now in his 80s, he is portrayal of a devoted artist whose wealth simple resides in his own humble, unassuming grace.


But your chance at long luscious hair could be one step closer thanks to British hairdresser Michmazon.co.uk/Michael-Van-Clarke-More-Inches/dp/B004PLSOPI" target="_blank">for purchase here.


Choc-o-laits are pretty much heaven on a stick. A big chunky hunk of Belgian chocolate on the end /> ph 09 630 8751



Clockwise from top left:

Aiaiai TMA-1 Headphones $399 available from Simon James Design


Clockwise from top left:

Cream enamel braid necklace by D Luxe $117 available from Gucci


Clockwise from top left:

Masters Chair by Philippe Starck for Kartell, P.O.A from Artikel


Clockwise from top left:

The Modernist Silk Blouse by Lover $539 available from Corporate Culture


Coconuts (specifically coconut oil) have been erroneously labeled unhealthy over the past 20 year be too hard for you to trade in the olive oil for coconut...Pina Colada anyone? Virgin that is.


Consisting of Nano-Spheres of sub-microscopic bubbles made from essential phospholipids filled tottp://www.johnappleton.co.nz/products/Lypo%252dSpheric-Vitamin-C.html" target="_blank">here.


Cost: $1070

Available from Scotties Boutique:

2 Blake Street, Ponsonbybr /> www.scottiesboutique.co.nz


Crafted from laser cut spun aluminium, the lamp is available in a slick black or crisp white powd9 488 6955



Described as the topical answer to Botox injections, the Bioelements CreateFirm serum uses laborarmé Spa



Designed by Eugenia Bruni for Pasquale Bruni, it blends the regal with the everyday, the antique h 09 373 2472


Don't however be complacent and assume that you don't need to book well in advance. With menu iteoma, 270 Campbell Parade, Bondi Beach, Sydney  02 9365 4924




Dry brushing is a technique that involves brushing your entire body in circular motions with a nap>Make a two month commitment to dry brushing and I'm sure you will be impressed by the results.


English company Established & Sons have a reputation for producing eye catching furniture, an9 489 6955



Equipped with stunning photography of suits, store fronts, interiors and clients - it considers t

Available from Novel
202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 376 5869


Fine slivers of delicately poached octopus served chilled and layered with a delectable bed of fr

Carpaccio di Polipo $22

Toto Restaurant, 53 Nelson Street, Auckland City, 09 302 2665


First on the itinerary, Newark Antiques Fair. Situated one hour north (by train)ioned from lego.



For more information email James Fitzroy at the Auckland SPCA.  james.fitzroy@spca.org.nz


For well over a year now, Jamie and Gisele have been conducting their catering business from an oeport back.

18 Stanley Street

09 366 4755


From the vast array of excellent wineries, quality restaurants serving international cuisine and groups, Botswana delivers a great night out.  (17 Marine Parade, Queenstown)


Handcrafted and scented with Curio Noir's first perfume scent Vetyver Bouquet, the Lilit James Concept Store, The Department Store, 10 Northcroft Street Takapuna, Auckland. 09 489 6955


Having kicked off the 2011 Veuve Clicquot Season with a marquee at the Karaka Premiere Yearling S than watching a chukka or two while sipping Clicquot?

This competition has now closed.


Her work is currently on display in Parnell where she is part of a Christmas themed Fine Art Exhi of November through until 19th of December in store windows on Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland.


Hype aside, their debut album, Treats, does not disappoint. Clocking in at just over 30 minutes,

Refreshing – the perfect way to describe the album.  It’s that good.


I came away with a lovely sense of unexpected documentary in the photos themselves, as well as inbr /> 272 Ponsonby Road
6.30am to 4pm daily until June 30th.


I myself am a convert of the weekly manicure. As a habitual nail biter (publishing can b!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`Ў~eУП?БM$†$-s0І/S•11071_mainImage.jpg<Ї^>F11118_mainImage.jpg0Јh>L11128_mainImage.jpg0Љ?>_11087_mainImage.jpg0Њp>Y11136_mainImage.jpg0Ћp>Z+warhol2.jpeg0Ќ?>`3wintehot_edited2.jpg0­s>t11139_mainImage.jpg0Ўs>u2hirst_skullnew.jpeg0Аs>v*hirst3.jpeg0Жi>Ш11129_mainImage.jpg0Иt>ю11140_mainImage.jpg0Йt>я0JeremyToth_1.jpeg0Кt>№0JeremyToth_2.jpeg0Л(GW11064_mainImage.jpg0Рu?11141_mainImage.jpg0Тj?k11130_mainImage.jpg0УwDY8staffordroad_exterior.jpg0ЧwDZ8staffordroad_interior.jpg0Шf?†11126_mainImage.jpg0ЩvOЌ11142_mainImage.jpg<Ъv?О,claridges.jpg<ЫvOœ-dorchester.jpg<ЬvOЄ,milkhoney.jpg0Эr?М11138_mainImage.jpg0ЮxO(11144_mainImage.jpg<ЯDOа11092_mainImage.jpg<аxMў/SAM_Confraia.jpg<бxMо<SAM_Joaquina_Sandboarding.jpg<вxMё,SAM_Juere.jpg<гxMЙ2SAM_marmassas11.jpg<дxMШ3SAM_Praia Mole 3.jpg<еx@71SAM_Uma Rosa 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~WЈ^ŸЧЋ BGabq|ƒ‡žBonnieWhitebonniealicewhite@gmail.comF36A Moray PlaceCity CentreDunedin9016Student/teaching fellow0$9П j[Ј^ŸЧЎ @E[\jx‚†ŽMattSmithmatt@commongoods.co.nzM1 Vogel StreetMount VictoriaWellington6011Designer0$:Б \Ј^ŸЧЏ BK^_lv€„”Paula MacDonaldpaulam@actrix.co.nzF21 Simla CresKhandallahWellington6035Practice Manager0$;Ай^Ј^ŸЧА KQij{„ŒЉSharlene GeorgeGeorgesharlene@thesweetshop.tvF20 Hakanoa StreetGrey LynnAuckland1012Global Executive Producer0$<Дf`Ј^ŸЧБ BJcdsƒ‹žTrevorDuxfieldtrevor.duxfield@asb.co.nzM4 Catlins PlaceFairview HeightsAuckland0632Project Manager0$=ХМ`Ј^ŸЧВ ?GWXt{„ˆ›AmyDavidsonamy@peadpr.co.nzFc/o - Pead PR, 1 Stokes RoadMt EdenAuckland 1024Jnr Account Manager0$>И ю`Ј^ŸЧГ CKZ[nz‚†žAdrianaD'Arrudaadriana@ldp.netF258 East Coast RoadForrest HillAuckland0620Senior Lighting Designer0$?Р ,aЈ^ŸЧД AF[\ox€„”AnitaNivenanita.niven@gmail.comF2/25 Roberta AvenueGlendowieAuckland1071Design Executive0$@Р˜aЈ^ŸЧЖ CHbc|„ŒЅMelaniePaugamelanie.pauga@fonterra.comFLevel 5, 9 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CentralWellington6011Student0$IП€xЈ^ŸЧФ @Fef†Ž’ЁJeniBaylisjeni.baylis@sparkactivate.co.nzFLevel 2, 14 Normanby RoadMt EdenAuckland1024Account Manager0$JДYzЈ^ŸЧХ AGWXjpx|ˆSarahPalmersarah@sarahp.comF14/128 Newton RoadNewtonAuckland1010Photographer0$KЧ {Ј^ŸЧЦ AKij{ƒ‹˜AliceBertenshawalice_bertenshaw@matisse.co.nzF61 Symonds StreetOnehungaAuckland1061Assistant0$LТЭ}Ј^ŸЧШ AG]^‚Ž–šЋAliceWalkeralice.walker@asb.co.nzFLevel 8 ASB Tower, 135 Albert StreetAuckland CBDAuckland1010Financial Analyst0$MУА~Ј^ŸЧЩ HMlm‚Š–šЃAshley-JayneLodgeashley-jayne.lodge@awslegal.comF301 Chelmsford StreetWaverleyInvercargill9810Solicitor0$NЅ k‚Ј^ŸЧЫ ?CRS_hpt{PipIkinikin@xtra.co.nzF17 School RdKingslandAuckland1021teacher0$OМ7ƒЈ^ŸЧЭ BJdey…‘šMisakoMitchellmisako@stevenslawson.co.nzF14/55 Hepburn StreetFreemans BayAuckland1011Architect0$PУ…Ј^ŸЧЮ BF[\ox€„•AlishaBurralisha.burr@gmail.comF20 Arcadia CrescentGlenfieldAuckland0629Marketing Manager0$QРЉŠЈ^ŸЧв @H^_qz‚†”KateSimmondskatesimmonds@gmail.comF30 jubilee avenue 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StPonsonbyAuckland1011Project Support Manager0$eОБЈ^ŸЧ№ DH^_jow{‘Shuk YinLiewshukyin.liew@gmail.comF1 Gilgit RdEpsomAuckland1023Senior Account Manager0$fХ ŒДЈ^ŸЧђ CIabpy…‰ЋJessicaMolonyjessica.molony@gmail.comF1 Bradnor RoadFendaltonChristchurch8052Interior Design/Marketing Graduate0$gЊџЗЈ^ŸЧі @FYZjv~‚‰PaulWebberpaul@studio23.co.nzM27 Oliver StreetPt ChevalierAuckland1022Picador0$hЕ(ЙЈ^ŸЧї @G_`sy‚†œMel Rundle mrundle@mediaworks.co.nzF29 Ellangowan Road WaiakeAuckland 0630Senior Account Manager0$iО_ОЈ^ŸЧљ AHabt‡‹œEricaKirkhamerica.kirkham@airnz.co.nzF52 Barbarich DriveStonefieldsAuckland1142Airpoints Manager0$jМwСЈ^ŸЧњ >GZ[qz„ˆJoMcFarlanejo@willisbond.co.nzF21 - 6 Vallance StreetKilbirnieWellington6022Manager0$kЛaУЈ^ŸЧќ BH_`ox€„”Katie Newtonkatie.newton1@gmail.comF6 Commercial RdGrey LynnAuckland1021Freelance Editor0$lЊнУЈ^ŸЧ§ DHdew†Ž’ЕPhilippeLodsphilippe@30secondfilms.co.nzM27 Dedwood TerraceSaint Marys BayAuckland1011Television Commercial Post Producer!!!!!кFЗіKК+›zєsтF›†ѓhиCЖ.Ÿ 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streetherne bayauckland1011National Key Account Manager0$Д ГћЈ^ŸШ" AGfgu‡‹žClareHaslamclarelouisehaslam@hotmail.co.ukF3/12a Bay RoadSt HeliersAuckland1071Early Years Teacher0$€ГZќЈ^ŸШ$ CKabnt|€‡MichaelHemphillmichael@metrolaw.co.nzMPO Box 68882NewtonAuckland1145Partner0$СЄ§Ј^ŸШ% @F]^mt|€“KateCovenykate.coveny@jcbmw.co.nzF14 Abbotts Way RemueraAuckland1050Marketing Executive0$‚Р aЉ^ŸШ& AH^_u‰GemmaStantongemmastanton@gmail.comF163 West Harbour DriveWest HarbourAuckland0618Graphic Designer0$ƒЌЉ^ŸШ* @G]^w~†Š—JohnManghamjohn.mangham@zegna.comME.Zegna, 171 Queen StreetCentralAuckland1010Store Manager0$„ОАЉ^ŸШ+ BIcdq€ˆŒ›JordanBarraudjordan.barraud@airnz.co.nzF30 Malvern RdWestern SpringsAuckland1025Channel Manager0$…ЎŽЉ^ŸШ, BF_`ls{‡AngelaHullangela@criticalmass.co.nzF59 Benson RdRemueraAuckland1050Creative0$†Л/ Љ^ŸШ- ?F^_ls{‡NikShipkovnik@viewnewzealand.co.nzM105 Lake RoadBELMONTAuckland0632Director0$‡М3 Љ^ŸШ5 EIXYhpx|ŒAnna HoodHoodanna@ccc.net.nzF35b garnet 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RoadRD1Paparoa0571Interior Designer0$“РтCЉ^ŸШJ CHdeox€„ŽBridgetJonesbridget.erin.jones@gmail.comF6 Rona AveGrey LynnAuckland1010journalist0$”Г"FЉ^ŸШK CHghv‡‹›MelanieRogermelanie@melanierogergallery.comF226 Jervois RdHerne BayAuckland1147Director / Owner0$•М РFЉ^ŸШL @F]^jr|€–annataylorannaptaylor@hotmail.comF2a huia roaddays baywellington5013Design and Art Teacher0$–ТиFЉ^ŸШM AEVWkqy}ŒSteveLongstlong@go2uti.comM374 Point View DriveHowickAuckland2016Finance Analyst0$—КЪGЉ^ŸШO BJcdu~†Š‘JulianGrennelljulian.grennell@gmail.comM105 Richmond RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Manager0$˜УюHЉ^ŸШQ AG[\frz~–DevonTaylordevon@accentgr.co.nzF44 Sale StFreemans BayAuckland2014NZ Marketing Coordinator0$™МуLЉ^ŸШS CI]^nwƒ™JohannaCottercotterclan@gmail.comF54 Fourth AvenueKingslandAuckland1021Senior Account Manager0$šБyVЉ^ŸШX BI\]krz~ˆAntonySuvalkoantony@foodie.co.nzM4a Standen AveRemueraAuckland1050Everything0$›­ї[Љ^ŸШY CHbcqx€„ŒManishaKeshamanisha@smefinancial.co.nzF5 Punga StreetMt EdenAuckland1024Director0$œДсcЉ^ŸШ\ BG`aqz‚†—Cinna Smithcinnasmith@rocketmail.comF39 Second AvenueKingslandAuckland1021Producer, writer 0$ФHeЉ^ŸШ] BPhisz‚†ŽHannahFinnigan-Walshhfinniganwalsh@gmail.comF19 York StParnellAuckland1151creative0$žУgЉ^ŸШ_ ?FTUbhpt†TimBarnetttim@vicenz.comMPO Box 68-962NewtonAuckland1010Operations Manager0$ŸМЂnЉ^ŸШc BJdex‰•LouiseBartlettbartlettlouise@hotmail.comF2/226 Richmond RoadGrey LynnAuckland1020Designer0$ ­ ЅnЉ^ŸШd BF^_lx€„—AmandaKingamanda.king@hafele.co.nzF7 Elwyn CloseBotany DownsAuckland2016Executive Assistant0$ЁЛ tЉ^ŸШg EI[\jqy}…KatherineWangkepure@hotmail.comF733 Remuera RdRemueraAuckland1050Designer0$ЂЏ  uЉ^ŸШi FNjkw|„ˆ­JacquelineReceveurjreceveur@diocesan.school.nzFClyde StreetEpsomAuckland1051Design & Visual Communication Teacher0$ЃУšuЉ^ŸШj @FWXqvƒŒEmmaHarrisehar078@gmail.comF8/218 Greenlane West RoadEpsomAuckland 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Box 47136PonsonbyAuckland1144Director0$ИУ бОЉ^ŸШ— @G`alt|€šLUCYFURNISSlucy.furniss@resene.co.nzFPO Box 5422FranktonHamilton3204Colour Consultant/Designer0$ЙУРЉ^Ÿؘ AG^_nu}‡LydiaBrewerlydiabrewer@hotmail.comF2/116 Valley RdMt EdenAuckland1021Editor0$КМ:СЉ^ŸШ™ CK]^{‚Œ™RebeccaMcMillanrebecca@nzff.co.nzFLevel 2, 2 Majoribanks StreetNewtownWellington6021Publicist0$ЛЊєТЉ^ŸШ› BJfg|…‘ЋAndreaMcGregormail@bossleyarchitects.co.nzF2/55 Mackelvie StreetGrey LynnAUCKLAND1021Office Manager - Associate0$МВчЦЉ^ŸШœ EIghr{ƒ‡—Michaela Kerrmichaela.kerr@redworksnz.co.nzF71 King StKingslandAuckland1020Account Director0$НКoШЉ^ŸШž CGabw~ŠŽ›Louisa Doiglouisa.doig@anzcofoods.comF15a St Winifred PlaceBryndwrChristchurch8052Brand Manager0$ОБ юШЉ^ŸШŸ @Gcdt}…‰‘lisaredshawinfo@lisaredshawdesign.co.nzF20 brinkley roadotumoetaitauranga3110director0$ПРdЪЉ^ŸШЂ @Hdery…–MattDonnellymatthewdonnelly_@hotmail.comM16 Altham AveMt EdenAuckland1024Seniro Consultant0$РИ‘ЪЉ^ŸШЃ 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Graphic Designer0$WФ^Ќ^ŸЩи BHhi{…‘ЄJacquiHoskinjacqui@shortlandmanagement.co.nzF79 Palmerston RoadBirkenheadAuckland0626Project Coordinator0$XЗ ,zЌ^ŸЩо ?H`adltx‹BenZuckermanbenzuckerman@hotmail.comMRD1HokitikaHokitika7881Industrial designer0$YК ŒЌ^ŸЩр AIabz‡“ЄLibbyHaseldenlibby.haselden@wam.co.nzF201 Victoria Street WestAuckland cityAuckland1142Interior Designer0$ZЖ ƒЌ^ŸЩс BI\]kt|€ˆHannahSkinnerhannah@indice.co.nzF33 West End RdHerne BayAuckland1022Director0$[Л_ƒЌ^ŸЩт AEYZhqy}Šsarahwallsarahfwall@gmail.comF41 Home StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021senior editor0$\Уd‡Ќ^ŸЩу EJop€—›ЋElizabethBrownelizabeth.brown2@waitematadhb.govt.nzF133 Queen StreetNorthcote PointAuckland0627Health Promotion0$]ЂЭЁЌ^ŸЩэ AI\]kt~‚DavidHamiltondavid@photonz.co.nzM11 Crawford RdKilbirnieWellington6022Photorapher0$^Г уЅЌ^ŸЩю BHcdnwƒ’AndrewTaskerandrew_tasker@westpac.co.nzMpo box 934BrotimartAUCKLAND1053Project Manager0$_СЏЖЌ^ŸЩѓ CKde‡—› Lauren McCarthylauren.mccarthy@gsb.co.nzFGSB House level 3 265 wakefield stTe AroWellington6011Sales0$`П КЌ^ŸЩє BH^_nu}‘JoannaGlovergloverjoanna@gmail.comF199 Abbotts WayRemueraAuckland1050Account Director0$aФIПЌ^ŸЩѕ @Fabnv~‚ЃAndyMahonyandrew.mahony@onepath.co.nzM8 Provost StPonsonbyAuckland1011Registry Processing Administrator0$bТ`ЦЌ^ŸЩј CFWXdkuyRosabelTanrosabel@gmail.comF10 Wilson StNewtownWellington6021writer0$cЙ ќЭЌ^ŸЩњ BJcdy‚Ž’ЈTrevorBousteadtrevor.boustead@wam.co.nzM90 Westminster StreetSt AlbansChristchurch8014Architectural Graduate0$dДjбЌ^ŸЩћ BH^_ku}œSimoneBishopmoni.andrew@xtra.co.nzF9 Emerson StSt HeliersAuckland1071Marketing manager part-time0$eО‚вЌ^ŸЩќ BIefŒ˜ ЄЕYannisNaumannyannis.naumann@exceltium.comM3A Basque Central, 23 Dundonald StreetEden TerraceAuckland1021Senior Consultant0$fАЙлЌ^ŸЩў AKbcŒ’šžЖKatieMinchintonkminchinton@phaidon.comFc/o Penguin cnr Rosedale and Airborn RoadAlbanyAuckland1311Publishing Sales Manager0$gКqъЌ^ŸЪ BH^_nwƒ”claireHammonhello@meadowlark.co.nzF33 Elgin streetGrey LynnAuckland1021Creative Director0$hРњєЌ^ŸЪ 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AvenueOne Tree HillAuckland1061Managing Director0$qБ€<­^ŸЪ AGefx‡‹ЁAdeleGloveradele.glover@worldvision.co.nzF2/5 Claybrook RoadParnellAuckland1052Communications Manager0$rР>­^ŸЪ AGkl}†Ž’ЁJamesEiversjames.eivers@thepropertymarket.co.nzM12 Francis StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Account Manager0$s“ ˆ>­^ŸЪ CKZ[y…“›Murray Cockburnmcpq@ihug.co.nzM23 McKerrow Place Sunshine BaySunshine BayQueenstown9300Director0$tЖ}K­^ŸЪ! CIbcr{ƒ‡›ShannonTapukeshannontapuke@hotmail.comF23 Malvern RoadMt AlbertAuckland1022Nutrition consultant0$uЛ еO­^ŸЪ# AFXYlt{ˆChrisSharpc.sharp@xtra.co.nzM10 Mathieson StreetWaverleyDunedin9013Architect0$vТŸW­^ŸЪ' @LcduŠŽЇAbbyvan Schrevenabby@maaikeclothing.comF15/10 Ruru StreetEden TerraceAuckland 1021Fashion Designer/Director0$wК/^­^ŸЪ( BF^_pv~‚ŸFraserWoodfraser.wood@destex.co.nzM6A Rukutai StreetOrakeiAuckland1071International Account manager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!zгKАtг6•іdМWаLИMБ ŠчVЖ$—ь b к 6 Ћ  d г 9 І [мFЏyњXО"ƒќ`‚_йGП)/ЌW=OPщ

I make no illusions, cabbage water tastes about as appealing as it sounds - but this green juice really does work wonders in your body. Cabbage is high in glutamine, an amino acid that promotes healthy digestion in the body. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcers and is rich in iron, iodine, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K and folic acid. Cabbage water is gentle and cleansing on the digestive system and it will help detoxify your body. Taste is a small sacrifice when you weigh up the options!

Start with one glass of Cabbage water in the morning on an empty stomach then gradually increase to twice a day. It has a strong bitter taste so add lemon and a pinch of sea salt to make it more bearable. Try to find organic red cabbages for your cabbage water as the vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage. Red cabbage also contains anthocyanin (the red pigment/colour), which is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells.

Cabbage water recipe:

Pack a glass jar with shredded cabbage, either red or green, with a pinch of sea salt and cover it with water. Cover the jar with an airlock and let it stand overnight. The next day, pour through a filter to hold back cabbage and pour out. Add sea salt and lemon to taste as desired. 

Might I suggest you give your body a head start on the upcoming party weeks bestowed on us by the Rugby World Cup with this easy cleansing solution - your liver will thank you for it!

Tї„GѓPŽКœрКœeen in the r’ї

Expanding further on their retail store in Auckland's St Mary's Bay, they’ve just launched an online store, which we think is worthy of a shout-out.

Beautifully laid out and full of coveted jewellery, design and accessories, it's a perfect place to find a gift for someone, or even better a gift for yourself. We have our eyes on the 50’s South American designed Mamasita chair (shown above). Get in quick before we do.

Douglas & Bec
9 St Mary's Road

(09) 551 3685



In commissioning its design South British Insurance wanted the nature and prosperity of their business to be reflected in the building. Its ornate Italianate style of architecture with strong, solid, vertical proportions and tall rounded windows was specifically used to create a sense of grandeur and security.  In a town predominantly built of timber where fires were a major problem the decision to build in fireproof brick was a tactical decision as well as ultimately a very sensible one, when once again fire swept through the area destroying many of the surrounding buildings. Its survival helped establish the South British Insurance Company’s solid reputation.

132 years on Blackett's is still an attractive and charming building.  If you haven’t already visited Blacketts and ridden in its fabulous original internal lift maybe you should find an excuse to. Art of the City Walk includes a visit to Blacketts and Jane Sanders Gallery (Aucklandwalks.co.nz) 

Visit it and be charmed by it. Imagine a time prior to the reclamation of the harbour when those working in this building could collect cockles from the foreshore that ran along Fort and Fanshawe Streets. Nowadays the building is just as solid.  Its home to landmark Florsheim retail on the ground floor, Jane Sanders Art Agent on level one and office space on levels two and three. 

With all the makings of a perfect inner city office space, This property has current opportunities for lease, for all enquiries go here.

Ray White Commercial
Whillans Realty Group Limited
Level 2, 23 O’Connell Street, Auckland
Ph 09 304 1453


The Wolwaeren project by designer Roland Pieter Smit of the Netherlands is a series of seven unique blankets, each hand woven by a person with a mental or physical impairment.

Roland Pieter Smit designs looms that reflect the psychological and physical needs of the makers. For example, autistic people can work at a very refined level, so he uses thin yarn, whilst those with Downs Syndrome need thicker yarn. The yarns, made from Texel wool, which was once a lucrative yarn but now is in less demand. By offering the sheep farmers an honest price, Smit reinstates some of the value of the wool and produces thick hand-made blankets that are absolutely stunning and worth curling up with.

Lovingly hand-made: you can see the tension changing ever so slightly with the carefully woven strand of yarn. Each blanket is luxurious and has the comforting weight of a blanket you cherish forever - regardless of the season.

A piece of luxury wrapped up in a good cause, now who can resist that?

Available from Siena

347 Parnell Road
ph 09 3777 555

E „

While black and tan can sometimes feel a little too traditional, we think these white ones are the perfect trans-seasonal step into summer. Despite what some Kiwi blokes might argue, not every summer occasion calls for a pair of jandals, so we suggest you make these an alternative in your upcoming warmer weather wardrobe. 

Paul Smith Brogues

Available from Fifth Ave
216 Ponsonby Road

(09) 360 9700



It’s become clear that we’re not the only ones who have taken to Depot’s charms, with the Parisian style brasserie being packed with a steady stream of diners on any given night of the week since it first opened its doors in August.

Chef Al Brown’s unpretentious, seasonal bistro fare is hearty and the kind that is made to be enjoyed with friends. So when we found out that Al had teamed up with our friends at Moa beer to match up some of the succulent offerings with their fine brew, we had even more reason to head on down.

Depot is offering a selection of three dishes; Moa Breakfast, Moa Blanc and Moa Original, all perfectly matched with a fine Moa brew. Our pick is the Moa Blanc; kingfish sashimi with creamy Orongo Bay oyster cream, apple and toasted fennel seeds. It’s the perfect light lunch to enjoy over summer, washed down with the smooth Moa Blanc, a blend of wheat malt and barley with hints of spice that complement the creamy, fatty notes of the kaimoana.

Open seven days from 7am.

86 Federal Street



succulent offerings with their fine brew, we had even more reason to head on down.

Depot is offering a selection of three dishes; Moa Breakfast, Moa Blanc and Moa Original, all perfectly matched with a fine Moa brew. Our pick is the Moa Blanc; kingfish sashimi with creamy Orongo Bay oyster cream, apple and toasted fennel seeds. It’s the perfect light lunch to enjoy over summer, washed down with the smooth Moa Blanc, a blend of wheat malt and barley with hints of spice that complement the creamy, fatty notes of the kaimoana.

vailable from Siena

347 Parnell Road
ph 09 3777 555

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HeliersAuckland1071project manager0$И–_[Џ^ŸЪн BJefx‚‰”JudithRobinsonjudith.robinson@otago.ac.nzF10 Cannington RoadMaori HillDunedin9010Retired0$ЙЎюmЏ^ŸЪх BH\]ku}‡AmandaJensenamanda@writeit.co.nzF20 Valley RoadMount EdenAuckland1024Writer0$К›œ‡Џ^ŸЪь DI[\s}…‰‘Michael Smithmichael@fotonz.comM10C Southern Cross RoadKohimaramaAuckland1071Director0$ЛРС‡Џ^ŸЪэ DJ`aq{ƒ‡”VictoriaOrmsbytoryormsby@hotmail.comF3/19 Eltham RoadKohimaramaAuckland1071Sales manager0$МР ŸЏ^ŸЪ№ DIbcpy…›Yuchung Changyuchung@sumichchaplin.comM6 Roxburgh StNewmarketAuckland1023Architectural Graduate0$НХO Џ^ŸЪђ @Hdev‰™KateHarrisonkateevelynharrison@gmail.comF69 Centennial AveArrowtownQueenstown9302Front office0$ОТ ‚ЂЏ^ŸЪѓ CI_`mv~‚ЄRebeccaSearlebecks.searle@gmail.comF7 Monmouth StGrey LynnAuckland1021Marketing/administration/interiors0$ПЏsЊЏ^ŸЪѕ AD[\ks{ˆShonaGowshona@magpiepress.co.nzF26 Cowan StreetPonsonbyAuckland1011Diirector0$РХўЌЏ^ŸЪі @EXYhqz~’HugoBairdhugo@sohowineco.comM48 Islington StHerne BayAuckland 1011On 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EdenAuckland1024Contarctor0$ЪЛВА^ŸЫ  AG_`kt|€’sarahstrongsarahmstrong@hotmail.comF14 short stotumoetaitauranga3110Intl Sales Manager0$ЫС  А^ŸЫ  ?FWXlrx|„LivDowlingliv.hdc@gmail.comF31 Meadowstone DriveWanakaWanaka9302Surveyor0$ЬС #А^ŸЫ AF\]ot|€AshanSoysaashansoysa@hotmail.comM2/12A Buckley RoadEpsomAuckland1023Design Architect0$ЭЛг5А^ŸЫ AH_`nwƒ MinnaPesonenminna.pesonen@gmail.comF3 First AvenueKingslandAuckland1021Brand photographer & designer0$ЮЉ$6А^ŸЫ AKdesz‚†—JamesChatterleyjames@eventdynamics.co.nzM20 Waitomo AveMt EdenAuckland1024Managing Director0$ЯФЄ8А^ŸЫ BH`aq}…‰Shona McLeanshona.a.mclean@gmail.comF8 Melford StreetSt Marys BayAuckland1011PR Account Executive0$аМТMА^ŸЫ BK]^nqw|†SophieEkwe Bellsofebell@gmail.comF13 Villa MolitoridfParis 75016Strategist0$бХѕNА^ŸЫ BG\]krz~SigridDavissigidavis@hotmail.comF28 Benson RoadRemueraAuckland1050Creative Director0$вБ;WА^ŸЫ BG\]rz‚†“EdwardMooreedward.moore@ipfx.comM54 Pompallier TerracePonsonbyAuckland1011Sales Manager0$гГ П^А^ŸЫ 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Rd,Karori,Wellington6012Director0$јСмБ^ŸЫ‰ FKhiw€ˆŒŸAlessandraNixonalessandra@atomiccoffee.co.nzF29 Preston AveHendersonAuckland0610Marketing Assistant0$љВІпБ^ŸЫ‹ @I[\lu}ŠBradGatehousebradg@numero.co.nzM14 Powell StreetAvondale Auckland1026Principal0$њО хшБ^ŸЫŽ BH`apy…•HannahSouterhello@hannahdesign.co.nzF41 Ariki StreetGrey LynnAuckland1011Graphic Designer0$ћЦ SѕБ^ŸЫ BKabms{ŽShantaTrusewichshantaclause@gmail.comF354b k roadnewtonauckland1010student/ intern0$ќœ XќБ^ŸЫ“ HNabt~ˆŒ”Peter HarrisHarrispeter@oruawharo.comM379 Oruawharo RoadWaipukurauHawkes Bay4281Director0$§ДmВ^ŸЫ– @F\]ks{•GailPettitgailpettitad@gmail.comF28 Garnet RoadWestmereAuckland1022Group Account Director0$ўП›"В^Ÿۘ ?BZ[lvƒ—YanShiredtears2001@hotmail.comF2/3 Edendale RoadSomervilleAuckland 2014Assistant Accountant0$џА =В^ŸЫœ @H_`luƒ“SeanAntrobussean.antrobus@gmail.comM19 West RoadNorthlandWellington6012Design Conductor0$ИбAВ^ŸЫ EKfg„—›СClaudetteMartinclaudettemartin@hotmail.comF22/852 Mt Eden Road Eden MewsThree 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StParnellAuckland1151Trade Sales and Marketing0$БзОГ^ŸЫѓ @GYZkt|€ˆAnnaCaswellanna@caswell.co.nzF420 Richmond Roadgrey LynnAuckland1021Director0$ТУсГ^ŸЫі @EYZou}’AnnaCablemimsycable@gmail.comF456C Karangahape roadNewtonAuckland1010Library Assistant0$РъГ^ŸЫљ CG`ar{ƒ‡’RebeccaDeedrdee004@aucklanduni.ac.nzF122 Wood Bay RoadTitirangiAuckland0604PhD Student0$ЕeяГ^ŸЫњ AHabpy…’FrithTweediefrith_tweedie@hotmail.comF10 Stanmore RdGrey LynnAuckland1021Legal Counsel0$Х НѓГ^ŸЫ§ AE[\lt|€†SarahReidsarah.g.reid@gmail.comF6A Ponsonby RoadPonsonbyAuckland1011Intern0$ ЇъњГ^ŸЫў MRqr€Š’–ЅChristine FrancesClarkchristine@artisanflooring.co.nzF25 Pupuke RoadBirkenheadAuckland0627Account Manager0$!Ѓ п6Д^ŸЬ CGXYirz~‡Lesley Landg.land@xtra.co.nzF63 Hamilton RoadHerne BayAuckland1011Principal0$"Џц8Д^ŸЬ  ELaboxˆŒMary JaneParedesjaneparedes@gmail.comF23 Compton StHillcrestNorth Shore City0627Chef0$#Хq_Д^ŸЬ @FZ[nt|€EmmaHunterEmj.hunter@gmail.comF471 whiriwhiri roadWaiukuAuckland2682Event management0$$ЊКbД^ŸЬ 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CKdev~†ŠМaneeshamckenzieaneeshagovind@hotmail.comF27 cape horn roadlynfieldauckland1041stay at home mum - also do accounts work part-time0$+ЌшД^ŸЬ1 AGWXemuy’kathycardnoinfo@sabai.co.nzF47 jutalnd rdtakapunaauckland0622Retail Director and Buyer0$,АтљД^ŸЬ3 DJabr{ƒ‡Rachael Marrisrachaelmarris@gmail.comF21 West End RoadHerne BayAuckland1022Director0$-Ё лўД^ŸЬ5 AGbcru~‚”GrantHarrisgranth@hbarchitecture.co.nzM198 Bank StreetN/AWhangarei0140Architect/Director0$.ТO+Е^ŸЬB DLhiw€ˆŒœJessica Pridgeonjessica.m.pridgeon@gmail.comF5 Maybeck RoadMt AlbertAuckland1025Crown prosecutor0$/П }.Е^ŸЬD BFZ[gpy}PatricSengpatricseng@gmail.comMPO BOX 78236Grey LynnAuckland 1245Creative Director 0$0Тˆ8Е^ŸЬH BGSTdqy}˜ClaireWarinch@tcc.co.nzF58C Barrack RoadMt WellingtonAuckland1060Communications Co-ordinator0$1Ѕ š;Е^ŸЬI AEYZgltx‡KarenHallkarenhall@xtra.co.nzF4C Marama AveEpsomAuckland1023Design Director0$2МЫIЕ^ŸЬJ @GXYeoy}ŽLukePiersonluke@heyday.co.nzMPO Box 11336WellingtonWellington6142Creative Director0$3И  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Gym0$УЊ1‡Т^ŸЭШ FI`at‡‹šnga waiataawangawaiata@ngawaiata.comF4 GOLDSMITH TERRACEHOSPITAL HILLNAPIER4110DESIGNER/ARTIST0$ФЈ  ‘Т^ŸЭЩ AIabs{„ˆBryanWindeattbryan@mwarchitects.co.nzM4 a Paget Street PonsonbyAuckland 1011Director0$ХКhёТ^ŸЭЭ AH\]mu}ŠSarahHassettsarah@metroexp.co.nzF6B Ponsonby RoadPonsonbyAuckland1011Publicist0$ЦЦ;У^ŸЭЯ BIbcr‰“TaylorHollandtaylorholland12@gmail.comF12 Vincent RoadNorthcote PointAuckland0624Intern0$ЧЋй"У^ŸЭб BH^_s~†Š•CushlaDilloncushladillon@yahoo.comF262 New Windsor RoadNew WindsorAuckland0600Film Editor0$ШЏz8У^ŸЭв BHcdp€‘ЈDione Forbesdione.forbes@lesmills.co.nzF30 Graham StAuckland CentralAuckland City1010Chief Operating Officer0$ЩЗ ыeУ^ŸЭж AGZ[it|€DavidHunterdave@decycled.co.nzM7 Amelia PlaceBeach HavenAuckland0606Digital Creative0$ЪСц‰У^ŸЭк @Eabs‡‹•AlexTyleralexandrakatetyler@gmail.comF4 Shelly Beach RdSt Marys BayAuckland1011Strategist0$ЬАФ^ŸЭх IOfgy‚ŠŽЎClaire-LouiseWilsonclairelouise@ihug.co.nzF28 Turakina StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Team Assistant / Freelance Journ0$ЭВ4Ф^ŸЭш AFXYkz‚†ŽPaulaMackspaula@spqrnz.co.nzF1/6 Seymour StreetSaint Marys BayAuckland1011Director0$ЮЦ’CФ^ŸЭщ AI_`q~…‰EmilyCampbellems.campbell@gmail.comF647 George streetNorth DunedinDunedin9016student0$ЯМвЅФ^ŸЭю BN`at}‘ЁSarah Ansley Jonessjonesnz@gmail.comF5a Beresford StreetBayswaterNorth Shore City0622Account Director0$аЖ/єФ^ŸЭђ BFZ[kt|€‰Harri Owenharri.owen@gmail.comF9 Aitken TerraceKingslandAuckland1022Director 0$бГZХ^ŸЭѕ CH\]gmuy€CynthiaSmithopononies@xtra.co.nzF22A Pah RdHowickAuckland2014Manager0$вЏ УХ^ŸЭї AF^_mwƒ‹LindaRoccaandymcdougall@xtra.co.nzF5 Allum StreetKohimaramaAuckland1071domestic0$гИЅ-Х^ŸЭќ BKaboy…‹Clare Buchanan clare@buchananlowe.comF20A Zion RoadBirkenheadAuckland0626Writer0$дЃ ItХ^ŸЮ DJder{ƒ‡lawrencesumichlawrence@sumichchaplin.comM6 roxburgh stnewmarketauckland1023director0$еУКtХ^ŸЮ BDVWeltxLarinaLolarinalo@gmail.comF32 Portland RdRemueraAuckland1010Marketing Coordinater0$жЙл”Х^ŸЮ BFWXlt|€RobertHillRhill26@gmail.comM1c/38 Douglas streetPonsonbyAuckland1010General Manager0$зО ašХ^ŸЮ BFVWpz‚†–Ellen Rossellen@surf.co.nzF2/256 St Heliers Bay RoadSt HeliersAuckland1027Graphic Designer0$иДсЋХ^ŸЮ BG\]nwƒЅLouiseCrowelouisecrowe@gmail.comF38 Dickens StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Digital Producer (maternity leave)0$йЕ ФГХ^ŸЮ BLfgu}…‰“Fiona Schnurigerfiona@designworkshop.co.nzF91 Grange RoadMt. EdenAuckland1024Architect 0$кСŸНХ^ŸЮ @DVWiry}JoelSomajoelsoma@gmail.comM34 McGreevy StreetRiver EndWaipawa4210Creative Consultant0$лИЛРХ^ŸЮ  ?G^_qz‚†–IvaMcGreevyivasteffalova@gmail.comF20 Regent Street DevonportAuckland0624Account Manager 0$мМ1ШХ^ŸЮ  ?G_`ry‚†AmyAndersonAmylynanderson@gmail.comF5 Dilworth TerraceParnellAuckland 1052Senior Account Director0$нП uїХ^ŸЮ  AG\]lqy}ŽVikkiGortonvikkigorton@gmail.comF19 Buckley RoadEpsomAuckland1023Interior Designer0$оЋјЦ^ŸЮ BIfgu~ˆŒЇLianneBeckettlbeckett@stephensonturner.comF199 Barnard StWadestownWellington6012Secretary/Marketing Manager0$пП EЦ^ŸЮ @H`als{‰ToniVallancetonivallance@hotmail.comF29 Dell AveRemueraAuckland1050Naturopath0$р “[Ц^ŸЮ AF]^nv~‚ŠPeterAmiesamies-design@xtra.co.nzM729 Paerata RoadPukekoheAuckland2676director0$сЖяmЦ^ŸЮ @G]^hqz~„KrisHerbertkris@kingswoodskis.comFPO Box 149LytteltonLyttelton8841Writer0$тФцЦ^ŸЮ CPlm~ˆ”œAnouskavan der Werffanouskavanderwerff@gmail.comF4/10 Croydon RoadMount EdenAuckland1024Designer0$уЖ ЏЋЦ^ŸЮ CKeft}…•melaniematthewsmelaniematthews@ihug.co.nzF5 Fisherton StGrey LynnAkld1021Graphic Designer0$фЅТГЦ^ŸЮ AG^_nwƒ­WendySteelewendy.steele@xtra.co.nzF45 Murdoch RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Advertising Manager - 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1 Hobson StreetCentralAuckland1010Executive Director0$јК Ь Щ^ŸЮQ @HXYgpx|ŒLucyFountainLucy@Outdure.comF38 tuarangi rdGrey lynnAuckland1021Graphic designer0$љГ0Щ^ŸЮR BJ^_lu}†sophiehakaraiasophie.hak@gmail.comFP O Box 78340Grey lynnAuckland1245Agent0$њЛ %0Щ^ŸЮS AF^_u~†Š‘HelenMasonhelenmason79@yahoo.co.ukF2B/33 Mackelvie StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021teacher0$ћЄ FуЩ^ŸЮ_ AF\]nt|€‰DonnaWhitedonna@donnawhite.co.nzF14 Sudeley StreetOrakeiAuckland1071Principal0$ќБефЩ^ŸЮ` @GabŠ—ŸЃБRuthDoggettruth.doggett@bellgully.comFBell Gully, Vero Centre, 48 Shortland stAuckland CityAuckland1140Events Manager0$§Ѓ cіЩ^ŸЮa BFYZlu}’LouiseWeirlwdesign@xtra.co.nzF43A Williamson AveDevonportAuckland0622Interior Designer0$ў­$Ъ^ŸЮf CLfgtƒ‹—valeriacarbonarovaleria@studioitalia.co.nzF19 Levonia StWestern SpringsAuckland2011Directot0$џРфBЪ^ŸЮg BI_`o}‹žSarah Wilson sez_wilson@hotmail.comF89 Muricata AveMount ManganuiMount Manganui3116Account Manager0$ BIЪ^ŸЮi BH^_ks{ŠJenny McCollkevinmccoll@xtra.co.nzF94 Polo LaneWhitfordAuckland2576Wages Clerk0$Д aЪ^ŸЮl AF[\lwƒ”MilesHeinemccoy.heine@gmail.comM5 Calgary StreetSandringhamAuckland1041Project Architect0$Вe‡Ъ^ŸЮp DMhi|ƒ‹ІGeorginaRobertsonrobertsongeorgina@gmail.comF294 Victoria AvenueRemueraAuckland1050Communications Dieector0$Ж AЪ^ŸЮq ?FTUbkswzsamGribbensam@serato.comM2 stanmore rdgrey lynnAuckland1021CEO0$Ѕ\ЇЪ^ŸЮr IPghu|„ˆ™Libby BarrettBarrettlibbybarrett@xtra.co.nzF42 Laurie AveParnellAuckland1052tutor coordinator0$Ѓ РЪ^ŸЮt ?G]^r{ƒ‡•LizMitchellinfo@lizmitchell.co.nzF196 Great North RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Business owner0$З ~ЪЪ^ŸЮw AG_`ox€„™TaniaStaitetstaite@nz.westfield.comF4 Beckenham AveRoyal OakAuckland1023Retail Design Manager0$Ѕ>йЪ^ŸЮx BJcdv|Œ•GraemeCavanaghcavanagh.graeme@gmail.comM96 Medallion DriveAlbanyNorth Shore City0632owner0$ž БцЪ^ŸЮ| AHderz‚†ŽPete Bossleypete@bossleyarchitects.co.nzM9 Fife StreetWestmereAuckland1022Director0$ š>чЪ^ŸЮ} @H`aqx€„ŒFranRickettsricketts.team@xtra.co.nzF3/10 Crescent RdParnellauckland1052director0$ Џ [ђЪ^ŸЮ AEYZgmy}ŽKellyHallinfo@boxdesign.co.nzFP.O Box 17597SumnerChristchurch8840Business Director0$ ЈЭ8Ы^ŸЮ‰ AJhiyƒ‘™GrantPartridgepartridge.jewellers@xtra.co.nzM306 Lambton QuayWellingtonWellington6011director0$ – ЌIЫ^ŸЮŒ @F^_k‰”AngePaykelangelapaykel@hotmail.comF267 beach rdCampbells Bay AucklandAuckland0630retired0$ ЏДЁЫ^ŸЮ— CGghxˆŒ›ShelleyHeadshelley.head@moet-hennessy.co.nzF43 Saltburn RoadMilfordAuckland 0620Account Manager0$ЋБЫ^ŸЮ› AIfgw‰šTaniaMcDonaldjandtmcdonald@slingshot.co.nzF60 Palmerston RdBirkenheadAuckland0626TV Production0$Т вЫ^ŸЮž BPdep|„ˆЈBlaineAh Yuk-Wintersjbcwinters@gmail.comM28 Fleet StEden TerraceAuckland1021Business Analyst/Project Manager0$ЏиЫ^ŸЮŸ @GYZqz‚‡ŒCruzJimenezCruzart@xtra.co.nzM79 Kelmarna. Avenue # LHerne BayAuckland11001Owner0$В*§Ы^ŸЮЁ BH^_ry…ŸMargi McEwenmargim@bdmgrange.co.nzF46 Glen Vista PlaceBayviewAuckland0632Business Fragrance Manager0$Џь Ь^ŸЮЂ AH]^o~ˆŒšTaniaPsathasinfo@taniapsathas.comF35 strathmore aveStrathmore ParkWellington6022business coach0$Й^RЬ^ŸЮЅ @DYZfqy}’KatePaulkpaul@consports.co.nzF9 Watea RoadSandringhamAuckland1025as above for CONVERSE0$Е ЂbЬ^ŸЮІ AJbco†‘•ЇSarahCotterallsarah@silkandsteel.co.nzF60 Potter RdCoatesville, Albany RD2North Shore0792Jewellery Designer0$Б,=Э^ŸЮЕ LQefw€ŒВTracy (aka Foxy)Dennytracy.denny@nike.comF15 Rochford PlaceFendaltonChristchurch8052Key Account Manager - South Island0$ПJUЭ^ŸЮИ AH^_nwƒ—LauraKateleylkateley@nz.loreal.comF57 Alberton AveMt AlbertAuckland1025Senior Brand Manager0$ЙuЭ^ŸЮН CI]^lu}’BeLindaCannonCannon2@orcon.net.nzF18a Massey aveGreenlaneAuckland1061Marketing manager0$ЎpЭ^ŸЮО FKijv‡‹›Christina Forcechristna@collectiveforce.co.nzF78 Park RoadTitirangiAuckland0604Folio consultant0$ТюќЭ^ŸЮЧ AG_`sz‚†PaddyWalkerpaddywalkernz@xtra.co.nzF47 Tohunga CrescentParnellAuckland1052Analyst0$Ќ•Ю^ŸЮЩ @E_`€ˆ”ЅPaulSillspaul.sills@paulsills.co.nzMGround Floor 33 Shortland StreetAucklandAuckland1140Managing Director0$ЋdGЮ^ŸЮЫ CI[\mu}ŽLinaireVipondlinairev@gmail.comF2/9 Strong StreetSt JohnsAuckland1072Sales Manager0$З йђЮ^ŸЮв ADfg…“HelenLawhelen.law@goodsonarcchitects.co.nzFUnit 23, 13 Leeds StreetTe AroWellington6011assistance0$ ШdЯ^ŸЮд @G`aty…ЋSaraShirazisara.shirazi323@gmail.comF153 St Andrews RoadEpsomAuckland1023Media, Economics and Marketing student0$!ПТJЯ^ŸЮи AF\]lu}ŒElizaGottylizamercedes@gmail.comF1 Moreland RoadMt AlbertAuckland1025Coordinator0$"ЅЬSЯ^ŸЮл BGabpx€„’AndreaWalshandrea@electroplater.co.nzF5F Puka StreetOnehungaAuckland1061Office Manager0$#К•‡Я^ŸЮп AGZ[iq~‚ŠRogerHolmesroger@stolenrum.comMPO Box 105 804AucklandAuckland City1143Director0$$Ђ <ФЯ^ŸЮт ?FXYjt|€—KIMJARRETTkim@dawnfinder.comM28PENTLAND AVENUEMOUNT EDENAUCKLAND1024OWNER OF DESIGN COMPANY0$%І њ@а^ŸЮч @F]^nu}–EmmaMurraymurray_emma@hotmail.comF102 Lucerne RoadRemueraAuckland1050Not currently working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Т+Ёƒи;­{рNЗ^Ь2“_Х*–§oуUР'’ љ  й E Л  † єCК)Ѓјbз;Б'‡ѓ`O$Q5•ŽPaT§|Я0$&ІЦ|а^ŸЮэ BJ^_is{ˆWendy Colvillewendy.c@clear.net.nzF30 Golf RdEpsom 1023Auckland1023Freelance0$'Ц UЈа^ŸЮя DJcdrz†Š‘IndrianiSwitraIndriani.Switra@gmail.comF67 Garden RoadMerivaleChristchurch8014Student0$(И 'га^ŸЮё EL`apx€„šCampbell Johnsonccljohnson@gmail.comMP.O.Box 147542 PonsonbyAuckland1101Senior Interior Design0$)Тда^ŸЮђ BIbcy†Ž’ЌTraceyAdamsontraceyadamson@hotmail.comF4G - 205 Hobson Streetauckland cityauckland1010Communications Coordinator0$*Н aюа^ŸЮѓ CIabt}‰ŸCandiceTaylorcandiceholly@hotmail.comF6 / 71 Brougham StAddingtonChristchurch8024Interior Decorator0$+У№а^ŸЮє EK^_px€„žPatricia Phelaninfo@3rdparty.co.nzF28a Ponsonby RoadPonsonbyAuckland1145TV Production Co-Ordinator0$,Шіёа^ŸЮѕ FNfgt}…‰›Elizabeth Maunselllizziemaunsell@gmail.comF3 Horotutu RdGreenlaneAuckland1061Science Technician0$-Ў dб^ŸЮљ DJbcu‰”MargaretMurraymargaret@adrenalin.co.nzF18A Jutland StreetMairangi BayAuckland0630Planner0$.Т Šб^ŸЮњ BI`aov~‚šDiannaManniondiannamannion@gmail.comF7 Woodville RdRemueraAuckland1050Senior Account Executive0$/П  Дб^ŸЮџ IOjkx€ˆŒ“Rachel StegerStegerrachelsteger@vodafone.co.nzF39A Norton RdFranktonHamilton3204Student0$0Л“№б^ŸЯ AHUVjqy}†RicciMathewsrm@cielpr.comFLevel 1, 7 Severn StGraftonAuckland1023Publicist0$1Џ _в^ŸЯ BJdeq{‡‹žMartinTrusttummartin.trusttum@cpit.ac.nzM12 Selwyn StSomerfieldChristchurch8024Stakeholder Manager0$2НъNв^ŸЯ CH]^o{ƒ‡—JessicaBlakejesssycat@hotmail.comF2 Buchanan StreetEden TerraceAuckland1010Campaign manager0$3ЈV†в^ŸЯ  AG`ao~…‰BriarCominsbriarsbubble@clear.net.nzF118 London St Dunedin CentralDunedin9016Artist0$4В г^ŸЯ @Fbcƒ‹“—ЈDaveSparksdave@sparksinteractive.co.nzMLevel 2, 23 Victoria Street EastAucklandAuckland1010Managing Director0$5Љ ОGг^ŸЯ AF[\ny€„“BarryAllanbarry.allan@gmail.comM86 Lonsdale StreetBelleknowesDunedin9011Senior Lecturer0$6Нє—г^ŸЯ ?E`anu}”amunormanamuunderscorenamu@gmail.comF109/10 Fox StParnellAuckland1052Project Coordinator0$7ВLЇг^ŸЯ @C[\lu}–EmmaFoxemma@jensengallery.co.nzF11 McColl StreetNewmarketAuckland1123Director, Art gallery0$8Џуг^ŸЯ @H`arz‚†“MikeMarshallmike@radioponsonby.co.nzM108a Westend RoadWestmereAuckland1022Station Owner0$9С F"д^ŸЯ CK^_nx€„‹HarrietSandstadhsandstad@gmail.comF28 Seabreeze RdNarrowneckAuckland0624Manager0$:ЙІMд^ŸЯ @FXYgmswTonyMolloytony@arteffects.coM432 Pollen St ThamesThames3500Director0$;МЗ|д^ŸЯ BGXYeltxŠLouiseWoodsloowoo@xtra.co.nzFPO Box 37642ParnellAuckland1151Marketing Textiles0$<ТАЖд^ŸЯ @EXY[hrv•Sam Binkssbinks@adhb.govt.nzF7 Katui Street Castor Bay0620Corporate Partnership Executive0$=К г‡е^ŸЯ( @K_`Ž— ЄЖKateFrazerhurstkate@frazerhurst.comFLevel 1, Hayes Foundry Building, 8 Teed StreetNewmarketAuckland 1023Landscape Designer0$>Й Wж^ŸЯ* AI_`nwƒLeighWilliamsleigh@creatively.co.nzF2/14 Church StDevonportAuckland0624Art Director0$?Ў\.ж^ŸЯ- AG`apv~‚TracyWilsontracy.wilson@clear.net.nzF91 Kurahaupo StOrakeiAuckland1071Self Employed0$@П\ж^ŸЯ/ ?FZ[js{‰AmyMontaguamymontagu@gmail.comF1 Harper StreetChatswoodAuckland0626Consultant0$AМЁzж^ŸЯ0 EL_`jow{„ChristineDrinnanmcdrinnan@gmail.comF31A Pah RdEpsomAuckland1023architect0$BЂ žж^ŸЯ1 AF]^mt|€ˆpetermoorepeter@moorebrands.co.nzM4 kitirawa roadremueraauckland1050director0$CЛ‹кз^ŸЯ9 CLcd†‘™ЏNatashaArmstrongNatasha.dayna@gmail.comF2/33 Brightside Road, Stanmore BayWhangaparoaAuckland0932Jack of all trades0$DН ‹7и^ŸЯ= @HXYmu}’Meg Rowntreemsr@jasmax.co.nzF4a/38 Douglas StreetPonsonbyAuckland1021Interior Designer0$EОvи^ŸЯ? DLhiw€‰›Fenella Strattonfenella@rhythmandvines.co.nzF116 Vermont StPonsonby Auckland 1011Event Manager 0$FП rй^ŸЯE AH[\js{‡DannySimmonsdksimmons@gmail.comM18 Dean StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Director0$G™ Щй^ŸЯF AHZ[fow{„KevinFindsenfindsen@ihug.co.nzM3 River ElmFlagstaffHamilton3210Principal0$HЁQ3й^ŸЯG AH_`ox€„chrisjacksonchrisjackson@ihug.co.nzM5b 23 george stNEWMARKETAUCKLAND1023principal0$IВэqй^ŸЯH CJdeu}…‰‘MichaelModgillmike@embroideryworks.co.nzM2/50 Garnet RoadWestmereAuckland1022Director0$JО Ей^ŸЯK @C[\mvƒ‰AnnaLamsugarplummay@yahoo.co.ukF7 Surrey CrescentGrey LynnAuckland 1021Mother0$KРМй^ŸЯM @Gabqz‚†ŽMimiGilmourmimi@districtdining.com.auF38 Baildon RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Director0$LМ€ей^ŸЯO AF[\kw€„›Brie Elderb.elder@haystac.co.nzF14 Wyoming Ave Murrays Bay Auckland 0630Senior Account Director0$MН<к^ŸЯQ BJ]^krz~louisethompsonlouise@peadpr.co.nzF1 stokes roadmt edenauckland1024Account Director 0$NЛ †к^ŸЯ] @EYZkwƒŸKateOlivekateeolive@gmail.comF68 Haslett StreetEden TerraceAuckland1021Film & Television Production0$OЕl+л^ŸЯd @EXYfnvz‹WadeLewiswade.lewis@wm.co.nzM6 Rawene Ave WestmereAuckland1022Marketing Manager0$PР ІDл^ŸЯg @H`apy…ŒBradPearlessbradpearless@yahoo.co.nzM24 Derwent CresTitirangiAuckland0604Student0$QЖ˜hл^ŸЯj CHmnƒŒ”˜ AntoniaBakerantonia.baker@thepropertymarket.co.nzF1/67 Sarsfield StreetHerne BayAuckland1011Director0$RР ЋБл^ŸЯp DKbct}…‰­CarolinePaynterCaropaynter@hotmail.comF22 Potatau StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Creative assistant, Textile company 0$SЅhм^ŸЯt CG^_z‰‘•ЌRichardWebbrichard.webb@yoobee.comM401/125 Customs Street WestViaduct HarbourAuckland1010Chief Executive Officer0$TЗzм^ŸЯu DNabpx€„‡MaricrisWilliamsonMaricrisw@yahoo.comF146 Golf road New lynnAuckland0600N.a0$UФ qн^ŸЯ| DG_`t{ƒ‡žSamanthaGeesamantha_gee@hotmail.comF63a Claremont StreetGraftonAuckland1023Graphic Design Student/0$VФakн^ŸЯ AEWXms}…SarahWoodsez.wood@gmail.comF33/33 Taranaki StreetTe AroWellington6011Grad0$WБђ’н^ŸЯ„ CMcdpy…•D'Arcy Waldegravedarcy@radiosport.co.nzM19 School RdKingslandAuckland1021Sport Radio Host0$XД“н^ŸЯ… DJ\]m|„ˆJonathanClarkejclarke@xtra.co.nzM44A Queen StreetNorthcote PointAuckland0627Manager0$YИкАн^ŸЯ‡ ?FZ[irz~ˆPipEriksenpipcameron@gmail.comF58 Crummer Rd Grey LynnAuckland1021Consultant0$Z­ѓоо^ŸЯŒ AJeft~‡‹‘TRACYMATHEWSONartist@tracymathewson.co.nzF66 OMAHA DRIVEOMAHA RD6 WARKWORTH0986ARTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wя`ЫFЈ!uШ(œrуHК1 mл,Є —yУ . 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BE^_nwƒ”lucienlawlucien@shinelimited.co.nzM21 sherwood avegrey lynnauckland1021creative director0$dБECт^ŸЯЊ @G\]jrz~‡JaneCoultercoulterjane@gmail.comF14 Powell St AvondaleAuckland1026Homemaker0$eМJт^ŸЯЋ CI[\ipx|ЄCarolynGibsoncaro@gibson.net.nzF2 Burnley TceMt EdenAuckland1024Currently not working (full time mother)0$fМgrт^ŸЯЎ AG^_Š—ŸЃНKatieHeenankatie.heenan@yoobee.comFLevel 4, St Laurence House, 139 Quay StreetPrinces WharfAuckland1010Executive Assistant to CEO0$gМ ят^ŸЯЏ CJ]^hmuy‚MichaelDrinnanmcdrinnan@gmail.comM31a Pah RdEpsomAuckland1023Architect0$hЉЅт^ŸЯА BLij‡“ AngelaCoddingtonangelacoddington@clear.net.nzF728 State Highway 16 WaimaukuAuckland0841wine industry0$iЅ фЪт^ŸЯБ @D[\‡”œ ЃRickWebbrichard.webb@yoobee.comMLevel 4, St Laurence House, 139 Quay StreetPrinces WharfAuckland1010CEO0$j˜‡бт^ŸЯВ?G]^px„ˆANNE WILLettsannewilletts@gmail.comF12 Naseby Street MERIVALECHRISTCHURCH80140$kТ ”Йу^ŸЯЛ @EYZhow{ŒAna Vemicanavemic@hotmail.comF209Abbotts WayRemueraAuckland1050Creative Director0$lП LЪу^ŸЯН BI_`jv~‚ŠBenny Castlesbenny@worldbrand.co.nzM8a Pitt StAuckland CBDAuckland1010Director0$mЛrму^ŸЯО BH`amwƒŠNicoleSharpenicole@bunkermedia.co.nzF16 Erima AvePt EnglandAuckland1072manager0$nФŠ ф^ŸЯП EM]^mv~‚ˆStephanieRahardjast3phi@gmail.comF34 Moore StreetHillcrestAuckland0627Doctor0$oОЫPф^ŸЯР AGZ[oy…˜MeganMcCombmegan@hotcity.co.nzF76 West Tamaki Road St HeliersAuckland1072Marketing Executive0$pЋQф^ŸЯУ BHcdt}…‰ЄDanyelSimichdanyel@designstandard.co.nzF6/a Alberton AveMt AlbertAuckland1025Creative Director/part time0$qХ ƒх^ŸЯЦ ADZ[is}ˆcarlySoocarly.soo.11@gmail.comF211 Aro StreetAro ValleyWellington6021Student0$rТu‚ц^ŸЯЬ BIjk{‡“›HannahThomsonhannah.thomson@russellmcveagh.comF6 Harbour StreetSt Marys BayAuckland1011Graduate0$sОтНц^ŸЯЯ ENde~†Ž’ЏAlejandroPattersonalex@rumarketing.co.nzMPO Box 8709 Symond StreetAucklandAuckland1010Director of Sales & Marketing0$tЎ >цц^ŸЯб ELYZjqy}ValentinaMachinavm@jasmax.comF2 Marston StreetParnellAuckland1052Senior associate0$uЕ nч^ŸЯв @Fabou…AlexFultonalex@alexfultondesign.co.nzF88 Wiggins StSumnerChristchurch8081Director Interior Design0$vТ‹Xч^ŸЯж AG]^pz‚†“BellaLesliebella.leslie@gmail.comF3/39 Bellevue RoadMount EdenAuckland1024Musician, APO0$wЅ %‘ч^ŸЯи ?I`airz~†debdinersteindebbie.d@kreative.co.nzFPO 46137herne bayauckland1147designer0$xДcЂч^ŸЯк @FYZfpx|ŠAnnaFisheratfisher@ihug.co.nzF6 Manapau StMeadowbankAuckland1072Home executive0$yЏ €ш^ŸЯр ?F\]x€ˆŒ”AnnCameronann.cameron@xtra.co.nzF17/79 Wellesley Street WestAucklandAuckland1010Lecturer0$zЗ=ш^ŸЯс BIabnwƒMarisaCameronmissycameron@hotmail.comF1X George StNewmarketAuckland1023consultant0${З‰`ш^ŸЯц ?G_`s{ƒ‡JenPatersonboutiqueclinic@gmail.comF108 burnley terraceSt lukesAuckland1025Director0$|Й †ш^ŸЯш BI`as‹ДLeanneLarkingleanne@quattrouno.co.nzF25 Chambers streetHavelock NorthHawkes bay4130Spatial kitchen and bathroom designer0$}Ї ьяш^ŸЯь @Fef}„ŒЂPeteEisingpeter@pacificenvironments.co.nzMPOBox 6523 Wellesley StGraftonAuckalnd1010Director Architect0$~С%щ^ŸЯю CIbcs‚ŠŽ“NatalieCoffinNatalie.fitness@gmail.comF2/27 Cardigan StWestern SpringsAuckland1021Sales0$Ж žƒщ^ŸЯё CI_`qy…ŽMatthewParkermattp@clarkbrown.co.nzM23 Maxwell AvenueWestmereAuckland1021Architect0$€ЗЇ“щ^ŸЯђ AG\]r{ƒ‡SallyFrewinsally@theprshop.co.nzF631A Great North RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Director0$Б_žщ^ŸЯѓ @EVWemuySaraTetroSara@62models.comFP O Box 33-662TakapunaAuckland1010Director0$‚З ]љщ^ŸЯі AGZ[twƒ”CraigMcCollcraig@supply.net.nzMLevel 1, 228 Queen StreetCBDAuckland1010Managing Director0$ƒЦСъ^ŸЯљ CG[\mrz~‹Alisha Varaalishavara@gmail.comF10 Seccombes RoadEpsomAuckland1023Junior Doctor0$„Ѓ№3ъ^ŸЯ§ AI`ao{ƒ‡RobynSimmondsrobyn@wainuibreak.co.nzF40 Murphy RoadWainui BeachGisborne4010Director0$…žTgъ^Ÿа AGijyƒ‹ЃDarylHughesdaryl.hughes@crombielockwood.co.nzM171B Onewa RoadBirkenheadAuckland0626NZ Marketing Manager0$†Т йЋъ^Ÿа CI`a|‚ŠŽЄDanica Atkinsdanica.atkins@gmail.comF253/116 Cuba St, WellingtonTe AroAuckland6011Intermediate Designers0$‡Ї*ы^Ÿа BG[\jwƒЄMaggieKellymaggie@fastmount.comF1 Ngatira RoadMuriwai BeachAuckland0881Sales Management & Administration0$ˆПWоы^Ÿа CKcd~Š’–ЩRobbie Bridgmanrob_bridgman@hotmail.comMUnit 3B/8 Dedwood Terrace,St Marys BayAuckland9016Freelance Journalist, Director, Producer, Filmmaker0$‰Љ™фы^Ÿа BI[\ix€„‰LesleyColcordcolcord@xtra.co.nzF1 Milton RoadNorthcote PointAuckland0627owner0$ŠВ 0ь^Ÿа BGcdrz‚†ŽBrigidEyleybrigid@hemispheredesign.infoF1 Cromwell St Mt Eden Auckland1024director0$‹ФЇDь^Ÿа BI\]lx€„AndrewWaldmanandrew@allteams.comM62 College HillFreemans BayAuckland1011Junior Sales0$ŒУ ‰Uь^Ÿа AH`al{ƒ‡˜KylieWillettkylie@bonhaminterior.comF49 Finch StWestern SpringsAuckland1022Interior Designer0$В `№ь^Ÿа IPfgqx€„—Nicky GraysonGraysonnicky.scott@xtra.co.nzF2 Avice StRemueraAuckland1005Creative Consultant0$ŽЖOŸэ^Ÿа BG]^px€„†JudithPrattjudithppratt@yahoo.comF5/729 Remuera RoadRemuera Auckland1050PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sмDД&д0ŒщZЯ;К+ hД%˜zєaФ7ˆэ e С ) Ё    y ж6ДїSЬ8ЄљOЛэ`Q$S5•Š RaфЕћ6U0$ИWSю^Ÿа$ CKbcsz‚†ЃKatrinaMcKenziekatrina@cittadesign.comF18 Normanby RoadMt EdenAuckland1024Retail and Marketing Manager 0$А Wю^Ÿа% ?G\]ksƒ”SueCampbellsue@suecampbell.co.nzF205 England StAvonsideChristchurch8011Interior Designer0$‘КuНю^Ÿа' BI`apy…LouiseGarlandlouisegarland@gmail.comF63 Malvern RoadMt AlbertAuckland1022Naturopath0$’ЌЗОю^Ÿа( AHcdp}„ˆ˜MandyProctorproctormandy@rocketmail.comF2 Riselaw RdLookout PointDunedin9012Shop Coordinator0$“Л‰Фю^Ÿа) ANfgx‡‹šGraceChapman-Smithgrace_ramirez@xtra.co.nzF15 Gibraltar CresParnellAuckland1025snr account mgr0$”Т AHя^Ÿа0 EL]^u{…‰ChantelleNaraineaerynia@gmail.comFFlat 1, 368 The TerraceTe AroWellington6011Analyst0$•ОŽ/№^Ÿа6 AKeft~†Š“LeithMacfarlaneleith.macfarlane@gmail.comF24 Glade PlaceBirkenheadAuckland0626Solicitor0$–6у№^Ÿа8 AG]^nv~‚ЇLyndaSavagelyndasavage@xnet.co.nzF79B Kelmarna AvePonsonbyAuckland1011Managing Director - joint partnership0$—П‘ ё^Ÿа9 AEdery‘ІKatieKingkatharinemargaretking@gmail.comF1 Junction StPrestonMelbourne, Australia3072Financial consulatant0$˜Й лPё^Ÿа@ AFabm{ƒ‡SallyGreersally@beatnikpublishing.comFPO Box 8276Symonds StreetAuckland1150Director0$™Ц Ё‡ё^ŸаA DJcdv}‡‹›Elspeth Hoskinelspethhoskin@hotmail.comF156 Tasman Street Mt CookWellington6021Graphic Designer0$šЙkњё^ŸаC EH^_lx€„Žsarah Keekeeskee@curiousfilm.co.nzF39 wright rd py chevalierauckland2011production0$›Ÿ 7ђ^ŸаD AFabu|„ˆšKERRYAVERYkerry@averyarchitects.co.nzM101/23 edwin streetMt EdenAUCKLAND1052DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL0$œАNTђ^ŸаF AI\]iow{„JoyceDeightonjdeighton@gmail.comF30 Tiri RoadOneroaAuckland1081 Director0$БЗ_ђ^ŸаG BG`amwƒ’SandraEvanssandra.evans.nz@gmail.comF13 Renall StPonosonby Auckland1011Account Manager0$žР †|ђ^ŸаH AIZ[iouy“KellyAndersonwanaka3@mcw.co.nzF9 Trevathan LnWanakaWanaka9305Interior Design Consultant0$ŸЧ `‰ђ^ŸаI AEZ[nt~‚JulieJeonjulie.jeon@xtra.co.nzF1416/74 Taranaki StTe AroWellington4410Design Student0$ š KГђ^ŸаK BFYZnxƒ•AshleyMuirash_kaye@xtra.co.nzM64 Passmore CrescentMaori HillDunedin9010Architect Director0$ЁХРYѓ^ŸаM AEYZkv~‚”MeganHoremegan_kh@hotmail.comF50 King Edward StSandringhamAuckland1025Bartender/Waitress0$ЂЦ  `ѓ^ŸаN CJghw~†ŠОGeorgiaSimpsongeorgia.simpson@hotmail.co.nzF16 Taurarua TceParnellAuckland1052Full time design student (student was not an option)0$ЃБY…ѕ^Ÿа_ BG]^nu}šStaceyPowerstacey@remdesign.co.nzF2c/1 Tika StreetParnellAuckland1052Appearance Medicine Nurse0$Є ‘ђѕ^Ÿаc AI\]v„Œ˜EnythCollingscollings@xtra.co.nzF24 Matapana Rd Palm BeachWaiheke IslandAuckland1081Interest0$ЅЇ і^Ÿаd ?FYZox€„LynMenziesshirties@xtra.co.nzF53 Stanley Point RoadDevonportAuckland0624ECE teacher0$ІЙД{і^Ÿаh @EVWfmuyŠPaulFieldp_field@yahoo.comM72 Bassett RoadRemueraAuckland1050Marketing Manager0$ЇЋ лЂі^Ÿаn @D[\…‹•™ЁNikiBellniki@estilodesign.co.nzFRetail GD - Monument 245 Wakefield StreetTe AroWellington6011Director0$ЈМ ї^Ÿаs @F]^t„ŒœLisaHannanlisajoyhannan@gmail.comF1307 / 1 Parliament StAuckland CentralAuckland1010Arts Manager0$ЉЗEї^Ÿаt @DWXfow{ŽKateWardwithiel@hotmail.comF46D Ambler AveGlen EdenAuckland0602Showroom Consultant0$ЊТсЎї^Ÿаz CJefv}…‰šKathrynSheehankathryn.sheehan@hotmail.comF30 Portland RoadRemueraAuckland1050Marketing Analyst0$ЋЎДбї^Ÿа| @HZ[lr|€TonyKerridgeTony@laffare.co.nzM27 college streetTe AroWellington6001General manager0$ЌРЫђї^Ÿа} AHXYiqy}KatieSleemankatie@iep.org.nzF9/39 Pitt StreetAucklandAuckland1010Program Coordinator0$­ЦЭEј^Ÿа~ @FZ[go{†CaraPlattscaraplatts@gmail.comF85 Heaton StMerivaleChristchurch8052Student0$ЎЏAgљ^Ÿа‹ AH[\irz~†DAVIDSAVIDANsav@trendmill.co.nzM37 Clifton RdHerne BayAuckland1011Director0$ЏЛ щœњ^Ÿа’ BIdesx„ˆšAndrewClaytonandrewjohnclayton@gmail.comM119 Hawford RdOpawaCHRISTCHURCH8023Operations Manager0$АЦ бщњ^Ÿа” AEXYmq{ЃMattyNukumattynuku@gmail.comM40 Davidson CrescentTawaWellington5028Architectural conceptual development0$Бžућ^Ÿа– @DTUajrv~GaryLanegary@lanes.co.nzM9 Argylle StHerne BayAuckland1011Chairman0$ВЈЦKќ^ŸаЃ @F[\kpx|†JohnWalkerj.s.walker@xtra.co.nzM65 Almorah roadEpsomAuckland1023Specialist0$ГЏˆќ^ŸаЅ ?EYZjv~‚‘Kimreeveskim@pixelmagic.co.nzF5 Okoromai ViewsGulf harbourAuckland0930account manager0$ДНЈќ^ŸаЉ @H_`w€ˆŒЁRoseLawrencemako_design@hotmail.comF1/116 Williamson AvenueGrey LynnAuckland1021Physiotherapy student0$ЕЗd=§^ŸаЕ ?E[\p}€„‡TimMartinmrtimmartini@gmail.comM8E/14 Upper Queen StAuckland CityAKL1020BDM0$ЖИM5ў^ŸаМ @F]^r~†Š’AlixBlythealix_blythe@hotmail.comM116b East Coast RoadForrest HillAuckland0620National0$ЗБ  џ^ŸаТ BI]^mv~‚“TraceyHarfordharford.t@xtra.co.nzF18 Aratonga AveGreenlaneAuckland1051Interior Designer0$ИОhОџ^ŸаШ AF]^ny…simonpoundsimon@ingridstarnes.comM234 Mt Albert RdSANDRINGHAMauckland1025Director0$ЙЗmШџ^ŸаЩ @F_`pwƒ‹janewilsontheexerciseroom@gmail.comF59 bellevue roadmt edenauckland1007Director0$КСCц^Ÿаа @D[\how{…KadyWardkady_ward@matisse.co.nzF33 Norman RdHaurakiAuckland0622Consultant0$ЛЏ'G^Ÿаг BH^_r}…‰ŽKirstyPowellKirsty.syrup@gmail.comF18/105 tamaki driveMission bayAuckland1071Owner0$МБЮЫ^Ÿаи @Hij‚—›ЎLisaMcKenzielisa_mckenzie@veroliability.co.nzF2/39 Prince Regent DriveHalf Moon BayAuckland2012Senior Underwriter 0$НЋг^Ÿай CKabm}…‰“ShelleyMitchellshelleyafm@yahoo.co.nzFPO Box 7102Wellesley StreetAuckland1141Consultant0$ОЖ V4^Ÿан @H_`py…‘MattBlomeleymatt.blomeley@gmail.comM112A Rosier RoadGlen EdenAuckland0602Arts Advisor0$ПА€N^Ÿао CL]^qz‚†ŽRoxanneHawthorneladyrox@gmail.comF27a Saltaire StreetWaterviewAuckland1026Desinger0$РК§c^Ÿар DLijw‹“—™NicholasBurrowesburrowes@thetransitlounge.comMPO Box 911577Victoria Street WestAuckland1142GM0$СІ ж™^Ÿау BFSThow{ŽHamishBoydhb@jasmax.comMJasmax, 2 Marston stParnellAuckland1052Architect/Director 0$ТАtт^Ÿах CMjkx…‘™GeorgieClatworthygclatworthy@matchrealty.co.nzFPO Box 105689Auckland CityAuckland1143Director0$УБ ƒА^Ÿаэ DHYZirz~MichelleDowdmedowd@ihug.co.nzF7 Sefton AvenueGrey LynnAuckland1021Design Director!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!цXП1  _бLС4ЁˆчVаRЏ yъPТ&…ћ l д : | ш S У 0 ž€ђWШ"{шXО&—`R$T5•(nSbH •чQ0$Ф­рМ^Ÿая ?EYZgnvzŠCalFrasercarolyn77@xtra.co.nzF8 Portland RdRemueraAuckland1050Company Director0$ХЊ ]й^Ÿає BI_`u€ŠŽ–Libby Beattielibby@libbybeattie.comF24 Elizabeth Street, Mt VictoriaWellington6011Director0$ЦШ ъ^Ÿаѕ BDYZvƒ‹žRachelWurachelwu919@gmail.comF11 Eske Place, Highland ParkHighland ParkAuckland2010Fashion Blogger0$ЧЈKё^Ÿаі CJabqy‚†ŽSumner Burstynsumnerburstyn@gmail.comF19F Blake StretPonsonbyAuckland,1011Producer0$ШО ЬH^Ÿањ @FZ[ix{ИMarkSeeneyMarkseeney@gmail.comM6/21 finch St Western springsAkl1022Furniture design and manufacture and architecture student0$ЩЛBM^Ÿаћ CI_`nu}CorinneGibsoncorinne@frontend.co.nzF7/13 Coles AveMt EdenAuckland1024Art director0$ЪЖ еb^Ÿа§ @EYZgnvz‚philsmithphil@philsmith.co.nzM28 spencer stremueraauckland1050director0$ЫТŽ+^Ÿб FH^_py…—Belinda OuOubelinda_ou@hotmail.comF1/321 Botany RoadGolflandsAuckland2013Service consultant0$ЬЖ9Д^Ÿб @I]^mv~‚˜GregHedgepethgreg-anja@xtra.co.nzM65 Ardmore RoadHerne BayAuckland1011GM Sales and Marketing0$ЭВЦ^Ÿб CK^_mv~‚†RachaelMcgregorrach.231@xtra.co.nzF231 Jervois rdHerne BayAuckland1011Boss0$ЮТi?^Ÿб! BE\]nwƒžJenna Weejenna.wee@sonymusic.comF4 Cockburn StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Marketing & Label Assistant0$ЯœК ^Ÿб$ ?Efgz„Œ BevSmaillbev.smaill@criterionfurniture.comF23 Springcombe RoadSt HeliersAuckland1071Company Director0$аœЌ ^Ÿб0 BI[\gqy}†JosephZazulakjoe.zaz@xtra.co.nzMP O Box 503SilverdaleAuckland0944Principal0$бЖ ќ ^Ÿб3 @H\]jvƒ’JayaKrishnanjaya@gascoigne.co.nzF16 Pelham AvePt ChevalierAuckland 1022General Manager0$вВТЉ ^Ÿб7 AF\]js{ChrisBrownchris.brown@btcc.co.nzMP.O.Box 78252Grey LynnAuckland1022Marketing Manager0$гСў ^Ÿб; AFZ[mu}ŽLorenHoneylorenhoney@gmail.comF31D Cradock StreetAvondaleAuckland1026Event Manager0$дЎэ ^Ÿб< AIZ[fr~‚˜JasonCarswelljason@seeya.co.nzM15 The BraeChristchurchChristchurch8081Digital Business Owner0$еГь, ^Ÿб> AF\]lu}’SusanLeighsusan.leigh@disney.comF17 Rutland RoadEllerslieAuckland1051Marketing Manager0$жУ љД ^ŸбM EKghv~†ŠšChristinaBrookechristina.j.brooke@gmail.comF3 Te Hoe GrovePinehillAuckland0632Graphic Designer0$зЅBЖ ^ŸбN DLbcu„’–Deborah Kelland Deborahklland@gmil.comFPO Box 390 Oneroa Waiheke Island Auckland 1840 CEO 0$иЏeš ^Ÿбv DMbcov~‚‘RochelleStrathdeeRstrathdee@xtra.co.nzF12 Tyne RoadMilfordAuckland0620Owner operator 0$йЇHХ ^Ÿбy DMfgv}…‰•RosemaryMacGibbonrosemary@macgibbons.co.nzF139c Orakei Rd.RemueraAuckland1050Psychologist0$кИ*W^Ÿб BH_`p‹“—ДRachelWallisrachelewallis@gmail.comF91 Cornwallis RdCornwallis Beach, WaitakereAuckland0604Freelance writer & copywriter0$лЋ+™^Ÿбƒ AE\]nv~‚‰JamesHalljames.hall@spqrnz.co.nzM150 Ponsonby RoadPonsonbyAuckland1144Manager0$мФЏ^Ÿб‹ AHYZkt|€“TymonRackleytym0n@hotmail.comF21 Rattray StreetDevonportAuckland0624Marketing executive0$нЉ ,^ŸбŽ @G`as}…‰šSaraMurdochmurdoch.design@ihug.co.nzF42a Marsden AvenueMount EdenAuckland1024Designer Director0$оУе^^Ÿб AF[\my…GraceEadiegrace.eadie@gmail.comF1/5 London StreetSt Marys BayAuckland1010Consultant0$пПЙv^Ÿб’ DI^_zŠ’–ЃJonathanAllanj.m.l.allan@gmail.comM4E / 22-24 Kitchener StreetAuckland CentralAuckland1010Media Manager0$рНТ^Ÿб˜ FKderz‚†ŒInger-LisaHurstingerlisa.hurst@gmail.comFPO Box 47-152PonsonbyAuckland1144writer0$сПЪ+^Ÿб @DZ[r{…‰“LilyChanlilyrubychan@gmail.comF2/12 Kilbirnie CrescentKilbirnieWellington6022pharmacist0$тž Ž˜^ŸбЁ O^wx‰“ŸЃДThornton Design LtdCheryl Thorntonthorntondesign@xtra.co.nzF130 Rothesay RoadQueensparkChristchurch8083Interior Designer0$уЙH^ŸбЄ AGabt}†ŠšVinnySherryvincent_sherry@hotmail.comM2/5 Takarunga RoadDevonportAuckland 0624Account Director0$ф ^ŸбЉ @H^_nwƒ‘JohnTresslertressler@waikato.ac.nzM17 Hillcrest RdHillcrestHamilton3240Associate Dean0$хЙ+ђ^ŸбЎ AJbcox€„‹kellytedcastlekellytedcastle@gmail.comF12 dryden stgrey lynnauckland1021stylist0$цЕ ‘^ŸбК BJcdp„ŒœLarnieNicolsonlarnie@larnienicolson.comFPO Box 90091Victoria Street WestAuckland1142Photographer0$чНЌ^ŸбО AGWXfmuy~NickyClarkenicky@ncpr.co.nzF4/5 Fox StreetParnellAuckland1052Owner0$шГЪј^ŸбЦ CLghz‚ŠŽ–LaurentAntonczaklaurent.antonczak@gmail.comM94 Clarence StreetPonsonbyAuckland1011Director0$щСЩЂ^ŸбЬ AF]^qw…ŒAmberSweetwatchthewalls@gmail.comF3D McKenzie TerraceTe AroWellington6011Manager0$ъЕћ!^Ÿбб DL`as{ƒ‡›LorraineLoveringgordenbleu@yahoo.comF43 Clarence StreetPonsonbyAuckland1011Business Development0$ыВkE^Ÿбв ACXYix€„ЈJoyceNgfatbod888@hotmail.comF14 Maugham DriveBUCKLANDS BEACHAuckland2014Storage Systems Pre-Sales Specialist0$ьМ r^Ÿбк AH`at}†Š•KylieDouglascolombiateam@hotmail.comF13 Forest Hill RoadHendersonAuckland 0612ECE Teacher0$эЗR^Ÿбм DNij|…‘ЃGretchenWilliamsongretch.williamson@gmail.comF39 Beaconsfield StGrey LynnAuckland1021Investment Advisor0$юМЧ~^Ÿбп CJmn‘˜ ЄВKathrynLindsaykathryn.lindsay@sparkactivate.co.nzFSpark PR, Level 2, 14 Normanby RoadMt EdenAuckland1024Events Manager0$яГ™п^Ÿбт CKdeqx€„•SuzanneSlocombesuzannes@villamaria.co.nzFPO Box 37774ParnellAuckland1151Territory Manager0$№Џхц^Ÿбу CKcdsz‚†‰Mary-JoMcDonaldmj@firstassistance.co.nzF2 Benghazi RoadPanmureAuckland1072CEO0$ёМыь^Ÿбф @FUVhw~‚’CathGeorgecathg@mcw.co.nzF266 Hanover StreetDunedin CentralDunedin9010Sales Consultant0$ђ™$І^Ÿбч AJcdy€ˆŒ–wendyvan Arkelwendy.vanarkel@xtra.co.nzF701/10 Middleton RoadRemueraAuckland1050Home Maker0$ѓЅ/Ь^Ÿбш AJ[\w~†ŠЂRogerGriffithsroger@tonic.co.nzM11/114 St George's Bay RoadParnellAuckland1052Partner/Business Manager0$єЛu,^Ÿбє CGWXhow{ˆBailingSongsongbl@gmail.comM20c Hapua StreetRemueraAuckland1050Account Admin0$ѕУ Sm^Ÿбѕ BK[\ls}”RachelMacdonaldmacra87@live.comF107 Constable StNewtownWellington2061Industrial Designer0$іС ь ^Ÿбћ @G]^u‚ŠŽЄAnnaTyrrellanna.tyrrell@gmail.comF271 Ararimu Valley RoadRD 2 WaimaukuAuckland0882Environmental Engineer0$їЊцW ^Ÿб§ @GYZkwƒ™JaneStewartjane@hotcity.co.nzF2/26 Lorne StreetCentral CityAuckland1010Events and sponsorship0$љДŒ!^Ÿв  AFZ[krz~ƒSarahClarksarah@hedgerow.co.nzF41 Tohunga CresParnellAuckland1052Owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ыRЎ’№ZШ?ЊјUР}ё[нAЖ%‹зDИ†ьYа  ‡ і ` Ц 4 œ  ~ьfЦ(Ђ sёdЌ€ъ`S$U6•ƒTcS7оьё0$ћЖL›"^Ÿв BG]^q|†Š AndreaTandytandy.andrea@gmail.comF28 Tai Paku Paku RdKaraka 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Box 37194ParnellAuckland1052Physiotherapist private practitioner0$%ИЅќ;^ŸвХ BI`ar~†ŠSally O'BrienSallyobrien76@gmail.comF1/148 Howe streetFreemans bayAuckland1011Buyer0$&З&f<^ŸвЦ DK`aqy…›JenniferCarvilljcarvill@golder.co.nzF40 Napier AvenueTakapunaAuckland0622Team Leader - Planning0$'У Š<^ŸвШ AEWXfluyŒGemmaManngemlmann@gmail.comF9 Oratia DriveOratiaWaitakere0602Student Teacher ECE0$(Ћ<^ŸвЪ CKbcu|„ˆannamaemarshallannamae@lilyandming.comF21 cathedral placeparnellauckland1052manager0$)ЧЊН>^Ÿвк @BZ[is{ŽEmmaHudreamy_ayako@hotmail.comF31 Currell WaySomervilleAuckland2014Sales assistant0$*Гxˆ?^Ÿвл @GZ[irz~†JaneFrancisjane@exdesign.co.nzF46 Seaview AveNorthcoteAuckland0627Director0$+Хk—@^Ÿво AGWXdjtxJuliaKnightjulzys@gmail.comF39a Ohiro RdTe AroWellington6022Student0$,ШсA^Ÿвс INderz„ˆŸHannah TwiggTwigghannah.twigg@gmail.comF175 Karepa StBrooklynWellington6021Barista, also a student0$-ПPA^Ÿвт AIbcs{ƒ‡•AimeeNicklessaimeenickless@hotmail.comF8a Campbell RoadTakapunaAuckland0622Junior Planner0$.ЏБѓA^Ÿвч ADXYjv~‚’GlennMaiglennmai@hotmail.comM12 Pinewood GroveBotany DownsAuckland2010Services Manager0$/ЎВЌC^Ÿвы BJ`anu}†AmandaHarknessfood@gingerbirds.co.nzF118 Grange RdMt EdenAuckland1024owner0$0Е(pD^Ÿвё CI^_qz‚†—KathrynThomasflamingkaty@gmail.comF8/49 Curran StreetHerne BayAuckland1011Strategic Planner0$1ЗљD^Ÿвђ @Iabqƒ‹ŸJaneOldershawjane.oldershaw@gmail.comF20A Matipo RoadTe Atatu PeninsulaAuckland0610Full time Mother0$2Б лЂD^Ÿвє BI\]iu}‡AndreaStevensandrea@folio.net.nzF7A Newell StPt ChevalierAuckland1022writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ŠыTЮ<Ї‰uцZП0‘ƒоdфTФ1 ‰№EКŒ  b Ю H Р  œ nжFЖ,Ÿ‚іkш= `T$V6•yUcжЯ0$3В ˜ОD^Ÿвї ?DTUejrv†BevGrantbmg@clear.net.nzF4 Mt St John AveEpsomAUCKLAND1051Owner / Operator0$4ИdчD^Ÿвљ @FXYlv‚†‹ScotWillisscotw@orcon.net.nzM114 Caledonian RoadSt Albans Chrsitchurch8014Owner0$5ВxE^Ÿвћ CIbct‰›AnnabelTaylorannabel.taylor@xtra.co.nzF11 Cameron StreetSt Mary's BayAuckland1011Owner/director0$6ЕЪПE^Ÿвќ BJcds}ˆŒ›HannahBancrofthannah_bancroft@yahoo.comF135 Mokoia RoadBirkenheadNorth Shore0626Account Manager0$7ІЦЯE^Ÿв§ BG^_kt|€†DeniseBrownpaul.vujcich@xtra.co.nzF25 Emmett StHerne BayAuckland1011doctor0$8Ы ЌГG^Ÿг @D\]lt€„‹TaraKingtuatara_girl@hotmail.comF8 Thoresby MewsAvonheadChristchurch8042Student0$9ЇЊуG^Ÿг =DUVbksw‹Jde Boerjenpbv@xtra.co.nzFPO Box 60595TitirangiAuckland0604Reservations Manager0$:НTѓG^Ÿг @G\]ipy}„AnnaSounessannasouness@gmail.comFPO Box 37075ParnellAuckland 1001Manager0$;ЊiH^Ÿг AHWXhpx|ƒDebraHaworthnzrus@yahoo.comF230 Hurstmere RdTakapunaAuckland0622Manager0$<ЖЋ:H^Ÿг  BG^_r{ƒ‡ŽAnnie Balleannieraballe@xtra.co.nzF38 Beresford StreetBayswaterAuckland0622Manager0$=У оYH^Ÿг  HMefy‚ŠŽžfaaiza munifmuniffaaiza_munif@hotmail.comF27b new windsor rd avondaleauckland0600Graphic Designer0$>З[H^Ÿг  BIabr}…‰ЂBiancaOsbornebianca.osborne@inbox.comM29 Halesowen AveSandringhamAuckland1041Digital Marketing Manager0$?Хd|H^Ÿг ?G]^x‰ЁSamHumphreysam.humphrey@gmail.comMFlat 3, 28 Clifton TerraceKelburnWellington6011Tutor - Criminal Law0$@ЏкЕH^Ÿг BJdex…‘ŸJanineSaundersjanine.saunders@ihug.co.nzF215 Paremoremo RoadLucas HeightsAuckland0632Office Manager0$AДnНH^Ÿг AF]^lu}‘ToniaRizzitonyandtonia@xtra.co.nzF47 Kildare AveGlendowieAuckland1071Test Team Leader0$BГ.іI^Ÿг" CGXYhqy}‰MatthewMossmatt_moss@mac.comM24 Ennismore RdMt AlbertAuckland1025Art Director0$CЖЫ*J^Ÿг$ @DWXiqy}•PaulGunnpaulgunn@xtra.co.nzM13 England StreetPonsonbyAuckland1011Asset Investment Manager0$DАTJ^Ÿг& ADVWiox|„PaulaYansukyanus@yahoo.comF118B Paritai DriveOrakeiAuckland 1071Designer0$EЕОaJ^Ÿг' AG^_k‡‹BrentMullanBrent.mullan@xtra.co.nzMPo Box 90993Victoria Street WestAuckland1142Executive Director0$FР ВгJ^Ÿг+ AF[\jv~‚…JamesPryorJamescpryor@gmail.comM2/3 parrish rdSandringham Auckland1025Bdm0$GЉѓIK^Ÿг, AHdet}…‰MareeGantleyMaree.gantley@shiseido.co.nzF19rossgrove tceMt albertAuckland1925Manger0$HСSэK^Ÿг/ CGZ[lu}‘AleshyaEdenaleshya@hotmail.comF29a South Lynn RdTitirangiAuckland0604Beauty Therapist0$IЕЖіK^Ÿг0 BGWXiwƒŠKylie Cookekfc@maxnet.co.nzF231 Te Atatu RoadTe Atatu SouthAuckland0610Stylist0$JТ tlL^Ÿг1 AFcdv€ˆŒ–SteveSmithsteve.anthony.smith@gmail.comM23a Sea Vista Ave,BeachHavenAuckland0626Technician0$KК фчL^Ÿг5 CJef}…‘ГMeghan Thomsonmeghan@despacosmetics.co.nzF3a William Denny avenueWestmereAuckland1022technical trainer-de spa cosmetics0$LМЉrM^Ÿг9 BG]^nv~‚œLaurenOlivelauren.olive@gmail.comF79d Holly StreetAvondaleAuckland1026Photography Studio Manager0$MЛGšM^Ÿг; 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ParnellAuckland1052part time reading recovery teacher0$YМ!U^Ÿгf BJcdw~†ŠAmandaDominickamanda.dominick@yahoo.comF38 Seacliffe AvenueBelmontAuckland0622Lawyer0$ZОUŽV^Ÿгo BGXYlu|€‰HannahSharphksharp@gmail.comF158 Maitland StreetCity RiseDunedin9016Architect0$[ВЦ”V^Ÿгp CH[\kqy}‡MelissaYatesmelyates@xtra.co.nzF11 Paora StreetOrakeiAuckland1071Consultant0$\ЂІ#W^Ÿгu CIYZkt|€“ShannonTindalmint0@ihug.co.nzF35 Seccombes RoadNewmarketAuckland1023Executive Assistant0$]УyX^Ÿгy CI`aq|„ˆ–ElspethKnightelspethknight@gmail.comF46 Peter Buck RdNew WindsorAuckland0600Event Services0$^ДмX^Ÿгz @G^_qz‚†•KarlClausenkarlckausennz@gmail.comM4/13 Emmett StreetHerne BayAuckland1011General Manager0$_МЫ Y^Ÿг| BHijw‡‹ЕAshleyPowellashley.powell@moet-hennessy.co.nzMPO Box 37357 Parnell Auckland1052General manager, Moet hennessy New Zealand0$`Ўлu[^Ÿг„ AD[\syƒ‡œHelenJoehelenjoe_nz@yahoo.co.nzFApt 13, 14 Leeds StreetTe AroWellington6011Software Test Manager0$aЛ?[^Ÿг… @EYZkt|€‡PaulDoranpaul.doran@gmail.comM62A Ponsonby RoadPonsonby Auckland1001cleaner0$bЌЭ‡]^Ÿг‘ @G[\ls{†katechetwinkchetwin@hotmail.comF37 glanville tceparnellauckland1052manager0$cС]^Ÿг’ ACVWmt|€‡KarenAukarenau85@gmail.comF36 Kenneth Small PlaceRemueraAuckland1050Manager0$dК ў—]^Ÿг“ AEXYhrz~AngieJuryangiejury@gmail.comF1/25 Cresta AveBeachhavenAuckland0626Interior Design0$eЖl(^^Ÿг˜ EK]^py…ŽPhillippaWilkiepgwilkie@gmail.comF20 New Bond StreetKingslandAuckland1021Solicitor0$fТ‰J^^Ÿгš @G]^qx€„‹AnnaGardnerannamgardner@gmail.comF1/504 Dominion RoadMt EdenAuckland1024Manager0$gА сm^^Ÿг› BLdex…‘™LorenaBuencaminolmbuencamino@hotmail.comF68B Te Aroha StreetHamilton EastHamilton3216Designer0$hЦм_^ŸгЂ ?DYZlqy}ƒZoeLeungzoeleung926@gmail.comF12A Rangiatea RoadEpsomAuckland1023Intern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!˜џtцYвLХ)tпIЖ/Іuв0Ї%Œ~шZв< э W Э < ­ ( ‹  r щXЙvиJЧCИ-Ї qц`U$W4•GQVd€ў•ь0$iЛ‚:`^ŸгЃ BJefx‡‹šBiddieCooksleybiddie_lovelock@hotmail.comF20 Heathcote Road MilfordAuckland0620Fashion manager0$jО іГc^ŸгЉ AH\]jrz~GraceEnglishgd.english@gmail.comFP O Box 47106PonsonbyAuckland1144Emergency Services Communicator0$kЩgad^ŸгЋ CI_`s|†Š‘GeorgieWrightg.wright.237@gmail.comF6 Blackbridge Road,WadestownWellington6012Student0$lЗfd^ŸгЌ @G[\qx€„FranSillickfsillick@hotmail.comF8E, 14 Upper Queen StGraftonAUCKLAND1010Travel Agent0$mЃцg^ŸгБ @Iabs}‚†KateJohnstonekatejohnstone@xtra.co.nzF21 Glandovey RoadFendalton CHCH 8052Home maker0$nЃ s!g^ŸгВ @DWXgnvzŽTinaHarttina@dawnfinder.comF28 Pentland AveMt EdenAuckland1024Designer/illustrator0$oЦ™g^ŸгК BH^_py…”Simon Turnersimonsturner@gmail.comM222 Richmond RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Media assistant0$pА|Mh^ŸгС CI^_rz‚†˜CathrynLittlecathryn.little@db.comF10/5 Millais StreetPonsonbyAuckland1021Personal Assistant0$qДЧj^ŸгЩ DL`ap~†Š›Bettina Driscollbettina888@gmail.comF261 Middle RoadHavelock NorthHastings4130Marketing Manager0$rХ|+l^ŸгЯ DJabn}…‰–CourtneyWilsoncourtney_w_@hotmail.comF74 Huia RoadPoint ChevalierAuckland1022Stock Manager0$sУjшl^Ÿга @Fbcu›ŸНKateDuggankate.louise.duggan@gmail.comF60 Forrest Hill RdForrest HillNorth Shore City, Auckland0620Trainee Intern/ Student Doctor0$trxm^Ÿгг KQhixƒ‹—Felicity WilsonWilsonfelicitylyall@gmail.comF36 Rambler CresBeach HavenAuckland0626Director0$uЏ sn^Ÿге BG\]kt|€ŠFiona Kelsofiona_kelso@yahoo.comF22 Albany RoadHerne BayAuckland1011Consultant0$v­‘Ыo^Ÿгк KSklxƒ‹ Steven ChristieChristiemighty.things@xtra.co.nzM1A Goring RdSandringhamAuckland1025Marketing Manager0$wИ Ч№s^Ÿгф CJ`ao{ƒ‡NatashaMarkhamtashamarkham@gmail.comF11 Franklin RdFreemans BayAuckland1011Director0$xП Љat^Ÿгъ BJcdt|†ŠžSharneChalmersSharne.Chalmers@gmail.comF4/65 Ararino St TrenthamWellington6018Decorator consultant0$yС˜au^Ÿгю >H`aowƒ–FiRutherfordF-rutherford@hotmail.comF7 Claremont StGrafton Auckland1023Pediatric Dietitian0$zЧ p—u^Ÿгя ADYZgltxŒJuliaLooj.u.l.e.z@hotmail.comF5/26 Pah RoadEpsomAuckland1023Architecture student0${Ф щ+x^Ÿгі ?E^_rx€„”TimWebbertimwebberdesign@gmail.comM54 Park Hill Road, HowickAuckland2014I do everything!0$|УЦгz^Ÿг§ DIabov~‚ˆVictoriaDeanedeane.victoria@gmail.comF9 Wharua RoadRemueraAuckland1050lawyer0$}ЕGя{^Ÿд DNefu~†Š˜FelicityO'Driscollbooks@cookthebook.co.nzF139 Richmond RdGrey LynnAuckland1021Business owner0$~Ч‰Ф|^Ÿд AFcdr~‰сEmilyTsangemz_lost_the_plot@yahoo.co.nzF91 Kowhai RoadMairangi BayNorth Shore0630Student at Elam - Auckland Uni studying towards a Fine Arts and Arts conjoint degree0$­˜+^Ÿд BG]^n}…‰šDeniseCohendenise@denisecohen.comF145 Queen StreetNorthcote PointAuckland0627Business Director0$€УŸp…^Ÿд# BH]^m|‰ЎbiancaWestonmissbweston@gmail.comF58 Finch Streetwestern springsAuckland City3200assistant manager @ MAC cosmetics0$У эу†^Ÿд& BGZ[ms}“OliviaSmithiamlivs@hotmail.comFA82 10 Ebor StreetTe AroWellington6001Creative Assistant0$‚ЄЖˆ^Ÿд* BJ\]qz‚†‹HilaryGardinerhilaryg@xtra.co.nzF134 Cliff View DriveGreen BayAuckland0604Owner0$ƒС§Џ‰^Ÿд2 KRijy…‘ЂJaneece GutsellGutsellwotta_jotta@hotmail.comF121 Howe StreetFreemans BayAuckland1010Fashion Industry 0$„І  "_ŸдV AIZ[js{’KathyMarchantkathy@spire.co.nzF49 Kesteven AveGlendowieAuckland1071Commercial Designer0$…УfЮ_ŸдW AG^_mv€„”DevinWinterDevin.winter@lucire.comF114 Wyndham RdPinehavenUpper Hutt5019Marketing and PR0$†СО_ŸдZ BHZ[ry…ІAndrewLeitchasleitch@gmail.comM1/167 Avenue Road East OtahuhuAuckland1062Airline Customer Services Manager0$‡œfх_Ÿдj AJab‰БТЦЫKerryStrongmaninfo@tribestrongman.comMPO Box 222. 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Box 60535TitirangiAuckland 0642Owner / Director0$юБ W~_Ÿзё ALfgu‰”Mark John Warrenmarkjwarren007@yahoo.co.ukM18b Ohiro RoadAro ValleyWellington6021student0$яГ _Ÿзі BI`alu€„‹AndrewHoppingahopping@montreux.co.nzMPO Box 8607RiccartonChistchurch8440Manager0$№УХЖ!_Ÿи CLghw†“ЉClaire Lancasterclairelancaster@hotmail.comF2/2 New Street Saint Marys BayAuckland 1011Junior Account Manager0$ёЄ M<_Ÿи= CHde~†Ž’˜RebeccaRussorebeccarusso@paradise.net.nzF250 Papakura Clevedon Rd.ClevedonAuckland2582artist0$ђЊ}'?_ŸиL AH_`n}…‰ЁMandyHuntleyhanleyfamily@xtra.co.nzF15a Morrow AveBucklands BeachAuckland2012Administration Assistant0$ѓИGhB_ŸиT @FWXcmuyŠMikeMurphymike@kokako.co.nzMPO Box 8681Symonds StAuckland1150Managing Director0$єЧ `G_Ÿи` BI`aowƒ‡ŽSarah Edwardssarah.joy@hotmail.co.nzF36 Remuera AveCashmereChristchurch8022Student0$ѕ­ SU_ŸиБ CJabnuƒ”NatachaAnthoninatacha@paradise.net.nzF71 Glen RoadKelburnWellington6012Creative Director0$іГ ЩЏX_ŸиО CJ`ap~†Š’StephenHorton stephen@elemento.co.nzM20 Burrell RoadWaiheke IslandAuckland1081Director0$їИ*$Y_ŸиТ AG\]iw…ŸSarahMeiklemartha.mail@gmail.comFPO Box 11728Manners StreetWellington6142General Manager, Marketing0$јІЛОi_Ÿиќ BJbcv}…‰–DebbieHarknessdebbie@rocketsheep.co.nzF2/153 Portland RoadRemueraAuckland1050Special Agent0$љНž/r_Ÿй ADXYhow{MeganToomegantoo@hotmail.comF9 Cotesmore WayParnellAuckland1010None0$њ­\нz_Ÿй7 CLcd}•™ЂCharlesBatchelorcharlesbatchelor@me.comMLevel 11, 99 Queen StreetAuckland CentralAuckland1010Principal0$ћЗ—ЕŒ`Ÿйк AFVWfow{ˆShaneSennesenne@xtra.co.nzM30 Mildmay RoadHendersonAuckland0610Sales Manager0$ќЖчэ`Ÿйн CJde‡“ЈJoanne Fairleyjoanne.fairley@jcbmw.co.nzFSuite 172, 2A Byron AvenueTakapunaAuckland0670General Sales Manager0$§šг>‘`Ÿйх @EWXenvzŠAnneHeiseanne@whgrove.co.nzF5Peacock St. GlendowieAuckland1071Company Director0$ўФУ š`Ÿйэ CLjk€ˆ”žHarrietJohnstoneharriet.johnstone@draftfcb.comF4b, 38 Douglas StreetPonsonbyAuckland1021Copywriter0$џДЪ_š`Ÿйю @DWXms{†tobykingtoby.king@cam.co.nzM1k 238 Karangahape 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StreetKaroriWellington6012Administrator0$EЏЎpиcŸхK AG_`s|„‰ŽJanieBrownejanie_browne@hotmail.comF46 Sarsfield StreetHerne BayAuckland10112Event0$FТТ.чcŸхt AG\]mv~‚ˆKeelyMustonkeelymuston@gmail.comF126 Crummer RoadGrey LynnAuckland1021Lawyer0$GЄ pЗьcŸх~ CHde†Ž’ŸDonna Hoyledonna@donnahoyledesign.co.nzFLevel 2, 371 Parnell Road,ParnellAuckland1151Brand Manager0$HН$cŸхь DMhi|‰ŒšColletteSwindellscolletteswindells@gmail.comF2/241 Barkly StreetFitzroy NorthVIC3068Journalist0$IЎWcŸхя BPabmrz~…staceyjohnston-smalestacey@tile.co.nzFP.O Box 573KumeuAuckland0841manager0$JЇБ3'cŸц$ AEUVfu}LyndaToddltodd@xtra.co.nzF3 Maranui AvenuePoint ChevalierAuckland1022Product Manager0$KС..cŸц- ?Mijzƒ‹­skycripps-jacksonsky.cripps.jackson@gmail.comF533 new north rdKingslandAuckland1041Senior stylist & Makeup artist0$LАкŒ4cŸц9 AJcdt}…‰‘MeganRobertsonmeganjrobertson@gmail.comF22 Sentinel RoadHerne BayAuckland1011Producer0$MУ кш;cŸцG ADWXhqy}†PiersKaypiers@fearonhay.comM16 Regent 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Box 105542Auckland City1143Marketing Manager0$gПўLeŸь> AF^_kqy}ƒHarryCundyharry@hopkinsoncundy.comM1/1 Cross StNewtonAuckland1010Lawyer0$hТ Ѕ ’eŸьG AKghx‡‹’CeliaMahon-Heapcelia_mahon-heap@hotmail.comF104 Bassett RoadRemueraAuckland1050Student0$iМ {YЃeŸьэ AF[\hpx|”NeemaPatelneema@ardernudb.co.nzF33 Golf RoadNew LynnAuckland0600Architectural Techinican0$jЦYPЅeŸэ" BIbcr‰“TaylorHollandtaylorholland12@gmail.comF12 Vincent RoadNorthcote PointAuckland0624Intern0$kР;VЅeŸэ' AJ^_ox€„‹DaisyUffindelldaisyuff@hotmail.comF4e/31 Scanlan StGrey LynnAuckland1021Stylist0$lТYЅeŸэ* ?E^_lu}ˆPipCooperphilippacooper@kpmg.co.nzF6 New Bond StKingslandAuckland1021Analyst0$mД-YЅeŸэ+ EMmnƒŒ”˜ЃChantelleMitchellchantelle.mitchell@onepath.co.nzF5K/435 New North RoadKingslandAuckland1021Settlements0$nЧБeЅeŸэ0 AKkl}…‘šAliceBertenshawalice.bertenshaw@windowslive.comF61 Symonds StreetOnehungaAuckland1061Assistant0$oП…ЅeŸэC EI`alu}“CharlotteCullcharlottecull@gmail.comF16 Stack StHerne BayAuckland1021Freelance producer0$pЊїЅЅeŸэV AG\]jrz~LaceyGrahamlacey@top-shelf.co.nzF1/19 Edwin StAucklandAuckland1150Production Manager0$qОд­ЅeŸэ\ @I`als{EmmaRosenbergemmarosenberg@gmail.comF39B View RdMt EdenAuckland1024Graphic designer0$rО€ЏЅeŸэ^ CG^_ov~‚ˆSarina Yangsarina.s.yang@gmail.comF73F Parnell RoadParnellAuckland1052lawyer0$sМ тЮЅeŸэk BHabx„ŒЁkarliefisherkarlie@jetblackcartel.comF5d/22 kitchener streetauckland cbdauckland1010Creative Director!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!тZЫ;ЈkуXХ1ŸщYЬ9Џ“vшTЧ@Б$™щ E œ  r а J Л 5 ЄїgтHЉ!“љfЮDЃ`Z$\5•w[q_[ '0$tУ]дЅeŸэp AHbcry…—RoseySchepenrosemary.schepen@gmail.comF4/25 Windsor StParnellAuckland1052PA/Office Manager 0$uЧeфЅeŸэu @GWXfkuy€AlexCarrollalex-tc@live.comM11A Iwi StreetNgaioWellington6035Student0$vУ8хЅeŸэy CI^_wƒ‹ДJocelynHugilljocelyn@hotcity.co.nzFLevel 2, 26 Lorne StreetAuckland CBDAuckland1010Marketing Communications Co-Ordinator0$wВŒыЅeŸэ€ BI`am|…‰’myken stewartmyken@nzfashionweek.comF9 giles roadwaiheke island auckland 1188director 0$xХšяЅeŸэ† BEWXms{‘JaniceLimjanesque@gmail.comF4 Spring Valley PlaceAlbanyAuckland0632Software Developer0$yЏJњЅeŸэ BIfgx€ˆŒ“CarmelBennettcarmel_bennett@roadshow.co.nzFPrivate bag 19998AvondaleAukcland1746Manager0$zЉ)џЅeŸэ“ AI[\lqy}“BrettAtkinsonkomodonz@gmail.comM2/223 Manukau RdEpsonAuckland1344Travel and Food Writer0${К“ІeŸэЄ AG\]pz‚†™CarolDrydencaroldryden@gmail.comF25 Springcombe RoadSt HeliersAuckland1071Key Account Manager0$|МэІeŸэЊ @Hcdqz‚†œAlexHamiltonalex.hamilton@saatchi.co.nzF39 Oakley AveWaterviewAuckland1026Senior Account Manager0$}К ІeŸэЎ @GZ[lx€„‹DougGaylarddjgaylard@gmail.comM2B/8 Scotia PlaceCentral CityAuckland1010Hit Man0$~Ј4#ІeŸэЖ CM^_†•™ЅColleenTunnicliffcolleen@tunni.netFStudio 3:2 The Axis Bldg 1 Cleveland RdParnellAuckland1151Photographer0$Ѕ§#ІeŸэЗ CG^_z‰‘•˜RichardWebbrichard.webb@yoobee.comM401/125 Customs Street WestViaduct HarbourAuckland1010CEO0$€Ж†(ІeŸэК BKbct|„ˆ–Kate Gillespiekategillespie@gmail.comF46 Vermont streetPonsonbyAuckland1011At home mother0$Д У*ІeŸэМ @G]^pv|€ˆRafeMacleanrafe@rafemaclean.co.nzM83d Blackpeak RoadWanakaWanaka9305Director0$‚ПQІeŸэж CHbct‚ŠŽ”NataliaBoglenatalia.scarlett@gmail.comF225 Te Atatu RoadTe Atatu SouthAuckland0610Intern0$ƒН  QІeŸэз EMghtuw{…NathanielCheshirenat@cheshirearchitects.comMPO Box 90952-Ak1142Delineator0$„Х*`ІeŸэо BG^_kq{†oliviascottlivscott001@hotmail.comF2/7 Mount Stte arowellington6011Manager0$…М~•ІeŸэ§ BKlmx‰›Johnnyde Monchyjohnny@britomarthospitality.co.nzM1 Harper StChatswoodAuckland1131Owner/Operator0$†З{˜ІeŸю BI`amv~‚Јoliviasavidanolivia@beautycare.co.nzFpo box 46098herne bayauckland1147company director - wholesaler/importer0$‡Х WœІeŸю BI\]lwƒ“LaurenGladingdesign@nzchef.co.nzF76 Churchill RdMurrays BayAuckland0630Graphic Designer0$ˆЕ @ЇІeŸю EJ`aps{‡danielle batesdanielle@flaunt-id.comF99 queen st CBDcbdauckland1010director0$‰ТЮ­ІeŸю CE[\mv~‚”BelindaOubelinda_ou@hotmail.comF1/321 Botany RoadGolflandsAuckland2013Service consultant0$ŠОžКІeŸю AH`amu|€Katy Parsonskatyparsons1@hotmail.comF10 Kings AveSt ClairDunedin9012Makeup artist0$‹­ бІeŸю' @F\]…‘›ŸАJaneDownesjane@littleriver.co.nzF'La Casa Bella' 4451 CHCH-Akaroa HighwayLittle RiverCanterbury7591Sculptor/Designer0$ŒФбІeŸю( BF[\nw~‚‰ImogenRothimogen.roth@gmail.comF1/17 Duncan StreetCity RiseDunedin9016Student0$БГчІeŸю: HNefˆ‘šžЏblair haddowHaddowblair.haddow@xtra.co.nzMPO Box 91656 Victoria Street West Auckland Auckland 1142Residential Sales0$Ž­ юьІeŸю? 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BOx 60162TitirangiAuckland0642Ambassador0$ьТšёЏeŸђ CHij„Ž—›ЎFrancesWillsfrances.wills@sparkactivate.co.nzFLevel 2, 14 Normanby Road Mount EdenAuckland 1140Account Manager, PR0$эН0§ЏeŸђ AHabs|„ˆ™Jane Skermanjane@frequencymedia.co.nzF14 Dickens StreetGery LynnAuckland1021Marketing Manager0$юК  BАeŸђ& AIWXhrz~†HarryRowntreehwr@jasmax.comM3/18 Sprott RoadKohimaramaAuckland1071Designer0$яВ p|АeŸђ7 AFghv}…‰‘PeterMckaypetermckayarchitecture@xtra.co.nzM18 Rahiri RoadMt EdenAuckland1024Director0$№™ ŠЉАeŸђA @F\]r{ƒ‡ЕAlanPalmeralan@alandpalmer.co.nzM4 / 12 Sarawia StreetNewmarketAuckland1052Principal - Alan D Palmer Registered Architect0$ёВ\юАeŸђS CK]^lu}‰RachaelMcGregorRach231@xtra.co.nzF231 Jervois RdHerne BayAuckland1011Director0$ђЦ W1БeŸђb BOfg~‡”›HannahManning-Scotthmanningscott@gmail.comF12 a King Edward ParadeDevonportAuckland 0624student0$ѓЧuБeŸђs BGZ[owƒMaxineKellymaxine.lk@gmail.comF12A Ponsonby TerracePonsonbyAuckland1011PR Assistant0$єЛ „БeŸђu CJ\]u†ŠБAnnabelWillottg0anna@hotmail.comF2/16 Montgomery CrescentCockle BayManukau2014Architectural Technician/draughtsperson0$ѕІ ЊГБeŸђƒ CI]^lu…michaelIdiensmichael@idiens.co.nzM54 Weka StreetFendaltonChristchurch8041director0$іН :-ВeŸђ˜ BJhiz„ŒЉLouiseFranklinlouise.franklin@wilkhahn.co.nzF196 Riverside AvePt EnglandAuckland1072Senior Project Consultant0$їœAВeŸђ› AH`apz…ЅLynneWillottlynnewillott@hotmail.comF102 Selwyn RoadCockle BayManukau2014Accounts Payable/Admin/Reception0$јФ ѕEВeŸђ HNmnƒŒ”˜ЎRebecca RoseHarveyrebecca.rose.harvey@hotmail.comF479A Khyber Pass RoadNewmarketAuckland0627Production Coordinator0$љИЅaВeŸђЃ CIcdqzƒ‡™JessicaMcColljessicam@thisismango.co.nzF27 Allen RoadGrey LynnAuckland 1021Snr Event Director0$њХ ЄyВeŸђЈ EIdeszƒ‡—AlexandraHartalexandrahart1512@gmail.comF1 McKenzie AveOnerahiWhangarei0110Spatial Designer0$ћЏ ‹•ВeŸђЏ AJcd}„Œ˜NickyBucheggernicky@sourcemondial.co.nzF109-115 St Georges Bay RdParnellAuckland1052Director0$ќЇ ЁВeŸђД ?EUVbiqu}TimHoosontim@jasmax.co.nzM2 Marston StParnellAuckland1052Director0$§ФpЗВeŸђЗ AF]^nu}’KylieMarshkylie_adine@hotmail.comF9 Dovedale PlaceParnellAuckland1010Account Executive0$ўœђВeŸђШ AHabov~‚Špennyfulfordbill@lightingdirect.co.nzF70a Orakei RdRemueraAuckland1050Director0$џСС•ГeŸђэ CH]^s}…‰ЇNatalieDonzenatalie@hotcity.co.nzF48/241 Hinemoa StreetBirkenheadAuckland0626Events & Sponsorship Executive0$œ ŠГГeŸђі BGcd~†”œClaireDrakeclairedrake@mitipartners.comFLevel 2, 258 Thorndon QuayThorndonWellington6011Director0$УіДeŸѓ  @Hhit‡‹ЈKateRobinsoninfo@katerobinsonphotography.comF52 Kings RdThree KingsAuckland1042Wedding Photographer/Director0$Р HGДeŸѓ* @F]^nv~‚‘EmmaKaniukemma@specialgroup.co.nzF1/1 Arran StreetAvondaleAuckland0600Senior Designer0$Ѓ=†ДeŸѓ= EJ^_v|„ˆChristineDonzebelladonze@gmail.comF147 Postman Road, RD4, AlbanyAuckland0794Owner0$Џ оЗДeŸѓS AH^_px€„•TanyaCarlsontanya@tanyacarlson.comF122 Ponsonby RoadPonsonbyAuckland1011Designer/Director0$МvЕeŸѓh @H[\rz‚†ЅDanaJohnstonDana.j007@gmail.comM50 Parish Line rd, RD2PapakuraAuckland2582Human communication technician 0$НW ЕeŸѓk BEYZes{’WillisHsuwillis.hsu@gmail.comMPO Box 8586Symonds StreetAuckland1150Senior Office Admin0$МЎKЕeŸѓt @F[\jrz~ŠMikeKnightmikeyknight@gmail.comM2A O'neill st PonsonbyAuckland1011Art director0$И ЉoЕeŸѓx CHabox€„ŒJoanna Hoeftjoanna@studioitalia.co.nzF5 Bond StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Designer0$ ФŸЕeŸѓ DNcdu~†Š™CruzanneMacalistercruzanne@barepr.co.nzF157 Jervois Road,Herne BayAuckland0627Account Manager0$ П БЕeŸѓ‰ BG\]mv~‚˜SophieWyliesophiawylie@gmail.comF341 New North RdKingslandAuckland1020Architectural Graduate0$ КПЕeŸѓŒ AH_`r‡“ЁJAMESKIRKHAMjamesrkirkham@gmail.comM52 Barbarich DriveStonefields, St JohnsAuckland1072Supply Manager0$ СїЖeŸѓЈ BKij{„”˜ЂHannahDoughertyhannah.dougherty@macquarie.comF72 Monarch AvenueHillcrestNorth Shore City0627Consultant0$ Р ”5ЖeŸѓЉ BJ[\kz‚†—DeannaDidovichdeanna@rubynz.comF27 Walford RoadPoint ChevalierAuckland1022Creative Director0$І \LИeŸє MUno}†Œ—caroline marshallmarshallcaroline@geckoandco.co.nzF607 rocks roadtahunanuinelson7011partner0$Ћ ІСИeŸє! 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Box 37-299ParnellAuckland1151PA0$4ВЉѕФeŸі< AF\]oz‚†Manu Lothsloths.family@gmail.comM48 Hadfield StreetBeach HavenAuckland0626Office/Accounts Manager0$5Е пХeŸіB DQjk€‰‘•ЊRebeckh van der Fluitrebeckh@flameproducts.comF16 Chamberlain StreetGrey LynnAuckland1021Yoga Teacher / Author0$6ЗЙŒХeŸіS ?CRSkltx…Jo Belljo@switch.co.nzFPO Box 90881 Victoria St-Auckland1142Director - PR0$7М ўфХeŸіo @DSTeltxNickRowenick@ccca.co.nzM1218 Scenic DriveSwansonAuckland0614Architectural Technician0$8Ф•?ЧeŸіІ BPhis{ƒ‡‘HannahFinnigan-Walshhfinniganwalsh@gmail.comF19 York StAucklandAuckland1151copywriter0$9ЗЄЧeŸіУ EK\]u}†ŠŸChwanita Grahamcgraham@rcp.co.nzFLevel 1, 5 Eglon Street Parnell Auckland 1052Project Administrator0$:ЦEЊЧeŸіЩ BKdeowƒžThomasBatchelerthomasbatcheler@gmail.comM78 John stPonsonbyAuckland1011Licensing Marketing Manager0$;ЇЦ­ЧeŸіЫ @H\]lpx|†AnnaMacindoeannamac@clear.net.nzF4/27 Holgate RdKohiAuckland1071Consultant0$<Д 0ШeŸін CJcdp|†ŠЁShelleyThomsonshellsthomson@hotmail.comFP O Box 5856Lambton QuayWellington6145Senior Business Analyst0$=ФT;ШeŸіп CI[\muƒ‡ŒJacquesFouriejff3@waikato.ac.nzM91A Harris StreetPukekoheSouth Auckland2120Actor0$>ЕЊШeŸіі BF]^ju}„JacquiWattjacquiwatt@sabato.co.nzF26 Hamon AveThree KingsAuckland1041Rep0$?ЙАиШeŸіџ AGZ[js{ЂReneeTannerrtanner@webbs.co.nzF18 Manukau RoadNewmarketAuckland1149Marketing & Communications Manager0$@ЗымЩeŸї( ISjky†Ž‘žJo ClatworthyClatworthyjo.clatworthy@gmail.comF4A Tam Gardens25 Sha Wan DrPokfulamN/ASelf Employed0$AС§WЪeŸїH @Eabx„ŒНLisaBryanlisa.natasha.bryan@gmail.comF16N Fisher-Point DriveFreemans BayAuckland1010Commercial Property - 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architectsweavergw.arch@clear.net.nzM7 Shakespeare RoadHillNapier4110principal 0$sДfpпeŸљю @D[\lx€„ŒEmmaHartjeffemmahart@xtra.co.nzF3 Russell StreetFreemans BayAuckland1011Director0$tЈ!рeŸљћ DM`at‰ЄLynette Hendrikseantzlynx@xtra.co.nzF18 Balgowan TerraceConifer GroveAuckland2112Marketing Comms Manager0$uЄ 2ЋсeŸњ BFWXw‡‹ЉLouiseWestwest.l@xtra.co.nzF18 Manawa Rd, Remuera, AucklandAucklandAuckland1050resource management consultant0$vЕШсeŸњ ?GWXdt|€ŽMelGimblettmel@soiree.co.nzFP O Box 3268Shortland StreetAuckland1140Event Director0$wШHЖуeŸњ> AF]^nx‚†HenryCookehenrydotcooke@gmail.comM3 Salisbury Tce.Mount CookWellington6021Blogger0$xБWфeŸњB CKghv€ŠŽЂRebeccaTownsendtownsend_rebecca@hotmail.comF212B Tuck RoadWhangamataWhangamata3620Senior Administrator0$yЛКІфeŸњU BGYZlv€„ŒAngelaGreenanguiela@gmail.comF18 Asquith TerraceWellingtonWellington6021Producer0$zФ˜ЉфeŸњV EKabpx„ˆЎElizabethTravislizzietravis@gmail.comF39 Clissold StMerivaleChristchurch8014Currently a final year medical 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BH`arz‚†JulietBeckerJulietbecker@hotmail.comF33 Te Wiata PlaceAvondaleAuckland1026Consultant0$”М FYќeŸќ AEXYagjnvscrapwallscrap@scrapwall.comM504 K'rdUptownAKL1010educator0$•БSўeŸќH =Cabq~…‰‘NWickesnici@consciousconsulting.co.nzF149 Maunsell RdPort Waikato Tuakau 2695Director0$–Т3ўeŸќN ?I]^pwƒ˜TimBrightwelltim@tabrightwell.comM1/7 Cleveland roadParnellAuckland1052Marketing Coordinator0$—Д  6ўeŸќO DJghx€‰Ÿvirginiabrophystephenandvirginia@xtra.co.nzF142 garnet road westmereauckland 1022interior designer 0$˜Ќ nџeŸќd AIfgu~‡‹ЃTaniaAndersontaniaanderson@paradise.net.nzF3 Coleridge StGrey LynnAuckland 1021Voice over artist/ Actor0$™ЗeŸќz BSeft‡‹Sarah Alexander-Willcoxsarah@pr-ink.co.nzF60 Milton RoadHospital HillNapier4110MD0$šДw§eŸќ™ AKabnt{…JamieMcLaughlanjamie@kimberleys.co.nzM9 Giles roadOstendWaiheke1081it/ops0$›ИŒeŸќЕ @I^_ozƒ‡šAnnaHitchcockavhitchcock@gmail.comF93 Kohimarama RdKohimarama Auckland 1071Sponsorship Manager0$œ=3eŸќЧ DJcdw€ˆŒ”VirginiaSpicervirginia.spicer@gmail.comF31 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CentralAuckland1010Barista0$ЏЗы,eŸўє CJabm}…‰’MelanieHawkinsmel@skininstitute.co.nzFPO Box 559 Shortland StreetAuckland1140Marketing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!М1ЃˆьJКхIК%— wлA­Ž^П'– ѓ a Ы + • ѕ Y К . 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Manager0$ТЎ B?KeŸk CJefw‘ЎAleyshaPangarialeysha.pangari@yahoo.co.nzF409 Sea View RoadOnetangiWaiheke Island1081sole trader - interior design0$УІ F˜KeŸp BH\]lrz~ƒPamelaRankinpamela@inside.net.nzF1/18 Ngapipi RdOrakeiAuckland1071owner0$Ф 7DMeŸ” @F[\qz‚† PaulCullenpaul.cullen@aut.ac.nzM14 Waterbank CrescentWaterviewAuckland1026Artist/University Lecturer0$ХЅ BWMeŸ– AGWXirz~†BrentHulenabrent@hulena.comM9 Melrose street NewmarketAuckland1023Director0$ЦМФћMeŸ  AH_`pwƒŒNickiHenshawhenshawnicola@gmail.comF93 Brighton RoadParnellAuckland1052Housewife0$ЧБTЫPeŸЦ AHefvy…GlennPeacheyInfo@partridgejewellers.co.nzM112 Queen StreetCBDAuckland1010Director0$ШПъTeŸ§ AEZ[mv€„‹CaseyHaredanzelian@hotmail.comF76 Glenmore StreetNorthlandWellington6011Manager0$ЩАА9ZeŸ< AI\]iow{…JoyceDeightonjdeighton@gmail.comF30 Tiri RoadOneroaAuckland1081Consultant0$ЪЋмZeŸB CKbcu|„ˆannamaemarshallannamae@lilyandming.comF21 cathedral placeparnellauckland1052manager0$ЫТ7о[eŸZ 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TceQueenstownQueenstown9300Sales and Marketing Co-ordinator0$юЄ їkЁfŸk AJ\]v}…‰šPeterDunnachiepeterd@woosh.co.nzMUnit 15/9a Esplanade RoadMt EdenAuckland1042Design Consultant0$яР 8тЁfŸn BHfgs|„ˆrachelsloanerachel.sloane@naveyasloane.comFPO Box 78158Grey LynnAuckland1021director0$№ДжMЃfŸt AFZ[jqy}‚SarahClarksarah@hedgerow.co.nzF41 Tohunga CresParnellAuckland1052Owner0$ёОЃfŸw CGfg›ЅЉАMoniqueWebbwellington@taylorboutique.co.nzF98 Customhouse Quay, Old Bank BuildingWellington CBDWellington6011Manager0$ђБT ЄfŸ~ @GXYhz‚†ŽZonaQuintonzonaq@hotmail.comF192 McLeod RoadTe Atatu PeninsulaAuckland1610Director0$ѓИ~AЊfŸЙ FJefu€ˆŒ‘ChamandeepKaurchamandeep76@rediffmail.comF121 Sandspit RdShelly parkAuckland2014Admin0$єА ­fŸЦ BF\]lt~‚’GiseleLupistella.doro@xtra.co.nzF25a Sandford StTrnethamUpper Hutt5018Artist Assistant0$ѕЗђЩЗfŸ BGbcu}…‰šLwindiEllislwindi.ellis@elevenpr.co.nzF57F Livingstone StWestmereAuckland1002Group PR Director0$іЉГ$КfŸ& BG]^pu}›WarrenLaingwarrenlaing@ihug.co.nzM1/40 Orakau 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U а6Ўў_Ц,ѕ[Р0Œъ`fhœьHgcŒ-ƒ5jS0)Tž.@@Tž _k5In store: Stack Vase<p>Designed by Bruce and St&eacute;phanie Tharp.<br /> <br /> $930</p> <p>Available exclusively from Domo, 1a Farnham Street, Parnell, Auckland ph 09 921 5574 <br /> <a href="http://www.domo.co.nz" target="_blank">www.domo.co.nz</a> </p> <p></p> <p></p> The Stack vase by Ligne Roset is comprised of four parts in enameled ceramic and adds just the right amount of colour to the table. With one large section to contain water, two medium sections that serve as extension rings and a further smaller section that acts as a reducer when you only have one flower to display, it's a pretty flexible piece of design.Looking for a statement table centrepiece? Ligne Roset's Stack vase makes a bold statement with colour0)ž.@@ž kw=In Store: Stacked Necklace<p>Constructed from vintage brass, it's one of many pieces from the collection that's available. </p> <p>Cost: $185</p> <p>Available from Douglas &amp; Bec, 9 St Mary's Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.&nbsp;</p> <p></p> This necklace titled 'Stacked' has just arrived at Douglas & Bec in Ponsonby. With a slight architectural aesthetic, elements of it also remind us (rightly or wrongly) of Liz Hurley's ever-famous Versace dress held together by safety pins that she wore to the premier of Four Weddings and a Funeral. American designer Laura Lombardi utilises a strong sense of geometry and structure in her jewellery0)’ž.@@’ž ]ЅЏ+<In Store: Nestrest<p>What's more, the oversized birds nest can be hung from a tree in the garden for maximum bird-like behaviour.&nbsp;</p> <p>Available from Domo<br /> Cnr Churton &amp; Farnham Streets,&nbsp;Parnell, Auckland</p> <p><a href="http://www.domo.co.nz" target="_blank">www.domo.co.nz</a></p> If it's a secluded suspended sanctuary you're looking for then slip yourself inside the Nestrest. Just arrived on our shores from the German luxury outdoor furniture company Dedon, Nestrest is the perfect place for relaxation, meditation or cosy conversations. Make like the birds and cosy yourself up in your very own nestin-store-nestrest0)Tž.@@Tž am7In store: Stack Vase<p>Designed by Bruce and St&eacute;phanie Tharp.<br /> <br /> $930</p> <p>Available exclusively from Domo, 1a Farnham Street, Parnell, Auckland ph 09 921 5574 <br /> <a href="http://www.domo.co.nz" target="_blank">www.domo.co.nz</a> </p> <p></p> <p></p> The Stack vase by Ligne Roset is comprised of four parts in enameled ceramic and adds just the right amount of colour to the table. With one large section to contain water, two medium sections that serve as extension rings and a further smaller section that acts as a reducer when you only have one flower to display, it's a pretty flexible piece of design.Looking for a statement table centrepiece? Ligne Roset's Stack vase makes a bold statement with colourin-store-stack-vase0)ž.@@ž m!y?XIn Store: Stacked Necklace<p>Constructed from vintage brass, it's one of many pieces from the collection that's available. </p> <p>Cost: $185</p> <p>Available from Douglas &amp; Bec, 9 St Mary's Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.&nbsp;</p> <p></p> This necklace titled 'Stacked' has just arrived at Douglas & Bec in Ponsonby. With a slight architectural aesthetic, elements of it also remind us (rightly or wrongly) of Liz Hurley's ever-famous Versace dress held together by safety pins that she wore to the premier of Four Weddings and a Funeral. American designer Laura Lombardi utilises a strong sense of geometry and structure in her jewelleryin-store-stacked-necklacens that she wore to the premier of Four Weddings and a Funeral. American designer Laura Lombardi utilises a strong sense of geometry and structure in her jewellery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!№кž Ѕi—eЙh"тlˆhАћ0PдLоHScreen shot 2011-10-05 at 10.03.51 AM.png0QлoI11243_mainImage.jpg0RлoJ,Scoundrel.jpg0SлoK4Poppelwell 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Burst Apart<p>Which is rather outrageous, given their previous effort - 2009&rsquo;s &lsquo;Hospice&rsquo; - widely viewed as a release of real significance within the &ldquo;indie&rdquo; world, with its blistering and at times, decidedly uncomfortable, rumination on varied themes such as abuse, abortion, cancer and death - themes that helped catapult the band to widespread critical acclaim and a sold-out world tour.</p> <p>Perhaps the low key release of the record is all part of the master plan of Peter Silberman, The Antlers front man and driving creative force.&nbsp; As he himself has acknowledged 'there was of course a feeling of pressure to follow up a record that people have a really strong attachment to.&nbsp; Knowing that it would be impossible to make everyone happy, and learning to be okay with that, we intentionally went into this record without a map and let the songs grow organically.'</p> <p><img alt="" style="border: 0pt none;" src="/denizen/antlers2.jpg" /><br /> <br /> So while some fans hoping for a &lsquo;Hospice Mark 2' will be disappointed, for the rest of us, the result is a beautifully paced record, that if anything, is more sophisticated than its predecessor.<br /> <br /> At the eye of their new storm is &lsquo;Rolled Together&rsquo; which simply repeats two lines 'rolled together with a burning paper heart, rolled together but about to burst apart'.&nbsp; It captures both the fragility and despair inherent in the record as well as being totally representative of The Antler&rsquo;s glorious sound &ndash; for just three members, they do possess the ability to deliver an epic sound.&nbsp; Of recent memory, possibly only <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utLtAU9uCNk%20">Sigur Ros</a> has made sadness sound this good. <br /> <br /> Elsewhere, album opener, the self-explanatory <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqgDDxTr7ME">&lsquo;I Don&rsquo;t Want Love&rsquo;</a> is a wonderful beginning, with its rolling electronics and velvet smooth guitars, while my personal favourite the haunting &lsquo;No Widows&rsquo; introduces a forlorn organ that simply washes over you with its melancholy, as Silberman&rsquo;s falsetto repeats '<a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKv_mIh1j-8v">when the shake, say the wings won&rsquo;t break</a>' is enough to give you chills. <br /> <br /> However, everything is simply a bridge to the album&rsquo;s triumphant closer &lsquo;Putting the Dog to Sleep&rsquo;.&nbsp; It&rsquo;s the perfect ending to a stunning album.&nbsp; If anything, &lsquo;Burst Apart&rsquo; builds on &lsquo;Hospice&rsquo; and clearly demonstrates The Antlers to be so very much more than a one trick pony. <br /> <br /> A must have.</p> <p></p> <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="480" height="390" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jqgDDxTr7ME?rel=0"></iframe>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="480" height="390" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HKv_mIh1j-8?rel=0"></iframe>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> This was almost the one that got away тЌ  if it wasnтЌ "!t for my wonderful friend Sarah itтЌ "!s quite conceivable that тЌ мBurst ApartтЌ "!, the fantastic new album from BrooklynтЌ "!s The Antlers could have slipped under my radar. The Antlers once again produce a glorious sound with the release of their new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^5q`1bpДєbnѕ>05ё ›/K„ŸfлK„†ŸzИ@ nІЖ€ЬфіGg­ПбIn Store: Porsche SunglassesTurn the heat up this summer with some vintage eye candyУ§71265_bigThumbImage.jpg1265_smallThumbImage.jpgPorsche SunglassesLouisa Penney discovers Sunglass Bar has a delivery of vintage Porsche SunglassesPorsche Sunglasses, Sunglass BarWhen it comes to sunglasses in my books, the aviator has always reigned supreme. I have amassed quite a collection of wire framed eyewear over the years but none have been able to beat a pair of prized vintage Porsche Carrera aviators that once belonged to my mother in the late 70s. Sometimes you just can’t beat a classic.Porsche-Sunglasses1265_mainImage.jpg05ђ ;"mƒŸ_{М‡Ÿv3@ qЙЩ€пїO…ˆ’ЄDish of the week: Pigs on toastWe head to the eastern bays to find a Kohi chef serving some unique fareWў41266_bigThumbImage.jpg1266_smallThumbImage.jpgPigs on ToastMarc Kinvig whips up his iconic Pigs Trotters dish for patrons at Kohi CafeTruffle Salt, Marc Kinvig, Cafe on Kohi, Pigs TrottersCafщ on Kohi is somewhat of a waterfront institution. Although well known for its prime sunny beachfront location and excellent brunch fare, on this occasion we found ourselves venturing down to sample some of the more adventurous options that grace the menu.Pigs-Toast1266_mainImage.jpg05ѓїM^†ŸЯЗн,‡ŸzЎ@Р nех€ћ.a…ІСгThe Internet Rules: FacebookNavigate with ease the trecherous world of the internet with our ongoing series. First stop - Facebook.Цў71267_bigThumbImage.jpg1267_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Internet Rules FacebookWe uncover the 5 golden rules of Facebook etiquetteFacebook 5 rules, The internet RulesNot making any inroads with Facebook of late? Finding your friends despondent to your many posts? We’ve put together a helpful list of what we think should be considered as the golden rules of Facebook etiquette to help you navigate the tricky road of successful online social interaction.The-Internet-Rules-Facebook1267_mainImage.jpg05є Іт†ŸїІЭP‡ŸlF@€ qех€ћ"ЉMWiRead: Lux et Nox by Bill HensonAustralian photographer Bill Henson takes us on a visionary journey with this rare coffee table bookСџ71268_bigThumbImage.jpg1268_smallThumbImage.jpgRead Lux et NoxNovel bookshop receives the highly covetable and hard to come by Lux et Nox book by Bill HensonBill Henson, Lux et Nox, Novel BookstoreBill Henson’s visionary photographs explore the ambiguous spaces between night and day, light and dark and youth and adulthood. I have long been a fan of his photographs of landscapes at dusk, an industrial no-man’s land on the outskirts of town and his somewhat controversial portrayal of adolescent turmoil. The large-scale works have a painterly and romantic tableaux that is rather magical and exquisitely beautiful.Lux-et-Nox1268_mainImage.jpg05ѕлBM‡ŸSлBM‡ŸtЕ@Р `МЬ€тњFu•ЂДListen: HeartsI Break Horses' debut album is a focused and exhilarating masterpiece from this creative duos61269_bigThumbImage.jpg1269_smallThumbImage.jpgListen HeartsAndrew Reinholds reviews I Break Horses' new debut album HeartsListen Hearts, Andrew Reinholds, I Break HorsesI Break Horses is comprised of Swedish duo Maria Linden and co-collaborator Fredrick Balck and ‘Hearts’ is their debut record. Linden writes the music, and also sings the lyrics written by Balck and as a result, is by default, the main creative force behind the style they have developed.Listen-Hearts1269_mainImage.jpg05і7žˆŸbPstˆŸ:Ї@ hПЯ€х§}}еы§Beautifying Bone BrothPut up a pre-summer fight to cellulite and eliminate toxins with this easy beauty brothЗD1270_bigThumbImage.jpg1270_smallThumbImage.jpgBeautifying Bone BrothPut up a pre summer fight to cellulite and improve the appearance of your skin with this easy beauty brothThere are two words that should never be uttered in the same sentence: cellulite and bikini. The two words should always stay diametrically opposed. And with summer nearing closer each day, it’s time to begin the annual battle to get the cellulite off before the bikini goes on. And guess what you’re going to fight it with – bones and vinegar!beautifying-bone-broth1270_mainImage.jpg05їU4‰Ÿ|U4‰Ÿ9Й sЙЩ€пї Y}о№The Cocktail Creative: James HallEvery cocktail barman has a story or two about his time behind the barЦ1271_bigThumbImage.jpg1271_smallThumbImage.jpgCocktail CreativesWe catch up with James Hall of SPQR to find out what he's learned behind the barSPQR, James Hall, Cocktail CreativesMasters of the fine art of liquor collaborations, a great cocktail barman takes the creation of your well earned libation very seriously. With their intimate knowledge of life’s social barometer, they bear witness to some of life’s more shameful moments on an all too regular basis. We catch up with James Hall of SPQR fame to ask him a question or two.cocktail-creatives1271_mainImage.jpg05ј2р№‰Ÿ™ђ™;ŠŸ:щ@ mВТ€и№ў>Lщї New Opening: Hard Luck CafщThe K-Road strip has another novel joint to add to its cultural crown(&Ъ1272_bigThumbImage.jpg1272_smallThumbImage.jpgHard Luck CafeK-Road welcomes another novel joint to add to its cultural crownHard Luck CafeOn a recent meander up to K-Road to visit one of our favourite lunch haunts, Mister Morning, I couldn’t help but notice a new addition to the strip. Behind gleaming glass windows and illuminated neon signs was a new establishment that on first glance looked to resemble more of a tattoo parlour than the cafщ title it proclaimed. Nevertheless, the next day we headed back up to check out this quirky new addition.Hard-Luck-Cafe1272_mainImage.jpg05љ8›_Ÿ8›_Ÿ:|@€ dЕХ€лѓ<bƒŸListen: Lights OutBig Deals' debut album is too honest, unpretentious and uncomplicated to dislike.с941273_bigThumbImage.jpg1273_smallThumbImage.jpgListen Lights OutAndrew Reinholds reviews Big Deal's new album Lights OutLights Out, Andrew Reinholds, Big DealOn the face of it, it looks like a recipe for disaster – definitely more than averagely good looking girl and guy get together to make wistful indie-pop album. Surely not another over-hyped boy-girl duo destined for the bargain bins at Real Groovy currently inhabited by Ting Tings albums.Lights-Out1273_mainImage.jpg05њмe#‹ŸмPeŸ:л@Р nУг€щj–7DV5 minutes with Paolo RotondoOur newest Denizen Caroline Bell Booth talks with the lead actor of the play Tartuffe§9Я1274_bigThumbImage.jpg1274_smallThumbImage.jpg5 minutes with Paolo RotondoCaroline Bell Booth has conversation with the lead actor of the play TartuffePaolo Rotondo, Tartuffe, Caroline Bell BoothSome conversations stick with you for a while, you think back to them or make reference to them for weeks after the actual event. I had one such conversation recently with actor Paolo Rotondo. I’ve known Paolo for many years now, (we worked together on a TV drama series) and he has always struck me as a very honest person; someone who wears his heart on his sleeve and approaches his work with a sense of integrity.Paolo-Rotondo1274_mainImage.jpg05ћ;‹Ÿ;‹Ÿ:П@Р `ЗЧ€кя§Tƒƒ‘ November FilmsWe ask our newest Denizen to uncover the three must-see films for the month of NovemberН:М0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgNovember FilmsWe ask our newest Denizen to uncover the three must-see films for the month of NovemberNovember films, michelle veysey, rialto cinemasNovember-Films0_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ТlЭФТХ Је1`p5r `™SqЛЊ—Cƒm05і7žˆŸPstˆŸrе@ hПЯ€х§}}еы§Beautifying Bone BrothPut up a pre-summer fight to cellulite and eliminate toxins with this easy beauty brothЗD1270_bigThumbImage.jpg1270_smallThumbImage.jpgBeautifying Bone BrothPut up a pre summer fight to cellulite and improve the appearance of your skin with this easy beauty brothThere are two words that should never be uttered in the same sentence: cellulite and bikini. The two words should always stay diametrically opposed. And with summer nearing closer each day, it’s time to begin the annual battle to get the cellulite off before the bikini goes on. And guess what you’re going to fight it with – bones and vinegar!beautifying-bone-broth1270_mainImage.jpg05ј2р№‰Ÿђ™;ŠŸtЋ@ mВТ€и№ў>Lщї New Opening: Hard Luck CafщThe K-Road strip has another novel joint to add to its cultural crown(&Ъ1272_bigThumbImage.jpg1272_smallThumbImage.jpgHard Luck CafeK-Road welcomes another novel joint to add to its cultural crownHard Luck CafeOn a recent meander up to K-Road to visit one of our favourite lunch haunts, Mister Morning, I couldn’t help but notice a new addition to the strip. Behind gleaming glass windows and illuminated neon signs was a new establishment that on first glance looked to resemble more of a tattoo parlour than the cafщ title it proclaimed. Nevertheless, the next day we headed back up to check out this quirky new addition.Hard-Luck-Cafe1272_mainImage.jpg05њмe#‹ŸвмPeŸ{;@Р nУг€щj–7DV5 minutes with Paolo RotondoOur newest Denizen Caroline Bell Booth talks with the lead actor of the play Tartuffe§9Я1274_bigThumbImage.jpg1274_smallThumbImage.jpg5 minutes with Paolo RotondoCaroline Bell Booth has conversation with the lead actor of the play TartuffePaolo Rotondo, Tartuffe, Caroline Bell BoothSome conversations stick with you for a while, you think back to them or make reference to them for weeks after the actual event. I had one such conversation recently with actor Paolo Rotondo. I’ve known Paolo for many years now, (we worked together on a TV drama series) and he has always struck me as a very honest person; someone who wears his heart on his sleeve and approaches his work with a sense of integrity.Paolo-Rotondo1274_mainImage.jpg05ќдЯŒŸќTCŽŸ{@Р `”Є€Квр*JЈЖШComing up RosщWe're loitering at the gates of impending summer fun;B1276_bigThumbImage.jpg1276_smallThumbImage.jpgComing up RosщWe're loitering at the gates of impending summer fun with Stolen Kiss RosщStolen Kiss Rosщ, Rockburn WinesWith the temperatures finally rising we're thinking of long summer days spent relaxing in the sun. Days spent indulging in fresh local seafood and delicious wine are high on our holiday agenda. Such days call for crisp dry wines served icy cold. Our search for the perfect summer libation may already be over - with this delicious Central Otago rosщ.coming-up-rose1276_mainImage.jpg05§јЃйŸЧИ]$ŽŸrж@Р džЎ€Фмю(gПбуThe Ferry BuildingThe grand dame of the waterfront deserves a birthday partyB;Ш1277_bigThumbImage.jpg1277_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Ferry BuildingThe grand dame of the waterfront deserves a birthday partyThe Ferry Building, Ray White, Kirsten Moore and Trish WhillansThis grand architectural matriarch of Auckland’s waterfront is about to celebrate her 100th birthday. Completed in 1912 for the Auckland Harbour Board the building was designed in the Edwardian Baroque style using sandstone and brick and supported by Coromandel granite foundations to withstand the building’s weight on reclaimed harbour land.The-Ferry-Building1277_mainImage.jpg05ћPIŸ;‹Ÿq€@Р lДФ€кђ c’„’ЄThe November Film Round-upWe ask our newest Denizen to uncover the three must-see films this monthН:М1275_bigThumbImage.jpg1275_smallThumbImage.jpgThe November Film Round-UpWe ask our newest Denizen to uncover the three must-see films for the month of NovemberNovember films, michelle veysey, rialto cinemasOur newest Denizen Michelle’s passion for art house film began with a love of the French language after an exchange to France during her teenage years. Trained as a journalist, she spent the first few years of her working life as a general reporter then as an arts and entertainment journalist before changing career paths to work for Rialto Cinemas. She'll be delivering film reviews monthly on The Denizen as our newest cultural contributor - her first stop: the three must-see films this month.November-Films1275_mainImage.jpg05ўђ<И‹ŸВсDŽŸzћ fЯп€ѕ !ŠЁ-ASStep Into My ParlourCafщ Hanoi's Parlour Bar is intimate and discreet, and without doubt, one of Auckland's best kept secrets6<Я1278_bigThumbImage.jpg1278_smallThumbImage.jpgStep Into My ParlourCafщ Hanoi's Parlour Bar is intimate and discreet, and without doubt, one of Auckland's best kept secretsParlour Bar, Cafe HanoiSometimes, occasion calls for a location a little more discreet, offering the allure of a romantic, old-worldly ambience that a good bar or pub just can’t provide. Amongst the plethora of new bar openings around Auckland of late, we’ve been a bit reluctant to let this cat out of the bag because we like it so much. In terms of stumbling across a hidden gem, this one’s about as good as they get.Step-Into-My-Parlour1278_mainImage.jpg05љx_‰Ÿn8›_Ÿzc@€ dДФ€кђ;a‚ŒžListen: Lights OutBig Deals' debut album is too honest, unpretentious and uncomplicated to dislikeс941273_bigThumbImage.jpg1273_smallThumbImage.jpgListen Lights OutAndrew Reinholds reviews Big Deal's new album Lights OutLights Out, Andrew Reinholds, Big DealOn the face of it, it looks like a recipe for disaster – definitely more than averagely good looking girl and guy get together to make wistful indie-pop album. Surely not another over-hyped boy-girl duo destined for the bargain bins at Real Groovy currently inhabited by Ting Tings albums.Lights-Out1273_mainImage.jpg05џ Ф чŒŸvЛRŽŸ€J@€ dОЮ€фќh0BTPump up the volumeFlat hair be gone, we discover a product that delivers a Bardot-worthy volume to our locks‘<B1279_bigThumbImage.jpg1279_smallThumbImage.jpgPump Up The VolumeFlat hair be gone, we discover a product that delivers a Bardot-worthy volume to our locksKevin Murphy, hair volumeFor those not blessed with naturally voluminous, Victoria’s Secret-esque waves, coiffing hair into shape takes a few secret tricks. And I’ve just discovered a pretty good one.pump-up-the-volume1279_mainImage.jpg05ї•zЧˆŸU4‰ŸpЬ sЙЩ€пї Y}пёThe Cocktail Creative: James HallEvery cocktail barman has a story or two about his time behind the barЦ1271_bigThumbImage.jpg1271_smallThumbImage.jpgCocktail CreativesWe catch up with James Hall of SPQR to find out what he's learned behind the barSPQR, James Hall, Cocktail CreativesMasters of the fine art of liquour collaborations, a great cocktail barman takes the creation of your well earned libation very seriously. With their intimate knowledge of life’s social barometer, they bear witness to some of life’s more shameful moments on an all too regular basis. We catch up with James Hall of SPQR fame to ask him a question or two.cocktail-creatives1271_mainImage.jpgelivers a Bardot-worthy volume to our locks‘<B1279_bigThumbImage.jpg1279_smallThumbImage.jpgFor these not blessed with naturally voluminous, Victoria’s Secret-esque waves, coiffing hair into shape takes a few secret tricks. And I’ve just discovered a pretty good one.pump-up-the-volume1279_mainImage.jpgImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ќ „ М gf^]P`q5s`qrДяŒZ4g05 Њ(ŽŸУ  IŸz(@Р ]ЏП€еэјL[y„–Note TakingWe find a range of cult notebooks perfectly suited to academics and playboys alikeаRн1280_bigThumbImage.jpg1280_smallThumbImage.jpgNote TakingWe find a range of cult notebooks perfectly suited for academics and playboys alike.Pencil BoutiqueIt doesn’t matter how many useful apps there are out there, sometimes life just calls for good old-fashioned pen and paper. I for one, love making lists, and crossing off a completed task on paper is an infinitely more satisfying action than my trusty iPhone notepad could ever provide.note-taking1280_mainImage.jpg05…ўQŸ[…ўQŸyЯ@Р eРа€цўTr”ЇЙKnow Your Meat CutsImpress guests at your next dinner party by your encyclopedic recital of the best meat cutsGS01281_bigThumbImage.jpg1281_smallThumbImage.jpgKnow Your Meat CutsTim Eriksen walks us through the various meat cuts you need to knowNeat Meat, Know Your Meat CutsAs a purveyor of quality meat cuts and a supplier to some of the country's finest restaurants, Tim Eriksen of Neat Meat knows a thing or two about the finest offerings from our bovine friends. We ask him to walk us through the various meat cuts on offer, and the best ways to cook each one.Know-Your-Meat-Cuts1281_mainImage.jpg05 dRtŸЬфХ Ÿ{—@@ sСб€чџf}wЂIn Store: Jac + Jack beach towelsWe've found a collection of towels worthy of a beachfront position this summerъZн1283_bigThumbImage.jpg1283_smallThumbImage.jpgJac and Jack Beach TowelsWe've found a collection of towels worthy of a beachfront position this summerJac + Jack beach towelsWith word of a heat wave sweeping the nation this summer, we hope you’re wisely planning on hitting the beach. Bikini, boardies and beach bag aside, we bet you haven’t thought about the finer details, and nothing says details like sporting a nice looking beach towel. Forget bold patterns made from toweling that has worn just a touch too thin, or a towel that’s spent too much time in the sun whilst you’ve been swanning in the sea – we’ve found a range worthy of a prime beachfront position this summer.jac-and-jack-beach-towels1283_mainImage.jpg05 ]МlŽŸ"у„Ÿz5@Р iдф€њ!‹Њ)How to: Make MozzarellaTake your cue from the Italian masters and impress your next dinner party guests with some homemade fromage„ZЪ1282_bigThumbImage.jpg1282_smallThumbImage.jpgMake MozzarellaTake your cue from the Italian masters and impress your next dinner party guests with home made MozzarellaMake Mozzarella, Cook The BooksDIY Mozzarella? How did we not know this could be done sooner? Being somewhat lacking in culinary skills may well be the culprit, but nevertheless, this is a cooking concept that appealed to our inner Nigella. Grey Lynn’s Cook The Books is offering a Mozzarella-making evening with cheese aficionado Katherine Mowbray – author of ‘Cutting the Curd’.Make-Mozzarella1282_mainImage.jpg05О’ŸўОz\”ŸЉ}@ mЭн€ѓ &&&ыExhibition: Art in the Darkadd a little culture glow to your weekend activities with this magical after-dark art exhibitionил1298_bigThumbImage.jpg1298_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Paul Smith Holdallwe prepare for weekend escapes with this stylish overnighterPaul Smith Holdall, Fifth Ave menswear PonsonbyThe onset of the holiday season calls for a worthy travel companion. In anticipation of a long hot summer, day trips have begun creeping high up on our agenda as the weekend begins to roll around. In the likely event that our summer day trips could turn into overnighters, we've decided we'll be setting off on the road well prepared.Paul-Smith-Holdall1298_mainImage.jpg05N!WЂŸ?ЮТЂŸqэ@@ ]Уг€щ ssp{Saving faceWe discover the perfect sunscreen for summer so you can enjoy the rays without worrying about the burnЂо41299_bigThumbImage.jpg1299_smallThumbImage.jpgSaving faceWe discover the perfect sunscreen for summer so you can enjoy the rays without worrying about the burn.I’ve never been the biggest fan of facial sunscreens. I hate the oiliness and subsequent breakouts that seem to come hand and hand with them. Luckily for my face, I have enough common sense to know that I have to wear it and that come summer, the SPF in my foundation alone is not enough. So, as it comes time to amp up the protection under makeup, Sothys has us covered – literally. We have a new found love for their Soins Soleil Cellu-guard sunscreen that we have been road testing over the past few weeks.saving-face1299_mainImage.jpg05 KЎkЃŸБ‹œЃŸГє@ jою€(ˆ›РЭпMy Summer: Benny CastlesIn the lead up to summer, we ask World's menswear designer to tell us what his plans are this summer holiday season.*пK1300_bigThumbImage.jpg1300_smallThumbImage.jpgBenny CastleIn the start of our ongoing series, we ask World's menswear designer what he's doing come summerBenny Castle, WorldWe've enlisted the help of some of our own contributors and other inspiring New Zealanders for our ongoing 'My Summer' series. Arming you with a list of summer to-dos, we kick it off with the very dapper Benny Castles, who lets us know what haunts he'll be frequenting in Auckland come summer.Benny-Castles1300_mainImage.jpg05 dfgšŸьdЯœŸЗх@@ _вт€јŽБ 'A Shaded ViewThe future is looking bright, so make your sunglass decisions wisely with these tips from our new sartorial advisorІЉу 1292_bigThumbImage.jpg1292_smallThumbImage.jpgWell ShadedThe future is looking bright, so make your sunglass decisions wisely with these tips from our new sartorial advisoretiquette, murray crane, sunglassesA good pair of sunglasses can make all the difference to an outfit and most major designers make a lot of money out of these little pieces of moulded plastic. Like anything to do with developing your own personal style, it is about avoiding anything overtly designer and instead buying investment pieces that you will be able to covet for years.well-shaded1292_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЮA`еУ S ]s­`t5v`ˆhuДиŸМYЁ€"05  +AЃŸuJА0ЃŸt:€ `žЎ€Фмъ/;ны§One Fine DriveWe take to the streets in the latest sporty offering from BMW‹пK1301_bigThumbImage.jpg1301_smallThumbImage.jpgOne Fine DriveWe take Denizen to the streets in the latest sporty offering from BMWBMW 1 seriesI'll admit that sometimes there are some great perks to be had here at Denizen, like my recent adventure driving the new BMW 1 Series. Before I took the reins, I was taken through a demonstration of the brand new BMW 1 series and given the instructions to make sure I embraced my ‘inner petrol head’. A phrase that I have no doubt my dad will be wincing at the thought of me attempting. I’ve grown up with a dad that is a serious petrol head, but it has never really resonated so much with me. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I had it in me. But now I’m starting to think that is just something all people say until they have had the opportunity to actually drive a decent car.one-fine-drive1301_mainImage.jpg05чз|ЃŸЇgKЃŸ( gОЮ€фќss№ўThe great Sabato saleGet in early for the season ahead and stock your pantry with delicious gourmet goodies.муK 1305_bigThumbImage.jpg1305_smallThumbImage.jpgThe great Sabato saleyour chance to stock up on all the gourmet delights you will need for the impending holiday seasonCommencing this Friday and running through until Sunday, Sabato is holding their annual warehouse sale. It's the perfect chance to not only stock your pantry with gourmet goodies at great prices, it's also a chance to have your first peek at their eagerly anticipated Christmas selections, including their widely popular and utterly delectable array of panettone, nougat, panforte.on-sale-sabato1305_mainImage.jpg05  ‰-ЃŸМвFЃŸzђ@Р kЈИ€ЮцDDjŠœOnline Store: Simon JamesWe discover great design available at the click of the mouse.Щпч1302_bigThumbImage.jpg1302_smallThumbImage.jpgSimon James Concept Store: OnlineWe discover great design available at the click of the mouse.One of our favourite local concept stores has just made fulfiling our ongoing obsession with design even easier with the launch of their online store. The Simon James Concept Store is filled with an outstanding array of unique designs from all over the world - set to satsitfy any design junky.simon-james-concept-store-online1302_mainImage.jpg05 Ћ\ЂŸeыLЃŸ{€@€ lфє€ "<ккVs…What to buy: The Suave GuyIn the lead up to the silly season we've hand picked some show-stopping gifts that'll be sure to show how much you careыпп1304_bigThumbImage.jpg1304_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The Suave GuyIn the start of our ongoing Christmas series, we've handpicked a selection of the best gifts for every personality type you may encounter this holiday season.We've all got a suave guy in our lives. That smooth talking, good looking, man-about-town who knows a thing or two about the finer details of a life lived well. He's notorious for his way with ladies and his appreciation for the finer things in life knows no bounds. Needless to say he's a little fussy, so show him the extent of your devotion with these carefully selected gifts.what-to-buy-for-the-suave-guy1304_mainImage.jpg05 њќЃŸЋ ЪГGЃŸ{a@@ dвт€ј"••ЯрђPop up: Taco TruckA pop-up eatery serving authentic mexican eats alongside a healthy dollop of sweet beats kicks off this SundayЮпп1303_bigThumbImage.jpg1303_smallThumbImage.jpgPop Up: Taco TruckA pop-up eatery serving up authentic mexican eats alongside a healthy dollop of sweet beats kicks off this SaturdayIt looks to me that Mexican cuisine seems to be on the rise in Auckland City - thankfully we've come a long way from the heady days of those Aztec Corn Chips ads. Burrito, Chimichanga & Taco joints are springing up all around this town (some better than others) but none are yet to combine beats with their beans.pop-up-taco-truck1303_mainImage.jpg05э#žЄŸLэMЄŸ%@ aЈИ€Юцѕ<<ŽЏHello Hay feverleave hayfever in the dust this season with a little help from the beesRђ0 1306_bigThumbImage.jpg1306_smallThumbImage.jpgHello Hay feverleave hayfever in the dust this season with a little help from the beesHello Spring. Hello hay fever! Spring is that abundant time of year that brings with it new life and a deluge of airborne pollen. Approximately 20% of New Zealanders suffer from hay fever and if you’re one of those lucky people you’ll know how irritating it is sneezing your way through the day. Fortunately I have a solution: bee pollen.hello-hay-fever1306_mainImage.jpg05ŸŒMЄŸ"ŸŒMЄŸЮ@ cТв€ш q“УгхListen: Ersatz GBAndrew Reinholds discovers that the Fall's latest album is a full frontal assault on the sensesМџN1308_bigThumbImage.jpg1308_smallThumbImage.jpgListen ErsatzOur music contributor discovers that The Fall's latest album is a full frontal assault on the sensesErsatz, The Fall, Andrew ReinholdsOkay, so I’ll lay my cards on the table now – I am a huge fan of The Fall. Actually, that’s probably, no definitely, an understatement. The Fall is my band. I have no idea how or why, but ever since I first heard them, I’ve been dragged completely and utterly into their wonderful and frightening world.listen-ersatz-gb1308_mainImage.jpg05 КЭРЅŸ;z‡ ІŸ+@@ fŸЏ€ХнёI]€”ІDenizen Summer IssueThe latest issue of Denizen magazine is hot off the pressє 21310_bigThumbImage.jpg1310_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizen Summer IssueYour chance to get your hands on our latest issue of Denizen magazine, hot off the pressDenizen Summer IssueOur summer issue has just arrived back from the printer. Packed with experiences of living well locally, including the best of alfresco dining, the quintessential gift guide and all that is good about summer living, this issue is destined to be your trusted friend in a time of festive need.denizen-summer-issue1310_mainImage.jpg05 АТiЈŸАТiЈŸ№@Р ]ЇЗ€Эх№№№ Bucket ListWe find the perfect accessory to compliment the forthcoming festive cheers~K 1311_bigThumbImage.jpg1311_smallThumbImage.jpgBucket ListGreat champagne calls for equally great presentation skills. Champagne should always be kept cold; so while you are swilling away on long hot summer days, ensure your prized vintage tipple is being kept at the right temperature inside an ice bucket of equally worthy status.bucket-list1311_mainImage.jpg05 %щ ЅŸ%=ЅŸУ@€ yy‰€ŸЗЗЗЗ_}What to buy: The High Maintenance WomanЋн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgThe high maintenance woman; we all know a few. The immpecably dressed, well groomed prima donna who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there is some serious expectations weighing on the gift you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little easier, here we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpght temperature inside an ice bucket of equally worthy status.bucket-list1311_mainImage.jpg05 %щ ЅŸ%=ЅŸŽ@€ yy‰€ŸЗЗЗЗЗжшWhat to buy: The High Maintenance WomanЋн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgxx-what-to-buy:-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpgow or why, but ever since I first heard them, I’ve been dragged completely and utterly into their wonderful and frightening world.listen-ersatz-gb1308_mainImage.jpgnone are yet to combine beats with their beans.pop-up-taco-truck1303_mainImage.jpgelitives.on-sale:-sabato1305_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Кй/€] Ž m`u5w`№јvЕAI У05чз|ЃŸbЇgKЃŸqы gОЮ€фќss№ўThe great Sabato saleGet in early for the season ahead and stock your pantry with delicious gourmet goodies.муK 1305_bigThumbImage.jpg1305_smallThumbImage.jpgThe great Sabato saleyour chance to stock up on all the gourmet delights you will need for the impending holiday seasonCommencing this Friday and running through until Sunday, Sabato is holding their annual warehouse sale. It's the perfect chance to not only stock your pantry with gourmet goodies at great prices, it's also a chance to have your first peek at their eagerly anticipated Christmas selections, including their widely popular and utterly delectable array of panettone, nougat, panforte.on-sale-sabato1305_mainImage.jpg05э#žЄŸЃэMЄŸy~@ aЈИ€Юцѕ<<ŽЏHello Hay feverleave hayfever in the dust this season with a little help from the beesRђ0 1306_bigThumbImage.jpg1306_smallThumbImage.jpgHello Hay feverleave hayfever in the dust this season with a little help from the beesHello Spring. Hello hay fever! Spring is that abundant time of year that brings with it new life and a deluge of airborne pollen. Approximately 20% of New Zealanders suffer from hay fever and if you’re one of those lucky people you’ll know how irritating it is sneezing your way through the day. Fortunately I have a solution: bee pollen.hello-hay-fever1306_mainImage.jpg05ŸŒMЄŸRŸŒMЄŸvЌ@ cТв€ш q“УгхListen: Ersatz GBAndrew Reinholds discovers that the Fall's latest album is a full frontal assault on the sensesМџN1308_bigThumbImage.jpg1308_smallThumbImage.jpgListen ErsatzOur music contributor discovers that The Fall's latest album is a full frontal assault on the sensesErsatz, The Fall, Andrew ReinholdsOkay, so I’ll lay my cards on the table now – I am a huge fan of The Fall. Actually, that’s probably, no definitely, an understatement. The Fall is my band. I have no idea how or why, but ever since I first heard them, I’ve been dragged completely and utterly into their wonderful and frightening world.listen-ersatz-gb1308_mainImage.jpg05 e­7ЉŸ%=ЅŸ&–@€ yці€ $KЛбs•ЇWhat to buy: The High Maintenance WomanA well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday seasonЋн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.high maintenance womanThe high maintenance woman, we all know a few. The impeccably dressed, well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there are some serious expectations weighing on the gifts you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little bit easier, we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.What-to-buy-high-maintenance-woman1309_mainImage.jpg05 %ŠЊŸ%=ЅŸ&џ@€ yщљ€'NОО_}What to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Ћн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.The high maintenance woman; we all know a few. The impeccably dressed, well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there is some serious expectations weighing on the gift you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little easier, here we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpg05 eY?ЉŸ%=ЅŸ'@€ yщљ€'NООc“What to buy: The High Maintenance WomanOur well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Ћн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.We're all familia with the high maintenance woman. The impeccably dressed, well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there is some serious expectations weighing on the gift you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little easier, here we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpg05 e­7ЊŸ%=ЅŸ'Д@€ yщљ€'NООd‚”What to buy: The High Maintenance WomanOur well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Ћн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.We're all familiar with the high maintenance woman. The impeccably dressed, well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there is some serious expectations weighing on the gift you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little easier, here we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpg05 eY?ЉŸ%=ЅŸ'Ж@€ yщљ€'NООc“What to buy: The High Maintenance WomanOur well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Ћн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.We're all familia with the high maintenance woman. The impeccably dressed, well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there is some serious expectations weighing on the gift you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little easier, here we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpg05 ЅѓьЉŸП%=ЅŸ{Щ@€ yчї€ %LМ/йђWhat to buy: The High Maintenance WomanOur curated selection of gifts are sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Ћн1309_bigThumbImage.jpg1309_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The High Maintenance Womanour well curated selection of gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.Our well curated selection of gifts are sure to impress even the most discerning of recipients this holiday season.We're all familiar with the high maintenance woman. The impeccably dressed and well groomed girl who commands the attention of both you, and the entire room. Let it be known there are some serious expectations weighing on the gifts you give this Christmas, so to make life just that little bit easier, we present a selection of gifts that are sure to leave you basking in your gift giving glory - at least until New Years Eve.The-High-Maitenance-Woman1309_mainImage.jpgry - at least until New Years Eve.xx-what-to-buy-the-prima-donna1309_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ъaЊ €э єp`v5ˆ `бwмЪu)f205 :ЅŸBz‡ ІŸb@@ fŸЏ€ХнёI]€”ІDenizen Summer IssueThe latest issue of Denizen magazine is hot off the pressє 21310_bigThumbImage.jpg1310_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizen Summer IssueYour chance to get your hands on our latest issue of Denizen magazine, hot off the pressDenizen Summer IssueOur summer issue has just arrived back from the printer. Packed with experiences of living well locally, including the best of alfresco dining, the quintessential gift guide and all that is good about summer living, this issue is destined to be your trusted friend in a time of festive need.denizen-summer-issue1310_mainImage.jpg05! ЅІЇŸЋ%№)ЉŸw;@ fгу€љ%’’1CRead: Marilyn MonroeThe legend and legacy of this hollywood icon is captured by two journalistic greats in this new weighty tome.ˆ41313_bigThumbImage.jpg1313_smallThumbImage.jpgRead: Marilyn Monroethe legend and legacy of this hollywood icon is captured by two journalistic greats in this new weighty tome.Since her untimely death in 1964, we have never been short of literary reminders that the blond bombshell still remains one of the most iconic movie stars that ever lived. We’ll never tire of coffee table tomes featuring the legendary Miss Monroe, but this collector's volume book "Norman Mailer, Marilyn Monroe, Bert Stern" looks like it could possibly be the best yet.read-norman-mailer,-bert-stern-marilyn-monroe1313_mainImage.jpg05$Џ)ЊŸКЏ)ЊŸvЎ@€ bУг€щ hp$6Listen: Tally HoWe all hope this is the dawning of yet another golden era in the label Flying Nun's proud historyЅ&Ћ1316_bigThumbImage.jpg1316_smallThumbImage.jpgTally-HoWe all hope this is the dawning of yet another golden era in Flying Nun's label’s proud historyTally HoNovember has marked the 30th anniversary of Flying Nun. To bring the celebrations to an end - which have included some iconic live gigs up and down the country, re-released albums and even their very own beer (on Epic) – we now have the ultimate document as final proof (like any was ever needed) of the absolute world class talent this label has been responsible for bringing to the attention of music lovers everywhere.listen-tally-ho1316_mainImage.jpg05 Аз'ЇŸэАТiЈŸr @Р iЌМ€въѕ@@T_qThe champagne CompanionThe perfect accessory to complement your forthcoming festive toasts~K 1311_bigThumbImage.jpg1311_smallThumbImage.jpgBucket ListWe find the perfect accessory to compliment your forthcoming festive cheersGreat champagne calls for great presentation skills. Champagne should always be kept cold; so while you are swilling away on long hot summer days, ensure your prized vintage tipple is being kept at just the right temperature choose a champagne bucket of equally worthy status.bucket-list1311_mainImage.jpg05# ШSЊŸТW"ЊŸ(“@€ rЯп€ѕ ,‰‰>PMy Holiday: Matthew Bray HeatherOur resident bon vivant shares an insight into what the impending season has instore for him.d&4 1315_bigThumbImage.jpg1315_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer: Matthew Bray Heatherour resident bon vivant shares with us a little insight into what summer has instore for him.My perpetual aptitude for making the naughty list remains an all too familiar encumbrance. For Mr Claus, (that most vile arbitrator), is surely to blame for the wretched socks and jumpers I usually unwrap each December 25th. This year however I have devised a cunning stratagem to prevent any further tawdry gifts. I will show a serpent like wiliness and play to his penchant for grog. No longer shall a simple glass of milk suffice. This Christmas eve that plump little dumpling shall discover a hot mince pie and a bottle of vodka awaiting him beside the fireplace. This pandiculation is sure to prove fruitful; I just pray that he doesn’t drink and sleigh!my-summer:-matthew-bray-heather1315_mainImage.jpg05  ZЫTЈŸшZрЉŸyі@ _ДФ€кђџ|| 2Caviar AffairGet acquainted with this luxurious delicacy just in time for the festive season ahead.41312_bigThumbImage.jpg1312_smallThumbImage.jpgCaviar Affairour resident sommelier introduces us to one of his prized delicacies, well worthy of an invitation to your next dinner party.You’d be hard pressed to find a more suitable companion to a glass of champagne, or a better showstopper for guests that are hard to impress than caviar. We were recently re-acquainted with this delicacy by Jean-Christophe Poizat, owner of Maison Vauron in Newmarket. Renowned for his passion for food and wine that exhibits heart and soul, this newest addition is the perfect accompaniment to summer celebrations.caviar1312_mainImage.jpg05& n@ыЇŸюtFЊŸГђ@ dЯп€ѕ Š™чљ My Summer Round UpFour creative Aucklanders share with us how they plan to be spending their well earned time off this summerH(н1318_bigThumbImage.jpg1318_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer Round upFour creative Aucklanders share with us how they plan to be spending their well earned time off this summerSummer Round UpIn the lead up to the summer months, we've sought the help of some inspiring New Zealanders and Denizen contributors to give us an insight into their top five summer to-dos. From local music festivals and beach getaways to essential summer eateries and even a Paris escape, these are a round up of haunts worthy of your consideration.my-summer-round-up1318_mainImage.jpg05%ВuDЋŸФђњ3ЊŸ{Ы@ kЇЗ€Эхў:]jƒ•Summer Issue Launch PartyWe celebrate in style the launch of our newest print editionі&K 1317_bigThumbImage.jpg1317_smallThumbImage.jpgSummer Issue Launch PartyWe celebrate in style the launch of our newest print editionDenizen Summer Issue 2 Launch PartyWe've developed quite a fondness for celebrating the art of living well here at Denizen. Our recent launch of the new summer issue was an excellent opportunity to amalgamate some of favourite brands and share a truly unique Denizen experience with our loyal supporters.summer-issue-launch-party1317_mainImage.jpg05" Чо‚ЊŸвzЉŸuы@€ fСб€чџj‰r‚”Setting the StandardBe prepared for the unpredictable summer weather with this effortless transeasonal sweater. %л 1314_bigThumbImage.jpg1314_smallThumbImage.jpgSet the StandardBe prepared for the unpredictable summer weather with this effortless transeasonal sweater.Standard Issue, diamond sweaterWhen collating our summer wardrobe staples, we know all too well that the unpredictable New Zealand weather can call for having all seasonal bases covered. Lightweight layering is an essential for our southern hemisphere climate. We’ve just discovered the perfect trans-seasonal piece to cover up with when the sun goes down. New Zealand label Standard Issue has long been the go-to for finely crafted, beautiful knitwear and superfine cotton knits, and this seasons range is no exception.set-the-standard1314_mainImage.jpg05' hљюЊŸV(Г9ЋŸ{,@€ ] А€Цоъ((XcuBright Ideafill santa stockings this christmas with one of these bright sparks}>21319_bigThumbImage.jpg1319_smallThumbImage.jpgNeon Brightsfill santa stockings this christmas with a little bright sparkThis is one summer accessory you're sure not to misplace in the handbag easily. The cult favourite Comme des Garчons coin wallets and purses have been dipped in some super bright neon shades for the upcoming holiday season; offering up the perfect stocking filler for any fashionista come Christmas day.neon-bright1319_mainImage.jpg.jpg the perfect accompaniment to summer celebrations.xx-caviar1312_mainImage.jpgtiful knitwear and superfine cotton knits, and this seasons range is no exception.set-the-standard1314_mainImage.jpg!!!!Іr}I№ @ `Ђy-wRxЭ 5 xю0SТP­њ№р.<2Frank LiewFrank_Liew.jpg

Qubic Store founder Frank Liew traverses the globe regularly to seek out the cool, networking with a huge range of international runway designers, graphic artists, fine artists, musicians, DJs, the odd celebrity and other cultural luminaries along the way. His travels have taken him to Japan, Asia, Europe, and the U.S.A on a regular basis in his relentless quest to hone his vision for Qubic Store and New Zealand.


0„.­В№р1@БLouisa Penneyloulousmall.jpg

Having worked in the fashion industry for the past five years, Lou is The Denizen's in house editorial specialist, well versed to keep us in the know with what's happening in and around the country. With interests in beauty, film, gastronomy and people, she knows a thing or two about how to live well in the city, and as such, is our go-to on the ground editor.

0SЖ0Б,№р8C Matthew Bray Heathermathew1.jpg

Having worked at some of the world’s most prestigious bars and soirees, his tasty creations have been enjoyed by titans of the stage, screen, fashion and art worlds. As co-owner of www.thebespokebar.com, a specialist premium home bar consultancy and management company, Matthew stocks and supplies bespoke bars for the homes, yachts and private jets of his discrete clientele.


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Sarah Kapeli has an obsession with healthy food, spending much of her free time stalking organic providores and exposing many a health myth via her women's health blog. Sarah's frequent travels to South East Asia, New York and Sydney make her well versed to keep us in tune with the latest trends in health and wellness.


0&``ы`р/BKTim Eriksentimeeriksonweb3.jpg

The youngest and self proclaimed best looking of three brothers, Tim Eriksen is one quarter of the flourishing family butchery business 'Neat Meat'. Tim is a regular indulger in all things gastronomic with his hawk's eye for exciting products, the best produce and an ability to shun meat gimmicks that are destined to fail. Tim Eriksen is our go-to man when it comes to keeping well versed in the culinary realm of butchery.


<”`Р†`р1?чAntonia Bakerantonia100.jpg

As Director of new-style real estate agency The Property Market, Antonia Baker has a keen eye for property and is using her advertising background to provide clients with industry-leading marketing to achieve the best possible sale price. She and her team are based in a Victorian bakehouse tucked down a driveway in Ponsonby. www.thepropertymarket.co.nz

0єъ`рЬ’`р0DJacqui Dixonsabato_portrait1.jpg

Jacqui Dixon is the co-founder of specialty foodstore Sabato alongside her husband Phil. They opened the specialist gourmet store in 1993 based initially in their home garage, but 18 years later Sabato is now a showroom, commercial kitchen and trade premises in Mt. Eden, Auckland. Jacqui's passion for sourcing the finest food and ingredients from Europe, alongside some of New Zealand's own makes her well versed in educating us on the finer gastronomic details.

0…` ?…`р4=Murry Sweetpantsmurry.jpg

As the morning host of The Long Black on the burgeoning radio station, Ponsonby Radio, and renowned go-to DJ for any party worth attending, Murry Sweetpants knows a thing or two about living the good life. 

09љ`Рб`р7I@Caroline Bell Boothcaroline_small.jpg

Caroline Bell-Booth has been known to direct TV & theatre of various forms. She likes talking to and about people doing interesting things around her and finding out what makes them do what they do. She presents two features on George FM’s Breakfast show: “Nice Arts”, an arts review and “Ladies League”, where she recounts with passion the trials and tribulations of the NZ Warriors. By nature, Caroline is a collection of contradictions and misleading notions.

0:З`€ф‘`р3EMichelle Veyseymichelle_small.jpg

Michelle’s passion for art house film began with a love of the French language after an exchange to France during her teenage years. Trained as a journalist, she spent the first few years of her working life as a general reporter then as an arts and entertainment journalist before changing career paths to work for Rialto Cinemas. She is passionate about all things film and enjoys the finest of art house movies, as well as a good blockbuster.

0;Z`@№‡`рDOŸKirsten Moore and Trish Whillansdenizen.jpg

Trish and Kirsten lease inner city boutique office space.  Working in O’Connell Street they run the leasing side of Ray White Commercial. They recommend the inner sanctum of The House Bar at Hotel De Bretts for those wanting a calm oasis in the city.


0Ўj`Р•Š`р0AMurray Cranemurray_small1.jpg

By creating garments that embody the concept of modern tailoring, Murray Crane has impressed a keen sartorial influence on New Zealand men. His contemporary design techniques that employ the founding principles of the artisan craft of suit making have seen his Crane Brothers stores rise to cult status amongst well dressed gentlemen. Set to rid our country of badly cut, shapeless suits and square-toe shoes once and for all, Crane shares with us with his sartorial musings.


0и`€ЂŠ`р/=pSian Holdersian_small.jpg

A New Zealander born and raised in Hong Kong, Sian has always enjoyed the city life and adventures around the globe. After a 12 year stint in Auckland, working for high profile brands such as Red Bull and 42Below Vodka, she relocated to Melbourne to specialise in Brand Management recruitment within the consumer goods & liquor industry. Having lived and breathed the Auckland bar scene for many years, Melbourne is now the perfect city to combine all those things she loves and she is actively exploring this vibrant city and surrounding destinations.

0b`@ЬЁ`р.;нJosh Scottjoshscott.jpg

Josh Scott brewed his first beer in an old shed out the back of his father’s Marlborough vineyard in 1987. It wasn’t very good. Technically, because he was only 13 at the time it also wasn’t very legal. But that single event set the course for the next 20 years of Josh’s life as he’s now the master brewer at Moa Beer. Here, Josh schools us on life according to the Moa man. 

0 cT`/ACThe Denizendenizen circle.jpg

With an acute understanding of what it means to engage in the art of living well - The Denizen has developed an unwavering ability to edit through the abundance of offerings to bring you the very best of the new and noteworthy things that surround us.

0!|zъ`4CŠMichael Meredithmeredith_bw.jpg

Renowned for his adventurous approach to food, chef Michael Meredith is celebrated for such unconventional antics as pairing sweet white chocolate with tomatoes, or matching tart gooseberries with black olives, creating innovative dishes for his fine-dining restaurant Meredith’s on Auckland’s Dominion Road.

p; of the new and noteworthy things that surround us.

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NZ musician Tim Arnold, of revered New Zealand rock band, Pluto, fame, recently set about taking his expertise further afield to the bright lights of Hollywood. Here, he shares an ongoing series following the trials and tribulations of making it as a muso in LA.

0#’J`РkЫ`р-9DDion Nashdionnash.jpg

Having cut his teeth as an athletic and sometimes fiery all rounder in the cauldron that is international cricket, Dion has made the transition into the world of business via 42Below where by various acts of subterfuge, audacity and cunning he earned the title of Marketing Director.  A qualified Pilates instructor having spent a year teaching Remuera housewives the importance of lower abdominal control and how to plié and arabesque, he has recently founded the men's grooming range 'Triumph & Disaster'. Dion is a keen but at times misguided guitarist and an active member of local Herne Bay sound known to its many supporters as 'The Camel Toes'. www.triumphdisaster.tumblr.com

0#Ђ=`РkЫ`р-9aDion Nashdionnash.jpg

Having cut his teeth as an athletic and sometimes fiery all rounder in the cauldron that is international cricket, Dion has made the transition into the world of business via 42Below where by various acts of subterfuge, audacity and cunning he earned the title of Marketing Director.  A qualified Pilates instructor having spent a year teaching Remuera housewives the importance of lower abdominal control and how to plié and arabesque, he has recently founded the men's grooming range 'Triumph & Disaster'. Dion is a keen but at times misguided guitarist and an active member of local Herne Bay sound known to its many supporters as 'The Camel Toes'. www.triumphanddisaster.com

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Hailing from England but in a long-term relationship with the antipodes, Kat Patrick’s enthusiasm for all things south of the hemisphere is yet to dwindle. Newly passionate about pies, black sand beaches, native birds and weekend getaways to Australia, she’s nominated herself an unofficial ambassador for life in the faraway lands.

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C9Listen: Real Life is No Cool<p>Whereas previous Lindstrom work tended to lean towards long, almost self-indulgent space disco explorations, Real Life Is No Cool sees a far more concise approach, with an album of ten tightly sliced pieces of dance floor pop.<br /> <br /> Lindstrom sets a solid foundation of old funk, soul and disco for Christabelle to overlay her dream like almost stream of consciousness lyrics.&nbsp; Indeed, the layered approach to her vocals at time makes them incomprehensible, as if one is listening in a semi-dreamlike state.&nbsp; This theme is set from the opening track, with Christabelle emerging from the chaos of the Twin Peaks inspired opening sequences to whisper, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slsLJ6ThBu8" target="_blank">'what shall we do...shall we start looking...looking for what? </a><br /> <br /> The results are entirely consistent with how the creative process influenced the album with Christabelle recording her vocals independently, making up lyrics on the spot and then submitting them to Lindstrom for re-editing and reinterpretation.<br /> <br /> Don&rsquo;t be fooled by the classic almost cliched combination of heavy stomping basslines and piano house keys.&nbsp; Real Life Is No Cool takes the listener on a challenging and psychedelic ride.<br /> <br /> It&rsquo;s smart, sexy and sophisticated &ndash; don&rsquo;t expect to be hearing it on Ponsonby Rd any time soon.<br /> <br /> </p> <p></p> <iframe width="480" height="390" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hzqiCNSRcD0?rel=0" type="text/html" class="youtube-player" title="YouTube video player"></iframe>&nbsp; Real Life Is No Cool sees NorwayтЌ "!s king of disco Hans-Peter Lindstrom team up once again with long term collaborator Christabelle Silje Isabelle Birgitta Sandoo (I did have to look that up) to create a Scandanavian GiorgioMoroder/Donna Summer impersonation for the ages.Don't be fooled by the classic combination of heavy stomping basslines, this album takes the listener on a challenging ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!z|œž{Нaї НY9#0Щž@,@OЉЭНListen: Smart Flesh<p>All through the album you can hear the sound bouncing off the cold, ice cold, wooden floors and the high concrete ceiling high above.&nbsp; Jocie Adams explained the band&rsquo;s ten day recording experience in a recent interview: &ldquo;the cold cuts through your heart, slows your whole body down.&nbsp; It made us focus.&nbsp; Some of our songs got slower&rdquo;.<br /> <br /> Judging by the pace of Smart Flesh, it really was one cold pasta sauce factory.&nbsp; This is an album that literally creeps up on you like frostbite, a record of acoustic guitars, banjos, vocal harmonies and timeless tales of melancholy, love, loss and despair.<br /> <br /> As a lo-fi folk record, Bon Iver&rsquo;s For Emma, Forever Ago instantly springs to mind, however The Low Anthem add multi-instruments to keep the songs company as well as shine a light guide the listener through the album&rsquo;s darker tales..<br /> <br /> Opening track <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpadm5i_CKU">Ghost Woman Blues</a> perfectly captures the spirit of this fragile record, with its painfully sad clarinet and trumpet duet.<br /> <br /> The beautiful and summer sunshine love song that is <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNjnhDUFvRk">Matter of Time</a> offers a brief respite from the gloom.&nbsp; Dripping with anticipation and excitement it blends seamlessly into the haunting instrumental of <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjkikCq510">Wire</a> which does leave you despairing for the song&rsquo;s protagonist.<br /> <br /> Elsewhere, definitely check out the stomping Boeing 737 which is a tribute to the Twin Towers and includes references to Phillipe Petit the man who infamously defied death by walking between the two towers on a tightrope back in 1974.<br /> <br /> Smart Flesh is a brave album and one that can and should sit proudly beside the more mainstream folk artists of today &ndash; the aforementioned Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Iron and Wine et al.</p> <p></p> <iframe width="560" height="349" frameborder="0" title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Vpadm5i_CKU"></iframe> <p></p> <iframe width="560" height="349" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8kjkikCq510" title="YouTube video player"></iframe>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> Once labeled as тЌ SThe Masters of Restraint, Smart Flesh, was recorded in an abandoned pasta sauce factory near Rhode Island. And the band has used that desolate factoryтЌ "!s space and ambience as the key instrument in shaping this, The Low AnthemтЌ "!s fourth studio album. Low Anthem's latest album literally creeps up on you like frostbite, a record that embraces timeless tales of melancholy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{}œž{|aї YMak[0ћž@,@GћЇListen: Smother<p>The bad news is that, as an album, it is very different from their previous effort &ndash; so fans expecting a repeat will be disappointed.&nbsp; The good news is that, if anything, Smother represents a significant step forward in the evolution and maturation of a band moving rapidly beyond being simply 'promising' to one of the UK&rsquo;s finest.<br /> <br /> Smother sees them return with ten songs about love, lust and longing.&nbsp; Just like the most complicated of human emotions, the album&rsquo;s stripped back electronica and percussion hides an underlying tension and frustration that becomes almost palpable as the album&rsquo;s sensual arrangements slowly weave their magic.&nbsp; Hence the title.<br /> <br /> Opener, the piano driven Lion&rsquo;s Share (<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mgE8T4Ok5s" target="_blank">&ldquo;I wait until you&rsquo;re woozy, I Wait until you&rsquo;re lame, I take you in my mouth like the lion takes its game&rdquo;</a>)&nbsp; is cold, calculated and almost corrupted, as Hayden Thorpe calmly descends upon his object of desire, as the courter turns predator.<br /> <br /> The beautiful piano and synth arrangements continue, especially on the first single Albatross, which references Samuel Taylor Coleridge&rsquo;s <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUJYqhKZrwA" target="_blank">The Rime of the Ancient Mariner</a> and demonstrates the absolute confidence and conviction the band has in the songs and each other.<br /> <br /> On Plaything things get rather twisted as Thorpe attacks his new character with relish, almost growling the memorable opening line (&ldquo;New squeeze take off your chemise and I&rsquo;ll do as I please.&nbsp; I&rsquo;m not any kind of heartthrob, but at the same time I&rsquo;m not any kind of slob&rdquo;).&nbsp; It&rsquo;s a glorious descent into complete narcissism yet even still comes with an undercurrent of vulnerability and self-bout (&ldquo;yeah I&rsquo;m wonderin&rsquo; what you&rsquo;re thinking&rdquo;).<br /> <br /> Album closer <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr36aGCd4Kk" target="_blank">End Come Too Soon</a> presumably about premature ejaculation is, ironically enough, the perfect climax for Smother.&nbsp; The album&rsquo;s longest track, at just over seven minutes, is perfectly paced and leaves the listener definitely wanting more as it swells across a sweeping melody of real beauty and grace.<br /> <br /> It is hard to find fault at all with this record.&nbsp; The writing and playing is exceptional.&nbsp; An album that works on many, many different layers, it is the mark of a band that has reached an apex in its evolution.&nbsp; Utterly spellbinding.</p> <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="480" height="390" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qr36aGCd4Kk?rel=0"></iframe>&nbsp; <br /> <br /> <iframe width="480" height="303" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qUJYqhKZrwA?rel=0"></iframe> &nbsp; <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> <p></p> <p></p> Hailing from Kendal in the Lake District, Smother is the widely anticipated follow-up to 2009s ultra groovy Two Dancers тЌ  Wild BeastsтЌ "! second album which saw them pipped at the post by XX for the Mercury Prize.14 struggles to find any fault in Wildbeasts' latest album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|~œп}’k€ ’›В•цІ2)эž.@@эž ›ёЧGuWin: Dinner at the Chef's Table with Simon Gault<p>Dinner at the chef's table is a new experience on offer at Euro. Seated at the bar overlooking the chef's workstation, Simon Gault takes you on a gastronomic pilgrimage through his extraordinary repertoire of sensational dishes.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <em>Above: Simon Gault at work.</em></p> <p>The degustation menu consists of ten courses and features such outstanding offerings such as Sugared Foie Gras and Gazpacho of Chilean Crab; dishes that have made this talented executive chef a household name in New Zealand.</p> <p>&nbsp;<br /> <em>Above: Sugared foie gras, with a magical candyfloss topping.</em></p> <p>An utterly passionate chef, Simon takes great pride in walking you through each dish on offer. If you've never experienced molecular gastronomy - this is one of your best chances to experience it in all of its dramatic glory. Simon employs a vast array of techniques and equipment designed to extract flavours or create jellied and solid forms out of fluids, resulting in unexpected textures and guaranteed mouthfuls of tastiness.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <em>Above: Coromandel paua with mango.</em></p> <p>Watching him in action is like witnessing the creation of a masterpiece. Each stage in the process of creating his dishes is mathematical and scientific. The philosophy of molecular gastronomy is to trick the mind into thinking that things will taste different than they look, and Simon has a raft of mesmerising tricks up his sleeve that are truly impressive.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <em>Above: Chilean crab and apple salsa gazpacho.</em></p> <p>Like children we found it immensely pleasurable (bordering on hilarious) to be consuming food laced in dry ice, an experience that is only enhanced by the mandatory blowing of smoke from your nostrils. Dragon style. But hey, when you're not a smoker these things can easily be amusing!</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <em>Above: Sous chef in training Ivan taking direction from the master of chefs Simon Gault.</em></p> <p>In amongst our revelry Simon graciously offered one member of our party the chance to create something from his menu, with his help - MasterChef style. Our candidate Ivan took to the task with gusto. It's not easy making something under the watchful eye of such celebrated talent; particularly not with revelrous onlookers giving you stick. But despite our nominee's renowned handicap when it comes to all things kitchen related (actually let's just say all things domestically related), he actually did a pretty decent job at recreating Simon Gault's tiramisu - much to the cheers and applause of the table.</p> <p>Dinner at Simon Gault's chef's table is an excellent and engaging night out that I cannot recommend more.&nbsp;</p> <p>$200 per person excluding refreshments.</p> <p>We have dinner for two at the chef's table up for grabs courtesy of Euro.</p> <h2><span style="font-size: 14px;"><a href="http://thedenizen.co.nz/recommend.html" target="_blank">To enter go here.</a></span></h2> <p>Euro<br /> Princess Wharf<br /> Shed 143<br /> Quay Street<br /> Auckland<br /> ph 09 309 9866<br /> <br /> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.eurobar.co.nz">www.eurobar.co.nz</a> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> I recently had the opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience of dining at the chef's table with Euro executive chef and MasterChef judge Simon Gault. A couple of philanthropically minded friends had kindly invited me along to share the experience, one that they had purchased for a very generous sum of money at a recent charity auction. I happily obliged. Learn the best epicurean techniques from the Master Chef at Eurowin-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gaultrean techniques from the Master Chef at Eurowin-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gaultrean techniques from the Master Chef at Eurowin-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gaultepicurean techniques from the Master Chef at Eurowin-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`}œž7~зaїзYSzЁз00ž@,@gqбзListen: Stars - The Five Ghosts<p><img alt="" style="border: 0pt none;" src="/denizen/stars_1.jpg" />&nbsp; <br /> <br /> So, after nine years and this, their fifth album, is The Five Ghosts likely to propel Stars from lovable communal indie rockers to a credible mainstream act?&nbsp; The answer is, likely to be a resounding no.<br /> <br /> Which is a real shame, because Stars are just so likable.&nbsp; Their arrangements and instrumentation conjure the very best of The Smiths, New Order and The Cure.&nbsp; Added to this heady mix one can detect sprinklings of OMD and Pet Shop Boys which while adding a theatrical flair to the sound also enhances those tracks where it is most obvious (on the glorious power pop of <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17jdZdVmEuk&amp;feature=related" target="_blank">Fixed</a> or the sublime closing ballad Winter Bones).</p> <p><img alt="" style="border: 0pt none;" src="/denizen/stars3.jpg" /><br /> <br /> In essence a theme album about a relationship drawing to a close, the brilliance of The Five Ghosts is to create a body of work that combines real moments of melancholic tenderness with the band&rsquo;s signature boy-girls harmonies and synth-pop hooks. <br /> <br /> Vocal duties are shared between Torquil Campbell and the excellent Amy Millan (superb on <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAyIRMzhWX0%20" target="_blank">Wasted Daylight</a>) but it is when the two come together that sparks really do fly.&nbsp; <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orq96z9Vzbc" target="_blank">I Died So I Could Haunt You</a> transforms the song from a crazed over the top obsession into a joyous tribute.&nbsp; Elsewhere the two combine beautifully on the low key opener Dead Hearts and We Don&rsquo;t Want Your Body where they&nbsp; resemble pop&rsquo;s modern day Romeo and Juliet in need of some serious counselling.<br /> <br /> So a ghost story that, despite the album&rsquo;s theme, and seemingly despondent final track Winter Bones, ultimately does have a happy ending.&nbsp; The message is that it&rsquo;s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.<br /> <br /> And what for Stars?&nbsp; Nine years and five albums they remain on the fringes of mass acceptance.&nbsp; Stars could still be stars &ndash; here&rsquo;s hoping they continue to burn brightly.<br /> <br /> </p> <p></p> <div style="text-align: center;"> <p><object width="480" height="385"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IAyIRMzhWX0?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IAyIRMzhWX0?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object> &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/orq96z9Vzbc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/orq96z9Vzbc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="340" width="560"></object>&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> </div> Like the long lost constellation their name suggests, Stars wait patiently to be discovered. Unfortunately, that seems far easier said than done for any Canadian band currently labouring under the critical acclaim and attention lavished on fellow countrymen Arcade Fire, arguably the band of the moment.The Five Ghosts combines real moments of melancholic tenderness with the bandтЌ "!s signature boy-girls harmonies and synth-pop hooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~€œ; УcŒ5№ЩжЏ0)‘ž.@,@‘ž kы…KcListen: Suuns - Zeroes QC<p>Taking their name from the Thai word for &lsquo;zero&rsquo; (they were originally called Zeroes before legal and copyright conversations forced them to change), Suuns have delivered one hell of a record.&nbsp; Cutting a lean ten tracks, the album creates a menacing presence of paranoia right from the outset with the unsettling opener <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AT6EnciR_8">Armed for Peace</a> that has an almost Gang of Four or even Wire post-punk edge to it.&nbsp; It&rsquo;s the perfect scene setter for what is to follow.<br /> <br /> And what follows are nine more tracks that almost seem to be dream-debt snatches, with the only consistent thread holding any of them together the other worldly vocals of Ben Shemie. <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAeCzrhiGy0">Sweet Nothing</a> throbs along much like a krautrock-trans-euro-express with its pulsating beat over which layers of synthesizers and screeching distressed guitars drop in and out as the track&rsquo;s intensity builds and builds to a crescendo of air raid sirens and howling feedback.<br /> <br /> Then switch to the thundering <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k4znTNeVjg">Gaze</a> a dirty ugly beast of a track that recalls Interpol or even Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (on an exceptionally good day).<br /> <br /> Perhaps it is no surprise that the album has been co-produced and engineered by Besnard Lakes&rsquo; Jace Lasek.&nbsp; Much like his own band, Suuns have succeeded in creating a haunted, chilling, eerie nightmare of an album.&nbsp; Where they two bands do differ is that, for now, Suuns do defy description - they flick in and out of styles with the blink of an eye. <br /> <br /> As a result, it&rsquo;s an incredibly confident and self-assured debut &ndash; where they could go to from here is anyone&rsquo;s guess.&nbsp; I&rsquo;d definitely recommend trying to hitch a ride.</p> <p></p> <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="480" height="390" frameborder="0" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0k4znTNeVjg?rel=0" title="YouTube video player"></iframe><br /> <br /> </div> <div style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="480" height="300" frameborder="0" title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9AT6EnciR_8?rel=0"></iframe><br /> <br /> <br /> </div> There seems to be something in the water up in Canada. Hot on the heels of more established bands such as Besnard Lakes and Stars (both reviewed here on The Denizen), come Suuns тЌ  four guys from Montreal, with their debut album Zeroes QC that sits comfortably alongside the recent efforts of their more illustrious contemporaries.Cutting a lean ten tracks, this album creates a menacing presence of paranoia right from the outsetlisten-suuns---zeroes-qc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚_d”€Ькh&pШŠ і&

Chauffeur driven in style in the totally new BMW 1 Series, our guests were delivered to Auckland city's newest precinct Imperial Lane. This new inner city development, designed by architects Fearon Hay, offered the perfect sophisticated urban backdrop for an evening of cosmopolitan glamour.

Soon to open as a new urban thoroughfare that connects Fort Lane with Queen Street, Imperial Lane will house a patisserie during the day, serving delicious European-style baked goods, and will transform in the evening into a Spanish-style tapas bar. Guest enjoyed a selection of some of the delicious tapas that will be available in Imperial Lane - including seared tuna and Paroa Bay oysters.

Celebrating in true Denizen style guests were the first in the country to experience the newly released Hennessy Paradis Imperial (a suitable accompaniment to the Imperial Lane venue). This incredibly rare and utterly exquisite cognac will be available to only a select few here in New Zealand, with only 10 bottles making their way into the country. We managed to polish off five bottles at the launch event. At $4000 per bottle, guests were treated to a very rare example of the ultimate in luxury cognac, and had the opportunity to learn more about the history of the brand from Hennessy brand manager Jean Conrie who flew in especially for the evening. 

The evening was a superb opportunity to thank our loyal supporters for their ongoing support.

We have a fantastic offer for our readers to subscribe to Denizen magazine. Pay only $40 for a one year subscription (April, August, November 2012), and we'll send you the new summer issue absolutely free. If not for yourself, then perhaps someone else? Denizen makes the perfect gift!

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4 200g hapuka fillets

300g large el navarrico judion farmhouse butter beans

2 shallots finely diced

1 teaspoon lemon thyme

1 teaspoon chopped chives

12 asparagus stems trimmed

50g black pitted salvagno olives

1 tablespoon capers

100ml extra virgin olive oil

1 punnet baby roma tomatoes

For the mushroom crumbs

1 cup fresh bread crumbs

1 tablespoon sabato porcini cream

1 tablespoon giuliano tartufi truffle butter

1 teaspoon sabato porcini powdersalt (to taste)1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Mix everything together until it forms a loose crumb.

Serves 4


Preheat the oven to 170°c. Whilst it’s heating, place the fish on a flat tray and cover the fillets with the mushroom crumb mix before placing them in the oven for 6-7 minutes until golden.

In a pot, lightly sweat the shallots until they are slightly translucent. Then, add the butter beans with some of the liquid from the jar, and bring the shallots and butter beans to the boil - which will, in turn, reduce the liquid. Whilst the butter beans and shallots are reducing, salt the tomatoes and place them in the oven for 4 minutes. 

Add the asparagus to salted boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes. Then add the blanched asparagus to the reduced butter beans and shallots. Add capers and the black pitted salvagno olives followed by fresh herbs and stir. Cook for a further 2 minutes.

On a plate place the beans, add the tomatoes and asparagus and spoon over the capers and olives. Place the fish on the top and finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil before serving.


Ingredients available from Sabato www.sabato.co.nz


Based on the original 60s design, the Bodum grill has enjoyed a modern revival of the unique cone shape. For the barbecue connoisseurs, while small in size, the cone-shaped FyrKat grill makes up for its stature with two levels of grilling surface and a rotating roasting spit, turning the grill into a battery-operated rotisserie. The funnel design, which although is designed to ensure optimal heat when cooking, also aids in providing an easy and clean disposal of ashes – a feature, which we suspect any griller would agree, is no mean feat.

This slick and compact cooker could make the perfect addition to your summer outdoor dining repertoire, or perhaps even, take up residence in your car boot, adding some serious wattage to any picnic or camping trip.

Available in a range of colours in enamel coated steel along with a set of accompanying grilling tools.

Available from The Studio of Tableware

5 Harold Street
Mt Eden

Ph 09 638 8082



The irony is that, for the most part, the sound is exuberant and upbeat.  Its classic indie rock at its eccentric best, perhaps most reminiscent of Canada’s chaotic troupe of multiple instrumentalists Broken Social Scene.

So, being a septet Los Campesinos! (each member has adopted the surname Campesinos) bash out a glorious racket over which lead singer and lyricist Gareth Campesinos’ awkward slice-of-life observations build gloriously flawed stories of love lost.

From confessing getting frostbite from scribbling dicks in the snow for every girl that wouldn’t sleep with him in “Baby, I Got the Death Rattle” to the triumphant single “By Your Hand” where he recollects “we were kissing for hours with her hands in my trousers, she could not contain herself suggests we go back to her house, but here it comes this is the crux, she vomits down my rental tux, I’m not sure if it’s love anymore – but I’ve been thinking of you fondly for sure”, it is the too bad to be true self-deprecation that really brings the album to life.

And, any album with an ode to football – “Every Defeat a Divorce” – which quite simply has to be one of the most poignant songs about the beautiful game recorded – has to be worthy of consideration just for that track alone.

Smart and savvy, you could do a lot worse than giving Los Campesinos! a go – who knows, it could end up being the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 

rvice. Perfection. It really gives you the sense of old English decadence. If not to stay, then make sure you pop in for tea, a fine wine, or a cocktail! Plus, it’s where Violet Darkling launched her first collection…So it must be good! (11 Cadogan Garden, Sloane Square, SW3 2RJ, London)


> for a further 2 minutes.

On a plate place the beans, add the tomatoes and asparagus and spoon over the capers and olives. Place the fish on the top and finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil before serving.


Ingredients available from Sabato www.sabato.co.nz

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"The first Christmas I spent with my girlfriend and her family, she gave me a cool pair of boardies with which I was stoked. I then gave her my gift in front of her parents and said “I hope I know you as well as you know me”. I got her a tiger outfit, handcuffs and a whip. It was the only time I had ever seen her go bright red and rendered utterly speechless. It was a good result and the relationship was swiftly terminated - such is the power of the perfect gift.

I now consider myself somewhat of a master in the art of gift giving. My gift to you this Christmas is some gift giving advice that I've found to be particularly useful over the years, I hope you do too.

Rule No 1. Never give your mother a better gift than the one your father has given her. Your dad has to work a lot harder than you to win your mother's approval. He gets in trouble for not separating the recycling correctly. You, on the other hand, can still get away with running over the cat. So if you upstage your dad on the 25th do not expect him to bail you out of any financial difficulty for at least the next 12 months. Dads totally buy in to the ‘revenge is a dish served cold’ ethos.

Rule No 2. Always give your sister something completely inappropriate. Girls are brought up differently from boys, they learn social skills and seem happy to apply them whenever possible. Because of this they will instinctively be over appreciative of whatever crap you decide to give them as a gift. Turn this into a game amongst your brothers for added Christmas Day amusement. See who can get the worst gift to be proudly displayed on her mantlepiece for the longest amount of time.  Interestingly, my sister currently has a guitar playing monkey that takes pride of place on her kitchen shelf, and it's not the one I gave her in 2008 - my older brother stole it sometime later.  She has actually gone out of her way to replace a gift she hates just so she doesn't offend me. Brilliant.

Rule No 3. To impress a new girlfriend get your sister to choose the gift. Your sister will slave over this task for weeks - weirdly, she will attach her entire feeling of self worth to choosing something perfect for someone she doesn't even know for no direct benefit to herself. I don't know why this happens. To my mind this is a huge fault in the female psyche but can also be very useful.

Rule No 4.  Brothers don't get jack. Seriously. The only thing your brother requires from you is to lie for him three or four times a year to get him out of trouble with a) his wife or girlfriend;  b) an employer; c) the IRD; d) a representative of the legal system. Exchanging wrapped gifts with brothers is awkward at best and the sooner you all recognise this amongst yourselves the better. The only exception to this rule is the giving of a dead animal that you have just caught or shot. That's perfectly fine. 

Rule No 5. Prime your long-term partner for the 'us gift'. If you've been with your partner for a while it is only fitting that you commemorate the milestone by taking the next step by investing in 'us gifts'. An 'us gift' is a gift that involves the combined financial resources to buy a big ticket item. A brilliant strategy for getting the things you actually want and also getting your partner to help pay for them. Traditional 'us gifts' include a boat, a motorbike or a trip to the Formula 1 in Melbourne. The secret to the 'us gift' is to start selling it in at least six months in advance by using key female trigger-words. When describing a boat don't make the mistake of justifying it with its actual purpose (fishing - preferably not with her), instead talk about sun-drenched days on the harbour in search of romantic deserted beaches to set up a picnic and share a glass of pinot gris. Similarly, Melbourne is all about shopping and restaurants.

Rule No 6.  Christmas is really all about the children. No one likes a Grinch, especially children, so no matter how shabby you might be feeling on Christmas morning, go out of your way for the kids. This is one day when you can make a life-long lasting impact. Be the star attraction because there will be a time in your twilight years that you’ll want to trade in your Christmas generosity on getting stuff moved.

The fundamental rule is to remind the recipient that it is the thought that counts - what thought you were having at the time is irrelevant."


Our friends at Veuve Clicquot would like to invite two lucky Denizen readers to join them at the glamorous Veuve Clicquot marquee at the BMW NZ Polo Open this Sunday, after which, they will then be hosted back in the city to enjoy Clicquot and canapés at a mystery location.  

You must be a fan of The Denizen on Facebook to be eligible to enter. Click here to ‘like’ us and post about the competition on our Facebook wall and we will put you in the draw.


1. Camilla and Marc 'Revival' dress from Frockshop

2. Jo Malone 'London Blooms' limited edition fragrance from Jo Malone

3. Sass & Bide 'Life is a Collage' floral print silk dress from sass & bide

4. Isabel Marant Etoile dress from Adorno

5. Erdem floral scarf from Net-a-porter

6. Lanvin rose print clutch from Scotties Boutique

7. Sass & Bide 'An Introduction' pant from sass & bide


Similar to psyllium, the swelling action of Chia in the body helps to cleanse and soothe the colon, and absorb toxins while lubricating and strengthening peristaltic action. For this reason, many people have found Chia quite useful in weight loss and weight maintenance.

Easy to prepare, you can sprinkle ground or whole chia seeds on cereal, yogurt or salads. They add a slightly nutty flavour to food and can also be enjoyed on their own. I love making Chia porridge for Breakfast or a quick snack. To make your own: stir two tablespoons of chia seeds into one cup of hot water. Let them stand for five minutes then stir again and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Chia Seeds are available from:

Harvest Wholefoods

405 Richmond Road

Grey Lynn

Or online here

ve away to Denizen readers to join us in the festivities. Put in a few extra hours on Monday and tell us why we should send you along for the afternoon off next Friday. To enter, you must be a fan of Denizen on Facebook, comment on our wall, and tagging in the friend within the post you would bring along to enjoy it with.

Volvo Long Lunch at Britomart

Friday 2nd of March

1.30pm – 5:30pm


Tickets are $175 (inclusive of drinks) and can be purchased Colin Covert. Minneapolis Star Tribune

We Bought A Zoo

Starring: Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson, Thomas Haden Church
Season starts: 26 December
Director: Cameron Crowe
Rating: TBC

A gorgeous family drama which is an absolute must-see this holiday season. Take the kids and I promise you everyone will enjoy it. It is based on a remarkable true story of a dad who moves his young family to the countryside to renovate and reopen a struggling zoo. From acclaimed filmmaker Cameron Crowe (Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous).

Cameron Crowe casts a heart-warming cinematic spell that will milk many a tear from its widespread target audience.” Cole Smithey


Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Kiefer Sutherland, Charlotte Gainsbourg
Director: Lars von Trier
Season starts: 22 December
Rating: M Contains offensive language and nudity

Lars von Trier's visually stunning film Melancholia premiered in the 2011 New Zealand International Film Festival and has been receiving wide acclaim ever since. This beautiful and visceral portrayal of depression and destruction may not be to everyone’s taste, but it is both original and profound. Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael are celebrating their marriage at a grand party in the home of her sister (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and brother-in-law (Kiefer Sutherland). Despite her sister’s best efforts, the wedding is a fiasco, with family tensions mounting and relationships fraying. Meanwhile, a planet called Melancholia is heading directly towards Earth…

“(The) mind-blowing Melancholia offers perhaps the gentlest depiction of annihilation one could imagine from any director, much less the Danish provocateur.” Peter Debruge, Variety

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1. Takapuna Beach Cafe

Want to get out of the restaurants and onto the beach? To ensure you always maintain high culinary standards - even when opting for an alfresco picnic, the folks at the Takapuna Beach Cafe have it covered with their summer hampers. Designed for two or more people, the hampers are equipped with an assortment of gourmet delights; cheese, Serano ham, chorizo, quiches, sandwiches and macaroons all packaged with stylish eco-friendly cutlery and a beach towel to match. Be organized - they do require 24 hours notice to prepare your picnic delights. May we suggest a bottle of fine French bubbles to top off the experience? (22 The Promenade, Takapuna, Auckland)

2. The Tasting Shed

A relative newcomer to the out of town dining circuit, The Tasting Shed is perfect for those looking for something a little rural. With a dedicated private dining "shed" that seats 12, it's the perfect spot for a Christmas get together. The shed sits in the midst of a seasonal garden, and if things get a bit too rowdy, you can shut the barn doors for complete privacy. Don't be put off by the out of town nature of this spot, because if you book the shed, they will happily pick your group up from the city and return you afterwards. It is the perfect place for a long and lazy summer lunch. (609 State Highway 16, Auckland).

3. Kermadec rooftop

Above the popular seafood bar and brasserie sits a Noel Lane designed rooftop loggia. Complete with a garden, the loggia is open to the elements (aside from its shading roof), allowing you to experience all that waterfront dining has to offer - without having to actually be part of the often craziness below. It’s suitable for private bookings of up to 25 guests (or 40 standing). It is waterfront dining at its most exclusive. (Level 1, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland)

4. Cibo Cocktail Degustation

We're bringing back the liquid lunch this season thanks to the folks at Cibo. Settle in for an afternoon of cocktail indulgence with their genius cocktail degustation. Including an entrée that tastes like Green Thai Curry with foaming coconut comprised of a green curry base, coconut infused white rum, coriander and chilli infused vodka; or a main that tastes like BBQ lamb with mint and rosemary, comprised of roast vegetable infused vodka, merino lamb crumbs, minty jelly and rosemary sprigs; or a dessert that tastes like lemon meringue pie, sherbet and marshmallow, comprised of citrus vodka, lemon cello, fresh lemon juice with homemade lemon sorbet, passionfruit sherbet and meringue crumbs – it’s a degustation that definitely won’t disappoint…because eating is cheating after all! (Axis Building, 91 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland)

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Constantly on the lookout for new additions to our midday dining repertoire, as lunchtime rolled around last Friday, we decided to test out the offerings on our Anzac Ave home turf. We’ve often walked past Tanpopo, in its unassuming spot at the bottom of our street, taking a mental note that we must test it out after hearing good reviews from friends.

Immediately after we sat down, our waiter pointed to the dishes he suggested we try first. Somewhat baffled by the extensive menu and relatively new to the ramen dish, we welcomed his advice and went with the tan ramen – a simple, yet authentic introduction to the Japanese dish.

The tan ramen was deliciously flavoursome – a huge bowl of soup with a generous serving of noodles, fresh vegetables and pork. We highly suggest you pay a visit on an empty stomach as the portions are huge – so far to say that we challenge you to try and finish a whole bowl, we barely made dents in ours!

Although perhaps a dish more suited to a winter lunch option, we suspect this is going to become a regular comfort lunch of ours as the weather cools down.

Tanpopo Ramen

13 Anzac Avenue
(09) 308 9705




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As legend goes, the sweet panettone was originally created as a love token by a young Italian baker named Toni, who added butter, raisins and candied citrus peel to bread, in an attempt to impress his sweetheart. Today, panettone is feasted upon during celebration, and traditionally enjoyed at Christmas. The light, soft and buttery texture of the panettone at Sabato is mastered by artisan confectioners who use the highest quality raw ingredients combined with traditional family recipes handed down to them throughout the generations. The secret behind the fluffy light texture of these exceptional panettone is in the quality of the yeast, and the natural leavening of the dough. Whether it be using yeast that is up to 200 years old (in the case of Flamigni panettone) or allowing the dough to rise naturally for over one day (in the case of Fiasconaro panettone), both are rituals considered essential to produce the lightest and fluffiest cakes.

Cut thick slices and slather with almond or pistachio cream, or serve with Prosecco – the Italian celebratory tipple. We think this is the perfect way to indulge in a little Italian fare this Christmas. For those of you who have yet to try this delicious treat, we can almost bet that it may just become a permanent fixture on the Christmas menu for many years to come.

Traditional Flamigni and Fiasconaro panettone is available now from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
(09) 630 8751



As always, there are casualties. We lost a lot of big, precious trees in the upgrade – apparently they were diseased, but aside from a couple of stragglers I’m not convinced - and they were never really re-established. Where once a beautiful gleditsia filled our first floor window, filtering the light of the city and projecting its delicate silhouette across the walls, now stands the snapped stem of the fifth or sixth sapling to be tried – and failed - in its place. The city’s drunken children know no mercy. 

Our window now bare, the little apartment lost the one thing that sheltered it from the city. No more dappled shade in summer, no more sparrows chirping on a quiet Sunday morning. Between this and the 4am bluestone shampoo-and-blow-wave machine, we at last conceded defeat and retreated to live out our old age in the ‘burbs.

 I can’t keep away though. Sheinkin still serves up the best cafe food in mid-town, Scotties boutique beckons every time the important women in my life are celebrated, and around the corner Parsons still draws me and my pocket money to its wonderful book sales. I enjoy too the restless growth. There’s always something that’s changed here, and two weeks ago delivered up the best new entrant yet: La Boulange.

I reckon this place must occupy less than three square meters. Picking up on the success of the tiny and ever entertaining Korean pancake joint across the road, La Boulange pushes small space further. A tiny cabinet at the street front holds a clutch of baguettes and organic juices. Service is carried out atop the cabinet, between little baskets of bread and pastries. The glass top is decorated by the jewel-coloured macaroons hovering under its surface. To one side sits a huge espresso machine, which takes up about a third of the store. At the back, a little fridge holds the chilled drinks stock, and supports a blackboard of prices. What little wall space is left is covered in the now-ubiquitous white butchers’ tile, and old photographs. Somewhere in all of this there’s room for a young man to stand, and a door by which he comes and goes. I’ve not the faintest idea where the till is, except that a little eftpos handset appears from below the counter every now and then. 

When I visited, that young man happened to be one of the owners. I wasn’t surprised - you’d think that with a cafe this small, an owner would necessarily be their own barista, chef, waiter and maitre’d - but this hole-in-the wall is the third enterprise  in Mattieu Gosset and Jess Brewer’s mini-empire. Jervois Road and The Department Store precede Lorne Street; if you’ve ever nibbled even the smallest morsel from either establishment you’ll already know how good this place is. If you haven’t, you need to eat their pastries immediately. La Boulange is smart business, and great city making. A suburban start-up now ready for the big smoke, it stared-down the city’s big-rent cafe spaces, and found a smarter way. In miniaturising the operation, Gosset and Brewer side-stepped upfront fit-out costs, minimised their ongoing overheads, and made their emporium of ‘Freshly Baked French Goodness’  all the more charming in the process. A triple-whammy. 

Apparently a couple of sidewalk seats are on their way, city council permitting. If they have any problems, I’ll camp out in the mayor’s office myself.


32 Lorne St


(09) 379 9833


Offering up the same longed for magic as given by a brush and hairdryer in the hands of your favourite hair stylist, the hot brush delivers hot air from the centre of the brushes round barrel, drying and styling your hair at the same time. In other words, this is a tool perfect for those of you who have never been able to master the rather challenging hairdryer and brush coordination skills like the pros.

The hot brush features ceramic and ionic technology, making for a frizz-free and smooth result, while the large 50mm ceramic hot tube barrel is designed to work its magic as you dry, leaving you with soft, voluminous waves. It’s a result that we can honestly say, mimics that of a professional blow dry from your hairdresser.

We recommend using the brush on semi dried hair for the best results. The 700w heat isn’t quite as grunty as your usual hairdryer, however, it does allow for a more controlled and sleek finish as you dry. Take sections the same size as the brush throughout head and glide through hair for the best result. Once dry, rake your fingers through your hair to tousle slightly and finish with a light spray of hairspray.

This hair gadget is going to be our saving grace, it’s very little effort (and investment), for a result that is the next best thing to looking like you like you’ve just left the salon. Voluminous hair with a lot of bounce. I’m completely hooked.

Rusk Ceramic Hot Air Brush


Available from Stephen Marr salons.

Ponsonby 09 360 0588

Newmarket 09 360 0848

Takapuna 09 488 0585


These days there is absolutely no excuse for dressing badly even if you still behave that way. If you have managed to get this far in life without realising that your wardrobe requires a few things in it that need dry cleaning and coat hangers, you are, quite frankly, beyond help and are destined for a life of bad hire suits and last minute panic borrowing off mates whenever the need arises. 

The internet and male-targeted media have revolutionised the way that men dress. There has not only been an increase in what is available to buy but there are literally hundreds of blogs and forums about dressing well on the Internet. The resources available are amazing - everything from a YouTube clip to assist in learning how to tie a bow-tie to the etiquette involved when attending a black tie dinner is well-covered.

When I was asked to contribute to Denizen on sartorial matters I was adamant that I didn't want to produce another regurgitated concoction of other people’s ideas and advice. I wanted to speak about what I have learned from my own experiences that precede advances in our everyday lives such as Google, highlighter pens and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. In some ways it is the dearth of advice that makes things more difficult. If you look at the history of many traditions in men’s fashion they started because people were not given the latitude they have today. If you went to church on Sunday you would wear your “best” and that would include a hat and tie. Black tie was just that and if you belonged to a club or lodge you followed the dress code to the letter. There was no room for imagination or personal flair and everyone looked the same. Conversely now, with such a wealth of options at one’s disposal, it can be hard to know what the right way to dress is – and many men see that as a reason not to try at all.

I truly believe that the biggest motivating factor for most men when it comes to dressing up is the morbid fear of getting it wrong; fundamentally we don’t want to look or feel silly. For some men getting an invite to a formal occasion seems to be about as exciting as being conscripted. 

It doesn’t need to be that way. By understanding some of the basic concepts of occasion dressing you’ll be armed with enough knowledge to stop you not only from looking but feeling stupid. 

Because you can never be certain when an outstanding once-in-a-lifetime invitation will come your way at the eleventh hour, a guy like you should be born ready. If you haven’t already, invest in one suit that works for a variety of occasions and make it black or midnight blue. A classic spread collar shirt in crisp cotton, a slim black neck tie and a classic shoe will always save the day. Your shoes should always be polished. Your socks should match your outfit - and each other - and be devoid of any lint. Make sure that your tie is always darker than your shirt. In all cases avoid the temptation to wear a novelty tie; it’s never funny. The same goes for cufflinks, no gear shifts or hot and cold taps. And never borrow those “stripey black pants that you can’t put in the washing machine” off your best mate Geoff. 

Because the road to social dominance is a rocky one, I’ve considered a few other possible dress code scenarios that may present themselves in your mailbox this forthcoming season. 

Cocktail - generally this is code for “please make some kind of effort”. It means jacket and pants finished with a dress shirt. Wearing a tie is probably optional, but the jacket definitely is not. Avoid anything short sleeved or screen printed and remember you can always take your tie off so best to wear one to begin with. A dark suit is a good fail-safe option, but not if it’s matched with a business shirt. They look terrible with no tie and the colour and design screams that you couldn’t really be bothered, or, worse still, that you don’t know the difference between business and pleasure. If in doubt go dark or monochrome. Stay away from anything that looks like a seagull shat on you, or anything that sparkles - that’s for the ladies. 

Black Tie - the default option for balls, prizegivings and award dinners. Once again a good dark suit will save the day. But if you want to make an impression then a tuxedo is the only option. Celebrating its 150th anniversary this year and having a serious fashion resurgence thanks to big name designers like Tom Ford and Alber Elbaz - you cannot go wrong. It’s important that you get the little things right as this is serious dressing up. If you have to hire something, make sure it’s not two sizes too big, and ditch the red waistcoat and euro tie, its not 1983. 
a birthday party invite states ‘nautical theme’- it’s on a large and impressive boat. The more esoteric the invite, the more difficult the job becomes, but for smart casual occasions there still needs to be some thought put into what you wear.  This is where a dark cotton chino, a button-down oxford shirt and perhaps a knit tie works - Jack Kennedy did it best. That Team New Zealand polo you own from 2003 is probably not going to cut the mustard, even if you do turn up the collar.

Business Casual - in my mind this is the ultimate oxymoron - business time should never be a casual affair - but what do I know. If it is a business function and you are intending to network then dress as if you are going to work. Maybe tone down the tie and shirt so it isn’t too “corporate”. A good trick is to have at least one tie in your repertoire that is a solid colour and that matches your suit, this gives a more relaxed monochromatic look.

One last golden rule - casual dress is for the beach, the barbecue and the backyard - and nowhere else. 

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1. Versace x Rosenthal Le Grand Divertissement set from The Studio of Tableware

2. Vera Wang stationary from Red Letter Day

3. Sabato luxury gift hamper from Sabato

4. Rocket Coffee Machine from Atomic Coffee Roasters

5. Ralph Lauren picture frame from Cavit & Co

6. Marc by Marc Jacobs heeled loafers from Runway Shoes

7. Louis Vuitton Damier Earrings from Louis Vuitton

8. Ligne Roset Crow pitcher from Domo

9. Lanvin purse from Scotties Boutique

10. Gucci shawl from Gucci

11. Gucci purse from Gucci

12. DL & Co Timeless Fragrance from World Beauty

13. Chaumet Attrape-moi sautoir necklace from Hartfields

14. Jo Malone pampering holiday gift set from Jo Malone 

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Dutch Design

Dutch design is known worldwide for blending innovation with a healthy dose of wit, subtle flair and even irony. Fuelled by a steady stream of talent from design academies, Amsterdam is a magnet for these modern-day design alchemists. One of the foremost and infamous proponents of this design is Marcel Wanders' brand Moooi. In the colourful district "De Jordaan" - known for its tiny picturesque boutiques, stores, restaurants and art galleries - you can find the Moooi gallery (Westerstraat 187). Or go for Droog Design, who have been truning heads on the charming Staalstraat 7b since 2004. Modern twists on everyday items that often rely on little 'droog' (dry) humour. For more inspiration head over to The Frozen Fountain on Prinsengracht 645. Their collection contains work from rising design stars and a selection of international furniture labels, creating an interesting interplay of classics and works by present-day designers.

Loetje restaurant

The best steak…ever. The Dutch way: with a choice of caramalised onions or mushrooms and extra gravy. I've also had a taste of the celebrated Wagyu steak in the only seven-star hotel in the world, the Burj-al-Arab in Dubai and I can assure you that their steak can't even come close to Loetje's -  although Loetje's interior is slightly less flash than the Burj. (Johannes Vermeerstraat 52)



Walk along the canals to experience the canal ring houses and then check out the new architecture on the KNSM/Java and Borneo Islands. Architecture students from all over the world come to visit and learn about this condensed way of building without losing the nation's architectural vernacular. Better yet don't walk but rent a bike for that typical Dutch transport feel.

Frozz frozen yogurt

Superlekker fresh frozen yogurt since 2010. Frozz serves wonderful frozen yogurt all year round, with warm toppings in winter. In summer they open up their cool pop-up stores in unexpected places. These people definitely are the Cone Kings of Amsterdam - with an all natural and low fat product. Just the way we like it.



The cornerstone of the pop and rock music scene is Paradiso, a former church that often hosts several events in one day, due to the high demand. It's a great space to watch diverse new talent in intimate surroundings.



Having been a colony of Holland until after World War II, Indonesia contributed to Dutch cuisine - if such a thing as Dutch cuisine ever existed. Head over to Blauw for their delicious aromatic dishes. It's close to the Vondelpark which is good for a post-dinner stroll. (Amstelveense Weg 158)


Bloemenmarkt on the Singel

It's quite typical for Dutch families to always have fresh flowers in their homes. I don't see that much in other countries and I always wonder why. It's great to have fresh flowers around and you can even subscribe to fresh flower delivery-services in Amsterdam. The Bloemenmarkt is a bit touristy though - if you want to grow some tulips back home you can pick up export-ready bulbs here.


Noordermarkt farmers market

Fresh, organic produce under the Noorder church on Saturdays in the Jordaan area. If you can't find a bread to your liking to buy here, then head over to one of the shops of the Vlaamsch Broodhuys. Their artisan breads are truly delicious and healthy. Much like our frozen yogurt. They call it 'honest', which I think is a nice description of pure and healthy products.


The College Hotel

The College Hotel ticks all the boxes - it's not just a known celebrity magnet, but it also offers fabulous architecture and unique service. This stunning boutique hotel is actually a training ground for hotel-school students and it's fitting that the hotel is housed in a beautifully restored 19th-century school building. Although the service can sometimes be erratic or amusing, the staff always strive to do their best. And with stunning public areas to chill-out in, you'll soon be shouting it’s “Hooray for boarding school!” (Roelof Hartplein, Museum District)  


Visit www.conekings.com for stockists on where to find Arjan's artisan made frozen yoghurt

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Our first stop this season is Clooney, where chef Des Harris has created a unique dish that is designed to complement our favourite champagne  - Dom Pérignon.

Eastherbrook Farms rabbit served with globe artichoke, lemon pith, macona and lavender, is a unique dish that is a superb match to a glass of Dom Pérignon Vintage 2002. The richness of the rabbit is offset by the freshness of the champagne.

A delicious and indulgent pairing that is only available for a very limited time.

$65 (includes the rabbit dish and one glass of Dom Pérignon Vintage 2002)

33 Sale Street
Auckland CBD
(09) 358 1702

Ty€!ŸѓP‡РКpЬ6–ЛTV‚hФ•‡pНЌh; a finРНЌ affair backT‰„ˆ…ѓP‡Й:VNНрЙ:€Рў‡ТшxСT‘„єЧѓP‡ Ж;№Ж;–‰„

Clockwise from top right

1. Clinique body sunblock from Clinique

2. Prada 'Baroque minimal' sunglasses from DFS Galleria

3. Marni plastic shopper from Scotties Boutique

4. Marc by Marc Jacobs sandals from Workshop

5. Comme de Garcon fluoro pouch from Fabic

6. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry from Novel books

7. C & M swim Gilberto underwire bikini from My Catwalk


5. Comme de Garcon fluoro pouch from Fabic

6. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry from Novel books

7. C & M swim Gilberto underwire bikini from

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It’s only recently that I’ve thought I might need to go down the anti-ageing road and that’s why I’ve started using the eye cream. I figured that’s just what you do when you get a bit older. But up until now I've used nothing. Every now and again I use Strivectin around my eyes, and then all over my face sometimes too. You’re not really meant to do that because it is just eye cream but they say that if you use it all over your face then it makes things tight. That has to be good right? Once a week I’ll use a mask, which is also Kiehl's. I like Kiehl's because it is really light, and it does good things to my skin. My skin doesn’t seem to get too used to it either – after a month it still seems to be doing good things unlike some products where it just plateaus. I like the fact that it’s all-natural and there is no fragrance. It just works.

My morning moisturiser has SPF in it. Afterward, I use NARS primer and NARS foundation. In terms of makeup, every day is pretty basic. I’m not really a full on makeup kind of person. I don’t go into eye shadows or anything like that. In summer I will use M.A.C face and body foundation. It’s nice and light, but in winter, I like something with a little more coverage.

My lipsticks are always nude tones and then I will sweep on M.A.C bronzer, some NARS eyeliner and I apply my foundation and bronzer with a brush. I couldn’t live without my M.A.C bronzer. But, I’m not one for blusher – it’s just scary. And I’m also not one for coloured eye shadow or anything that is over the top. I just like natural, simple and quick. It probably takes me less than 10 minutes in the morning to do my makeup and it’s the same thing everyday. Going out at night? Maybe an extra five minutes. My nighttime makeup look doesn’t differ a great deal from my day one, my eyes just get darker – more mascara and more eyeliner. More of everything really! I will still wear nude lips. Occasionally I'll put on a bright colour, but very seldom. I sometimes use NARS body glow too but I wouldn’t bother with that in the day. I’ve used Kiehl's Crème de Corps for years as my body moisturiser but the closest I get to fake tan is the NARS body glow. It’s a bit of an indulgence at over $200 a bottle. But it works and it looks natural. I buy pretty much all my makeup from Mecca Cosmetica or M.A.C. 

My perfumes take pride of place on my beauty shelf. I don’t have one that I wear everyday, I like to chop and change them - I’ll wear one for a week and then mix it up and wear something else. I’m not into the classic perfume brands. I like Diptyque Fig and L’Ombre, Kai and Jo Malone Dark Amber & Gingerlily. Then I have my collection of Mecca nail polishes. They sit on display too. 

I spend a lot more time getting people to do stuff for me, than doing it myself. I get my hair blow-dried twice a week because it’s easier for me. Having two kids and trying to do it myself just doesn’t work. The same with my nails, I get my nails done once every two weeks. I use KMS shampoo and conditioner but I never pull out the hairdryer and I don’t use straightening irons. If I need it done - I get it done professionally. My hair and nails would be my biggest beauty indulgence but I do like to have facials too – I get them once every three weeks or so at Equipoise Spa on Jervois Road. 

and conditioner but I never pull out the hairdryer and I don’t use straightening irons. If I need it done - I get it done professionally. My hair and nails would be my biggest beauty indulgence but I do like to have facials too – I get them once every three weeks or so at Equipoise Spa on Jervois Road. 

TZ‚% С…ѓP‡pМ taurant РМ – a fiTСƒ†TѓP‡ ЙВpЙВЮб(Сƒ

1. Place the ham on a cutting board or ham stand.  

2. Remove a wedge at the top.

4. Continue carving along the same surface area carving around the bone.

5. Remove final piece from the bone and continue to carve on the same surface.

Tip for storing your uneaten ham:
To keep your ham fresh, place in a ham bag, pillowcase or wrap in a damp tea towel and store in the fridge. 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЗcР>`‚_˜u‡ти?л STNё{

1. Champagne makes the perfect gift. If the recipient is not impressed by your offering - cross them off the list.

2. Always have a bottle chilling in the fridge. There isn’t much a good champagne can’t do, so why reserve your intake to  special occasions? Don’t get us wrong, celebrations always call for champagne, but the drink deserves to be extended much further than just the toast on New Years Eve. Treating such beverages merely as a liquid marker of success or achievement can make this easy to miss. Every once in a while, a spontaneous glass or two will do wonders for your spirits. It’s a libertarian issue, really. You drink wine to complete your meal, beer to relax and a cocktail to loosen up. You should drink a glass of champagne simply because why not? 

3. Drinking champagne has spectacularly transformative qualities - the sky looks bluer, the company looks more attractive, your jokes are funnier, you have an instant je ne sais quoi. 

4. There are good champagnes and there are great champagnes. A true champagne aficionado knows this. Know your vintages my friend 1990, 1996, 2002 are recent notables. 

5. Champagne doesn’t always need to break the bank. Don’t get us wrong, expensive champagne is lovely, even more so if someone special is buying, but there is a time and a place for excess - it’s generally not one that involves being reminded of that $1000 bottle you splashed out on last Saturday night when it turns up on your credit card statement a week later. Unnecessary flashiness is tacky, so if you can’t afford it, opt for something with a little more subtlety (unless it’s someone else’s treat, in which case it would be rude to turn it down).

6. Magnum Force: Always think big.  A magnum – or in other words, one of those supersized bottles you most often see lurking at the back  of the bar is a worthy purchase. Who buys those things? Well it should be you. Find, or better yet, make, the perfect occasion to invest in a magnum. Give new meaning to the ‘host with the most’. One magnum (two bottles’ worth) will easily serve a dozen guests and not only does the bottle itself look impressive, but the wine also matures slower in larger bottles, therefore it just tastes better.

7. Real champagne is only produced in France. If you’re throwing around the word – or the drink for that matter – it’s important to be accurate with the term. Just because it’s bubbly,  does not necessarily mean it’s champagne. The word is accurate only when it applies to a wine that is created in the Champagne region of France, using ‘méthode Champenoise’ and matured for a minimum of 18 months. Only then can it be called champagne. A sparkling wine produced in Albuquerque is just that - sparkling wine from Albuquerque.

8. Champagne stoppers and savers are a waste of time, you've had good enough reason enough to open the bottle, we suggest you finish it. 

9. Champagne should always be served cold, the ideal drinking temperature is 7 - 9 degrees.

10. Champagne is at its best when served in an elegant flute with a long stem and tall narrow bowl - thus preventing the bubbles from dissipating too quickly. Contrary to popular belief the Victorian coupe is not a recommended champagne drinking vessel, though it is hard to go past the history of this uniquely shaped glass. A birthday gift from Marie Antoinette to her husband  Louis XVI, it  was  moulded in  the  shape of her left breast. 

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For more information call 09 256 2525 or Email karyn.sage@spca.org.nz.


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Alexandra Owen loves Wellington from Alexandra Owen on Vimeo

Film by Simon Wilson


Behind the uber-cool French label are brothers Laurent and Arik Bitton, who before setting their sights on the world of fashion had their own music production company and rock group in New York City.The beautiful label has just arrived on our shores for the very first time, and its effortlessly laid back staples are fused with that all-essential air of Parisian chic and unsurprisingly, a touch of rock ‘n’ roll cool.

The slightly voluminous shape is perfect for throwing over any casual ensemble and the tightly woven sequins make for a trophy jacket you can still wear comfortably on a day-to-day basis.

We don’t expect this number to be hanging around for long. Head in and check out the rest of the covetable IRO range. With a fashionable entrance like this, we suspect this is a label destined to have our loyal following for a while.


5 High Street

(09) 366 4528

6b Teed Street

(09) 529 1890



 BBQ corn with basil and Parmigiano reggiano

Serves 4


4 corncobs
2 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
5 basil leaves
40ml lemon juice
100ml olive oil (I prefer No 29)
Parmigiano reggiano
Salt and pepper


Peel the corncobs. Grill until they are tender and go golden brown. In a bowl add garlic, ensuring that it is chopped as small as possible. Add lemon juice and vinegar, then whisk in the olive oil to create your dressing. Finally, chop basil and add it into the dressing. Baste corn in the dressing, and then roll each corncob into freshly grated parmigiano and serve. 


r long. Head in and check out the rest of the covetable IRO range. With a fashionable entrance like this, we suspect this is a label destined to have our loyal following for a while.


5 High Street

(09) 366 4528

6b Teed Street

(09) 529 1890


ore permanent fixture in Kreuzberg, with a relatively simple, cosy dining room. The menu changes weekly, but always has a celebratory Thanks Giving Day feeling to it, with old-fashioned cocktails, good cuts of meat, classic side dishes and American-style pies like Pecan and Brown Sugar. Everything is made in house, and it shows. I have never had a bad meal here. (Graefestraße 71?10967 Berlin)




remote Scottish fishing village.  Combining ambient recordings of everyday life with sympatTАТЏ№ЁkqТЏц!!!!!!!!!!§ˆ аVЎ`w5‰`Hzˆс‚&(ї605( щ†ЋŸNЉU\ЋŸzт@ tЯп€ѕ /ŠŠчMy City: New York by Maya VilligerThe street style photographer walks us through her favourite spots in her current home townPE4 1320_bigThumbImage.jpg1320_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City: New York by Maya VilligerThe street style photographer walks us through her favourite spots in her current home townA self taught photographer with a background in advertising, New Zealander Maya Villiger's street style blog Turned Out has captured the attention of international publications such as French Vogue, Oyster magazine and Russh who revere her candid approach to style. Here, she shares some of her favourite haunts in the city she currently calls home.my-city-new-york-by-maya-villiger1320_mainImage.jpg05)!lхЋŸхЌьЋŸ|x eІЖ€Ьфї8PBUgThe Season's FinestMicheal Meredith gives us a lesson in the art of seasonal cookingЭFо1321_bigThumbImage.jpg1321_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Season's FinestMicheal Meredith gives us a lesson in the art of seasonal cookingsabato, michael meredithCome summer, nothing is quite as enjoyable as sitting down to enjoy a long lazy lunch with friends in the sun. Luckily for you (and your guests), we've enlisted the help of one of the best, so when it comes your turn to don the chef's hat, you can be assured you will impress. Acclaimed chef Michael Meredith, of his restaurant Meredith's shows us how to awaken your inner gourmand with this recipe combining the finest fresh seasonal produce with some delicious artisan accompaniments from Sabato.the-season's-finest1321_mainImage.jpg05, ѓЇF­Ÿ–ѓ’ˆЏŸ{я@Р mЙЩ€пї^^uЁWhat to buy: The boy wonderthe ultimate selection of gifts to charm your mini einstein on christmas dayAdЉ1324_bigThumbImage.jpg1324_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The boy wonderthe ultimate selection of gifts to charm your mini einstein on christmas dayExhibiting a passion for the finer things in life from a young age, this little prodigy will definitely not be appeased by Matchbox cars and Disney DVD's alone. Ensure your wonder boy is left spoilt for choice this holiday season with our selection of covetable stocking fillers.what-to-buy-the-boy-wonder1324_mainImage.jpg05+]ьbЌŸwн ­Ÿb@€ ]˜Ј€Ожс*5GGolden GirlGet your summer glow on with our new must have beauty find.ŸNЩ 1323_bigThumbImage.jpg1323_smallThumbImage.jpgGolden GirlGet your summer glow on with our new must have beauty find.When it comes to matters of the face, sunless tanners are an absolute must. Preferring a natural finish to anything shimmery or sparkly, finding a bronzer that will transform a pallid winter complexion into a convincing sun-kissed Caribbean glow can prove rather trying.golden-girl1323_mainImage.jpg05*цб5ЌŸsfs^ЌŸЗŽ@ hЛЫ€сљbkЅКЬHow to: Give Good giftMoa beer's Josh Scott talks us through the essential do's and don'ts of gift givingсMГ1322_bigThumbImage.jpg1322_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Give Good giftMoa beer's Josh Scott talks us through the essential do's and don'ts of gift givingetiquetteAn instrument of communication, the perfectly considered gift shows just how much you care, and more importantly can result in immeasurable postive outcomes. We turned to Josh Scott of Moa beer, who shares with us a few pointers that will ensure you leave your loved ones gracious this Christmas without faking it.how-to-give-good-gift1322_mainImage.jpg05*&ыЋŸsfs^ЌŸЗц@ hЛЫ€сљb„ОгхHow to: Give Good giftMoa beer's Josh Scott talks us through the essential do's and don'ts of gift givingсMГ1322_bigThumbImage.jpg1322_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Give Good giftMoa beer's Josh Scott talks us through the essential do's and don'ts of gift givingetiquette, gift giving, josh scottAn instrument of communication, the perfectly considered gift shows just how much you care, and more importantly can result in immeasurable postive outcomes. We turned to Josh Scott of Moa beer, who shares with us a few pointers that will ensure you leave your loved ones gracious this Christmas without faking it.how-to-give-good-gift1322_mainImage.jpgange-1326_mainImage.jpg05/ ~ХCАŸ~ХCАŸff@ lЗЧ€нѕZZ.HZMy Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansdf—1327_bigThumbImage.jpg1327_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansWhether they're sticking around to enjoy the best local haunts or jumping ship across the ditch to soak up the Sydney sun, here, our Denizen contributors share a taste of what the holidays have in-store for them.my-summer-round-up:-part-21327_mainImage.jpg050 РL€3w2ЏŸqГlSАŸl@ cИШ€оі\}ЊЛЭHammerpress CardsPut pen to paper and add some stylish sentiment to your gift-giving with these cardsІf•1328_bigThumbImage.jpg1328_smallThumbImage.jpgHammerpress CardsPut pen to paper and add some stylish sentiment to your gift-giving with these cardsHammerpress Cards, Crane BrothersMore often than not, be it a birthday, Christmas or engagement, the perfect card can often prove harder to find than the perfect gift. We find ourselves tossing up last minute over a lame piece of Hallmark cardboard, and then finding ourselves apologising for its cheesiness within our inside message.hammerpress-cards1328_mainImage.jpg05-vUФЎŸЖ0АŸl€@@ hУг€щrr2DDecember film round upGet your culture fix this month by ensuring you get along to these must-see December flicksНe 1325_bigThumbImage.jpg1325_smallThumbImage.jpgDecember film round upGet your culture fix this month by ensuring you get along to these must-see December flicksOur resident film buff Michelle Veysey gives us the inside word on her pick of the three new films that should be making an appearance on your cinematic radar this month.december-film-round-up1325_mainImage.jpg051№€iŸАŸс3еЄuАŸlg@ mъњ€(CРРаы§Interpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.Ѓk—1329_bigThumbImage.jpg1329_smallThumbImage.jpgInterpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.While you may be impressed by your cunning ability to have seen your way through a large portion of events on the social calendar this year donning casual, comfortable attire (namely an All Blacks jersey), the festive season is nigh, so it’s high time you upped your game.interpreting-the-dress-code1329_mainImage.jpg052[3€Ф…АŸ`Ф…АŸl@@ br‚€•ЊЊЊЊЊКЩChristmas Hauntswe round up fourAl–0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgchristmas-haunts0_mainImage.jpg053 аEђƒ‡АŸ‡АŸls@ ddt€‡œ­­ЗЗШзMy City: AmsterdamIl‚0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City AmsterdamCone KingsMy-City-Amsterdam0_mainImage.jpg05+]ьbЌŸwн ­Ÿb@€ ]˜Ј€Ожс*5GGolden GirlGet your summer glow on with our new must have beauty find.ŸNЩ 1323_bigThumbImage.jpg1323_smallThumbImage.jpgGolden GirlGet your summer glow on with our new must have beauty find.When it comes to matters of the face, sunless tanners are an absolute must. Preferring a natural finish to anything shimmery or sparkly, finding a bronzer that will transform a pallid winter complexion into a convincing sun-kissed Caribbean glow can prove rather trying.golden-girl1323_mainImage.jpg!!!!Фћўэ“ŠКс‚ •z`ˆ5Š`_‰сƒ{T)]050 РL€3w2ЏŸq=ГlSАŸ{<@ cИШ€оі\}ЊЛЭHammerpress CardsPut pen to paper and add some stylish sentiment to your gift-giving with these cardsІf•1328_bigThumbImage.jpg1328_smallThumbImage.jpgHammerpress CardsPut pen to paper and add some stylish sentiment to your gift-giving with these cardsHammerpress Cards, Crane BrothersMore often than not, be it a birthday, Christmas or engagement, the perfect card can often prove harder to find than the perfect gift. We find ourselves tossing up last minute over a lame piece of Hallmark cardboard, and then finding ourselves apologising for its cheesiness within our inside message.hammerpress-cards1328_mainImage.jpg05-і_Ѓ­Ÿ›Ж0АŸ{ю@@ hЪк€№yy#9KDecember film round upGet your culture fix this month by ensuring you get along to these must-see December release filmsНe 1325_bigThumbImage.jpg1325_smallThumbImage.jpgDecember film round upGet your culture fix this month by ensuring you get along to these must-see December flicksOur resident film buff Michelle Veysey gives us the inside word on her pick of the three new films that should be making an appearance on your cinematic radar this month.december-film-round-up1325_mainImage.jpg05.лКЈ’ЇГŸa?АŸ|З@ fЎО€дь UUDSeLa Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens it's micro doors in the heart of the city:f—1326_bigThumbImage.jpg1326_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: La Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens it's micro doors in the heart of the cityI lived on Lorne Street for seven wonderful years. In that time it changed dramatically, most notably when Architectus went nuts at the bluestone paving shop, slathering our footpaths in huge slabs of granite and adorning them with art-furniture hybrids. Quality follows quality, and before long the tenancies of Lorne Street were upping their game – Gow Langsford moved in, little dives turned into respectable restaurants, and it all started to look like a believable extension of High Street.xx-la-boulange-1326_mainImage.jpg05/ ~qKАŸ~ХCАŸГі@ lЗЧ€нѕZZ^w‰My Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansdf—1327_bigThumbImage.jpg1327_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansWhether they're sticking around to enjoy the best local haunts or jumping ship across the ditch to soak up the Sydney sun, in part two of our summer round up, we ask our regular Denizen contributors to share a taste of what the holidays have in-store for them.my-summer-round-up-part-21327_mainImage.jpg051№€•s~ЏŸу‘еЄuАŸЗŒ@ mъњ€(CРЩйєInterpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.Ѓk—1329_bigThumbImage.jpg1329_smallThumbImage.jpgInterpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.etiquetteWhile you may be impressed by your cunning ability to have seen your way through a large portion of events on the social calendar this year donning casual, comfortable attire (namely an All Blacks jersey), the festive season is nigh, so it’s high time you upped your game.interpreting-the-dress-code1329_mainImage.jpg051№€еЙ3ЎŸу‘еЄuАŸЗч@ mъњ€(CРє1Interpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.Ѓk—1329_bigThumbImage.jpg1329_smallThumbImage.jpgInterpreting the Dress CodeMurray Crane shares a few words of wisdom to help you navigate the treacherous and oftentimes confusing dress code minefield.etiquette, murray crane, interpreting the dress codeWhile you may be impressed by your cunning ability to have seen your way through a large portion of events on the social calendar this year donning casual, comfortable attire (namely an All Blacks jersey), the festive season is nigh, so it’s high time you upped your game.interpreting-the-dress-code1329_mainImage.jpgor seven wonderful years. In that time it changed dramatically, most notably when Architectus went nuts at the bluestone paving shop, slathering our footpaths in huge slabs of granite and adorning them with art-furniture hybrids. Quality follows quality, and before long the tenancies of Lorne Street were upping their game – Gow Langsford moved in, little dives turned into respectable restaurants, and it all started to look like a believable extension of High Street.xx-la-boulange-1326_mainImage.jpgmainImage.jpg05.лКЈвэгВŸa?АŸ|Ж@ f­Н€гы TTCRdLa Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens its micro doors in the heart of the city:f—1326_bigThumbImage.jpg1326_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: La Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens it's micro doors in the heart of the cityI lived on Lorne Street for seven wonderful years. In that time it changed dramatically, most notably when Architectus went nuts at the bluestone paving shop, slathering our footpaths in huge slabs of granite and adorning them with art-furniture hybrids. Quality follows quality, and before long the tenancies of Lorne Street were upping their game – Gow Langsford moved in, little dives turned into respectable restaurants, and it all started to look like a believable extension of High Street.xx-la-boulange-1326_mainImage.jpg05.лКЈ’ЇГŸa?АŸ|З@ fЎО€дь UUDSeLa Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens it's micro doors in the heart of the city:f—1326_bigThumbImage.jpg1326_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: La Boulange Lorne StA little piece of France opens it's micro doors in the heart of the cityI lived on Lorne Street for seven wonderful years. In that time it changed dramatically, most notably when Architectus went nuts at the bluestone paving shop, slathering our footpaths in huge slabs of granite and adorning them with art-furniture hybrids. Quality follows quality, and before long the tenancies of Lorne Street were upping their game – Gow Langsford moved in, little dives turned into respectable restaurants, and it all started to look like a believable extension of High Street.xx-la-boulange-1326_mainImage.jpg05/ О ЗВŸ~ХCАŸ|џ@ lЗЧ€нѕZZ[t†My Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansdf—1327_bigThumbImage.jpg1327_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansWhether they're sticking around to enjoy the best local haunts or jumping ship across the ditch to soak up the Sydney sun, in part two of our summer round up, we ask our regular Denizen contributors share a taste of what the holidays have in-store for them.my-summer-round-up-part-21327_mainImage.jpg05/ ~qKАŸ~ХCАŸГі@ lЗЧ€нѕZZ^w‰My Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansdf—1327_bigThumbImage.jpg1327_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Summer Round Up: Part 2Another slew of our inspiring contributors share with us their summer plansWhether they're sticking around to enjoy the best local haunts or jumping ship across the ditch to soak up the Sydney sun, in part two of our summer round up, we ask our regular Denizen contributors to share a taste of what the holidays have in-store for them.my-summer-round-up-part-21327_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gЇcб Єыl`нx-‰5‹ `HЂŠмЭдDž053 аEђƒEЎŸ‘y‡АŸГѕ@ dЏП€еэўў БУMy City: AmsterdamThe frozen yoghurt aficionado walks us through his former home in AmsterdamIl‚1331_bigThumbImage.jpg1331_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City AmsterdamCone KingsAn international award-winning creative director, Dutch Arjan van Woensel, has won his fair share of accolades including Cannes Gold Lions, Eurobest and Effies. After setting up a successful advertising agency in his home town of Amsterdam (which is now part of the TBWA network) he had an Antipodean calling over to our side of the world, where he now calls Auckland home. As owner of Cone Kings (artisan made frozen yoghurt), he's a passionate creative entrepreneur, whose line of frozen yoghurts is so good that we've found ourselves sampling them time and again. We sat down with him to find out about his favourite haunts in his former home town of Amsterdam.My-City-Amsterdam1331_mainImage.jpg054 8В?€ЩбвАŸ0‰‹БŸnv@Р uЦж€ь'xx]€’In Store: Curio Noir Church CandlesLight up the christmas table with these uniquely detailed range of church candlesn–1332_bigThumbImage.jpg1332_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Curio Noir Church Candleslight up the christmas table with these uniquely detailed range of church candlesCurio Noir is a unique hand crafted line of curios and objects for the home created by stylist Tiffany Jeans. Mystical and a little bit obscure, the entire range has a very well thought out attention to detail and quirky designs.in-store:-curio-noir-church-candles1332_mainImage.jpg052[3€„ѓKБŸa Ф…АŸГщ@ cЦж€ьbbВТдThe festive toastwe round up four local spots we think worthy of a visit to ring in some last minute christmas cheerAl–1330_bigThumbImage.jpg1330_smallThumbImage.jpgChristmas Hauntswe round up four local haunts worthy of a visit to ring in the christmas cheerWhether you’re toasting with colleagues to round off the end of a good year, or the relatives are in town for their yearly visit or perhaps you’re just after somewhere different to ring in the start of the holidays with friends; we’ve handpicked four of Auckland’s finest that offer up a more unique take on your Christmas celebrations.christmas-haunts1330_mainImage.jpg058``Œ…и|БŸ ЧSБŸ{W@ ^Тв€ш ooz…—Listen: DaysAndrew Reinholds discovers a very american style record that is deceptively simple and uncomplicatedtŸ1336_bigThumbImage.jpg1336_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: DaysAndrew Reinholds disovers a very american style record that is deceptively simple and uncomplicatedFrom Springsteen to more recently Arcade Fire, most artists have found more artistic merit in confronting the cultural and social abyss that for many represents growing up in suburban America - and let’s be honest New Jersey has more than its fair share of knockers.listen-days1336_mainImage.jpg056 FЙAx[ЏŸбЪ§JБŸ{ц@€ fЙЩ€пї ^‚зы§An Italian ChristmasAdd a little Italian flair to your Christmas fare with this traditional sweet treatn™ 1334_bigThumbImage.jpg1334_smallThumbImage.jpgAn Italian ChristmasAdd a little Italian flair to your Christmas fare with this traditional sweet treatSabato, Panettone, Italian ChristmasChristmas usually brings with it the tradition of a dense, rich, fruitcake dessert, one that is arguably not so suited to our summer climate. We were pleasantly surprised on a recent trip to Sabato to discover that they stock the traditional Italian panettone cake - a festive treat we think is much better suited to an Antipodean Christmas.An-Italian-Christmas1334_mainImage.jpg055ft%АŸСІтiFБŸ{л€ }Фд€ъIf0EWDish of the week: le lapin and Dom PщrignonWe pay a visit to Clooney to sample one of the season's finest pairingsyn…1333_bigThumbImage.jpg1333_smallThumbImage.jpgLe Lapin and Dom PщrignonWe sampled one of the season's finest pairingsClooney, Rabbit, Dom PщrignonIn the lead up to our annual period of indulgence. The time of the year when we don't feel guilty about indulging in life's little luxuries to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of another year.le-lapin-dom-perignon1333_mainImage.jpg057 Рw:ЙйЄАŸсШЌQБŸ{ь@ gВТ€и№Pi_s…In store: Magno RadioWe find the perfect gift for your bedside with a little touch of retro coolСnš1335_bigThumbImage.jpg1335_smallThumbImage.jpgInstore: Magno RadioWe find the perfect gift that to pair your tech with a little touch of retromagno radios, simon jamesFaced with a plethora of space-age looking music devices on the market, we were pleased to come across one that takes its cues from old school radios of yesteryear. Finally a radio that we feel is worthy of a prime position on your bedside table.in-store-magno-radio1335_mainImage.jpg05:``Œ…IВŸIВŸ|@ nЩй€я#~~qŒžRead: Grow your own medicineSarah Kapeli reviews a book that should be part of every health conscious Denizen's libraryї{—1338_bigThumbImage.jpg1338_smallThumbImage.jpgRead: Grow your own medicineSarah Kapeli reviews a book that should be part of every health conscious Denizen's librarySince the beginning of time man has known of the healing powers of herbs, vegetables and fruit. Nowadays we tend to forget that food can actually be our medicine too. This book should really be on every health-conscious individuals book shelf.read-grow-your-own-medicine1338_mainImage.jpg059 РWˆНЬhАŸБLћˆБŸc@ rдф€њ2чThe Essential Guide to Champagnebefore you pop the cork this holiday season, ensure you take heed of our foolproof champagne guideё{”1337_bigThumbImage.jpg1337_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Essential Guide to Champagneschool yourself up this foolproof champagne guide before you pop the cork this holiday seasonWe'd like to think there is always a time to treat oneself to a glass of champagne, however as the holiday season rolls around, we find there seems to be ever-increasing popping of corks and clinking of flutes to toast to the year gone by. In preparation, we've put together a list of essential tips every champagne drinker should have on hand.the-essential-guide-to-champagne1337_mainImage.jpg05;  _БŸu‰€ВŸ|@€ hДФ€кђSS:PbThe right accoutrementwe're jump starting our summer look with the help of some bright accessories€|„1339_bigThumbImage.jpg1339_smallThumbImage.jpgThe right Acroutementwe're jump starting our summer look with the help of some bright accessoriesWe’ve been admiring Sass & Bide’s ‘Accoutrement’ accessories range for some time now, however, only now have we come to the conclusion that these pieces simply must find a home in our summer wardrobes. From primary coloured printed scarves to gold metal embellished belts and oversized rings, the summer accessories collection is the perfect way to bring life to our basics, with the bright pop and fluoro details set to add just the right amount of punch to a simple white shirt or tee.the-right-accoutrement1339_mainImage.jpg05< ``Œ…ДжшГŸt3ДŸ}­@ kВТ€и№ PPf~What to buy: The Academicthe quintessential gift guide to please even the most discerning of men<}™ 1340_bigThumbImage.jpg1340_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to buy: The Academicthe quintessential gift guide to please even the most discerning of menWith a detailed understanding of the importance of a life lived with dignified refinement, knowledge is power when it comes to satisfying this suave intellect. Impress him with nothing less than the best this Christmas and take your cue from our well curated selection of gifts.what-to-buy-the-academic1340_mainImage.jpgight-acroutement0_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Аљ—‰ t #`ЕŠ5Œ `е‹НЈЃ*Фs05= -qВЖŸХэЌˆЖŸ_@€ gех€ћ(––м№martini or champagne?Sarah Kapeli shares with us some of the healthier alcoholic beverage choices to be indulging in this christmasъ}„1341_bigThumbImage.jpg1341_smallThumbImage.jpgmartini or champagne?Sarah Kapeli shares with us some of the healthier alcoholic beverage choices to be indulging in this christmasLet’s begin by pointing out the obvious: alcohol is not healthy. Overindulging in alcohol is not healthy. Overindulging on a weekly or fortnightly basis is not healthy either. But this is a guide is for those (we bet most of you) who lack the ability or will power to say no to a glass of Champagne or 5 over the silly season.martini-or-champagne1341_mainImage.jpg05? `Z‡unиЖŸ5(#ЗŸ~”@ lмь€ŠŠ.GYWhat to Buy: The Matriarchimpress even the toughest of critics this christmas with our handpicked selection of the finest gifts for a lady1~1343_bigThumbImage.jpg1343_smallThumbImage.jpgimpress even the toughest of critics this christmas with our handpicked selection of the finest gifts for a ladyNext to marrying well, of equal importance is a lifetime dedicated to mastering the art of lunching, leisure and ladylike elegance. A gift can say a lot about you and your regard for the intended recipient. To ensure you don't make any mistakes, we've rounded up a list of the perfect gifts for the mother or the mother-in-law - a selection we're sure will leave you basking in your gift giving glory come Christmas day.what-to-buy-the-matriarch1343_mainImage.jpg05@˜U€ЗŸX‘VЗŸ‚b@ hЊК€аш*llUk}Best of the beats 2011Andrew Reinholds rounds up his pick of the best albums of the yeare‡1344_bigThumbImage.jpg1344_smallThumbImage.jpgAndrew Reinholds rounds up his pick of the best albums of the yearAndrew Reinholds rounds up his pick of the best albums of the yearDenizen's go to music man Andrew Reinholds wraps up the year with a restrospective of his favourite music choices. "As another year draws to a close, here’s my pick of the bunch. If you don’t already have them, you could do worse…"best-of-the-beats-20111344_mainImage.jpg05A рL Ч‚ИЖŸ[1$ИŸ€r@ nТв€шƒƒw’ЄGift Idea: Linen Pillowcaseswe find the answer to a cool summer slumber with these luxurious NZ made pillowcasesL€š1345_bigThumbImage.jpg1345_smallThumbImage.jpgGift Idea: Linen Pillowcaseswe find the answer to a restful and breezy slumber this summer with these luxurious NZ-made pillowcasesThe onset of long hot summer nights calls for a reassessment of our bed linen. As the temperature rises, flipping our pillows over to the ‘cooler’ side takes away from our precious slumbering hours so we set off in search of a bedding solution.gift-idea-linen-pillowcases1345_mainImage.jpg05>РWђƒІВВЕŸ!цaЗŸ€o@ oЬм€ђ '''ЬшњHow to: Accentuate Brown EyesWe give you the run down on how to make your brown eyes pop just in time for the party season-~œ1342_bigThumbImage.jpg1342_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Accentuate Brown EyesI’ve always been slightly averse to coloured mascaras, a beauty trend that has to me, seemed a little juvenile and 80s esque. However, after reading a tip the other day that adding just a touch of green would help accentuate brown eyes, I decided it was time to branch out. At the very least, this was a good chance to do something a little different with my rather boring beauty routine in the midst of the party season.how-to-accentuate-brown-eyes1342_mainImage.jpg05B 1fšЕŸEё 'ИŸ‚j@€ fЪк€№!jjE]oMust have: Hot brushWe disover a secret hair weapon that will gurantee to give you perfect salon worthy tresses everydayS€š1346_bigThumbImage.jpg1346_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: Hot Hair brushwe find a secret weapon set to arm us with salon worthy tresses every dayAs someone who spends longer than I would ever like to admit coiffing my hair armed with a hairdryer and tongs, the promise of an easy to create at-home bouncy blow wave using this simple device has got us very excited.must-have-hot-hair-brush1346_mainImage.jpg05C рЌЌŠ&ЗŸБ€GИŸM@ lЙЩ€пїyy'@RNew Opening: Imperial LaneAnother addition to an increasingly vibrant downtown Auckland opens its doorsy€…1347_bigThumbImage.jpg1347_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Imperial LaneAnother vibrant cosmopolitan addition to our increasingly transforming downtown Auckland opens its doorsWe are excited to welcome Imperial Lane to the heart of the Auckland CBD, whose doors officially opened to the public last Thursday. After remaining virtually untouched for more than 40 years, the grand old Imperial building in Auckland’s Fort Lane has been bought back to life by a collection of some of our finest visionaries. Developers Phillmore Properties, award winning architects Fearon Hay and hospitality gurus Pack Group (of Snapdragon, Smith bar, Shaky Isles, Northern Steamship and Neighbourhood fame) have joined forces to create one of the city’s first ‘shared space’ hospitality precincts, adopting the pedestrian only aspects of great cities like New York and Melbourne.new-opening-imperial-lane1347_mainImage.jpg05D Ћ­ИŸkNƒИŸt@ sЯп€ѕ .‰‰•ЕЧWhat to Buy: Little Miss Sunshinecharm your little miss this Christmas with our pick of these sure-to-please stocking fillersщ€Ё1348_bigThumbImage.jpg1348_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to Buy: Little Miss Sunshinecharm the little miss this Christmas with our pick of some sure-to-please stocking fillersWith an unrelenting penchant for all things pretty and pink, this is one precious princess in the making. It's nothing but the best for Daddy's little girl, so be sure to keep her smiling this holiday season with our selection of the best gifts for the little darling.what-to-buy-little-miss-sunshine1348_mainImage.jpg05EкСИŸТ“ ЙŸГ@ љ 7fоо+YkAuction: Improbable gifts for Impossible peopleLooking for a gift that's a little unique? Head along this Thursday and you’re sure to find something that fits the billwЃ1349_bigThumbImage.jpg1349_smallThumbImage.jpgAuction: Improbable gifts for Impossible peopleLooking for a gift that's a little unique? Head along this Thursday and you’re sure to find something that fits the billStill looking for a gift for the impossible to please? Well it seems our friends at Webb’s and Workshop have come up with the answer. The two have teamed up to celebrate some of the stranger things in life, and give us a hand with these hard-to-please recipients with their aptly named auction Improbable Gifts for Impossible People.auction-improbable-gifts-for-impossible-people1349_mainImage.jpg05F `Z‡EиИŸдў"ЙŸУ@ oйщ€џ4­­ <NWanted: Foster Kitten ParentsSticking around Auckland this summer? Help out by looking after one of these hard to resist furry friends.А‡1350_bigThumbImage.jpg1350_smallThumbImage.jpgWanted: Foster Kitten ParentsSticking around Auckland this summer? Help out by offering to look after one of these impossible to resist furry friends.The Auckland SPCA are urgently after your help this summer. After being overloaded with incoming kittens daily (between 50-150 each day), they are in great need of finding some temporary foster homes for around 4-6 weeks over Christmas and summer. For these of you who are staying home during the holidays this is the perfect chance to help out the fine folk at the SPCA.wanted-foster-kitten-parents1350_mainImage.jpgod along with training and support to help you care for the kittens until they are big and healthy enough to be adopted.wanted-foster-kitten-parents1350_mainImage.jpgage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Щ^—Eж8 Лbм `‹5`PŒмШvѓ\05G рluЕкмЙŸкЧQЙŸˆL@ bЎО€дьќHH}ŒžWin: Club StolenGet amongst the festival atmosphere club tropicana style this new year’s eveХД1351_bigThumbImage.jpg1351_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: Club StolenGet amongst the festival atmosphere club tropicana style this new year’s eveHeading down to brave the crowds in Gisborne this year? Or perhaps you’ve yet to make any plans as to where you’ll be ringing in the New Year. Well we’ve got just the ticket. Taking their cue from Club Tropicana, Club Stolen is the place to be if you’re going to be at the Rhythm and Vines festival this year.win-club-stolen1351_mainImage.jpg05H C= ЮŸ!OzЙŸŠЩ€ mПЯ€х§kЉшOn My Top Shelf: Rickie DeeWe talk all things beauty with the co-owner of the cult fashion boutique Superetteвœ1352_bigThumbImage.jpg1352_smallThumbImage.jpgOn My Top Shelf - Rickie DeeWe talk all things beauty with the co-owner of the cult fashion boutique SuperetteBeauty cabinet, top shelf, rickie dee, superette, kiehls, narsMy skincare routine at night is much more of a regime than it is in the day. I use both Kiehl's cleanser and moisturiser, and then I also use a Kiehl's eye cream. Quite simple really. My moisturiser is probably most important to me. I use Kiehl's Ultra Facial cream; it’s really rich and leaves my skin feeling amazing.on-my-top-shelf-rickie-dee1352_mainImage.jpg05K {ЏКб€ИŸqQ“КŸƒО@Р e €ЖЮс  ВХзBest of Beauty 2011we sum up our best beauty finds of the yearZ‚†1355_bigThumbImage.jpg1355_smallThumbImage.jpgBest of Beauty 2011we sum up our best beauty finds of the yearWe round up our pick of the must have beauty favourites from the year to date. These tried and tested products have taken up a permanent residence in our makeup bags.best-of-beauty-20111355_mainImage.jpg05I =єdЦŸ}ŽКŸ‹@ oo€•­ЖЖ")The best road side stop off's5‚Ÿ 1353_bigThumbImage.jpg1353_smallThumbImage.jpgRoad TripRoad trip, mercer cheese, waiheke, el sizzling chorizo, kawakawa bay ice cream, crepes on waiheke, nin's binMake the most of summer road trips and indulge on the journey before you reach the destination. Forget packed sandwiches and gas station pies, we pick some of our favourite road side snack stops that are well worth a visit this summer.road-trip1353_mainImage.jpg05J [3€›жFЮŸ“[fКŸГ№@ lБС€зя R€=WiMy Escape: Tokyo by Nick DThe talented muso takes us through one of his favourite holiday spotsV‚…1354_bigThumbImage.jpg1354_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Escape - Tokyo - Nick DThe talented muso takes us through his one of his favourite holiday spotsNick D, George fm, Tokyo, Japan, DJ, Two RoomsAn utterly passionate muso, Nick D spends his time immersed in the culture of his lifelong obsession with all things music. As breakfast host on George FM, Nick has an avid following of listeners who tune in to hear his upbeat and positive outlook on the life that surrounds us. A frequent international traveller filming television shows, conducting interviews and performing DJ sets all over the world, Nick’s favourite holiday spot is Tokyo.my-escape---tokyo---nick-d1354_mainImage.jpg05L ”ojеŸ‘”и КŸ‰­ oТв€ш`Ol~On My Top Shelf - Graham WallThe luxury real estate guru and man-about-town takes us through his grooming rщgimeš‚Е1356_bigThumbImage.jpg1356_smallThumbImage.jpgOn My Top Shelf - Graham WallGraham Wall, Luxury Realtor, Scrap Wall, One, Barber Dan, La CigaleMy rщgime is very simple. It’s always been simple. That’s how I like it - quick. Rosie and I have separate bathrooms. Why wouldn’t you? She never sets foot in mine and I never set foot in hers. I like my bathroom to be very crisp and tidy.on-my-top-shelf---graham-wall1356_mainImage.jpg05L д3”жŸ‘”и КŸ‰Е oo€•­ЪЪ ќ+On My Top Shelf - Graham Wallš‚Е1356_bigThumbImage.jpg1356_smallThumbImage.jpgOn My Top Shelf - Graham WallGraham Wall, Luxury Realtor, Scrap Wall, One, Barber Dan, La CigaleMy rщgime is very simple. It’s always been simple. That’s how I like it - quick. Rosie and I have separate bathrooms. Why wouldn’t you? She never sets foot in mine and I never set foot in hers. I like my bathroom to be very crisp and tidy.on-my-top-shelf---graham-wall1356_mainImage.jpg05L T>sжŸ‘”и КŸŠЬ oІЖ€ЬфD3PbOn My Top Shelf - Graham WallThe luxury realtor takes us through his grooming regimeš‚Е1356_bigThumbImage.jpg1356_smallThumbImage.jpgOn My Top Shelf - Graham WallGraham Wall, Luxury Realtor, Scrap Wall, One, Barber Dan, La CigaleMy rщgime is very simple. It’s always been simple. That’s how I like it - quick. Rosie and I have separate bathrooms. Why wouldn’t you? She never sets foot in mine and I never set foot in hers. I like my bathroom to be very crisp and tidy.on-my-top-shelf---graham-wall1356_mainImage.jpg05I =єdЦŸ}ŽКŸ‹@ oгу€љ†r{The best road side stop off'swe round up our favourite roadside stop offs that are perfect for breaking up long summer road trips5‚Ÿ 1353_bigThumbImage.jpg1353_smallThumbImage.jpgRoad TripRoad trip, mercer cheese, waiheke, el sizzling chorizo, kawakawa bay ice cream, crepes on waiheke, nin's binMake the most of summer road trips and indulge on the journey before you reach the destination. Forget packed sandwiches and gas station pies, we pick some of our favourite road side snack stops that are well worth a visit this summer.road-trip1353_mainImage.jpg05I = #ФŸ}ŽКŸ‘•@ nвт€ј}щео№The best road side stop offswe round up our favourite roadside stop offs that are perfect for breaking up long summer road trips5‚Ÿ 1353_bigThumbImage.jpg1353_smallThumbImage.jpgRoad Tripwe round up our favourite roadside stop offs that are perfect for breaking up long summer road tripsRoad trip, mercer cheese, waiheke, el sizzling chorizo, kawakawa bay ice cream, crepes on waiheke, nin's binMake the most of summer road trips and indulge on the journey before you reach the destination. Forget packed sandwiches and gas station pies, we pick some of our favourite road side snack stops that are well worth a visit this summer.road-trip1353_mainImage.jpgis all natural salt scrubWe are well versed on the benefits of regular body exfoliation, however with beach hopping mere days away, we went on a last minute quest to find an instant fix to transform our skin in a hurry.natural-wonder1362_mainImage.jpg05S§нЈял;еŸЏTОŸ…c@@ ggw€ЅЅЅ&8January Film Round Upя„Ж1363_bigThumbImage.jpg1363_smallThumbImage.jpgBuck, Michelle Veysey, The Descendants, The girl with the dragon tatoo, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, Rialtojanuary-film-round-up1363_mainImage.jpg05J [3€›СˆЯŸ“[fКŸ‰z@ lБС€зя R€=WiMy Escape: Tokyo by Nick DThe talented muso takes us through one of his favourite holiday spotsV‚…1354_bigThumbImage.jpg1354_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Escape - Tokyo - Nick DThe talented muso takes us through his one of his favourite holiday spotsNick D, George fm, Tokyo, Japan, DJ, Two RoomsAn utterly passionate muso, Nick D spends his time immersed in the culture of his lifelong obsession with all things music. As breakfast host on George FM, Nick has an avid following of listeners who tune in to hear his upbeat and positive outlook on the life that surrounds us. A frequent international traveller filming television shows, conducting interviews and performing DJ sets all over the world, Nick’s favourite holiday spot is Tokyo.my-escape---tokyo---nick-d1354_mainImage.jpggyle points when you hit the beachshorts-story0_mainImage.jpg!!ъ—њc ’ $ ў`5Ž`РЪNј.“Ѓ05V IšХŸ‰ВПŸ‰@ gою€11ЈЈНЯSummer Festival Pickswith the impending season of music festivals and concerts approaching, we take a look at our favourites for this summerй…о1366_bigThumbImage.jpg1366_smallThumbImage.jpgSummer Festival PicksRhythm and Alps, Splore, Laneway Festival, Erykah Badu, Rippon, Annabel Fay, Aloe Blacc, SBTRKT, Feist, Hall and Oates,summer-festival-picks1366_mainImage.jpg05X Р(Žˆ)ПŸ ˆm!ПŸ‡Њ@ iйщ€џ.œœвшњMust have: The Bach KitPrepare for your impending departure to the bach, armed with all the essentials for weeks of culinary indulgencel†21368_bigThumbImage.jpg1368_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: The Bach Kitprepare for the impending departure to the bach armed with all the essentials for weeks of culinary indulgenceLong summers at the bach are nothing short of an iconic Kiwi tradition. However packing the car to the gunnels in preparation for your weeks of beach side bliss is no mean feat, so we were pleased to discover that Sabato has the culinary side of things sorted into one easy hamper, aptly dubbed ‘The Bach Kit’.must-have-the-bach-kit1368_mainImage.jpg05T [3€NРkНŸŽёbОŸ‡!@ ЙЩ€пї,ddо$Dish of the week: Kingfish sashimi and Moa beerA favourite new local serves up the perfect summer matchџ„С1364_bigThumbImage.jpg1364_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the week: Depot kingfish sashimi and Moa beerA favourite new local serves up the perfect summer matchWe’ve been rather spoilt for choice this year with the plethora of new dining establishments popping up all over the city. As the year comes to a close, we are looking forward to taking the time to pay a visit to some of our favourite haunts over summer and it goes without saying that Al Brown’s Depot, is one that has very swiftly found its position as a regular in our books.dish-of-the-week-depot-kingfish-sashimi-and-moa-beer1364_mainImage.jpg05U ћ€зЦCФŸСзБ…ОŸŠу@€ hЦж€ьxГЉЖШThe best Party DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.e…Я1365_bigThumbImage.jpg1365_smallThumbImage.jpgThe best Party DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.Ellery, Sass and Bide, Gucci, Party Dress, Camilla and MarcThis festive time of year often finds us in a number of ‘what to wear’ crisis. So to save you (and us) any last minute fretting, we did a bit of prep and rounded up our selection of the best show-stopping frocks to help you see 2011 off in style.party-dresses1365_mainImage.jpg05Wђ‹РŸr{ ПŸ‰ˆ@€ ^Œœ€ВЪЪЪъ"4Summer DetoxGive your body a break too this holiday seasonc†Э1367_bigThumbImage.jpg1367_smallThumbImage.jpgSarah Kapeli, Detox, Summer DietIf the legs on your Santa sleigh are already starting to fall off then why not plan your new year’s detox now. Not only will it ease some of the guilt from the back to back nights of overindulgent eating and drinking, it’ll give you a healthy goal to help you kick off the new year on the right foot.summer-detox1367_mainImage.jpg05V IšФŸ‰ВПŸ‰Š@ gою€1ЈK`rSummer Festival PicksWith the impending season of music festivals and concerts approaching, we take a look at our favourites for this summerй…о1366_bigThumbImage.jpg1366_smallThumbImage.jpgSummer Festival PicksWith the impending season of music festivals and concerts approaching, we take a look at our favourites for this summerRhythm and Alps, Splore, Laneway Festival, Erykah Badu, Rippon, Annabel Fay, Aloe Blacc, SBTRKT, Feist, Hall and Oates,There's nothing quite like mucking in with fellow festival goers, united by your collective love of a band, or in the case of these festivals, several artists. We've scoured the country to unveil the music festivals that are worthy of your attention, or should we say ear, in the warmer months ahead.summer-festival-picks1366_mainImage.jpg05V IXТŸ‰ВПŸˆ@ gою€1ЈQfxSummer Festival PicksWith the impending season of music festivals and concerts approaching, we take a look at our favourites for this summerй…о1366_bigThumbImage.jpg1366_smallThumbImage.jpgSummer Festival PicksWith the impending season of music festivals and concerts approaching, we take a look at our favourites for this summerRhythm and Alps, Splore, Laneway Festival, Erykah Badu, Rippon, Annabel Fay, Aloe Blacc, SBTRKT, Feist, Hall and Oates,There's nothing quite like mucking in with fellow festival goers, united by your collective love of a band, or in the case of these festivals, several artists. We've scoured the country to unveil the music festivals that are worthy of your attention, or should we say your ears, in the warmer months ahead.summer-festival-picks1366_mainImage.jpg05U ћ€‹mФŸСзБ…ОŸŠќ@€ gХе€ыwВЈЕЧParty Perfect DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.e…Я1365_bigThumbImage.jpg1365_smallThumbImage.jpgThe best Party DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.Ellery, Sass and Bide, Gucci, Party Dress, Camilla and MarcThis festive time of year often finds us in a number of ‘what to wear’ crisis. So to save you (and us) any last minute fretting, we did a bit of prep and rounded up our selection of the best show-stopping frocks to help you see 2011 off in style.party-dresses1365_mainImage.jpg05U ћ€‹mФŸСзБ…ОŸŠ§@€ gХе€ыvБЇДЦParty Perfect DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.e…Я1365_bigThumbImage.jpg1365_smallThumbImage.jpgParty Perfect DressesOur pick of the best dresses guaranteed to make you the life of the party this holiday season.Ellery, Sass and Bide, Gucci, Party Dress, Camilla and MarcThis festive time of year often finds us in a number of ‘what to wear’ crisis. So to save you (and us) any last minute fretting, we did a bit of prep and rounded up our selection of the best show-stopping frocks to help you see 2011 off in style.party-dresses1365_mainImage.jpging, we did a bit of prep and rounded up our selection of the best show-stopping frocks to help you see 2011 off in style.party-dresses1365_mainImage.jpg05_ bœzгŸЁbœzПŸˆi€ eЧз€эyЊ0BThe Summer LibationWe pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season.GˆG1375_bigThumbImage.jpg1375_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Summer LibationWe pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season.Golden Dawn, Mea Culpa, 1885, Tyler Street GarageThe onset of the warmer months calls for a reassessment of our evening tipple. A drink to toast the festive season or one to commemorate the first weekend at the beach should be given much consideration. We pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season. These are the cocktails that will transport you from dusk till dawn.the-summer-libation1375_mainImage.jpg05^ –„†–вŸЁDТlПŸˆk@ ll|€’ЊФФйхїThe must have Holiday Appsˆн 1374_bigThumbImage.jpg1374_smallThumbImage.jpgThe must have Holiday AppsMixology, Kindle, Ipad Apps, Martha Stewart Cookies, Star Walk, Djay, Luminance,Your most essential accessory is worth nothing this summer break unless it’s loaded with the right apps. We've rounded up the best apps that will promise to transform your holiday and iPad forever.holiday-apps1374_mainImage.jpg-lululemon-athletica-wellness-sanctuary0_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![sёxн/ Лњ)5№`Ч/ŽЪPћ/Дv›j05Y 7iЫŸ••@ПŸŠЧ@€ qНЭ€ућfаA`rThe Perfect Summer Reading Listwe share our essential picks that should be on your reading list this summer}†Э1369_bigThumbImage.jpg1369_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Perfect Summer Reading Listwe share our essential picks that should be on your reading list this summerThe Marriage Plot, A Fine Balance, 1Q84, The Night Circus, The Art of Fielding, Steve Jobs, Keith RichardsNo summer is perfect without a selection of the season’s best literary hits in hand. Whether you’re on vacation or just checking out for a midday break, holiday reading shouldn’t be about stuffing the latest blockbuster novel in your beach bag. For us, summer is the best (albeit only) time to properly lose ourselves in a great book. Here we share our essential picks.the-perfect-summer-reading-list1369_mainImage.jpg05[ рЃїАємПŸ№ЃHПŸ‡Ў@ hЗЧ€нѕѕIIQgyThe last minute luxuryWe find the perfect holiday treat for our Christchurch based friends and familyœ†M1371_bigThumbImage.jpg1371_smallThumbImage.jpgWe find the perfect holiday indulgence for our Christchurch based friends and familyIf you’re anything like us, the week before Christmas sees a somewhat frantic rush of finalising last minute gifts, and organising the festive feast, leaving little time left to indulge in the all important skin and body maintenance before you head off on holiday.The-last-minute-luxury1371_mainImage.jpg05\ НпЋАЉnПŸpхDПŸˆ@€ …нэ€NІІ^ЂNew Opening: lululemon athletica Wellness sanctuarywe find a timely dose of wellness inspiration housed in Ponsonby's latest retail opening-‡Я1372_bigThumbImage.jpg1372_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: lululemon athletica Wellness sanctuarywe find a timely dose of wellness inspiration housed in Ponsonby's latest retail openingAfter weeks of holiday over indulgences, beach side dozing, and New Year’s cheer, we all find ourselves energised and ready for a little get up and go, otherwise known as New Year’s resolutions. Here at the Denizen, as we round off the end of a great (albeit long) year we felt it high time to put on our resolution hats on a little early - due in part to the timely opening of a new retail space that has sparked some wellness inspiration.new-opening-lululemon-athletica-wellness-sanctuary1372_mainImage.jpg05] н^TПŸн^TПŸ‡Ќ@ iйщ€џ-БчѓMust have: The Bach KitPrepare for your impending departure to the bach, armed with all the essentials for weeks of culinary indulgenceЄ‡Ч1373_bigThumbImage.jpg1373_smallThumbImage.jpgMust Have The Bach KitPrepare for your impending departure to the bach, armed with all the essentials for weeks of culinary indulgenceSabato, the bach kitLong summers at the bach are nothing short of an iconic Kiwi tradition. However packing the car to the gunnels in preparation for your weeks of beach side bliss is no mean feat, so we were pleased to discover that Sabato has the culinary side of things sorted into one easy hamper, aptly dubbed ‘The Bach Kit’.the-bach-kit1373_mainImage.jpg05^ –DьшаŸ DТlПŸ‰@ lВТ€и№  Z+=The must have Holiday AppsOur round up of the best apps to arm your trusty iPad with this summerˆн 1374_bigThumbImage.jpg1374_smallThumbImage.jpgThe must have Holiday AppsMixology, Kindle, Ipad Apps, Martha Stewart Cookies, Star Walk, Djay, Luminance,Your most essential accessory is worth nothing this summer break unless it’s loaded with the right apps. We've rounded up the best apps that will promise to transform your holiday and iPad forever.holiday-apps1374_mainImage.jpgyЊ0BThe Summer LibationWe pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season.GˆG1375_bigThumbImage.jpg1375_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Summer LibationWe pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season.Golden Dawn, Mea Culpa, 1885, Tyler Street GarageThe onset of the warmer months calls for a reassessment of our evening tipple. A drink to toast the festive season or one to commemorate the first weekend at the beach should be given much consideration. We pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season. These are the cocktails that will transport you from dusk till dawn.the-summer-libation1375_mainImage.jpg05a РїыШФзгЯŸA„‘РŸ‰g@€ uu…€›Гжжыы Must Have: Daphne Guiness For M.A.CтˆЦ1377_bigThumbImage.jpg1377_smallThumbImage.jpgMust Have: Daphne Guiness for M.A.CDaphne Guiness, M.A.Cmust-have:-daphne-guiness-for-mac1377_mainImage.jpg05b §ыШРЎГРŸ1^РŸ‰@ jЩй€яqq{ŸHow to: Summer Hair careStephen Marr's head stylist Mobeen Bikhoo takes us through the essential summer hair care tips.шˆЦ1378_bigThumbImage.jpg1378_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Summer Hair careStephen Marr's Mobeen Bikhoo takes us through the essential summer hair care tips.Summer is when spirits are at an all time high, but weeks at the beach wreck havoc on the condition of your hair.. Fear not, we have a few tried and true remedies that will ensure your hair is looking beach hot whilst still preserving your color condition and shine.how-to-summer-hair1378_mainImage.jpg05c Р—йШщ˜#СŸСщ˜#РŸ‰)@ rгу€љ1’Ќ)HZThe New Year's Culinary Round UpStuck for where to eat and drink this New Year's Eve in Auckland? We put in the hard work for you#‰п1379_bigThumbImage.jpg1379_smallThumbImage.jpgThe New Year's Culinary Round UpStuck for where to eat and drink this New Year's Eve in Auckland? We put in the hard work for youNew Years Eve, restaurantsStaying local this New Year’s Eve? And worried that the crowds exiting Auckland will affect what’s open? Fear not, we’ve rounded up what a number of leading Auckland restaurants are offering their patrons to ring in the New Year. From seared scallops dining waterside, to a full degustation courtesy of Des Harris at Clooney, we have you covered no matter your culinary preference.The-New-Years-Culinary-Round-Up1379_mainImage.jpg05d ›йШтY#РŸРтY#РŸ‰0@ jЙЩ€мёёёё^v…Win: Tickets to Unveiledhead along to an exhibition that indulges in a romantic take on fashion history+‰п0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgTis the season, of parties, barbeques, summer fun, and of course weddings. In a rather aptly timed exhibitionwin:-tickets-to-unveiled0_mainImage.jpg05` `Z‡‚CЫШŸB§РŸ‰,@ nыћ€)EЈ ˜ДЦMost Revered Gadgets of 2011Looking to streamline the way you communicate or do business? These gadgets are a sure fire way to doing what you do, better.pˆр 1376_bigThumbImage.jpg1376_smallThumbImage.jpgMost Revered Gadgets of 2011Here are the devices that have or are set to change the way you actively engage in the modern worldWacom Inkling, Gadgets 2011, Ipad 2, Samsung Galaxy S2, Kindle Fire, Nest Thermostat, Lytro CameraWe're not talking about the coolest gadgets to have hit the market this year. No, this is about gadgets that actually work. Some of them are cool, some are slick, but more importantly they work really really well. Revered the world over for changing the way we carry out leisurely and business activities, here are the must-have gadgets that literally, will change your life and improve efficiency.most-revered-gadgets-of-20111376_mainImage.jpg05e >Ѕт(СŸбт(РŸ‰i@€ `ЅЕ€ШннннныњBeauty Blenderget airbruysh like perfection in the hands of this clever beauty toolN‰п0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgbeauty-blender0_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BшI+Чщђ э Kв`‚Œ5`” —мО­‡иу05M x9ТŸ•8CQНŸ‰‡@€ eДФ€кђTT+=OHow to: Carve a HamWe give you the low down on how to brandish a knife like a pro on Christmas DayСƒ†1357_bigThumbImage.jpg1357_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Carve a HamWe give you the low down on how to brandish a knife like a pro on Christmas DayCarving the all-important Christmas day ham is a skill you only get to practice once a year, so take heed of our tips to ensure when the ham is laid out on the table and it's time to eat, you get the job done right.how-to-carve-a-ham1357_mainImage.jpg05N @eйЩwfМŸ Љ]НŸ‡)@€ ^ЇЗ€Эхё;bJVhShorts Storyupgrade your beach look this summer with our pick of the best swim shortsфƒ‚1358_bigThumbImage.jpg1358_smallThumbImage.jpgShorts Storyupgrade your beach look this summer with our pick of the best board shortsgucci, zegna, atg, toggs, working styleFretting at the thought of hitting the beach in last years worn out and faded swim trunks? Be sure to garner yourself some serious poolside style cred this season with our pick of the best looking swim shorts on the racks right now.shorts-story1358_mainImage.jpg05OlƒМŸWzНŸГц@ €чї€ %SККЦєA gentlemen’s guide to Christmas Day etiquetteMurray Crane rounds off some key tips to ensure you keep things sartorially adequate come Christmas Day(„ 1359_bigThumbImage.jpg1359_smallThumbImage.jpgA gentlemen’s guide to Christmas Day etiquetteMurray Crane rounds off some key tips to ensure you keep things sartorially adequate come Christmas DayI have dark and distant memories of being given clothes for Christmas as a child. The overwhelming sense of dread as I was handed a flaccid present that it would likely contain some item of clothing dutifully selected by a member of my family and accompanied by the expression ‘that looks nice dear’. Apart from the obvious annoyance of upsetting my aesthetic, this practice of giving clothes as gifts also left me feeling cheated. Somehow my basic right to be clothed was unfairly amalgamated into the gift-giving calendar.a-gentlemen’s-guide-to-christmas-day-etiquette1359_mainImage.jpg05P НЯŸэьЌШŸБ­‘9ОŸŠЦ@ aЎО€дьћLL|‹It's in the bagbe well prepared for long days in the sun with our must have beach essentials‰„…1360_bigThumbImage.jpg1360_smallThumbImage.jpgIt's in the bagbe well prepared for long days in the sun with our must have beach bag essentialsFor us, the promise of summer beach days is even more exciting than waiting to see what ol' Saint Nick has delivered come Christmas day. So with the summer holidays just days away, we've picked out the must-have items that will be firmly packed in our beach bags this year. We're hoping Santa takes heed.it's-in-the-bag1360_mainImage.jpg05R НЯŸ9 НŸБљФMОŸ… @ `ЄД€Ът№44іNatural Wonderscrub your way to summer perfection with this all natural salt scrubП„…1362_bigThumbImage.jpg1362_smallThumbImage.jpgNatural Wonderscrub your way to summer perfection with this all natural salt scrubWe are well versed on the benefits of regular body exfoliation, however with beach hopping mere days away, we went on a last minute quest to find an instant fix to transform our skin in a hurry.natural-wonder1362_mainImage.jpg05S§нЈoцеŸЏTОŸ‰Ж@@ ggw€ЅЅЅ&8January Film Round Upя„Ж1363_bigThumbImage.jpg1363_smallThumbImage.jpgBuck, Michelle Veysey, The Descendants, The girl with the dragon tatoo, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, Rialtojanuary-film-round-up1363_mainImage.jpg05Q НЯŸЄžкŸП>LОŸŠЭ@€ zЧз€э--ffŽ Read : The Impossible Collection of CarsYour dream car is one step closer with this exceptional new coffee table tome‘„…1361_bigThumbImage.jpg1361_smallThumbImage.jpgRead - The Impossible Collection of CarsAssouline, Impossible Collection of cars, Read, Dan Neil,read---the-impossible-collection-of-cars1361_mainImage.jpg05P НЯŸ-3bЧŸБ­‘9ОŸ‹@ fГУ€йёVV†•ЇThe Beach Essentialsbe well prepared for long days in the sun with our must have beach essentials‰„…1360_bigThumbImage.jpg1360_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Beach Essentialsbe well prepared for long days in the sun with our must have beach bag essentialsFor us, the promise of summer beach days is even more exciting than waiting to see what ol' Saint Nick has delivered come Christmas day. So with the summer holidays just days away, we've picked out the must-have items that will be firmly packed in our beach bags this year. We're hoping Santa takes heed.it's-in-the-bag1360_mainImage.jpg05S§нЈЏ,адŸЏTОŸV@@ gГУ€йёёё]]r„January Film Round UpEnsure you get along to see our pick of these must-see January release filmsя„Ж1363_bigThumbImage.jpg1363_smallThumbImage.jpgBuck, Michelle Veysey, The Descendants, The girl with the dragon tatoo, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, Rialtojanuary-film-round-up1363_mainImage.jpg05S§нЈЏ,адŸЏTОŸW@@ gГУ€йёRОЙЮрJanuary Film Round UpEnsure you get along to see our pick of these must-see January release filmsя„Ж1363_bigThumbImage.jpg1363_smallThumbImage.jpgJanuary Film Round UpEnsure you get along to see our pick of these must-see January release filmsBuck, Michelle Veysey, The Descendants, The girl with the dragon tatoo, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, RialtoThe New Year brings with it a slew of brand new films that worth putting aside a few hours of sunshine to see. Denizen’s resident film buff Michelle Veysey gives us the inside word on three of the best January release flicks deserving of a movie date.january-film-round-up1363_mainImage.jpg05S§нЈЏ,адŸЏTОŸX@@ gГУ€йёRОНвфJanuary Film Round UpEnsure you get along to see our pick of these must-see January release filmsя„Ж1363_bigThumbImage.jpg1363_smallThumbImage.jpgJanuary Film Round UpEnsure you get along to see our pick of these must-see January release filmsBuck, Michelle Veysey, The Descendants, The girl with the dragon tatoo, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, RialtoThe New Year brings with it a slew of brand new films that are worth putting aside a few hours of sunshine to see. Denizen’s resident film buff Michelle Veysey gives us the inside word on three of the best January release flicks deserving of a movie date.january-film-round-up1363_mainImage.jpg Read : The Impossible Collection of CarsYour dream car is one step closer with this exceptional new coffee table tome‘„…1361_bigThumbImage.jpg1361_smallThumbImage.jpgRead - The Impossible Collection of CarsAssouline, Impossible Collection of cars, Read, Dan Neil,read---the-impossible-collection-of-cars1361_mainImage.jpg05Q НЯŸџ™ПеŸП>LОŸ‰@€ yЦж€ь,,eo—ЉRead: The Impossible Collection of CarsYour dream car is one step closer with this exceptional new coffee table tome‘„…1361_bigThumbImage.jpg1361_smallThumbImage.jpgRead - The Impossible Collection of CarsAssouline, Impossible Collection of cars, Read, Dan Neil,Ogle over your dream car as if it was your very own with this new limited-edition book by Pulitzer Prize winning author Dan Niel. In a treat for vintage automobile lovers, this special edition showcases some of the 100 most exceptional cars of the twentieth century.read---the-impossible-collection-of-cars1361_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ГК ЈЏ`‚ _8ВhїйbWюT ЊДвѓPН ЋЉ?pЋЉ}Tщ ДtoѓPН ЋЪ leg№ЋЪnd supTCД €?ѓPН Ћ€?№Ћ9к‹n

Clockwise from top left:

Mr Holster Shoulder Clutch Bag by Deadly Ponies $390 stockists enquiries to Deadly Ponies

Cheetah Print Carré Scarf $345 from Gucci

Collection of rings by Elke Kramer approx $133 from Good as Gold

Black Bird Fly 35mm Twin Lens Camera $262.68 available from Photoworx

Post Nomalanist Boots by Chronicles of Never $479 from Superette

Cetus Sunglasses $369 by Ksubi available from Black Box Boutique


An all natural skincare cream, Egyptian Magic promises to have legendary healing powers due to its unique blend of all natural ingredients extracted from living plants and organisms. It heals cuts and burns, eliminates bruises, reduces scars and wrinkles, heals and dries pimples, hydrates the skin, heals and moisturizes chapped lips, relieves sunburns, can be used as massage lotion, shaving foam, hair smoothing shinning cream, hair moisturiser mask, hot oil treatment, hair conditioner along with at least 25 other uses.

Egyptian Magic is available here.


The elegant space does a great job of recreating the feeling of colonial Hanoi, as does the selection of authentic Vietnamese dishes on offer.  All designed for sharing the dishes are delivered with accompanying dipping bowls, fresh chilli, mint and coriander leaves to add an extra kick if you so desire.

The menu offers a decent range of sharable plates from cabbage salad tossed with mint, coriander and basil to caramelised pork shoulder, fresh spring rolls, and tasty chicken skewers smothered in lime, lemongrass and chilli.

Our recent visit was for a long overdue Friday lunch. The packed restaurant instilled no doubt that Café Hanoi is doing a grand job in establishing an exciting world class eatery right in the heart of the Auckland CBD.

Café Hanoi,
cnr Commerce & Galway Streets,
Auckland City 

Ph (09) 302 3478


Emma Sgourakis, a Clinical Nutritionist was actually the first person to burst my food myth bubble on this one and I distrustfully decided to go off and do my own research… and guess what… she was right!

As it turns out, according to The U.S. Department of Agriculture, that whether cooking chicken with the skin on—and removing it after cooking— or peeling skin off before cooking, makes no significant difference to the fat content. The only difference is that the moisture content of the chicken cooked with the skin on was significantly higher. Same fat and calories, just juicier chicken.

Now by no means am I suggesting you go and take out copious amounts of fried chicken skin but perhaps leaving it on next time you cook is worth considering – just food for thought.

TTъЩ€?ѓPН ЗO€?€?›№ЗO€?@TП~“ ѓPНЙ0рЙ0ЁП~

Revealing the creative process behind one of the world's most prolific photographers, this previously unreleased compilation of test shots, complete with their white borders and scrawled captions is an intimate, behind-the-scenes look at some of Newton’s most iconic images. Helmut Newton used polaroid as a tool for testing lighting and conceptualising ideas, thus resulting in images that reveal the moments ‘just before’ some of his most celebrated works. As it transpires, Helmut Newton kept all his test Polaroids, with his wife, June Newton, once recalling him coming home with a stack of the day’s images, “like Othello coming home with the spoils of war.” 

The body of work has been collected and edited by June herself, who of the project said “I decided to enlarge the Polaroids, because, as the wolf said to Red Riding Hood, “all the better to see you with, my dear.”

Come October, this book is sure to be finding itself a permanent fixture on our coffee table.

Available from Novel bookstore, from October.

202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay


Black Sands Lodge provided the perfect accommodation. A rustic bach getaway, cosy and comfortable, only 30 seconds from the beach and surrounded by incredible native bush. It also had what I have decided is the ultimate deck accessory, the cape cod chair. Perfect relaxation inclination and with enough arm-rest space to perfectly balance a late afternoon Sauvignon Blanc, book and bowl of nibbles.

The joy of staying at Piha was immersing myself in the community, a sense of community is something Piha has in bundles - where else has the opening of a café caused such a furor - passion is high in this neck of the woods and I like it.

So the dinner and drinks destination was the RSA. From the balcony you can shoot the breeze with a local or two and take in all the different elements that bring this community together. It overlooks the caravan park, tennis courts and bowls club – which I have it on good authority does an amazing Sunday Roast. On the opposite hillside is the controversial café, the Piha store and post office and then there’s the juxtaposition of old and new, quintessential kiwi baches alongside multimillion dollar architectural wonders.

The menu at the RSA has everything you need - gourmet burgers, fish and chips, vegetarian salad and lots of kiddie options. A hub for the locals it is frequented by the old and young. Every night at sundown the lights go out, the big game is turned off and the Ode of Remembrance is recited.

If you don’t want to move from the Black Sands sanctuary they will cook for you, organise a massage and the more adventurous can have some surf lessons – I was tempted but when I heard that even the staunch wet suited surfers were staying out that gave me excuse enough to stick to the sand.

Black Sands Lodge has a range of accommodation options available for smaller or larger parties.

Cost: $180-$230 per night.





for testing lighting and conceptualizing ideas, thus resulting in images that reveal the moments ‘just before’ some of his most celebrated works. As it transpires, Helmut Newton kept all his test Polaroid’s, with his wife, June Newton, once calling his coming home with a stack of the day’s images “like Othello coming home with the spoils of war.” 

The body of work has been collected and edited by June herself, who of the project said “I decided to enlarge the Polaroids, because, as the wolf said to Red Riding Hood, “all the better to see you with, my dear.”

Come October, this book is sure to be finding itself a permanent fixture on our coffee table.

Available from Novel bookstore, from Octob" src="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!})еДƒ ч\`є_UЪ‘AЏЉAŸvЖдTœД ngѓPНрЇ- Mi0Јt BareT 6ЖѓPНЎxPЎxВ.•p”€T 4Л28ѓPНАЉ(rtivЊ( AdriaT  ЛѓPН€ЋЁаЋЁВ.•‡T* ЯЛngѓPНрЇ- Mi0Јt Bare 

Two months ago, a small piece of this cherished contraption snagged on a car door, and snapped. My perfect umbrella became asymmetric, a hunch-backed crone baring a black spike, and threatening to take out the eyes of my fellow pedestrians. I have persevered in carrying her, but deep down I know she is gone.

It may be callously soon, but I now have reason to consider moving on. Reason, in fact, to rejoice. Fox Umbrellas, hand-made in Britain since 1868, have arrived at Crane Brothers on High Street.

Fox are a company who sign-off their website “an email, telephone call or alternatively a visit to our factory/showroom will always receive our warm and personal attention.” Forget the hoopla about making umbrellas for princes and presidents, any company who still writes in this manner has my full attention. I’m off to visit Mr. Crane tomorrow, to see if that warmth reaches all the way to the antipodes. I can’t imagine leaving without a gold-collared Rolled Malacca tucked under my arm.

Prices start at $159, and rise to $595. A custom-made service will be offered for serious umbrella fiends. I think, perhaps, I might just be one…

Available from:

Crane Brothers
2-4 High Street
Auckland CBD
ph 09 377 5333

Shop 3
Custom House Quay
Wellington CBD
ph 04 499 9531



In the new North Wharf development sits The Conservatory establishment right on the water. Situated on a corner-cobbled site, The Conservatory makes use of its view and conservatory surrounds that encompass the interior. The Conservatory's 'conservatory' is equipped with chairs made for lounging and they are perfectly suited for long summer lunches in the sun. Here is a restaurant that clearly values the comfort of its patrons, and their longevity in their establishment. Come summer, we're thinking this will be the perfect place to wile away an afternoon.

On the day we visited, it was raining, but it became obvious it was many a fashionista's welcome escape from the madness of Halsey Street and Fashion Week down the road.

On a typical fashion week diet of tiny canapés and champagne, the menu serves up its fair share of bistro fare that we welcomed come lunchtime. Whilst diners around us were snacking in-between shows on antipasto platters (which looked very tempting), the 6 hour braised beef bun with pear, rocket and blue cheese and crumbed chicken with avocado were too hard to pass up.

The crispy potato chunks served alongside both dishes as an accompaniment was hardly a fashion week appropriate indulgence, but it was tasty bistro goodness that fulfilled our hunger pangs - certainly the ticket on day two of a big week ahead. We suggest you make this your lunch stop for hearty fare that won't disapoint.


Wynyard Quarter
North Wharf
Jellicoe Street


Dry brushing is a technique that involves brushing your entire body in circular motions with a natural bristle brush every morning. Because the skin is the body's largest elimination organ, responsible for 10-15% of the body's total elimination of toxins, stimulating your skin's surface has positive results. 

Dry skin brushing is a powerful way to enhance the detoxification process by eliminating dead skin cells, helping new skin to regenerate, stimulating blood circulation and the lymphatic system, and greatly enhancing the toxin elimination process. What's more, the massaging effect of the bristles is highly beneficial in eliminating cellulite.

Stimulating the lymphatic system through skin brushing will promote detoxification, weight loss and cellulite reduction as well as improve the overall tone and radiance of your skin.

Dry brushing is best done first thing in the morning just before you hop into the shower. You'll need a natural bristle brush preferably with a long handle. 

Start with the soles of your feet, moving upwards towards your thighs in small circular motions. For the upper part of the body hold one arm up and brush down towards the armpit and then move to the other arm. When brushing your torso, brush towards the heart. Brushing the armpits is important as there is a concentration of lymphatic nodes there. Finish off with small circular brushing around the neck and shoulders, avoiding the face where the skin is sensitive.

Brush the abdomen from the left side to the right, and go around in circles to gently massage the colon. Focus on the hips and thighs where the brushing ensures an excellent treatment for cellulite.

As a general guide, it is more beneficial to brush from the extremities towards the core of the body.

Always brush gently, and especially over the sensitive areas. In time, and with practice, your skin will become more resilient and endure more vigorous brushing. Be careful to avoid brushing over bruises, cuts or irritated areas.

Brushing your whole body will take around 3 to 5 minutes, and is the perfect precursor to a hot shower to really get the blood flowing.

Make a two month commitment to dry brushing and I'm sure you will be impressed by the results.


Mixing wood with high-tech mp3 technology, these Magno radios are handcrafted in an Indonesian farming village, and read much more like a functional work of art, and a sustainable one at that too.

Entirely made from new growth wood, for every tree that is used in the production of the radios, a new one is planted. So this is a gift you can feel good about giving. These stylish designs certainly don’t fall short on sound quality, with your iPod beats sounding perfect through the modern-day wood speakers.

On a side note, for all of you Todd Selby (of The Selby fame) fans out there, you'll be pleased to note that this Christmas, all Christmas gifts purchased from Simon James at The Department Store come wrapped in the limited edition Selby gift paper and bag.

Available in Micro ($299) and Small ($399) sizes from Simon James Design.

Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

ph (09) 489 6955

to find peeking out from under our Christmas trees this year!


Available in Micro ($299) and Small ($399) sizes from Simon James Design.



For all of you Todd Selby (of The Selby fame) fans out there, like us, you'll be pleased to note that this Christmas, all Christmas gifts purchased from Simon James at The Department Store come wrapped in the limited edition Selby Gift paper and bag, designed excёаeј’T*ЛѓPНШ.€џ‡рШ.œШ.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!А\Д`чw Ы‚_i•’…ЕЅR]5 

'Barcelona has always held a prominent position on my ‘cities to visit’ list but for no particular reason that I could recall. Certainly the architecture, culture and countless others recounting it’s amazingness accounted for its position on the list but the real Barcelona was still an enigma. Armed with the eponymous ‘things to do’ list procured from many well-travelled friends I set about getting to know this city.

On the northeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula, Barcelona is nestled between the Collserola mountain range and the Mediterranean coast which makes the city itself surprisingly compact and walkable. It has half a dozen distinct districts with main streets identifying the historical borders of each. My first stop? The beaches of course.


La Barceloneta

 The largest, oldest and definitely most frequented beach in Barcelona was constructed from what was an industrial coastline next to one of the oldest regions of Barcelona prior to the 1992 Summer Olympics and has since developed its own heartbeat and earned the title “world's best city beach”.

Barceloneta is a master of beach culture. The shore instantly teleports you from the city streets to a sandy stretch with stunning views, fresh air and sun, sea, and sand, all within easy reach of the city and fresh cerveza as there are legions of trooping sellers offering coconut morsels and drinks as you laze.

Mar Bella

To the left of La Barceloneta lies the unofficial nudist beach for the more adventurous and tan friendly but with a relaxed enough vibe not to put off anyone still donning bikinis or boardies.


Mellow Beach Club  (Passeig del Mare Nostrum 19-21)

Flowing easily from the beach Mellow Beach Club lies in the shadow of the unmissable W hotel. Designed by fashion designer Custo Dalmau and Bruno Reymond, Mellow Beach Club is a fantastic starting point to your evening. 


W Barcelona (Plaça de la Rosa del Vents 1 - Final Passeig de Joan de Borbó)

Completed in 2009 the W is hard not to see at 100m tall, it also houses some great bars to sample a drink at before moving into the city. Be sure to check out the 'wet deck' on the 3rd floor for lounging, dipping and drinks and Eclipse on the 26th  floor for an unbelievable view and some of the best Mojito’s you’ll find in the city. 



La Boqueria; Mercat Sant Joseph (La Rambla, 91)

Located just off the tourist mecca of La Ramble is La Boqueria, the largest, best-known, and most visually pleasing of the markets available in Barcelona. Find the seafood stall amongst the throngs, pull up a seat and enjoy the fresh produce and endless flow of people around you.


Bodega La Tinaja (C/ d'Esparteria, 9 ,El Born district)

This beloved El Born restaurant is overwhelmingly charming, thanks to its rustic Spanish bodega beauty. Once a wine cellar the interior has ancient terracotta pots and decanters littering the dining area walls, softening La Tinaja’s robust stone walls and mishmash of wooden ceiling beams.

Predictably, the wine flows here. Dim lighting and small wooden tables encourage glass after glass. The fare is simple, with the staple paella, inspired salads, Iberian ham and cheese plates, and delicious tapas like a warm salted cod dip and, cinnamon-heavy moussaka.

Big Fish (El Comercial 9, El Born district)

The first design fish shop in Barcelona, where you can buy fish, listen to jazz and drink a glass of wine, while the sushi man is busy making creations. The plush worn leather couches, mismatched dining tables and chairs give Big Fish a loft style fun ambience that is matched with its sublime Mediterranean seafood like Wild Sea Bass and Purple-lipped clams with matched wines.  




Best way to explore on your own is by bicycle. There are plenty of rentals around this cycle friendly city with dedicated lanes and corteous drivers.


An alternative way to experience a tour of the city is by classic sidecar. These 1941 URAL Russian designed sidecars have been remade to comply with safety regulations and provide a fantastic perspective to view Barcelona while your guide negotiates the streets and takes you on a personalised tour providing insiders information and access to areas others cannot, while being amongst the sounds, scents and vibrancy of the city. 


Architecture: You simply can’t visit Barcelona without feeling the hand of Antoni Gaudi and the influence his Catalan Modernism architecture style has had on the city – from the pavers on L’Eixample to the lampposts in the Placa Reial. Here is a quick fire list of the best Gaudi landmarks to see:

Casa Mila (92, Passeig de Gracia, L’Eixample). Known locally as La Perdera (The Quarry) due to the extensive period that rocks lay outside the construction site.

Casa Battlo: (43 Passeig de Gracia, L'Eixample). The House of Bones, is a building restored by Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol, built in the year 1877 and remodelled in the years 1904–1906.

Parc Guell: (El Carmen) Essentially a luxury housing development that failed in the early 19th century, resulting in glorious gardens and park settings located on the hill of El Carmel with spectacular views over Barcelona city. 

La Sagrada Familia: Gaudi’s masterpiece, commenced 1882 and expected completion in 2026. Arguably the ultimate example of Spanish Gothic architecture funded entirely from donations. It is currently under construction by Executive Architect, New Zealander Mark Burry.

Such 'lists' should always be carried with a degree of cynicism as getting lost and exploring is always well worth the adventure.' 

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Beach House: Teen Dream

Teen Dream is the third release from this Baltimore based dream pop duo.  A disarmingly honest portrait of youth and young love, Teen Dream continues the band’s fragile and delicate approach to music making.

f 8 

Then nothing until 2009, when follow-up Three Fact Fader finally hit the streets, delayed due to record label issues.  A confident step forward, well received by critics, the record demonstrated an ability to add sonic power to their mix of harmonies, most noticeably in my personal favourite from the album Sometimes I Realise.

Just when it seemed they were on the verge of making real progress, it was announced original band members Dan McBean and Andrew Sweeny had departed, leaving most fans wondering - where to next?

Fortunately, they are back, with their third album In Praise Of More.  For this effort, they are joined by self proclaimed electronic genius Ulrich Schnauss. You can listen to Nobody's Home his previous work here from the album Far Away Trains Passing By.

The result is another step forward, with Schauss adding a wide screen sound as each song on the album combines to make this a complete album.  More sensual than their previous efforts, the album is the perfect laid-back album for the morning after, with its dreamy harmonies, silky smooth electronic sheen and chiming guitars.  That said, it shouldn’t be taken as lightweight or lacking in intensity, a tense undercurrent permeates the entire album, most noticeably on tracks There Will Be Time and the melancholic closer Nach House.

In Praise of More is a mature record that demands to be listened to in its entirety (eight songs in all, at a touch over 35 minutes).  It is also accompanied by a bonus CD of instrumental versions, driven by Ulrich Schnauss and his ambient wizardry.   

Finally, it seems Engineers have arrived.



Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking is a 2,400-page culinary ‘bible’ that spans six-volumes and chronicles almost every facet of cooking through the lens of a scientist, not a chef.  An overview of modern gastronomy of the last 20 years, the book starts at history and fundamentals, with each volume moving through subjects from techniques and equipment to ingredients and preparation and plated dishes.

The man behind the masterpiece? Nathan Myhrvold, a former chief technology officer at Microsoft. With an obvious passion for invention and innovation, the book documents everything from basic hamburger recipes to more adventurous concepts like sous vide, delving into the science behind the food. Unlike traditional cookbooks, Modernist Cuisine doesn’t just explain how to cook a dish; it actually explains how the process works so far as to capture images of food sliced at various stages so you can see how the cooking process affects the food. Genius!

Lavishly illustrated throughout with images of food and cooking tools, Modernist Cuisine will have you trading in your takeout for a night in planning your next culinary masterpiece in no time. If anything, the photography alone makes it a worthy coffee table contender. So maybe you’re not quite ready to impress the guests with your cooking, at least you can impress them with your new found fact resource.

Tipped as the cookbook set to reinvent cooking as we know it, Modernist Cuisine is now available for order from Novel, with first copies arriving in October.

Novel Bookstore
202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay

Ph 09 376 5839


Society is made by Limonta, a company founded in 1893 in the renowned textile town of Costamasnaga in Italy. They produce a collection of bed linen that utilises the finest silk, linen and wool. It’s an approach to bed dressing with a passion - dress the bed as you would dress yourself they say. Think nestling amongst cashmere cotton mix sheets in winter, and then come summer, wrapping up in cocoons of fine linen and cotton voile.

As someone who has perhaps a too overly perfect approach to bed making, Society linen is set to change my Stepford ways. The linen is designed to be thrown and draped over beds a little haphazardly, which is all the more appealing in our books. The result is a bed that is comfortably perfect without the fuss, making it the ideal option for weekend sleep-ins.

Society is available locally from Siena

347 Parnell Road
ph 09 3777 555



The numbers are extremely limited - Words that are sure to charm any true sneaker aficionado. There are only 100 pairs in the black and red and 220 in the grey and white however this time around, there are womens sizes included in the run too.

Available for pre-order now from ONE Limited

504 K-Road

www.onelimited.co.nzThe numbers are extremely limited - Words that are sure to charm any true sneaker aficionado. There are only 100 pairs in the black and red and 220 in the grey and white however this time around, there are womens sizes included in the run too.

Available for pre-order now from ONE Limited

504 K-Road


TэС ЭџџџџѓPН Н-ШF6 №Н-;There are only 100 pairs in the black and red and 220 in the grey and white however this time around, there are womens sizes included in the run too.

Available for pre-order now from ONE Limited

504 K-Road


The numbers are extremely limited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\™оДд€p`oА ‚_”Е +ž:Y H


A beautiful boutique hotel in Saint Germain-des-Prés. With themed rooms, fine dining, a cylindrical atrium and curved doors,
 it has a great bar, and a sunny courtyard. And then there’s also Oscar
Wilde’s ghost - the hotel was famously his last home. What more do you need?



If you’re looking for a new pencil, or any kind of coloured paint or pastel you can dream of, this is mecca. There is lots of paper, books and canvases, with wooden drawers stacked full of everything imaginable.



When all you want is the latest and greatest men’s and women’s fashions you can’t beat L’Eclaireur. They stock Dior Homme, Ann Demeulemeester, Comme des Garçons and more. I get a twinge of shop envy every time. Pack your wallet!



The design supermarket. Unbelievably busy,  merchandise turns over weekly. There are great books, new music, art, gadgets, beauty and clothing. A great place to have lunch or a coffee.


La Librairie Alain Brieux

Not everyone’s taste or desire, but if you’re into 18th century books, scientific instruments, botanical encyclopedias and all things medical, animal or mineral this is heaven.


Café les Philosophes

My favourite place to sit and watch civilisation unfold. The duck is the same every time. Excellent. (28 rue Vieille du Temple, 75004)

Librairie Scaramouche

Whether it’s film noir or Rambo 4 you’re into, you can find the original film poster, stills and paraphernalia here. Give yourself the afternoon - you’ll need it. (161 Rue St Martin, 75003)

Deryolle: the taxidermy shop

The perfect place to discover what your favourite butterfly actually is and then have it framed. The only thing that could make this better would be if you could catch them yourself.


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If only there were an exact science to gift giving – when, how, what, and how often? Unfortunately it’s a little more complicated and while there are no hard and fast rules, there are many possible missteps that can be made. With this in mind, we turned to Jocelyn Wilson, The Studio of Tableware’s founding director. With 30 years in the business of gift giving, Jocelyn knows a thing or two about how to pick the perfect gift. Here, she shares with us some tips with us on ‘The Art of Giving’.

Tip One.

Spontaneity. It doesn’t have to be Christmas, a birthday or an anniversary to give a gift. In fact, an unexpected gift is usually one that will bring the receiver the most joy. Plus, there is arguably less pressure and expectations (in other words, less chance of failure) by giving a gift on an unexpected occasion.

Tip Two.

Contemplation.  Think about it, this really is the best advice I can give.  Think about the person.  Think about the way they dress, their home, their likes, dislikes and aspirations.  Think about past conversations and you may recall a passing comment that assists you with your choice of gift.  Size definitely doesn’t matter.  Small and timeless beats ostentation every time.  Spend more on small things. Spend less on large ones. People remember things they can carry with them.  Lastly, place the emphasis on quality and design.  To quote Professor Walter Gropius, “design is neither an intellectual nor a material affair, but simply an integral part of the stuff of life, necessary for everyone in a civilised society”.   Your reliance on renowned brands will ensure design integrity.

Tip Three.

Presentation matters. They say you should never give a gift unwrapped. Take heed of this and pack and wrap the gift with care and attention to detail. If your wrapping skills are little under par then perhaps consider leaving this step to someone else (a.k.a the professionals).  A well-wrapped gift will look as though care and thought has been a part of the process. A wrapped gift signifies the very act of gift giving, no matter what the gift itself actually entails.

Tip Four.

Write a card. This especially applies to men. Women love cards – and no, just signing your name under the token ‘happy anniversary’ won’t do, even if the card comes equipped with a motorized song. Write something personal. It won’t only make your other half happy, but will gain you well earned points with her friends as well.

For gift giving ideas visit Jocelyn at The Studio of Tableware.



We came across a new addition to the creative candle range in the form of a pair of ‘Church candles’. Handmade using a vegetable blend wax and over dipped in nature inspired colours of olive, stone, twig and old rose, each candle is beautifully scented with Curio Noir’s signature fragrance – Vetyer Bouquet. The Church candles come in a pair and are adorned with a somewhat haunting miniature wax doll figurine and finished with Curio Noir cotton herringbone ribbon.

At only $35 for a pair, these make the perfect stocking filler or to give a finishing touch to the Christmas table setting. Although we’re imagine it will be rather hard to let them burn all the way down to the sweet little doll.

Available n

We came across a new addition to the creative candle range in the form of a pair of ‘Church candles’. Handmade using a vegetable blend wax and over dipped in nature inspired colours of olive, stone, twig and old rose, each candle is beautifully scented with Curio Noir’s signature fragrance – Vetyer Bouquet. The Church candles come in a pair and are adorned with a somewhat haunting miniature wax doll figurine and finished with Curio Noir cotton herringbone ribbon.

At only $35 for a pair, these make the perfect stocking filler or to give a finishing touch to the Christmas table setting. Although we’re imagine it will be rather hard to let them burn all the way down to the sweet little doll.

Available from Simon James Design


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Much has been made of their intellectual approach to music, yet their unusual time signatures are certainly nothing new, and their heritage can be traced back from modern day contemporaries like the highly recommended Everything Everything and Field Music, to Vampire Weekend, The Foals, and then further back to Talking Heads, XTC and the wonderfully eccentric Sparks.

And like all of these bands, The Dutch Uncles’ sound is one that is essentially founded in a simple pop aesthetic and the entire album is swimming in gorgeous pop hooks – right from the opening title track which features a thumping percussion accompanied by galloping keys and guitars through to original single, the dueling guitar driven The Ink

Holding the whole thing together is front man Duncan Wallis, who really is the star of the show.  His vocals are oh so smooth as he navigates his way through the maze of awkward song structures and at times extremely cryptic lyrics.

This is definitely a record for those interested in exploring a more complex, less structured sound.  Dutch Uncles have combined their ear for a great hook, with a more modern and intellectual style to ensure they will remain anything but one dimensional.  They should be applauded for their sense of adventure alone.



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Indeed, some of the lyrics delivered by lead singer Jonathan Higgs border on the surreal as they dive head on into stream-of-consciousness.  I’m not sure what we should make of lines such as “so how will they remember us whole when we turn to salt, and its mine, the fault, mine the dream, and the vein, home of whale-flesh, make soap out of it”.

Higgs’ vocal style too is really what sets this record apart.  Each track is sung in a sugary falsetto with the words delivered with machine gun like rapidity.  The result is that the listener never really gets a moment to take breath, as song after song literally flies by.   At times, it does seem like a lot to take in in one siiting, however, the baffling lyrics, auditory jokes (check the gloriously catchy chorus of Suffragete Suffragete) means that the album does reward repeat listening.

Everything Everything are ear-marked for greater things, making the top 15 of the BBC’s Sound of 2010 list, compiled by the who’s who of UK experts in current and new music.

Some may consider this debut pretentious and intentionally intellectual.  Whatever its criticisms, and there have been a few, you certainly can’t accuse Everything Everything of lacking ambition.  Man Alive marks a first step towards mainstream stardom – we’ll be hearing from these guys again.




Chanel’s take on the sport is the ultimate accessory for any patriotic fashionista, and while we highly doubt whether this designer ball will show much mercy on the field, we like to think it brings a touch of Chanel elegance to the game.


R ‚

The café interior has an American diner feel to it, with a leaner counter and barstools that feel like they are right out of a classic road movie. Bottomless filter coffee (as well as freshly brewed Supreme coffee), delicious cabinet food and pastries make up the culinary offerings, while outside, there are benches that soak up the sun, perfect for a morning or afternoon stop off.

On the sunny Friday afternoon we visited, we were warmly welcomed inside by Renee who quickly loaded us with fresh pastries and excellent Supreme coffee, despite the official opening not happening until today. Sitting on the sun drenched benches inside; we quite easily could have wiled away the better part of our afternoon chatting to the girls and the many familiar faces that wandered past on the street outside.

We are rather spoiled for choice when it comes to good cafes in Auckland, but Mister Morning has all the makings of our new favourite local - great food, great coffee and warm, entertaining service. Do it once and do it well they say - well, Renee and Damaris do what they’re doing really well. Now officially open for business, we suggest you make Mister Morning your next morning stop.

Mister Morning is open daily from 7am.

(Next door to Coco's Cantina)
376 K-Road

T'щO•ѓPŽ И@ 2Ž№И@iЉt]'щ

76a Ponsonby Road

ph 09 360 4090

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Well fret not friends, as we have come across a range of cards that dispel any chance of ruining sentiment in the hands of a bad card.

Printed on recycled stock, these beautifully detailed hand-letterpress printed cards from Hammerpress are a range of well-designed correspondence cards. The graphic cards are a superb example of the art of letterpress publishing; harking back to a time in press where thoughtfulness and quality really counted.

We are particularly fond of the cute ‘Soulmatey’ card; a print which we are sure will charm any recipient regardless of the message inside.

Available from Crane BrothersкІf

Well fret not friends, as we have come across a range of cards that dispel any chance of ruining sentiment in the hands of a bad card.

Printed on recycled stock, these beautifully detailed hand-letterpress printed cards from Hammerpress are a range of well-designed correspondence cards. The graphic cards are a superb example of the art of letterpress publishing; harking back to a time in press where thoughtfulness and quality really counted.

We are particularly fond of the cute ‘Soulmatey’ card; a print which we are sure will charm any recipient regardless of the message inside.

Available from Crane Brothers.

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Being a concept album, it is best listened to in one sitting, as the eleven tracks weave their hypnotic spell, ebbing and flowing much like the ocean, over the listener.  At times, it’s not easy going, with the darker themes and pessimism threatening to engulf you from your very own personal “sea of regrets”.

However, time and time again it is the cinematic scope of the soundscapes of the band’s instrumentation that refuses to allow the album to become anything like morose and depressing. Indeed, much like Sigur Ros, one is often uplifted by the share vastness and intoxicating depth to the music created which is both lush and multi-layered.

Album opener When We Were Kings kicks things off with savage dazzling guitars then rolls into the more subdued lament of A Father’s Son

From there, swirling strings are added to the albums title track, drum clicks which give the sense of a ticking clock counting down the time we have left on Hope Is Not Enough with gorgeous sleep inducing whispered backing vocals.  A breeze that chills you to the bone rips through Progress Is Not Enough with the leaden tones of lead singer Dave Martin rightly points out that man’s abuse of nature has gone on for centuries and much “ like a snake can shed his skin and never change” we only have ourselves to blame as “Europe slips into the sea”.

Further on, Sirens and Sea of Regrets  perfectly demonstrate the bands ability to build tension and atmosphere, as the band hit full stride and have built an unstoppable wall of sound.

All that’s left then is how to finish.  Final track Doves is simply the perfect closer to what has gone before.  Rather than bowing out in a final blaze of glory, it is almost funeral like, beginning with a numbed silence before finishing with church bells replaced by what seem like air raid sirens as Dave Martin croons “nothing says its over quite like the way you hit the sea”.


Truly moving. Truly powerful. Truly inspirational.




It’s probably too early to tell whether they are just another colour-by-numbers art rock for the oh so serious and oh so lucrative middle class but their desire to be taken seriously is there for all to hear and at times they tip toe a very fine line between lurching into full blown self-parody.

But as some great writer once said that while we’re all in the gutter some of us are reaching for the stars, and ultimately Chapel Club’s ambition can’t be denied, and despite themselves they have produced an album that hints that there is more to come.

Opening track Surfacing cleverly moulds the lyrics from 1930s standard (and Mammas and Papas Hit) Dream a Little Dream of Me into a Johnny Cash meets My Bloody Valentine mash up complete with droning guitars and Lewis Bowman’s detached vocals delivering as little emotion as one could imagine possible.

Current single All the Eastern Girls is a pleasant enough romp with catchy chorus and sha-la-la-la-las while the more refrained introspection of O Maybe I.

However a closer listen does reveal its rewards, and they are to be found on The Shore which evolves into a wonderful dreamy sunset of a song  and then Fine Light which demonstrates a far more sophisticated sound and the band can spread its wings to include strings and keyboards which make a welcome change from the full frontal onslaught of driving rhythm section and guitars.

Ultimately it is these two tracks that show the way for Chapel Club if they do wish to become more than just another in a long line of slick sounding, yet ultimately unchallenging groups that have become the acceptable face of alternative music for those with very little understanding or knowledge of the bands they are so painfully mimicking.

Whether Chapel Club is up for standing out on their own is obviously up to them.  If they decide to stick with the tried and tested they certainly won’t be lacking for company.




To receive your copy, all you have to do is Fill in the form here with your details no later than 5pm Friday 23 September 2011.

TAlq ‚ѓP‡PН?`Н? Н?V‡АН?Tn”ѓP‡pЖ €Ж РЖ V‡=T 

The delicious bespoke frozen treats are the brainchild of Aucklanders Tommy & James, who started the fair-trade ice blocks after seeing a niche in the market for ice blocks that were both organically sound, all the while still satisfying kids and adults alike on a hot summer day.

The ice blocks are crafted from locally sourced seasonal and spray-free fruit, herbs and fair-trade chocolate and raw sugar and come in a variety of classic, and more unique flavours (from lemon and lime, to orange, strawberry and chocolate fudgesicle).

If the ice blocks aren’t delicious enough on their own to justify the mid afternoon indulgence, we were also pleased to find they also contain the minimal amount of added sugar possible and are vegan friendly.

Click here to find your closest Nice Block stockist.


T,[ ˆяMѓP3`Йф.€W:АЙф.зmzьЯef="http://www.formespa.co.nz">www.formespa.co.nz

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But to call this dance music however, would be a major misnomer.  Jaar himself has described his sound as “blue-wave” and it is definitely music for the head rather than the feet.  Space is indeed the key “noise” for Jaar, and he uses it to perfection to create a melancholy and sad, yet oh so seductive, soundtrack to his dreamscapes.

The influences of his early childhood can be found in the bringing together of a number of different cultures and influences – from the albums’ lyrics in a mixture of English, French and Spanish to the various instrumentation of sax, Mexican guitars, cellos and the crystal sharp piano melodies.

In amongst all the minimalism and concrete-scapes are a couple of more pop driven tracks that almost act as a sonic peaks to the album – Too Many Kids Finding Rain In the Dust   I Got A (complete with Ray Charles sample)  and Space Is Only Noise If You Can See demonstrate Jaar’s ability to add more completely structured songs.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about all this is that Jaar is still so young yet able to make music such as this.  Where he goes to from here is anyone’s guess, but in Space Is Only Noise he has arrived and announced that there is indeed a significant amount of substance to the style.



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Cerise Lash Bar in Grey Lynn is set off the road in the bottom story of a townhouse on Richmond Road. It was the first of its kind to open up in Auckland, and between the two stylists (Elisia & Helen) they have applied over 1,000 sets of lashes since opening. They offer a relaxing service in a spa-like environment and their lash extensions come in three categories: natural, lush and dramatic. The process itself involves bonding additional individual lashes to your own lashes, for a dramatic look (which I went for) they singularly bond 80 additional lashes to each lid. It took over an hour, and the process went relatively smoothly, despite how strange it feels to have someone touching your lashes for such an extended period of time. The cost itself is a little prohibitive; for $250 if it hadn't been for a very special occasion I don't think I would have fronted the cost, however, if you're a dedicated to it, the infills (which you go back for every two- three weeks to maintain thickness) cost in the realm of $20 per fifteen minutes. The result was excellent - they definitely opened up my eyes and looked incredible. They lasted about three weeks, but began falling out after one. Although in Cerise's defense, I wasn't particularly successful at following the no-water and no-mascara instruction - I guess some habits are hard to break.

- Anna Kidman.

Cost: $150 (natural) - $280 (dramatic).

Cerise Lash & Makeup, 3/386 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland. 09-361 6336 www.cerise.co.nz

I consider myself relatively blessed in the eyelash department. They're long and as soon as they're armed with mascara they often attract comments. One would think I'd be the last person to need eyelash extensions. However, after admiring the ever-increasing lashes of my girlfriends, I was convinced to give them a try. I was given the insider's word from a girlfriend on a cheap but effective option on K-road, a place, that due to its local does a regular trade with the local drag queens and strippers. Perfect!

Posh Nails as you'll be able to ascertain from the name is anything but. If you're looking for a moment of zen this (unsurprisingly) is not it. Close to the street front, it's noisy with the usual K-road fanfare, and the one woman operator, is often snowed under with other inquiries during your extensions. However, she's good. Really good. For prices ranging from $45-$65 you'll walk out with incredibly long, thick, enviable lashes. They're seriously addictive, and for the price, definitely worth it.

- Claire Sullivan

Cost: $45-$65

Posh Nails, 221 K-road, Auckland. 09 377 3221

TPщAGѓPŽpНПжРНiЉtРМT:fƒѓP‡€ИoаИoTdfhЗХ>Р Осsons at&pОсrong>1. Wilfox Couture Kids from Wildfox

2. Areaware Bank in the form of a pig from Simon James Design

3. Gucci Zoo Handbag from Gucci

4. Yoshitomo Nara Little Wanderer from Design 55

5. Designer Tutu Kit from Seedling

6. Alice in Wonderland pop up book from Novel books

7. Kidrobot Labbit from Qubic

8. Ice-cream cone jump rope from Opening Ceremony

9. Louis Vuitton hair clip from Louis Vuitton

10. Giant gummy bear from Qubic

11. Gaultier Bebe tutu from Opening Ceremony

12. Solar powered fairy light jar from Askew

13. Marc Jacobs cardigan from Great Classics

14. Electronic butterfly in a jar from Askew

15. Bunny nightlight from Nature Baby

16. Pasquale Bruni enamel charm bracelet from Hartfields

"_blank">Opening Ceremony

12. Solar powered fairy light jar from Askew

13. Marc Jacobs cardigan from Great Classics

14. Electronic butterfly in a jar from Askew

15. Bunny nightlight from Nature Baby

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Kermadec is one of those places that's etched in Auckland's dining history. Long renowned as the 'it' place to entertain clients, cutting deals over boozy lunches soaking up the stunning water view below. Kermadec however has gone the way of many and been pushed into the history books.

There is absolutely no doubt that Kermadec has a fantastic position, high above the water front, with an expansive balcony and even more expansive dining floor. However, it must be said that this place is in dire need of a renovation, or at the very least a bit of a spring clean. One might suggest that it's clutching hold of its 90s aesthetic in the hopes it might attract the 90s flock of diners who used to frequent its splendor. May I suggest that this is in fact putting them off - much like the awful outfits I donned back in those days, I don't need to be reminded.

So you may ask, why am I writing about such a jaded restaurant? Because on the day we visited last week, the food was quite simply spectacular. Everything we sampled was delicious, fresh, and well presented. I could not fault a single thing.

So if you are feeling nostalgic, or like us simply looking to dine outdoors on the last few weeks of summer, may I suggest Kermadec. Go for the food and the view, and don't blame me for the décor!

Level 1
Viaduct Harbour
ph 09 304 0454

9 304 0454



Slow-cooked Perendale Lamb Shoulder. Whipped goats cheese, broad beans, fresh mint and muscatel vinegar dressing. $36


Roasted Confit Pork Belly. Crisp crackling, cauliflower, rocket and hazelnut salad, apple and mustard oil. $36

So if you are feeling nostalgic, or like us simply looking to dine outdoors on the last few weeks of summer, may I suggest Kermadec. Go for the food and the view, and don't blame me for the décor!

Level 1
Viaduct Harbour
ph 09 304 0454


With my 30th year rapidly approaching, I thought it timely that I reassess my regime. I have minimal skin concerns and currently have no wrinkles to speak of (thank you oily skin). But I have some pigmentation concerns due to my lack of diligence for sun protection. And, where the looming threat of wrinkles is concerned, I'm of the mind that prevention is the best approach.

Whilst in a beauty therapy clinic Prescription Skin Care in Remuera, I was introduced to a cream that has literally transformed the texture and appearance of my skin. Enter, Results RX: A Solution cream. It claims big things. But this is typical in the over-cluttered and competitive skincare industry. So what's so good about this product? It's a powerful blend of alpha hydroxy acids. It exfoliates, brightens and softens skin. It stimulates collagen and elastin. And it diminishes enlarged pores. Essentially, it gives you more radiant skin. Yes please.
Catching up on beauty sleep has taken a deeper meaning as I reach for this wonder-cream before bedtime.
Okay, it's a tiny jar.
And yes, it's $203 a pop. But what a pop it is...I'm sold.

Available from:

Prescription Skin Care
243 Remuera Road
ph 09 529 5784


From the moment you depart Auckland’s Britomart you are being treated to views you never normally see – people’s backyards, landscape and incredible vistas over viaducts you have only ever read about. In the train you are much more elevated than you are in a car and the narrow tracks don’t interrupt the land like the road does, it just feels like you are simply gliding through towns and farms without dominating or changing them.
The seats are comfortable, gone are the leather bench seats of yesteryear, the coffee is reasonable (very important) and there is a good selection of food - fruit salad, sandwiches and hot meals. I have to admit I didn’t try much of the food though, being a bit of a geek I like to embrace experiences so my friend and I came laden with train travel paraphernalia including snacks and treats, reading material and music but missing some sort of craft- a cross-stitch or some mending would have been the icing on the cake – next time.

There is commentary throughout the journey, telling you of the history of the area and landmarks to look out for. One of these is a local man, from way down the line, who waves to the train every day as it goes past. And by wave I mean stands by the train tracks with scarves dancing around – we are encouraged to wave back – and hells yeah I did, I’ll wave to anyone that puts in that much effort. He was a highlight.
Another highlight, was getting to ride up front with the driver. I can’t tell you how my friend and I managed to do this, maybe it was my over excitement watching the train engine change from diesel to electric in Hamilton but for a good couple of hours we were treated to the best views on the train as well as some fantastic stories from our enthusiastic driver. When we disembarked at National Park we were the envy of all other passengers. Whilst waiting in the (rather long) queue to order our lunch, we were asked by many about our adventure up the front – we tried not to gloat too much.

Lunch at National Park was a treat, it was grey, moody and cold just as you expect National Park to be and it only made the train station café feel more warm, cosy and like a trip back in time. There was all sorts of deliciousness and the sweet treats were straight out of Gran’s cookbook. Amazing.

After lunch we rejoined all the other passengers in the main carriages. It was a beautiful afternoon, the landscape was incredible and the towns were awesome. I saw architecture and buildings that I have missed when driving through on main roads and you see communities together enjoying club rugby and market days. There were however tinges of sadness. Trains stations that would have once been bustling centres of the community are now very much in need of a good coat of paint and the small towns aren’t what they used to be, with shops boarded up as people make the exodus to the bright lights of the big cities.

The train has two brilliant viewing areas; an outdoor platform in the middle of the train as well as a lounge seating area with large uninterrupted windows where you can watch the sunset whilst enjoying a glass of red from your mini bottle purchased on board.

So all up, I loved it. While 12 hours on a train sounds like a long time, it only started to become a little boring when the sun went down and there was nothing to see. It made me fall in love with my country again and enhanced my desire to spend more time in the smaller towns and cities outside of Auckland.

So if you simply want to go from Auckland to Wellington as quickly and easily a possible, then fly but if you want to experience New Zealand, its history and beauty and just take some time out to smell the roses then The Overlander is for you.


the perfect accompaniment to a bottle of Chablis 1er Cru Vaillons '05

Braised pork belly with mash and seasonal greens $28

Ella Cafe & Lounge, 118 Ponsonby Road, Auckland 09 378 7979

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Japanese restaurant Soto in St Mary's Bay has long been a favourite haunt. One of the reasons it is such, is their unique take on the Japanese classic - prawn tempura. Wrapped in layers of finely shredded filo pastry, each succulent prawn is deep fried and served with a dollop of all important Japanese mayonnaise and wasabi caviar for that extra kick. Delicious.

Filo Spun Tempura Paradise Prawn: $25 (as part of lunch selection menu)

Soto, 13 St Mary's Road, Auckland 09 360 0021



This lightweight matte gel is different to any primer I've ever used. The matte nature of the gel creates the perfect canvas for foundation application. Its combination of vitamins A and E, grape seed extract and green tea increase the longevity of your foundation as well as doing a pretty good job at smoothing out the creases that foundations like to call home. 

Smashbox Photo Finish Primer - $76




Snapdragon holds a dominant position right next door to the well established Soul Bar. With three distinct spaces including a ground floor dining room, a second level sitting room affording excellent views out over the water, and an intimate hidden games room; this is one serious establishment offering something for all occasions.

The menu offers up a wide selection of dishes, many of which are designed for sharing.

On the afternoon we visited, Snapdragon was playing host to a bustling crowd, all looking for respite from the unseasonably warm weather. We were pleasantly surprised by the efficient service and the quality of the food  provided by such a newly opened restaurant, one that could have easily suffered at the hands of "teething problems" under such circumstances.

It's a rare thing to find a restaurant in such an enviable position that doesn't carry itself on its position alone, delivering good food and attentive service. Long may it continue.

Snapdragon Bar & Kitchen, Viaduct Harbour, 204 Quay Street, Auckland Waterfront, ph 09 357 6147


Clockwise from top left:

The Modernist Silk Blouse by Lover $539 available from Superette

Tom Ford '319050' sunglasses $350 available from Sunglass Hutt

Lomography Lomo Fish Eye 2 Camera $220 available from Superette

Chateau light horn handle corkscrew by Laguiole $242 from laguiole.com or enquiries to Smith & Caugheys

Helios Mule in Canvas sandals by Louis Vuitton POA from Louis Vuitton

Qrater outdoor fire by Extremis $3283 available from Corporate Culture


It’s this sense of scale and landscape that provides ...Are The Roaring Night its backdrop, to which disturbing tales of spies, double agents and other coded messages are revealed. Throughout the record, guitars groan and roar with layers of further drone that wash over the granite rhythm section, driven on by Goreas Apache-like bass beat. Lacek’s haunting falsetto spirals and dives, conjuring images of Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys are backed by My Bloody Valentine. Are The Roaring Nights is a stirring epic that delivers glorious psychedelic harmonies with hooks big enough to land a Marlin. Well worth investigating further.


Be sure to check it out. The exhibition runs from  20th to the 31st October 2010.

Seed Gallery
23A Crowhurst Street
Ph 09 522 5360

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1. A Gentleman Abroad book from Mr Porter

2. Alarm dock from Simon James Design

3. Chemists glassware from Webbs/Workshop 'Improbable gifts for Impossible people' auction

4. Gucci watch case from Gucci

5. Cedes toothpaste squeezer from Park & Bond

6. Sperry topsider shoes from Pat Menzies shoes

7. Visvim shirt from Fabric

8. Cambridge satchel bag from Pencil Boutique

9. Italian pocket squares from Working Style

10. El Casco gold hole punch from Red Letter Day

11. Ettinger bridle hide coin purse from Crane Brothers

12. Twig coat stand by Jamie Mclellan from Simon James Design

13. Botot toothpaste from World Beauty

14. The App & Mobile case study book from Taschen


1. Versace x Rosenthal Le Grand Divertissement set from The Studio of Tableware

2. Vera Wang stationary from Red Letter Day

3. Sabato luxury gift hamper from Sabato

4. Rocket Coffee Machine from Atomic Coffee Roasters

5. Ralph Lauren picture frame from Cavit & Co

6. Marc by Marc Jacobs heeled loafers from Runway Shoes

7. Louis Vuitton Damier Earrings from Louis Vuitton

8. Ligne Roset Crow pitcher from Domo

9. Lanvin purse from Scotties Boutique

10. Gucci shawl from Gucci

11. Gucci purse from Gucci

12. DL & Co Timeless Fragrance from World Beauty

13. Chaumet Attrape-moi sautoir necklace from Hartfields

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Shiny shoes will change your life, there's a certain amount of personal satisfaction in achieving sartorial refinement.

1. Before you start you'll need to remove the laces. You don't want to get polish on the laces, nor do you want to ignore polishing the tongue.

2. With your hand inside each shoe (palm down) remove all signs of dirt and debris with a soft cloth - old t-shirts are perfect this.

3. Ensuring that the surface of the shoe is dry, apply polish to the surface of each shoe. You can use either cream or wax. Cream will make the leather supple, while wax will improve the shoes' water resistance. It's a good idea to alternate between each shoe every time you shine.

4. Apply the polish with a short bristled brush. This will help to get into the tight and more technical bits of your shoe. Be sure to cover all areas, and consider going over the heel and toe twice as these areas get the most use.

5. If necessary you may like to resort to an old tooth brush to further extend the reach of your polishing.

6. It's a good idea to allow the shoe to sit for a while to let the polish work its magic.

7. To remove the polish use a horsehair brush. Not, contrary to popular opinion, a t-shirt. Brush the surface of the shoe vigorously with a little pressure. Keep your brushing motion short and sharp, you ideally want to heat the surface of the leather thus assisting the polish to be absorbed by the leather.

8. When you've removed all of the excess polish, go over the shoes with an old t-shirt, buffing the surface to the point where you can see the expression on your gleeful face.

Wear your newly polished shoes with pride!


The prize is important for the nurturing of our local art-production scene, but for the rest of us the real gain is in its thrusting before us a bunch of challenging works carefully selected from the city’s fringe of avant-garde galleries. So, until the end of October, you should find time to traipse along to the Auckland Art Gallery – free on Mondays – and spend a bit of time with some terrific work. 


Above: Explaining Things, 2008 by Dan Arps (installation detail)


Above: Explaining Things, 2008 by Dan Arps (installation detail)

Dan Arps – operating in the Gambia Castle (it’s a gallery) vein of near-impenetrable complexity, humour and mild offence – is this year’s winner, but that’s beside the point. Enter the show flat-footed, give yourself an hour or so, taste them all, then come back for the full meal. In the process, just try and not be floored by how someone as young as Fiona Conner could already have learnt so much; that she could not only produce something as good as Something Transparent (please go round the back) 2009, but then reinvent it so brilliantly in S.T.(p.g.r.t.b.) II (2010). Only when you leave, allow yourself to read the short list of material from which the work is made. It’s so very good, you’ll have to come back the next day for more.   


Above and Below: Something Transparent (please go around the back) 2009, (interior view) by Fiona Connor


For me the gift of time spent with Fiona’s work - the gallery’s signage for the show, implies rather charmingly that we should all be on first-name terms – was the real prize. For Dan, it was clearly a validation: that someone had ‘taken seriously that which could so easily not have been’. Go and visit this week, and take your own prize home. 

Auckland Art Gallery, Corner Wellesley and Lorne Streets, open 9 to 5 daily. Ph. 09 307 7700


As of yesterday, Sass & Bide has just re-lauched their online store, which we were pleased to find out now ships to our fine shores, and carries a more extensive range of the accessories collection than you will find in their Ponsonby store.

The range won’t break the bank either, giving you (and us) all the more reason to mix it up with more than just one piece. We’ve got our eyes firmly set on the fluoro yellow ‘The Story Begins Here’ bralette, and the colbalt blue ‘Love Retrospect’ suede clutch which will sauce up our neutrals in no time.


Sass & Bide

85 Ponsonby Road


Ph 09 360 4533

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What we found was the perfect set of pure linen pillowcases. These luxurious and super soft pillowcases are finished with a generous 5cm hemline, which enhances the drape of the linen and makes for a seriously princess-worthy bed when stacked. Constructed from 100% linen, and made in New Zealand, these light and airy pillowcases are the kind that only gets better with every wash – and the perfect solution to remedy any heat-induced snoozing woes.

At just $138 a pair, we suggest you show off your inner domestic goddess by gifting a set to your nearest and dearest too.

Available in tobacco, navy, charcoal, powder pink, plum and crisp white.

Available from Simon James Design.

Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

ph (09) 489 6955What we found was the perfect set of pure linen pillowcases. These luxurious and super soft pillowcases are finished with a generous 5cm hemline, which enhances the drape of the linen and makes for a seriously princess-worthy bed when stacked. Constructed from 100% linen, and made in New Zealand, these light and airy pillowcases are the kind that only gets better with every wash – and the perfect solution to remedy any heat-induced snoozing woes.

At just $138 a pair, we suggest you show off your inner domestic goddess by gifting a set to your nearest and dearest too.

Available in tobacco, navy, charcoal, powder pink, plum and crisp white.

Available from Simon James Design.

Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

ph (09) 489 6955

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Needless to say my parents were horrified when they discovered my little snail farm. Years later we would continue to discover long gone snail shells attached to the undersides of furniture around the house.

My snail obsession has continued into my adult life, but has taken a somewhat macabre turn. My obsession is now with the rather tasty snail dish known more appetisingly as escargot.

My annual visit to Paris involves daily indulgences in escargot – in fact sometimes twice daily. Nothing beats the garlicky buttery goodness of the perfect escargot.

To celebrate our recent win over the French rugby team, it seems only fitting then to show them who’s boss and take some ownership of their national dish.

Easy to prepare and impressive to boot, here is my snail connoisseur’s secret escargot recipe that’s sure to shut any Frenchman up – while they’re eating them of course.


Several cloves of garlic
Three tablespoons of good NZ quality butter (do not use margarine – it is disgusting)
Pinch of salt
Half cup of chopped parsley
Tin of two-dozen Sabarot Escargots de Bourgone
Sabarot empty snail shells


Preheat oven to 200 degrees
Mix together butter, crushed garlic cloves, parsley and salt.
Spoon into the empty shells.
Add one snail into each shell.
Bake for 15 minutes.

Serve with crusty French baguette and a chilled bottle of Chablis.

Sabarot escargots and shells both available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden

(09) 630 8751


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So what about cholesterol? Studies have revealed that the saturated fats in butter do not raise cholesterol levels when taken in moderation. In some cases, butter improves cholesterol. Our bodies need around 20 grams of saturated fats per day. Butter is a great source of healthy saturated fats - one tablespoon contains 7 grams of saturated fat.

Margarine, on the other hand may raise your cholesterol levels. The major constituents of margarine are ‘vegetable’ oils, obtained from sunflower seeds, grape seed or soya beans. These oils are then heavily processed using heat, pressure, solvents and chemicals like sodium hydroxide. This processing creates toxic properties in the oil. To convert the processed oil into margarine, it is then subjected to a hydrogenation process (a process where hydrogen is bubbled through at high temperature) to ‘harden’ the oil. The ‘partially-hydrogenated’ fats produced can be tainted with trans fats that are strongly linked with heart disease and raised cholesterol levels.

So delete the word ‘margarine’ from your memory banks. Butter really is your new best friend. Try making your own salad dressing with two tablespoons of melted butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper – delicious. And do butter your veges - not only will they taste better, but they will be far more nutritious. Keep an eye out for organic butter at your supermarket or health food store. I tend to choose organic butter over conventional (same with milk) as the cows that it’s derived from will not have had any antibiotics, hormones or GMO feed given to them.

F ]ф

Ponsonby boasts a lot of great cafés, but what’s nice about Coffee Supreme Douglas St is that it’s tucked away on a side street, amongst only a handful of other shops, making it a refreshingly quiet spot to stop for a cuppa. Living up to its name, Good One boasts a seriously good brew. Home to Auckland’s arm of the famed Supreme coffee, this is a place for the true coffee connoisseur.

The new fit out has seen the installation of a ‘Brew bar’, which on first glance looks a little like a scientist’s laboratory. Here, you can sample a variety of single origin coffees, and non-espresso brewing methods. Although you can sample these at any time, the café is offering up a special ‘tasting’ morning at the brew bar each Thursday from 8.30am to 10.30am. For those of us who can’t give up the good ol’ espresso, alongside the new brew bar is also the installation of a brand spanking new ‘Slayer’ espresso machine. Coming straight out of Seattle, the Slayer, like it sounds, means serious coffee business. Thanks to the unique controlled water pressure, it allows the barista to treat each coffee individually, resulting in a more refined taste.

Although Coffee Supreme is roasted in Wellington, Douglas St is its official Auckland residence; so all the freshly roasted blends and single origin coffees are all available for sale on site.

This is a haven for serious coffee lovers, but also for those of us who just like a good flat white. We were pleased to find out that their original menu hadn’t changed much either – with their infamous muesli or sardines on toast (don’t knock it till you’ve tried it) still available, alongside new additions of delicious looking baguettes and counter treats.

The interior has kept its original mixture of cleverly mismatched industrial furniture and lamps, floor-to-ceiling stacks of old National Geographic’s and various retro coffee paraphernalia. It’s a hip spot to pull up a stool in the sun, consume some simple but reliable food, and savour quality coffee.

These guys are serious about their concoctions and know what they’re talking about. We suggest you head along to this little gem if you haven’t already - if not to indulge in learning a little bit more about your morning cuppa, then just to stop by for a good one. 

Coffee Supreme Douglas St café

42 Douglas Street

Monday - Friday 7am - 3pm

Saturday 8am - 3pm

aturday 8am - 3pm

T@œhžѓP3ОЙPОЙrsquo;re expecting ‘quite a party’ following the match – so stick around.

Pre-match dinner

So you're one of the lucky few who managed to secure tickets to the game, may we suggest you keep it to yourselves and gloat about it over dinner...

Clooney is opening their doors early for fans across the city; doors open at 12pm for an extended lunch service with their last booking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4ЊVЎ`_Vˆœц_?K1vTžЎкѓPНpЊЯРЊЯ`,агTЊ MкѓPН0Шй €Шй€АTАLкng tѓPНрЇad. Lock0Јthat rare thTˆVШœѓPН`Њ4АЊ4‘V

Synonymous with old school Hollywood glamour, elegance and seduction, there is something about this timeless beauty practice that has proven to brighten not only our winter complexions of late, but also our moods.

Standing in the way of many a girl and her perfect red pout however, is the art of application. Nothing ruins the allure more than smeared or faded red lips, neglected over the course of an evening.  A recent quest for the perfect non-smudge, long-lasting red lipstick to avoid such sin also left us armed with some tricks of the trade that were well worth sharing.

Step 1: Pick your shade. General rule of thumb is that paler skin tones look better in pink or cherry toned reds whereas darker or olive skin tones should stick to warmer reds with an orange or brown base.

Step 2: Apply a lip moisturizer or primer first to prep the lip and ensure they are adequately hydrated.

Step 3: Apply a thin layer of foundation or concealer across the lip. This will create the perfect canvas and help set the lipstick once applied so that it lasts longer.

Step 4: Next, line the lips with a lip pencil that matches your chosen shade. This will prevent the lipstick from feathering out from the lip line. Keep within the natural line of your lip, starting from the middle of your bottom lip and drawing out towards the corners of the mouth.

Step 5: Apply a thin, even coat of lipstick and blot with a tissue to remove excess.

Step 6: Apply a second coat and you are ready to go! Making sure of course, that you have your lipstick at the ready for frequent touch ups.

Follow these steps and we guarantee you’ll be left with the perfect set of cherry reds to spark conversation, pick one from some of our tried and tested favourite shades above.

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Recently made famous by Kate Middleton, who used it to ensure her skin was glowing on her wedding day, this revolutionary beauty craze of natural bee venom has recently become available at Auckland’s East Day Spa in the form of both a luxury facial and a take home mask.

Made by Nelson Honey, the Royal Nectar product is a mask containing a blend of bee venom and Manuka honey. The formulation essentially 'stings' the skin, increasing blood flow to the face and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, whilst reducing visible wrinkles in the process. When first applied to your skin, there is a slight tingling sensation which subsides after a few minutes. For skeptical types (like me) this was a sure sign that it must be working some sort of magic. The mask was left on for twenty minutes and upon removal, my skin felt immediately firmer. Yes, magic indeed!

Keeping skin radiant over the chilly winter months is no easy feat however. So far I can attest that this magic venom is certainly delivering on its aforesaid promises. My skin one-week post facial (coupled with a twice-weekly at home mask application) is notably smoother and brighter. Both my colleagues and friends have commented in the past week that my skin looks glowing – a compliment that never goes amiss in my books.

While the idea of using bee venom as an anti-aging regime may sound a little extreme, at the very least, it’s completely natural. Might I suggest in your quest for youthful skin that you reach for Royal Nectar before you do so a needle - there is no doubt this little pot of royal jelly does wonders for the complexion.

Royal Nectar is available from East Day Spa. $79

Royal Bee Venom Facial 30mins $80, 60mins $120.00

East Day Spa
SKYCITY Grand Hotel
123 Albert Street
Auckland Central
Ph 09 363 7050



1. Jeremy Scott for Swatch lightning watch from Opening Ceremony

2. Keith Haring Yoyo from Pencil Boutique

3. COMME des GARÇONS x Matt Groening tee from Fabric

4. DKNY coffee cup underwear set from Great Classics

5. Gucci kids sunglasses from Gucci

6. Popobe bear key chain from Seedling

7. Buff Baby dumbell rattle from Askew

8. Vitra zoo timer from Matisse

9. Prada guitar keyring from DFS Galleria

10. Casemate creatures iphone case from Qubic 

11. Marc by Marc Jacobs headphones from Workshop

12. Disney Cars Appmates iPad app from Disney

13. Armani Junior linen chambray shirt from Great Classics

14. 400% Rilakkuma Be@rbrick from Qubic

15. Hanno the Gorilla from Simon James Design

Illustrations by Guy Brock.

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Now Helensville is perhaps not the first place you’d expect to find an exceptionally good European bistro, however, nestled on the main drag (past the herds of bikies), is where you will find Porcini’s Restaurant and Pizzeria.

The menu comprises of mostly pizza and pasta dishes as well as a regularly changing specials board and vegetarian options. Much of the produce that is used in Porcini’s delicious menu offerings is grown in their home garden and orchard and then used alongside other artisan-supplied products that are sourced from around Helensville and South Head. On the occasion we visited we worked our way through an entrée of crispy duck and cashew salad before moving on to the main courses, a hearty serving of scotch fillet steak served on a horseradish mash and the fish of the day, long-line snapper, pan fried and served with scallops and hollandaise sauce. The fare is hearty and perfectly suited for dining in on a crisp winter’s afternoon, and there is something about the destination drive that makes us feel less guilty about indulging in such tasty dishes. We were also pleased to note that every single option on the menu is available in a gluten free alternative – not something easily found around the usual city haunts.

Lure some friends to make the short jaunt on the northwestern and make an afternoon of it.


Open Wednesday - Sunday

25 Commercial Road

(09) 420 8025 

ames Design

Illustrations by Guy Brock.

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'I am one of a rich crop of six children that grew up in Africa. My son says we are a little mad. My sister Carol was the social glue, she sorted games, amusement and social structure amongst other kids. As the younger sister I tagged along.

Painfully shy at primary school, I feared lunch breaks, who to talk to, and where to hover for 30 long minutes. It was Carol who usually did the socialising part. I’d sit alone, chewing every bite of my Marmite sandwich 50 times. I knew how many flat pleats per panel there were on my little royal blue school skirt. They folded to the left. 

I remember when I learned about my then considerable personal currency; the clarity of the moment is still with me. Back then I could run fast, draw good pictures and do maths without trying. Other kids would get me to do stuff for them, and went on to use my ‘stuff’ to their advantage. I learned that maths is really useful. Although I was still hovering alone during breaks, I learned that I could get other kids to talk and laugh through the pictures that I drew. I learned that other kids weren’t so scary after all. I  learned how to leverage my personal currency.

I still draw on the learning of those early days. I still give my stuff away; these days because I want to. Although I think I am probably better at protecting my personal currency now. I hate being taken advantage of.

That was a useful lesson in life. Big families do that, taking responsibility for various parts. My social learnings happened experimentally.’

- Erica Crawford

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Pigs trotters on toast is not a dish you might find on many café menus, however after hearing of this dish's wide spread fame we were most intrigued to try it.

Chef Marc Kinvig has been at the helm of Café on Kohi for 19 months, previously working for a Michelin-star restaurant in London and more recently, the iconic Icebergs restaurant in Sydney.

Of the dish, Marc says that it falls into his ‘unmentionable cuisine’ section on the menu. “It comes down to trying to use everything; using the things people feel like they can’t talk about, things that they’re repulsed by without understanding. Any chef in the world can make a nice fillet steak with some mushroom sauce, but to take something that people are freaked out by, it’s a great challenge, and something I enjoy doing.”

There are other interesting items on Marc's menu too: lambs brains, beef heart (his play on steak on eggs), and spiced chicken livers with garlic and rosemary. However it's the pigs’ trotters that have developed somewhat of a cult following. A labour of love, the trotters are cooked for five hours in vegetable stock with bay leaves and peppercorns until they fall off the bone. The meat is removed from the bone and then passed through a sieve, then combined with lemon zest and black truffle salt, resulting in a pork meat jelly. Once set it is thinly sliced onto a baguette and melted under the grill. The dish is served with parsley and wild rocket, a bacon vinaigrette made using Mas Portell Merlot Vinegar, sliced Pancetta and olive oil.

But it’s the addition of black truffle salt to the dish that Marc credits for adding that extra special touch. “Black truffle salt adds an almost meat like intensity to the dish, it’s a little more earthy than regular salt, and I also find it a little ironic that the pig finds the truffles and then we use the truffles back on the pigs – it’s a comical play.”

We suggest you try these on your next Tamaki Drive jaunt – you won’t be disappointed.

Café on Kohi
2/237 Tamaki Drive

Giuliano Tartufi black truffle salt, Mas Portell vinegars and Serrano Ham are available from Sabato.

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‘Grow Your Own Medicine’ written by Australian naturopath Mim Beim, is a seriously interesting read. The book outlines over sixty plants (herbs, fruit and vegetables) and delves into their healing properties in great length. Did you know, for instance, that thyme oil is an antiseptic? Or that damaina tea boosts libido? I bet you didn’t. This wee plant encyclopedia will teach you all about the plants individual medicinal powers, how to grow and care for them, and how to utilize them best - in teas, tinctures, compresses or otherwise. I guarantee you will never look at your vegetables and fruit the same. 

No matter if you’re a keen gardener, health enthusiast or just like reading, this book is well worth getting… or better still, give it as a gift for Christmas. Books are an easy answer for those who hard to buy for.


‘Grow Your Own Medicine’ written by Australian naturopath Mim Beim, is a seriously interesting read. The book outlines over sixty plants (herbs, fruit and vegetables) and delves into their healing properties in great length. Did you know, for instance, that thyme oil is an antiseptic? Or that damaina tea boosts libido? I bet you didn’t. This wee plant encyclopedia will teach you all about the plants individual medicinal powers, how to grow and care for them, and how to utilize them best - in teas, tinctures, compresses or otherwise. I guarantee you will never look at your vegetables and fruit the same. 

No matter if you’re a keen gardener, health enthusiast or just like reading, this book is well worth getting… or better still, give it as a gift for Christmas. Books are an easy answer for those who hard to buy for.

Grow your Own Medicine is available from leading bookstores and online here

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‘Grow Your Own Medicine’ written by Australian naturopath Mim Beim, is a seriously interesting read. The book outlines over sixty plants (herbs, fruit and vegetables) and delves into their healing properties in great length. Did you know, for instance, that thyme oil is an antiseptic? Or that damaina tea boosts libido? I bet you didn’t. This wee plant encyclopedia will teach you all about the plants individual medicinal powers, how to grow and care for them, and how to utilize them best - in teas, tinctures, compresses or otherwise. I guarantee you will never look at your vegetables and fruit the same. 

No matter if you’re a keen gardener, health enthusiast or just like reading, this book is well worth getting… or better still, give it as a gift for Christmas. Books are an easy answer for those who hard to buy for.

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The play’s New Zealand run, under the direction of Dan Cowley, is bought to life featuring some of our very own rising stage stars Dwayne Cameron, Delaney Tabron, Andrew Munro and Nicola Vuleta.

Focusing on America’s fixation with physical beauty, the play centres on four young friends, who grow increasingly dissatisfied with their dead end lives – and each other. LaBute’s work has been described by The Guardian as ‘theatre for people who don’t like theatre’ - well we've always been big fans of the theatre, an outing we’re not acquainted with nearly enough, but for those of you who aren't, perhaps Reasons to be Pretty is a good place to start. See you there!

Neil LaBute's Reasons to be Pretty

The Basement Theatre

August 17 - 27th

Tickets available from www.iticket.co.nz


Wanders has taken to the challenge of doing something original with cutlery with gusto. Handles and backs are embellished with intricate engraving – opulent leaves, flowers and curls adding a touch of Wanders' signature poetic and romantic style to the everyday object.

Breathing some new life into the world of cutlery, we are certain that a meal would taste all the more special off the tip of one of these pieces. We quite like the idea of adding a little bit of fancy to our daily dining routine, and these Wanders' delights are just the ticket.

Christofle is available locally from Studio of Tableware

5 Harold Street
Mt Eden

ph 09 638 8082



The interior refit by Paul Izzard Design has an industrial feel without the starkness that too often makes industrial spaces uninviting. With exposed brick walls, uniform black pendant lights lining communal dining tables, the space welcomes those seeking wi-fi, a quick refuel or a bite to eat. Park up on the long centre island and watch the comings and goings of New North Road with its floor to ceiling window façade as we did.

Their food comprises the usual café fare including a delicious array of sweet-treats that we found impossible to turn down. Everything is cooked on site: chocolate ganache cupcakes (yes they were good), and various slices, tarts and salads for the healthier among us.

Also, for the coffee enthusiasts in our midst, you’ll be pleased they’ve recently begun soft-brewing, a technique that embraces single origin coffee beans (it basically allows you to taste flavours unique to the bean’s origin) for a purer take on the morning cuppa. Make sure you ask for Josh - when we visited, he was pretty skilled in whipping up a good brew.

420c New North Rd



Set on Courtney Place, a few doors up from Reading Cinemas, in the old space that housed Uncle Chang’s, Dragonfly offers diners a range of options when dining. A dimly lit interior with spot lighting over the tables, offers an intimate environment (perfect for indiscretions or a first date), whilst the outside courtyard (still yet to have an retractable canopy erected) provides the perfect spot for enjoying a late afternoon drink or snack in the sun.

When we visited, we were pleasantly surprised to find that even the smallest details were considered. The menus take their cue from origami and can be unfolded to unveil a myriad of dishes, whilst the drink coasters promote valuable pieces of advice from philosophers such as Confucius.

The food is also exquisite. Tania, the daughter of an Asian-chef, has spent time living in Hong Kong, Tokyo and London before resettling back in Wellington. She knows how to oversee dishes created by chef Le Minh that pack more than their usual punch. Our late afternoon snack consisted of a green papaya salad with roasted peanuts, snake beans, cherry tomatoes, Vietnamese mint, young carrot, coriander and spicy fish sauce – as flavoursome as you would find on the streets in Vietnam ($18); and the lime gelee that accompanied that yellow fin tuna with cucumber, coriander, nahm jim and coconut was phenomenal (you really must try this $17). To satiate sweet cravings we settled on the dark chocolate mousse with chilli, cardomom and orange with vanilla mascarpone, pistachio tuile and lychee puff ($15). They also have an extensive cocktail menu designed to take you into the early hours nicely.

We suggest if Wellington is your hometown, that you find an excuse in the near future to visit this new establishment, or if you’re visiting from out of town, that you put it on your culinary agenda – you won’t be disappointed.

Dragonfly – Asian dining lounge

70 Courtney Place
(04) 803 3995

www.dragon-fly.co.nzSet on Courtney Place, a few doors up from Reading Cinemas, in the old space that housed Uncle Chang’s, Dragonfly offers diners a range of options when dining. A dimly lit interior with spot lighting over the tables, offers an intimate environment (perfect for indiscretions or a first date), whilst the outside courtyard (still yet to have an retractable canopy erected) provides the perfect spot for enjoying a late afternoon drink or snack in the sun.

When we visited, we were pleasantly surprised to find that even the smallest details were considered. The menus take their cue from origami and can be unfolded to unveil a myriad of dishes, whilst the drink coasters promote valuable pieces of advice from philosophers such as Confucius.

The food is also exquisite. Tania, the daughter of an Asian-chef, has spent time living in Hong Kong, Tokyo and London before resettling back in Wellington. She knows how to oversee dishes created by chef Le Minh that pack more than their usual punch. Our late afternoon snack consisted of a green papaya salad with roasted peanuts, snake beans, cherry tomatoes, Vietnamese mint, young carrot, coriander and spicy fish sauce – as flavoursome as you would find on the streets in Vietnam ($18); and the lime gelee that accompanied that yellow fin tuna with cucumber, coriander, nahm jim and coconut was phenomenal (you really must try this $17). To satiate sweet cravings we settled on the dark chocolate mousse with chilli, cardomom and orange with vanilla mascarpone, pistachio tuile and lychee puff ($15). They also have an extensive cocktail menu designed to take you into the early hours nicely.

We suggest if Wellington is your hometown, that you find an excuse in the near future to visit this new establishment, or if you’re visiting from out of town, that you put it on your culinary agenda – you won’t be disappointed.

Dragonfly – Asian dining lounge

70 Courtney Place
(04) 803 3995



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It’s a warm and playful album, from Sam Prekop’s hushed vocals to the glowing guitars he shares with Archer Prewitt. Layers of electronica are provided by John McEntire, who as well as drumming, is responsible for the album’s recording, and perhaps is ultimately responsible for such a crystal clear and crisp sound – absolutely nothing is out of place here.

The opening track ‘Covers’ is a whispered melody that simply sneaks up on you and before you know it you are gone, wrapped up in the jangling rhythm guitar and sweeping synthesizers before ‘Lyric’ rides in off the horizon, with its haunting analog electronics giving the song a brooding darkness not seen elsewhere on the record.  The title track takes a distinctly left turn and heads directly into the sun on a Moroder driven electro-pop rocket before they are back with us for the delightful ‘Up on the North Shore’ - easily the rockiest and most direct track on the album, driven firmly along by McEntrie’s excellent drumming.

At just six tracks - and with the sublime ‘Inn Keeping’ stretching to just over ten minutes – ‘The Moonlight Butterfly’ is as brief (and certainly as welcome) as a light summer zephyr casually strolling in to take the heat out of a hot hot summer’s day.  But just like that breeze which disappears all too soon, then so does ‘The Moonlight Butterfly’, which is such a shame because you end up wanting it to stay around for a lot longer.

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A bunch of civic heroes fought long and hard against our leaders’ early plans for this place: medium-rise commercial mud-cake iced with car-parking and decorated with curtain-wall glass. There ought to be a statue to these people – it’s terrifying how close we got to missing out on the Britomart I now know and love.

Look around its edges now – Customs Street is increasingly saturated with tiny food outlets, building-by-building Commerce Street is lifting its game, and Fort Street will shortly lift its safety-orange veil to reveal an exciting and elegant new form of public space.

Fort Lane is where things really get exciting. This little gem has been a civic jewel in the waiting for years; an all-too-rare sliver of intense space enlivened by truck docks, discrete bars, kitchen windows, back entries to restaurants, and a healthy dose of old brickwork and crumbling concrete. Mix with this setting two old Edwardian gems (Queen Street’s Imperial Buildings, already housing Louis Vuitton and Gucci, push right through the block and thump up against Fort Lane), brilliant developers Phillimore (think Shortland Street’s General Building and most other good heritage development in the city), craftsmen of texture and light, Fearon Hay, and sharp young operators Pack Group (of Shaky Isles, Neighbourhood and Northern Steamship fame) and you know this is going to be good. The buildings used to house one of our first ever cinemas, The Queens Picture Theatre, later charmingly renamed – presumably by an avid republican - The Everybody's Picture Theatre, then finally The Roxy.  This means the space is big, and open: you can’t have columns in a picture theatre. This also means there’s some pretty stuff for the new crowd to exploit: you couldn’t put up a decent theatre in those days without a bit of plaster molding, and you couldn’t make big space without some cool trusses to help the roof span it.

Word is that the base building will be ready to receive fit-outs in a month or so, and that should mean we’ll be able to eat, drink and make merry in the old Imperial before summer hits. I might never go there and I’d still be happy: I’m excited enough about walking down Lorne and High Streets, past Jean Batten, through Fort Lane, and into Britomart, listening to it hum all the way.

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So while vibrant eye shadow colour is still a bit scary, we decided to test out a flash of colour on our brown peepers with the help of Estee Lauder’s new Cyber Eyes range. If your eyes are hazel or brown, the jade green hues are said to work to complement and lift your eye colour, bringing out any green flecks, making the eyes pop. Armed with a tube of the Sumptuous mascara in Extreme Teal, (which I might add is also seriously good mascara with its big brush and non clumpy formula), I set about putting this new theory to the test. 

The verdict? Like any good makeup trick, this is one that works best when done subtly. Work a bit of colour into your beauty repertoire by continuing to coat upper lashes with black mascara and then applying the green to your lower lashes and to the ends of the upper lashes instead. It really does create a perfect eye-catching flutter, ever so slightly bringing out the longed-for green in my hazel eyes. A few compliments later and we bet you’ll be hooked too. For an even more bold flash of colour, try adding a touch of the matching Pure Colour eyeliner to the inner lash line too. We suggest you try out this beauty trick paired with a nearly bare, fresh face and au naturel hair; and leave your eyes to do the magic with every blink.



Imperial Lane is now bustling with people eager to adopt the area as a stop off in their daily routines. By day, the vast expanse, which carves out a convenient ground-level thoroughfare between Fort Lane and Queen Street, is home to Elske, a Danish inspired European patisserie, helmed by pastry chef Kristina Jensen. With their hard to resist fresh pastries, cakes and savory delights, it is the perfect morning stop off for city goers. Come 4pm, the lane transforms into a tapas style eatery, serving oysters, charcuterie, cheese and small plates alongside a great selection of wines, all available by the glass.

Imperial lane has a distinct 19th century industrial warehouse feel, with its raw exposed bricks, poured concrete tables, cobblestone paved laneway and huge light wells that transcend four stories. Half way down the laneway a sweeping spiral staircase leads to the upper floors, which houses the Imperial’s further two eateries – The Roxy, a fine dining restaurant, and Everybody’s, a casual bistro, both expertly helmed by celebrated chef Sean Marshall, previously of Wellington’s Matterhorn fame.

Imperial Lane

7 Fort Lane

Auckland CBD




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The product is touted as an anti-ageing serum, with the promise of boosting collagen density and improving visible skin tone and radiance, but it was demonstrated to me as more of primer for underneath foundation. No, this may not have been the moisturiser I had come in search of, but the product absorbs so luxuriously that you arguably don't need an additional moisturiser.

Super Line Preventor contains a protective barrier which helps to give the skin an even texture and binds moisture to the skin, allowing foundation to go on more smoothly and last longer. Makeup just seems to melt flawlessly into my skin after using this as a base.

My beauty routine is constantly evolving. But isn’t everyone’s? But if there are two skin care beliefs I stand by, it’s that primer is an essential to good makeup, and that you can never load on enough good moisturiser. As luck would have it, it seems this little wonder bottle does both.

As someone who’s a sucker for any new beauty promises, onto the next thing before I can get even halfway through a bottle of the last, I can safely assure you that I am over the honeymoon phase with little bottle of magic - the only thing standing in the way of this relationship is the fact that it is is super hard to get your hands on, having recently been discontinued by Prescriptives. Playing hard to get? Maybe so, but I suggest snapping up a bottle of this while you still can!

RRP $110 for 30ml

Available from Mecca Cosmetica.

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This is where I grew up. I have many happy memories running round the tracks in the bush and the beach and riding my bike around the coast. They were very carefree years, and this was a magic place to be as a kid. Eastbourne is a lovely little seaside village backed by beach forest. Catch the ferry over and spend the day here.

The surf at Breaker Bay

It took me years to build the courage to surf this spot. It's not a long ride, but it sure is a thrilling one. Set on the edge of the Cook Straight, Breaker Bay looks over to Pencarrow Head. The waves come out of deep water and unload on a very shallow rock shelf. The surf only really starts working when it's over head high but when the waves do start to get solid, it can be extremely intimidating. Breaker Bay is also a great place to be a spectator too, you sit on the sand and can just see the look on the guys faces as they drop in.

The Matterhorn Bar and Restaurant

Right in the heart of Wellington, in Cuba Mall, The Matterhorn is a place of relaxed décor, with a fantastic wine and cocktail list and great food. Sit at the bar and order a whisky sour or go with a bunch of people and enjoy. (106 Cuba Street, Wellington)


Mt. Victoria

You couldn't do a trip to Wellington and not check the view from Mt Vic. My aunty used to live in Roseneath, which is set into the side of Mt Victoria. She had the most amazing house and view. There are some fantastic houses with some of the most spectacular views in the world here. The view from the top looks right up the harbour and the Hutt Valley, out across the city, east over to Eastbourne and south to the South Island.  Stunning. As long as it's not too windy.

Ohtel Hotel

When choosing a hotel in Wellington, this is undoubtably it. Ohtel boats a perfect location on the edge of Oriental Bay, still close enough to the action in town. It's a small boutique hotel and I'm a huge fan of the mid century design furnishings within the rooms - very cool. (66 Oriental Parade, Wellington)


The Wairarapa

There is lots to love about this region - the raw and wild coast with amazing cold surf, the Martinborough Wine and Food festival and the fact it boasts some of the world's best Pinot Noir. One of my favourite things to do is sit out amongst the vines eating and drinking as the sun goes down. Spend a few days here, the place is relaxing and beautiful. A couple of my best friends live here - look out for Poppy's wines and wedding venue which opens next year.


The Wearable Arts Festival

This has to be one of the most spectacular shows I have ever seen. Everyone owes it to themselves to see it at least once in their lives.


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1. Zegna sport swim shorts from Zegna

2. Working style striped shorts from Working Style

3. Toggs vespa swim shorts from The Department Store

4. A.T.G Versace rope swim shorts from Superette

5. Onia Charles trucks from Fabric

6. I Love Ugly Ebony boardshort from Superette

7. Gucci mini GG swim short from Gucci

8. A.T.G striped swim short from Superette

9. Polo Ralph Lauren orange swim trucks from Ralphфƒ


1. Zegna sport swim shorts from Zegna

2. Working style striped shorts from Working Style

3. Toggs vespa swim shorts from The Department Store

4. A.T.G Versace rope swim shorts from Superette

5. Onia Charles trucks from Fabric

6. I Love Ugly Ebony boardshort from Superette

7. Gucci mini GG swim short from Gucci

8. A.T.G striped swim short from Superette

9. Polo Ralph Lauren orange swim trucks from Ralph Lauren

T(„Ї УѓP‡pЛ›иРЛ›=<arget="_blank">Fabric

6. I Love Ugly Ebony boardshort from Superette

7. Gucci mini GG swim short from Gucci

8. A.T.G striped swim short from My love of goat’s cheese is not purely taste driven – it’s also motivated by health reasons. Goat’s cheese is full of live probiotics (good bacteria) that improve your gut health and nutritionally, it’s superior to cow’s milk products because it's much easier to digest. High in Calcium (containing approximately 13% more calcium per serving than cow's milk) and Selenium (Selenium: being a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen the immune system and keep the heart healthy) goat’s milk cheese is a near perfect health food.

Like most people, winter is a time when my digestive health takes a royal beating (usually from antibiotics that obliterate all the good bacteria), so dosing up on pro-biotic foods like goat’s cheese and yoghurt once or twice a day is the right answer. Let’s face it, a trip down to the French Markets once a week to buy delicious goat’s cheese beats visiting the Doctor any day.

Goat’s cheese can also be found at your local supermarket. For other goat’s milk products like yoghurt try Farro Fresh in Mount Wellington or Harvest Wholefoods in Grey Lynn.

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Green countryside dotted with attractive hand-hewn stone farmhouses and a slew of agritourismo signs punctuated our drive to ‘Le Valcelle’, the farmhouse near his small factory. Giuliano lives here with his vivacious partner in life and business, Elisa and their cute little boy Giulio, along with four dogs (a collection amassed through Elisa's inability to resist an abandoned dog) whose roles are either to guard the place or hunt truffles.

The truffle world is one full of secrets, mystery, intrigue and high emotion – as befits any product which can command such prices. Giuliano has been hunting truffles since he was 15, where he would casually head into to the woods on his bike pretending he was going nowhere in particular (apparently the normal behaviour of those involved in this industry). Everyone has their jealously guarded secret spots, with each telling the other at the local bar in the evenings that they have had no particular success that day, while clandestinely then selling their finds to Giuliano later that night as he visits them at home.

In the height of the white truffle season people are often out at three in the morning and have three sets of dogs they rotate when the dogs get tired digging. There is money to be made and many a holiday has been paid for by this augmented income.

Giuliano now acts as a buyer and dealer supplying restaurants and shops in many regions with both fresh and preserved product as well as making truffle butter (the butter itself is supplied by our friends Montanari and Gruzza) and other truffle inspired lines.

Luckily the rain had abated when we set off into the woods with the four dogs Sara, Ombra, Tasto and Rex – three boys, one girl – all different breeds. ‘The girl is the best one’, Giuliano told us and indeed Tasto, the male two year old offspring of two award-winning truffle dog parents, bounced along happily beside us showing not the slightest interest in anything other than the pure enjoyment of being amongst the trees.

Giuliano had with him two spade-like diggers – one shorter than the other – the longer one he explained was for the ‘official season’ when truffle hunting is allowed – the other he said normally remained in a pocket, while the owner slung a gun over his shoulder instead and set off with his dogs pretending to be hunting if any inspectors showed up as local experts in reality set their own seasons – not an unusual Italian response to authorities.

We were not that hopeful of finding much as we were here between the seasons of the four truffles of this region. Possibly too late for Giuliano’s favourite: the bianchetto – and too early for the knobbly black summer truffle. However Sara, who was the smallest of the dogs and looked like a little woolly lamb, soon started sniffing enthusiastically and pawing at the ground near the roots of an oak tree.

‘She is good’ commented Giuliano as he rushed in with the spade before Sara consumed her find – and indeed there it was – tiny but whole – a little Bianchetto truffle. He patted the happy little dog feeding her a ‘gift’ from one of his pockets and popping the truffle into the other.

We looked around and the other dogs had all disappeared. ‘Typical boys,’ commented Giuliano, ‘probably at the bar! The best truffle dogs are girls, they stay focused whilst the boys get distracted by other pleasures’. Indeed the next time we saw Ombra, he was rolling in a mudbath at the bottom of the valley. Charming! The other two Giuliano thought were probably off sniffing wild boar spore.

On we went, the industrious Sara finding one tiny jewel after another until we had quite a little collection. We changed locations once, Giuliano explaining that different parts of the countryside had different varieties of truffle.

He also had a few juicy tales to tell illustrating the mentality of the industry. People did not like strangers encroaching on their ‘patches’ and interlopers were made to feel very unwelcome in a variety of ways – some quite nasty.

He told the tale of a truffle expert who passed away recently but instead of leaving his four dogs to local friends or relatives he insisted they be sold well away from their home ground so they would not reveal his ‘secrets’ to others. Even after death, his wish was that they remain that way.

Happy with our find we headed to a local restaurant for lunch with a group of eight of their friends. There was more than enough truffle for all of us to have it abundantly grated over fresh tagliatelle for lunch, whilst still leaving a small fortune behind.

Giuliano Tartufi truffles are available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
New Zealand

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Wegner and a handful of fellow Danish designers changed the course of modern furniture design with pieces such as this. Now after sixty continuous years of production it is hard to deny the success of this humble chair.

Available from Corporate Culture. ph 09 379 4466

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Available from One
504 K-Road


Available from One
504 K-Road

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At the risk of over committing ourselves to an unrealistic schedule of cinema-hopping (in other words, never making it to the 10+ films we wished we could), we are opting for a less-is-more approach, and ensuring we tick off the few films that are topping our must-see list below.

Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver: In celebration of its 35th anniversary, The iconic Scorsese/De Niro film Taxi Driver has been remastered in a 35mm film print restoration. The renowned 1976 film tells the story of a troubled ex-marine and war veteran Travis Bickle (played by Robert De Niro) who spends his time working the streets of New York as a cab driver. 

Taxi Driver is a flawlessly crafted character study of a porn-addicted insomniac with some questionable solutions to the social issues of the time, among them, his attempts to save a young Jodie Foster, who plays Iris, a 12 year old teenage prostitute. For these of you whom the film may have slipped under the radar, it is a rare opportunity to see the landmark Hollywood film again on the big screen. For these that have? It’s definitely one worth the re-watch. While it might not be a film for everyone, it is certainly one required to tick off the movie bucket list. We recommend watching it if only for the portrayal of mid-70’s New York city sleaze at its finest. 

Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life: Starring Sean Penn and Brad Pitt, Malick chronicles the origins and the meaning of life by-way-of a middle-aged man’s childhood memories of his family living in 1950’s Texas. The long awaited film from the notoriously reclusive director (whose repertoire includes Badlands, Days of Heaven and The Thin Red Line) debuted at Cannes and walked away with the prestigious Palme d’Or award.

These familiar with Malik’s previous works will know that films are intensely visual and employ a nonlinear style of narrative, instead favouring the expression evoked by moods and cinematography. The trailer (below) has left us rather intrigued with the film, which appears to centre around capturing both the beauty and pain of life on both a grand and intimate scale. 

NZ International Film Festival
July 14th - August 3rd
On at various cinemas around the city.


Once inside we were spolied for choice with the cabinet inside offering a tempting assortment of various pastries, cakes and tarts. We too, soon found ourselves leaving with trays of delectable treats, all for the mere total of about $15.

Most of the cakes are sponge based, so not overly sickly or sweet which is perfect for these of you who don't have the sweetest of tooths. That's not to say they aren't rather addictive... the haf a dozen or so delicacies were polished off by the Denizen office in a single afternoon.

A bakery perfect for relishing in your inner stepford wife, or at the very least, impressing your collegues by showing up to your next meeting with these in tow.

La Couronne Cake Boutique
5C Lorne Street
Ph (
09 379 7668



So this CD has actually been sitting on what is becoming a disconcertingly large pile of “must listen to next” records.  Released earlier this year, Bellow is the debut album from the Sacramento based quartet, who have recently performed with other indie acts like Warpaint and School of Seven Bells, which will should give you some clues as to who their sound will appeal to audience wise.

And, there is definitely potential for them to broaden and grow an audience far wider, a prediction based entirely on the talent of lead singer Terra Lopez, whom one cannot help but be drawn to across the album’s ten tracks.

In fact she is a real breath of fresh air.  At a time when the musical landscape is dominated by some exceptionally talented and very strong female performers, it is refreshing to hear a vocalist not having to rely on ear-piercing volume but rather delicate almost understated strength to get her point across. First single (In) Reverse is certainly a case in point with Lopez’s voice blending beautifully with the band’s trademark detailed and textured layers of electronica as she chants “It’s so easy to get distracted”. Indeed.

Elsewhere, Ixchel, the Lady Rainbow sees the band stripped right back to just Lopez’s whispered vocal and a haunting piano, until its triumphant conclusion when the band re-joins for the climax – as a complete song, it is arguably the head turning moment on the album.

The comparisons will come thick and fast – from Bat for Lashes, Bjork and Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star fame for Lopez and Beach House, the previously name checked School of Seven Bells, Panda Bear and even MGMT for the sound the band have created.

Bellow is haunting, mysterious, and at times just a little unusual.  A wonderful debut.



Men’s skin is intrinsically more resistant than women’s skin and is as much as 25% thicker. However alongside shaving, and perhaps a more nonchalant approach to skincare than us ladies, male skin is more fragile than women’s and actually becomes thinner more quickly when ageing.

It’s no secret that the winter conditions play havoc to our skin – but Sothys Homme has just the answer for the mid-winter spruce up that you need. Formulated especially for men, the 60-minute ‘Detoxifying and De-stressing’ treatment is the ultimate specialised skincare experience for the modern gent. The combination of a massage and a skincare treatment will leave you with a sense of total relaxation, not to mention smoother and more youthful looking skin.

After all, a well-groomed man will always turn heads. Take some time out to give your winter skin some much needed love before summer rolls around – trust us, your face will thank you, and so will the ladies in your life.

Sothys Homme Detoxifying and De-stressing Treatment

Ph: 0800 SOTHYS for your closest Sothys salon.


chel, the Lady Rainbow sees the band stripped right back to just Lopez’s whispered vocal and a haunting piano, until its triumphant conclusion when the band re-joins for the climax – as a complete song, it is arguably the head turning moment on the album.

The comparisons will come thick and fast – from Bat for Lashes, Bjork and Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star fame for Lopez and Beach House, the previously name checked School of Seven Bells, Panda Bear and even MGMT for the sound the band have created.

Bellow is haunting, mysterious, and at times just a little unusual.  A wonderful debut.



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The café interior of Little & Friday is like sitting in your grandmother's kitchen, with the culinary offerings singing a little to the same tune. Brioche, cakes, tarts and homemade pies are all beautifully presented and piled up high across the retro cabinetry and glassware.

On arrival, we perhaps were too charmed by the aroma of freshly baked goodness, that our eyes became a little larger than our stomachs. Between the two of us we ordered a caramelized onion and feta quiche, a mushroom, onion and buffalo mozzarella tart and to top it off, a lemon curd and coconut cake and a mini chocolate cupcake. Just a light Monday lunch!

We sat inside around the large communal dining table surrounded by a mix of odd chairs. Outside, there is a cute collection of white washed old beer crates, which looked perfect for a leisurely Saturday morning coffee in the sun. Our food was presented on mismatched china plates from from old tea sets and minted water with cinnamon was served from pre-loved glass milk bottles, all adding to the homely, country kitchen-like atmosphere. 

Our advice? Pay a visit to Little & Friday on an empty stomach. The portions are generously-sized and like us, you probably won’t be able to settle on just one delicious choice.

Little & Friday
12 Melrose Street (inside of Martha's Fabrics)


Barely a week ago, our dawn was marked by the blessing of five great Pouterangi, standing almost-sentient at the heart of Britomart. Around them swirled nine construction sites in full flight, the subject of our studio’s energies for almost a year, and all now nearing completion. Looming in the background stood the enormous East building, itself recently blessed, and to be formally opening this week.
Barely had the last “Amene!” settled around the Pou than commenced the blessing of Q Theatre, Queen Street’s extraordinarily energetic new base for theatre and dance. This is a project coaxed into existence over a decade by the fierce determination of a few unseen heroes. Sometime before I even knew what architecture was, Pip [Cheshire] joined the swelling ranks, and started to draw architecture from their collective energies. I am of course far too biased to offer judgement on this building, but the racing of my heart this morning suggests that the complexity, robustness and total absence of all pretence will here do the city proud.
Britomart has for some time been the hard core of the city’s development from selfish adolescent to ambitious, hungry metropolis. Q Theatre is a serious building that feels like an organic extension of the city, as if Auckland’s new energies have been crystallised in this wedge of land between the Town Hall and Meyer’s Park. These are both projects marked by powerful partnerships between public and private interests, but with private energies providing the driving force. What excites me is that the our civic mothers and fathers now seem hell-bent on keeping stride on their own. Wynyard Quarter, an extraordinary gift to the city, opened last week to karakia echoing over the harbour, waka emerging from behind super-yachts, and the thin sun slipping from Rangitoto’s mouth. This is not the city as I know it; it’s not shaped from the same aggressive forces that I fight amongst. It’s a different kind of city, conceived and refined by the our own town hall and the army of sophisticated minds it has mustered to deliver this project. There are a million debates about what cities ought do, and how they ought do them. Wynyard Quarter is now done (in fact, it has only just started, but that’s another story), and what matters most now is how well.
At its dawn it looked magnificent, by day it felt like a new city. We promenaded amongst the throng, treading a civic-scaled mass of stone, fighting off enthusiastic men peddling micro-greens and espresso, all under the half-cocked eye of a fishing crew preparing for sea. You could smell the salt. You could see the harbour. If you walked down the basking steps, you could even touch it. When I last wrote in anticipation of this day, I imagined the city a sort of hammer-head: Queen Street’s river valley crashing headlong into the ferry building, and thundering east into Britomart and west into the tank farm. Seeing our new bridge drop into place, an ornamental but-still promising tram looking lustfully at it over my shoulder, the throng at my back, the sea at my side, the city ahead, I thought the hammerhead finally, terrifyingly, real. Go live in it.

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In the final Webb’s auction of the year, the sale consists of a collection of 50 eclectic pieces, ranging from the curious to the contemporary. It is the perfect opportunity to acquire something entirely original for that impossible person in your life. Some of our prized picks include a taxidermy black swan, a vintage slot machine, Michael Parekowhai ‘Spaceman’ print, a number of exceptional vintage Champagne (yes please) and the Colt revolver, which once belonged to an esteemed NZ professor.

A range of items on the night will also be donating their auction proceeds to the Auckland City Mission, which is all the more reason to head along and open your wallets in the spirit of Christmas giving.

We will most definitely be heading along in the hopes of ticking off these last few lucky people on our Christmas gifts, or perhaps most likely something for ourselves too.

To view the full catalogue click here.

Improbable Gifts for Impossible people

Thursday 15th December

Doors open 6pm, auction starts at 7pm.


74 Mackelvie Street



Parisian jeweller Chaumet has further cemented their dedication to the iconic bee symbol (a Chaumet icon since it was first adopted by the house during the reign of Napoleon) with these newly released Bee My Love collection of stackable rings that have just arrived on our shores.

The collection of nine stackable ring designs are a modern interpretation on the perfect natural geometry of the honeycomb. These fine and delicate pieces can be coupled with some serious bling (if you so desire), with the rings available in plain white, yellow or pink gold to semi or fully diamond-paved.

With solid gold Bee My Love rings starting at just $1270, it’s an essential addition to your jewellery box.

Available from Hartfield Parnell

327 Parnell Road
ph 09 373 2472


webbs.co.nz/auction/improbable-gifts-impossible-people" target="_blank">To view the full catalogue click here.

Improbable Gifts for Impossible people

Thursday 15th December

Doors open 6pm, auction starts at 7pm.


74 Mackelvie Street


>->p>Available from Made
30-32 Customs Street, Auckland
ph 09 366 1693


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Recently moving a mere hop, skip and a jump down the road from Cone Kings' flagship store (Icing on the Cake on Jervois Rd) has done nothing to curb my addiction. If anything, it has only intensified it, often finding myself dashing up the road for a 'fro-yo' treat more than just the once on a weekend. I put this down to location convenience. A justification which got all the more dangerous after discovering Cone Kings had take-home pots. Suddenly, the trip up the road for a sweet treat leaves me armed with a week's worth of frozen yoghurt delights. The wonderfully tangy, not-too-sweet, creamy cloud of goodness in gourmet flavours of Pineapple & Coconut, Plain Caspian Sea (personal favourite) and Wild Berries now available from my own freezer? Amazing!

So with the sun finally showing its face we felt it high time to sing the praises of this icy prince charming. It seems we're not the only ones smitten too, with Cone Kings availability set to extend nationwide by the end of the year (Cone Kings is currently available in selected New World supermarkets and Event cinemas). So maybe I've begun my summer fling a little early, but I have no doubt it's set to be a romance that lasts all summer long. 

Visit Cone Kings for stockist details.


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From charming single bees with yellow sapphire or amethyst bodies to love-struck bees nestled in between clusters of enticing flowers and diamond dewdrops, Chaumet has transformed the bee into an emblem of love in its naturalistic 'Attrape-moi…si tu m’aimes' (which translates to Catch me if you love me), Lovely Bee and Bee my Love collections. Even the bee watches are slender and delicate like their namesake, adorned with diamonds, orange, yellow or pink sapphires and red spinels.

If that wasn’t already sweet enough, each item purchased from the collections helps contribute to raise awareness and support for the Terre d'Abeilles Association's 'Save The Bees' campaign, which promotes the protection of bees.

Diamonds for a good cause? Well that certainly adds some extra sparkle.

Available from Hartfields.

327 Parnell Road
ph 09 373 2472


The first restaurant out of the bag was Dandelion, newly opened by Geoff Lindsay, formally of Pearl.  Vietnamese-inspired Dandelion boasts a clean, crisp space with a family-friendly bistro feel.  Stand-out dishes were the sizzling coconut pancakes with crab, the BBQ pork and bean sprouts, and the rather grand turmeric glazed suckling pig with Balinese spiced stuffing, served with pork and peanut sausage, young jack fruit and steamed rice.  The suckling pig is priced ‘on application’, so do your best to look sexy and that’ll get you the good prices! (133 Ormond rd, Elwood)


Golden Fields has poked its head up in Saint Kilda, much to the delight of locals, who were buzzing there when we arrived for the second meal of the night.   We chose a communal table where we could  appreciate the clean, uncluttered styling.  With great staff, Golden Fields definitely receives the best service award.

Golden Field’s freshly shucked oysters had a terrific name; Moonlight Flat Clair De Lune - so how could we say no?  Even better than the name of the oysters was the dry Chablis we washed them down with - this was the combo that finally made me feel I was getting the Melbourne experience. 

Golden Field’s menu had a Japanese feel to it; clean flavours, simply prepared with a European twist.  For example, twice cooked duck, steamed bread, vinegar and plum sauces - or smoked tuna with oyster cream, apple vinaigrette and fennel pollen.  It was here that we sniffed out the top dish of our Melbourne getaway: slow roast salt pork, crackling, pickle cabbage and tamarind.  If I had to sum up Golden Fields simply, it would be “attention to detail” - food, service and décor were all perfectly put together. (157 Fitzroy St, St Kilda)


Round three at Coda.  Let me loosen my belt a little.  We clicked on down to the basement, poked our heads in and without any reservation were happily seated at the bar.  The chef, and owner, Adam d’Sylva, was visibly at the helm of the kitchen.  It’s great seeing the owner earning his keep - I know how he feels.  Adam has worked at Pearl and Longrain, and you can taste it in his flavoursome food. 

We launched straight into Coda’s freshly shucked oysters with a mirin and finger lime dressing, then onto those elusive Betel leaves.  Betel leaves are rarer than hens’ teeth in NZ, and MooChowChow exhausted the nation’s supplies within a month of opening.  Needless to say, we hit the betel leaf hard. (Basement 141 Flinders Lane (Cnr Oliver Lane) Melbourne)


Stuffed with spanner crab, galangal, roaster chilli and lime, the betel leaves were perfectly fresh and full of peppery crispness.  We followed them with tempura bugs with roy chois, kim chi, chilli salt and soy dipping sauce.  These were prepared tapas style, and all the more fun and nibbly for it.  Dessert was a whimsical ice cream sandwich, chased down with a medicinal glass of sticky.  Scrumptious!

We rolled out of Coda, just down the lane to Chin Chin, the new baby on the block.  It’s one, large room packed to the rafters, where suits and hipsters vie for space.  Unfortunately we were too full to report on the food, but the kitchen is headed by Andrew Gimber of Sydney’s outsanding Thai bastion, Jimmy Licks.  I can, however, personally recommend the fantastic cocktail menu. (647 Rathdowne Street, North Carlton)


A word of warning before you try a night out in Melbourne like this - don’t eat for a week and keep your AA membership cards handy.  Though if you’re a true Denizen, such indulgence should be a walk in the park.  

Lots of love - the man from MooChowChow, Mark Wallbank.

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Designed by Eugenia Bruni for Pasquale Bruni, it blends the regal with the everyday, the antique with the modern, in a piece that's sure to keep you front of mind.Pasquale Bruni is well known to jewellery collectors who seek artistry and creative genius. Margaret Foley, Hartfield's owner selected this cross as her standout pick from the Pasquale Bruni collections she viewed in Europe earlier in the year. She explains, 'I was instantly attracted to the piece's drama, movement and light. Now, it has finally arrived on our shores...it will definitely be a treasure of tomorrow.'

Available from Hartfield Jewellers
327 Parnell Road
ph 09 373 2472


It may seem that there are many options when wrapping oneself in winter warmness, here at the Denizen office we tend to disagree.
One of our pet hates is the sight of a shivering man with a scarf draped hap-hazardly across his shoulders sitting underneath his collar. This technique serves no purpose in shielding said fella from the cold, and dare we suggest also does nothing for his overall sartorial look either.

We've done some research, and here, in our opinion are the ONLY ways for a handsome bloke such as yourself to don the essential winter scarf.

The European:
1. Fold the scarf in half and hold it so that you have two loose ends in your right hand and the other in your left
2. Hold behind your head across your shoulders
3. Take the loose ends and feed them through the loop from the other end
4. Pull the loose ends in order to tighten the scarf's grip around your neck 

The Casual Cravat:
1. Place the scarf around your neck, pulling the right side so it is slightly longer
2. Cross the longer length over the shorter length and then fold it up and under your neck
3. Straighten out the top of the knot so that it sits fuller at the top

The Muffler:
1. Hang the scarf around your neck
2. Pull one end so that it is at least 30cm longer than the other (you'll need a long scarf for this look)
3. Wrap the long end around your neck so that it hangs forward again
4. If the scarf is long enough, tie two ends into a knot

May we even go as far as to suggest that by employing such techniques as these you're likely to turn a few heads with your slick sophisticated look.

You've been warned. 


Karley Feaver grew up in New Plymouth and is now living in Auckland.  She works across a range of disciplines including painting, sculpture and taxidermy.

Karley’s works, alongside painting by Chris Dennis, is part of the exhibition ‘Tarred and Feathered’ that finishes this Sunday 14th August. While the title, which references an old fashioned public punishment that was designed to force a subject to run out of town, suggests otherwise, we urge you include a visit to Tarred and Feathered in your weekend plans. Don’t miss out on viewing these beauties up close!

Tarred and Feathered.

August 1st – 14th, 2011.
Mon – Sun: 11am-7pm (or by appointment).

22 McColl Street


Karley Feaver grew up in New Plymouth and is now living in Auckland.  She works across a range of disciplines including painting, sculpture and taxidermy.

Karley’s works, alongside painting by Chris Dennis, is part of the exhibition ‘Tarred and Feathered’ that finishes this Sunday 14th August. While the title, which references an old fashioned public punishment that was designed to force a subject to run out of town, suggests otherwise, we urge you include a visit to Tarred and Feathered in your weekend plans. Don’t miss out on viewing these beauties up close!

Tarred and Feathered.

August 1st – 14th, 2011.
Mon – Sun: 11am-7pm (or by appointment).

22 McColl Street


TЦЋ_ѓP“0Лў)’[Œ€ЛўTа џthe scarf around your neck, pulling the right side so it is slightly longer
2. Cross the longer length over the shorter length and then fold it up and under your neck
3. Straighten out the top of the knot so that it sits fuller at the top

The Muffler:
1. Hang the scarf around your neck
2. Pull one end so that it is at least 30cm longer than the other (you'll need a long scarf for this look)
3. Wrap the long end around your neck so that it hangs forward again
4. If the scarf is long enough, tie two ends into a knot

May we even go as far as to suggest that by employing such techniques as these you're likely to turn a few heads with your slick sophisticated look.

You've been warned. 



Karley Feaver grew up in New Plymouth and is now living in Auckland.  She works across a range of disciplines including painting, sculpture and taxidermy.

Karley’s works, alongside painting by Chris Dennis, is part of the exhibition ‘Tarred and Feathered’ that finishes this Sunday 14th August  And while the title, which references an old fashioned public punishment designed to force a subject to run out of town, suggests otherwise, we urge you include a visit to Tarred and Feathered in your weekend plans so you don’t miss out on viewing these up close!

Tarred and Feathered.

August 1st – 14th, 2011.
Mon – Sun: 11am-7pm (or by appointment).

22 McColl Street

www.karleyfeaver.com<TІс dЅѓPН@К[К[rІс

Karley Feaver grew up in New Plymouth and is now living in Auckland.  She works across a range of disciplines including painting, sculpture and taxidermy.

Karley’s works, alongside painting by Chris Dennis, is part of the exhibition ‘Tarred and Feathered’ that finishes this Sunday 14th August. While the title, which references an old fashioned public punishment that was designed to force a subject to run out of town, suggests otherwise, we urge you include a visit to Tarred and Feathered in your weekend plans. Don’t miss out on viewing these beauties up close!

Tarred and Feathered.

August 1st – 14th, 2011.
Mon – Sun: 11am-7pm (or by appointment).

22 McColl Street

www.karleyfeaver.com<SРЌS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!А\Д`I дОЌX‚_…”ІмћИG#<T6 т esѓPН`­єi{uА­єшSV€T8 X “esѓPН`­єi{uА­єшSV€T:  ў фѓPНАЇТi{uЈТ,F 

Then things went horribly wЎF 

Therefore, it’s fair to say expectations were remarkably low for the release of Degeneration Street, the band’s fifth album, which sees them reunited with assorted players from their fifteen year history.

The result is a self described 'greatest hits with new songs' as Lightfoot & Co get back to basics in an attempt to get the proposition that is The Dears, back on track.  Opener ‘Omega Dog’ kicks things off with a real confident swagger, as Lightfoot comes on all Curtis Mayfield, his falsetto perfectly harmonising with the slinky disco bassline and mood setting synthesisers.

From there, we are off, kicking into the oh-so ironic 5 Chords  and we are back in far more familiar territory, with Lightburn reverting back to type, with his uncanny Morrissey-like delivery style.

Quite rightly too, given the pasting they’ve recently received from critics, the band’s sound reverts back to more familiar territory, at times alternating between Radiohead and Blur – you really can take your pick.

At times they do stray and given the dark place they’ve come from, have potentially stretched themselves with a full fourteen tracks.  The album is roughly segmented into four sections, and fortunately is saved by a rollicking finish with the final two numbers ‘1854’ and the title track ensuring The Dears finish with a rollicking flourish to ensure they do finally get the decision from the judges in a very tight split decision.

They’ve come back from the dead, and despite not bringing anything particularly new to their style, when The Dears get it right, their mixture of big guitars, strings, deep percussion and Lightbody’s dramatic voice prove there is still plenty of life left in their legs for the moment.


e is still plenty of life left in their legs for the moment.



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The two met at a music festе H 

The two met at a music festival in Fife, have kept in touch ever since, and along the way have pieced together one of the most pleasant audio experiences you will come across all year.

In essence, Diamond Mine is an attempt to create a sonic portrait of the East Neuk area that Anderson calls home.  The combination of Anderson’s restful and heartfelt tones complemented with Hopkins’ wonderfully subtle field recordings and sepia-tinged electronica work as an aural postcard to a remote Scottish coastal village.

Hopkins combines various ambient elements - from tinkling tea cups and saucers to distant seagulls and surf to link Anderson’s musings on village life.  As you’d expect, it’s life’s small, everyday events that many wouldn’t blink an eye at: ‘Bats In the Attic’ addresses the worries of advancing middle age, while ‘Running on Fumes’ talks of a futile argument between brothers and ‘John Taylor’s Month Away’ the loneliness of a sailor’s life against a backdrop of simple acoustic guitar and droning accordion.

The album’s centrepiece is the melancholic ‘Bubble’ where Anderson’s vocal is supported by Lisa Lindley-Jones along with electronic and percussion from Hopkins to create a smoothness and serenity that the rest of the album revolves around.

However, it is Diamond Mine’s final track ‘Your Young Voice’ that steals the show with its repeated refrain of “It’s your young voice, that’s keeping me holding on to my dull life, to my dull life”. It's a tender tribute from a father to his daughter, and it is, quite simply stunning.

Like the best half forgotten treasures rediscovered in the attic, this is a gorgeous record that will continue to delight over the years with its utterly unique approach to music making that has created a compelling and emotional listening experience.



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Indeed, some of the lyrics ,"!

Her baking is personal. Each cake is made in her home using organic ingredients where possible. They even carry the home-cooked trademarks we all look for when shopping for quality baking: dripping lemon curd, slightly cracked tops on some of the cakes and a sense of good old fashioned mum's baking with simple decorations. The little irregularities that suggest that the cake really will taste as good as it looks.

The Caker offers a pretty sound reason not to bother getting out the mixer at home and instead pretend it's your own culinary skills that produced the outcome.

Cost: $35 pickup or $40 delivery.










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Beginners imaginatively explores the hilarity, confusion, and surprises of love through the evolving consciousness of Oliver (Ewan McGregor) with both wit and depth. Oliver meets the irreverent and unpredictable Anna (Mélanie Laurent) only months after his father Hal (Christopher Plummer) has passed away. This new love floods Oliver with memories of his father who - following 44 years of marriage - came out of the closet at age 75 to live a full, energized, and wonderfully tumultuous gay life. The upheavals of Hal's new honesty, by turns funny and moving, brought father and son closer than they'd ever been able to be. Now Oliver endeavors to love Anna with all the bravery, humor, and hope that his father taught him.

"A quietly moving, delicately mounted romantic drama that touches the heart with resorting to melodrama or an over-reliance on conflict." Jim Schembri, The Age

Starring: Ewan McGregor, Christopher Plummer, Mélanie Laurent
Season starts: 10 November
Director: Mike Mills
Rating: M offensive language & sexual references


Pina is a unique feature-length dance film with the ensemble of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, featuring the unique and inspiring art of the great German choreographer, who died in the summer of 2009. Writer and Director Wim Wenders takes the audience on a sensual, visually stunning journey of discovery: straight onto the stage with the legendary Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch ensemble, he follows the dancers out of the theatre into the city and the surrounding areas of Wuppertal - the place, which for 35 years was the home and centre for Pina Bausch's creativity.

"Combines a haunting elegy for the avant-garde choreographer Pina Bausch with a wondrously surreal evocation of her work." Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

Director & Writer: Wim Wenders
Season starts: 17 November
Rating: PG


Disturbingly, this powerful and engaging thriller about the horror of sexual trafficking in a supposedly civilized world is inspired by actual events. Kathy Bolkovac (Rachel Weisz) plays a Nebraskan police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Her expectations of helping to rebuild a devastated country are dashed when she uncovers a dangerous reality of corruption, cover-up and intrigue amid a world of private contractors and multinational diplomatic doubletalk.

“Weisz is made for this kind of role; from "Constant Gardener" to "Enemy at the Gates," few actors can do absolute, unshakable conviction so well on screen.”  Rob Thomas, Capital Times

Starring: Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucci, Vanessa Redgrave
Director: Larysa Kondracki
Season starts: 24 November

These films are screening nationwide in Rialto Cinemas. Visit www.rialto.co.nz for more details.

— 6<

Café Hanoi’s parlour bar is small, intimate and quite possibly one of Auckland’s best-kept secrets - until now. Within the Hanoi restaurant, you will find the Parlour located down a few flights of stairs, through a dark corridor and just past the kitchen. As we made our pilgrimage down through the restaurant one rainy Thursday afternoon, we felt a little like we were venturing into a bunker as opposed to a bar but soon found ourselves standing in a low-ceiling, dimly lit space that harks back to a time of yesteryear.

While one would come here for a myriad of reasons, we couldn’t help but imagine it’s the kind of place that quite easily could have seen its fair share of dangerous liaisons, romantic trysts and big time deals, all the while going rather unnoticed to the patrons upstairs. Perhaps we’re getting a little Hollywood on it but as far as ambience goes, the Parlour does a mighty fine job of taking you away from the bustling street level precinct above. We asked Nat Cheshire, who designed the interior of Café Hanoi and their downstairs Parlour bar what we wanted to create with the space.

"We wanted to give Café Hanoi’s patrons something different to what they have upstairs in the main restaurant; to sip cocktails and taste entrees in intimate groups, or to fill a whole room with friends and shape their own private dining space. The Parlour is accessed through a back door, down a service stair, and through crumbling brick corridors – it’s asking a lot of people to get them to commit to that journey. The room needed to be commensurately special, a surprise and a delight hidden in the depths of the old building.
We wanted to reconcile what we knew of Hanoi with some of the emotions already carried by building and the room itself. The basement was last seriously occupied in the fifties by the Bank of New Zealand, so we set out to fold together a Vietnamese ‘soft roughness’ with the quiet gleam of a mid-century den, and to play that out at an intimate, almost domestic scale. It took months of refining the lighting and surfaces to get the atmosphere perfectly pitched. [Owner] Tony McGeorge and I worked really closely together on this - it had to be that special in order for it to work."

In our opinion, Café Hanoi's Parlour bar is a very worthy prequel to dinner upstairs or for a cosy late-night nightcap, and it's also available for private functions. The atmosphere is unpretentious and private; the type of environment where hours could pass by unnoticed because you’ve become so comfortable. Think deep mahogany coloured wood, brick walls, and red velvet cushioned chairs that surround candlelit tables.

They serve a select menu down there, which includes similar shared style dining fare that is housed in the restaurant above; all which deserve to be washed down with a good drink. The bar offers an artisanal selection of house pours and a fitting menu of classic cocktails.

So the next time you feel an urge to seek refuge in a quieter space, head toward the back, down the stairs and through a dark hallway to Café Hanoi’s speakeasy-style inner sanctum.

Café Hanoi
Cnr Galway & Commerce Streets
ph (09) 302 3478


d taste entrees in intimate groups, or to fill a whole room with friends and shape their own private dining space. The Parlour is accessed through a back door, down a service stair, and through crumbling brick corridors – it’s asking a lot of people to get them to commit to that journey. The room needed to be commensurately special, a surprise and a delight hidden in the depths of the old building. We wanted to reconcile what we knew of Hanoi with some of the emotions already carried by building and the room itself. The basement was last seriously occupied in the fifties by the Bank of New Zealand, so we set out to fold together a Vietnamese ‘soft roughness’ with the quiet gleam of a mid-century den, and to play that out at an intimate, almost domest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `<5Љ`№ЈсˆrFтЈ005t€Жцž!`žru Z—Ї€Мгы0fЊВУI ScreamThe global frozen yoghurt craze is finally hitting our shoresюЁ116_bigThumbImage.jpg116_smallThumbImage.jpgCone-Kings-Frozen-YogurtNutritious-frozen-yogurt-by-Cone-Kings-purchased-at-icing-on-the-cakeFrozen-yogurt-nutritious-Cone-Kings-Icing-on-the-Cake-Over the past five years frozen yoghurt has been elevated to cult like status as the icy-cold sweet treat of choice for health conscious Americans. It's somewhat surprising then that our own country that's so heavily devoted to towering cones of icy summer pleasures, has taken some time to embracing this global phenomenon.i-scream116_mainImage.jpg<5gee gСХЯž Яž9Я@ h­€ТййййёGiveaway: Mother's DaySmother your mother with gorgeousness courtesy of us!д 103_bigThumbImage.jpg103_smallThumbImage.jpgAs one of the most important people in your life, your Mother deserves every bit of luxury you can send her way. To assist your proclamation of love the kind-hearted folks from MOR Cosmetics have prepared three gorgeous gift packs for you to give to your mother this Mother's day.giveaway-mothers-day103_mainImage.jpg05khe sСХэž-эžs @@ jЕХ€кё(H—ЈHair today gone tomorrowJade Hurst takes us into the trenches on the path to permanent hair removalмЁ107_bigThumbImage.jpg107_smallThumbImage.jpgLaser hair removalJade Hurst tackles laser hair removalhair-removal, laser, bikini lineWinter. Its blatant lack of sunshine and bikini wearing weather means it's the perfect time to take care of something...It's high time my bikini line was lasered. A treatment not recommended tackling during the summer months, due largely to the sunshine's ability to heat up and unnecessarily irritate the skin.hair-today-gone-tomorrow107_mainImage.jpg05qsityСХѓžl–єž{v@ cЙЩ€оѕ?VfwHow To: Dry BrushEliminate toxins and improve the appearance of your skin with this easy morning ritualшЁ 113_bigThumbImage.jpg113_smallThumbImage.jpgDry Brushingdry brushing skincare routinedry brushing, skincare, celluliteA very good friend of mine has amazing skin, skin that's smooth, taut and completely free of cellulite. Not something everyone can boast having at 40. On asking my stunning friend how she achieves such luminosity, she tells me it's all thanks to her daily ritual of dry brushing.how-to-dry-brush113_mainImage.jpg05rl asРeRЈž!Р;жЇžЗь@@ eХе€ъ#I…i{ŒHow to: Fold a SuitMurray Crane of Crane Brothers takes the fuss out of packing suits with his simple how-to guide.ъЁ 114_bigThumbImage.jpg114_smallThumbImage.jpgMurray Crane's art of suit packingMurray Crane's steps to folding a suitmurray crane, suit, packing, folding, tailor, crane brothersTailor extraordinaire Murray Crane of Crane Brothers knows a few things about the art of tailoring a good suit - including how to pack one. His easy fifteen step guide ensures that your best loved suits travel as well as you do.how-to-fold-a-suit114_mainImage.jpg05i to jМž-dМžrc@@ džЎ€Укь(Эп№Gucci Kelis SandalOur shoe obsession reaches new heights with these stunnersи 105_bigThumbImage.jpg105_smallThumbImage.jpgGucci-Kelis-SandalSexy-yet-elegant-Gucci-Kelis-SandalGucci-Kelis-Sandal,Heels,Sometimes life calls for elegant simplicity. I have long been a fan of the two strapped sandal, they have an uncanny ability to elongate legs and add instant sex-appeal to anything from floor skimming skirts to jeans and a t-shirt. The Kelis is the perfect combination of the exotic and the elegant with the softest suede paired with a shiny gold python ankle strap, and matching gold piping. These shoes are hot to trot.gucci-kelis-sandal105_mainImage.jpg05pthe @[s Ÿ!дСХ Ÿ №@@ fТв€чўbš$5FHow to: Cook a ChookErwin Zimmet of Ella Restaurant gives us a few pointers for creating the perfect roast chookцЁ 112_bigThumbImage.jpg112_smallThumbImage.jpgHow-to-cook-a-chookErwin Zimmet of Ella restaurant tells Denizen readers how to cook a roast chickenSelaks roast day, Erwin Zimmet, Ella restaurant AucklandWith Selaks NZ Roast Day just around the corner on Sunday 7 August, we thought it high time to refine our roasting skills. And when it comes to the perfect roast there is no better person to guide us through the process than Erwin Zimmet of Ella. Ella's Sunday night roasts have become a weekly institution for many. Each week he serves up a delectable plate of beautiful prepared comfort food.how-to-cook-chook112_mainImage.jpgage.jpgoval, laser, bikini lineWinter. Its blatant lack of sunshine and bikini wearing weather means it's the perfect time to take care of something...It's high time my bikini line was lasered. A treatment not recommended tackling during the summer months, due largely to the sunshine's ability to heat up and unnecessarily irritate the skin.hair-today-gone-tomorrow107_mainImage.jpg05qsityСХєžmєžFЏ@ cЙЩ€оѕ?VfwHow To: Dry BrushEliminate toxins and improve the appearance of your skin with this easy morning ritualшЁ 113_bigThumbImage.jpg113_smallThumbImage.jpgDry brushingdry brushing skincare routinedry brushing, skincare, celluliteA very good friend of mine has amazing skin, skin that's smooth, taut and completely free of cellulite. Not something everyone can boast having at 40. On asking my stunning friend how she achieves such luminosity, she tells me it's all thanks to her daily ritual of dry brushing.how-to-dry-brush113_mainImage.jpg05pthe СХ Ÿ!СХ ŸGM@@ pЬм€ёkЃ->OHow to: Cook (and win) a ChookErwin Zimmet of Ella Restaurant gives us a few pointers for creating the perfect roast chookцЁ 112_bigThumbImage.jpg112_smallThumbImage.jpgHow-to-cook-a-chookElla Zimmet of Ella restaurant tells Denizen readers how to cook a roast chickenSelaks roast day, Erwin Zimmet, Ella restaurant AucklandWith Selaks NZ Roast Day just around the corner on Sunday 7 August, we thought it high time to refine our roasting skills. And when it comes to the perfect roast there is no better person to guide us through the process than Erwin Zimmet of Ella. Ella's Sunday night roasts have become a weekly institution for many. Each week he serves up a delectable plate of beautiful prepared comfort food.how-to-cook-chook112_mainImage.jpg05r l as—IЈž!Р;жЇžFГ@@ eХе€ъ#I…i{ŒHow to: Fold a SuitMurray Crane of Crane Brothers takes the fuss out of packing suits with his simple how-to guide.ъЁ 114_bigThumbImage.jpg114_smallThumbImage.jpgMurray Crane's art of suit packingMurray Crane's steps to folding a suitmurray crane, suit, packing, folding, tailor, crane brothersTailor extraordinaire Murray Crane of Crane Brothers knows a few things about the art of tailoring a good suit - including how to pack one. His easy fifteen step guide ensures that your best loved suits travel as well as you do.how-to-fold-a-suit114_mainImage.jpg05i to jСХМž-МžFВ@@ džЎ€Укь(Эп№Gucci Kelis SandalOur shoe obsession reaches new heights with these stunnersи 105_bigThumbImage.jpg105_smallThumbImage.jpgGucci-Kelis-SandalSexy-yet-elegant-Gucci-Kelis-SandalGucci-Kelis-Sandal,Heels,Sometimes life calls for elegant simplicity. I have long been a fan of the two strapped sandal, they have an uncanny ability to elongate legs and add instant sex-appeal to anything from floor skimming skirts to jeans and a t-shirt. The Kelis is the perfect combination of the exotic and the elegant with the softest suede paired with a shiny gold python ankle strap, and matching gold piping. These shoes are hot to trot.gucci-kelis-sandal105_mainImage.jpg’’’’’’’’``X сд9ф Ј5Њ`ѓ…ЉДљj v>/R05ƒ esenСХбžeСХаžL@@ qЗЧ€мѓ$]YwˆIn Store: Franck Muller WatchesShowcase your banking prowess with this Franck Muller luxury timepiece Є131_bigThumbImage.jpg131_smallThumbImage.jpgFranck Muller watchesFranck Muller luxury watchesfranck muller watches, time, watch, luxury, master bankerWatches to me are luxury defined. The saying that time is a luxury is certainly the case with Franck Muller watches, long revered as the status symbol of the elite, a Franck Muller watch is a far subtler representation of one's importance in the business world than other gauche varieties. And if one is in the business of banking, then there is really no other statement of your banking prowess than to don Franck Muller's Master Banker. (Be wary not to repeat this too quickly, it can get you tongue tied!)in-store-franck-muller-watches131_mainImage.jpg05w casu—IžuЈžuѓ@@ kою€3L~ЁВAnn Demeulemeester WedgesOn the look out for comfortable shoes for summer that still keep us on our toes, these wedges are looking promisingєЂ119_bigThumbImage.jpg119_smallThumbImage.jpgAnn Demeulemeester wedgesAnn Demeulemeester wedgesann demeulemeester, womens shoes, wedges, scottiesIn keeping with her monochromatic and androgynous clothing, these wedges by Ann Demeulemeester will add some grunt to even the most basic of summer outfits. Paired with jeans and a white tee, it's a flawless casual look for the upcoming warmer months ahead.in-store-ann-demeulemeester-wedges119_mainImage.jpg05x and Ÿ!ŸzН@@ cЎО€гъ+ZšДХBanjo and MatildaWrap yourself in luxury cashmere before the onset of the real winter monthsіЃ120_bigThumbImage.jpg120_smallThumbImage.jpgBanjo & Matilda cashmereaustralian cashmere brand banjo & matildabanjo and matilda, cashmere, luxury, australianThe mere mention of cashmere often conjures up images of twinsets and pearls, but for those familiar with the cult Australian brand Banjo & Matilda, cashmere makes a firm move in the direction of rock-n-roll and contemporary luxe. We need to think 'investment piece' when securing one of these stunning staples of style.in-store-banjo-and-matilda120_mainImage.jpg05}  rebйžmЗСХиžx§@@ dЕХ€кё:hбь§Converse by SchottThe Schott & Converse collaboration reignites our passion in the All Star classic Є125_bigThumbImage.jpg125_smallThumbImage.jpgSchott & Converse collaborationSchott and converse collaboration, area 51converse schott, collaboration, shoes, Area 51The classic converse shoe continues to reinvent itself, this time in collaboration with iconic American brand Schott (think biker jackets with zip detailing, quilted leather), elements that helped define the rebel movement of the 60s. The shoes fuse the detailing of original motorcycle jackets with the Chuck Taylor, for a street take on the All Star classic.in-store-converse-by-schott125_mainImage.jpg05~ > <ћžmŽћžv{@Р hœЌ€Сию TkŠ›Costume National ShoesEvery slick man needs an equally slick pair of kicks Є126_bigThumbImage.jpg126_smallThumbImage.jpgCostume National shoesCostume National mens lizard shoes at wunderkammercostume national, mens shoes, footwear, wunderkammerCostume National have long been the go-to cobblers of the sartorially minded man. Their slim profile and understated elegance give off an air of confidence to any man who is smart enough to don them. We suggest pairing them with slim cut jeans to show off their reptilian charms.in-store-costume-national-shoes126_mainImage.jpg05€ in fчžaўСХцžtђ@@ bЎО€гъ=jЂЛЬDeviation TrenchSoon to land at Superette, this trench from Camilla and Marc has us swooning Є 128_bigThumbImage.jpg128_smallThumbImage.jpgDeviation trench by camilla and marc.camilla and marc deviation trench at superettesuperette, deviation trench, camilla and marcEvery winter wardrobe needs a decent trench coat. We're excited by this Camilla and Marc number that's due to arrive soon to our shores. The Deviation trench has wide lapels, a belted waist and is structured in form. In a classic caramel, it's a wardrobe staple that you'll keep coming back to for years to come.in-store-deviation-trench128_mainImage.jpg05  I w—I*ž!%Р;ж)žwї@@ gЇЗ€Ьуј VXv‡Diamond Skull PendantChannel your inner Damien Hirst with this loud and proud pendant Є 129_bigThumbImage.jpg129_smallThumbImage.jpgDiamond Skull PendantDiamond skull pendantpendant, diamond, diamond skull pendant, graeme thomson antiques, parnellGraeme Thomson Antiques is not necessarily the place you'd expect to find such a dramatic piece of rock n roll chic, however, on a recent afternoon spent with my face pressed up to his shop window in Parnell, I was instantly drawn to this poetic masterpiece.in-store-diamond-skull-pendant129_mainImage.jpg05‚ stit—IЕž- Еžo @@ _ЗЧ€мѓ It–ЌНFox UmbrellasNat Cheshire laments the passing of his old faithful umbrella and rests faith in the new Є 130_bigThumbImage.jpg130_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Fox UmbrellasFox-Umbrealls-made-in-Brittan-since-1868-sold-at-Crane-BrothersCrane-Brothers,Fox-Umbrellas,Rolled-MalaccaYears ago I bought my first real umbrella, from Smith and Caugheys. I considered it a public service: every great city needs a great department store, and I thought it our civic duty to keep this grand old institution afloat. It also happened to be a brilliant umbrella. Suitably menacing when crossing town to start the 4am shift at the studio, broad enough to keep both me and my escort dry, never once reversing in the wind, handsomely pin-striped in navy, and all topped by an elegantly bent cane handle, with 3 brass rings adorning its stem.in-store-fox-umbrellas130_mainImage.jpg05ƒ esenСХбžeFСХаžwЭ@@ g­Н€вщўSOm~Franck Muller WatchesShowcase your banking prowess with this Franck Muller luxury timepiece Є131_bigThumbImage.jpg131_smallThumbImage.jpgFranck Muller watchesFranck Muller luxury watchesfranck muller watches, time, watch, luxury, master bankerWatches to me are luxury defined. The saying that time is a luxury is certainly the case with Franck Muller watches, long revered as the status symbol of the elite, a Franck Muller watch is a far subtler representation of one's importance in the business world than other gauche varieties. And if one is in the business of banking, then there is really no other statement of your banking prowess than to don Franck Muller's Master Banker. (Be wary not to repeat this too quickly, it can get you tongue tied!)in-store-franck-muller-watches131_mainImage.jpgand proud pendant Є 129_bigThumbImage.jpg129_smallThumbImage.jpgDiamond Skull PendantDiamond skull pendantpendant, diamond, diamond skull pendant, graeme thomson antiques, parnellGraeme Thomson Antiques is not necessarily the place you'd expect to find such a dramatic piece of rock n roll chic, however, on a recent afternoon spent with my face pressed up to his shop window in Parnell, I was instantly drawn to this poetic masterpiece.in-store-diamond-skull-pendant129_mainImage.jpgf original motorcycle jackets with the Chuck Taylor, for a street take on the All Star classic.in-store-converse-by-schott125_mainImage.jpgne handle, with 3 brass rings adorning its stem.in-store-fox-umbrellas130_mainImage.jpgstore-diamond-skull-pendant129_mainImage.jpgkly, it can get you tongue tied!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!№№№№№№№JУї\ _ šшЉ5Ћ`t †ЊДдk :UGє05‡ e deРP”Mžmэ€ѕ MžyU@@ YАР€еьѓ;u…–JelliesPerfect for the hot and the rainy days - Jelly shoes are making a resurgence for summer Є135_bigThumbImage.jpg135_smallThumbImage.jpgJelliesJelly shoes resurge for summerjellies, clare van den berg, zus & zo cafaOne would think that running a thriving cafe was enough to keep you occupied, but not Clare Van Den Berg, the owner of Zus & Zo cafщ. Van Den Berg had so many comments about her nice and bright shoes that she decided to bring in a small selection herself that she is making available from the backroom at the cafщ.in-store-jellies135_mainImage.jpgnImage.jpg05‘ finiŸa.Ÿud@@ bŸ€ДЫы .L\mIntroducing LoveCharm the pants off him with this racy number( Ѕ145_bigThumbImage.jpg145_smallThumbImage.jpgSass & Bide Introducing Love Brasass & bide Introducing Love brasass and bide, bra, lace, underwearI've long been a fan of the peek-a-boo bra. A splash of colour, a hint of lace, peaking out from under a blouse is sexy as hell. It's a fraught practice however. One that when left in the wrong hands, can definitely end in a trashy outcome. A definite contender for bringing sexy back.introducing-love145_mainImage.jpg05Œ real@[sže7ыAžy@@ dЦж€ы-SиѓThe Darkside DressThe opening of cult Australian brand Sass & Bide's first NZ store has us swooning over new dresses Ѕ 140_bigThumbImage.jpg140_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Darkside DressSass & Bide's new dressessass & bide, the darkside dress, dressWorn as either a dress or a jacket The Darkside dress by Sass & Bide is on our wish list for summer. The subtle zebra printed silk with its multiple zip detailing provides just the right grunt for keeping it real on the streets whilst still remaining feminine. The menagerie of zips also provide that all important personalisation factor that's important when you want to wear it your way.in-store-the-darkside-dress140_mainImage.jpg05 the €Ё(“žqныA”žz˜@Р cЖЦ€лђ6‰ЃДWinter Maxi DressThe maxi dress trend continues into the winter months with this head turning number$ Ѕ143_bigThumbImage.jpg143_smallThumbImage.jpgWinter Maxi DressMoochi's Winter Maxi Dressmoochi, winter maxi dressThere is something quite glamorous about a long dress. It's hard not to feel elegant wearing one. So if like me, you also embraced this trend over summer, you'll be pleased to know that it's here to stay for the winter months. Constructed from a viscose crepe, with side pockets and a sexy open back - this dress is a definite head turner.in-store-winter-maxi-dress143_mainImage.jpg05  areСХёa”СХ№u‹@Р `ЈИ€Эфђ c ЗШYours SneakersSneakers produced in limited edition runs offer a distinctly unique look& Ѕ144_bigThumbImage.jpg144_smallThumbImage.jpgYours SneakersLimited Edition yours sneakers by Andrew Henrysneakers, andrew henry, yours, one, limited edition, auckland, mensDesigner Andrew Henry of 'Yours' developed his own vision for the perfect shoe - and this is it. Available in red or black their design is distinctly different from other kicks in the market. Best of all they are only available in limited numbers, which means you'll likely be the only one owning these coveted shoes.in-store-yours-sneakers144_mainImage.jpg05… ight—I#ži‘Р;ж"žy8@@ fУг€шџ3^e’iPad & MacBook CasesLooking for a suitably chic cover for your new prized possession? We've found just the ticket Є133_bigThumbImage.jpg133_smallThumbImage.jpgiPad and MacBook casesLeather iPad and MacBook casesipad, apple, macbook, case, leather, local,Made from soft Italian leather with raw stitching, these locally produced iPad, iPhone and MacBook covers are some of the best we've seen. Made on our shores by company On & On, the covers are available in light tan and dark brown and make the perfect accessory.in-store-ipad--macbook-cases133_mainImage.jpg05Ž realСХёeСХђv @Р \ЎО€гъє<->tranSglassA beautiful collection of recycled glassware in bright acid greens and soft browns" Ѕ142_bigThumbImage.jpg142_smallThumbImage.jpgtranSglasstranSglass recycled glasswarerecycled glassware, transglass, environmentA collection of glassware made from recycled bottles conveys a positive attitude and approach towards the environment. The bright acid green colours caught our attention along with the reasonable prices starting from $62.in-store-transglass142_mainImage.jpg05†  bow€Œjže†Р;ж>žlѓ@@ _АР€еьљJЂИЩIsabel MarantNew season offerings from the go-to label for cool Parisians arrive on our shores Є134_bigThumbImage.jpg134_smallThumbImage.jpgIsabel MarantNew season Isabel Marant arrivesisabel marant, workshop, parisian, womens fashionWith her effortlessly hip aesthetic, french designer Isabel Marant has become a fashion darling for a new generation of dedicated fashion followers. Boyish trophy jackets, slouchy pants, chic mini-dresses and bowed pumps make up her collection of covetable cool. From Thursday 2nd December Marant's latest collections will be available locally.in-store-isabel-marant134_mainImage.jpgmage.jpg-maxi-dress143_mainImage.jpg05  areСХёa СХ№QЦ@Р `ЈИ€Эфђ c ЗШYours SneakersSneakers produced in limited edition runs offer a distinctly unique look& Ѕ144_bigThumbImage.jpg144_smallThumbImage.jpgYours SneakersLimited Edition yours sneakers by Andrew Henrysneakers, andrew henry, yours, one, limited edition, auckland, mensDesigner Andrew Henry of 'Yours' developed his own vision for the perfect shoe - and this is it. Available in red or black their design is distinctly different from other kicks in the market. Best of all they are only available in limited numbers, which means you'll likely be the only one owning these coveted shoes.in-store-yours-sneakers144_mainImage.jpg05… ight—I#žiР;ж"žQЧ@@ fУг€шџ3^e’iPad & MacBook CasesLooking for a suitably chic cover for your new prized possession? We've found just the ticket Є133_bigThumbImage.jpg133_smallThumbImage.jpgiPad and MacBook casesLeather iPad and MacBook casesipad, apple, macbook, case, leather, local,Made from soft Italian leather with raw stitching, these locally produced iPad, iPhone and MacBook covers are some of the best we've seen. Made on our shores by company On & On, the covers are available in light tan and dark brown and make the perfect accessory.in-store-ipad--macbook-cases133_mainImage.jpg05Ž realСХёeСХђQЩ@Р \ЎО€гъє<->tranSglassA beautiful collection of recycled glassware in bright acid greens and soft browns" Ѕ142_bigThumbImage.jpg142_smallThumbImage.jpgtranSglasstranSglass recycled glasswarerecycled glassware, transglass, environmentA collection of glassware made from recycled bottles conveys a positive attitude and approach towards the environment. The bright acid green colours caught our attention along with the reasonable prices starting from $62.in-store-transglass142_mainImage.jpgagerie of zips also provide that all important personalisation factor that's important when you want to wear it your way.in-store-the-darkside-dress140_mainImage.jpgansglass142_mainImage.jpgng Love brasass and bide, bra, lace, underwearI've long been a fan of the peek-a-boo bra. A splash of colour, a hint of lace, peaking out from under a blouse is sexy as hell. It's a fraught practice however. One that when left in the wrong hands, can definitely end in a trashy outcome.introducing-love145_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!uuuuuuM% qm`Нэ Њ5с`эТЋГО ўУ№љ05˜ nk" hrefž-ž9чФsP __o€oooooЮнLazy Labour Day6 ІCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities.lazy-labour-day05–at S@[s)žm§)žr*@@ hХе€ъQv‰ŸАKeratin Hair TreatmentLooking to tame your flyaway hair? Stephen Marr's new Keratin treatment will change your life2 Ѕ150_bigThumbImage.jpg150_smallThumbImage.jpgKeratin hair treatmentkeratin hair smoothing treatment available at stephen marrkeratin hair treatment, stephen marr,After an unpleasant episode involving various nasty medications left my fine hair a frizzy and unruly mess, I was in desperate need of a hair makeover. Thanks to an amazing new treatment offered by the folks at Stephen Marr my hair is softer and smoother than it's ever been.keratin-hair-treatment150_mainImage.jpg05œr Lo€ŒjLžeLž=ˆ@@ pЙЩ€оѕѕѕѕKhyListen: Best of the Beats 2010Our musicman 14 gives us a retrospective of his music choices of the year> А156_bigThumbImage.jpg156_smallThumbImage.jpgIt's been another great year for music. Here are some of my favourite albums for 2010.listen-best-of-the-beats-2010156_mainImage.jpg05™ispe@[s)žqФР;ж)žo@ yђ.IНфListen: Engineers - In Praise Of MoreWith dreamy harmonies, silky smooth electronic sheen and chiming guitars, this is the perfect album for the morning after8 І153_bigThumbImage.jpg153_smallThumbImage.jpgEngineers-in-praise-of-moreAndrew Reinholds reviews the Engineers latest album, In Praise of MoreIn Praise of More, Engineers, Andrew ReinholdsIt was way back in 2005 that Engineers burst on the scene with their self-titled debut album. Tracks such as Come In Out Of The Rain and Forgiveness set the scene for a bright future. Blissful harmonies, whispering yet whirlwind vocals combined to create a real feeling of exquisite fragility.listen-engineers-in-praise-of-more153_mainImage.jpg05›any РP” žq  žyr@@ gЯп€є hˆ—ЋМListen: The Big RoarFar from a one trick pony, band The Joy Formidable puts down one hell of a marker with their debut album< А155_bigThumbImage.jpg155_smallThumbImage.jpgThe-Big-RoarAndrew Reinholds reviews welsh trio's The Joy Formidable's new album The Big RoarThe Big Roar, The Joy FormidableWelsh trio The Joy Formidable have been making waves across England and Europe for the last eighteen months now, on the back of some stellar singles and by all accounts blistering live performances. So for any die-hard fans out there, the release of this, their debut album has been a long time coming. For the less enlightened, and yes that does include me, The Big Roar is one gigantic hurricane of a record, that makes it astonishing and unthinkable in equal measures to believe that this band only has the three members.listen--the-big-roar155_mainImage.jpg05šs re€Œj‹žaИ‹žtт@ lфє€  1}ДNgxListen: British Sea PowerWill the Valhalla Dancehall record finally catapult BSP into the mainstream? Well, the simple answer to that is - maybe: І154_bigThumbImage.jpg154_smallThumbImage.jpgBritish-Sea-PowerAndrew Reinholds reviews British Sea Power's latest album Valhalla DancehallBritish Sea Power, Andrew Reinholds, Valhalla DancehallBased in the seaside town of Brighton, British Sea Power's heart actually lies to the far north-west of England, in Cumbria, the sprawling rural county renowned for its vast natural beauty. It's from this remote land that British Sea Power draw their creative and artistic inspiration, making them quintessentially English and modern day flag bearers for England's other great intelligentsia group, The Kinks.listen--british-sea-power154_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" @FЕž-Р;жž;š@@ aaq€†ќ Lazy Labour Day6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpgCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities.lazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" €Œjž-Р;жž=Ў@@ aРа€хќќќќќ Lazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities.6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpglazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" РP”ž-Р;жžAl@@ aПЯ€фћћћћћ Lazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpglazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05œr LoРP”LžeLžBY@@ pЧз€ьYv‡Listen: Best of the Beats 2010Our musicman Andrew Reinholds gives us a retrospective of his music choices of the year> А156_bigThumbImage.jpg156_smallThumbImage.jpgIt's been another great year for music. Here are some of my favourite albums for 2010.listen-best-of-the-beats-2010156_mainImage.jpg05œr Lo—ILžeLžB_@@ pЧз€ь 1Listen: Best of the Beats 2010Our musicman Andrew Reinholds gives us a retrospective of his music choices of the year> А156_bigThumbImage.jpg156_smallThumbImage.jpglisten-best-of-the-beats-2010156_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" —Iž-Р;жžC@@ aПЯ€фћћћћFUfLazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpgFrom bicycle rides to playing chef for the day, if there ever was a time tolazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" —Iž-€ѕ žC@@ aПЯ€фћћћћЮнюLazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpgFrom bicycle rides to playing chef for the day, if there ever was a time to entertain in leisure it is over this long weekend. We pick out some of the hottest items on offer to assist in your pursuit of leisure.lazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" @[sž-€ѕ žF›@@ aПЯ€фћћћћцѕLazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpgFrom bicycle rides to playing head chef for the day, if there ever was a time to entertain in the art of leisure it is over the idle hours of this long weekend. We pick out some of the hottest items on offer to assist in your pursuits.lazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpg05œr LoРeRLžeзLžv7@@ pКЪ€пііііi†—Listen: Best of the Beats 2010Andrew Reinholds gives us a retrospective of his music choices of the year> А156_bigThumbImage.jpg156_smallThumbImage.jpgOur very own music man gives us the low down on his picks of the artists that have been charming his ear this year.listen-best-of-the-beats-2010156_mainImage.jpg05˜ nk" РeRž-7€ѕ žyQ@@ aПЯ€фћ   ѕLazy Labour DayCelebrate your labourous life this long weekend by indulging in some good wholesome activities6 І152_bigThumbImage.jpg152_smallThumbImage.jpgLazy Labour DayFrom bicycle rides to playing head chef for the day, if there ever was a time to entertain in the art of leisure it is over the idle hours of this long weekend. We pick out some of the hottest items on offer to assist in your pursuits.lazy-labour-day152_mainImage.jpging mentioned in the same breath as Radiohead, Coldplay and even U2.listen-build-a-rocket-boys157_mainImage.jpgge.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HHH#їM =њ}9 f­=с5р`~xЌД; |Йь05ЄlectРeR"žmЅ"žzџ@@ vЬм€ёV‚$5Listen: Halcyon Digest by DeerhunterWITH A DISTINCTIVE SOUND, DEERHUNTER CREATE A MOOD OF REFLECTIVE MEMORY AND LONELINESSN Г164_bigThumbImage.jpg164_smallThumbImage.jpgHalycon-DigestAndrew Reinholds reviews Deerhunters fourth album Halcyon DigestAndrew Reinholds, Halcyon Digest, DeerhunterHalcyon Digest the fourth album from Deerhunter sees the band scale new heights of creativity, musical consistency and complexity. Vocalist Bradford Cox has said the album's title 'is a reference to a collection of fond memories and even invented ones...the way that we write and rewrite our memories to be a digest version of what we want to remember, and how that's kind of sad'.listen-halcyon-digest-by-deerhunter164_mainImage.jpg05І proРP”ЎžmАЎžyc@@ gвт€їW‚•ЂГListen: Hotel ShampooLeaning heavily towards psychedelic and experimental, Hotel Shampoo presents a stripped back, simpler soundR Д166_bigThumbImage.jpg166_smallThumbImage.jpgHotel-ShampooAndrew Reinholds reviews Gruff Rhys' new album Hotel ShampooAndrew Reinholds, Hotel Shampoo, Gruff RhysGruff Rhys is better known as lead singer of Welsh band Super Furry Animals, one of the UK's leading left field lights, that has built a wonderfully eccentric body of work over the last fifteen or so years, producing some of the most delightful and fun music of recent times.hotel-shampoo166_mainImage.jpg05Їas rРP”6žqБ6žn|@@ oою€,cˆa}ŽListen: Lisbon by The WalkmenThe Walkmen have taken their time, but Lisbon, their latest album finds a band more comfortable in its new skinT Д167_bigThumbImage.jpg167_smallThumbImage.jpgLisbon-The-WalkmenAndrew Reinholds reviews The Walkmen's new album LisbonAndrew Reinholds, Lisbon, The WalkmenWith the release of their second album Bows + Arrows in 2004, The Walkmen didn't just burst on the scene, they literally tore its doors down. From that album it was the single The Rat that broke them and has remained their best known song. With a violent eruption of anger, bile, abuse and disappointment it has become the giant rodent on their back, the benchmark they continue to be measured against, even still with the release of Lisbon their sixth full length album.listen-lisbon-by-the-walkmen167_mainImage.jpg05ЅportРP”ЇžmАЇžtЊ@ mгу€ј"\q‹œListen: He Who Saw The DeepBest listened to in one setting, I Like Trains concept album weaves a hypnotic spell over the listenerP Д165_bigThumbImage.jpg165_smallThumbImage.jpgHe-Who-Saw-The-DeepAndrew Reinholds reviews I Like Trains He Who Saw The DeepI like Trains, Andrew Reinholds, He Who Saw The DeepNever judge a band by its name. Far from being another anorak wearing UK indie band with an "aren't we oh so obscure" name, I Like Trains are the real deal and have delivered a concept album of epic proportions. The central theme to He Who Saw The Deep is of the acceptance of man's mortality and the loss and suffering that we all must endure. Heavy stuff for sure, and with recent local and global events, definitely a soundtrack for the history we are currently living through.listen-he-who-saw-the-deep165_mainImage.jpg05ЃDiamСХŸažŸpp@€ vйщ€ў,~ОвѕListen: From Country Hai East CottonThe simple charm and warmth of Hiss Golden Messenger's new album keeps you listening time and againL Г163_bigThumbImage.jpg163_smallThumbImage.jpgCountry-Hai-East-CottonAndrew Reinholds reviews Hiss Golden Messenger's new album Country Hai East CottonAndrew Reinholds, Country Hai East Cotton, Hiss Golden MessengerOriginally a US only limited edition release of five hundred hand numbered CDs back in 2009, From Country Hai East Cotton is the work of duo MC Taylor (who for some unknown reason goes by the name of Jai Lil Diamond on this album) and Scott Hirsch a.k.a Hiss Golden Messenger.listen-from-country-hai-east-cotton163_mainImage.jpggjpg05Їas r€Œj6žq6žG@@ oою€,cˆa}ŽListen: Lisbon by The WalkmenThe Walkmen have taken their time, but Lisbon, their latest album finds a band more comfortable in its new skinT Д167_bigThumbImage.jpg167_smallThumbImage.jpgLisbon-The-WalkmenAndrew Reinholds reviews The Walkmen's new album LisbonAndrew Reinholds, Lisbon, The WalkmenWith the release of their second album Bows + Arrows in 2004, The Walkmen didn't just burst on the scene, they literally tore its doors down. From that album it was the single The Rat that broke them and has remained their best known song. With a violent eruption of anger, bile, abuse and disappointment it has become the giant rodent on their back, the benchmark they continue to be measured against, even still with the release of Lisbon their sixth full length album.listen-lisbon-by-the-walkmen167_mainImage.jpg05ЃDiamСХŸaŸG@€ vйщ€ў,~Оеј Listen: From Country Hai East CottonThe simple charm and warmth of Hiss Golden Messenger's new album keeps you listening time and againL Г163_bigThumbImage.jpg163_smallThumbImage.jpgCountry-Hai-East-CottonAndrew Reinholds reviews Hiss Golden Messenger's new album Country Hai East CottonAndrew Reinholds, Country Hai East Cotton, Hiss Golden MessengerOriginally a US only limited edition release of five hundred hand numbered CDs back in 2009, From Country Hai East Cotton is the work of duo MC Taylor (who for some unknown reason goes by the name of Jai Lil Diamond on this album) and Scott Hirsch "“ a.k.a Hiss Golden Messenger.listen-from-country-hai-east-cotton163_mainImage.jpg05Ѕport€ŒjЇžoЇž;@ mгу€ј"\rŒListen: He Who Saw The DeepBest listened to in one setting, I Like Trains concept album weaves a hypnotic spell over the listenerP Д165_bigThumbImage.jpg165_smallThumbImage.jpgHe-Who-Saw-The-DeepAndrew Reinholds reviews I Like Trains He Who Saw The DeepI like Trains, Andrew Reinholds, He Who Saw The DeepNever judge a band by its name. Far from being another anorak wearing UK indie band with an "aren't we oh so obscure" name, I Like Trains are the real deal and have delivered a concept album of epic proportions. The central theme to He Who Saw The Deep is of the acceptance of man's mortality and the loss and suffering that we all must endure. Heavy stuff for sure, and with recent local and global events, definitely a soundtrack for the history we are currently living through.listen-he-who-saw-the-deep165_mainImage.jpg05Ѕport€ŒjЇžmЇžFщ@ mгу€ј"\q‹œListen: He Who Saw The DeepBest listened to in one setting, I Like Trains concept album weaves a hypnotic spell over the listenerP Д165_bigThumbImage.jpg165_smallThumbImage.jpgHe-Who-Saw-The-DeepAndrew Reinholds reviews I Like Trains He Who Saw The DeepI like Trains, Andrew Reinholds, He Who Saw The DeepNever judge a band by its name. Far from being another anorak wearing UK indie band with an "aren't we oh so obscure" name, I Like Trains are the real deal and have delivered a concept album of epic proportions. The central theme to He Who Saw The Deep is of the acceptance of man's mortality and the loss and suffering that we all must endure. Heavy stuff for sure, and with recent local and global events, definitely a soundtrack for the history we are currently living through.listen-he-who-saw-the-deep165_mainImage.jpg and suffering that we all must endure. Heavy stuff for sure, and with recent local and global events, definitely a soundtrack for the history we are currently living through.listen-he-who-saw-the-deep165_mainImage.jpg-is-no-cool169_mainImage.jpgof Jai Lil Diamond on this album) and Scott Hirsch т€“ a.k.a Hiss Golden Messenger.listen-from-country-hai-east-cotton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wЏ8` г Ф WpH•ж `r р5Ў`Tœ­Д# Эљc|05О (thСХјeЉјv@ nпя€5ƒН&ARManchester's Reflective TrioI Am Kloot's newly released fifth album is a step-above previous work with soaring strings and bittersweet lyrics‚ Л190_bigThumbImage.jpg190_smallThumbImage.jpgManchester_Reflective_TrioAndrew Reinholds reviews I am Kloots fifth album, Manchester's Reflective TrioI Am Kloot, Andrew Reinholds, Manchester's Reflective TrioI Am Kloot's fifth album (in a career that has seemingly gone nowhere fast) could just be the one that sees them finally get some well-deserved public recognition. Already nominated for the 2010 Mercury Prize (they were beaten to the post by The XX), Sky at Night continues the Manchester three piece's legacy of everyday stories of life, love and tribulations.manchesters-reflective-trio190_mainImage.jpg05Лs caСХјu_јr-@@ ]АР€еьї 8zŒLush LashesFor a wide-eyed look, we tested out lash extensions and found the results addictive| Й187_bigThumbImage.jpg187_smallThumbImage.jpgLush Lasheseyelash extentionsEyelash extentions, cerise lash bar, posh nailsWe're not all blessed with doe eyes and sweeping lashes - and even if we are, they're never as good as they could be. Thanks to lash bars around the city, even those of us with straight, short or unruly lashes can have the Twiggy-look that lasts up to four weeks. We tested out two places at either end of the price scale.eyelash-extentions187_mainImage.jpg05Гd onСХпžeщпžyц@@ hСб€ц§ G{МбтListen: Wounded RhymesTHE ARTIST WHO ROSE TO FAME ON THE TWILIGHT: NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK LYKKE LI HAS A NEW ALBUMl И179_bigThumbImage.jpg179_smallThumbImage.jpgWounded-RhymesAndrew Reinholds reviews Lykke Li's new album Wounded RhymesTwilight, Andrew Reinholds, Lykke Li, Wounded RhymesIt's been three years since Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson announced her arrival with the critically acclaimed, yet largely ignored album, Youth Novels. In fact it was the dubious distinction of being included on the Twighlight: New Moon soundtrack that gave her exposure to a much bigger (but presumably younger) audience.listen-wounded-rhymes179_mainImage.jpg05И  Xma—IDžu?Р;жDžwЅ@Р aХе€ъGИбрёLUCKY XMAS SHOPMake your contribution to the Auckland City Mission this Xmas at the enchanted High Street Xmas Shopv И 184_bigThumbImage.jpg184_smallThumbImage.jpgLUCKY XMAS SHOPThe High Street Guild support the Auckland City Missionthe high street guild, workshop, zambesi, kate sylvester, auckland city mission, the high st lucky christmas shopThe High Street Guild - a grouped formed by retailers in High Street inlcuding Workshop, Zambesi, and Kate Sylvester amongst others, have come up with an stellar idea to support the Auckland City Mission this Xmas. Enter the enchanted forest and discover an array of mystery gifts.lucky-xmas-shop184_mainImage.jpg05Аhn P@[s>ž!М>žv@@ tяџ€+As””ГФListen: The Fall - A RetrospectiveWith an eagerly awaited Auckland show looming, Andrew Reinholds gives us five reasons to love his favourite band - The Fallf И176_bigThumbImage.jpg176_smallThumbImage.jpgThe-Fall-RetrospectiveAndrew Reinholds looks at The Fall across the agesThe Fall, Andrew Reinholds, musicMancunian legends The Fall return to these shores for the first time in twenty years, to play a one-off show at Auckland's Powerstation on December 13th. Once famously described by legendary UK radio DJ John Peel as being "always different, always the same. They're just The Fall "“ the band by which, in our house, all the others are judged". Theirs has been a truely unique journey, happy to be viewed as unruly outsiders stubbornly refusing to compromise on the singular vision of head honcho Mark E Smith.listen-the-fall-a-retrospective176_mainImage.jpg05Дthe @[sџ!ОџtЅ@ sмь€)“ЖXx‰Live in Sydney: Unknown PleasuresAndrew Reinholds travels to Sydney to review Unknown Pleasures before this week's performance in Aucklandn И180_bigThumbImage.jpg180_smallThumbImage.jpgUnknown-PleasuresAndrew Reinholds heads along to Sydney's Unknown Pleasures - a celebration of Joy Division with Peter HookUnknown Pleasures, Andrew ReinholdsI headed along to Unknown Pleasures: A live celebration of Joy Division with Peter Hook & Friends live at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney this past weekend. Joy Division's seminal post-punk album remains one of the great pieces of 20th century art. Ian Curtis' kafkaesque lyrics, combined with the genius deconstructed production of Martin Hannett to create a sound that is at once timeless, unique and beautifully bleak.live-in-sydney-unknown-pleasures180_mainImage.jpg05М et="РeR2ž<€ѕ 1žVм@@ `œЌ€СицпэўMan About TownWe handpick a selection of gifts perfect for the modern man.~ К188_bigThumbImage.jpg188_smallThumbImage.jpgMan about TownGifts for the Man about Town.man about town, gifts, male,Instead of being a man about town, please the significant other in your life by showing off your nesting prowess. We take a look at the most coveted items sure to keep your man looking dapper.man-about-town188_mainImage.jpg05Бhe cРP”Dž!ИDžyД@@ nЪк€я/Listen: The Fool by WarpaintWith their effortlessly hypnotic style Warpaint, are set to impress at the Laneways Festivalh И177_bigThumbImage.jpg177_smallThumbImage.jpgThe FoolWhen singer-guitarist sings "I know I'm afraid, I know I'm drunk and I'm tired, And the city I walk in feels like it swallows" on Shadows the line comes of creeping with a sinister tension that is the common thread underpinning the entire album.listen-the-fool-by-warpaint177_mainImage.jpgown Pleasures before this week's performance in Aucklandn И180_bigThumbImage.jpg180_smallThumbImage.jpgUnknown-PleasuresAndrew Reinholds heads along to Sydney's Unknown Pleasures - a celebration of Joy Division with Peter HookUnknown Pleasures, Andrew ReinholdsI headed along to Unknown Pleasures: A live celebration of Joy Division with Peter Hook & Friends live at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney this past weekend. Joy Division's seminal post-punk album remains one of the great pieces of 20th century art. Ian Curtis' kafkaesque lyrics, combined with the genius deconstructed production of Martin Hannett to create a sound that is at once timeless, unique and beautifully bleak.live-in-sydney-unknown-pleasures180_mainImage.jpg05М et="@[s1ž=Р;ж0žF‘@@ `ар€ѕ 7SЎMan About TownInstead of being a man about town, please the significant other in your life by showing off your nesting prowess~ К188_bigThumbImage.jpg188_smallThumbImage.jpgMan about TownGifts for the Man about Town.man about town, gifts, male,We handpick a selection of gifts perfect for the modern man.man-about-town188_mainImage.jpg05М et="РeR2ž<€ѕ 1žVм@@ `œЌ€СицпэўMan About TownWe handpick a selection of gifts perfect for the modern man.~ К188_bigThumbImage.jpg188_smallThumbImage.jpgMan about TownGifts for the Man about Town.man about town, gifts, male,Instead of being a man about town, please the significant other in your life by showing off your nesting prowess. We take a look at the most coveted items sure to keep your man looking dapper.man-about-town188_mainImage.jpgn, gifts, male,man-about-town188_mainImage.jpg05М et="—I1ž=Р;ж0ž=ъ@@ `ар€ѕ 7SSarMan About TownInstead of being a man about town, please the significant other in your life by showing off your nesting prowess~ К188_bigThumbImage.jpg188_smallThumbImage.jpgMan about TownGifts for the Man about Town.man about town, gifts, male,man-about-town188_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!иииииии`oВ1 цOm" ­5Џ`m ЎД ьЄд05Рand €Œj„ži;Р;жƒžx`@@ eЅЕ€ЪсўHхј Micro-Hydra-brationUnviel the youthful you with this new specialised skin treatment† Л192_bigThumbImage.jpg192_smallThumbImage.jpgMirco hydra-bration treatmentspecialised micro hydra-brationskin treatment, beauty, mirco hydra-brationSummer is the perfect time to take a closer look at our skin care. Whether we've meant to or not, we're all guilty of spending long afternoons in the sun. It's no surprise then that our skin can become tired and clogged up with sunscreen, make up and moisturiser. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're doing enough with regular cleansing and exfoliation. To get real results we need to get deep - real deep.micro-hydra-bration192_mainImage.jpg05С€ŒjžuвžzЧ@ kЉЙ€Юх§2lШрёMiller's Refreshment RoomServing up a daily dose of the good stuff to those in the knowˆ Л193_bigThumbImage.jpg193_smallThumbImage.jpgMillers-Refreshment-RoomMillers-Refreshment-Room-and-coffee-roasting-and-cafeFresh-daily-coffee-bar-authentic-roasting-cross-st-MillersTucked away down the quiet end of Cross street off Auckland's K-Road, Miller's coffee operate their boutique coffee roasting business. Having been in the coffee game since 1984, the Miller's not only know a few things about what it takes to make an excellent brew, they also value the sense of community the sharing of your daily coffee can create.millers-refreshment-room193_mainImage.jpg05ПburnРP” ži žG$@@ „ою€0i‘HyŠManic Street Preachers: Postcards From A Young ManFor a band who felt their time was running out, it seems they have a lot more left to give„ Л191_bigThumbImage.jpg191_smallThumbImage.jpgManic-Street-PreachersAndrew Reinholds reviews Manic Street Preachers new albumAndrew Reinholds, Manic Street PreachersEighteen years since the launch of their debut album Generation Terrorists Wales, Manic Street Preachers have become an unlikely British rock institution. Unlikely because back then they were hell bent on burning fast with an eye on creating as much notoriety for themselves as possible with their androgynous lyrics and glam punk leftist leanings. As one writer put it so succinctly "a band who felt their time was already running out".manic-street-preachers-postcards-from-a-young-man191_mainImage.jpg05Пburn—I žiš žy”@@ „ою€0i‘Gx‰Manic Street Preachers: Postcards From A Young ManFor a band who felt their time was running out, it seems they have a lot more left to give„ Л191_bigThumbImage.jpg191_smallThumbImage.jpgManic-Street-PreachersAndrew Reinholds reviews Manic Street Preachers new albumAndrew Reinholds, Manic Street PreachersEighteen years since the launch of their debut album Generation Terrorists Wales, Manic Street Preachers have become an unlikely British rock institution. Unlikely because back then they were hell bent on burning fast with an eye on creating as much notoriety for themselves as possible with their androgynous lyrics and glam punk leftist leanings. As one writer put it so succinctly "a band who felt their time was already running out".manic-street-preachers-postcards-from-a-young-man191_mainImage.jpgws Manic Street Preachers new albumAndrew Reinholds, Manic Street PreachersEighteen years since the launch of their debut album Generation Terrorists Wales, Manic Street Preachers have become an unlikely British rock institution. Unlikely because back then they were hell bent on burning fast with an eye on creating as much notoriety for themselves as possible with their androgynous lyrics and glam punk leftist leanings. As one writer put it so succinctly т€œa band who felt their time was already running outт€.manic-street-preachers-postcards-from-a-young-man191_mainImage.jpg05Рand @FЕƒžiƒž:@` eЅЕ€ЪсўHхј Micro-Hydra-brationUnviel the youthful you with this new specialised skin treatment† Л192_bigThumbImage.jpg192_smallThumbImage.jpgMirco hydra-bration treatmentspecialised micro hydra-brationskin treatment, beauty, mirco hydra-brationSummer is the perfect time to take a closer look at our skin care. Whether we've meant to or not, we're all guilty of spending long afternoons in the sun. It's no surprise then that our skin can become tired and clogged up with sunscreen, make up and moisturiser. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're doing enough with regular cleansing and exfoliation. To get real results we need to get deep - real deep.micro-hydra-bration192_mainImage.jpg05Сew t@FЕžwž: @` kЉЙ€Юх§2lШрёMiller's Refreshment RoomServing up a daily dose of the good stuff to those in the knowˆ Л193_bigThumbImage.jpg193_smallThumbImage.jpgMillers-Refreshment-RoomMillers-Refreshment-Room-and-coffee-roasting-and-cafeFresh-daily-coffee-bar-authentic-roasting-cross-st-MillersTucked away down the quiet end of Cross street off Auckland's K-Road, Miller's coffee operate their boutique coffee roasting business. Having been in the coffee game since 1984, the Miller's not only know a few things about what it takes to make an excellent brew, they also value the sense of community the sharing of your daily coffee can create.millers-refreshment-room193_mainImage.jpg05Пburn€Œj ži ž:х@` „ою€0i‘J{ŒManic Street Preachers: Postcards From A Young ManFor a band who felt their time was running out, it seems they have a lot more left to give„ Л191_bigThumbImage.jpg191_smallThumbImage.jpgManic-Street-PreachersAndrew Reinholds reviews Manic Street Preachers new albumAndrew Reinholds, Manic Street PreachersEighteen years since the launch of their debut album Generation Terrorists Wales, Manic Street Preachers have become an unlikely British rock institution. Unlikely because back then they were hell bent on burning fast with an eye on creating as much notoriety for themselves as possible with their androgynous lyrics and glam punk leftist leanings. As one writer put it so succinctly "a band who felt their time was already running outт€.manic-street-preachers-postcards-from-a-young-man191_mainImage.jpg05Пburn€Œj ži ž;@` „ою€0i‘Iz‹Manic Street Preachers: Postcards From A Young ManFor a band who felt their time was running out, it seems they have a lot more left to give„ Л191_bigThumbImage.jpg191_smallThumbImage.jpgManic-Street-PreachersAndrew Reinholds reviews Manic Street Preachers new albumAndrew Reinholds, Manic Street PreachersEighteen years since the launch of their debut album Generation Terrorists Wales, Manic Street Preachers have become an unlikely British rock institution. Unlikely because back then they were hell bent on burning fast with an eye on creating as much notoriety for themselves as possible with their androgynous lyrics and glam punk leftist leanings. As one writer put it so succinctly "a band who felt their time was already running out".manic-street-preachers-postcards-from-a-young-man191_mainImage.jpga tour of her city - Auckland.<5Ы  is an oЩžiЩž'@Рsx sЩй€йййййыMy City: Auckland by Murry SweetpantsThe DJ extraordinaire knows a thing or two about what's happening in his town Aucklandœ РAs the morning host of The Long Black on the burgeoning radio station, Ponsonby Radio, and renowned go-to DJ for any party worth attending, Murry Sweetpants knows a thing or two about living the good life. He is an obvious choice to take us on a tour of his city, Auckland. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!шшшшшшшшшi`ф Ў5а`(šЏ–2^ *ДBx05е pt S@FЕLž5Lž=L@@ ^^n€ƒššššЪжчMy Fair LadyА Щ213_bigThumbImage.jpg213_smallThumbImage.jpgAn assortment of ideal gifts for the fairer sex.my-fair-lady213_mainImage.jpg05е pt S€ŒjLž5LžC@@ ^„”€ЉРРРРРЬнMy Fair LadyAn ideal assortment of gifts for womenА Щ213_bigThumbImage.jpg213_smallThumbImage.jpgmy-fair-lady213_mainImage.jpg05е pt S@[sLž4LžQы@@ ^€ВЩеYevMy Fair LadyAn ideal assortment of gifts for the fairer sexА Щ213_bigThumbImage.jpg213_smallThumbImage.jpgMy Fair LadyAn ideal assortment of gifts for the fairer sexlady, women, gift,We handpick a selection of gifts perfect for the lady in your life.my-fair-lady213_mainImage.jpgurrent home town  Р After a five year stint based in Bali, New Zealand interior designer Brigid Eyley now calls Bangkok home. Her company Hemisphere Design designs and consults on a vast array of projects including tropical resorts, restaurants, retail stores and private residences for clients based all over the world, Brigid revels in the exploration of her new home city. Residing with her husband Simon Grigg, daughter Isabella and two frisky dogs, Brigid spends much of her time exploring beyond the beaten track, discovering great food and design in one of the world's most vibrant regions.<5Ю y of StrЯž!Яž'CРsx oИШ€ШШШШШ‘My City: Dunedin by Sara AspinallCompany of Strangers designer Sara Aspinall takes us on a tour of DunedinЂ Р When we think of Dunedin we can reflect on a youthful haze commonly associated with student life. But as the South Island's second largest city, and home to such celebrated fashion labels as Nom *D and Company of Strangers, there is more to this city than just being a temporary home to thousands of university students. Sara Aspinall is the perfect local to expand our horizons and introduce us to the best that this beautiful historic city has to offer.<5Яe workin’ži’ž'DРs( lГУ€УУУУУKMy City: Gisborne by Jae MillsThe fashion designer takes us on an insider's tour through his hometownЄ Р From the outside fashion designer Jae Mills of the label Commoners_Alike, and buyer for Black Box Boutique seems like he would know more about the urban streets of big cities such as London where he spent time working early in his career, than small town New Zealand. However, this design talent still enjoys indulging in his Gisborne roots. Here he takes us to his favourite hometown haunts.<5аd Mooks,ьžiьž'EРsx tЩй€ййййй^My City: Hawkes Bay by Kirsha WhitcherFounder of the Hawkes Bay based fashion label Salasai introduces her favourite hauntsІ Р Fashion designer Kirsha Whitcher is renowned for her strong and tailored silhouettes. Launching her own fashion label Salasai in 2006 after a stint based in Melbourne as head of womenswear for streetwear brand Mooks, Kirsha has been a celebrated fixture at New Zealand Fashion Week since the inception of her label. Here she takes us through her favourite spots in her hometown Hawkes Bay.<5б pecialisиžwиž'FРsh nФд€ддддд“My City: Hong Kong by Sam LennonNew Zealand designer Sam Lennon shares some of his favourite spots in his new hometownЈ ШDeparting New Zealand earlier in the year to take up a role as lead designer for a design and production company based in Hong Kong, furniture designer Sam Lennon has since worked on some enviable projects. Specialising in events for such companies as the uber chic Lane Crawford department store, Lennon recently transformed an empty warehouse into an exhibition space to showcase films commissioned by designer Phillip Lim. The space included custom designed bars, furniture and lighting. Currently in the process of designing a temporary pavilion for Hennessey for the roof top of a hotel in Macau, Sam took a moment out of his intense schedule to show us the sights in his new home town - Hong Kong.<5в erly magЕžsЕž'GРsX pКЪ€ЪЪЪЪЪдMy City: Sydney by Marina DidovichThe globe trotting fashion stylist takes us on a tour of her current home Њ ШWith a successful Trans-Tasman career as a fashion stylist, Marina Didovich knows a thing or two about pulling together a visually arresting look. Her current role as fashion editor-at-large for Fashion Quarterly magazine, previous styling jobs for Russh, Cleo and Men's Style magazines, and on-going freelance styling jobs in Sydney, she's well equipped at casting her well-trained eye to curate the best looks for the season ahead. Here, she takes us on a tour of her favourite haunts in her current home town - Sydney.<5г  approacМž!Мž'HРs( sар€рррррыMy City: Wellington by Alexandra OwenWith worldly ambitions ahead, we ask fashion's darling to recall her favourite places at homeЌ ШImpressing critics worldwide with her New York Fashion Week debut last year, fashion designer Alexandra Owen is at the forefront of an evolving New Zealand design scene. With a sophisticated, classic tailored approach to her garments, she represents a forgotten elegance. Her clothes are designed 'for working women who want to appear feminine without compromising their dignity.' Impressed by her considered approach to design, we thought her the perfect candidate to give us a personal tour of her hometown - Wellington.<5д  - dubbeЩž!Щž'IРs( wці€ііііійMy City: Wellington by Twenty-Seven NamesYouthful and fun in approach, the girls from Twenty-Seven Names take us to their favourite haunts in WellingtonЎ ШFashion designers and best friends Rachel Easting and Anjali Stewart have inspired a cult-like following with their label Twenty-Seven Names since its inception five years ago. The winter collection this year - dubbed as the Fearsome Five references school uniforms of the past with blazers and early 90s florals, polkadots and velvets reigning supreme throughout. With this in mind, we asked them for a youthful breakdown of where they like to hang out in their hometown Wellington.05е pt StoreLž7Lž'JФsh ZZj€jjjjjšMy Fair LadyА ЩAn assortment of ideal gifts for the fairer sex.<5ж lopmentaџqџ'KРsh tлы€ыыыыыJMy Space: Liam Bowden of Deadly PoniesThe coveted accessories designer gives us an inside tour of the space where he creates his masterpeicesВ ЩMadden Street in the industrial quarter of Auckland's viaduct has a grungy appeal. With empty lots of land yet to be developed and neighbouring sections in varying states of completion, there's an air of developmental anticipation. Liam Bowden, founder of Deadly Ponies chose this area as his homebase for his covetable brand that produces leather bags and unique jewellery. Its central location makes it easy for buyers to get to, and its slight obscurity lends well to inspiration. It's also a good place to display the designer's collection of taxidermy - much of which provides inspiration for his work.<5з School oŸeŸ'LРsh m­€­­­­­иMystic Realism; Modest GesturesAn exhibition of new works by artist Steve Carr Д ЩDescribing his works as often portraying 'beautiful little moments' artist Steve Carr's work often illustrates a distinct sense of humour. Latest works by the accomplished artist and lecturer at Whitecliffe School of Art and Design, will go on display at Michael Lett Gallery in Auckland this week.05е pt StoreLž5Lž;1ФsP \\l€lllllœЈMy Fair LadyА ЩAn assortment of ideal gifts for the fairer sex.my-fair-lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FFFFFFFFbb$‚ _чА†qлЇCaT< =фѓPН€ЉЊаЉЊ€ЉЊT> hЈГ"“АЊœwhich arЋœicant influeT@  ЛхѓPНЋбЈCврЋб „ˆTB О хГ"ѓPНАЊœwhich arЋœicant influeTD ї•Г"ѓPНАЊœwhich arЋœicant influeАL 

With an impressively long supporting cast the duo have created a mini album (clocking in at just seven tracks) that simply charms you to listen, with its laid back fusion of glistening seventies Americana rock, folk, country and electronica – in fact it could almost be the perfect MOR companion to Band of Horses, The National et al.

Opener ‘Isobel’ is a wonderful blues-tinged ballad opener (“you are the sun to my heart’s cold frost”), as Taylor’s vocals and the beautifully paced melody simply wrap you up inside their warmth

Things pick up quickly with the pop tinged Watchout for the Cannonball supported by a happy-go-lucky synth-string section and charging beat.  From there, ‘John Has Gone to the Light’ offers a complete change in tack with its dub inspired groove, echos, loops and spartan notes from a number of instruments.

The changes continue at pace – ‘Row’  conjures the spirit of Jerry Rafferty jamming with Steely Dan via banjo, violin, slide pedal, electric piano, hand claps and assorted percussion.

And the surprises keep coming – final two tracks ‘Lion’ and ‘Resurrection Blues’ ensure we go out on a high with their piano driven melodies providing a rich and much darker texture to what has come before.

In the end, this is not an album that is going to change your life, or dramatically alter your perceptions and views on the current state of music.  But its simple charm and warmth will draw you back again and again – nothing like a little sunshine and smile on a dull, grey and wet Auckland winter's day.



Ш N 

Indeed, the entire album is cloaked in a distinctive mood and atmosphere that hauntingly creates a mood of reflective memory, lost innocence and loneliness.

Opening track Earthquake sets the mood with its haunting guitar pattern and crushed vocal fragments as Cox laments, 'do you think of me?  Your long lost friend from the sea'.  From there we are taken on a roller coaster journey of gorgeously textured tracks reinforcing the newfound maturity and clarity of the writing.

There’s still time for some great shimmering pop too, most notably on Desire Lines, six and a half minutes of anthemic spiraling guitars and ethereal vocal harmonies – a wonderful balance of classic pop structures and musical wanderings, 'walking free, come with me, far away, everyday'.

First single Helicopter seems to be snatched from the same dreamscape as Earthquake with its percussion led snaps and lullaby like simplicity, 'no one cares for me, I keep no company, I have minimal needs, and now they are through with me,' croons Cox as the harmony soars.

The album’s closer 'He Would Have Laughed' is one final lament to the passing of time.  An emotional tribute to the death of young garage-rocker Jay Reatard, is a soaring eight minute epic featuring looping beats and guitars.

Halcyon Digest is the sound of a band discovering itself and coming of age.  Whether or not this album sees them receive some/any sort of mainstream recognition remains to be seen.  It’s unlikely they’ll be too worried if once again their efforts fall on deaf ears.

Most fans will more than likely have this already.  For the curious or uninitiated, Halcyon Digest comes highly recommended.



T—щ}Аn LoѓPŽрЖу Chris r0Зуback to WellT щќž AftѓPŽ@Нg overseНndon and SydŠ—щ

Don’t get us wrong, we’ve taken to the World Cup atmosphere with gusto, but in the midst of magazine deadlines, we are revelling in the idea of a quiet weekend escape. While there is no way we will be missing out on Saturday’s game with our boys in black, the idea of a night at Mollies, watching them play the French (with a glass of French) seems like the welcome dose of escapism we will need at the end of the week.

For those making the trip up to view the action from the sidelines, we think it's the perfect chance to make the weekend just that little more special. And it seems the fine folk at Mollies do too. For just $750, a room at the boutique hideaway can be yours for the night, complete with a five course degustation dinner with matching wines, gourmet breakfast on the terrace and an aptly considered complimentary late checkout.

Mollies Boutique Hotel
6 Tweed Street
St Marys Bay

ph (09) 376 3489




Don’t get us wrong, we’ve taken to the World Cup atmosphere with gusto, but in the midst of magazine deadlines, we are revelling in the idea of a quiet weekend escape. While there is no way we will be missing out on Saturday’s game with our boys in black, the idea of a night at Mollies, watching them play the French (with a glass of French) seems like the welcome dose of escapism we will need at the end of the week.

For those making the trip up to view the action from the sidelines, we think it's the perfect chance to make the weekend just that little more special. And it seems the fine folk at Mollies do too. For just $750, a room at the boutique hideaway can be yours for the night, complete with a five course degustation dinner with matching wines, gourmet breakfast on the terrace and an aptly considered complimentary late checkout.

Mollies Boutique Hotel
6 Tweed Street
St Marys Bay

ph (09) 376 3489




T™ДЉѓPŽ`НАН>Mollies Boutique Hotel
6 Tweed Street
St Marys Bay


Jamie McLellan - Product Designer, Jamie McLellan Design

1. My summer break kicks off with a voyage from Wellington to Nelson. It looks like Christmas day will be spent sailing through French Pass, which, being my first time, is pretty exciting. The only way through is a narrow gap on the south side, to be negotiated only at slack tide. One look at Google Maps gives an idea as to how treacherous it is; rocks, incredibly strong currents, whirlpools, foaming water.

2. Once in Tasman Bay, I'm looking forward to visiting Kaiteriteri. I haven't been here for years, but I remember it being a gem of a spot.

3. Early in the New Year I will head home and hang about Auckland for a few days. I love being in town during this time. Everything is quiet and calm. Inner city trips to Chelteham Beach are guaranteed, and perhaps a high tide bacon 'n' egg pie at Whatipu.

4. After this, I’ll set off for some more sailing on the Hauraki. This will most likely include a stopover at the Kawau Island Yacht Club for a burger and chips. If I’m feeling brave, we may venture as far as Port Fizroy on Great Barrier Island, if not perhaps we'll just sift around the south side of Waiheke.

5. Back to work for a couple of weeks before heading to Kashmir for some skiing. Not sure what to expect here. 3 weeks of sub-zero temperatures will be a shock to the system, but I'm sure the powder and curries will more than make up for the change in temperature.


Tatum Savage - Communication Manager, M.A.C Cosmetics

A common theme runs through my summer activities: music, food and wine; but the best thing about these themes is that I’ll be enjoying them each time with the people I love the most. 

1. The diary for December is filling up fast, as with most diaries over the silly season. I’ll be kicking off summer with lunches and dinners with work colleagues, friends and family at my favourite restaurants on Ponsonby Rd.  I’ll be sharing the love between my favourite haunts: Ponsonby Road Bistro, Prego, SPQR and MooChowChow.  

2. I’ll be heading down to Gisborne with friends for the Rhythm and Vines music festival over New Years. As a virgin R&V’er I’m not too sure what to expect but I'm looking forward to the likes of Yuksek, and Grandmaster Flash (to bring back some good old memories!) and supporting our buddies People of Paris. Pendulum will no doubt get the entire crowd on their feet as they did at Big Day Out a few years ago too. I suspect that our downtime will be spent lying by the pool at our rental on Wainui Beach with a good book and glass of rosé – after a busy year I'm looking forward to a lot of downtime.

3. I’ll be getting my injection of 80s rock ’n’ soul music on the 29th of January at the Hall & Oates concert at Villa Maria Estate Winery. We’ll be taking a picnic blanket, parking up with another bottle of wine and hoping for sunshine. 

4. The following day I’ll be heading to the Laneway Festival with a big group of friends to enjoy some of our favourite artists perform including M83, Feist, The Horrors and Gotye. Gav (my husband) and I have gone with our friends to Laneway since it graced our NZ shores and it is always guaranteed to be an epic day. Seeing Florence & The Machine and The XX perform live will go down as a couple of the best hours of my life.

5. In February we’ll be taking a long weekend and heading down to Wine Country in the Hawkes Bay. I’ve always wanted to do the bicycle tour around the region and dine at the likes of Black Barn and Craggy Range…but I’ll see how that goes. Perhaps a taxi service would be safer?


Dayne Johnston - Menswear Designer, Zambesi

1.  I will be spending Christmas day in Auckland with my best good friends Karen Inderbitzen-Waller and Delphine Avril Planqueel. We are planning a champagne breakfast in the garden of their Sandringham home. 

2.  On Christmas night I am flying to Paris which I am extremely excited about. I travel to Paris twice a year and this time I have rented an apartment in Paris using the site; Airbnb, lots of people have recommended this site and the experience I have had so far with it has been great. The apartment is located in the famous Isle St Louis which is one of the islands in the middle of the Seine. I will be staying there for a month with a friend, although it will be cold, winter is my favourite season, I am not really a summer person. I can’t wait to be on holiday! 

3.  Once I get to Paris I am looking forward to spending time in my favourite area, the Marais, but also strolling around and discovering new places. Some of my regular haunts will be; Le Perle, a bar located on 78 Rue Vielle du Temple, in the Marais.  I am looking forward to doing simple things like eating Falafel in Rue des Rosiers, the historic Jewish quarter. I will take many trips out to Montmartre, lighting a candle at the famous Sacre-Coeur is a traditional thing for me to do. One year I spent New Year’s Eve up at Sacre-Coeur with a friend and we attended a service, it was one of the most beautiful things I have experienced. I am in Paris for a while so it will be a nice time to soak up the local life and improve my French while I'm at it - as it's pretty bad at the moment.

 4.  I plan to do a few trips further a-field than Paris. I haven’t planned anything in concrete but on the list is a trip to London via the Euro Star to catch up with a few friends, it takes about two hours to get there from Paris. I would also like to take a trip to somewhere I have never been before, a city that fascinates me is Stockholm in Sweden. 

5. Men’s Paris fashion week starts on the 19th January and goes for four days. I will be attending shows of designers we buy for the Zambesi stores including Rick Owens, Raf Simons and Martin Margiela. This week is always amazing and I am on the lookout for something new to add to our collections. 



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Ralph Pucci International. 12th & 9th Floors, 44 West 18th Street, New York NY 10011.

Ralph Pucci International is renowned globally as one of the most innovative manufacturers of shop mannequins in the world. Twice yearly since the 1950's the company unveils new look mannequins in conjunction with fashion designers and models such as Christy Turlington. Understanding that furniture and mannequins should be integrated, Pucci introduced furniture, art and sculpture into the mix over a decade ago. The recent addition of Gallery Nine on the 9th floor of their 18th Street location is stunning space that showcases  art, sculptures, photography, as well as, lighting, furniture and furnishings by a variety of new artists and designers. A recent exhibition was a sculptural tribute to Noguchi.  

4. Gallaghers Art & Fashion Gallery - 111 Fourth Avenue, New York, NY 10003

It's no surprise that this is one of my favourite places in NYC - if you're into books and magazines that relate to fashion, design and popular culture, you'll find this store packed with anything you could ever dream of finding. Back issues of magazines both familiar (Vogue, Esquire, Interview) and obscure (Status & Diplomat, Charm, She) while gazing at original photography and curated exhibits. It would be easy to spend the entire day here.

5. Le Bain Roof Top Bar, The Standard Hotel, 848 Washington Street @ 13th Street, New York,  NY 10012

For an absolutely unbeatable view of downtown Manhattan you can't go past the recently opened Le Bain, situated on the 18th floor and rooftop above The Standard hotel, the bar and roof reflect a chic backyard with (synthetic) grass covering the floor, dusty pink Acapulco chairs and circular water bed loungers.  Open from midday serving cocktails, salads and sandwiches, you'll want to get in early if you don't want to convince the evening's host that you are worthy enough to make it beyond their very tricky velvet rope.

6. Atelier New York - Menswear. 304 Hudson Street,New York, NY 10013

Call me old fashioned but I like to buy gifts for the men in my life - and Atelier is one of the best places in the world to do it. A beautifully edited selection of menswear designers from around the world, with stunning accessories to match all housed in a beautiful space replete with impressive parquet flooring . If all the men in the world would shop here the world would be a very good looking place indeed.


Call me old fashioned but I like to buy gifts for the men in my life - and Atelier is one of the best places in the world to do it. A beautifully edited selection of menswear designers from around the world, with stunning accessories to match all housed in a beautiful space replete with impressive parquet flooring . If all the men in the world would shop here the world would be a very good looking place indeed.

d looking place indeed.

looking place indeed.

good looking place indeed.

good looking place indeed.

good looking place indeed.

d looking place indeed.


ome back from the dead, and despite not bringing anything particularly new to their style, when The Dears get it right, their mixture of big guitars, strings, deep percussion and Lightbody’s dramatic voice prove there is still plenty of life left in their legs for the moment.


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It’s probably no surp0 R 

It’s probably no surprise given he is the son of Ioan Bowen Rees – “a poet, essayist, polemicist, mountaineer, internationalist and white robe druid of the Gorsedd of Bards” according to his Guardian obituary

More recently, as well as the odd solo album, he has collaborated with artists as varied as De La Soul and Gorillaz (on Plastic Beach), the sadly no longer with us Mark Linkous band Sparklehorse and Danger Mouse.

Leaning heavily towards a psychedelic and experimental sound, Hotel Shampoo, his third solo effort, doesn’t represent a major departure for Rhys; if anything it is a more stripped back simpler sound than the full on head rush of the SFA experience.

The album’s title is a reference to his, by all accounts, impressive collection of hotel shampoo he has collected over the years while touring.  And the album does have a wonderful hotel bar soundtrack feel to it, with the songs driven along by some gorgeous piano melodies – you can almost the picture the lone, unappreciated Rhys in the far corner while you sip your drink at the bar, with barely another soul in the room.

It’s a beautifully lush record, perfectly the album’s title, with the easy on the air harmonies and song structures reminiscent of the late 60s Beach Boys.  Other references would be the Motown-esque Sensations In the Dark  and the Sinatra and Hazlewood inspired Space Dust #2

There’s still time for some mischief on album opener Shark Infested Waters, with the song’s protagonist passionately declaring “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but lately I’ve been feeling like I’m truly…at the end”   

Overall though, it’s a gloriously warm, humorous and charming record.  Effortless and understated, it suggests that creatively he remains at the peak of his powers despite his phenomenal output.

Indeed, it’s further evidence that he is a performer and songwriter of remarkable talent and deserves to be inducted into music’s alternative left-field hall of fame where he would sit very comfortably alongside other more well known luminaries such as Jarvis Cocker.

It’s impossible for this record won’t put a smile on your face – enjoy!

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Stranded is arguably the most powerful demonstration of where The Walkmen have washed up.  Boasting an almost timeless quality, Leithauser’s vocals almost croon over the mariachi horns as he tells his story of loss and slow decline into the abyss.

Further sepia tinged memories are conjured on All My Great Designs and While I Shovel The Snow where one can almost taste the bourbon being sipped by the lone drinker in the empty salon as the band plays on in the background.

Elsewhere, there is still time for classic Walkmen trademarks to be displayed – be it Matt Barrick’s demanding and propulsive drumming on Angela Surf City to Pete Bauer’s upright piano and layered guitar work of Paul Maroon.

It would appear that, finally, The Rat has been laid to rest.  The Walkmen have taken their time, but the evolution has been well worth the wait, Lisbon is an album that finds a band more than comfortable in its new skin.



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It’s probably too ear,d!

With the ever-popular QueenСd!

With the ever-popular Queenstown Winter Fest fast approaching we're readying ourselves for the all the glamourous action. Our friends at Veuve Clicquot will continue what they do best with a celebration of the greatest of Queenstown with a party aptly titled: Clicquot in the Snow.  Having kicked off the Veuve Clicquot Season during the summer months, hosting events at the Karaka Premiere Yearling Sales and the New Zealand Polo Open, Clicquot now turns its attention to winter and Queenstown.

Clicquot in the Snow is set to be the most highly anticipated party at Queenstown Winter Fest.

Lucky for you our readers, we have a chance for two of you to enjoy your very own Clicquot in the Snow.  Join The Denizen and other Veuve Clicquot VIPs, and be picked up from Queenstown wharf, whisked across the lake in a boat to the brand new Hilton at Kawarau Falls. There you will enjoy Veuve Clicquot, canapés, the best of entertainment and breathtaking views back across Lake Wakatipu and beyond.

To be eligible to win, you will need to be in Queenstown on Wednesday 29 June 2011.

Answer the question below:

Who was the Master of Ceremonies at this month’s Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic, Governors Island, New York?

Email your answer and contact details to us here no later than Tuesday 21 June 2011.


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Lom believes in the philosophy of treating "like with like" using essential oils to break up the natural skin oils without stripping away the skin's natural moisture. The cleanser is a blend of hops, cloves, eucalyptus and chamomile oils with cocoa butter. Hops is a natural rinse aid that works as a toner, clove oil is a natural antiseptic that encourages clear skin, eucalyptus is a powerful decongestant that helps in the elimination of toxins. These oils combined with cocoa butter leave the skin soft and conditioned and in no need for additional moisturisers.

The cleanser comes with a muslin cloth that plays an important role in the overall cleansing process, once the cleanser is massaged into the skin the muslin cloth is soaked in hot water and gently rubbed over the skin removing excess cleanser and skin cells in the process. 

There is no doubt this cleanser makes your skin feel silky smooth without leaving the greasy residue one might expect from a mineral oil based cleanser.

Available from Mecca Cosmetica

100ml jar with muslin cloth $149



I love scallops, they have Christmas written all over them and are a great way to kick off the festivities. If you haven't got a friendly diver hanging around,  Seamart down in the Auckland Viaduct has these tasty little morsels ready for you to scoop up.
Being that it's Christmas it's out with the diet - bring on the yummy foods we have banned from the kitchen! This dish is so quick and easy.... you can tell them you've been slaving away for hours!


Gremolata crumb:
One lemon zested
Two garlic cloves chopped
A hand full of Italian parsley chopped
One cup of panko crumb
Mix together with a pinch of seasoning

Tajarin al Tartufo- truffle egg pasta from Sabato $16.90 for 250 grams, it goes a long way. 

Lemon mascarpone cream sauce
Two cloves garlic chopped
Half a red chili chopped
A hand full of parsley chopped
One small fennel bulb chopped
A teaspoon of truffle paste
Half a cup of white wine
The juice from two lemons
250gm mascarpone
Knob of butter


Heat saucepan, fry off garlic, chili, fennel for about two minutes.  Add wine and reduce, add lemon juice and reduce, then take off heat and add the mascarpone, truffle paste, parsley and stir until it blends into a creamy sauce. Don't heat this too much as it will split.
You can cook your pasta beforehand in salted water for about three minutes and refresh under cold water and have it waiting in the wings. Splash a small dash of olive oil over it to stop it from sticking together.

To cook the scallops heat a frying pan, add a knob of butter with olive oil and heat till the butter is bubbling but not burning. Toss your scallops in beaten egg with lemon  then toss them in your crumb mixture.  You can also flour your scallops before they go into the egg mix, I don't as I find it makes them a bit too stodgy.  Place into your frying pan and cook quickly. They should take about two minutes max. Seafood is ruined with too much cooking, but I don't need to tell you that  - your seasoned gourmands!       

Now for the finale.

Put your pasta in the sauce and heat through gently, check the seasoning, and then place a spoon full on the each plate. Add some watercress on top to add some colour, then your scallops, I always finish with a sprinkle of sea salt just for good luck. Serve with a wedge of lemon.
I will be washing this dish down with a bottle of Felton Rd Chardonnay if there is any left by the time Xmas comes around!

Tune in next week for my Xmas lunch main course of braised duck legs with an almond and chocolate sauce.


Including rods, fishing reels and lures from the the most historically important manufacturers in the field (Hardy Bros, Ocean City, Penn and JR Ross & co) and with some materials dating back to the 1820s - these collectibles would serve just as well as pieces of art within the home, or in some cases, can still be used.

Adventure & Discovery Auction
Thursday 9th of December 2010 6pm
18 Manukau Road,

ph 09 524 6804



Studies will include smaller works alongside these three larger works as part of Barber's first solo show at Hopkinson Cundy gallery and will be accompanied by a short essay by Auckland based writer Gwyn Porter.

Hopkinson Cundy Gallery
December 9 2010 - January 29 2011
Opening Wednesday December 8th 6-8pm

1/1 Cross Street,
ph 09 551 1644

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Providing a welcome escape from the crowds, the VIP Club Stolen tent offers up the best posse for watching the acts on the main stage. The perfect place to regroup with your friends after an act, paired with one of the delicious Stolen Rum cocktails in hand (expertly mixed by some of the best Rum Runners from around the country). What’s more, George FM’s Nick D is playing resident DJ, mixing beats once the main stage wraps for the day, while the Smashbox powder room, coat check and Mexi Kai food truck are just some of the bonuses that come along for the ride too. In short, it’s definitely the place for Denizens and their friends throughout the three day music event, a way to make festival-going just that much more luxurious.

A three day pass to the event with the upgrade is worth $379 each and we have two tickets to giveaway to one lucky Denizen.

To go in the draw, simply email your name and contact details, and why you deserve these tickets to c€Х

Providing a welcome escape from the crowds, the VIP Club Stolen tent offers up the best posse for watching the acts on the main stage. The perfect place to regroup with your friends after an act, paired with one of the delicious Stolen Rum cocktails in hand (expertly mixed by some of the best Rum Runners from around the country). What’s more, George FM’s Nick D is playing resident DJ, mixing beats once the main stage wraps for the day, while the Smashbox powder room, coat check and Mexi Kai food truck are just some of the bonuses that come along for the ride too. In short, it’s definitely the place for Denizens and their friends throughout the three day music event, a way to make festival-going just that much more luxurious.

A three day pass to the event with the upgrade is worth $379 each and we have two tickets to giveaway to one lucky Denizen.

To go in the draw, simply email your name and contact details, and why you deserve these tickets to contact@thedenizen.co.nz

Competition now closed.

sday 21st December.

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Whereas previous Lindstrom X 

Whereas previous Lindstrom work tended to lean towards long, almost self-indulgent space disco explorations, Real Life Is No Cool sees a far more concise approach, with an album of ten tightly sliced pieces of dance floor pop.

Lindstrom sets a solid foundation of old funk, soul and disco for Christabelle to overlay her dream like almost stream of consciousness lyrics.  Indeed, the layered approach to her vocals at time makes them incomprehensible, as if one is listening in a semi-dreamlike state.  This theme is set from the opening track, with Christabelle emerging from the chaos of the Twin Peaks inspired opening sequences to whisper, 'what shall we do...shall we start looking...looking for what?

The results are entirely consistent with how the creative process influenced the album with Christabelle recording her vocals independently, making up lyrics on the spot and then submitting them to Lindstrom for re-editing and reinterpretation.

Don’t be fooled by the classic almost cliched combination of heavy stomping basslines and piano house keys.  Real Life Is No Cool takes the listener on a challenging and psychedelic ride.

It’s smart, sexy and sophisticated – don’t expect to be hearing it on Ponsonby Rd any time soon.

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All through the album you cѓZ 

All through the album you can hear the sound bouncing off the cold, ice cold, wooden floors and the high concrete ceiling high above.  Jocie Adams explained the band’s ten day recording experience in a recent interview: “the cold cuts through your heart, slows your whole body down.  It made us focus.  Some of our songs got slower”.

Judging by the pace of Smart Flesh, it really was one cold pasta sauce factory.  This is an album that literally creeps up on you like frostbite, a record of acoustic guitars, banjos, vocal harmonies and timeless tales of melancholy, love, loss and despair.

As a lo-fi folk record, Bon Iver’s For Emma, Forever Ago instantly springs to mind, however The Low Anthem add multi-instruments to keep the songs company as well as shine a light guide the listener through the album’s darker tales..

Opening track Ghost Woman Blues perfectly captures the spirit of this fragile record, with its painfully sad clarinet and trumpet duet.

The beautiful and summer sunshine love song that is Matter of Time offers a brief respite from the gloom.  Dripping with anticipation and excitement it blends seamlessly into the haunting instrumental of Wire which does leave you despairing for the song’s protagonist.

Elsewhere, definitely check out the stomping Boeing 737 which is a tribute to the Twin Towers and includes references to Phillipe Petit the man who infamously defied death by walking between the two towers on a tightrope back in 1974.

Smart Flesh is a brave album and one that can and should sit proudly beside the more mainstream folk artists of today – the aforementioned Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Iron and Wine et al.



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The bad news is that, as an5 \ 

Smother sees them return with ten songs about love, lust and longing.  Just like the most complicated of human emotions, the album’s stripped back electronica and percussion hides an underlying tension and frustration that becomes almost palpable as the album’s sensual arrangements slowly weave their magic.  Hence the title.

Opener, the piano driven Lion’s Share (“I wait until you’re woozy, I Wait until you’re lame, I take you in my mouth like the lion takes its game”)  is cold, calculated and almost corrupted, as Hayden Thorpe calmly descends upon his object of desire, as the courter turns predator.

The beautiful piano and synth arrangements continue, especially on the first single Albatross, which references Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and demonstrates the absolute confidence and conviction the band has in the songs and each other.

On Plaything things get rather twisted as Thorpe attacks his new character with relish, almost growling the memorable opening line (“New squeeze take off your chemise and I’ll do as I please.  I’m not any kind of heartthrob, but at the same time I’m not any kind of slob”).  It’s a glorious descent into complete narcissism yet even still comes with an undercurrent of vulnerability and self-bout (“yeah I’m wonderin’ what you’re thinking”).

Album closer End Come Too Soon presumably about premature ejaculation is, ironically enough, the perfect climax for Smother.  The album’s longest track, at just over seven minutes, is perfectly paced and leaves the listener definitely wanting more as it swells across a sweeping melody of real beauty and grace.

It is hard to find fault at all with this record.  The writing and playing is exceptional.  An album that works on many, many different layers, it is the mark of a band that has reached an apex in its evolution.  Utterly spellbinding.



of a band that has reached an apex in its evolution.  Utterly spellbinding.




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But to call this dance musiTš‚ьХ?@FЕѓP‡РЙ0€?К0€?today – the aforementioned Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, Iron and Wine et al.




ЩFinishing up I mentioned to the city slickers 'lets have some dessert', who unanimously replied 'we don't do dessert!' But when presented with a creme brulee with roasted rhubarb and a classic tiramisu, I've never seen dietary restrictions dumped so quickly.

The refreshment room hits the mark on all fronts, great food and a stunning location. It's well worth hacking a track out to visit them. Or after a long hard day of sunbathing at Piha pop in and refuel your tanks on the way home.
Enjoy Denizens  - we did.

The Refreshment Room, 223 Scenic Drive, Titirangi, Auckland. 09 551 1705

Open Wed to Fri 5pm to 9pm, Sat & Sun 12pm to 9pm, closed Mon, Tues.


Shakespeare is synomous with heart wrenching tragedies of love, The Taming of the Shrew however takes a more comedic approach to matchmaking. Baptista (played by my father) is on a quest to marry off his eldest daughter Katherina. Katherina's temper is notorious and it is thought no man would ever wish to marry her. On the other hand, two men – Hortensio and Gremio – are eager to marry her younger sister Bianca. However, Baptista has sworn not to allow his younger daughter to marry before Katherina is wed, much to the despair of her suitors, who agree that they will work together to marry off Katherina so that they will be free to compete for Bianca.

Art imitating life perhaps?


Above: Brian Sullivan

So, if you are looking for some comedic culture on a warm summer evening - head along to a Shakespeare in the Park near you.

The Taming of the Shrew

Mona Vale, 63 Fendalton Road, Christchurch

12th - 20th February 2011



The café interior plays on the idea of escaping down the Rabbit Hole into a world of wonderment, and the eclectic mix of furniture and art that adorns the space gives it unique vibe for a cafe in this local. 

Utilising organic ingredients the menu offers a good mix of breakfast and lunch dishes, along with a smattering of items available from the cabinets - such as tasty chicken club sandwiches and smoked salmon bagels. On our visit we ordered the green chilli scramble, served with new season asparagus an percorino cheese (shown above). And the chicken salad with blue cheese. (below).

Rabbit Hole Café
203 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 360 0755

Tя„ X ЦШ4ѓP‡0К ?рѓ‡5€К €?€?RThe all new Alexandra Owen flagship store, located in Wakefield St, a stone’s throw from the heart of Wellington’s Courtney Place, was designed and built by Owen’s husband James Whitta, whose background lies in furniture design. Expanding in size to accommodate for Owen’s considerably larger collection this season, the open, inviting space was designed so that customers could relax and take their time perusing the racks and playing dress up within the store. A large counter sits in the center of the gallery-like white space, while two parallel racks run down the lengths of the store, exhibiting the collection in a curated fashion. The vintage changing room from the original store has been restored, with its charming mis-matched doors still intact.

Owen’s workroom has also undertaken a shift, moving to the picturesque Evan’s Bay. Complete with a vast sweeping view of the ocean and bush, we imagine this would be any designer’s dream environment from which to inspire new work.

To our Wellington based Denizens, we suggest you swiftly pay a visit to Alexandra Owen’s new store, and perhaps do so with a fair bit of time on your hands - we can assure you that you will need it. For those further afield, visit her website for stockists and ensure you put the boutique on your ‘must sees’ next time you’re visiting our fine capital city.

Alexandra Owen

253 Wakefield St


(04) 384 8925


Boutique photography thanks to Simon Wilson, party photos thanks to Ginnie Maddock

s an percorino cheese (shown above). And the chicken salad with blue cheese. (below).

Rabbit Hole Café
203 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 360 0755

Tя„ X ЦШ4ѓP‡0К ?рѓ‡5€К €?€?R


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Nat Cheshire, Delineator

1. Piha at dawn. Cloud lifting off back-lit hills; jogging through silent sand dunes and into crystal water; slipping through the first duck-dive as the foam is caught in first-light; reaching at last the wide-open horizon of flat water; a flutter in the belly as that horizon vanishes behind the first looming set; tail dug deep in the water; a few quick strokes before leaping and landing in motion; air rushing past eardrums; a crisp clatter of water on fibreglass; crouched low as water explodes into foam; the surge of adrenalin at the first kick-out. By the time we have exhausted our arms and the call of breakfast is too great to resist, Piha will be scalding. Heaving with babes and bozos, our private paradise will not return until crimson dusk. I’ll love it no less. 

2. Afternoons at the Britomart Country Club. Last night was long and tropical. This morning was slow and painful. My afternoon will be about Pimms and dry, mint and ice, cool grass and a newspaper, some shade alongside the warm sun, and a slow stream of friends slipping in and out of our own little downtown garden. The kids here are nice, the clientele relaxed. Auckland needs more of this. 

3. Long evenings in Albert Park. For those who live, work and play in the city, Albert Park is a jewel to be treasured. On those few precious lazy summer evenings, we congregate in the dappled shade of the Moreton Bay figs and watch the city turn to gold. Spread wide across a tapestry of improvised picnic blankets, swapping gooey munster for pungent basil or crumbling baguette, we’ll hide our wine in coffee mugs and hope the cops are enjoying the evening as much as we, that they might turn a blind eye to our illicit indulgence. I wish that evenings like this would last forever. 

4. Morning provisioning. The practice of architecture in the city is a violent affair. For eleven months of the year it feels a wild, barely controlled knife-fight. To live here is to abandon the niceties of domestic art and surrender to a blur of restaurants, cafes and bars; deep into the night, the hopes and dreams of the city will be coaxed toward reality over amuse bouché and tequila blanco. Wine is abandoned in favour of clean, unadulterated spirits. Meals are ordered from sumptuous menus in order to vaguely approximate a healthy diet, not take best advantage of the chefs’ genius. Come Christmas, the glamour of fine dining will be swapped for the humility of the kitchen. Eating now is about family, friends, and slowness. Recipes are perused, shopping lists written and re-written, and the hunt begins: real tomatoes at last, gooey cheeses, warm sourdough, dribbling nectarines, and thick, viscous balsamic. La Cigale, the Britomart Farmers’ Market, Bhana Brothers and IE Produce become the new depositories for my pocket money. Back home, the knives come out. Meal by meal, I will learn to cook again. 

5. Reading all day. There are few greater luxuries than a mattress cast outdoors on a hot summer’s day, a steady supply of almonds and three hundred pages to keep you going until dinnertime. I spend most of the year confronting empty paper, throwing lines and ideograms across its blank surface in the hunt for something special, something that will stick. To drink instead in the painstakingly-crafted-but-no-less-effortless scratching of others is blessed delight. Find an hour amidst your Christmas shopping to stock up for yourself: Unity on High Street, Jason Books on O’Connell, and Parsons under the old-New Gallery are my favourites. My heart still sings whenever I pass Dorothy Butler Children’s Bookshop in Ponsonby; if you have children, take them there: reading is the future.


Anna Hood, P.R extraordinaire

This summer I am having a holiday in my own city – Auckland. There won’t be any big pack up needed or any holiday accommodation to wrangle, just relaxing summer days on Auckland beaches, by the pool at home and day-trip adventures galore.

1. Parnell Baths. Just walking in the gates makes me feel wholesome, like I am living the 1950s dream and there is going to be a man in walk shorts, with knee high socks and a hand mower doing the lawns. I love swimming lengths, it’s the best summer exercise and I can get my tan on at the same time. 

2. Dance class. This is one of my new favourite things – hip hop class at City Dance on Queen Street. Look out for me at parties, I’ll be breaking out my new routines and cutting up the dance floor with some popping, locking fresh moves. 

3. Study. Yep, while the sun is out I’ll also be putting my days off to good use (well I say this now). I am studying for a post grad diploma through Massey’s distance learning. Honestly if you have ever thought of doing any extra study, Massey is totally set up to make it easy for those of us with jobs and social lives to work around. So many different subjects, I wish I could learn them all. 

4. For some deliciousness I'll be heading to the Caravan at Bethells Beach – make mine a soy flatwhite with a west coast burger and some fries please. There's a whole muso crowd that holiday out there so if you're lucky you may come across a spontaneous gathering of people and instruments. You are 40 minutes from Auckland but you feel a million miles away. It's what dreams are made of.

5. I have also signed up for another half marathon – this time an off road adventure – the Dual which traverses Motutapu and Rangitoto. Apparently the scenery is amazing but I don’t know if I’ll be able to tell you much about that. Hopefully my training runs in the plethora of tracks in the Waitakere Ranges will be enjoyable though! 


Murry Sweetpants, Radio Host & D.J

1. Music Festival Season.  Boy oh boy are we spoiled for choice this year. There is a hefty collection on offer, with my top picks as follows. 

Highlife NYE up at Matakana Country Park on December 31st.  I'm lucky enough to be DJing alongside one of my favorite bands ever, Crazy P, as well as Pete Rock, A Skills and a party crowd like no other.  Then just a couple of weeks later, at the same venue, is the inaugural 'Bloom Family Festival'  from 20-22 Jan.  I've been involved with programming a massive weekend jammed full of local talent like Ladi6, Greg Johnson & Sola Rosa, alongside outfits like the Southern Stars Caribbean Steel Pan Band and the kooky Jews Brothers Band.  The difference with this festival is that its aimed at the whole family, with loads of kids activities and workshops all day long, and camping onsite.  My 4 and 5 year old girls are coming along to party with us! Then just a couple of weeks to recover before being front and centre for Soul II Soul, Erykah Badu, Earl Gateshead and a swag more at Fixed or the sublime closing ballad Winter Bones).

In essence a theme album about a relationship drawing to a close, the brilliance of The Five Ghosts is to create a body of work that combines real moments of melancholic tenderness with the band’s signature boy-girls harmonies and synth-pop hooks.

Vocal duties are shared between Torquil Campbell and the excellent Amy Millan (superb on Wasted Daylight) but it is when the two come together that sparks really do fly.  I Died So I Could Haunt You transforms the song from a crazed over the top obsession into a joyous tribute.  Elsewhere the two combine beautifully on the low key opener Dead Hearts and We Don’t Want Your Body where they  resemble pop’s modern day Romeo and Juliet in need of some serious counselling.

So a ghost story that, despite the album’s theme, and seemingly despondent final track Winter Bones, ultimately does have a happy ending.  The message is that it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

And what for Stars?  Nine years and five albums they remain on the fringes of mass acceptance.  Stars could still be stars – here’s hoping they continue to burn brightly.







Take Care, Take Care, Take Care is the band's sixth album, and their first in four years.  It finds them in fine condition: stripping things right back to their core twin guitars, bass and drum, and in many ways is simply an extension of their previous work.

So while critics might have a field day with the perceived lack of progression making this album all too predictable, one could also argue that why would anyone want to change a philosophy that drives a sound as gloriously ambitious as this?

It’s almost best to treat the album as one complete piece of work – although there are six tracks, the ebb and flow between each other is almost seamless, creating forty five minutes of breathless peaks and crescendos.

As a result, it does seem almost pointless to pick out one track, but the epic Postcard from 1952 is definitely a great place to start for the uninitiated.

They are probably one of the most aptly named bands on the planet.  Take Care, Take Care, Take Care is a record that demands to be turned up to eleven, while you lie back, stare up at the stars and take in the glory and enormity of galaxies both near and far. 



Loaf’s Cheeky Morsel Easter Treats – These perfectly sticky chocolate brownie cupcakes must be eaten. Coated in marshmallow, dusted in toasted coconut and topped off with an adorable candy coated chocolate egg, the word ‘morsel’ is most certainly a fitting adjective for this novel Easter addition. (www.loaf.co.nz)

Bennetts of Mangawai Chick in an Egg – Potentially the cutest Easter offering we have ever seen, the master chocolatiers from Mangawhai have created a white chocolate chick nestled within a dark chocolate egg. For the traditionalists who love a classic egg but refuse to skimp on quality, this chocolate treat will not disappoint. (www.bennettsofmangawhai.com)

Sabato’s Valrhona Gull Eggs – If you are looking for something small and slightly dainty to satisfy your sugar craving, these display worthy eggs are filled with either Valrhona Tanivara milk chocolate or almond and hazelnut praline, then smothered in dark chocolate and coated with a layer of speckled sugar. Seriously addictive and packaged up in blue striped cupcakeЦ$Г

Loaf’s Cheeky Morsel Easter Treats – These perfectly sticky chocolate brownie cupcakes must be eaten. Coated in marshmallow, dusted in toasted coconut and topped off with an adorable candy coated chocolate egg, the word ‘morsel’ is most certainly a fitting adjective for this novel Easter addition. (www.loaf.co.nz)

Bennetts of Mangawai Chick in an Egg – Potentially the cutest Easter offering we have ever seen, the master chocolatiers from Mangawhai have created a white chocolate chick nestled within a dark chocolate egg. For the traditionalists who love a classic egg but refuse to skimp on quality, this chocolate treat will not disappoint. (www.bennettsofmangawhai.com)

Sabato’s Valrhona Gull Eggs – If you are looking for something small and slightly dainty to satisfy your sugar craving, these display worthy eggs are filled with either Valrhona Tanivara milk chocolate or almond and hazelnut praline, then smothered in dark chocolate and coated with a layer of speckled sugar. Seriously addictive and packaged up in blue striped cupcake cases, these tiny treats will undoubtedly be a hit with family and friends. (www.sabato.co.nz)

treet, Auckland

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Backhouse Interiors

Two button suit in Trofeo blue by Ermenegildo Zegna POA available from Ermenegildo Zegna

Selene pendant by ClassiCon ranging $1080-$1650 available from Matisse Lighting

Bocina water jug $265 from Studio of Tableware

Tranquillo glass lantern by Citta Design $23.10 available from Citta Design/Upstairs at BoConcept.


Superbly produced by Elbow's Guy Garvey and Craig Potter - it is indeed the layered and wonderfully weighted string arrangements so reminiscent of their own band that really brings the record (and indeed I Am Kloot) to a level they've never previously reached.

Drenched in atmosphere and introspection, the songs simply glow in the velvet lushness of the production, as the darkly emotional and bittersweet stories are played out to the listener.

"Do you fancy a drink, I know a place called 'the brink we could go there' suggests front-man John Bramwell at the start of 'To The Brink".


There was nothing better for a wild and wet Auckland weekend - being middle-aged has never sounded better.


In my quest for deep cleansing, I've unearthed a new advanced treatment that's only currently available at a specialised clinic. Refine Skin in Auckland offers a treatment known as Micro-hydra-brasion. Unlike Microdermabrasion, there's no down-time which means there is no nasty red flaky face aftermath.

The treatment itself does not and is free of any chemicals, using only purified water and the exfoliating power of industrial strength diamonds. Yes - diamonds!

Honestly, it's like a rug-doctor for your face!  You will walk away with skin smoother than a smooth thing.

Micro-hydra-brasion 1 treatment $120
Micro-hydra-brasion course of 6 treatments $500

Refine Skin

40 St Benedicts Street

Newton, Auckland

09 523 1970



The Miller's Coffee Roasting and Refreshment Room is the perfect place to indulge your inner Italian. Here they've embraced the culture and lifestyle of enjoying your daily dose rather than dashing out with your takeaway coffee in hand. At Miller's you gather around high table tops with strangers to sip on your morning brew while sharing stories of the day ahead. And the coffee is good - very good.

Open weekdays from 7.30am to 1pm

31 Cross Street, Newton, Auckland 09 356 7322


1. Bra $78.50 and Briefs $67.50 by Lonely Hearts from Black Box Boutique
2.  Dancer and Musician Picasso plate $446.30 from Matisse
3.  Amethyst & Black Maire ring $270 by Nga Waiata from Jaimie Boutique
4.  Jerry Hall My Life in Pictures book $65 from Unity Books
5. Smythson leather deluxe jewellery box £2121.11 from Net-a-Porter
6. Mini Wing of Desire cufflinks $15,445 by Jessica McCormack from Simon James Concept Store
7. Big Blo 2 inflatable sofa $1150 from Matisse
8. G spiral tie dye print foulard scarf $POA by Gucci
9. Acqua Di Parma cologne $249 from World Beauty
10. Vogue archive collection prints £3193 from Net-a-Porter
11. World dinner plates $89.95 from Artikel
12. Cupcakes $5.00 from Petal
13. Sofia Coppola handbag $6400 from Louis Vuitton
14. The Parade tarot cards $POA from Hermes
15. Coco Chanel by Justine Picardie $49.99 from The Women's Bookshop
16. Dualit red toaster $499 from Milly's
17. Give me five Muhammed Ali photograph and frame by Ralph Lauren Home $1995 from Cavit & Co
18. Dalu table lamp by Artemide $205 from ECC
19. Glass pearls, black lace and silk flower necklace $390 by Silk & Steel from Adorno

" „ 

Since then, there have been times when you did feel their time was indeed up: 1995’s disappearance of lyricist and head provocateur Richey Edwards; following the failure of 2004’s Lifeblood; or even after last year’s triumphant Journal for Plague Lovers which used lyrics from a notebook left behind by the presumed deceased Richey Edwards and almost seemed to have bought the band full circle.

Fortunately their fire and passion continues to burn brightly, and as James Dean Bradfield snarls, “I will not give up and I will not give in,” on the album’s title track the listener is off on a classic rock and roll journey, with the band stomping through massive choruses, guitar pyrotechnics, soaring string arrangements, guest musicians and even a gospel choir that shows up on four tracks.

Gloriously ambitious, echoing 70s icons Queen and perhaps even ELO, the only minor criticism is that at times the aural onslaught can become a little too much.  At least The Manics are self-aware enough to sing “all we make is entertainment, a sad indictment of what we’re good at”, and we should all be grateful that they remain so committed to their songs of culture, alienation, boredom and despair.

Today, with so many shallow poseurs passing themselves off as authentic rock and rollers, we should be celebrating bands such as The Manics, who show more passion, integrity, honesty and anger in just a few tracks of Postcards From A Young Man than most bands can muster in an entire career.  The real tragedy is that they’re touring Australia in November, with no news of a NZ sojourn at this stage (you can join the movement to get them across this side of the ditch by visiting this link on Facebook).

Instead we have to put up with Bono and his revolving stage – boredom & despair indeed.


13. Sofia Coppola handbag $6400 from Louis Vuitton
14. The Parade tarot cards $POA from Hermes
15. Coco Chanel by Justine Picardie $49.99 from The Women's Bookshop
16. Dualit red toaster $499 from Milly's
17. Give me five Muhammed Ali photograph and frame by Ralph Lauren Home $1995 from Cavit & Co
18. Dalu table lamp by Artemide $205 from ECC
19. Glass pearls, black lace and silk flower necklace $390 by Silk & Steel from AdornoAdorno

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Album opener Don’t Know Who We Are is a chilled laid back start before things pick up ever so slightly with ‘I Like the Way You Walk” with drumming singer (or is that singing drummer) Sam Sprague proclaiming “I like you way that you talk, and all the things that you do, you do like honeydew, those bees” are all round you” in a way that never sounds clichéd or grating but rather refreshing and honest.

And it’s this honesty and lack of pretence that makes the entire album such a delight. While it won’t be on many, if any, end of year best of lists, it is an album awash with such simple pop sensibility that as a result you really can’t help but fall for its charms.  Melodies abound throughout, and the playing is excellent – just check out the super smooth exit solo on Valerie as an example.  So what if Ceiling Tan does at times get too close to comfort to Pavement’s Range Life?  The Donkeys have created an album that gloriously pays homage to all their heroes – there’s nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve.  As Jim Jarmusch once said: “It’s not where you take things from, but where you take them to.”

Tоo™КѓPН0Љ№€?€Љ№ќџџџџџџџџTОДКѓPНpЉ[ˆA\РЉ[The result is a record that singer Adele Bethel has described Mirror Mirror as “sexy evil” - it is definitely an album that comes out to play at night.  With its cavernous drums, doom laden synths and spiky guitars, it takes the influences obvious to all – from Bauhaus, The Birthday Party Gang of Four, Joy Division, Siouxsie – and wraps them up in a deliciously vile Glaswegian package of nastiness.

One need look no further than Axed Actor – the infamous tale of American 1950s starlet Elisabeth Short aka the Black Dahlia who was murdered in horrific fashion.  “The last ever picture show, cut into pieces, switchblade smile across your face” broods Bethel, giving a peculiarly Northern twist to an American nightmare.

Elsewhere, the excellent Rose Red rides in on a bass hook almost resembling surf rockabilly Cramps style and is then driven further into the darkness before the frenzied guitars return to slice the track into pieces.

It’s sleazy listening at its finest.  Not everyone’s cup of tea, but deep down, I am thinking maybe there is a little darkness in all of us.  This might well be the record that lets us all live a little more vicariously in the relative safety of our living rooms. Watch out.

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Chris and Helen Cherry are names synonymous with the New Zealand fashion industry, but haven't taken their wares to the NZFW stage since 2005. This year's return to the catwalk by both the Helen Cherry and Workshop labels is one of the week's most anticipated shows, and is sure to bring out the best in the fashion crowd. 

The winners will both win a VIP double pass to the Workshop show, at Auckland Town Hall on Thursday 1st September. To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Like our Facebook page here
2. Like or comment on The Denizen 'Win a Fashion Week experience' post.

And we'll put you in the draw!

We will8љ=

Chris and Helen Cherry are names synonymous with the New Zealand fashion industry, but haven't taken their wares to the NZFW stage since 2005. This year's return to the catwalk by both the Helen Cherry and Workshop labels is one of the week's most anticipated shows, and is sure to bring out the best in the fashion crowd. BMW and Workshop's relationship was formed over over an appreciation for intrinsic and quality design so this year's fashion week show is a chance for the two brands to come together once again.

The winners will both win a VIP double pass to the Workshop show, at Auckland Town Hall on Thursday 1st September. To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Like our Facebook page here0th August at 12pm


Chris and Helen Cherry are names synonymous with the New Zealand fashion industry, but haven't taken their wares to the NZFW stage since 2005. This year's return to the catwalk by both the Helen Cherry and Workshop labels is one of the week's most anticipated shows, and is sure to bring out the best in the fashion crowd. BMW and Workshop's relationship was formed over over an appreciation for intrinsic and quality design so this year's fashion week show is a chance for the two brands to come together once again.

The winners will both win a VIP double pass to the Workshop show, at Auckland Town Hall on Thursday 1st September. To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Like our Facebook page here
2. Like or comment on The Denizen 'Win a Fashion Week experience' post.

And we'll put you in the draw!

We will be drawing the winners on Tuesday 30th August at 12pm

rry are names synonymous with the New Zealand fashion industry, but haven't taken their wares to the NZFW since 2005. This year's return is one of the week's most anticipated shows, and is sure to bring out the best in the fashion crowd. 

The winners will both win a VIP double pass to the Workshop show, at Auckland Town Hall on Thursday 1st September. To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Like our Facebook page here

Chris and Helen Cherry are names synonymous with the New Zealand fashion industry, but haven't taken their wares to the NZFW stage since 2005. This year's return to the catwalk by both the Helen Cherry and Workshop labels is one of the week's most anticipated shows, and is sure to bring out the best in the fashion crowd. 

The winners will both win a VIP double pass to the Workshop show, at Auckland Town Hall on Thursday 1st September. To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Like our Facebook page here
2. Like or comment on The Denizen 'Win a Fashion Week experience' post.

And we'll put you in the draw!

We willkwave-flash">  

Unknown Pleasures is on at the Auckland Powerstation, 2nd & 3rd October 2010, tickets available from Real Groovy.

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Backing these media claims is an increasing body of scientific evidence that further confirms these suspicions. 

The best studies from those that I have read come from the highly regarded Cleveland Clinic, a leading academic research centre in the United States.

The first study involved placing an 'in-use' cellphone (one that's actually connected to a live call) 2.5 cm from a freshly donated sperm sample, and comparing the characteristics of this sperm to a sample not exposed to a phone that's 'in-use.'  Those samples exposed to the 'in-use' phone clearly showed signs of damage.  This study was set up to mimic the affects of the god-awful American affliction of carrying  phones in holsters on belts and using bluetooth headsets. This study, however, does not reflect the more common New Zealand gentlemens' practice of carrying a phone on standby in the pocket.

The Cleveland Clinic's next study looked at over 300 subjects and grouped them according to cellphone usage per day.  Group A consisted of users with zero hours of cellphone use per day, to group D who had greater than four hours of cellphone use. The results showed a frighteningly clear relationship between high hours of daily use and low sperm quality.  The high use candidates exhibited a distinct lack in sperm motility (the ability of the sperm to swim in the direction of the egg for fertilisation) and sperm viability (the number of sperm that are actually alive).

The suspected culprit of all of this is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when cellphone calls are ongoing.  This type of radiation is said to also play a part in other medical conditions such as sleep disorders, blood pressure and DNA strand breakage.

It would therefore appear that it doesn't matter where you store your phone, but rather, how much talking or texting you're doing with it. With the location of the phone more of an issue if you use a headset whilst keeping the phone at or around waist level - something we would never condone for sartorial reasons alone.


Vitamin C is no stranger to controversy with the Americans and Hungarians debating when and who it was isolated by. Its properties had been known since the time of Hippocrates and its use in Naval circles was made studied in 1753 and compulsory in 1795.

There is no doubt it prevents scurvy.

The question is therefore; whether or not when taken in doses greater than those necessary to prevent scurvy it can prevent or cure the flu common cold or even cancer.

The short answer is we don’t know.

In this situation we must first establish if it is safe. Doses of up to 500mg orally or 350-1200mg/kg intravenously per day are recommended by believers. There are some results of doses in this range leading to renal failure. I am unable to find any other evidence of ill effect.

Sadly however despite the length of time we have known about vitamin C there are no well designed studies that prove beyond a doubt that it works for cancer, the flu, shock hepatitis…

The cynic in me suspects that it therefore doesn’t.

The human in me says that it probably causes no harm so long as it is used in a complementary fashion as opposed to an alternative to hospital style medicine and that we should remain open minded and demand that people who champion its use put their money where there mouths are and conduct a decent study to answer these questions once and for all.



Clockwise from top left:

Chanel Vitalumiére Aqua - Ultra light skin perfecting foundation that gives your skin an amazing dewy glow.

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick - Swept over cheekbones or dabbed onto your eyelids, nothing lights up your face like this shimmer.

Tom Ford Lipsticks - Mr Ford can do on wrong in my book (except maybe being gay, and therefore unavailable to me), his lipsticks offer the perfect amount of pigment and leave a flawless velvety finish. The fact that the packaging is beautiful helps too.

Smashbox O-Plump - I'm addicted to the tingly bee-stung feeling that this gloss gives, and the pale pink colour it leaves my lips.

St Tropez Everyday  - This is the best gradual self tanner I've found, it'll leave you looking holiday fresh year round.

Ré Vive Moisture Renewal Cream - This moisturiser has changed my life! 

Dior Show Mascara - Simply the best on the market.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - An excellent exfoliant that's gentle enough for everyday use.


The rice is a hybrid that has existed in China for years - it was cultivated for the emperor and his court. If it is was good enough for him, it is good enough for all of us!

I've put a recipe together which is great with all the fish that will be flying around in the next few months. It's easy and really tasty - a great combo!


- Smoked fish
- Ferron Riso Venere Rice
- Chopped fennel
- Onions
- Garlic
- White wine
- Chicken or vegetable stock
- Yoghurt
- Chili
- Lemon zest

Smoked fish, fennel and venere rice pilaf.

Sauté onion, garlic, and fennel with a sprinkle of fennel seeds in olive oil on a low heat until translucent. Stir in rice and cook for a couple of minutes constantly. Pour in half a cup of white wine and stir until evaporated. Now stir in warm stock (vegetarian or chicken) cooking the rice until al dente - this could take up to 45 minutes which provides the perfect opportunity to hit the bottle! Stir occasionally and make sure to cover the rice as you want the pilaf to be slightly wet, not too sticky.

Season with salt and pepper when the rice is done. Stir in flaked smoked fish. I used freshly smoked snapper as it works a treat and added lemon zest and lots of chopped flat leaf parsley. I then served it in warm bowls with a large dollop of yoghurt and chopped fennel fronds with some fresh chili and a crack of milled pepper corns.

Wine suggestion: Waitaki Braids pinot noir rosé.

Ferron Riso Venere  is available from Sabato, 57 Normandy Road, Mt Eden, Auckland.


And while we're not suggesting you re-launch the 'Walk Short'  look that embodied male high school teachers in the 80's and 90's, we do think you can reconsider your choices and embrace a slightly shorter, tailored and consequently more refined look.

The Juvenile Shorts from Zambesi Man show off just the right amount of tanned toned leg to make you interesting. Worn without socks and a crisp untucked shirt, you're likely to attract more attention that your boarding skills ever did.

Cost: $400

Available from Zambesi Man, 2 Teed Street, Newmarket, Auckland 09 524 7805


sequently more refined look.

The Juvenile Shorts from Zambesi Man show off just the right amount of tanned toned leg to make you interesting. Worn without socks and a crisp untucked shirt, you're likely to attract more attention that your boarding skills ever did.

Cost: $400

Available from Zambesi Man, 2 Teed Street, Newmarket, Auckland 09 524 7805

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As the evil trail of winter dissipates and the dark clouds part to open the sky for the sun’s gentle kiss, it is time for us again to sit with our white legs exposed prematurely in thigh-high swim shorts. Spring is here! And we embrace its arrival with open arms.

The grass is green, the air smells fresh and those cute little lambies are frolicking through the pasture right onto your plate.

The same great tasting lamb - which is revered across the planet –  can be found ready for your consumption locally from Neat Meat (naturally). With the most succulent and delicious cuts on offer; this spring is all about decadence, great tastes and Piri Weepu.

We need to be setting an example in patriotism as 2011 rounds out – one that involves eating delicious kiwi born and breed spring lamb and rioting if the world cup doesn’t go to plan. Simple really.

Simple and uncomplicated. Because lamb is so tasty, cooking it doesn’t need to be complicated. So prepare yourself for the upcoming Semi-final game with this tasty Sunday night feast:

- bring lamb to room temperature

- cover in olive oil and season with salt and pepper

- load into an oven that is pre-heated to 190 degrees

- cook for 18 minutes exactly

- remove from the oven and rest for five minutes

- carve, eat and enjoy!


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Thanks to beauty technology over the last few years in the form of lash growth serums and eyelash extensions, the quest for 60's Twiggy-like lashes is one that can be quite easily conquered with a bit of investment. However, as someone who has spent more money and time than I would ever like to admit investing in said quest, it was going to take more than just a good product byline to get me to bat my lashes at a new mascara revolution. When it comes to mascara itself, I’m not particularly loyal - it's constantly changing and I have about five different tubes on rotation in my makeup bag at any given time. However, I was intrigued when I stumbled upon Model Co’s latest foray into the mascara game – Fibre Lash: Brush on false lashes. Brush on lashes in a bottle seemed to me like a promise that was perhaps a little too good to be true. But being the beauty junkie that I am, I figured there was no harm in adding another tube to the mix.

Model Co's Fibre Lash Mascara really is like nothing I have ever used before. The first stage involves applying the Extension Mascara, which expertly coats the lashes from base to tip with a blacker-than-black pigment without a hint of a smudge. Then comes the brush-on-fibres which look a little more like fluffy cotton wool than something you'd put on your eyes, but nevertheless, you apply a layer of fibres to your lash which fatten each strand adding serious high-wattage volume and length. Finally, back to the Extension Mascara and with a few flicks of the wrist to colour the fibres black, you are left with some seriously luscious lashes.

This is not a mascara for the time poor - it takes a little concentration and more than just 30 seconds in the morning to apply it properly. But I’ve had a total ‘Twiggy moment’ with this one and can attest that the impressive fluttery results are very much worth the extra effort.

For Stockists: www.modelco.com.au


So what is it? Well on the website it is described as 'unleashing you inner gladiator'. I don't know if there is a gladiator inside me but there sure are a lot of muscles that I wasn't aware of. 

The gym itself is grungy chic. There's no mirrors and no sparkling machines but there are ropes, kettle bells, massive tyres, weight bags and mats. No workout is the same and it is all designed to use your own body weight to gain strength and fitness. 

The variety is key, gyms have always bored me but at Ludus you never know what to expect when you turn up - bear crawls, burpees, lizard crawls, roman press ups, squats, sprints or a samurai walk. It's a whole new language.

I make no qualms, it is seriously hard work – for anyone. The fitter you get, the more you push yourself and the stronger you get - the weights just increase with your fitness level. But most of all, while you are sweating buckets and feeling your body fatigue, it is fun. There is a camaraderie in the group that I have never found at any other gym. People talk to each other, there are high fives and pats on the back. Everyone wants you to have a great workout.

So if you're looking for a new Spring health kick and like the 'good' pain of aching muscles then I suggest you give Ludus Magnus a go. 



These clever little Archie Grand notebooks are a great way to arm the otherwise rather traditionalist notion of carrying a notebook with a little more fun.

The original collection of colourful notebooks carry inspiring titles such as ‘Models I met and liked’, ‘Royals I met and liked’ and ‘Secret Agents I met and liked'. Each notebook contains 160 blank pages and have a rigid cover that will keep it protected and looking slick even as it’s pulled in and out of handbags and pockets.

With over 50 different titles, there is one to describe every person in your life. The perfect alternative to the little black book, the diary or the doodle book to take note of all the models, shopaholics, lovers, husbands and secret agents you’ve ever met and liked – or perhaps those you didn’t too.

Available from Pencil Boutique
Cnr Ponsonby and Franklin Road (Behind Agnus Curran)
(09) 376 8538


These clever little Archie Grand notebooks are a great way to arm the otherwise rather traditionalist notion of carrying a notebook with a little more fun.

The original collection of colourful notebooks carry inspiring titles such as ‘Models I Met and Liked’, ‘Royals I Met and Liked’ and ‘Secret Agents I Met and Liked'. Each notebook contains 160 blank pages and has a rigid cover that will keep it protected and looking slick even as it’s pulled in and out of handbags and pockets.

With over 50 different titles, there is one to describe every person in your life. The perfect alternative to the little black book, the diary or the doodle book to take note of all the models, shopaholics, lovers, husbands and secret agents you’ve ever met and liked – or perhaps those you didn’t too.

Available from Pencil Boutique
Cnr Ponsonby and Franklin Road (Behind Agnus Curran)
(09) 376 8538


>alternative to the little black book, the diary or the doodle book to take note of all these models, shopaholics, lovers, husbands and secret agents you’ve met and liked – or perhaps these you didn’t too.


Each of the eleven songs here have been lovingly crafted to create a body of work that at once reminds you of either Sigur Ros or Low – two other bands equally inspired to create epic and achingly beautiful sounds.

Album opener ‘Lungs Quicken’ sets the tone, slowly sparking into life with its skittering beats, the ethereal vocals of Hazel Wilde and haunted violin, which indeed becomes somewhat of the signature instrument across the album, around which the band twist delicate and intricate layers of melody.

The band simply sparkles when Wilde is joined on vocals by Adam Sykes, their twining vocals complementing each other wonderfully, particularly on the melancholic ‘If I Have Been Unkind (“when you went missing I looked almost everywhere, I sailed the seas, you were never even there”).

Occasionally the pace does quicken - most noticeably on the poppy ‘A Kingdom’ – but it really is the slower tracks when the band seems to feel most at home and comfortable.  Recorded in their own homes because in their own words “you only get to make your debut once so we wanted it to be personal and honest and special”, Lanterns on the Lake have achieved that and so much more.  At times both romantic and sorrowful, Gracious Tide, Take Me Home is ultimately an endearing triumph of the craft of great song writing.  Simply perfect to listen to as the dark night slowly creeps in, it is a little gem. 


Kristina employs a Danish inspired traditional approach to baking; starting her breads naturally using grape and rye as raising agents which give the breads more flavour. Jensen cuts no corners with her pastries either, all handmade and using real butter, each pastry layer is meticulously folded layer upon layer.

The day we visited we caught the bakers busily kneading dough and enjoyed the rather theatrical show in the kitchen, complete with a couple of cheeky bakers for good measure.

Elske is a dangerous stop off for those with a penchant for sweet treats. The cabinets are laced with all sorts of temptations including some of the largest eclairs we’ve seen, French Biegnet with rhubarb and raspberry jam, and millefeuille cake made with a thousand layers of puff pastry - delicious. Likewise, the smaller chocolate mouse layered cakes melt instantly in the mouth and serve as a constant reminder to pace yourself before indulging in several desserts at once. 

If you're not a sweet tooth there's always Elske's savoury fare, the vegetable and goat’s cheese tart is delicious, as is the cured salmon sandwich on rye bread. The café also serves European breakfast and lunch in the form of French baguettes and sandwiches all washed down with excellent coffee. 

We're offering one Auckland based office the chance to experience Elske. Simply tell us why your office deserves sweetening up and you and ten of your office mates could win a delicious afternoon tea delivered to your office.

Competition closed! Congratulations to the fine folk at Publicis Mojo. Enjoy your Friday treats. 

Elske Café
Kingdon Street
Ph 09 524 8253

Open weekdays 7.30am to 3pm and Saturdays 8am to 3pm.


The Sothys sensory body ritual was promising to do just that - return my skin to glowing brilliance. The treatment begins with a total body exfoliation. I was particularly happy to hear this, as regular exfoliation is one of those beauty promises I try to uphold with not nearly enough commitment. The onset of the new season, however, meant that it was time to step things up a notch and make the time to slough winter's dead skin cells and reveal the baby-smooth layers below.

A unique customised scrub of sugar and salt is combined with a body elixir in an aroma of your choice – I couldn’t go past the so-good-you-could-eat-it scent of vanilla and sandalwood. The natural wonders of salt as an exfoliator work to softly slough surface layers, refining the skin’s texture without causing any damage to the dermis. When combined with Sothys nourishing elixir, the sugar then becomes ultra hydrating to the skin, instantly whisking away your dull skin and leaving you supple and glowing.

After showering off the scrub, I was immediately impressed with the satin-smooth skin I was left with. Nestling back into my cocoon of towels, the exfoliation was followed by a soothing full body massage infused again with the vanilla and sandalwood Sothys oil that sinks right into your skin. Any stress I had very quickly began to melt away and a much-needed dose of tranquility was injected back into my life. I didn’t think my skin could get much softer after the exfoliation, but following the massage I found myself leaving with some seriously nourished soft skin and smelling a little like a freshly baked cupcake.

A little luxury should be something that everyone takes the time to indulge in every now and then, but one that leaves your skin this radiant really should be considered compulsory for any pre-summer routine.

Ph: 0800 SOTHYS for your closest Sothys salon.


T2ДY‡ѓP“€КааКаjust that - return my skin to glowing brilliance. The treatment begins with a total body exfoliation. I was particularly happy to hear this, as regular exfoliation is one of those beauty promises I try to uphold with not nearly enough commitment. The onset of the new season, however, meant that it was time to step things up a notch and make the time to slough winter's dead skin cells and reveal the baby-smooth layers below.

A unique customised scrub of sugar and salt is combined with a body elixir in an aroma of your choice – I couldn’t go past the so-good-you-could-eat-it scent of vanilla and sandalwood. The natural wonders of salt as an exfoliator work to softly slough surface layers, refining the skin’s texture without causing any damage to the dermis. When combined with Sothys nourishing elixir, the sugar then becomes ultra hydrating to the skin, instantly whisking away your dull skin and leaving you supple and glowing.

After showering off the scrub, I was immediately impressed with the satin-smooth skin I was left with. Nestling back into my cocoon of towels, the exfoliation was followed by a soothing full body massage infused again with the vanilla and sandalwood Sothys oil that sinks right into your skin. Any stress I had very quickly began to melt away and a much-needed dose of tranquility was injected back into my life. I didn’t think my skin could get much softer after the exfoliation, but following the massage I found myself leaving with some seriously nourished soft skin and smelling a little like a freshly baked cupcake.

A little luxury should be something that everyone takes the time to indulge in every now and then, but one that leaves your skin this radiant really should be considered compulsory for any pre-summer routine.

Ph: 0800 SOTHYS for your closest Sothys salon.


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Maya Ubud Spa, Ubud

Bali is heaven for spa junkies - the Balinese have perfected the art of pampering and relaxation.  Because our in-house spa at East Residence is available exclusively to house guests, I usually visit the Maya Ubud Spa. This hidden gem is set in 10 hectares of hillside garden, stretching along a peninsula high above two river valleys. To get to the riverside spa, you have to travel on an outdoor lift, 30 metres down through the jungle. You are literally submerged in nature with waterfalls and thick green forests completely enveloping you, it’s like having a massage in Jurassic Park.  (Jl. Gunung Sari, Peliatan, Ubud.)  


Ibu Oka, Ubud

I first went to this humble Ubud restaurant before Rick Stein gave it his seal of approval and I must admit I did wonder what I’d got myself into. The surroundings are far from salubrious – you sit on a mat on the floor - but don’t let the décor deter you. Ibu Oka’s suckling pig is exquisite. It’s stuffed with exotic spices and herbs, which give it a wonderfully unique flavour and the crackling is roasted to perfection. It’s one of the best meals you’ll find in Bali and it costs less than $4 a plate. Open between 11-3pm, Ibu Oka is the perfect spot for a low-key lunch. (Jl. Suweta/Tegal Sari No. 2, Ubud.)

Echo Beach  

Our local beach is one of the world’s most famous surfing beaches. I love visiting at sunrise to watch the surfies riding the waves. Echo Beach’s fresh seafood barbecues are legendary. You buy your fish or seafood by the kilo and they cook it for you.  On Sundays up to 500 surfies and locals gather at sunset to listen to a band and indulge in fresh fish and mouth-watering ribs. Enjoy the beach now because the cranes have arrived and the skyscrapers are coming. That’s one of the heartbreaking things about Bali; the developers have a knack of finding your secret spots…

Desa Seni, Canggu 

Desa Seni means ‘art village’ and this yoga retreat nestled in Canggu’s rice fields is renowned for ‘celebrating the artistry of living’.  I was introduced to Desa Seni by my lovely friend April, who’d moved from the States to Bali sight unseen with her husband and two kids. When April told me she was taking me to a yoga retreat for lunch I was terrified it was only going to serve mung beans and spirulina – but I was pleasantly surprised to find they serve a wide menu, including meat dishes, along with their delicious home-grown organic veges. Desa Seni offers everything from yoga retreats and Indonesian cooking lessons to art exhibitions. It’s a magical haven for those wanting to explore the culture, religion and food of Indonesia. (Jl. Subak Sari #13 Pantai Berawa, Canggu.)


Kupu Kupu Barong, Ubud

I stumbled upon Kupu Kupu Barong while searching for a cold drink on a searing hot day.  It ended up being the best iced coffee I’ve ever had in the most romantic setting I’ve ever seen. Cocooned in lush tropical gardens overlooking the mighty Ayung River, this idyllic retreat is where Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall got married. When I told the staff I was a bit of a Stones' fan, they showed me the suite where Mick and Jerry honeymooned! Kupu Kupu Barong also has one of the most unique spas I’ve seen, nestled in the topmost branches of an enormous old mango tree. Divine. (Jl. Raya Kedewatan, Ubud.)


Alila Hotel, Uluwatu

The hugely popular Rock Bar, perched on the rocks at the base of towering cliffs, is always swamped by crowds of tourists but there’s a secret gem nearby that has equally impressive views and none of the cues of tourists.  The Alila Hotel has an outdoor restaurant cantilevered over a cliff with spectacular views over the Indian Ocean.  It’s not for those who are scared of heights, as there is a ten storey drop down to the sea. Sit back with a cocktail and savour the power of nature. Simply breathtaking. (Jl. Belimbing SariBanjar Tambiyak, Desa Pecatu.)


Naughty Nuri’s, Ubud

Bali has a lively ex-pat community and one of their favourite after-dark haunts is Naughty Nuri’s in Ubud.  The bar serves sensational margaritas and martinis. It’s the perfect place to celebrate the Balinese New Year’s Eve, where locals chase away the island’s ghosts and then party ‘til dawn.  (Jl. Raya, Sanggingan, Ubud)


Tanah Lot, Beraban 

One of my favourite places to soak up the soul of Bali is the stunning Tanah Lot Temple. It is perched in the ocean on a rocky outcrop that has been shaped by the waves over the years. The temple’s resident priests bless you with holy water from a fresh water stream that runs past the temple. If you can, visit at sunset when the golden red skies frame the temple. It evokes the mysticism and serenity that makes Bali truly unique.  (Beraban Village, Kediri, Tabanan).



The iconic glasses with interchangeable lenses unfortunately went out of production many years ago, I have been a little obsessed with finding a pair for quite some time. Needless to say, I was pretty excited after learning that the Sunglass Bar have managed to secure a very limited number of unworn, original Porsche Carrera frames, all pre 1983.

Sherry from Sunglass Bar has given us the heads up that a select number of these beauties in both gold and silver will be in store this week. Great news for those of us partial to embracing our inner Tom Cruise in Top Gun. This is one secret we may regret sharing - so get in before we do. 

Available from Sunglass Bar.




The afternoon buildup

It's an exciting day - so why wait till the sun goes down to begin the festivities. Make like the All Blacks and show that you're commited for the long haul. Take up residence at any one of these establishments early afternoon and roll on through until the evening.

SPQR is serving food fit for a rugby team - a good kiwi rubgy team to be exact. There'll be a huge selection of seafood on offer including Stewart Island oysters, fresh whitebait and Karitane crayfish along with T-Bone steak and pork belly. What's more if you mention Denizen you'll get your bottle of celebratory Veuve Clicquot for $99 instead of the usual $145 – we'll see you there! Enjoy the afternoon Ponsonby people watching as the hoards transcend on Eden park - knowing that come game time you need only retreat into the bar to watch the game on the large screen inside. 

Longroom will be serving a special menu all day and into the evening. West coast whitebait fritters, spit roasted pork, 60 day aged ribeye and dark beer braised lamb shanks - the same menu served to the mighty All Blacks when they dined at Longroom recently.  The game will be broadcast on all of their HD screens both indoors and out in the courtyard - so there will be no chance to miss the action. The after match festivities will run into the small hours with back to back Dj sets.

Britomart Country Club:  You'll need to get here early to secure yourself a bench or beanbag, but once you've settled in, it'll be just like watching the game at home - with the handy addition of spectacularly constructed jugs of tasty cocktails, and a crowd of keen supporters.

Cibo will be opening their doors for a pre-match lunch on Sunday afternoon. Book a table for lunch from midday and spend the afternoon working on settling your pre-game nerves. Come game-time the match will be broadcast on a high-definition screen. The Cibo staff will be getting into the spirit by wearing their Keep Calm Piri’s On t-shirts, and if you mention Denizen Jeremy has kindly promised to offer you a special treat. 

Pre-match dinner

So you're one of the lucky few who managed to secure tickets to the game, may we suggest you keep it to yourselves and gloat about it over dinner with your other friends who are also attending the game. Some pre-game dining options are:

Clooney is opening at midday on Sunday for an extended lunch service with their last booking at 5pm. Enjoy an afternoon in comfortable surroundings reserving your energy for all the excitement and jumping up and down you'll be doing at the game.

Nathan Club: If you are lucky enough to be a member at this Britomart members only club you'll be able to enjoy a hearty pre-match feast of a lamb shoulder roast with crispy vegetables, served on a wooden chopping board - good keen man style. May we suggest however that if you’re not a member, Sunday would not be a night to try your luck!

Atomic Coffee Roasters are hosting the last of their popular pre-match dinners. Located about as close to Eden Park as you can possibly get, enjoy a delicious three course meal, right on the path of the fan-walk, it's one last convenient stop pre-match. They'll also be screening the game. Make sure you book.

Party central

The next best thing to being at the game? Surround yourself with your very own rent-a-crowd at one of these locations guaranteed to be heaving, before, during and after the match.

Visit our friend and cocktail expert Sam Hatherley at Britomart Country Club and get him to whip you up one of his coveted cocktails; they’re expecting big crowds – so secure your position early and beat the queue. Or, head across to Tyler Street and watch the game while situated high above the sure to be packed party central. Feel safe and secure on their rooftop deck with its large screen and dedicated bar area. Be sure to sample their ribs, they are some of the best in town. 1885 is expecting crowds of epic proportions to descend upon their ever-popular bar, but with screens aplenty, you won’t miss one second of the action. To test your assertion against the French, head to the quintessentially French L’Assiette where they will, of course, be supporting the French – but a good dose of rivalry never goes amiss. If you’re there from lunchtime sample their Croque Madame – it rivals any from Paris. Closer to the action in Kingsland Neighbourhood Bar has set up a dedicated marquee in the back car park with a huge screen and dedicated bar area for fans. Kicking off at 4pm, they’ll be serving Kiwi hotdogs to assist with match fever, with DJ Isaac playing at 6pm (with a hiatus during the match) until 2.30am.

The after-match celebrations

Post-game we're hoping we will be raising our glasses to Piri, Richie and the boys long into the night. 

Ponsonby Social Club is pulling out all of the stops and has brought in internationally renowned DJ & writer for Rolling Stone Magazine, Tamenpi with support from Bobby Brazuka to cement the festivities until 3am in the morning. Downtown at 1885 the downstairs basement bar will be closed for a private function until 12pm, but it doesn’t mean you can’t join in the festivities upstairs with six large screens to cater for the impending crowds, and join the downstairs party later on. At Euro, DJ Phoebe Falconer will set the scene from 5pm onwards, and they’re expecting ‘quite a party’ following the match – so stick around. 

down on the coast at Tapapakanga Regional Park on Feb 17-19. Cripes, I'm exhausted, and beyond excited, just from thinking about it.

2. Getting Wet. I went for my first dip of the summer just the other day, it may still be too early I think, but, when it hits properly, check out these not-so-secret spots,  Parnell Baths & Thornes Bay (over on the shore).  Both are swimming holes that I wish I got to more often.  As far as Parnell goes, there's nothing quite like soaking in the tub while my girls mess about on the slides and swings in the Lido Pool whilst looking up at that awesome Matisse-inspired Mural thats been there since the late 50s. As for Thornes, its worth the battle to park once you head down and around the coast to the closest thing we've got to a Cote d'Azur beach, ripe for a little celebrity spotting, and the best hangover cure of all, immersion in the sea. A trip to Thornes is followed always by Gelato from the Takapuna Beach Cafe.

3. Tiki Touring. Seeing as my Monday to Friday is actually more of a Thursday to Friday, we've decided that a bunch of midweek 3 or 4 night short trips away will be the way our families summer break will work.  We're off to 'the Lakes District' to a friend's old school fishing bach right on the shores of Lake Rotoiti.  There are plans afoot to get camping amongst the Pohutakawa lined coves of the Coromandel Peninsula, the compulsory mooching about on Waiheke enjoying woodfired pizza at Little Oneroa and maybe even some time soaking up 'la dolce far niente' in sleepy ol' Raglan on the West Coast, definitely once of the most underrated holiday towns in the country.  Stand by for Denizen reports on the spots you need to know about.

4. Weddings. At the risk of sounding schmultzy, one of my favorite things about summer is going to weddings.  Moreso as a guest than as a DJ - but I'll take either. I do end up DJing several summer weddings for friends or friends of friends.  They are such an intriguing thing to be a part of, even as relative strangers exchange vows. It takes me right back to my own, nearly 8 years ago, and it's awesome to see people surrounded by loved ones having a cracker time. If you're on someone guest list, make the most of the day and get well and truly amongst it; you are one of the chosen few.  Love is certainly something worth celebrating!

5. Croquet. There's been a Christmas Day tradition in our family for the last 7 years - after the presents & the eating & the drinking (well to be honest the game doesn't stop us), we bust out a fairly competitive game of Croquet on Christmas afternoon. After all these years, my sister-in-law teammate and I are yet to actually win a game, so maybe this summer I should lay off the Champagne & concentrate on my game a little more (not sure how I'll convince my partner in crime to lay off the turps too)  I'm hoping Santa might well bring me my own set, our yard is the perfect size for me to brush up on my hoop skills and maybe, just maybe the 2012 title will finally come my way. 


Jade Hurst, Brand Specialist

1. Club Stolen VIP at Rhythm & Vines. It's been a while since visits, but I'm feverish about Rhythm & Vines this year. Music Festivals and me have had a shaky past, I'd love to say that I'm built for 3 days of festy-fun, but the reality is that the heaving crowds bamboozle me a bit. Thank the lord for the Club Stolen VIP area, it will be our base for me and my friends. Somewhere we can regroup over tall, cool cocktails and watch the mainstage. 

2. Paihia. This is my home town, a special part of the world for me, but I'm not alone here. Paihia is quintessential kiwi beach-life. These beaches have raised our family, and although a sleepy town on the surface, there's adventure if you know where to look. It's basic fun, it's grounding + wholesome. Take a bush walk from Haruru Falls to Waitangi. Jump on a ferry to Russell, grab a triple scoop of Tip Top and sunbathe in one of the secluded bays. Make a sand castle. Make some memories.

3. Heineken Baseline Afterparty. Once you're all sitting back at your desk, freshly tanned and flicking through holiday memories on Facebook, you may just be ready to rally together your buddies and head along to the tennis. The tennis stadium is now boasting a fancy new re-fit and is ready to show itself of in all it's glory. If you can't drag yourself away during the week, I have a hot tip for you...the Heineken Baseline Afterparty is where you want to be, watch the finals from the big screen from your bean bag and sip your way through a beer. That's where I'll be. Then you're in the best spot as the crowd descends on you to celebrate a great week of tennis and the sway to the sounds of Barnaby Weir and The Pheonix Foundation. 

4. Leigh Sawmill Brewery. It's taken 30 years, but I can finally say that we have friends that own a brewery. It's a micro brewery that boasts some special amber suds. If you haven't travelled to Leigh their plethora of summer gigs, then this should be on the to do list. There's something on every weekend in January, so the choice is spoiling you. It's a beautiful part of the country, I head to the Matakana Farmers Markets for some fresh spring rolls too (yum). 

5. Big Day Out I'm a Big Day Out groupie for sure, this is one of those not to be missed events for me. We park up at the East Lounge, but it's mad fun wherever you base yourself. It's the melding of hippies, goths, hip hop heads and indie kids all swaying to the same beat that I love the most.


Sarah Kapeli, Wellbeing guru

1. Lying on Bondi Beach doing absolutely nothing (with sunblock on of course)

2. 2 week Lucky You Juice Cleanse Detox.Choose which cleansing detox juices you would like and for how long you would like to do the cleanse/detox and they'll drop them off to your doorstep daily. (Only available in Sydney).

3. Long lunches at Sean's Panorama and Icebergs in Bondi (after my detox). Make sure to book these, and any restaurant in Sydney well in advance. There's nothing worse than hearing 'sorry we're fully booked'.

4. Golf lessons at Moore Park in Sydney.

5. Weekend at Qualia, Hamilton Island, Whitsundays. Qualia is the only place to stay on Hamilton Island. The food is delicious with beautiful fresh seafood always on offer. Go for a cruise around the island with your own golf cart that comes as part of your room.


The endless Christmas celebrations (that begin in November) can have you looking rounder and rosier than Santa Claus come Christmas day. And with 7 calories per gram, the number of calories in alcohol is second only after fat (9 cals/g). So here’s a short list of my top 4 ‘healthier’ alcoholic beverage choices and I assure these picks are sufficiently agreeable in taste.

1. Champagne

There’s nothing like a cold glass of Champagne to start off a perfectly delectable evening. A regular 120ml glass only contains approximately 91 calories. Champagne gives you the same amount of antioxidant heart protection as red wine, and way more than blueberries and most fruits, increasing heart muscle energy production, and protecting your heart’s cells from free radical damage.
2. Martini

Cosmopolitans and chocolate martinis, while delicious, are high in calories and sugar but not all martinis are bad. I highly recommend sipping on a dry gin martini, with as little as 140 calories it is virtually guilt-free. Gin is also an effective diuretic. It helps in passing more water than any other alcohol due to the juniper berries which gin is partially made from. It offers a short term solution to bloating (when drank in moderation).
3. Vodka & Soda

For a more casual affair try a refreshing vodka, soda with fresh lime and mint. Not only low in sugar it’s low in calories too with only 60 calories a glass. Save on your salt intake by asking for sparkling water instead of regular soda water (which is high in sodium).
4. Bloody Mary

When made with real tomato juice, this brunch cocktail is absolutely divine and only 129 calories. Tomato juice is also high in Lycopene, a vital anti-oxidant that helps fight against cancer forming cells and other diseases.

*If you’re ever in Sydney make sure you visit the bartenders at the Rockpool Bar and Grill on Hunters St – they make the best Bloody Mary's.

3 Z‚

1. NARS The Multiple in Orgasm: Even with a drawer packed full of blushes, I simply cannot go past this. It’s the holy grail of blushes. The soft, sheer peachy pink with a slight shimmer gives a look as though you are naturally blushing, regardless of your skin tone.

2. M.A.C Lingering Eyebrow Pencil: We've become a little obsessed this year with perfect looking eyebrows. The eyebrows are a frame for the eyes so it’s important they look slick. This pencil is the perfect tool to fill in brows naturally and ensure they stay looking perfectly groomed all day.

3. Osmosis Quench Moisturiser. A recent addition into the beauty routine, this all natural, luxurious moisturiser contains contains high doses of hyaluronic acid which absorbs quickly into the skin and imparts a natural glow on the skin we have yet to experience from other moisturisers.

4. Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit.  This is an ‘everything’ concealer which has a super creamy consistency and is moisturising and non flaky. You need very little to cover and it blends seamlessly into the skin. It also has this nifty little powder on the other side which sets the concealer and stops it from setting into lines and a mirror inside the compact which makes it perfect for the handbag.

5. Dove Summer Glow Gradual Tanner:  The Denizen girls all swear by this as the best gradual self tanner on the market. It’s non greasy and pretty much foolproof to apply, leaving you looking holiday bronzed all year round for under $10 a bottle. Genius.

6. Chanel Perfection Lumiere Foundation. There was a serious moment of panic following the discovery that Chanel’s Pro Lumiere foundation was to be discontinued this year. Luckily, the Chanel gods have replaced it with something equally as good (if not better). The name says it all really, it is a genius, lightweight and long-lasting formulation that seems to blur out any imperfections instantly. Mix it with M.A.C Strobe Cream for a dewy, Hollywood finish.

7. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum. Not only do you wake up with super hydrated skin but this all-conquering anti-aging elixir gives new meaning to the term beauty sleep, working it’s fine line fighting magic while you’re eyes are shut.

8. Clinique High Impact Mascara. This mascara guarantees serious volume and lush lashes, with a blacker than black pigment. The formula doesn’t dry out and works it’s magic to amp up the length too. We won’t leave the house without it.

9. M.A.C lipstick in Lady Danger. Never underestimate the power of red lipstick. This product is a well known cult favourite for a reason. Like the name suggests, It's the secret agent of lipsticks. A game-changing shade of scarlet with the added bonus of staying power.

10. Clarins Beauty Flash Balm. An oldie but a goodie. We're still yet to find a better product for brightening (and tightening) the complexion. It makes us look awake, even when we may not be feeling it, and for that, we salute it.


In our quest for the perfect pre summer glow, we came across the Nature Girl Ocean Potion salt scrub. We’ve been scrubbing our limbs in preparation for the sunshine with the tangerine scented scrub for two days now and so far the soft, buttery skin we’ve been left with has us more than impressed. Sloughing away dry, dull winter skin and leaving skin baby soft, lightly scented and ready for the sunshine, this all natural formula works its magic to condition and cleanse deep down for refreshed glowing skin. After an all-over scrub-a-thon (which, we might add, is a great way to de-stress too - take any pre Christmas aggression out on your skin and be left glowing) skin is left smoother, more radiant and firm.

This organic body polish contains a cocktail of some of nature’s finest ingredients, all hand-picked in their completely natural uncultivated state and sourced from family-run farms from around the world. When considering our bodies actually absorb 60% of what we put on our skin, this is a range of organic flower power that will resonate good on the inside as well.

Buffing away scaly skin has become somewhat of a treat now that we’re armed with one of these delicious smelling salt scrubs, not to mention the bright summer ready packaging that will make a rather good addition to the bathroom shelf.

Ocean Potion is available in three scents: Jasmine Lime, Orange Blossom and Tangerine.

Available from East Day Spa

SKYCITY Grand Hotel
123 Albert Street
Auckland Central

(09) 363 7050

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8. Clinique High Impact Mascara. This mascara guarantees serious volume and lush lashes, with a blacker than black pigment. The formula doesn’t dry out and works it’s magic to amp up the length too. We won’t leave the house without it.

9. M.A.C lipstick in Lady Danger. Never underestimate the power of red lipstick. This product is a well known cult favourite for a reason. Like the name suggests, It's like the secret agent of lipsticks. A game-changi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%yђ`‚_(зТЛtЙЋ)ve

1.The Antlers: Burst Apart

A beautifully paced follow up to their acclaimed debut ‘Hospice’, Brooklyn’s The Antlers delivered a velvet smooth record full of shimmering guitars, forlorn windswept organs and soaring falsetto vocals.  At times full of melancholy and sadness, ultimately ‘Burst Apart’ is a triumphant success, establishing The Antlers as a future contender.


2. British Sea Power: Valhalla Dancehall

Enigmatic and true British eccentrics, British Sea Power wear their hearts on their collective sleeves with this, their fourth full length effort.  As untamed as the Cumbrian landscape they hibernated in to write and record, it is a record full of extremes.  From the howling ruggedness of Krautrock monster ‘Mongk II’ to the glorious widescreen eleven minute lushness of ‘Once More Now’ ‘Valhalla Dancehall’ is a wonderfully wild ride.

3. The Fall: Ersatz GB

The point is no-one else sounds like The Fall.  Which is exactly why critics only come back to any new release from Salford’s finest is to compare it to any number of albums from their extensive back catalogue.  Which is precisely the point – you can’t compare The (mighty) Fall to anyone else, because their simply isn’t any point.  This, their 29th studio album finds Mark E Smith in caustic form. Over a brooding marriage of garage rockabilly and warped techno England 2.011 is laid to waste.  We need The Fall now more than ever.

4. Gang Gang Dance: Eye Contact

A wide tapestry of world music - from traditional Greek through to American soul and Chinese pop – is wonderfully collected and collated on this vibrantly bright, colourful and crystal clear sounding album.  The result is a superior electronica album been created by a supremely confident band at the very top of its game.

5. PJ Harvey: Let England Shake

Despite being a particularly English view of the horrors of war, and in particular World War One, the message is of course a universal one.  On ‘Let England Shake’ PJ Harvey once and for all confirms, as if there was any doubt, that she is arguably the finest female artist currently creating and producing.  Taken from a dazzling array of influences which is transferred to a withering display of musicianship, each of the album’s dozen songs are mini masterpieces in themselves.  Indeed, Harvey commissioned war photographer to craft videos for each track.  The art of war indeed.

6. Jon Hopkins and King Creosote: Diamond Mine

An incredible seven years in the making, ‘Diamond Mine’ is a labour of love that works as an aural postcard from a remote Scottish fishing village.  Combining ambient recordings of everyday life with sympathetic acoustic guitars, piano, strings and percussion, this was definitely the surprise of the year.  That it was eventually nominated for the Mercury Prize speaks volume for the craft and care that has gone into this amazing record.

7. Lykke Li: Wounded Rhymes

An album of contrasts. An abstract pop gem that alternates from Spector-wall-of-sound productions to folk and even dance floor. To deliver such a diverse range of styles, Li also proves herself to be a singer with real talent.  From the rocky opener ‘Youth Knows No Pain’ she resembles a young Stevie Nicks through to the epic ‘Love Out of Lust’ where she transforms into a Dusty Springfield-esque siren, one can’t help but feel that despite all the hype around Florence Welch, Lykke Li offers a far more interesting and rewarding experience.


8. John Maus: We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves

Worthy of being included on the just on the strength of the album’s title, ‘We Must Become…’ is a perhaps what Human League or OMD may have sounded like if they had been fronted by Philip K Dick or JG Ballard.  Maus uses old synthesisers to create a haunting and unsettling soundtrack for 21st century urban life.  While inspired by the past, this very much a record for the future.

9. Wild Beasts: Smother

Ten songs about love, lust and longing.  Hidden underneath the stripped back electronic, guitar and percussion hides an underlying tension and frustration that becomes almost palpable as each song drags you deeper and deeper into the dark world that Wild Beasts has created.  Garnished with exceptional writing and playing, ‘Smother’ for me remains one of the great releases of 2011.  Spellbinding in every way.


10. WU LYF: Go Tell Fire to the Mountain

World Unite Lucifer Youth Front positioned themselves as the art-rock terrorists for a generation with this, their debut album.  Released in a media frenzy of hype and mystery, the Manchester band duly delivered with a wonderfully flawed record that placed passion above perfection that immediately non-only challenged, but re-positioned all other groups lamely hailed as “the next big thing”.  You know who they are.  Wu Lyf also plays Auckland’s Laneways Festival early in 2012.  Get the album then check out them in person.  



 Starring: George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller
Season starts: 26 January
Director: Alexander Payne
Rating: TBC

From Alexander Payne, the creator of the Oscar-winning Sideways, The Descendants is a sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic journey for Matt King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident in Hawaii. The film has an impressive five nominations at the 2012 golden Globe awards including Best Picture, Best Performance by an Actor and Best Screenplay.

“One of the year's best films, a bubbly meditation on family and responsibility that weighs just enough to matter.” Tom Long, Detroit News


Starring: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Stellan Skarsgård
Season starts: 26 January
Director: David Fincher
Rating: R18 Contains violence, sexual violence and offensive language

The US remake of the first film in the hugely popular Swedish book trilogy races out of the blocks. Director David Fincher (The Social Network, 2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) continues his partnership with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, setting his heady opening sequence to Reznor’s cover of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Immigrant Song,’ featuring Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on vocals. The film follows Journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) on his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years, aided by Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a young computer hacker.

“[Fincher] has made The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo into an electrifying movie by turning the audience into addicts of the forbidden, looking for the sick and twisted things we can't see.” Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly

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There are many ways to detox. There is fasting on a liquid only diet consisting of vegetable juice and water for 3-7 days, go see a colonic irrigation specialist (yes, this is where they stick a hose up your rear end and ‘flush’ out your bowel) or perhaps start spending half your day in an infrared sauna. Most of them have their merit but it’s about finding what’s going to work for you. I’ve tried just about everything (aside from the ayuvedic detox which involves very pricey massages and specially prepared meals) and what I have found is that I cannot ‘fast’ (obstaining from solid food) for longer than a 15-hour period. Even as a kid my 40-hour famine for charity was more like a 5-hour famine with 2 empty boxes of barley sugars left at the end.
So what I personally recommend when embarking on a detox is to start slow and simple.  Decide how long you want to do your detox for – 2 weeks is a good amount of time. You may choose to do small fasts in the morning to give your system time to cleanse (rather than busy itself with digesting more food).  I often fast until lunchtime by replacing Breakfast with a boysenberry smoothie or pure cucumber, lemon and celery juice.  During your 2 week detoz period you should cut out all caffeine, alcohol, sugar and processed foods. If you have a strong sugar addiction (like myself) then try 85% dark chocolate for an after meal treat. Increase your water intake to 2 litres of water a day (it sounds excessive but hydration is the key to a successful detox). Each meal should include leafy greens. Aim for a small salad bowl serving of crisp lettuce leaves, delicious cherry tomatoes, capsicum, avocado and alfalfa sprouts, or whatever wets your appetite. A nutritionist once explained to me that vegetables, especially vegetable juice, is like Drain-O on our internal system and since then I have chugged down a vegetable juice every day.

Whatever your Summer modus operandi is, you should set aside 2 weeks to do a gentle detox. The benefits are huge, your eyes will be brighter and whiter, your liver and kidney function will improve and your digestive system will be helped. Treat your body like a temple it will pay off - I promise.

>Whatever your Summer modus operandi is you should set aside 2 weeks to do a gentle detox. The benefits are huge, your eyes will be brighter and whiter, your liver and kidney function will improve and your digestive system will be helped. Treat your body like a temple it will pay off later I promise.

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A Day on the Green - Hall & Oates

Hall and Oates are returning to New Zealand for their first show in more than 30 years. The pioneers or rock'n'soul will be performing at both the Villa Maria Estate in Auckland (Jan 29) and Church Road Winery in Napier (Jan 28). With worldwide hits such as 'I can't go for that', 'Rich Girl' and 'Maneater', it's no wonder that Daryl Hall & John Oates still hold the record as the number one selling duo in music history. Joining them on the tour is one of Australia's most revered bands, Icehouse, playing their first NZ shows in over 20 years. The two bands share a legacy of an incredible musical catalogue, chart and radio domination and have inspired and influenced the musical environment of the past, and today. A must see for any keen music aficionado's.

Tickets are available from Adayonthegreen.co.nz

St Jerome's Laneway Festival

Forget Big Day Out, Laneway is now New Zealand’s premiere one day music event.  Originally started in Melbourne back in 2004, the event has grown rapidly and will soon be expanding into Asia. Focusing on independent music, Laneway looks to set up within the urban environments of the cities in which it plays, the result being a more unique, boutique and intimate event. 2012’s (Jan 30) line-up is impressive – we’ll be checking out SBTRKT, Yuck, WU LYF, M83, Laura Marling, Washed Out and The Horrors. This year the festival is taking place at one of Auckland city's newest developments - Silo Park, Wynyard Quarter. The restored towering silos will provide the ultimate backdrop for this year's lineup. There will be three stages as well as boutique pop-up restaurants, food and market stalls, plus art installations by local Auckland artists.

Tickets are available from Showticksecure

More FM Summer Vineyard Tour

For five years, More FM has brought the best in local music to some of the country’s finest locations. Hitting the road in February 2012 with a fresh look and name, the More FM Summer Vineyard Tour will travel to the beautiful surrounds of New Zealand vineyards with the addition of hot international acts headlining the tour’s stellar line-up. Featuring artists Aloe Blacc, John Butler Trio and Annabel Fay, this summer festival commences February 3rd in Hawke’s Bay.

Tickets are available from summervineyardtour.co.nz


Taking place against the idyllic Tapapakanga Regional Park, just 70km south-east of Auckland, Splore is the most highly anticipated beach event in New Zealand. It is unmatched in its unique natural setting and the variety of new arts that it brings to festival goers every second year. Imagine experiencing top international acts including Erykah Badu, Soul II Soul and The Yoots right on the water's edge with the sand in between your toes. You will need to embrace your inner hippie, however, as music is just one part of the multifaceted Splore experience which combines visual arts projects, community interaction and environmental consciousness. This unique combination pulls an audience from all over New Zealand, and across the globe. There are various camping options available, including the newly released, Glamping - a good option for our fellow Denizens.

Tickets are available from 1night.co.nz

Rippon Festival

Now into its fourteenth year, the biennial event that is Rippon, is recognised as the nation's longest-running festival of its kind, soley promoting the music of Kiwi artists. Scheduled for Saturday 4th of February this year, it boasts aritsts such as Kora, The Datsuns, Trinity Roots, Katchafire and Sunshine Sound System. Rippon is run by a non-profit group, Lake Wanaka SouNZ Inc, with all profits made from the festivals each year going directly back into the Wanaka community and towards future events. Since the first festival, over $40,000 has been put back into supporting music, youth, and the environment within the region. The festival is highly regarded for its incredibly picturesque views over Lake Wanaka - making for some great Kodak moments.

Tickets are available from Ticketek


Assouline's incredible limited-edition volume - The Impossible Collection of Cars - showcases everything from a 1909 Blitzen Benz to a 1997 Porsche 993 Turbo S. Each car was chosen for its revolutionary design, magnificent lines and head-turning capabilities and are the world's most exotic and coveted automobiles that only a small number of people could afford. Hand bound and beautifully presented in a black rubber clamshell box with cutout metal plate - this is the book of the year for the automobile collector. It also comes with a complimentary Assouline canvas tote bag so the serious car enthusiast can transport the book wherever they go.



1. Common Projects high top sneakers from Colette

2. Quoddy leather boat shoe from Mr Porter

3. Gucci suede driving loafer from Gucci

4. Acne leather sandal from Acne

5. Chronicles of Never leather high top from Superette

6. Maison Martin Margiela suede and leather high top sneakeres from Colette

2. Quoddy leather boat shoe from Mr Porter

3. Gucci suede driving loafer from Gucci

4. Acne leather sandal from Acne

5. Chronicles of Never leather high top from Superette

6. Maison Martin Margiela suede and leather high top sneakeres from Mr Porter

driving loafer from Gucci

4. Acne leather sandal from Acne

5. Chronicles of Never leather high top from Superette

6. Maison Martin Margiela suede and leather high top sneakeres from Acne

5. Chronicles of Never leather high top from


Since its inception, Rockburn's Stolen Kiss Rosé has garnered a cult following. With only 1200 cases released each year - it has become an object of much desire to those who've experienced a stolen moment with this divine wine - never to be able to track down another bottle for the remainder of the summer.

Having recently experienced my first fling with this beautiful wine, I can hand on heart say that I could drink it all summer long. It's crisp, refreshing and bone dry without even a whisper of sweetness - the way all great rosés should be. I am hooked.

I suggest you get your hands on what's left of this great 2011 vintage - it is quite simply divine.


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The class begins with learning the art of making Halloumi, which is served deliciously upon the completion of the class as a grilled Halloumi, pear and caramalised walnut salad. While your delicious Halloumi creation curdles, you then set about mastering the Ricotta, a triumphant and sweet finale to top off your salad as it is served as a decadant deconstructed tiramisu.

The class will not only set you off on the right track to impress your next dinner party guests but it will also leave you suitably equipped with all the tools required to do so. The price of the class ($60) includes a Beginner’s Italian Cheesemaking Kit (pictured in slider) which contains both the equipment and the consumables you need to make 15 batches of your own fresh cheese. All you need to add is a little milk – and your newfound magic cheesemaking touch.

Spaces are extremely limited for the class, taking place on April 24 from 7pm to 9pm. Cheese lovers, we suggest you book quick smart!

Cook The Books
139 Richmond Road (corner of Norfolk Street)
Grey Lynn
Ph (09) 360 6513


dinner party guests but it will also leave you suitably equipped with all the tools required to do so. The price of the class ($60) includes a Beginner’s Italian Cheesemaking Kit which contains both the equipment and the consumables you need to make 15 batches of your own fresh cheese. All you need to add is a little milk – and your newfound magic cheesemaking touch.

Spaces are extremely limited for the class, taking place on April 24 from 7pm to 9pm. Cheese lovers, we suggest you book quick smart!

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Newmarket Superette

34 Nuffield Street, Newmarket, Auckland
09 966 0440

Ponsonby Superette

Shop 8, 282 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland
09 360 2360

Wellington Superette

106 Victoria Street, Te Aro, Wellington
04 473 2853



The Great Zambesi Scramble

Saturday 27th November 10am - 4pm

Sunday 28th November 11am - 3pm

The Zambesi Carpark, 113 Wellesley Street West, Auckland CBD

(opposite Deus motorcycle cafe)

Cash and eftpos only.


They promised to deliver a natural brown (despite my protests that for $65 I didn’t want it to be too natural – yes I really would like to look very brown). I was informed the results would last anywhere from 5-10 days. Alana, the beautician showed me her arm that was used as a crash test dummy one-week prior by a trainee (a risky proposition), however, it did, true to her word, still look very brown.

The process itself is relatively pain free – despite the one-size fits all underwear you have to don, the beautician evenly distributes the tanning agent to your entire body over a period of five minutes. Alana even managed to make me feel that she’s seen it all before – and was quite lovely.

Initially, the result was excellent. I looked like I’d spent days basking in the sun rubbing myself with coconut oil – which may have been only marginally more glamorous than the actual process itself. I was the same nutty brown I tan naturally in summer. And, although the intensity of the tan wore off in about 3-4 days, I still look sun-kissed ten days on. Definitely worth it – just don’t go natural, go the whole way.

Cost: $65

Lucy & The Powder Room
Newmarket: 09 524 6702
The Department Store, Takapuna: 09 360 0848



From her studio in Plaka, Athens, Ioanna Kourbela designs clothes with as few seams and stitches as possible, allowing more movement within the fabric, and enabling the wearer to create their own personal fabric sculpture or "moulage" on their body.

Taylor, 20 Jervois Road, Ponsonby, Auckland 09 376 6544



Cost: $120

Available from Novel bookstore, 202 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland.


It has moments of absolute brilliance which can be likened to that of its title: 'it had become a palace of light, light bouncing off the chrome pillars...it was though they stood inside a crystal of salt.

With a strong architectural element, the house operates as the definitive modern house and serves as not only architecture within the book, but as the main crux of the novel - in which history is formed within it.

Cost: $30

Available from Novel Bookstore, 202 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland.


And what a journey it is.  Released on the Young Turks label (briefly the home of The XX and Holy Fuck) Jerome is joined by a number of guest vocalists to deliver eleven tracks that take in a bewildering array of influences, from drum and bass, soul and R‘n’B through to dub step and Chicago house.

Fellow label mate Sampha features on five tracks and his voice is a perfect foil for Jerome’s wonderfully subtle production, which is full of detailed twists and turns that continue to surprise after repeated listening, particularly on ‘Hold On’ where Sampha’s despair “you’re giving me the coldest stare, like you don’t even know I’m here” is pitched perfectly with Jerome’s intricate soundtrack. 

Next up is ‘Wildfire’ that features the soaring vocals of Little Dragon’s Yukimi Nagano and is a major electro-pop mood changer with its Nenah Cherry like swagger and pout.

Other highlights include ‘Right Thing to Do’ which this time features fellow Young Turk label mate Jesse Ware, with its twisted bass and thumping machines “such a hurricane trapped in my soul and I can’t explain” and the stylised piano noted disco throwback of the Rose Gabor fronted ‘Pharaohs’.

Big beats, catchy choruses, bubbling rhythms, eclectic, textured and intelligent, Aaron JerјT

And what a journey it is.  Released on the Young Turks label (briefly the home of The XX and Holy Fuck) Jerome is joined by a number of guest vocalists to deliver eleven tracks that take in a bewildering array of influences, from drum and bass, soul and R‘n’B through to dub step and Chicago house.

Fellow label mate Sampha features on five tracks and his voice is a perfect foil for Jerome’s wonderfully subtle production, which is full of detailed twists and turns that continue to surprise after repeated listening, particularly on ‘Hold On’ where Sampha’s despair “you’re giving me the coldest stare, like you don’t even know I’m here” is pitched perfectly with Jerome’s intricate soundtrack. 

Next up is ‘Wildfire’ that features the soaring vocals of Little Dragon’s Yukimi Nagano and is a major electro-pop mood changer with its Nenah Cherry like swagger and pout.

Other highlights include ‘Right Thing to Do’ which this time features fellow Young Turk label mate Jesse Ware, with its twisted bass and thumping machines “such a hurricane trapped in my soul and I can’t explain” and the stylised piano noted disco throwback of the Rose Gabor fronted ‘Pharaohs’.

Big beats, catchy choruses, bubbling rhythms, eclectic, textured and intelligent, Aaron Jerome has taken from a wide range of sources and delivered a crispy fresh album that simply shouldn’t work, yet somehow makes perfect sense.

T,T E eaѓPН Йœ <A №Йœ="httpTŸNFЌѓP‡PН?`Н? Н?V‡АН?year round.

Visit the booking site here.

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With my 30th year rapidly a Auckland
ph 09 376 1266


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Let’s face facts: cellulite is ugly – and stubborn. Neither mother nature or your DNA intended you to have it. The reason you have cellulite is because you’ve been poisoning your body with toxins and your body’s natural detoxification mechanisms have been overwhelmed by the gradual intake of more and more toxins at a faster rate than your body can handle. So unless you live like a nun, chances are you have a bit of dimply skin to deal to.

Now it is true that anyone can get cellulite, but because hormonal changes increase the likelihood of it, women tend to be more prone to cellulite than men (a bit of a raw deal if you ask me). And while anti-cellulite creams may improve the appearance by smoothing and firming the skin, it will never solve the problem. The only way to eliminate cellulite is to address the toxins that cause it in the first place. Your solution (along with some reasonably moderate exercise) is this – bone broth.

If you aren’t making your own bone broth (stock) already you should start. Not only are the health benefits unbelievable, it’s also very easy. Bone broth is powerfully detoxifying as well as serving as a deeply nourishing food. Broths made from bones have been used for their incredible healing properties for centuries. Those healing properties are one of the reasons why chicken soup is one of the best cough and cold remedies you’ll ever find. It helps to dislodge toxins from your lymph while immersing your body with important minerals. Real bone broth contains: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium Sulfate, Collagen, Chondroitin, Glycine and more. Boxed and canned broths are commercially available, and you can even buy organic and free-range meat broths, but they are often highly processed – and expensive!

To Make Bone Broth: Simply throw the bones in a large crock pot and fill with water. You can get the bones from a butcher, or use leftovers from your meal (bones from organically grown, grass fed animals are best). Add three tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s is a good brand), this is to pull the minerals out of the bones, and salt and pepper for taste. Simmer for several hours – five hours will do, overnight is preferable. Drink at least 1 litre of broth every day or use it in soups.

If you haven’t already got the crock pot fired up, I suggest you start now. It’s a simple recipe with a big and beautiful pay off!


Mozzarella is best renowned for its soft, cloud-like, and deliciously subtle flavour. Best suited atop pasta, or on its own as part of an antipasto spread at dinner, this wonderful cheese is coveted worldwide and we have been known to eat our fair share of it both here and abroad.

Katherine has been presenting cheese-making courses in New Zealand for the past 20 years. Having learned to make cheese in the Ashdown Forest in England, in the traditional way using cow’s and sheep’s milk, she is well-versed on the finer details of artisan cheese making.

The evening lasts 2-2.5 hours and starts with a general introduction to cheese making followed by a demonstration of making quick and easy Mozzarella – fresh and made from just 2 litres of milk and vegetable rennet. Followed by a tasting of not only the freshly made cheese (that you’ve just played a hand in), you’ll also get to sample artisan cheeses from around New Zealand all whilst enjoying a glass of wine or two.

With only 20 spots available, it’s an opportune moment to grab a few friends and embrace your inner Italian, whilst learning how to make Mozzarella at home.

We have one spot to give away to the Mozzarella evening on the 7th of December courtesy of Cook The Books. Email us at contact@thedenizen.co.nz to put your name in the draw. Competition closes Friday 18th of November.

Cost: $55 per person (limited to 20 spots)
Wednesday 7th of December, 7pm.

Cook The Books
139 Richmond Road (corner of Norfolk Street)
Grey Lynn
Ph (09) 360 6513


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The influence of Paterson's Maori heritage (Ngati Rangitihi) is strong in his earlier works, which focus on traditional motifs such as the kowhaiwhai. More recently Paterson has extended his range of subjects to include animals and bird life, with a focus on environmental and social politics. Paterson also plays with textile and fashion industry production methods, exploring the possibilities of non-traditional art materials like glitter-dust and fabric.

Paterson’s career is as sparkling as his canvases. Born in 1973, he graduated from Auckland University’s prestigious Elam School of Fine Arts in 1997 and shortly thereafter became the youngest recipient ever of the international Moet et Chandon Art Fellowship. In 1998, Paterson journeyed to the Moet Chateau in Arvize, spending two months camped out in the designer fashion shows of Paris, studying fabric technique and structure amongst the collections of Helmut Lang, Issey Miyake, Comme des Garcon and Collette Dinnigan.

Although he has exhibited widely internationally and in New Zealand, Bottled Lightning is his first solo public gallery exhibition in Auckland since Cameo Project at Te Tuhi in 2001. Reuben’s paintings are also now included in most of Australasia’s public collections.

Bottled Lightning, curated by Andrew Clifford, is on view until 3 March

Gus Fisher Gallery
74 Shortland Street



Photographs by Sam Hartnett

T]Г?ѓP“ИPИts to include animals and bird life, with a focus on environmental and social politics. Paterson also plays with textile and fashion industry production methods, exploring the possibilities of non-traditional art materials like glitter-dust and fabric.

Paterson’s career is as sparkling as his canvases. Born in 1973, he graduated from Auckland University’s prestigious Elam School of Fine Arts in 1997 and shortly thereafter became the youngest recipient ever of the international Moet et Chandon Art Fellowship. In 1998, Paterson journeyed to the Moet Chateau in Arvize, spending two months camped out in the designer fashion shows of Paris, studying fabric technique and structure amongst the collections of Helmut Lang, Issey Miyake, Comme des Garcon and Collette Dinnigan.

Although he has exhibited widely internationally and in New Zealand, Bottled Lightning is his first solo public gallery exhibition in Auckland since Cameo Project at Te Tuhi in 2001. Reuben’s paintings are also now included in most of Australasia’s public collections.

Bottled Lightning, curated by Andrew Clifford, is on view until 3 March

Gus Fisher Gallery
74 Shortland Street


Step in Lucy Marr, a highly regarded figure in the New Zealand beauty industry, Marr was unable to find products that we both highly active but also pure and chemical-free. Marr enlisted New Zealand's top scientists to create a range of products like no other.

I've been using Sans now for a week, and have definitely noticed a difference with the vitality of my hair. Designed to build and fatten the intercellular structure of the hair fibre by using extracts of fennel and visnaga vera the hair wash is different from your traditional shampoo. For best results you should leave it in your hair for two minutes before rinsing.

Cost: $42

The Fine Hair Hydrant is a similarly light product that manages to leave your hair feeling fortified and full of body.

Cost: $42

Sans is available from Stephen Marr and Lucy and the Powder Room.


It's become somewhat of a running joke around the office - my passion for the sausage, but regardless of the jibbing I might receive from my peers, it's all taken back when I introduce them to something as good as the meats from Salash Delicatessen. 

Arriving in New Zealand in 2009 Pedja Mikov introduced his Serbian family's tradition of dry-cured meats. Handmade using recipes passed through generations, some of which are over 300 years old.  

Using only the very best cuts of free range pork and beef, with natural castings, organic sea salt and fresh garlic, all from New Zealand and combined with Hungarian paprika, aromatic black peppercorns and the finest herbs and spices, their meats are bursting with the sorts of flavours you should expect from cured meat.

Take it from me - their Kulen Salami has an intensely rich flavour and just the right amount of spicy-kick to keep you on your toes. 

Available from the French Markets in Parnell every weekend.

Salash Delicatessen
1 Ayr Street Parnell
ph 09 827 2633

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1. Dermalogica's Microfoliant is a daily facial scrub. Do we hear a succession of ouches? Like you, my experience with daily scrubs to date is not a positive one. Often they leave you feeling scrubbed bare - and there is something to be said for being gentle with one's skin. This scrub, on the other hand, made from the tiniest of particles with ingredients including bearberry & grapefruit to balance skin pigmentation comes out literally like powder in your hands. With a little water you gently lather it and massage it into your cleansed skin for one minute. The result? It leaves your skin feeling soft, moisturised and surprisingly clean. Unsure if it's capable of serious exfoliating work, but it certainly does the trick on a daily basis.

Cost: $127

2. Chanel's Precision Gommage Microperle Exfoliant is a silky gel-based exfoliant that leaves you looking radiant. If glowy skin is your objective, this is an exfoliant that has enough grit to smooth the skin's surface whilst still leaving your skin feeling comfortable. Made from pearl powders and jojoba microbeads it removes dead skin cells, dirt and impurities. Whilst not quite as gentle as the Microfoliant by Dermalogica, this one feels like it has the guts to slug away even the toughest of dull skin. We suggest you top it immediately with a creamy moisturiser.

Cost: $84

3. La Mer's The Body Refiner Scrub initially sounded quite hard core. Made from polished sea quartz that acts as the natural exfoliant plus half a carats worth of pure diamond dust - its definitely got ingredients that make a woman take notice. Never a fan of the famed facial moisturiser by La Mer (which to me just felt way too heavy on the skin) I was interested to give this body exfoliant a whirl. I was pleasantly surprised. The scrub itself feels plush and creamy, again I'm unsure if it's scrubby enough to really slog away serious dirt, but it definitely feels luxurious on the skin which accounts for a lot. Skin feels soft after using it - the price is slightly prohibitive and with exfoliation a weekly task, one may need to look into quality but cost efficient alternatives.

Cost: $350

Dermalogica available from Dermalogica outlets and key salons nationwide, Chanel & La Mer available from leading department stores nationwide.



My search may well be over thanks to Gucci. The Sienna clutch combines the perfect balance of evening chic with a nod to rock'n'roll. Constructed in black python giving it texture and grunt, and featuring gold hardware with a tassel and the oh-so-important horse bit detailing, this is the perfect addition to my evening wardrobe.

Available from Gucci.

48 Queen Street
ph 09 368 1138


Root For Ruin is their fifth studio album, and takes up smoothly from 2007's break through album Let’s Stay Friends. As such, the band looks to continue on that success, resulting in a record that feels very comfortable and relaxed in its own skin, rather than trying to peel it off.

Album opener “Appetites” has the band in cracking form with their right foot planted heavily on the accelerator with the rubber very firmly hitting the road.  Elsewhere “Lips n’ Stuff”, “Excess Energies”, “Let’s Get Out Of Here” and album closer “Clear Spirits” are standout tracks showcasing the superb guitaring of Seth Jabour and Andrew Reuland.  Layering playful lines over each other as if dueling banjoists they superbly balance the muscular lyrics of Harrington.

These tracks are so good that one can therefore forgive a couple of the slower mid-tempo tracks that see the album lose some steam through the middle, before another final mad head-rush kicks in to close.

If you’re new to Les Savy Fav, you could do a lot worse than checking out Root For Ruin as an introduction to one of the better modern indie rock protagonists around.  If you like what you hear here, definitely check out 2004’s Let’s Stay Friends and the excellent singles compilation Inches.


T†Кч cѓP“АМ”€О”Н”ўџџџџџџџ`С”wide.





My search may well be over !

My search may well be over thanks to Gucci. The Sienna clutch combines the perfect balance of evening chic with a nod to rock'n'roll. Constructed in black python giving it texture and grunt, and featuring gold hardware with a tassel and the oh-so-important horse bit detailing, this is the perfect addition to my evening wardrobe.

Available from Gucci.

48 Queen Street
ph 09 368 1138



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Yellow Diamonds are the wonderchild of Dr Ben Johnson who formulated the revolutionary Osmosis Skin care range - a widely celebrated medical grade skincare range that works in partnership with your skin by correcting and repairing your existing cells. Already an Osmosis convert by way of their amazing skin serum range, I needed little convincing to give these so called wonder pills a whirl.

The tablets, which you are instructed to take three times a day, contain blend of beneficial nutrients which activates your cells to stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)- in other words, speed up what essentially is the fuel for our metabolism and all cellular activity. Two days in and I'm yet to lay qualified claim to any of the effects mentioned. Ever the optimist, my hopes are high for the promises these little gems uphold, but if there ever was a time to get a head start on the summertime regime, it's right about now.

RRP $99

Osmosis Yellow Diamonds are available from:

Lucy & the Powder Room
16 Morrow Street
ph  09 524 6702?


Touted as the country's largest waterfront areas to be revitilised, the area will eventually be transformed into a desirable harbourside community.

TжТ 4Єu'llѓPНР­Єtores thЎЄliterally poI­ѓ

Gang Gang Dance has always created from a wide tapestry of world music – both geographically and sonically – and there is no difference here, with the second track a one minute sample of Bougatsos’s late uncle singing in Greek, while Romance Layers (complete with guest vocals from Hot Chip front man Alexis Taylor) comes on like a long lost soul classic from the dark side.  Elsewhere, the band pays homage to Indian and Chinese pop – its musical anarchy of the highest order.

The album’s production is bright, colourful and crystal clear, perhaps influenced and helped in its simplicity by the tight tribal trance rhythms of new drummer Jesse Lee.  The deliciously twisted Mindkilla is a case in point, an almost too obvious dance floor slayer, with its distorted nursery rhyme lyrics and mind warping fuzz groove.

Two tracks from the album are dedicated to New York art scene casualties – Glass Jar is for former band member Nathan Maddox struck down by lightning, while Sacer is in memory of artist Dash Snow, who died from a drug overdose in 2009.  And it is this undercurrent of lost friends that sits under the surface of Eye Contact, like an unsettling ye omnipresent ghost in the house.

And, then suddenly, just like a dream it’s over.  Final track Thru and Thru ending almost as we started, with a whispered refrain of “live forever”.

Eye Contact is wonderful, it is pop, it is dance, superior dance, and it is also a document of a supremely confident band at the very top of its game.


With a menu that changes regularly, there is everything from the classic mince and cheese to the quintessentially Kiwi bacon and egg, and even apple and cinnamon for those inclined for something a little sweeter. Pies are served with or without the traditional mashed potato and mushy peas on top and there are condiments galore. 

The Airstream is a story in itself - a 1971 original sourced from Tuscon Arizona was transported to its new home in New Zealand, where it was stripped and completely refurbished by Showstoppers in Silverdale in a mere six weeks.

I have never really been much of a pie girl, being known to write off any pie consumption as a ‘last resort’ late night snack. And so it can be said that getting me to admit to enjoying a lunchtime pie is no easy feat – well thanks to Sarge’s Pies, I think I just did. The Denizen team took a trip down to the cart to sample Sarge’s new wares. Made of the finest local ingredients, these are some seriously tasty snacks. On the afternoon the Denizen team visited, we went with a classic mince pie with tomato sauce ($5). While I don’t think these will be a daily indulgence on my part, they will certainly be perfect for soaking up the excesses after a night out.  The music is blaring, the staff are fun, and the pies are worth every bit of the extra taxi stop. 

We have no doubt this pie cart is set to become an Auckland institution. See you there!

Sarge’s Pies

2b Commerce St
Britomart Precinct

Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am – late, Sunday– Tuesday 10am – 7pm.


Pushing the boundaries of art and fashion, Louis Vuitton commissioned the young British artist to showcase the French design houses breath of signature goods with a collection of leather animal art. The amazing creatures are collectively named the ‘Maroquinaris Zoologicae’ and were initially created by Achilleos for the 100th anniversary of the house’s small leather goods’ collection. We were lucky enough to view the collection up close on display at the Via Montenapoleone store as part of the Salone del Mobile 2012 whilst on our recent trip to Milan, and we can assure you it was just as breathtaking as any real-life zoo trip.

The miniature leather zoo collection required the artist to not only tailor her artistic talents to the task, but also her knowledge of the Louis Vuitton product range to ensure she found the perfect fit for every design. The collection of over 20 members of the animal kingdom showcases unique and creative re-interpretations of iconic Louis Vuitton monogrammed wallets, belts, purses and key chains and include insects, reptiles, birds and small mammals. We were particularly partial to the cat and the squirrel. We’re just disappointed none of these works of art could be taken home.

While you may not be able to get as close to the animal creations as we did, we suggest you take a look at this fascinating sneak peek of the making of the collection below.

T&Мжgz"ѓP“аЗќodbi Иќi@mereevery design. The§@zѓP3@ИNA|ИN0BBA‚urday 10am – late, Sunday– Tuesday 10am – as possible, allowing more movement within the fabric, and enabling the wearer to create their own personal fabric sculpture or "moulage" on their body.


A collection of one-off dresses and summer pieces with be available for purchase.

Taylor, 20 Jervois Road, Ponsonby, Auckland 09 376 6544

Tв ?ЩѓPНАЈжШ@зЉж[џЙ? $*T'G — 0ѓPНpЌъРЌъ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Є|(\Ž:ёД`ѕЁА‚ _џщЭЭoЫfTд ЌѓPН Ќv№Ќv.wгГЬM

The duo are picking up design awards across the globe, including Wallpaper magazine's 'design duo to watch' and are also recipients of the Bombay Sapphire Discovery Award.

Here at The Denizen office we're coveting the gold bars, the perfect accompaniment to our minimal office aesthetic.

RRP $105

Available from Douglas and Bec
9 St Mary's Road

TЬM ЅЭѓPНЎDPЎDВ.•p9‘T№@3ѓPНрМЄœ0НЄ€[e‚Я э

He’s obviously an intelligent guy, and in recent interviews, he’s talked about philosopher Alain Badiou being the inspiration behind his latest work whose central theme is the idea of resistance to increasingly pervasive and intrusive forms of mass communication.

His resistance movement certainly uses a Trojan horse strategy, because ‘We Must Become...’ is a fusion of eighties inspired pop.  Imagine a combination of Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, The Human League, Gary Numan and Giorgio Moroder being fronted by Ian Curtis, and you should have some idea as to exactly what Maus has created here.

Maus has long believed in the power of  “old synthesizers that can be mobilized today in interesting ways” and it’s hard to imagine a more powerful statement of intent than the eleven tracks collected together on this album.

Opener ‘Streetlight’ swirls in science fiction streets as does ‘Quantum Leap’ which could be a séance karaoke club featuring the ghost of Ian Curtis.  “A dead zone is the sign of the times” indeed. Haunting. 

Sweet ballad ‘Hey Moon’ is a dive into the deep end of pure pop bliss, as Maus duets with Molly Nilsson, who wrote the song.  Conjuring nocturnal loneliness and romantic dreams, it is delivered like a delicate stolen kiss “it’s just you and me tonight, everyone else has gone to bed”.  Devine.

Personal favourite ‘Keep Pushing On’ almost acts as a rallying cry to the album’s title with its insanely catchy chorus saturated by synthesizers to the point of overflowing rendering Maus’ vocal all but indecipherable.  ‘Head for the Country’  is all disco doorbells and delightful with Maus’ vocals floating above himself as almost beyond the horizon he cries “this is where a human being finds itself”.

‘Cop Killer’ does take its inspiration from Body Count’s song of the same name, but is in fact a musing on our need to conquer our own inner demons and Maus turns it into an eerie mirror ball slow waltz for a downstairs club perhaps not currently on this particular planet.

However, everything comes to a head though with the album’s final track ‘Believer’.  Driven on by the pounding bass that is in reality the spine of the entire album we are taken on a journey through a sonic landscape of chimes and church organs.  Along for the ride are Hulk Hogan and Jackie Chan (WTF?) as Maus informs us from the flight deck that “they call me the believer”. 

So, while inspired very much by the past, this is a record very much for the future.  It is something new altogether, and one of my favourite records of 2011 so far.  Eccentric.  Epic.  Essential.

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This is the perfect kit to easily pack into the car packed full of all our favourite gourmet offerings, from summer dining essentials like Peter Gordon’s sunny avocado oil & pomegranate molasses dressing to Sabato’s pasta sauce with rocket, to more indulgent accompaniments such as Adami Prosecco and Fig Vincotto. If the indulgent selection of tasty treats within this hamper don't impress your fellow house guests over summer, then nothing will.

Packed in a natural wooden box, the full kit contains: Ines Rosales Seville orange tortas, Peter Gordon Sunny avocado oil & pomegranate molasses dressing, Adami Prosecco, Ferron Vialone Nano rice, Forum Chardonnay vinegar, Goccia di Sole EVO, Alain Milliat fruit nectar, Sandimais breadsticks, Salvagno olives in brine, Sabato pasta sauce with rocket, Sabato garlic aioli, Harney & Sons English Breakfast tea, Julie Le Clerc balsamic honey mustard, Sabato semi-dried cherry tomatoes, Sabato Sicilian orange marmalade, Sabato pesto, Callipo tuna in EVO, Talatta anchovies and Fig vincotto.

The Bach Kit is available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
(09) 630 8751


TdрѓP‡€ЖуаЖуTfX§esѓP‡АЖЅactiЗЅs abouTkЊюѓP‡pМ-€М-РМ-V‡аМ-a natural wooden box, the full kit contains: Ines Rosales Seville orange tortas, Peter Gordon Sunny avocado oil & pomegranate molasses dressing, Adami Prosecco, Ferron Vialone Nano rice, Forum Chardonnay vinegar, Goccia di Sole EVO, Alain Milliat fruit nectar, Sandimais breadsticks, Salvagno olives in brine, Sabato pasta sauce with rocket, Sabato garlic aioli, Harney & Sons English Breakfast tea, Julie Le Clerc balsamic honey mustard, Sabato semi-dried cherry tomatoes, Sabato Sicilian orange marmalade, Sabato pesto, Callipo tuna in EVO, Talatta anchovies and Fig vincotto.

The Bach Kit is available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
(09) 630 8751



What is your signature cocktail?

The famous SPQR Espresso Martini.

The worst cocktail someone can order is?

Piña Colada – or a Harvey Wallbanger. The cliché old cocktails. Screwdrivers are okay, people still order them but they just don’t tend to call them Screwdrivers anymore.

Who is your ideal customer?

The polite one. The one that says please and thank you. Someone who really appreciates a good drink, and good service.

Who is the most impressive person that you’ve ever served?

Whoopi Goldberg and Tina Turner - not at the same time though.

What's the best story you've heard across the bar that you shouldn't have?

You get a lot of personal information after a few drinks - people tend to spill the beans. You hear it but you don’t. It’s not like you’re eavesdropping, you just let it slip by and don’t really retain it. But you can pick up on some pretty interesting things though – like boob jobs and Brazilian waxes. SPQR has been an institution since day one, for famous people, not so famous people, TV personalities and celebrities. They know that they are going to be quite safe here. People know that they can come here and sit in a dark corner and snuggle and it’s not going to end up on the front page. Privacy is something that we hold quite close to us. Not a lot of people get to deal with such a variety of clientele. You get all extremes. It’s a very interesting place to work from that perspective.


1. topside
A large muscle in the beast, resulting in a consequently tougher cut. Not recommended as a steak cut, but beautiful roasted or braised. Best served with a large helping of Yorkshire pudding.

2. silverside
Like topside, silverside derives from a well used muscle which means it’s best slow braised - resulting in the old school, but ever-popular corned beef. Best served with granny’s special mustard sauce.

3. & 10. hindshank, foreshank
These are tough but delicious cuts. Cooked in a crock pot all day with stock and port, and you’ve got yourself a melt in the mouth dinner. Affordable, underrated and delicious.

4. rump
One of the prime cuts. A hugely versatile cut that can be flash fried, slow cooked, braised, roasted, or even served raw. Whatever you want to achieve, you can do it with rump. My granny reckons it’s the tastiest of all the cuts, but take heed, it can be a tad chewy.

5. flank
Very popular in Asian cuisine, the flank is used a lot at Korean BBQs and in many Chinese dishes. Usually diced and marinated in awesome Asian flavours. It has lots of natural flavour, and is lean and very affordable.

6. loin cuts
Comprising of only 6% of the final carcass, loin cuts are the heroes of the animal, and as a result, the most expensive. Consisting of the tenderloin (eye fillet), sirloin (strip loin) and scotch fillet (ribeye/cube roll). Generally the bone has been removed, leaving behind a delicious individual steak. With the bone in they become something totally different, T-Bone, standing rib roast and bone in sirloin, all have more intense flavour characteristics when the bone is left intact. Flash fried rare or medium rare is the only way to cook these bad boys!

7. brisket
High fat content and therefore consequently rich in flavour. Try braising these with beef stock, vegetables and good quality red wine. And remember if it ain’t good enough to drink, then it ain’t good enough to cook with.

8. chuck steak
The most common cut used for diced beef and stir frys. Perfect for casseroles and stroganoffs. Makes an awesome beef mince too.

9. blade steak
Again one of the more tough cuts, but amazingly flavoursome. Used for stewing, minute steaks and marinated steaks. And be warned, this is often what’s used for ‘peppered steaks’ as well.

All meat available from www.neatmeat.com


In a clever visual match of striking parallel portraits, paired with witty taglines and simple narratives, Paris versus New York illustrates both the contradictions and likenesses of the two cities. Comparisons include everything from the food (a baguette vs. a bagel); the architecture (the Pont Des Arts and the Brooklyn Bridge), the pop culture (Amélie against Carrie Bradshaw) and many other quirky cultural details. Muratyan’s vibrant visual designs celebrate the two great cities in a entirely new way, and brilliantly capture the intricacies of their differences with a unique and entertaining approach. Having been fans of his blog for some time, there is no doubt you will be finding this one on our coffee tables.

Available from Amazon



The weighty hand-stitched case also comes equipped with all the essentials to ensure your whisky tasting experience is a memorable one. A set of eight sterling silver drinking cups, and, in typical Ardbeg style, a ‘Sampling Register’  with a specially crafted OMAS pen (instead of a traditional Shooting Register). There is also a hand-stitched leather book documenting the luxury country sport and the production of Ardbeg itself.  

With just 250 made worldwide, just one has made its way down to our fine shores as of last week. While this may not be an essential piece for the whiskey lover or collector, it most certainly is a desirable one. Few men will argue the satisfaction of a dram of luxury whisky at the end of a successful shoot, and when the drop is Ardbeg, we suspect there will be no contention.

Price: $20,000

Available from:
Whisky Galore
66, Victoria Street
(03) 377 68ёвž

The weighty hand-stitched case also comes equipped with all the essentials to ensure your whisky tasting experience is a memorable one. A set of eight sterling silver drinking cups, and, in typical Ardbeg style, a ‘Sampling Register’  with a specially crafted OMAS pen (instead of a traditional Shooting Register). There is also a hand-stitched leather book documenting the luxury country sport and the production of Ardbeg itself.  

With just 250 made worldwide, just one has made its way down to our fine shores as of last week. While this may not be an essential piece for the whiskey lover or collector, it most certainly is a desirable one. Few men will argue the satisfaction of a dram of luxury whisky at the end of a successful shoot, and when the drop is Ardbeg, we suspect there will be no contention.

Price: $20,000

Available from:
Whisky Galore
66, Victoria Street
(03) 377 6824 or 0800 (WHISKY)

TѓŸ ЃѓP3pЛфРЛф
Whisky Galore
66, Victoria Street
(03) 377 6824 or 0800ISKY)

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Big Deal is 18 year old Brit Alice Costelloe and 29 year-old American Kacey Underwood and together they have defied the odds to come up with a debut album that is simply too honest, uncomplicated and unpretentious to dislike.

Instrumentation is limited to an acoustic guitar accompanied by fuzzy electric guitar over which Underwood and Costelloe tell their stories of love, longing and lust. The result is an album that almost sounds as if the two recorded it in their bedroom, and it’s this wonderful intimacy which is ultimately the real essence of what the two have been able to create.

As lead vocalist, it is Costelloe that drives the album with a uniquely female yearning, but never at all does she come across as either angsty or cloying despite lines like “take me to your bed, don’t take me home” (‘Cool Like Kurt’), and “come and find me dizzy with the spell of our chemistry, you are the diamond that fits into my heart so easily” (‘Swoon’).

Structurally sparse yet emotionally rich, ‘Lights Out’ is a wonderful album for the promise and hope of spring. It is so much more than a teenager’s naive and innocent take on romance.  It is really a wonderful study on the tentative first steps that all new relationships must take, and all the conflicting emotions that come with that. Where Big Deal go to from here isn’t clear, but for now they have delivered one of the most pleasantly surprising debuts of the year.


It was with this in mind that I wondered how he was approaching playing one of the most reprehensible protagonists in the history of theatre, that of Tartuffe in Silo Theatre’s latest production, Tartuffe.

He admits that the task is a challenging one, “even though it’s based around a whole lot of fun, to get the fun right is quite an artform…comedy has so much structure”. It is however in the calibre of the cast surrounding him and under Shane Bosher’s direction that he finds a sense of ease and trust, “It’s a safety net… I knew they wouldn’t let me be shit”.

Paolo impressed me with his understanding of the play itself noting that “it’s about hypocrisy and manipulation…but this new adaptation has a whole lot of themes about our consumerist society and the frivolity of our over sexed-ness… and the play is so over sexed, it really takes the piss out of it”. But he’s also aware of Tartuffe’s contemporary relevance “look at the people protesting by occupying  Wall Street: I don’t think people are praying at altar of pure capitalism and free markets as much…”. His hope is that an audience leaves having “pissed themselves laughing but maybe realise that they’re laughing at themselves a little bit….there is a question mark there about how we live and what we do and what we believe in”.

When it comes to playing Tartuffe, Paolo reflects that he’s envious of “the absolute confidence and pure self belief that he (Tartuffe) has, but… has obviously got all that at the expense of morality and humility... It’s so much fun playing a character that is so naughty”.

By the close of our conversation, which weaved from the definition of personal success to the perils of believing one's own hype, I felt somewhat spirited by the process which I can only credit to the openness and frankness with which Paolo approached our conversation. Perhaps it takes the most honest of men to play the most deceptive?

Therefore, if the production promises to be as thought provoking as the discussion about it, I can only but recommend you see it.

Silo Theatre presents Tartuffe

Q Theatre, 2-26 November 2011

Tickets: www.qtheatre.co.nz


Л §9

It was with this in mind that I wondered how he was approaching playing one of the most reprehensible protagonists in the history of theatre, that of Tartuffe in Silo Theatre’s latest production, Tartuffe.

He admits that the task is a challenging one, “even though it’s based around a whole lot of fun, to get the fun right is quite an artform…comedy has so much structure”. It is however in the calibre of the cast surrounding him and under Shane Bosher’s direction that he finds a sense of ease and trust, “It’s a safety net… I knew they wouldn’t let me be shit”.

Paolo impressed me with his understanding of the play itself noting that “it’s about hypocrisy and manipulation…but this new adaptation has a whole lot of themes about our consumerist society and the frivolity of our over sexed-ness… and the play is so over sexed, it really takes the piss out of it”. But he’s also aware of Tartuffe’s contemporary relevance “look at the people protesting by occupying  Wall Street: I don’t think people are praying at altar of pure capitalism and free markets as much…”. His hope is that an audience leaves having “pissed themselves laughing but maybe realise that they’re laughing at themselves a little bit….there is a question mark there about how we live and what we do and what we believe in”.

When it comes to playing Tartuffe, Paolo reflects that he’s envious of “the absolute confidence and pure self belief that he (Tartuffe) has, but… has obviously got all that at the expense of morality and humility... It’s so much fun playing a character that is so naughty”.

By the close of our conversation, which weaved from the definition of personal success to the perils of believing one's own hype, I felt somewhat spirited by the process which I can only credit to the openness and frankness with which Paolo approached our conversation. Perhaps it takes the most honest of men to play the most deceptive?

Therefore, if the production promises to be as thought provoking as the discussion about it, I can only but recommend you see it.

Silo Theatre presents Tartuffe

Q Theatre, 2-26 November 2011

Tickets: www.qtheatre.co.nz

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Head along to the Zambesi ScrambleЬ ЬLast time Zambesi threw a sale like this, it was four years ago, and they reckon it's likely to be another four before they throw another one. This Saturday and Sunday, The Great Zambesi Scramble is promising men's and women's garments, fabrics and shoes at excellent prices just in time for Christmas.on-sale-zambesi05оmong@[sЇž Їž{\@@ pЪк€я#E{сўOld School Revisited: KermadecLooking for a blast from the past that still delivers? We rediscover an oldie but a goodieТ Ы222_bigThumbImage.jpg222_smallThumbImage.jpgOld-School-Revisited-KermadecKermadec-Restarant-Viaduct-HarbourKermadec-seafood-Restarant-Viaduct-Harbour-waterfront-A recent sunny lunchtime had us venturing to the Viaduct in search of some sun and water views. Unfortunately for us, however, the rest of Auckland had the same idea, leaving us a little starved for options amongst the usual Viaduct contenders. Until that is, we happened upon a sunny table on the balcony of Kermadec over looking the Viaduct Harbour. Bingo.old-school-revisited-kermadec222_mainImage.jpg<5с stocРP”ІžqІžFІ@@ dЂВ€Чо№?QbsOn Sale: SunnylifeGrab your last piece of summer at the Sunnylife clearance saleШ Ь225_bigThumbImage.jpg225_smallThumbImage.jpgOn Sale: SunnylifeSunnylife-beach-and-homewear-saleBeach,homewares,sale,sunnylife,Haultain-StreetEpitomising a good kiwi summer Sunnylife offer the best of summer accessories. And while the daylight hours might be dwindling the summer heat is still beating, so we recommend you take this opportunity to restock your summer accessories at the Sunnylife end of season sale.on-sale-sunnylife225_mainImage.jpg05фat t№! ёFК@@ cЖЦ€лђMŽŸАOn the Sunny SideOrganic spray tanning at Lucy & The Powder Room brings us one step closer to SummerЮ Ь228_bigThumbImage.jpg228_smallThumbImage.jpgOrganic spray tanorganic spray tanninglucy and the powder room, organic spray tan, aucklandOur bodies have slipped from nutty summer brown to a whiter-shade-of-pale, while we indulge in rich food and French wine to beat off the winter blues "“ we've reached an all time body low. Last week, to combat this sense of mild self-loathing, I headed to Lucy and the Powder Room to test out their new organic spray tan.organic-spray-tan228_mainImage.jpg05у  menРP”9ž$Р;ж8ž= @@ bЮо€ѓ  Iw†—On Sale: ZambesiLooking to source some excellent clothing just before the holiday season? Head along to the Zambesi ScrambleЬ Ь227_bigThumbImage.jpg227_smallThumbImage.jpgZambesiSale at Zambesizambesi, sale, the great zambesi scrambleLast time Zambesi threw a sale like this, it was four years ago, and they reckon it's likely to be another four before they throw another one. This Saturday and Sunday, The Great Zambesi Scramble is promising men's and women's garments, fabrics and shoes at excellent prices just in time for Christmas.on-sale-zambesi227_mainImage.jpg05т "_bl€Œjyžu@1їwžBї@@ dЧз€ь 9VVgxOn Sale: SuperetteWe ask Maria Taylor, the manager of Superette Newmarket for her picks from their end of season saleЪ Ь226_bigThumbImage.jpg226_smallThumbImage.jpgSuperetteThe picks from Superette's end of season salesuperette, maria taylor, saleon-sale-superette226_mainImage.jpg05т "_bl—Iyžt@1їwžQб@@ dЧз€ь 9V/@QOn Sale: SuperetteWe ask Maria Taylor, the manager of Superette Newmarket for her picks from their end of season saleЪ Ь226_bigThumbImage.jpg226_smallThumbImage.jpgSuperetteThe picks from Superette's end of season salesuperette, maria taylor, saleThe hip boutique stocking a vast range of covertable Australian and New Zealand designer labels is having its annual summer sale. The manager of their Newmarket branch, Maria Taylor with us shares her must have picks.on-sale-superette226_mainImage.jpg05фat tСХ№!2ёxm@@ cЖЦ€лђMžЏOn the Sunny SideOrganic spray tanning at Lucy & The Powder Room brings us one step closer to SummerЮ Ь228_bigThumbImage.jpg228_smallThumbImage.jpgOrganic spray tanorganic spray tanninglucy and the powder room, organic spray tan, aucklandOur bodies have slipped from nutty summer brown to a whiter-shade-of-pale, while we indulge in rich food and French wine to beat off the winter blues - we've reached an all time body low. Last week, to combat this sense of mild self-loathing, I headed to Lucy and the Powder Room to test out their new organic spray tan.organic-spray-tan228_mainImage.jpg228_bigThumbImage.jpg228_smallThumbImage.jpgOrganic spray tanorganic spray tanninglucy and the powder room, organic spray tan, aucklandOur bodies have slipped from nutty summer brown to a whiter-shade-of-pale, while we indulge in rich food and French wine to beat off the winter blues т€“ we've reached an all time body low. Last week, to combat this sense of mild self-loathing, I headed to Lucy and the Powder Room to test out their new organic spray tan.organic-spray-tan228_mainImage.jpg05оmong@FЕЇž!Їž: @` pЪк€я#E{сўOld School Revisited: KermadecLooking for a blast from the past that still delivers? We rediscover an oldie but a goodieТ Ы222_bigThumbImage.jpg222_smallThumbImage.jpgOld-School-Revisited-KermadecKermadec-Restarant-Viaduct-HarbourKermadec-seafood-Restarant-Viaduct-Harbour-waterfront-A recent sunny lunchtime had us venturing to the Viaduct in search of some sun and water views. Unfortunately for us, however, the rest of Auckland had the same idea, leaving us a little starved for options amongst the usual Viaduct contenders. Until that is, we happened upon a sunny table on the balcony of Kermadec over looking the Viaduct Harbour. Bingo.old-school-revisited-kermadec222_mainImage.jpg05с stoc@FЕІžsІž7Е@` dЂВ€Чоооо№On Sale: SunnylifeGrab your last piece of summer at the Sunnylife clearance saleШ Ь225_bigThumbImage.jpg225_smallThumbImage.jpgEpitomising a good kiwi summer Sunnylife offer the best of summer accessories. And while the daylight hours might be dwindling the summer heat is still beating, so we recommend you take this opportunity to restock your summer accessories at the Sunnylife end of season sale.on-sale-sunnylife225_mainImage.jpg05с stoc€ŒjІžsІž: @` dЂВ€Чо№?QbsOn Sale: SunnylifeGrab your last piece of summer at the Sunnylife clearance saleШ Ь225_bigThumbImage.jpg225_smallThumbImage.jpgOn Sale: SunnylifeSunnylife-beach-and-homewear-saleBeach,homewares,sale,sunnylife,Haultain-StreetEpitomising a good kiwi summer Sunnylife offer the best of summer accessories. And while the daylight hours might be dwindling the summer heat is still beating, so we recommend you take this opportunity to restock your summer accessories at the Sunnylife end of season sale.on-sale-sunnylife225_mainImage.jpgso feature Maori and Pacific artefacts including pre-contact and contact pieces, providing an overview of material culture from Aotearoa and the Pacific nations including adornment, weaponry, architecture, wood-carving and tools. This specialist field of collecting provides both a tangible connection to history and the potential for serious investment.oceanic--african-arts-auction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ћћћћћћћнсё‘  _а5в`Y­бГцg HЂ|ё05ы tt, wellјeј'`Рsh kЪк€кккккŽOrdinary objects as art formsHand carved baseball gloves and energy efficient lightbulbs on show at the Michael Lett Galleryм ЮArt is a topic so subjective, it seems ridiculous to even begin to try to explain what is so terribly interesting about the two works that happen to be hanging in the same gallery at the same time. Michael Lett, well renowned gentleman and innovative gallerist is hosting two sensational shows at 478 K'rd, Auckland. Both shows are engaging and contain works that question the aesthetic value of an object outside of its usual context. 05ц  with be0žm0ž:РsP mЧз€ззззз•БOne day only: Ioanna KourbelaTaylor boutique offers one off pieces from the Athens based fashion designer this Saturdayв Ь Looking to update your summer wardrobe with something exclusive? Greek fashion designer Ioanna Kourbela's summer collection will be available for one day only - Saturday 20th November 2010. one-day-only-ioanna-kourbela05чheads wevževž:Рs `ЂВ€ВВВВВWgOne Night in RioOur recent summer escapades left us wanting more of Rio de Janeiroд ЭIt was with immense enthusiasm and a passion for ALL things Brazilian that we descended upon the world famous city of Rio de Janeiro this summer. With Louie Austen's "One Night in Rio" track on repeat in our heads we ventured out to take in all that this great city has to offer. Here we offer a summary of the must sees and dos of this spectacular slice of paradise - in case you too find yourself with one night in Rio.one-night-in-rio05ы tt, wellјeј*оРsp mЬм€ммммм­Ordinary objects as art formsHand carved baseball gloves and energy efficient lightbulbs on show at the Michael Lett Galleryм ЮArt is a topic so subjective, it seems ridiculous to even begin to try to explain what is so terribly interesting about the two works that happen to be hanging in the same gallery at the same time. Michael Lett, well renowned gentleman and innovative gallerist is hosting two sensational shows at 478 K'rd, Auckland. Both shows are engaging and contain works that question the aesthetic value of an object outside of its usual context. ordinary-objects-as-art-forms<5ы tt, јeј+Я@` oЮо€ѓ o‹>[lOrdinary objects as art formsHand carved baseball gloves and energy efficient lightbulbs on show at the Michael Lett Galleryм Ю235_bigThumbImage.jpg235_smallThumbImage.jpgOrdinary-ObjectsScrap Wall heads to Michael Lett gallery for ordinary objects as art forms exhibitionScrap Wall, ordinary objectsArt is a topic so subjective, it seems ridiculous to even begin to try to explain what is so terribly interesting about the two works that happen to be hanging in the same gallery at the same time. Michael Lett, well renowned gentleman and innovative gallerist is hosting two sensational shows at 478 K'rd, Auckland. Both shows are engaging and contain works that question the aesthetic value of an object outside of its usual context.ordinary-objects-as-art-forms235_mainImage.jpg05ц  witРP”2žm€ѕ 1ž=@@ oЩй€ю7a:KOne day only: Ioanna KourbelaTaylor boutique offers one off pieces from the Athens based fashion designer this Saturdayв Ь 230_bigThumbImage.jpg230_smallThumbImage.jpgIoanna KourbelaOne off pieces from taylor boutiqueioanna kourbela, taylor boutique, ponsonbyLooking to update your summer wardrobe with something exclusive? Greek fashion designer Ioanna Kourbela's summer collection will be available for one day only - Saturday 20th November 2010.one-day-only-ioanna-kourbela230_mainImage.jpg05ц  wit—I2žm№€ѕ 1žx@@ oЩй€ю7apŒOne day only: Ioanna KourbelaTaylor boutique offers one off pieces from the Athens based fashion designer this Saturdayв Ь 230_bigThumbImage.jpg230_smallThumbImage.jpgIoanna KourbelaOne off pieces from taylor boutiqueioanna kourbela, taylor boutique, ponsonbyLooking to update your summer wardrobe with something exclusive? Greek fashion designer Ioanna Kourbela's summer collection will be available for one day only - Saturday 20th November 2010. A collection of one-off dresses and summer pieces will be available for purchase.one-day-only-ioanna-kourbela230_mainImage.jpg05чhead€Œjvže1vžvУ@ bЄД€Щрррр…•ІOne Night in RioOur recent summer escapades left us wanting more of Rio de Janeiroд Э231_bigThumbImage.jpg231_smallThumbImage.jpgIt was with immense enthusiasm and a passion for ALL things Brazilian that we descended upon the world famous city of Rio de Janeiro this summer. With Louie Austen's "One Night in Rio" track on repeat in our heads we ventured out to take in all that this great city has to offer. Here we offer a summary of the must sees and dos of this spectacular slice of paradise - in case you too find yourself with one night in Rio.one-night-in-rio231_mainImage.jpghФд€дддддЫPrivate Degustation DiningCelebrity chef Anne Thorp opens up her private residences for tailor made dining experiencesт ЮAnne Thorp has made a successful career out of creating simple, fresh, healthy unadulterated food. As host of the popular Food Channel Show Kia Ora and author of the cook book with the same name, Anne's focus is quality food enriched by its own natural flavours. Anne's popularity is such that she's the guest chef on a Food and Wine themed three night cruise on the refurbished Pacific Pearl in January, where she'll be creating a seven course Taste of New Zealand degustation menu for guests on board.<5я  DJ Bevaћžsћž'dРsh bНЭ€ЭЭЭЭЭ‘Quay to the Groove 2One of Auckland's finest DJs is back with his latest gig held at a secret nautical locationф Ю We've just had word from Denizen contributor and Ponsonby radio host Murry Sweetpants that Bevan Keys is performing shortly for a mid-year knees up. After last summer's sell-out Quay to the Groove boat party, DJ Bevan Keys is back in the captain's seat again with an exclusive gig held at a secret, nautical venue. Bevan Keys is widely renowned for providing the essential dance floor soundtracks to many of Auckland's finest parties for over 20 years.<5№ eer. As ЎžuЎž'eРsh kар€рррррSRead: Dennis Hopper 1961-1967Capturing the feeling of an era, Hopper's work transgresses the line between pop-culture and politicsц Ю Previously unpublished photographs form the basis of Dennis Hopper's book 1961-1967. The extensive volume outlines key moments from a generation and distills the essence of Hopper's brilliant photographic career. As an artist, actor, screenwriter and director and rarely without a camera, he captured some of the most memorable popular and political moments of this era. <5ё arons' dцžiцž'fРsx mРа€аааааўRead: Poolside with Slim AaronsSlim Aaron's best known works form the basis of a book dedicated to poolside posingш иAmerican photographer Slim Aarons is best known for his jet-setting lifestyle, and photographs of thousands of 'attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places'. His book 'Poolside with Slim Aarons' depicts the jet-lagged, glamour-set famous and the wealthy indulging in poolside play. 05ц  with be0žm0ž*мРsP mЧз€ззззз•БOne day only: Ioanna KourbelaTaylor boutique offers one off pieces from the Athens based fashion designer this Saturdayв Ь Looking to update your summer wardrobe with something exclusive? Greek fashion designer Ioanna Kourbela's summer collection will be available for one day only - Saturday 20th November 2010. one-day-only-ioanna-kourbela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#########jб5г` лвГDМtq=%05џMer)€Œjžu•žpv@@ hою€*]Ё(Scrubbed to perfectionIf dull skin is the bane of your existence, we've tested a few products that are sure to bring your youthful glow back!й255_bigThumbImage.jpg255_smallThumbImage.jpgFace exfoliationwe test out the best face exfoliators on the marketface exfoliator, exfoliation, la mer, dermalogica, chanel, dull skinFeeling the equivalent of dumb and dumber (but in this case dull and duller) we literally scrubbed in and tested out some of the leading exfoliants in the market. With big backers (Chanel, Dermalogica and La Mer) it wasn't surprising that they all tested positive for excellence, but will they give us the youthful and dewy skin we're after for summer?scrubbed-to-perfection255_mainImage.jpg05ќhoodРP”žalžr+@ _гу€ј%<z0=NSans HaircarePure, chemical-free and highly active, this locally produced range is designed to renew the appearance of your hair.ў и252_bigThumbImage.jpg252_smallThumbImage.jpgPure hair care by Sanschemical free hair caresans haircare, lucy marr, shampoo, hair renewel, chemical freeIt's a widely known fact that the sulfates lurking in the bubbles of our foaming hair washes are seriously bad news. However, we've had it instilled into our psyche via glamorous TV commercials from our childhood, that generating a rich foamy lather on your scalp is the precursor to shiny healthy looking hair. But with more understanding of the nasties that are sulfates we should all be making choices that remove them from our lives.sans-haircare252_mainImage.jpg05§histСХэžiэžxј@@ ^žЎ€Ук§+wѕSausage FestWrap your laughing gear around these smokey air dried delicacies!и253_bigThumbImage.jpg253_smallThumbImage.jpgSausage-Fest-at-Salash-DelicatessenSalash-Delicatessen-New-Zealand-dried-sausage-Salami-dried-sausage-free-range-pork-beed-french-markets-Salash-DelicatessenI am a long time fan of dry-cured meats. It's not uncommon to find such delicacies residing alone in my fridge, with not another edible morsel in sight. What's not to love about a technique that's steeped in history and tradition. As a self appointed connoisseur of such treats, I can often be found scouring the food markets at the weekend in search of the perfect smoked delight.sausage-fest253_mainImage.jpg05ћ“ le@[sžeЏР;жžnА@@ _­Н€вщі8yгрёRoot for RuinThe fifth studio album from the band Les Savy Fav is a little on the wild sideќ и251_bigThumbImage.jpg251_smallThumbImage.jpgRoot-for-RuinAndrew Reinholds reviews Les Savy Fav's latest album Root for RuinRoot for Ruin, Andrew Reinholds, Les Savy Fav, New York art-punksNew Yorker art-punks band Les Savy Fav has built a formidable live reputation over their career that now spans almost fifteen years. Described as anything from dadaesque to exhilarating and wild, the band "“ led by their very hairy and er, portly front man, Tim Harrington is renowned for working up a sweat-drenched crowd into a state of chaos.root-for-ruin251_mainImage.jpg05є proРeRўe€ѕ џr@@ fЖЦ€лђ=n8K\Read: The Glass RoomAn impressive read set in Czechoslovakia, a house sees a certain history unfold.ю и244_bigThumbImage.jpg244_smallThumbImage.jpgThe-Glass-RoomAndrew Maben reviews Simon Mawer's latest book The Glass RoomThe Glass Room, Simon Mawer, modernist literatureSimon Mawer's latest book is a historical novel set in Tugendhat Villa in Brno Czechoslovakia in the late 30s. It's a modernist masterpiece that was commissioned by the Laundhauers - a Jewish couple. Strongly propelled by the plot, the Laundhauers are forced to flee from the Nazis and their house slips from hand to hand: Nazi to Soviet, to mental asylum until eventually the fall of communism in the 90s, where the owners can eventually reclaim their home.read-the-glass-room244_mainImage.jpg05ђ xper@[s žy6 žrg@@ mою€,Nj_yŠRead: Quay by Peter GilmoreChef Peter Gilmore steps out from his award winning restaurant in Sydney and gives insight on how to cook at homeъ и242_bigThumbImage.jpg242_smallThumbImage.jpgQuay-Peter-GilmoreChef Peter Gilmore's new book QuayQuay, cooking, Peter GilmoreQuay, one of the top 50 restaurants of the world, is a showcase for chef Peter Gilmore's culinary genius. Peter's nature based philosophy and the organic presentation that is synonymous with the fine dining experience at Quay are reflected in the stunning photography and illustration of this eagerly anticipated book. Quay's recipes including the irresistible eight-texture chocolate cake and signature 'sea pearls' will take you on an inspirational adventure exploring flavor, texture and technique.read-quay-by-peter-gilmore242_mainImage.jpg05љ somћžaŽћžrШ@ nБС€жэ9u№ Results RX: A Solution CreamJade Hurst discovers a new anti-wrinkle preventative skincare creamј и249_bigThumbImage.jpg249_smallThumbImage.jpgResults RX Skincare creamResults RX anti-wrinkle preventative skincare creamface cream, anti- ageing, anti-wrinkle, skincare, Results RXI have limited faith in most face creams. They all too often offer empty promises and false hopes. Jars gather dust and pile up; taunting me with their expensive labels. So how are we supposed to wade through the myriad of potions and serums to find something that actually works? My advice is to seek recommendations from people you trust, teamed up with a solid trial yourself.results-rx-a-solution-cream249_mainImage.jpgи244_bigThumbImage.jpg244_smallThumbImage.jpgThe-Glass-RoomAndrew Maben reviews Simon Mawer's latest book The Glass RoomThe Glass Room, Simon Mawer, modernist literatureSimon Mawer's latest book is a historical novel set in Tugendhat Villa in Brno Czechoslovakia in the late 30s. It's a modernist masterpiece that was commissioned by the Laundhauers - a Jewish couple. Strongly propelled by the plot, the Laundhauers are forced to flee from the Nazis and their house slips from hand to hand: Nazi to Soviet, to mental asylum until eventually the fall of communism in the 90s, where the owners can eventually reclaim their home.read-the-glass-room244_mainImage.jpg05ђ xper—I žy ž?Ђ@@ mою€,Nj_yŠRead: Quay by Peter GilmoreChef Peter Gilmore steps out from his award winning restaurant in Sydney and gives insight on how to cook at homeъ и242_bigThumbImage.jpg242_smallThumbImage.jpgQuay-Peter-GilmoreChef Peter Gilmore's new book QuayQuay, cooking, Peter GilmoreQuay, one of the top 50 restaurants of the world, is a showcase for chef Peter Gilmore's culinary genius. Peter's nature based philosophy and the organic presentation that is synonymous with the fine dining experience at Quay are reflected in the stunning photography and illustration of this eagerly anticipated book. Quay's recipes including the irresistible eight-texture chocolate cake and signature 'sea pearls' will take you on an inspirational adventure exploring flavor, texture and technique.read-quay-by-peter-gilmore242_mainImage.jpgnning restaurant in Sydney and gives insight on how to cook at homeъ и242_bigThumbImage.jpg242_smallThumbImage.jpgQuay-Peter-GilmoreChef Peter Gilmore's new book QuayQuay, cooking, Peter GilmoreQuay, one of the top 50 restaurants of the world, is a showcase for chef Peter Gilmore's culinary genius. Peter's nature based philosophy and the organic presentation that is synonymous with the fine dining experience at Quay are reflected in the stunning photography and illustration of this eagerly anticipated book.read-quay-by-peter-gilmore242_mainImage.jpgg a state of chaos.root-for-ruin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{{{{{/ / `жˆш Пй 5в5д `агДф> цЁОP050's €Ё(>žmIР;ж>žz!@@ \БС€жэ3L ЊЛSnapdragonA new addition to Auckland's Viaduct Harbour opens just in time for the summer crowds!л263_bigThumbImage.jpg263_smallThumbImage.jpgSnapdragon RestaurantSnapdragon restaurant in Auckland vidauct harbourrestaurant, bar, aucklandAlways a sucker for waterside dining, we were excited last week to visit a newcomer that's recently opened its doors in the heart of the Auckland Viaduct. With the promise of an interior space inspired by 1930's vintage glamour, a contemporary gastro menu and glistening water views, it was an appealing option for a sunny Friday afternoon.snapdragon263_mainImage.jpg05—Ižmсžyя ^ЎО€гъјJ…|†—Skin & BonesArtist John Pusateri's latest exhibition showcases skulls and birds hand in hand!к 261_bigThumbImage.jpg261_smallThumbImage.jpgSkin-and-BonesJohn Pusateri's new exhibition Skin & Bones at Seed Gallery in Newmarket, AucklandJohn Pusateri, skin and bones, lithographs, new zealand artOpening last night at Seed Gallery in Newmarket, Pusateri's current exhibition of lithographs depicting skulls and birds is very impressive. All of the works showcase his fine skill for detailing: feathers look textured; colours are gently graduated with slightly rougher texture in some of the backgrounds; and I was assured by the medical professionals around me that the skulls are anatomically correct. His latest work offers a complementary progression from his previous photographic work of birds.skin-bones261_mainImage.jpg05—Ižežxп@ tРа€хќ_ЁеіSignature Dish: Prawn Filo TempuraWe're working our way through local restaurants one signature dish at a time !к 259_bigThumbImage.jpg259_smallThumbImage.jpgSignature-Dish-Prawn-Filo-TempuraPrawn-Filo-Tempura-from-Japanese-Restaurant-Soto-on-St-Mary's-RoadPrawn-Filo-Tempura-from-Japanese-Restaurant-Soto-on-St-Mary's-RoadA signature dish is something that over time can define a chef or restaurant, something that sets it apart from its competitors either because it's unique or just simply that it's good honest clean food. With that in mind, we're on a mission to eat our way through the best signature dishes on offer locally.signature-dish-prawn-filo-tempura259_mainImage.jpg05 PhoРP”’žh’žQ4@@ gЌМ€бш'JJ_pSmashbox Photo FinishIntroducing the product that's taking prime position in my makeup bag!к 262_bigThumbImage.jpg262_smallThumbImage.jpgSmashbox photo finish primersmashbox photo finish makeup primersmashbox, makeup, foundation primerI've never been a fan of foundation primers, I'm more of a less-is-more type of girl - at least where my beauty regime is concerned. I have recently, however, been romanced by the magical powers of Smashbox's Photo Finish primer to the point of submission.smashbox-photo-finish262_mainImage.jpg05€Œj"ža"žx@ uЦж€ы$V–.PaSignature Dish: Carpaccio di PolipoA Mediterranean classic finds a welcome new home on our shores in time for summer !к258_bigThumbImage.jpg258_smallThumbImage.jpgSignature-Dish-Carpaccio-Di-PolipoOctopus-Carpaccio-Di-Polipo-from-Toto's-RestaurantOctopus,Carpaccio,Toto's,Nelson-St,Mediterranean,Sergio-MaglioniWithout a doubt chilled octopus is the signature dish of the Mediterranean. And while many of us have indulged when abroad, it's a gastronomic pleasure that's typically reserved for coastal European holidays. Locally we've had our variations, most of which have been created at the hands of European immigrants. None such as clever as the Octopus Carpaccio created by chef Sergio Maglioni at Toto Restaurant.signature-dish-carpaccio-di-polipo258_mainImage.jpg05 ableСХћžaћžt‰@@ h­€Тйя+Vl}Sienna Clutch by GucciMeet the contender at the top of our winter wish list!к257_bigThumbImage.jpg257_smallThumbImage.jpgSienna Clutch by GucciGucci-Black-Leather-Sienna-ClutchGucci,luxury,leather,siennaA long established evening wear staple, the elegant clutch is a must have item in any fashionista's wardrobe. And while in recent times elaborate embellished clutches have been at the forefront of the fashionable, I myself have been in search of a more subtle addition to add to my evening ensemble.sienna-clutch-by-gucci257_mainImage.jpg05 beho№qК№uн@@ eЛЫ€рїa›P[lListen: Star GazingEnter a Psychedelic State with the new album - The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night!м267_bigThumbImage.jpg267_smallThumbImage.jpgAlbum-Review-Star-GazingAndrew Reinholds reviews psychedelic album The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring NightThe Besnard Lakes, Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Star GazingLed by the husband and wife efforts of Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Montreal collective The Besnard Lakes' third album sees them deliver a blindingly brilliant listen, that is both beautiful and bewitching to behold. Unlike fellow Canadians The Arcade Fire, The Besnard Lakes latest effort conjures up images of sunsets, star gazing, mountains ranges and sea eagles rather than shopping malls, picket fences and deserted suburban streets.star-gazing267_mainImage.jpg05  rew @[sž%mž{Œ@@ ^Сб€ц§ /TЄАСSpring FeverWith the sun finally shining we consider what we'll need for making a smooth transition into spring!м266_bigThumbImage.jpg266_smallThumbImage.jpgSpring FeverDenizen picks out key looks for springAnna Kidman, Denizen spring look bookWe pick out the key pieces necessary for taking the keeping spring in our steps.spring-fever266_mainImage.jpg05РeRži†žwы bПЯ€фћ?sЩйъSweet TemptationAucklander Jordan Rondel whips up home baked delights for her business The Caker's loyal fans"!м 270_bigThumbImage.jpg270_smallThumbImage.jpgThe CakerJordan Rondel of the Caker bakes for inner city AucklandersThe-Caker,cakes,baking,Jordan-Rondel,sweet,chocolateFor a little under a year Jordan Rondel has been the best kept secret of city dwellers that relish home cooked baking without actually having to don an apron and get their hands dirty. Each week she serves up new tasty delights in the form of cakes, tarts and desserts which can be ordered on her website and delivered to your home or office.sweet-temptation270_mainImage.jpgAre The Roaring NightThe Besnard Lakes, Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Star GazingLed by the husband and wife efforts of Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Montreal collective The Besnard Lakes' third album sees them deliver a blindingly brilliant listen, that is both beautiful and bewitching to behold. Unlike fellow Canadians The Arcade Fire, The Besnard Lakes latest effort conjures up images of sunsets, star gazing, mountains ranges and sea eagles rather than shopping malls, picket fences and deserted suburban streets.star-gazing267_mainImage.jpg05  rew —Iž% žFŠ@@ ^Сб€ц§ /TЄАСSpring FeverWith the sun finally shining we consider what we'll need for making a smooth transition into spring!м266_bigThumbImage.jpg266_smallThumbImage.jpgSpring-FeverDenizen picks out key looks for springAnna Kidman, Denizen spring look bookWe pick out the key pieces necessary for taking the keeping spring in our steps.spring-fever266_mainImage.jpgl need for making a smooth transition into spring!м266_bigThumbImage.jpg266_smallThumbImage.jpgspring-fever266_mainImage.jpgLakes Are The Roaring Night !мLed by the husband and wife efforts of Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Montreal collective The Besnard Lakes' third album sees them deliver a blindingly brilliant listen, that is both beautiful and bewitching to behold.star-gazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………………4s`Й В) Šг5е`О uдДШ 8єг05 few of 0žq0žB%РsP dУг€гггггэThe Inside Word: NYCWe arm you with a short list of essential places to visit for your next journey into the beyond0!рA city I once called home, New York is the type of city that will change your perspective on life. And while there's no doubt there are hundreds of little gems just waiting to be discovered in NYC, here are a few of my favourites that deserve your attention next time you're in townthe-inside-word-nyc05l haРeR7žmІР;ж6žrƒ@ eМЬ€сј 0mиыќThe O by Cloud NineThe newest craze in hair styling is dedicated to giving you big beautiful bouncing hair6!р280_bigThumbImage.jpg280_smallThumbImage.jpgThe O by Cloud Ninethe o by cloud nine hair styling toolthe o by cloud nine, wavy hair, hair styling tools, servillesAfter a rather grim period of celebrating straight hair, we're pleased to announce the rebirth of volume. The return of Tom Ford-esque glamour to the international catwalks brought with it big, bold, beautiful hair. A new product - The O, takes your hair to new heights, giving you a look traditionally only achieved from extensive blowdrys from your hairdresser.the-o-by-cloud-nine280_mainImage.jpg05equiћžytћžr§@@ dЁБ€Цня@(9The Best Vitamin CShow winter colds who's boss with this ultra potent Vitamin C*!м274_bigThumbImage.jpg274_smallThumbImage.jpgThe best vitamin Cbeat winter colds with ultra potent vitamin cvitamin c, lypo-spheric, winter coldI am currently battling the onslaught of a winter cold. And while I don't feel amazing, I'm pretty sure I would be feeling a lot worse, if it hadn't been for my dedication to Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. With the equivalent of sixteen 500mg Vitamin C tablets in one Lypo-Spheric packet, it's Vitamin C on steroids. I have been using this powerful product for over four years now, and can seriously attest to its ability to keep intense illness at bay, amongst other benefits.the-best-vitamin-c274_mainImage.jpg05to mСХŸeкŸy›@@ nЅЕ€Ъсэ =ЙЪThe lost art of shoe shiningGet reacquainted with the forgotten art of shoe shining2!р278_bigThumbImage.jpg278_smallThumbImage.jpgShoe ShiningThe lost art of shoe shiningshoe shining, gentleman, ettiquitte, polished, shoesThere was a time in my youth when we were judged at school on the merits of our polished shoes. Somehow, all these years on, polishing shoes seems to be the last thing on the sartorial minded lists of things to master. However, mastering this art will garner long term sustainability benefits for shoes that you've no doubt invested a small fortune in.the-lost-art-of-shoe-shining278_mainImage.jpg05€Ё(ž Р;жž0@ fЎО€гъўQщ§The Rabbit Hole CafeA new cafщ draws its inspiration from the fantasy of alice in wonderland:!р282_bigThumbImage.jpg282_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Rabbit Hole CafeRabbit-Hole-Cafe-Herne-BayRabbit-Hole-Cafe,Coffee,Herne-bay,Breakfast,Lunch,OrganicHigh on the ridge of Herne Bay in Auckland sits the newly opened Rabbit Hole cafщ. The corner site sits on the opposite side of the street from the other establishments in the neighbourhood, which affords its punters a rare glimpse of the water beyond. On the sunny day we visited, we secured our spot on the cafщ's back porch in the sun, where we had a pretty view of the sparking waters of Herne Bay below.the-rabbit-hole-cafe282_mainImage.jpg05@[s0žqX0ž{p@ fЄД€Щрѓ Gѕ The Refreshment RoomMark Wallbank discovers an Italian gem on idyllic Scenic Drive!с284_bigThumbImage.jpg284_smallThumbImage.jpgMake the most of the long summer evenings while they last and head to an evening of Shakespearean culture. Shakespeare in the Park events are held around the country at this time of the year - but we are particularly drawn to the Christchurch production of The Taming of the Shrew. The talented cast features none other than my father - Brian Sullivan, playing the role (funnily enough) of the father of the Shrew - Baptista.the-taming-of-the-shrew284_mainImage.jpg05% trenСХŸe'Ÿnх@@ _Ÿ€ДЫещ-o|We Love ChloeThe must-have accessory for any fashionable girlP!у293_bigThumbImage.jpg293_smallThumbImage.jpgChloe LoveChloe Love fragrancechloe, love perfume, gift with purchase, stella mccartney, fragranceLoved by fashionistas the world over, Chloe's pretty girl aesthetic has become ubiquitous ever since Stella McCartney held the reigns at the fashion house in the late 90s. Since then the brand has gone from strength to strength, with no serious fashionable girl's wardrobe complete without the addition of a Chloe handbag.we-love-chloe293_mainImage.jpg05rs, @[sžuпžrє@ cВТ€зюџ@[шљ The Walters PrizeNat Cheshire gives us great reason to visit the Auckland Art Gallery this month@!т285_bigThumbImage.jpg285_smallThumbImage.jpgThe-Walters-PrizeThe biennial Walters Prize hosted at the glittering Langham HotelWalters Prize, Nat CheshireThe biennial Walters Prize dinner was held recently in the glittering Langham Hotel's Great Room. Few events hold such a brilliant polarity of personalities "“ vital patrons, enthusiastic academics and writers, servants of the law and high business, wheelers, dealers and divas, and a smattering of artists - who are the center of all attention, but as out of place as goldfish on a kitchen floor.the-walters-prize285_mainImage.jpg05&—I"žeЂ"žz'@ bЕХ€кё!_iyŠWestie WhitebaitMark Wallbank discovers some unusual culinary delights at the Oratia Farmers MarketR!ф294_bigThumbImage.jpg294_smallThumbImage.jpgWestie-WhitebaitWhitebait-Oratia-Farmers-marketsOratia,Markets,Whitebait,Mark-Wallbank,Fish,Saturday,BreakfastIf you can drag yourself out of bed on a Saturday morning, which some of us find a bit tedious, you should jump in the car, grab a flat white and head out on the Western motorway to the Oratia Farmers' Markets. Being a bit of a Westie myself, this is a local for me.westie-whitebait294_mainImage.jpg05'll aРP”џeџrv@@ _ЉЙ€Юхј2a’ŸАWhat a PorkerFood Guru Mark Wallbank lets us know what's satiating his hunger this weekT!ф295_bigThumbImage.jpg295_smallThumbImage.jpgRazorback-wild-boarNew-Zealand-wild-boar-farm-sold-from-The-Neat-Meat-Companyfree-range-wild-boar-the-neat-meat-company-porkThere are a couple of things this week that stood out for me. Firstly, Razorback - the first branded wild boar in New Zealand. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to grab a shot gun and your unfriendliest pitbull and go hunting. It's all been taken care of thanks to New Zealand's first commercial boar farm.what-a-porker295_mainImage.jpg05 seeŸiŸt1@@ cЄД€Щрё&EVgThree more inchesIn desperate need of three more inches? We have just the solutionB!т286_bigThumbImage.jpg286_smallThumbImage.jpgThree more incheshair growth and renewelhaircare, hair length, productYou'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't graciously accept three more inches. As we age those three extra inches become more and more elusive. Lengths that were once in our grasp are now lost and seemingly unachievable with hair becoming more dry and brittle as time progresses.three-more-inches286_mainImage.jpg05* ="ht—I#že‡€ѕ #žzш@@ dЗЧ€мѓ. БWhat's he packing?With summer holidays looming, we select the basic necessities every guy should haveZ!х298_bigThumbImage.jpg298_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat's he packing?what's he packingpacking, summer holidaysWe pick out the essential packing pieces to keep the boys looking good on the road less travelled.whats-he-packing298_mainImage.jpgunusual culinary delights at the Oratia Farmers MarketR!ф294_bigThumbImage.jpg294_smallThumbImage.jpgWestie-WhitebaitWhitebait-Oratia-Farmers-marketsOratia,Markets,Whitebait,Mark-Wallbank,Fish,Saturday,BreakfastIf you can drag yourself out of bed on a Saturday morning, which some of us find a bit tedious, you should jump in the car, grab a flat white and head out on the Western motorway to the Oratia Farmers' Markets. Being a bit of a Westie myself, this is a local for me.westie-whitebait294_mainImage.jpg05'll aРP”џeџBД@@ _ЉЙ€Юхј2a’ŸАWhat a PorkerFood Guru Mark Wallbank lets us know what's satiating his hunger this weekT!ф295_bigThumbImage.jpg295_smallThumbImage.jpgRazorback-wild-boarNew-Zealand-wild-boar-farm-sold-from-The-Neat-Meat-Companyfree-range-wild-boar-the-neat-meat-company-porkThere are a couple of things this week that stood out for me. Firstly, Razorback - the first branded wild boar in New Zealand. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to grab a shot gun and your unfriendliest pitbull and go hunting. It's all been taken care of thanks to New Zealand's first commercial boar farm.what-a-porker295_mainImage.jpg05* ="ht€Œj#žeР;ж"žAq@@ ddt€‰ ВУлšЊЛWhat's he packing?Z!х298_bigThumbImage.jpg298_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat's he packing?what's he packingpacking, summer holidaysWith summer holidays looming, every guy should have a few basic necessities sorted to keep him looking good on the road less travelled. We take you through our picks for the men in your life.whats-he-packing298_mainImage.jpg05 seeСХŸi ŸB"@@ cЄД€Щрё&EVgThree more inchesIn desperate need of three more inches? We have just the solutionB!т286_bigThumbImage.jpg286_smallThumbImage.jpgThree more incheshair growth and renewelhaircare, hair length, productYou'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't graciously accept three more inches. As we age those three extra inches become more and more elusive. Lengths that were once in our grasp are now lost and seemingly unachievable with hair becoming more dry and brittle as time progresses.three-more-inches286_mainImage.jpg05* ="htРP”#žeР;ж"žBJ@@ dыћ€'9Jbщљ What's he packing?With summer holidays looming, every guy should have a few basic necessities sorted to keep him looking good on the road less travelled.Z!х298_bigThumbImage.jpg298_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat's he packing?what's he packingpacking, summer holidaysWith summer holidays looming, every guy should have a few basic necessities sorted to keep him looking good on the road less travelled.whats-he-packing298_mainImage.jpg05* ="htРP”#že€ѕ #žC@@ dыћ€'9JbbrƒWhat's he packing?With summer holidays looming, every guy should have a few basic necessities sorted to keep him looking good on the road less travelled.Z!х298_bigThumbImage.jpg298_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat's he packing?what's he packingpacking, summer holidayswhats-he-packing298_mainImage.jpgcial boar farm.what-a-porker295_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C, Ђ м ˜`е5>`ёжДг—VЁ05/  FreŸ!СŸpS@@ kКЪ€піIVnWin: Clicquot in the SnowGrab your muffler, ski boots and poles, we're off to drink Clicquot in the snowd!х 303_bigThumbImage.jpg303_smallThumbImage.jpgWin-Clicquot-in-the-snowVerve-Clicquot's-winter-party-at-Queenstown-winter-festivalVerve-Clicquot,winter-party,Queenstown,Winter,festivalThere is nothing more satisfying than a hearty round of aprшs-ski. After a long hard afternoon tackling the off-piste tracks you deserve the very best. And, there is no better thirst quencher than a glass of French.win-clicquot-in-the-snow303_mainImage.jpg05-  To СХєžpєžI@@ jнэ€0GuZq‚Win: A Deadly Ponies BagWe celebrate the launch of Deadly Ponies new online store by giving you the chance to win one of their coveted bags`!х 301_bigThumbImage.jpg301_smallThumbImage.jpgWin-a-Deadly-Ponies-BagWin-a-Deadly-Ponies-BagCompetition,Deadly-Ponies,Fashion,Bags,LeatherSince their inception Deadly Ponies have steadily built themselves a dedicated following with the fashion set. Their covetable bags and accessories are now in hot demand with fashionable folks the world over. To satiate their increasing global demand, designer Liam Bowden is launching an online store, making their desirable accessories available to all. To celebrate this milestone, we've chosen a couple of our favourite pieces from their collection to giveaway to one lucky reader.win-a-deadly-ponies-bag301_mainImage.jpg056 s wiЌ+ži9€ѕ *ž{&@@ jЌМ€бшіБ+<Wishlist: Perfected ChicParisians know how to do it well, but looking chic is no mean featr!ц 310_bigThumbImage.jpg310_smallThumbImage.jpgPerfected ChicChic wishlistcream enamel braid necklace, d luxe, cocoon coat, alexandra owen, blue purse pen, tiffany & co, dfs galleria, kate moss, mario testino, amazon, marrakech messenger bag, gucciArm yourself with classic tailoring and inspiration and you'll be sure to look timeless in no time.wishlist-perfected-chic310_mainImage.jpg05НРP”“že,Р;ж’žzЦ@ lКЪ€пііііћ%Dish of the Week: GazpachoHot and hungry? There is no better solution for your needs than tasty Gazpacho48 957_bigThumbImage.jpg957_smallThumbImage.jpgThe what's for lunch question poses an ongoing saga in our office, and while the winter months deliver an plethora of steaming hot options, we're often pressed to find something fulfilling yet cooling on a hot summer's day. Step in Mr Johnny Ruddick of Il Buco.dish-of-the-week-gazpacho957_mainImage.jpg05Оge w€Œj„žp„žM>@ zЪк€яХь§Dish of the week: Haloumi Lamb SchnitzelA modern take on an old classic proves that everything tastes better with cheese68 958_bigThumbImage.jpg958_smallThumbImage.jpgOne of my favourite dishes is veal Milanese. My obsession started from a young age with my mother's wiener schnitzel, and continues to this day on my annual visit to Milan - the home of some of the best examples of veal Milanese you'll ever taste. It was with great delight then that last week we stumbled across a new tasty version using the finest New Zealand lamb and the always welcome addition of haloumi cheese to enhance its delicate crust.dish-of-the-week-haloumi-lamb-schnitzel958_mainImage.jpg05ПкžyOкž{{@ mРа€хќ5P3DDish of the Week: PorchettaAs the evenings cool down we're looking for something hearty to satiate our hunger.88 959_bigThumbImage.jpg959_smallThumbImage.jpgPorchettaWe discover another pork belly Denizen favouritePorchetta, pork belly, TotoHere at the Denizen there is no denying our passion for a certain dish, but there is also no denying the fact that there are few dishes that hit the same heights as succulent pork belly. When cooked to perfection the cracking dissolves in your mouth and the meat is completely tender. With the colder months approaching we headed to the warmth of Toto to try their Italian take on the ever-popular but sometimes controversial dish. And it didn't disappoint.dish-of-the-week-porchetta959_mainImage.jpgl, but looking chic is not easy. Arm yourself with classic tailoring and inspiration and you'll be sure to look timeless in no time.r!ц 310_bigThumbImage.jpg310_smallThumbImage.jpgPerfected ChicChic wishlistcream enamel braid necklace, d luxe, cocoon coat, alexandra owen, blue purse pen, tiffany & co, dfs galleria, kate moss, mario testino, amazon, marrakech messenger bag, gucciwishlist-perfected-chic310_mainImage.jpg056 s wi€Ё(+ži€ѕ *žC @@ j 1HVc(9Wishlist: Perfected ChicParisians know how to do it well, but looking chic is not easy. Arm yourself with classic tailoring and inspiration and you'll be sure to look timeless in no timer!ц 310_bigThumbImage.jpg310_smallThumbImage.jpgPerfected ChicChic wishlistcream enamel braid necklace, d luxe, cocoon coat, alexandra owen, blue purse pen, tiffany & co, dfs galleria, kate moss, mario testino, amazon, marrakech messenger bag, gucciwishlist-perfected-chic310_mainImage.jpg056 s wiРeR+ži€ѕ *žFй@@ jЌМ€бшіБ+<Wishlist: Perfected ChicParisians know how to do it well, but looking chic is no mean featr!ц 310_bigThumbImage.jpg310_smallThumbImage.jpgPerfected ChicChic wishlistcream enamel braid necklace, d luxe, cocoon coat, alexandra owen, blue purse pen, tiffany & co, dfs galleria, kate moss, mario testino, amazon, marrakech messenger bag, gucciArm yourself with classic tailoring and inspiration and you'll be sure to look timeless in no time.wishlist-perfected-chic310_mainImage.jpg05Пe isСХиžyиžHъ@@ mРа€хќќќќХп№Dish of the Week: PorchettaAs the evenings cool down we're looking for something hearty to satiate our hunger.88 959_bigThumbImage.jpg959_smallThumbImage.jpgHere at the Denizen there is no denying our passion for a certain dish, but there is also no denying the fact that there are few dishes that hit the same heights as succulent pork belly. When cooked to perfection the cracking dissolves in your mouth and the meat is completely tender. With the colder months approaching we headed to the warmth of Toto to try their Italian take on the ever-popular but sometimes controversial dish. And it didn't disappoint.dish-of-the-week-porchetta959_mainImage.jpg05Н@FЕ’že’žI1@ lКЪ€пііііћ%Dish of the Week: GazpachoHot and hungry? There is no better solution for your needs than tasty Gazpacho48 957_bigThumbImage.jpg957_smallThumbImage.jpgThe what's for lunch question poses an ongoing saga in our office, and while the winter months deliver an plethora of steaming hot options, we're often pressed to find something fulfilling yet cooling on a hot summer's day. Step in Mr Johnny Ruddick of Il Buco.dish-of-the-week-gazpacho957_mainImage.jpg05Оge w@FЕ„žq„žID@ zЪк€яХь§Dish of the week: Haloumi Lamb SchnitzelA modern take on an old classic proves that everything tastes better with cheese68 958_bigThumbImage.jpg958_smallThumbImage.jpgOne of my favourite dishes is veal Milanese. My obsession started from a young age with my mother's wiener schnitzel, and continues to this day on my annual visit to Milan - the home of some of the best examples of veal Milanese you'll ever taste. It was with great delight then that last week we stumbled across a new tasty version using the finest New Zealand lamb and the always welcome addition of haloumi cheese to enhance its delicate crust.dish-of-the-week-haloumi-lamb-schnitzel958_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QQ†Ќ% tП Т a`пч5S`‚–зДс/$ ~ф<5 greatesМžpМž:‰РsP jр№€№№№№№F_On Tour: Milan Design WeekWe're joining the ranks of the 400,000 strong congregation set to descend on Milan for the world's largest design fairт83Once again I'm off on my annual design pilgrimage to Milan - home to the world's greatest and most influential design fair - the Salone del Mobile. Each year the design establishment unveils the spoils of the year's labour, showcasing new and noteworthy designs from some of world's most famous designers such as Philippe Starck and Patricia Urquiola. Much like Anna Wintour, my job is to critique and inevitably decide which of these designs will be worthy of inclusion on the pages of my magazine - Design Folio. Well not quite, but it's nice to dream! While in Milan I will be producing a daily report of my findings and sending it back to the subscribers of the Design Folio Update. So, if you'd like to know what's happening next in the world of design, I suggest you subscribe to the Design Folio website and we'll do our best to keep you informed.on-tour-milan-design-week05ll be faЩžhЩž?YРsP ^ЈИ€ИИИИИXeOpening: JamesWe get a sneak peak at the latest dining establishment to open in Aucklandц84If you've been to any event worth attending around Auckland over the years, you'll be familiar with the delectable delicacies served by the dynamic catering duo of Jamie Miller and Gisele Trezevant-Miller of Mint Kitchen. The husband and wife team have been responsible for some of the countries most exquisite private soirees, and amongst other affiliations, are the caterers of choice for New Zealand Fashion Week.opening-james05s been a’žt’ž:ŒРsP h­€­­­­­ЫтOpening: Tyler St GarageAnother new kid on our block is set to open this weekш84Since we moved into our Central Auckland office/gallery space last year there has been a constant stream of excellent bars and restaurants opening around us - is there a common theme here? This week sees the opening of the newest entrant to the Britomart precinct, the Tyler St Garage. opening-tyler-st-garage<5y for yo žh ž:РsP iРа€аааааœЕPonsonby Radio iPhone AppOur friends at Ponsonby Radio launch an iPhone App so you'll never be too far from homeъ84 Devastated that you're missing our weekly Denizen report on Ponsonby Radio? Lucky for you then that they've recently launched a free iPhone App which allows you to stream the station live on your iPhone. ponsonby-radio-iphone-app<5 ttractioџpџ:ŽРsP eЙЩ€ЩЩЩЩЩхљPop-Up Store: ParintoA temporary store in Ponsonby sells tee shirts designed by various acclaimed artistsь84 More of a monochromatic man, and rarely one for overt graphic treatments, this attraction might seem somewhat out of character, but seriously, I've been in twice since it started just this week past and picked two winners (from many) already and I'm sizing up a third for this Sunday.pop-up-store-parinto05to fНžuСХМžp@ ^ЋЛ€бщєZju‡One Why Aye?Nat Cheshire celebrates one of Auckland's extremely rare, whimsical buildingsф841045_bigThumbImage.jpg1045_smallThumbImage.jpgOne Why AyeAuckland city architecture1ya, nat cheshire, auckland, architecture, city, the civic, dilworth builingAuckland has few quirky buildings. One might guess that a sense of wit was hard to find amongst the city's fore-mothers, but the rapacious clear-felling of the 1980s has the most to answer for: it demolished what few gems we had, and all but dispelled humor from the city.one-why-aye1045_mainImage.jpg05ll bЩžiСХЩžLф@@ `ЊК€ашшшшˆ•ЇOpening: JamesWe get a sneak peak at the latest dining establishment to open in Aucklandц841046_bigThumbImage.jpg1046_smallThumbImage.jpgIf you've been to any event worth attending around Auckland over the years, you'll be familiar with the delectable delicacies served by the dynamic catering duo of Jamie Miller and Gisele Trezevant-Miller of Mint Kitchen. The husband and wife team have been responsible for some of the countries most exquisite private soirees, and amongst other affiliations, are the caterers of choice for New Zealand Fashion Week.opening-james1046_mainImage.jpg05s beРP””žu€ѕ “žM@@@ jŸЏ€Хннннњ#Opening: Tyler St GarageAnother new kid on our block is set to open this weekш841047_bigThumbImage.jpg1047_smallThumbImage.jpgSince we moved into our Central Auckland office/gallery space last year there has been a constant stream of excellent bars and restaurants opening around us - is there a common theme here? This week sees the opening of the newest entrant to the Britomart precinct, the Tyler St Garage.opening-tyler-st-garage1047_mainImage.jpg05s be—I•žuЫ@1ї“žy @@ jŸЏ€ХнјKh‘Opening: Tyler St GarageAnother new kid on our block is set to open this weekш841047_bigThumbImage.jpg1047_smallThumbImage.jpgTyler Street Garage OpeningTyler Street Garage openingTyler Street Garage, Auckland bars and eateries, DenizenSince we moved into our Central Auckland office/gallery space last year there has been a constant stream of excellent bars and restaurants opening around us - is there a common theme here? This week sees the opening of the newest entrant to the Britomart precinct, the Tyler St Garage.opening-tyler-st-garage1047_mainImage.jpg05ll bСХЩžimСХЩžzЅ@@ `ЊК€ашјAсюOpening: JamesWe get a sneak peak at the latest dining establishment to open in Aucklandц841046_bigThumbImage.jpg1046_smallThumbImage.jpgJames RestaurantJames Restaurant opens in ParnellMint catering, James Restaurant Parnell,If you've been to any event worth attending around Auckland over the years, you'll be familiar with the delectable delicacies served by the dynamic catering duo of Jamie Miller and Gisele Trezevant-Miller of Mint Kitchen. The husband and wife team have been responsible for some of the countries most exquisite private soirees, and amongst other affiliations, are the caterers of choice for New Zealand Fashion Week.opening-james1046_mainImage.jpg5preciousћž8ћž:”РsP gЬм€мммммчўReinventing Fort StreetLike it or not, to occupy our city is to participate in a game between pedestrians and motor vehiclesј85 There are many who believe in the abolition of the motor vehicle from our most precious streets; that High Street ought to be pedestrianised as an extension of the Vulcan and Durham Laneways, or that even Queen Street ought to operate as an enormous pedestrian mall.reinventing-fort-street05  a littl}ž }ž:•РsP bКЪ€ЪЪЪЪЪ!2Relocation: IndiceOne of our favourite design showrooms and stockists of Driade relocate around the cornerњ85 Indice, formerly a design staple of Maidstone Street in Ponsonby, has moved just a little over a stone's throw away to their new premises on Rose Road. The interior design showroom, formerly situated in a minimalist concrete setting, has instead opted for an old villa to house their beautiful range of Driade furniture, homewares and storage.relocation-indice05to find МžtМž>Рs \ЉЙ€ЙЙЙЙЙЩдOne Why Aye?Nat Cheshire celebrates one of Auckland's extremely rare, whimsical buildingsф84Auckland has few quirky buildings. One might guess that a sense of wit was hard to find amongst the city's fore-mothers, but the rapacious clear-felling of the 1980s has the most to answer for: it demolished what few gems we had, and all but dispelled humor from the city.one-why-aye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•—бГB›Д Л Л –Д _‡+иеПU"lTъ xЩѓPНЋбi{uрЋбBare‡Tю ЩџџџџѓPНрЌП0­ПPJ‚РU‚Tј  ˜ѓPН`ЋsxCtАЋs Фœ‰Tќ ЃЫѓPНАЇТЈТTў  чЫesѓPН`­єi{uА­єшSV€T! OЫѓPНрЇј?0ЈvisiрЇё<

We're impressed by this hot number from local sartorial expert Working Style.

Leather Attaché Case $590



Clockwise from top left to right:

I-Ching soft toys by Vittorio Locatelli for Driade. Set of four $230 from Indice

Animal Magic Gray & Black wallpaper $POA from Netti & Gee

Pull Me Rabbit $58.95 from Unique Boutique online

Andy Warhol's Colors $14.99 from Dymocks

Bookboy four bay shelves by Meluka $1585 from Meluka


Smothered in Velrhona chocolate sauce and vanilla cream, Mark's Churros are a well deserved reward after making the hike up Franklin road and along to Western Park on Ponsonby road to view the Xmas lights. Dare we suggest that the light atop the Telecom Tree serves several purposes in leading us to these tasty delights?

Go on - shout yourself, we think you deserve it! And to make it really worth your while Mark has promised all of our wonderful Denizen readers a bonus scoop of gelato to top off your Churros - just let him know we sent you.

Merry Xmas Denizens!

Churros  - $6

Rocco Churros Cart

23 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby Auckland.

Available every evening from now until Xmas.


Recent studies on breast, liver, colon and rectal cancer all suggest a significant decrease in cancer rates in those who drink coffee. Additionally it is a highly regarded fact that regular coffee drinkers have lower rates of diabetes. Meanwhile males who drink coffee regularly have lower rates of Parkinson's disease, females however are not offered the same protection.

All this recent research then is evidence to suggest that my morning pick-me-up, long regarded as a vice, may indeed be a virtue. In the interests of completeness I must also add that coffee drinking is associated with a temporary increase in blood pressure (it would appear however that the long term effect is actually to decrease blood pressure), and may increase homo-cysteine levels which are associated with aortic disease.Coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer gallstone disease as a result of its effects on cholesterol metabolism, and perhaps more importantly only decaffeinated coffee (I never got the point) has been shown to increase the types of cholesterol associated with heart disease.


All this recent research then is evidence to suggest that my morning pick-me-up, long regarded as a vice, may indeed be a virtue. 


Described as the topical answer to Botox injections, the Bioelements CreateFirm serum uses laboratory strength botanicals, and contains no artificial colourants, synthetic fragrances of animal byproducts. Based on our colleague's glowing recommendation, we're giving it a go too.

Available from Formé Spa



Her work is currently on display in Parnell where she is part of a Christmas themed Fine Art Exhibition. As one of thirty artists asked to reinterpret the traditional Christmas wreath. Each of the Christmas wreaths will later be auctioned online in support of the New Zealand Gynecological Cancer Foundation.

The Christmas wreaths can be viewed from 18th of November through until 19th of December in store windows on Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland.


Located amongst the small cluster of shops halfway down Ponsonby's Brown Street, Cocoro is a little slice of upmarket Japanese heaven. The interior offers a modern take on the traditional Japanese style restaurant, including a large communal dining table, and comfortable banquet seating lining the walls.

The modern interior matches perfectly with the new style Japanese cuisine that is offered on the menu. Like its sister restaurant Soto,  Cocoro approach their food using traditional Japanese methods of cookery presented in a new and modern manor.

The Eihire Aburi skate wing is an interesting variation on air dried meat that reminded us a little of beef jerky. The stingray wings are air dried and then very lightly seared on the grill and served as a tasty entree. $7

The whitebait Chawan Mushi is a delicate dish of fresh west coast whitebait, poached in a savory custard, and served with poached shiitake mushrooms and marinated Akaroa salmon caviar. $12

And the slow cooked Kakuni pork belly is melt in your mouth good. $18

Cocoro does an excellent job of serving up the classics too such as sashimi, nigiri sushi and chicken teriaki, combined with the modern unique offerings on the menu - it's a restaurant that is sure to please all tastes.

Cocoro Restaurant,
56 Brown Street,
09 360 0927


T6’­ ѓP‡Й'рЙ'ЂХeРTЃ “ l>/dѓP3 Л5\ЖзРpЛ5TР 6eFirm serum uses laboratory strength botanicals, and contains no artificial colourants, synthetic fragrances of animal byproducts. Based on our colleague's glowing recommendation, we're giving it a go too.

Available from Formé Spa


endation, we're giving it a go too.

Available from Formé Spa


p> ,R


With a full belly, walk back out onto the main street and you'll find 47 Frocks. They stock a huge array of NZ designers all in the one store: Zambesi, NOM * D, Cybele, Juliette Hogan, Twenty-Seven Names, Lonely Hearts, Adrian Hailwood, Kathryn Wilson shoes and jewellery from the guys at Stolen Girlfriends Club. 


It's not just about the lake front bars. Duck off down Post Office Lane and stop in at The Cow for a pizza and pint, or Botswana Butchery for some of the best local beef and lamb cooked to absolute perfection. This particular haunt is more of a splurge, certainly not a cheap and casual affair by any stretch - be warned. This is the younger (slightly less opulent) cousin to its Queenstown relative.

With your food and retail therapy taken care of, it's time to stretch your legs and take in the Wanaka views. Start at Rippon Vineyard, purchase a map ($5) from the friendly staff there. This is your treasure map to navigate around Sculpture in Central Otago. This needs to be a definite on your itinerary if you're planning an excursion before May 1st.  The walk offers you the unique opportunity to spend time amongst the inspiring work of some of New Zealand's most prominent sculptors. The sculptures are all for sale and range from $3,000 right up to a staggering $85,000 for a bronze work from Paul Dibble.



I popped down at 2.30pm whilst Judy the owner was having a chat on the phone - man oh man can she multi-task. I settled for the pork and Chinese cabbage steamed dumplings for $9.80. For this, you get twenty dumplings and they are great. What I love particularly about this place is its rawness - one of the dining tables was still covered in flour from rolling out the dumplings earlier, and the place is littered with golden money cats with waving paws.

There's lots of flavoured dumplings to chose from: pork and celery, egg and shrimp, beef and carrot and so on. Go and visit Judy, she will probably still be on the phone call she was on when I rattled out of there half an hour later.

Top Café is open seven days from 12pm to 12am.

7/30 Upper Queen Street
ph 09 309 6863.


The Duck Ravioli is covered with a salsa rossa comprised of tomatoes, red capsicums, parsley and mint, giving the dish a delicious summer makeover, and is topped off with a healthy serving of Parmesan.

Entree (two large Ravioli) $19.50

Main (four large Ravioli) $29

Ponsonby Road Bistro
165 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby
09 360 1611


The tasty German-style smoked Bratwurst sausage is served up in a freshly baked baguette bun and garnished with onions, sauerkraut and topped off with mustard and ketchup. 

Fritz's Wieners have, in the Denizen office, been awarded the distinction of being one of the best ways to eliminate the pain of any previous evenings' excesses.

Fritz's Wieners

43 Customs Street, Auckland

Cathedral Square, Christchurch

The Arts Centre, Christchurch



Tabou gives you the option of mixing your own Tartare - allowing you to moderate the amount of condiments you include in the overall mix. Served with a side of toasts, it's the perfect entrée.

Tabou Bar & Bistro
462 New North Road

And so it was on our first dining experience at the newly opened Ebisu that we indulged in our usual passions.  Ebisu serves up a classic Japanese menu with familiar dishes all at reasonable prices. 
Open for both lunch and dinner.

Ebisu, 116 Quay Street
ph 09 300 5271

ph 09 300 5271


Succulently braised, without taking away from the all important crisp factor, this delightful cut of belly rests atop a bed of mash and al dente bok choy floating in a pool of tasty jus. It's the perfect accompaniment to a bottle of Chablis 1er Cru Vaillons '05

Braised pork belly with mash and seasonal greens $28

Ella Cafe & Lounge,
118 Ponsonby Road,
09 378 7979



One of our favourite go-to lunches is from Charlie Boys on Great North Road in Grey Lynn, Auckland. We simply cannot go past their tasty chicken salad. Crispy noodles, marinated chicken pieces, cabbage, mesclun and thick homemade mustard balsamic dressing are all combined in a convenient Asian noodle box, making a takeaway salad with grunt that will actually fill you up.

Cost: $10.50

Available from Charlie Boys Coffee Bar,
167-169 Great North Road,
Grey Lynn,


$2 each

Connon's Bakery
2 New Bond Street
Ph 09 846 3299


We suggest you get in early to grab a seat outside opposite the beach, or if you are okay with waiting, make use of a takeaway coffee and take a stroll down the beach and they'll you know when they're ready.

Café on Kohi
2/237 Tamaki Drive

We suggest you get in early to grab a seat outside opposite the beach, or if you are okay with waiting, make use of a takeaway coffee and take a stroll down the beach and they'll you know when they're ready.

Café on Kohi
2/237 Tamaki Drive
ph 09 528 8335.


Tabou gives you the option of mixing your own Tartare - allowing you to moderate the amount of condiments you include in the overall mix. Served with a side of toasts, it's the perfect entrée.

Tabou Bar & Bistro
462 New North Road
ph 09 846 3474


a takeaway salad with grunt that will actually fill you up.

Cost: $10.50

Available from Charlie Boys Coffee Bar,
167-169 Great North Road,
Grey Lynn,


$2 each

Connon's Bakery
2 New Bond Street
Ph 09 846 3299



ph 09 300 5271

ph 09 300 5271

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The exhibition will allow visitors to step into the West family’s living room and features previously unreleased details on the show’s characters and how they were brought to life through the script and production process. Actor audition tapes, writers’ original notes, costume, make-up and props complete the scene. 

For Outrageous Fortune fans, you will also be able to view a brand new clip filmed in 3D that continues on from a storyline in earlier sets.

Running until 1 May 2011, it's the perfect opportunity to get up close and personal with arguably one of this country's most revered family's.

Outrageous Fortune Exhibition, Auckland Museum, The Domain, Auckland, ph 09 309 0443.
Adult $10, Concession $8, Child $5.


Our first encounter with the incredible Vaniyé (a company specialising in gourmet French delicacies) was over coffee at 12's store One on K-road. The bite-sized baby coloured Macaroons wooed us with their pretty pastel colours and  melt-in-your-mouth tastes.

What makes these macaroons (or as the French say Macarons) so good, is that they're made using authentic techniques. Owners Sonia & Laurent have recently moved to Auckland from Paris and cite their philosophy as 'the appreciation of small delicate sweets with rich intense aromas that bring about harmony and a new sensory experience.'

Still a small business, the main places you can find these treats are:

The Howick Village Market - Saturdays from 8.30am to 1.30pm www.howickvillage.co.nz

and the Grey Lynn Farmers' Market - Sundays (except the last of the month) from 9am to 12.30pm www.glfm.co.nz



Society - an Italian company renown for their delectable bed linens in all manor of hand loomed and dyed fabrics including cotton, linens and silks, have a newly released Men's Nightshirt that is just the answer to my white shirt woes.

Cost: $345

Available from Siena
347 Parnell Road
Ph 09 377 7555



Within Federal & Wolfe, the usual selection of cabinet food is available, but with a great offering from the kitchen, we opted for the latter. We ordered organic booster and zinger juices filled with fresh oranges, carrots and pineapples served in jam jars. For lunch, we had the organic beef burger topped with beetroot and feta relish with onion rings and a risotto with vine tomato buffalo mozzarella and rocket.  The meal sizes are substantial and very well priced with most main meals in the vicinity of $15 - $20. Federal & Wolfe is an excellent addition to the somewhat starved inner city lunch circuit.

Federal & Wolfe Café
corner of Wolfe & Federal Street
Auckland CBD.
09 359 9113



Like most ageing mechanics (machinery not people) there are little idiosyncrasies that make them frustrating to some - yet charming to others. With some keys requiring a bit more grunt, there's a haphazardness that ensues on the page that gives your note that personal (if not delightfully erratic) touch that can be lacking in electronic mail. And there's nothing quite like straining a finger muscle from the power that's required to punch out that one badly responding key - usually an imperative one like 'e'.  Letter typing is something you can really put your back into.

With our quest in mind, we recently went on a mission in search of the humble typewriter and with great delight discovered this collection of stunning examples of yore.  

Cost: Range from $ 285 to $485

Available from: Antiques of Epsom
463 Manukau Road

Ph 09 630 1440


I myself am a convert of the weekly manicure. As a habitual nail biter (publishing can be stressful) I've always found that polished nails and regular manicures help to curtail my oral tendencies. Without question, however, my manicure will never last an entire week. So it was with intrigue that I recently tried the new OPI Axxium Gel Manicure at Servilles Ponsonby; a procedure that was guaranteed to last a minimum of two weeks without chipping.

Servilles in-house manicurist Jean Luo conveniently offered to manicure my nails while I waited for my hair colour to be applied -  making excellent use of otherwise redundant time. With a small selection of colours available from the traditional OPI range, I was pleased to see two of my favourites: Big Apple Red and Cajun Shrimp.

The process itself it a bit more labour intensive than your traditional manicure. The surface of your nails is filed to create a rough surface with which to bond the coloured gel to. Two to three layers of the gel polish are applied and consequently dried under a UV light. The process itself is not too dissimilar to having gel or acrylic nails applied.

The outcome is stunning. Nails that are vibrant and shiny. And what's more they do not chip. For someone who has a habit of chipping nail polish off on her teeth - I can assure you that this stuff ain't budging for no one. So much so that the colour eventually grows out from your cuticle, at which point you can either return for a back-fill of the same colour, or have them soaked off and start again with something new.

Cost: $45

Servilles Ponsonby
348 Ponsonby Road
Ph 09 378 9799


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This sunscreen looks, and smells, just like a luxury moisturiser (despite the packaging proclaiming it is a self tanner, it’s definitely not – we’ve just put this down to a mistranslation). The ultra-light formula for the face and body has an optimal combination of inorganic and organic filters, and the presence of Cellu-guard that provides complete protection from the sun's damaging rays. It’s perfect for wearing underneath makeup, with the colourless, non-greasy formula sinking and disappearing instantly into the skin, a nice change from the many others I have tried over the years that tend to leave a heavy white film.

It makes all the difference if you like the product you are using as it means you will actually use it. And in the case of sunscreen, this reads like a summer insurance policy. What’s even better, is that this bottle sorts out both your face and your body in one, so there is no excuse not to slip, slop and slap from head to toe as soon as you get out of the shower. 

In the hopes that the sun is here to stay, let sunscreen be the first accessory you reach for this season. 

Available from Sothys' salons.


cuticle, at which point you can either return for a back-fill of the same colour, or have them soaked off and start again with something new.

Cost: $45

Servilles Ponsonby
348 Ponsonby Road
Ph 09 378 9799


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The Kelis is destined to take up residence in my wardrobe, the only question being which colour to choose - the turquoise is a definite front runner.

Kelis Platform Sandal by Gucci

From $795 USD.

Available from Gucci


ц м

After doing my research, trawling the net for what was considered to be the very best and most effective hair removal clinic, I settled on Prescription Skin Care in Remuera.

They mostly offer the same results, worded as 'laser hair reduction', that was good enough for me. It's widely promoted that the procedure doesn't hurt and that it feels like a rubber band flicking against your skin, or a bee sting. Now, that all sounds cute but the harsh reality of the situation is far from buzzy bees and rubber bands.

Obviously everyone's threshold for pain varies, so I must stress this is my own experience and isn't intended to put you off the procedure. Quite the opposite, I'm all for it!  But if I can prepare you, well armed with knowledge and a brave face, then we're winning. Job done.

With a promise of minimal discomfort thanks to a clever cooling hand-piece, perhaps an exercise in instilling false hope? I can definitely say that I experienced discomfort, likely aided by the crackling sound as the laser penetrated deep into the hair follicles. Over the humming of the machine, I recalled memories of the James Bond film, Goldfinger, where Bond finds himself strapped to a table, legs spread with a laser slowly heading for...well, you know where. Not the best visual by any stretch.

Gladly I can now report, however, that there are options available to ease the pain to a hair free existence. My stern recommendation is the use of Emla cream prior to your treatment. You'll find this at any good pharmacy. It's a dermal anesthesia cream used to numb the skin for various procedures. In my case it was pain-free-heaven in a tube! Emla cream is now part of my routine. I arrive at my appointment 30 minutes early, accommodate a private room where I liberally apply that cream like my life depends on it. 

The cost for a bikini line treatment starts at $150, while a full leg treatment will set you back a casual $700. But if you take into account both the ongoing cost and the pain of a bikini wax, well, you do the math. It's a sound investment. Don't break up with your waxer entirely though, it's just that you'll need to have an open relationship, see other people. You'll see what I mean.  

Prescription Skin Care
243 Remuera Road
ph 09 529 5784


The central diamond weighing 1.11 carats is balanced either side by wings totaling 0.79 carats. Mounted in 18k yellow gold and oxidized silver, it's a hard edged accessory coupled with some serious bling.

Available exclusively from Simon James Concept Store
The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street
ph 09 489 6955



There's African Violets potted and gift boxed for a mere $12.

Pots of Joy for $20

And tiny Bambino Orchids for $39

Tully & Gardner
139 Richmond Road
Grey Lynn
Ph 09 360 7576


Feast for the Future is a charity that had denizens in mind when it was thinking of a clever (and easy) fundraiser. This Saturday, 12th November sees twenty-five of Auckland’s top restaurants come on board to help support the Garden to Table trust – helping to establish gardens and kitchens in primary schools, aiding the teaching of children with how to grow, harvest, prepare and share good food - encouraging healthy food choices for their futures.

Some of our favourite haunts are taking part in the annual fundraiser, including Depot, S.P.Q.R, Moochowchow, Coco’s Cantina and Clooney, with each of the participating restaurants donating a portion of their takings for the night to the Garden to Table trust.

We suggest you grab your friends and make a night of it – if you were ever in need of an excuse to dine out, doing so to 'help out' is just the one!

For a list of all participating restaurants go here: www.gardentotable.org.nz


After a long day in the sun, this 'Hole in the Heart' over sized lightweight cotton diamond stitch sweater is the perfect no-fuss throw on for balmy evening barbecues or breezy sailing trips. After missing out on one when they first hit stores, we were pleased to discover that their online store now has a new shipment available in four colourways. We’re rather partial to the porcelain grey, which we think will look great over a bright bikini to complement our sun kissed summer skin.

Available from www.standardissue.co.nz


We caught up with Erwin to ask him how to cook the perfect chook.


1 large free range organic chicken
1 or 2 lemons
sea salt
freshly ground pepper
peeled garlic cloves
fresh thyme and rosemary

Rub the chicken inside and out with lots of salt and pepper the morning of the day you plan to cook it. Cover and refrigerate until 30 minutes before you are ready to cook it. This will make the meat much tastier in the end.

Preheat the oven to 200C. Put the lemons in boiling water for a few minutes, then remove them and prick with a fork. This will help the lemons to release their flavour into the meat. 

Pat dry the chicken and then rub the surface of the bird with olive oil.

Push peeled garlic cloves, lemons, rosemary and thyme into the chicken cavity.  Place the chicken in a roasting pan and cook for around 70-80 minutes depending on the chicken's size. The juices should run clear when the chicken is cooked. 

Take the lemons, garlic, thyme and rosemary from the cavity,  mash the garlic in a bowl with a fork and rub over the surface of the chicken just before serving.

Carve at the table.


118 Ponsonby Road
09 378 7979

t' over sized lightweight cotton diamond stitch sweater is the perfect no-fuss throw on for balmy evening barbecues or breezy sailing trips. After missing out on one when they first hit stores, we were pleased to discover that their online store now has a new shipment available in four colourways. We’re rather partial to the porcelain grey, which we think will look great over a bright bikini to complement our sun kissed summer skin.

Available from www.standardissue.co.nz


tandardissue.co.nz/" target="_blank">www.standardissue.co.nz

discover that their online store now


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Located on Federal St and falling under the Sky City banner of restaurants, Depot is the award-winning Al Brown’s second restaurant, his other being the highly celebrated Logan Brown in Wellington.

Anyone who’s watched an episode of Al Brown’s “Hunger for the Wild” television show will know that Al is a man of little pretension. With an emphasis on celebrating fresh, quality local produce, Brown produces straightforward fare that’s mouth watering yet robust. The type of food any good Kiwi bloke (or in my case – Kiwi lass) would be happy to sit down to.

Open from 7am every day (10am on weekends), Depot is set to fulfil something that is lacking in the Auckland scene – decent all day dining.

With all the evocation of a Parisian brasserie, the interior of Depot, complete with subway tiled walls, rough saw bench tops, and industrial steel shelving has all the makings of a café in brie-tossing distance from the Seine.

With a casual atmosphere and bistro style fare, Depot is a place that’s likely to retain its animation from early in the morning to late at night thanks to a steady stream of punters who treat the space like Parisians would – as a local. Somewhere to stop off for a coffee and a scan of the daily papers; or a place to perch late afternoon, enjoying fresh shellfish from the raw bar.  Rather than being a defined by the hour restaurant that specialises in lunch and dinner, Depot is Auckland’s answer to the all day, all evening brasserie.

The fare on offer at Depot encourages this sort of atmosphere too. The raw bar in the front of the restaurant serves up an array of freshly shucked local oysters and clams; while the kitchen out back produces mouth watering hearty dishes all good for sharing such as crispy pork hocks.

The unpretentious atmosphere at Depot buoys the room, creating the type of environment where several hours can pass by unnoticed because you quite simply feel so comfortable in the surroundings.

Depot is without a doubt our favourite new local.

Open seven days from 7am.

86 Federal Street


It definitely makes for fun reading, particularly now that Washed Out (the stage name for Ernest Greene) is back with a full length album.  From ten breathtakingly neutral tracks that push the needle on the chillwaver’s sound from limpid to insipid; from blissfully oblivious to bland; to (You and I) with its panpipe synths and zenist chants (a tasteful bit of ethno-techno yack it begs to be skipped, for fear you’ll grow a ponytail and a web designer’s goatee); it’s a bit of a free for all.

Meanwhile back in America, the reception has been a lot more welcoming, with the new record variously described as “a savvy balance of melody and mood” while “Greene’s muffled vocals and haunting atmospherics provide angst-ridden counterpoints”.

So stepping back from the conversation, what is the fuss all about?  At its best, Within and Without is able to conjure moments of fragile sensitivity and a delicateness that is hard to resist – most notably on Soft and also Echoes.

With Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavillion producer Ben Allen at the mixing desk, the sound is polished and slick, featuring multiple samples and loops to help create a velvet lushness.  And perhaps it is this polished smoothness that some critics just can’t see past.  It is almost as if the sound is too picture perfect, too beautiful, like the couple on the cover, which could convincingly pass for either a Ralph Lauren or Benetton magazine advertisement.

Ultimately this is where the challenge lies for Ernest Greene – to convince us that his music’s beauty is more than just skin deep and that it does have real soul.  The jury is out.


Forever searching for something new, I chanced upon the Cloud 9 hair straighteners. Apart from the aesthetically pleasing look (not a hot pink design or ill-placed diamante in sight), they are a powerhouse of salon functionality, with every little feature well considered across all five styling tools in the range. Their tag line is 'less heat, more style' so things like temperature control are a key feature; the idea of keeping things at a cooler temperature to lock in moisture and avoiding static (yes please), as well as limiting the damage to your hair. And if ever you've left home in a hurry and OCD'd about leaving your straighteners on and burning down the house... then you'll love that they cleverly turn themselves off after 30 minutes of not being used.

So here's the deal, the original developers of GHD sold the company after building the hugely successful salon professional tool. 10 years later they started Cloud 9 after noting a considerable advancement in technology. No longer are ceramic plates the buzz term, try 'Korean rock mineral' - it's their secret weapon when it comes to super shiny hair.

I love them, they are AH-MAZING.



Simply follow the link to the Cancer Society website below to make your donation online. Then email us with a reciept confirming your donation.

To show our support of your generosity to this great cause we will post you a copy of our biggest and best issue of Design Folio - The September Issue valued at $17.50

We encourage you all to dig deep and support The Cancer Society this Daffodil Day!

Make your donation here:


Email us here to confirm your donation so we can post you a copy of the magazine:


Thank you for your support!

hemselves off after 30 minutes of not being used.

So here's the deal, the original developers of GHD sold the company after building the hugely successful salon professional tool. 10 years later they started Cloud 9 after noting a considerable advancement in technology. No longer are ceramic plates the buzz term, try 'Korean rock mineral' - it's their secret weapon when it comes to super shiny hair.

I love them, they are AH-MAZING.



Click here to make your recommendation


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Interestingly the board’s investment in such ornate and robust Baroque architecture for offices was a deliberate business strategy to deliver regular revenue for the harbour board from office tenancies.

It was designed and built as the transport depot and headquarters for the harbour ferry services, and although upgraded with the recent addition of adjoining terminals, it still effectively performs its original functions. A central transport hub for ferrying city workers to and from wharfs around the Hauraki Gulf, and as a five storey multi-tenanted office and retail building.

The Ferry Building is a striking piece of architecture. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of ferry transport in the early twentieth century, and the role played by wharves in the social and commercial life of the city. It is a building that can be described as part of the legend of Auckland. A true landmark of the city.  For almost 100 years all city based Aucklanders have had this building as a part of their architectural visual repertoire. Instilling a sense of place and identity in the everyday lives of Aucklanders travelling in and out of the city.

Despite our best efforts we have not been able to unearth the details of what might be planned to mark The Ferry Building’s Centenary. Perhaps it’s a surprise party? All the same we are hoping that the date does not pass unnoticed and that there will be a celebration fitting of such a worthy and grand old lady.

Nowadays The Ferry Building’s refurbished spacious interior provides fantastic view corridors and a warm and welcoming ambience. It offers a unique and enviable corporate waterfront position for mid to larger businesses looking for a professional and stimulating work environment. If you would like to know about leasing opportunities available at The Ferry Building go here link

Ray White Commercial
Whillans Realty Group Limited
Level 2, 23 O’Connell Street, Auckland
Phone 09 304 1453


Australian brand Jac + Jack knows a thing or two about dressing for fine weather, and how to catch a wave. Their latest collection of beach towels in bright colours, with subtle fringing, provides just the right touch of elegance we need to complete our beach get up this season.

Available from Siena
347 Parnell Road
(09) 377 7555


TЌ`IЋѓPŽ Нf `Нf №Нf ­РDg ,You may have seen the evolving billboard up beside the Mini Garage, this coming weekend, there is something well worth staying up a late for - on November 11 & 12th 'Art in the Dark' returns to Western Park, Ponsonby with an amazing selection of installations, film and live performances. Last year was an absolute sensory delight to behold, so make sure you get down to check out the event for 2011. Artists/performers include the return of the Velociteers (synchronised cycling - without the lycra), alongside dancer Annabel Harrison, filmmaker/singer Morag Brownlie and the spectacular La Lumiere crew amongst a host of others.

This year's lineup includes a roving Cardboard Marae by Melissa Durbin, and the sequel to one of last year's highlights - 'Miniature Cities' by Emily Priest - entitled 'A Small Act' down by the Water Fountain - a LED illuminated socially responsible, and thoroughly interactive installation. 

The event as a whole is eco-minded, with most of the pieces made from recycled materials and using solar energy.  It's great to see one of Auckland's best inner city parks utilised as a free open-air gallery for the weekend.  If you head down on Saturday evening - pop on over the road to one of our favorite Ponsonby haunts, Roger Perry's Barrio, for the official after party event too. You can expect the usual excellent tunes, alongside more art in the courtyard out front and revelry aplenty.  


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Vicki Taylor, Taylor Boutique

1. I love to head across to Waiheke Island. Our great friends from Melbourne come and join us each year over there. A must while they are in town is a lunch at Te Whau vineyard. Perched high on the clifftops looking back up to Auckland, we while away an afternoon with amazing food matched with great wines and breathtaking views whilst catching up on a year's worth of stories.

2. A walk along Onetangi beach is also a must while on Waiheke. Its sheer natural beauty is just so refreshing. Along with early mornings coffees from Island Thyme café. We only turn up four to five times a year and are always greeted like friends by the staff.

3. Crisp salads and quickly seared BBQ meats in the evening drizzled with a local Waiheke favourite Number 29 Olive oil - and enjoyed with a great local pinot gris as we watch the amazing sunsets back over Auckland.

4. We normally squeeze in a quick trip south to Hawkes Bay. Where again, we love to enjoy a relaxed dinner settled amongst the herb garden at Pipi restaurant in Havelock North. Here, the outstanding food is matched by an eclectic décor where you help yourself from the old Smeg fridges for your own drinks.

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Entrants were asked to design and produce a piece of furniture or lighting to be put forward to a panel of design industry judges. The winner will attend the prestigious Salone del Mobile in Milan in April 2012, accompanied by Editor-in-chief Claire Sullivan, where they will have the opportunity to meet with some of the most influential designers and manufacturers in the world.

We've narrowed down our selection, with 15 of the best entries remaining.  Because great design is for the people, we have opened the voting platform to the public. Visit the Design Folio website to view the entrants work, then place your vote by 'liking' your favourite entry via Facebook. The public's vote will be taken into account with the judges' verdict, so help your favourite designer get to the Milan Furniture Fair by voting here and you'll also go in the draw to win the all new Mini Coupé for an entire week.
.nz.co.nzb garden at Pipi restaurant in Havelock North. Here, the outstanding food is matched by an eclectic décor where you help yourself from the old Smeg fridges for your own drinks.

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Two years later they’re back with ‘Paradise’ and the change is startling. Both Charles Watson and Rebecca Taylor (the similarities with Big Deal continue) now have a considerably wiser, weary and darker view of the world.

At times it is hard to believe they hail from Sheffield, England such is the influence of America’s south here – in the wonderful melancholy of Taylor’s outstanding voice who more often than not manages to come across as a modern age Janis Joplin (particularly on the perfectly paced ‘Never Look Back’ or the hillbilly barn dancer stomp of ‘If We’re Still Alive’).

As well as bringing every single track on the album with her genuinely colourful and expressive voice, Taylor also plays a wonderfully swampy and thunderously sloppy drum that is all rattling snares and charging toms to which Taylor adds multiple layers of guitars in support, as well as helping to provide subtle support on backing vocals, quite sensibly leaving Taylor to lead and provide the emotion and depth.

Despite some of the album’s strongest moments also being some of its saddest (be it the resigned and broken girl’s cry of “without this what will I do, I know soon you’ll go” from ‘You, Earth or Ash’ to the intimate farewell of ‘Gold Mountain’ and the sigh of “don’t be scared to say you miss me”) Paradise is never anything but beautiful and triumphant.

In a world of cutesy boy/girl duos looking to step into the void left by The White Stripes (and I’m really not even sure that’s a great thing) perhaps Slow Club has just edged ahead of the field.


I don't claim to glide gracefully through the streets like a Gazelle. I'll be completely honest when I tell you that I need all the help I can get when it comes to achieving a spring in my step. I love the tech features that trainers have these days for every class of 'athlete' under the sun, but god-dammit I want them to look good too!

And this is where Nike steps in. Nike has been mastering this fine balance for decades, but even more so in recent years where I’ve noticed a strong sense of style seeping into the sport world. Gone are the days of boring, stock standard running shoes. Im talking about reflective strips; I'm talking about bright pop colours; I'm talking about air technology and free running soles. Whether you've just smashed out the Auckland half marathon (bless you), or you are more of a fair-weather runner...you have every head-spinning choice available at your finger tips.

Enter the Nike Lunarglide+ 3: a plethora of technology all wrapped up into a fluoro, reflective, bouncy bundle of joy. I could tell you that it has a new and improved enhanced fit, support and breathability. I could also tell you that the sole has lightweight, ultra-plush cushioning, springy response and support. But I won't. What I will tell you is that I had first hand experience putting these through their paces over the past couple of weeks and they have very much become a part of my get-ready-for-summer routine.

With some help from my trusty trainers, I am now built for speed, and so far, I am winning.

Eat my dust.

Available from Nike Britomart

54 Tyler St

(09) 505 6453 

' CЉ

This is one of the biggest myths and misconceptions that I hear all of the time. Your stomach is not designed to be in a continual state of digestion. It needs rest just like the rest of your body. When you graze or eat meals too close together, your stomach does not have the chance to fully digest each meal before the next one comes along. The average meal takes five to six hours to fully digest. Undigested food sits in your stomach and eventually begins to rot and release toxins into your system. This ongoing toxin release can lead to bloating, weight gain, acid reflux, poor energy, as well as increase your risk of cancer and other such illnesses. Furthermore, eating six small meals spikes the fat storing hormone insulin. When your insulin levels spike, it causes your glucose levels to drop severely leaving you feeling tired and very hungry.

The myth that six small meals a day would lead to weight loss grew from the misguided idea that eating boosts metabolism. And it does. But after several meals per day, this metabolic effect wanes. Another critical reason why you should limit your meals to three per day is because during those five hours between meals, the body produces anti-ageing and muscle building proteins.

If you’ve ever had a personal trainer you would have probably heard them advocating eating frequent small meals for weight loss to prevent your body going into ‘starvation mode’ and storing fat. Let me clarify two things. Firstly, most personal trainers are not clinical nutritionists and have completed short courses in nutrition as part of their fitness degree. And secondly, there is no data supporting the idea that skipping a single meal or even a day’s worth of meals does anything to the human metabolic rate. Human metabolism simply does not work that fast. You will not go into ‘starvation mode’ simply because you did not eat for more than three hours. The six small meals a day diet can work, but only when offset with a daily exercise regime.

Might I suggest, that you leave grazing to the cows. Aside from it being rather inconvenient trying to find a small meal every few hours or toting around Tupperware containers full of snacks, eating frequently isn’t actually as healthy as you think. 

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If you’ve ever had a personal trainer you would have probably heard them advocating eating frequent small meals for weight loss to prevent your body going into ‘starvation mode’ and storing fat. Let me clarify two things. Firstly, most personal trainers are not clinical nutritionists and have completed short courses in nutrition as part of their fitness degree. And secondly, there is no data supporting the idea that skipping a single meal or even a day’s worth of meals does anything to the human metabolic rate. Human metabolism simply does not work that fast. You will not go into ‘starvation mode’ simply because you did not eat for more than three hours. The six small meals a day diet can work, but only when offset with a daily exercise regime.

Might I suggest, that you leave grazing to the cows. Aside from it being rather inconvenient trying to find a small meal every few hours or toting around Tupperware containers full of snacks, eating frequently isn’t actually as healthy as you think. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\Д` И‘Ќ`‚ _ѕљпЦ$нћ VЎ

So has their debut managed to move the focus beyond the image to the material they’ve produced? Well, while the answer is a very definite yes, you can’t help but feel that some reservations remain. Perhaps it’s because critics just can’t get away from the fact that bassist Huw Webb is younger brother of the Horrors’ Rhys Webb, that the remarkable similarities between Again Into Eyes and Primary Colours remain.

However, looking beyond all these obvious – and well documented criticisms – there’s no doubt that S.C.U.M. has surprised many with a debut that really does make you believe that they can deliver plenty more from here.

Right from the epic opener "Faith Unfolds" through to the euphoric closer "Whitechapel" the entire album leans very heavily on the baritone voice of Thomas Cohen to drive it along at a wonderfully frantic pace.  Elsewhere single "Amber Hands" really does deliver the goods – being able to add some wonderful menace to the party yet at the same time remain dreamy and uplifting.  

Their sound is consumed by the dual (and duelling synthesisers) that create huge soundscapes which are pegged back to the earth by the anchoring bass lines of Webb.  It’s over this that Cohen delivers his dark and moody poetry ('Forgiven everything, where she lies, until the time when sadness moves you, towards the greatest sea') is fairly typical of his lyrics which generally aren’t always the easiest to decipher.

So, while the comparisons (add Jesus and Mary Chain and also Psychedelic Furs to that list) and criticisms remain (a forty-five second track called "Water" is unfortunately as pretentious as it gets) if you look beyond all this, there really is a debut that is exciting in its potential.  And, they are getting recognised by many serious artists and producers, the video for Whitechapel was produced by the collaborative art duo Tim Noble and Sue Webster, while the album was produced by Ken and Jolyon Thomas who have more recently worked with Sigur Ros, M83 and Psychic TV. Finally, they’ve also toured with their highly regarded label mates The Liars.

This could just be the beginning of something big.


D ќз

Mary Kisler, pint-sized in proportions, has one of the most infectious personalities I’ve ever come across. Her passion for art seems to extend far beyond the technique, the colour or the historical context; it extends to the viewers enjoyment of the piece also. We spent some time looking at the latest pieces, acquired recently by the Auckland Art Gallery (from a French family who discovered them amongst the possessions of a recently deceased relative) discussing their colour palette, their form, and the variety of techniques Hodgkins was exploring in these works, all of which date from 1902-1912.

As we chat, it occurs to me that Mary delights in my discovery of each work, at how I respond to each piece and with much generosity, she illuminates each work with details of their significance and importance. I came to appreciate that part of Mary’s skill and talent as a curator. It's not just in her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm, but also in her ability to make great artists accessible to the everyday person. This extends from the way the pieces are hung within a space, “it’s an organic thing,” she explains, “.... you’ve really got to think about what leads you from one work to another” to the function of the labels which accompany each work, “it’s got to work for everyone” she concludes.

We discuss Frances Hodgkins' importance within Modernism, as one of the English leading lights of the movement. She was by all accounts a woman who determinedly pursued her own particular style, adapting rather than adopting those of her contemporaries. Mary draws a similarity between NZ ex-pat literary great, Katherine Mansfield and Hodgkins, both renown for their focus on “pairing things back” and avoiding “grand themes” in their subject matter. Mary admits, with a somewhat devious twinkle in her eye, that she is drawn to both Hodgkins and Mansfield as “role models for stroppy women”.

The exhibition runs until March 11, 2012 and the collection of studies serve as a wonderful demonstration of the stylistic and technical influences important to Hodgkins during this period. It is Mary Kisler’s hope that the exhibition provides the opportunity for visitors to “spend time… and really look closely at her technique and explorations that are taking place…and get a greater sense of her as an artist, but also… as a person”.


TЮпИMѓPŽ М$№М$РC%Tыпж&ѓPŽ№З­ €в­ @И­ €З­ РМ­ Hму

Friday 25 November to Sunday 27 November 2011
9am-5pm Friday & Saturday
10am-4pm Sunday

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
(09) 630 8751


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When it comes to tools, I’ve never been one to bother with sponges or brushes, preferring to use my fingers instead. That was until getting my hands on a magic little pink sponge, otherwise known as Beauty Blender -  the industry’s secret to absolutely flawless looking makeup application.

Invented by two Hollywood makeup artists, the revolutionary tool makes application virtually foolproof, allowing you to access hard-to-reach areas with ease. Mist or dampen the sponge with water first to lock in moisture and then ‘bounce’ the suede like sponge against your face when applying your makeup, allowing you to blend foundation or concealer without creating changes in the texture or tone of your skin. The tapered end of the sponge is perfectly shaped for these hard-to-reach spots like around the nose and mouth, and under the eyes.

I can attest that this little pink sponge leaves the complexion looking perfectly flawless and glowing, looking just as if you had awoken from a long rested night, or even so far to say, that you’re not wearing any makeup at all. It’s also handy little tool for when you need a little makeup ‘zhuzh up’, helping redistribute and fine tune any uneven patches later in the day.

This indispensable tool will change the way you approach your morning beauty regime, all for the better. We suggest you snap one up quickly, we imagine they will sell out fast.

Beauty Blender kits (which come with a stand and cleaning liquid) are available from East Day Spa

SKYCITY Grand Hotel
123 Albert Street
Auckland Central

(09) 363 7050

st you snap one up quickly, we imagine they will sell out fast.

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Low in fat, low in calories and high on additional nutrients that supposedly benefit your health, New Zealand's first premium frozen yoghurt, Cone Kings is saying all the right things to woo us into submission.

With the sun finally shining this week it was the perfect opportunity for a spring dalliance with our potentially new summer romance.  Wild Berry and Blood Orange were the soft-serve flavours on offer when we visited. Served up in freshly baked waffle cones, the yoghurt was creamy and delicious without being overpowering in flavour.  If we can get all of that without the threat of compromising our early morning date with doom at the gym, Cone Kings frozen yoghurt could well be a new summer fling.

The frozen yoghurt is also available for purchase in tubs and come in five different flavours: pineapple & coconut, plain caspian sea yogurt, apricot & mango, wild berries and peach & passionfruit.

Single waffle cone serve cost: $4.50

Available from Icing on the Cake, 188 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland.



Cost: $1070

Available from Scotties Boutique:

2 Blake Street, Ponsonby Auckland 09 379 6617

3 Lorne Street, Auckland City 09 366 1664

4 Blair Street, Wellington 04 384 3805



In white leather, with double zip detailing on the tongue and heel, the shoe's upper is made from a series of patchwork white leather. 

Available from Area 51 (High Street, Auckland)
ph 09 309 1922


This latest pair of shoes is no exception. Crafted from the finest lizard skin, these shoes have done extra time in NZ Customs in order to make it to our fine shores.  

The perfect accompaniment to any stylish man's wardrobe.

Costume National Lizard Shoes

76a Ponsonby Road
ph 09 360 4090



Newmarket Superette
34 Nuffield Street, Newmarket, Auckland
09 966 0440

Ponsonby Superette
Shop 8, 282 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland
09 360 2360

Wellington Superette
106 Victoria Street, Te Aro, Wellington
04 473 2853



This little number is actually rather large in person, and has a total 8.17 carats of diamonds, including a healthy set of baguette diamonds as teeth, set in 18 karat white gold. I'd wear it threaded onto a long strand of leather with a t-shirt and jeans on the weekends to subtly show people just how tough I really am.

Diamond Skull Pendant


Graeme Thomson Antiques, 259 Parnell Road, Auckland. 09 303 1912


Launched in 2008 by former marketing executive (and a certain supermodel’s sister-in-law) Belynda Macpherson, the business model was simple: a small online business producing limited designs with bespoke finishes and contemporary styling constructed from 100% cashmere.

The first collection sold out and since then collaborations with high profile names such as Elle, Natalie Imbruglia and most recently young British artist Tracey Emin have placed this brand firmly within a highly competitive and niche market. Belynda has excelled in the art of pairing simplicity with cool sophistication. And, as this brand reaches the pinnacle of success, word on the street is that a menswear range is firmly in the pipeline.

At ten times the price of wool in its raw form, cashmere will never be a cheap commodity. Harnessed from the dry plateaus surrounding the Gobi Desert where cashmere goats live, the harsh conditions of desert living mean that survival isn't a given for our soft coated friends, making cashmere wool not only expensive but also pretty covetable.

Keep in mind cashmere has its uses in summer too - a touch of cashmere is the perfect comforter for sun kissed shoulders.

Banjo & Matilda now available at:

11 Teed Street
ph 09 520 2911

3 Lorne Street
ph 09 366 1664

Lynn Woods
149 Victoria Street
ph 03 377 9476 


Scroll through the images above for your how to guide on how to correctly fold your suit.

Crane Brothers

2-4 High Street
Auckland CBD
ph 09 377 5333

Shop 3, 99-105
Custom House Quay
Wellington CBD
ph 04 499 9531


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These stylish suede sneakers have swiftly moved to the top of our wish lists, with their concealed wedge heel adding a little bit of luxe (and some ever-welcome extra inches too, I might add), lending perfectly to the designer's renowned effortlessly cool, downtown style. We'4

These stylish suede sneakers have swiftly moved to the top of our wish lists, with their concealed wedge heel adding a little bit of luxe (and some ever-welcome extra inches too, I might add), lending perfectly to the designer's renowned effortlessly cool, downtown style. We've had the stern word from our friends at Fabric that there are very few pairs left - so be quick!


5 High Street

(09) 366 4528

6b Teed Street

(09) 529 1890


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These stylish suede sneakers have swiftly moved to the top of our wish lists, with their concealed wedge heel adding a little bit of luxe (and some ever-welcome extra inches too, I might add), lending perfectly to the designer's renowned effortlessly cool, downtown style. We'/p>

The café interior plbal demand for investments that ъ,ъ

Building to an epic finish, “Crown on the Ground” and “A/B Machines” hit the listener like a ton of bricks, but for me it’s the glorious sun drenched gloriousness of “Rill Rill” that proves beyond all doubt that Sleigh Bells are the real deal.  An unashamedly dreamy slice of dreamy pop, it proves that Krauss & Miller are not just one dimensional generation noise terrorists, as Miller noted in a recent interview: “it (Rill Rill) kind of sets up to do whatever...it’s like we can make a metal record or a pop record.  I don’t feel restricted or inhibited in any sort of way, creatively, and that’s so refreshing”.


Refreshing – the perfect way to describe the album.  It’s that good.


Dr Perricone is widely celebrated for his ground breaking research into skincare. Recently his work has been dedicated to discovering a delivery system that ensures that all of the nutrients he so kindly puts in his creams and potions, will actually penetrate the dermal layer in order to deal with the task they have been assigned.

Cold Plasma penetrates the dermal layers of your skin and delivers one of the highest doses of vitamin C in any serum leaving skin with a healthy glowing youthful appearance. 

With its promise of combating the 10 signs of ageing - firmness, elasticity, clarity, radiance, smoothness, texture, redness, blotchiness, fine lines, wrinkles and dryness, I have been wooed into submission.

So far I can attest that this magic in a jar is delivering on some of its said promises. My skin after only one week of daily use feels smoother and brighter. And I'm sure very soon I will look younger!

Dr Perricone Cold Plasma 

Available from Mecca Cosmetica




One whole duck
Salt brine -  water , garlic, chilli, cinnamon , orange zest, salt

Spice mix - ground 2 star anise , cinnamon, orange zest, pomegrate molasses

Cooking liquid  - two cups of red wine, one onion, two cloves of garlic, juice of two oranges, two cups of water

Picada - ¼ cup chopped almonds, 10 balls Valrhona Xocopili, slice of white bread toasted.
Grind almond and bread together with chocolate going in last, mix together.

Potato rosti, six potatoes, two garlic cloves, seasoning, cup of clarified butter

Asparagus, two bunches, steamed in salted water (very quickly)

Sage leaves  - hand full fried in butter

Fresh pomegranate seeds


Firstly salt brine your duck a day before and leave in the fridge overnight to impart some extra good flavour.

The next day remove from the brine and rub the duck  with your ground spice mix and brown in a frying pan to seal in all the goodness.

Place the duck into a braising dish. In a separate hot pan fry off garlic, onion and caramelize, add red wine and orange juice, when reduced place over the duck which should be breast down in the braising dish. Add a  couple of cups  of water, seal with a lid or tin foil and place in the oven and slow cook for about  three hours  till tender .

While that is cooking make your agria rosti. Grate about six agria potatoes drain the water off, grate in some garlic, season and make into patties.  Fry in clarified butter until crispy and golden.

I always make more than I need, it’s the Irish in me!  They can sit on the sideline until needed, then finished off in the oven before serving.

Once the duck is cooked strain the stock which the duck has been cooked in. Skim off the fat as there is a lot of it, and keep it for another day. It’s liquid gold!

Bring the remaining stock to the boil and take off the heat, add the picada mix and stir gently until it thickens,  check and adjust the seasoning if necessary.

I’m serving the duck with asparagus, so steam your asparagus just before serving and drizzle with a little olive oil.

To serve,  cut the duck into portions - just make sure I get the leg! Place a rosti topped with asparagus on the plate, then the duck.  Spoon the picada on top, and finish with some fried sage leaves and a few pomegranates which add fresh flavour and a great Xmas colour.

Have a quick well deserved swig of the pinot noir that you’re going to serve it with (just to make sure it's good!) and you’re ready to ring the dinner gong for the second course.

Bon Appetit!

Wine suggestion: Ma Masion Pinot Noir 09 from Martinborough

Available from Kemp Rare Wine Newmarket, 143 Carlton Gore Rd, 09 529 0935
$ 39.50 per bottle. If you’re a pinot noir lover it's worth every drop.

Valrhona Xocopili $19.40 200gm bag

Available from Sabato
ph 09 630 8751

Valrhona Xocopili $19.40 200gm bag

Available from Sabato www.sabato.co.nz ph 09 630 8751

09 630 8751

m Sabato www.sabato.co.nz ph 09 630 8751

Available from Sabato www.sabato.co.nz ph 09 630 8751

Т !Т 

radiance+mask.do" target="_blank">Available for purchase here.

+botanicals/300003758+intense+radiance+mask.do" target="_blank">Available for purchase here.



TThis dishes we enjoyed werebal demand for investments that T>!

A stunning array of Franck Muller watches are now available in New Zealand at Sutcliffe's beautiful Parnell showroom.

203 Parnell Road

ph 09 309 0127


$199.90 for the iPad case and $299.90 for the MacBook case. 

Available from shop.thanksyo.com


With Moochi's Autumn/Winter 2011 collection recently hitting the stores we were immediately drawn to the elegance of their Winter Maxi Dress.

Currently available in Black only, more colours will be available soon.




On a recent visit to Sass & Bide this embroidered lace number flirted with me from the hanger. Its pretty shade of red (not to be confused with trashy red) will look stunning under a white blouse, the added gold bar embellishments offering an extra punch of rock 'n' roll. 


Sass & Bide
85 Ponsonby Road
09 360 4533



If you follow international fashion and beauty magazines you'll be familiar with the hype that's surrounding the Brazilian Blowout trend; a treatment designed to transform frizzy fluffy flyaway hair into shiny silky locks in 90 minutes flat. Recent concerns have been raised with this treatment containing toxic nasties like aldehyde and formaldehyde, not so with the treatment on offer at Stephen Marr which is completely free of toxins and uses functional keratin extracts from pure New Zealand wool which share the properties of our body’s own natural keratin supply.

Penetrating the sub cuticle layer of the hair, keratin is infused into each strand working with your natural movement, creating amazing silky smooth hair. What's more it lasts in your hair for up to three months. And each consecutive treatment improves the condition of your hair, cutting your blow dry time in half and giving you really easy to style locks in the process.

All hair types will benefit from the treatment whether your hair is highly coloured, chemically damaged or just plain unruly, you are definitely going to see an improvement.

Stephen Marr

Ponsonby, 09 360 0588

Newmarket, 09 360 0848

Takapuna, 09 488 0585


Clockwise from top left:

Aiaiai TMA-1 Headphones $399 available from Good as Gold

Avila Sunglasses by Oroton $265 available from Oroton Vulcan Lane, Auckland

Lucian Satchel by Benah $675 available from The Department Store

Tender Cookbook by Nigel Slater $26.40 available from Amazon

Abici Bicycle $1950-2200 available from Artikel

Herb Garden by RoyalVKB $154 available from Simon James Design


Cost: $850

Sass & Bide
85  Ponsonby Road
Ph 09 360 4533


Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street



Workshop will be offering the Isabel Marant mainline collection, Etolle and fabulous Isabel Marant shoes in their Ponsonby and Newmarket stores. May I suggest you get in quick - before I do!


74 Mackelvie St, Ponsonby, Auckland, ph 09 361 3727

18 Morrow St, Newmarket, Auckland, ph 09 524 6844



Pop in for an afternoon slice of cake and a coffee and pick yourself up a pair.

Cost: $60 per pair, sizes 36-41
The Back Room at Zus & Zo café
228 Jervois Road 
Herne Bay

ph 021 811 770

Thursday to Saturday 3pm to 6pm or by appointment.

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So while this drink might not pack a punch in the traditional sense, it sure makes up for it with a long list of nutritional qualities. Coconut water is the second-purest drink, after water. It’s a fat-free and potassium-rich juice that is super-hydrating, whilst stimulating your metabolism and helping the body purify itself - all by an entirely natural process. The water itself contains five of the essential electrolytes – calcium, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potassium, which make it the perfect choice for rehydration during long summer days or post-workout. It’s a lot of wonder and promise for a little bottle, but I can seriously vouch that you do feel amazing after drinking it.

And while everyone has their own preferred method for treating a hangover, (be it a Bloody Mary, a cheeky McDonalds drive through or a blue Powerade,) let me tell you that coconut water may just be our new favourite morning-after remedy too – the instantly rehydrating, electrolyte-laden beverage has proven perfect for easing the pain of excess from the night before.

Our next mission? Coconut water cocktails. It is summer after all. We’ll keep you posted, but in the meantime, we suggest you pick yourself up a carton or two of it. Your body will thank you.

Try H2Coco Pure Coconut water available here and Beyond Coconut Water is available from East Day Spa.

85  Ponsonby Road
Ph 09 360 4533


Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street



Workshop will be offering the Isabel Marant mainline collection, Etolle and fabulous Isabel Marant shoes in their Ponsonby and Newmarket stores. May I suggest you get in quick - before I do!


74 Mackelvie St, Ponsonby, Auckland, ph 09 361 3727

18 Morrow St, Newmarket, Auckland, ph 09 524 6844



Pop in for an afternoon slice of cake and a coffee and pick yourself up a pair.

Cost: $60 per pair, sizes 36-41
The Back Room at Zus & Zo café
228 Jervois Road 
Herne Bay

ph 021 811 770

Thursday to Saturday 3pm to 6pm or by appointment.

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The restoration of what is considered one of the world’s best known ‘foreign-language’ film reflects Gucci’s ongoing commitment to preserving the artistic and cultural heritage of landmark Italian cinema.

Who can forget one of the film's most iconic images, actress Anita Ekberg (above) frolicking in the Trevi Fountain in her evening gown? Well here is your chance to relive the famous moment again. In celebration of the good life, We’ve got two tickets to the only screening of La Dolce Vita to give away to Denizen readers.

Click here and we'll put you in the draw!

Competition has now closed!


These weekend excursions can sometimes however be fraught by the distinct lack of decent lunch spots available. Our rural gastronomic choices are somewhat limited when embarking on an adventure anywhere beyond a 10km radius of the central city.

A friend recently reminded of Bracu. Nestled amongst an olive estate in the Bombay Hills south of Auckland, Bracu seemed the perfect option for our lazy Sunday afternoon adventure.

Situated in an old Kauri villa set amongst the olive trees, Bracu makes the most of its location with tables on the veranda that take in the afternoon sun. In a nod to the owners' Croatian heritage, the menu includes platters of delicious Salash artisan meats (a Denizen favourite- featured here) available for sharing if you’re not up for a hearty lunch.

But if it’s lunch your going for you’ll find plenty of classics to please. The ever popular pork belly makes an appearance, as does a red wine braised beef short rib with parsnip chips – a perfect dish for a winter afternoon.

If you're looking for an afternoon escape from the city, Bracu is a great spot to wile away an afternoon.

49 Main Road
Ph: 09 236 1030

Visit the website here. 

T№М›уѓPНаЈє ЉєЉ№М

The Denizen has 25 tickets to give away to our readers. For your chance to join us at The Department Store next Wednesday, email us at contact@thedenizen.co.nz 

Wednesday 17th of August 2011

Simon James Concept Store
The Department Store
Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland.


TнР ‘уѓPН ЎЖ№ЎЖTХ =уѓPНЈл(@м`Јл_ЉETКХVу JѓPН№ЋQtch @ЌQing - KХ

The sale from the since closed Christchurch showroom will include lines from Dedon, Linge Roset, Grange, Duresta, Roda and Borgo de Mastre.

10% of all sales from the sale will be donated to the Starship Charity. This is a rare chance to secure pieces from some of the world's most coveted furniture designers, whilst giving a little something back too. We suggest you get in quick!

23-25 Nugent St, Grafton (off Kyber Pass)

Wednesday 10th - Sunday 21st August. 9am - 5pm.



A dedicated area within the store has been designed with little people in mind, adapting signature colours and materials into lighter tones with Gucci teddy bears scattered about for children to play with.

The boutique will house the AW 2011-12 collection for newborns and babies (from 0 to 36 months) and Gucci Junior (from 4 to 12 years old) including clothes and shoes, as well as a selection of accessories: scarves, ties, belts, jewelry and sunglasses. 

The Gucci baby collection uses the classic colours of pink and blue but the palette also finds a fresh contemporary flair in the new hues of the season: soft grey, beige, orange and green. Similarly, materials continue to focus on softness and stretch for extra agility and ease of motion: wool, cashmere, super fine merino for the knits that in Autumn/Winter collection take on particular importance along with the goose down baby buntings and all-in-one suits. Coloured socks and tights represent another new addition. For babies there are fine gift sets (romper, hat and bib) to pair with pure wool and cashmere baby blankets. In lovely pastel shades, they have iconic Gucci teddy bear and Gucci logo details that add an unmistakable mark of distinction. Meanwhile a feel for the English countryside comes through in the mackintosh raincoats, double breasted jackets, and tartan details. Mothers can enjoy “mummy’s bags” - travel bags complete with Gucci style baby bottle holders - and wonderfully comfortable baby carriers.

The children’s collection also includes dressy outfits. Namely, tuxedos with bow-tie, cummerbund and black patent leather shoes for boys; an elegant velvet dress with strass-studded silk satin purse for girls.

48 Queen Street


A little splash colour was all the reminder we needed to start getting excited about summer dressing. After being cocooned in layers of dark for most of winter, a flash of red is just the ticket for adding a bit of pop to our spring wardrobes.

RRP $275

Available from Fabric.

(09) 366 4528


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Most designers tend to reference the past for inspiration and with sunglasses that really means styles from the late forties onwards. Brands like Persol, Ray Ban, Moscot and Cutler and Gross do it best. I particularly like what Cutler and Gross do, they are well designed and beautifully made with the perfect balance of old and new. Like all nice things they deserve to be looked after, that’s what the case is for, so make sure you clean them regularly and don’t let the lenses get scratched by being careless with them.

It is also worth trawling sites like eBay for original dead stock Ray Bans and although there are a proliferation of online sites that overwhelm us with choice, be careful to select a pair that fits the shape of your head and frames your face properly. I would always recommend dealing with a good retailer you trust.

Just like trends in menswear, different styles suit different looks and the aforementioned brands are perfect for the current return to Americana and Preppy revival.  Most of these frames will look just as good with tailoring as they do with Jeans or a button down and shorts.

The same basic rules apply; don’t wear tortoise shell with black shoes and belt and in no instance is it acceptable to leave your sunglasses on your head after dark - even if you do suffer from photo-phobia which incidentally is not a fear of the Paparazzi.

For more of Murray's sartorial musings, visit his blog Dispatch.


The same basic rules apply; don’t wear tortoise shell with black shoes and belt and in no instance is it acceptable to leave your sunglasses on your head after dark - even if you do suffer from photo-phobia which incidentally is not a fear of the Paparazzi.


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Now ten years in to their r : 

Now ten years in to their recording career, British Sea Power remains as enigmatic and eccentric as ever.  Their debut album, The Decline of British Sea Power, was a powerful statement of intent, and their epic live performance on Jools Holland, featuring a saluting Michael Stipe,  marked them as a truly unique and exciting proposition.

They remained on the very far left of the mainstream, until the release of 2008s Do You Like Rock Music  lurched them back towards the centre, with a more mature and consistent sound. Indeed, anthem-in-waiting Waving Flags almost became the song that launched them onto the stages of a thousand stadiums that their ambition and at times titanic sound demands.  At the very least, it did mean another trip back to visit Jools Holland, where the band introduced the ancient art of Cumbrian wrestling to the world.

And so to their latest offering, Valhalla Dancehall, which the band themselves describe as a mixture of Serge Gainsbourg and Ralf and Florian era Kraftwerk with a sprinkle of Stock, Aitken and Waterman.  Is this the record to finally catapult them into the mainstream?  Well, the simple answer to that is…maybe.

The album’s first three tracks continue on from Do You Like Rock Music’s sonic barrage, ‘Who’s in Control’, ‘We Are Sound’ and ‘Georgie Ray’ offering  few surprises for fans.  So it’s not until the stupefying ‘Mongk II’ that things really start to get interesting.  A gloriously feral blast of howling guitars and techno-rock combination mixed with Yan’s lead lyrics sneering accusingly, “You’re an animal, you’re a homorapien”.

And don’t be fooled by the album’s deceptively sweet first single ‘Living Is So Easy’ based loosely on Dame Vera Lynn’s legendary celebrity clay pigeon shoots (by all accounts Dame Kiri Te Kanawa was a regular guest), the video adds an almost Valley of Dolls creepiness while you can almost hear the drips of cynicism falling from Yan’s lips, “living is so easy, shopping is so easy”.

But where British Sea Power really finds the essence of themselves is on the ethereal dreamscapes they create, most noticeably on the eleven minute plus ‘Once More Now’.   It’s these tracks that drag not only the band, but the listener back to the wind swept, rugged mountains and hills of Cumbria.  British Sea Power have always had a strong connection to the land and to the animals that inhabit these notoriously windswept and barren areas that heroically defy the decaying urban jungle that England has become.

And it’s for this reason that, despite everything, British Sea Power will remain glorious outsiders -  the bookish eccentrics who are just too honest and too passionate to ever be accepted into the “mainstream”.

Long may they wander.



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Right from the salvos of raK< 

Right from the salvos of rapid gunfire that opens the album’s epic first track The Ever Changing Spectrum of a Lie it’s a full frontal assault on the ear drums, as the Welsh tyros pin their ears back and have the volume shaft cranked up to eleven.

And what a glorious noise they create. Razor sharp high speed riffs driven on by the tightest of rhythm sections that builds each song to an absolute cacophony of noise as if to announce that each song has burnt out from absolute exhaustion.  Think the best bits of Hole, Manic Street Preachers and even The Pixies all rolled into one.

Lead singer and guitarist Ritzy Bryan has real star quality too.  At times alternating between a pint sized Siouxsie Sioux or Karen O she attacks her guitar with relish, leading the maelstrom of sound with some brutal guitar slashes while still delivering some stunning melodies over the top.

At the eye of the storm they’ve created, is pivotal track Whirring, which, by some coincidence also lies smack bang in the middle of the album.  Checking in at just under 3 minutes, it represents all that is great about The Joy Formidable which is their ability to deliver an epic wall of sound yet that at the same time has real mainstream potential with strong tunes. 

But they’re also far from a one trick pony.  Llaw = Wall hints at a softer more delicate side to the band, with Bryan stepping aside to leave lead vocals to fellow band member Rhydian Dafydd.

With The Big Roar, The Joy Formidable has put down one hell of a marker.  It has taken them longer than they probably would have wanted, but it's definitely better to be a little late than never.  And they’ve definitely been noticed.




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Drive By Truckers: r!,r!

Clockwise from top left:Clockwise from top left:

Cream enamel braid necklace by D Luxe $117 available from D Luxe

Cocoon coat in silk ottoman by Alexandra Owen $1350 available from Alexandra Owen

Blue purse pen by Tiffany & Co, POA enquiries to Tiffanys DFS Galleria

Kate Moss by Mario Testino book $1998 from Amazon

Marrakech medium messenger bag by Gucci, POA from GucciGucci


Clockwise from top left:

Cream enamel braid necklace by D Luxe $117 available from D Luxe

Cocoon coat in silk ottoman by Alexandra Owen $1350 available from Alexandra Owen

Blue purse pen by Tiffany & Co, POA enquiries to Tiffanys DFS Galleria

Kate Moss by Mario Testino book $1998 from Amazon

Marrakech medium messenger bag by Gucci, POA from Gucci

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So 'Build A Rocket Boys!' has plenty to live up to, and they've definitely been in no real rush to follow up 'The Seldom Seem Kid' with lead singer Guy Garvey taking time out to produce I am Kloot's exceptional 2010 release 'Sky At Night' (also reviewed here in The Denizen). The good news is that this, their fifth album, finds the lads from Bury in very confident form, and if anything happy to distance themselves from trying to repeat the successful formula from their previous record.

The result is a more stripped back sound, quieter, and more subtle than 'The Seldom Seen Kid' with piano taking more of a front seat and as a result relegating the guitars to softer more harmonious layers.

But the real standout, more than ever before, is lead singer Garvey, who continues to develop into one of the United Kingdom's most brilliant vocalists and lyricists. The songs and stories on the record see Garvey and the band return to the cobbled gothic streets of their hometown Bury, to muse over what it means to grow up in a northern town.

In Lippy Kids Garvey recollects his inability to perfect 'the simian stroll' while remembering groups of lads 'walking on walls, stealing booze and hour-long hungry kisses' to ask, perhaps rhetorically 'do they know those days are golden?' and urges them to 'build a rocket boys'.

With 'Build A Rocket Boys' Elbow has taken us on a wonderful journey back to the town of their childhood. It's a compassionate and emotional piece of storytelling, full of passion and promise. As Garvey croons on Jesus is a Rochdale Girl, it was a time when he had 'nothing to be proud of, and nothing to regret, all of that to make as yet..a thousand boxes yet to tick.'

Elbow remains a treasure to be cherished. No one can begrudge them their success - they are simply a class above the competition as the moment. Build A Rocket Boys has been well worth the wait.

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Which is rather outrageous, given their previous effort - 2009’s ‘Hospice’ - widely viewed as a release of real significance within the “indie” world, with its blistering and at times, decidedly uncomfortable, rumination on varied themes such as abuse, abortion, cancer and death - themes that helped catapult the band to widespread critical acclaim and a sold-out world tour.

Perhaps the low key release of the record is all part of the master plan of Peter Silberman, The Antlers front man and driving creative force.  As he himself has acknowledged 'there was of course a feeling of pressure to follow up a record that people have a really strong attachment to.  Knowing that it would be impossible to make everyone happy, and learning to be okay with that, we intentionally went into this record without a map and let the songs grow organically.

At the eye of their new storm is ‘Rolled Together’ which simply repeats two lines 'rolled together with a burning paper heart, rolled together but about to burst apart'.  It captures both the fragility and despair inherent in the record as well as being totally representative of The Antler’s glorious sound – for just three members, they do possess the ability to deliver an epic sound.  Of recent memory, possibly only Sigur Ros has made sadness sound this good.

Elsewhere, album opener, the self-explanatory ‘I Don’t Want Love’ is a wonderful beginning, with its rolling electronics and velvet smooth guitars, while my personal favourite the haunting ‘No Widows’ introduces a forlorn organ that simply washes over you with its melancholy, as Silberman’s falsetto repeats 'when the shake, say the wings won’t break' is enough to give you chills.

However, everything is simply a bridge to the album’s triumphant closer ‘Putting the Dog to Sleep’.  It’s the perfect ending to a stunning album.  If anything, ‘Burst Apart’ builds on ‘Hospice’ and clearly demonstrates The Antlers to be so very much more than a one trick pony.

A must have.



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This Christmas will be my first in New Zealand, and shall be spent in beautiful Marlborough, followed by salubrious lull on Great Barrier Island. My family are all back in old London town and I will miss them very much. I will mostly be drinking Hunters Miru Miru Special Reserve, Broken Shed, Doorlys XO and Middleton Very Rare to help assuage this terrible pain. This said, I shall certainly not grieve over the loss of the latter half of Christmas day that goes by with the gentle gloom that usually descends when relatives appear.

Joyeaux Noel Denizens.


1. Camilla & Marc Cylinder crepe and jacquard dress from Camilla & Marc

2. Lanvin Silk-blend crepe gown from Netaporter

3. Ellery The Ventures dress from Alice Euphemia

4. Gucci Silk-voile asymmetric dress from Netaporter

5. 3.1 Phillip Lim belted silk-crepe gown from Netaporter

6. Lover Labyrinth body con dress from Superette

7. Magdalenea Velevska Amped Dress from Alice Euphemia

8. Gucci Polka Dot dress from Gucci

9. Stella McCartney Pamela embroidered organza dress from Netaporter

10. Camilla and Marc Supremacy dress from Superette

con dress from Superette

7. Gucci Polka Dot dress from Gucci

8. Stella McCartney Pamela embroidered organza dress from Netaporter

en.co.nz?subject=Clicquot%20in%20the%20Snow">Email your answer and contact details to us here no later than Tuesday 21 June 2011.


With the ever-popular Queenbal demand for investments that Tf!фцѓPНеЎреЎЧ)ёаeј’@ ,@ 

for purchase here.


All the great new season produce is starting to appear and if you're a lover of whitebait there's freshly caught Waikato Heads whitebait that's just as good, if not better, than their slippery South Island cousins!

And at $20 for 200 grams it's well worth it.

Another thing you'll find at Oratia is smoked garlic salt from the Smoke & Spice company. I've been waving this salt over anything that looks edible, it gives everything a real boost. You can purchase four big bags of salt and a shaker for just under $20, it's an absolute must for the barbecue this summer.

How to cook your whitebait:

Whitebait omelets are simple and made best with:

fresh free range eggs

lemon zest

smoked garlic salt

Mix all the ingredients together and divide the batter into four. Pour into a frying pan with a knob of sizzling butter. Cook them quick and eat them quickly.

Serve with a beautiful avocado, tomato, chili and spring onion salad with a simple lemon and olive oil dressing. Make sure just before you serve the fritters that you squeeze lemon juice on the whitebait to cut through the butter.

And after you've whipped that up for brunch, you'll have them all eating out of your hands for the rest of the day!

Oratia Farmers Markets, Saturday 9am to 12pm (all weather), Artisan Wines, 99 Parrs Cross Road, Oratia, Auckland.


This farmed Razorback pork has more marbling than regular pork, and consequently more flavour, without the game taint found in feral animals. Believe me, it's the Wagyu of pork. Our chef Sarah Genella has been using this pork at Rocco to great acclaim in one of her Spanish pork casseroles. We love it – and best of all, it's free range. Carnivore heaven!

You can purchase Razorback pork from The Neat Meat Company, 47 The Strand, Parnell, Auckland. 09 309 1081

My other great find this week was on a 24 hour pinot noir trip to Queenstown, which practically meant swimming in the stuff. In between sampling the most delicious Surveyor Thomson wines, we took a pit stop at Provisions,  a new café in Arrowtown.

I have four words for you: fresh, baked, sticky buns. These are the best things since (excuse the pun) sliced bread. They are in fact so delicious I awoke the next morning from my pinot coma, commandeered a car, drove through the fog and sleet, and sat outside the café until it opened.

I woofed down four of these delightful things and brought a dozen more back to Auckland in a paper bag.  The next time you’re down hunting for your next case of pinot, or sliding down the slippery slopes, stop and get as many as your sticky fingers can grab.


Provisions, Romans Cottage, Main Street, Arrowtown.


Clockwise from top left:

Large carry on duffel bag by Gucci, P.O.A from Gucci

Snap jean in light vintage by Dr Denim $179 from Qubic

White boxer shorts by Confidentials $40 from One

Am Karmy sunglasses $300 from Good as Gold

Play EDT by Commes des Garcons $233 from Mecca Cosmetica

Scoop tee in white by Commoners Alike from Thanks


For men we have chosen the Mr Book Bag,  valued at $490

And for women the Mr Bone Mailman, valued at $395

We have your choice of one of these covetable bags up for grabs.

To enter you need to do the following in this order:

1. Become a fan of ours on Facebook here. (www.facebook.com)
2. Share this story with your friends on Facebook via your wall and be sure to link to our Facebook page (by typing @thedenizen in your wall post) so that we can see.

And we'll put you in the draw!

Competition closes June 10th 2011.

Deadly Ponies 



In recognition of the immense pleasure that comes from donning a Chloe bag, the brand has taken things one step further with this handy little accessory-du-jour. With any purchase from the Chloe fragrance range, you'll receive this 5ml Love Chloe fragrance housed in its very own leather pouch, a necklace that references Chloe's famous and fashionable handbags.

Available now with Chloe fragrance purchases from these department stores:

Smith & Caughey
251-263 Queen Street

Kirkcaldie & Stains
165-177 Lambton Quay

Arthur Barnett
285 George Street
Meridian Mall

In recognition of the immense pleasure that comes from donning a Chloe bag, the brand has taken things one step further with this handy little accessory-du-jour. With any purchase from the Chloe fragrance range, you'll receive this 5ml Love Chloe fragrance housed in its very own leather pouch, a necklace that references Chloe's famous and fashionable handbags.

Available now with Chloe fragrance purchases from these department stores:

Smith & Caughey
251-263 Queen Street

Kirkcaldie & Stains
165-177 Lambton Quay

Arthur Barnett
285 George Street
Meridian Mall

your friends on Facebook via your wall and be sure to link to our Facebook page (by typing @thedenizen in your wall post) so that we can see.

And we'll put you in the draw!

Competition closes June 10th 2011.

Deadly Ponies 



With the ever-popular Queen,B!

But your chance at long lus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`СЂљ =Д‚_жкч( Ф^фЬЬз

On a quest to improve the way I’ve treated my skin I decided it was high time for a makeover. After an initial consultation, my thoughts on the damage I’d done to my skin over the years were confirmed. The amount of sun damage on my face actually got the beauty therapist excited as to what she could do for me and the results I would see if I followed a better cleansing regime and protected my skin from the harsh elements of the sun. Armed with a range of organic Pevonia Botanica cleansers, lotion and moisturisers, I was ready to tackle my new beauty regime head on. The therapist also suggested I do the Winter Rejuvenation package which was a course of treatments over eight weeks:

2 IPL full face rejuvenations

2 Microdermabrasions

2 Peels

2 Oxy-Mist treatments

15ml SkinCeuticals Serum 15

After doing my research and discovering what all of these treatments were, I decided that this was definitely the package for me. I wanted to minimise my freckles, reverse past sun damage and even out my skin tone. 

The Ellipse IPL (Intense Pulse Light) is a clinically proven method of treating thread veins on the face, sun damage and sunspots on the face, chest and hands. IPL not only targets pigmentation and blood vessels but is also used for photo rejuvenation. It helps you keep a younger fresher look by improving your skin texture. 

First step - microdermabrasion combined with a face peel. I’d heard stories about how red your face can go after microdermabrasion and I’d also watched the episode of Sex in the City (you know the one when Samantha has an awful reaction to a peel!) but my mind was put to ease and wow did I see a difference! The microdermabrasion was painless (kind of tickly) and the peel a little bit tingly, but the end result was amazing. My skin felt smooth and for the first time in years I think it was actually starting to glow!

Second step (2 weeks later) - IPL. This treatment was quite possibly one of the most intense (and painful) experiences I’ve had and something I do not suggest you do if you’ve had a few vinos with the girls the night before! Lying on the bed with the goggles strapped on, all I could see were flashes of red light, followed closely by sharp stinging zaps - I felt like I was in an episode of Star Wars! This took about 10 minutes before I was gently sprayed with the Oxy-Mist treatment, which was absolute bliss and helped ease the feeling that I’d been lying in the sun all day with no sunscreen and a sun burnt face. 

Post IPL, I was advised to stay inside, keep out of the sun and that my face would be red for a few hours.  And that it was. The redness eased but for seven days post treatment, the melanin on my face turned a very dark brown (like dark freckles) and dropped off. This was a rather strange, but interesting experience. The therapist had advised me that the worse I looked, the better the results. My fingers were crossed!

After another round of all the treatments, I can honestly say that my skin looks and feels better then it has in years. The combination of all four treatments has evened out my skin tone and reduced the sun damage that was so visible on my face. My face is a little paler as IPL removes sun damage from your skin and essentially strips it back to what it once was. Literally like a baby’s bottom! Because of this, it is now essential that I wear sunscreen (I have a new love for invisible zinc!) and a hat, something we should all be doing anyway and nothing that a splash of bronzer can’t fix! 

If your skin is in need of a makeover then this combination of treatments is something I would highly recommend but make sure you are prepared for a little discomfort!

A similar course of treatments is available locally from The Skin Institute.

he Skin Institute.

sun damage from your skin and essentially strips it back to what it once was. Literally like a baby’s bottom! Because of this, it is now essential that I wear sunscreen (I have a new love for invisible zinc!) and a hat, something we should all be doing anyway and nothing that a splash of bronzer can’t fix! 

If your skin is in need of a make over then this combination of treatments is something I would highly recommend but make sure you are prepared for a little discomfort!

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1. The newest item of Auckland that instantly, and weirdly, makes me proud to be an Aucklander is the Auckland City Art Gallery. Its rebirth this year was, from my point of view, an absolute triumph. Looking forward to summer I can't think of a more inspiring indoor environment to gently pass the time in the company of some rather incredible art - big inflatable flowers are sometimes just as good as the real ones.

2. Man O' War Vineyard is my favourite New Zealand winery and during the summer I am often lucky enough to spend a few days on Waiheke Island in the company of many a pleasant glass of wine. Amongst the gorgeous offerings on the island my first beeline will be directly to Man O' War bay which is as exceptional as the wine. Once there, I will nestle in at the new Man O' War Cellar Door cottage where a glass of white and a small platter will be well received.

3. One of my favourite things to do in summer is not leave Auckland, and this is mainly because everyone else does. If you think Auckland is quiet at the best of times, the summer break holds an extraordinary exodus from Auckland including aggressive thugs who take their warships and tanks down to poor old Pauanui to bother all the other Aucklanders down there. Most importantly what this means is that there will be no wait for a coffee. I can crawl up to Agnes Curran (181 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby) for a long black and a ham'n'cheese and probably slip in next door to Pencil Boutique to grab a new notebook and some drawing instruments as it's probably time to get back to work.

4. If the frozen Cone Kings yoghurt at Icing on the Cake, hasn't already changed your life then you need to find your way there immediately. And, if it has already changed your life you need to find your way there immediately as they have just started making their own fruit slushies. I was lucky enough to be classed as a happy guinea pig and a happy pig I was! Every sunny day deserves a trip to Icing on the Cake.

5.  But if this is dream list, the thing I would really love to do this summer is to go to Tasmania. It seems weird but when you couple that with MONA (the Museum of Old and New Art) which is the brainchild of an eccentric Australian genius and gambling guru it starts to make a little more sense. MONA houses his personal art collection including a poo machine, and many modern masters. It's built in to the side of a hill which in time will erode, and the entire building and collection will be lost. This is of course kind of the idea...so I need to go before it does.

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Life - Keith Richards

As a member of the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards helped to create songs that excited the world, and he lived the true rock-n-roll life. This memoir, written with the help of writer James Fox, is an intricately detailed account of Richards' life in a crossfire hurricane. It traces Richards' trajectory from boyhood in England through to the formation of the Stones, to the band's rise to world domination. While there have been a hoard of other decent books on Richards and/or the Stones, this is the book that matters if you're wanting the straight, unvarnished truth as he saw, and lived it. Written in true conversational style, the memoir is interesting, exciting, gritty, harrowing and important. And with the book being written in his own words, we can't get much closer to the man and his life than that.

A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
The Dickens of our time, Rohinton Mistry's compassionate and heart-wrenching account of India during the 1970s is devastating but also alarming beautiful. His four protagonists, all victims of the country, surmise 'The Emergency' - a time of political unrest when the government authorised torture, forced sterilization and carried out human rights violations aplenty. Mistry's ability to tell a story as it is, without grandiose explanation, enables him to write characters that are flawed, sensitive and subject to life's cruelties without release. It is perhaps this ability, that leaves you wishing he'd write different endings for his characters, but relieved that he is an author that recognises the unforgiving nature of life. If you haven't yet read this, be sure to set aside a couple of days of full time reading. You won't regret it. You may even walk away thinking you've read the tome of a lifetime. A Fine Balance really does create an enduring panorama of the human spirit in an inhuman state.

The Art of Fielding: A novel - Chad Harbach
A baseball book the same way Bull Durham is a basketball movie. Baseball does play a central role but it is more a campus novel about five individuals whose paths connect on the baseball field. As the season counts down to the final game the five are forced to confront their secrets, anxieties and hopes. In the process they forge firm friendships and find their way through. Reminiscent of Jonathan Franzen or John Irving, this is a feel good novel about commitment to oneself and to others.

1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
First published in three volumes in Japan, selling out on publication day and reaching sales of one million copies within a month, 1Q84 became a literary sensation. Both complex and surreal 1Q84 shifts back and forward between a man and a woman who are searching for each other. It tackles themes of love, family, cult religion, history and more. Murakami doesn’t like to discuss the plot to his novels and we tend to agree, they are best discovered by the reader. Murakami is one of our favorite authors by quite some margin, so a major work, which 1Q84 is, comes with high expectations. It delivers in spades.

The Marriage Plot: A Novel - Jeffrey Eugenides
The Marriage Plot is a modern romance set in the 1980s, a time of cynicism, irony and deconstruction. Are the great love stories of the 19th Century dead? Or can there be a new story, written for today and alive to the realities of freedom, sexual freedom, pre-nups and divorce. Whether The Marriage Plot fits the bill we’ll leave up to you to decide. Eugenides is one of America’s great writers. This is not up to his Middlesex which won the Pulitzer Prize, but still well worth a read.

Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
Walter Isaacson has compiled a gripping journey into the life of the amazing individual that is Steve Jobs. The book is based on more than forty interviews with Jobs that took place over two years, combined with interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors and colleagues. It is a tale that is filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership and values. Although some topics aren't covered in the greatest detail, Jobs lived a life so full of incident that perhaps no biography has the space to cover the broad sweep of his comings and goings. The biography is riveting and extremely hard to put down, but you wouldn't expect anything less from the man who literally revolutionised our access to information.

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
The Night Circus is the tale of Celia and Marco, two young magicians who participate in a battle of skill and creativity using their own unique methods. They share a bond of romance but there can only be one winner. The writing is magical, fantastical and original. The lush imagery of the circus alone makes The Night Circus worth reading. I suspect for many readers this will be their book of the summer. There will also be some who don’t embrace the fantasy and imagination.

All books are available from Novel, 202 Jervois Road, Ponsonby.


This summer has seen me officially wave goodbye to foundation in exchange for a tube of this magic multi-tasker. Foundation? Primer? Highlighter? Well it seems this lightweight formula actually does it all. Its immediate effect is much like a foundation, imparting a glowing complexion that virtually requires nothing else. The cream is easily buildable and a little goes a long way, melting into the skin to unify the complexion and leave a flawless finish.

And it’s not just surface deep either. the BB cream is armed with a myriad of skincare benifits underneath; designed to moisturise, even out skin tone and protect from the elements as well. The best part is, that over time, this all-in-one cream works to smooth the skin’s overall appearance, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and reducing visible redness and pore size.

While it may read a little like a foundation base for dummies, we suggest you make this your next order of business in the makeup department. One month in and our summer less-is-more beauty routine has certainly found its hero product.

Available from Bobbi Brown counters.


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Housed in the old Nest space on Ponsonby Road, the brand new lululemon sanctuary offers up an expansive retail space that acts as a community hub. Now we suspect most of you, like we did, know the lululemon brand for their range of hip yoga and athletic apparel, however we soon learned that they have much more to offer.

Alongside their extensive retail offerings, the lululemon brand offers up a way of life, founded on a philosophy that encompasses a vision of elevating onself from mediocrity to greatness. Encouraging people to lead lives that they love, their mission as a company is to facilitate a culture that creates components that supports people to do so.

Within the huge space, lululemon offers complimentary in-store yoga and fitness classes as part of their community programme – designed to encourage a mutual relationship between local athletes, instructors and role models in the community who embody the lululemon lifestyle and culture and the lululemon guest. Racks roll away and are replaced with yoga mats, all available for anyone within the community to join and experience a session. The space also serves as a base for community events, goal setting sessions and where local teachers and instructors can come and share their knowledge and passion with guests. There is an area at the front of the store decked out with couches and beanbags, where guests can hang out, fill up their water bottles and indulge in the many upcoming happenings care of the lululemon community board.

There is no doubt there is an infectious vibe happening within the lululemon culture. On the occasion we visited the place was buzzing with people shopping, and bubbly staff embracing a rather refreshing outlook on life. We left thinking there was no better way to get the blood pumping for the New Year than an inspiring dose of overall wellness alongside some brand-new fitness gears. After all, isn’t the number one resolution year after year to exercise more? We suggest you take a look inside this dynamic new addition to the Ponsonby Road strip, if not for some fancy new gym gear, then to stop by to trial one of their complimentary yoga classes. We certainly left inspired to indulge our inner yogi. Our first stop? This Thursday evening’s ‘Vino Vinyasa’ session, a free yoga class with complimentary wine tasting. Sounds like our kind of gig.


239 Ponsonby Road
(09) 376 9342







Ponsonby’s longstanding institution SPQR is offering three courses paired with a glass of wine and a delicious limoncello. With options aplenty per course, choose from items such as Caprese salad with fresh Clevedon buffalo mozzarella, Chrismas ham with asparagus, minted peas & prosciutto and Vanilla Bean Panacotta. We suggest you side roadside and watch the comings and goings of passerbys in all of their revelling joy. (150 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)


What happens when you pair our favourite champagne Dom Pérignon with a degustation menu designed by chef Des Harris of Clooney fame? A stella New Year’s combination. Settle in for a night of excellent food and service with their five course menu for $180, including butter poached crayfish (matched with a glass of Dom Pérignon), Mt Aorangi Saikou salmon, Hawke’s Bay natural lamb; and Valrhona chocolate for dessert (among others) before heading downstairs to their bunker style bar. (33 Sale Street, Auckland)


Arguably one of the best positions on Auckland’s Viaduct Harbour, there is arguably no better location to spend a sunny afternoon than overlooking a glistening marina dotted with bobbing boat masts. Get in early and assume a position either on their brasserie deck, or upstairs in their roof garden for a private soiree. Indulge in their six course New Year’s degustation for $140 per person including a glass of bubbles which includes Chamomile infused Marlborough salmon, crispy skinned Hauraki Gulf snapper, slow cooked Leeland farm lamb rack with Fiddlers Hill goats cheese among other courses. (Level 1, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland)

Fish restaurant

With chef Shane Yardley (a protégé of Simon Gault) at its helm, and the team of Nourish Group behind it (of Euro and Jervois Steak House fame), it can be said that here is a restaurant where views and mouth-watering food sit succinctly side-by-side. This New Year’s their set menu ($115) includes a glass of Mumm champagne, amuse bouche, and courses including a crayfish and prawn cocktail, Savannah beef fillet with truffles and asparagus; and crème brulee for dessert. (147 Quay Street, Auckland)

Everybody’s Bar and Bistro

If you want to feel like you’re not in Auckland, head to Imperial Lane. This new development not only feels like you’re overseas but you’re also likely to run into a new crowd too. Everybody’s, Imperial’s bar and bistro, is the perfect place to while away New Year’s Eve in anonymous fashion. With their a la carte menu serving up bistro fare into the evening, and DJs playing throughout the night, we expect this is one locale that will turn into an all night affair – and so it should. (7 Fort Lane, Auckland CBD)

Cable Bay Vineyard

If your Waiheke bound, settle in for a long lunch at Cable Bay and enjoy their seasonal tasting menu for $120 plus matching wines for $85 including a slow cooked hens egg with bacon crumbs and truffle vinaigrette, a salad of white and green asparagus, seared scallops, a rump of lamb with spring vegetables with smoked chicken broth and coconut panna cotta (among others). If you wait around until evening (have a few more wines or two) they assure us you’ll be able to see the fireworks in the evening. (12 Nick Johnstone Drive, Oneroa, Waiheke Island)

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While each track is built upon a simple looping structure, each still progresses and evolves as Willner weaves his magic to build each to a resounding climax.

The album is at times hauntingly sinister, yet also blissfully peaceful. These different moods and emotions are critical and keep the album from morphing into itself and becoming one indistinguishable track.

It’s Up There is a great reminder that essentially Looping State of Mind despite all its brooding atmosphere is still essentially a dance album – the track simply insists you get up off your arse and get amongst it. Wonderful.

If you like the sound of this, you should definitely explore fellow label mate Walls along with German producer Ulrich Schnauss, who also look to combine a deeper smoother house sound to work with more standard techno beats.  

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The Local. Sailor Mary - Golden Dawn
Not yet one year old and Golden Dawn already feels like an institution. The urban backyard with its casually strung carnival lights and friendly crowd of grungy locals have made Golden Dawn a reliable fixture on the Ponsonby Road bar circuit. Come Friday 6 p.m. its courtyard is filled with an eclectic mix of local creative types converging to share their week’s war stories of pitches and coups. While the outside bar serves only a selection of house pours, wine and beer, the cocktail offerings at the bar inside are superbly made and without too much fuss. Our pick? The delightfully pink Sailor Mary, a combination of spiced rum, raspberries, lemon, sugar, a free range egg white, garnished with mint. The perfect precursor to a long night ahead. Whilst the bar may feel somewhat temporary in its nature, the drinks on offer are more than worthy of a long stay. Look for the dark green side door, chances are you might even find a friendly denizen – it’s the essential late afternoon destination as we head into summer.
134 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland

The Perfect Starter. Rosita was a Smoker - Mea Culpa
The folks at Mea Culpa take the art of mixing a good drink very seriously. With a changing menu that reflects the season and a concentration on less common cocktail ingredients such as sherrys and ports, the bartenders don’t just pour the drinks. Creating their own essences and bitters in-house; they speak of their cocktail components a little like mad scientists. One look at the extensive cocktail list and, like us, you’ll probably find yourself unsure of where to begin. We recommend putting down the menu and leaving it up to the masters. On the occasion we visited, we sampled Rosita Was A Smoker, a pretty looking mix that is based on two classic tequila based cocktails – the Margarita and the Rosita. The Manuka cold smoked tequila was blended with agave nectar, rose liqueur and burlesque bitters. It left a honey sweet aftertaste; fast removing any of the preconceived notions we had of a tequila based cocktail. Mea Culpa is the perfect starter to an unplanned night out or a precursor to dinner plans. Every city deserves a bar where the bartenders care deeply about the craft of an excellent cocktail and we think we may just have found it.
3/175 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland

The After Work Escape. Little Jarhito Cocktail - Tyler Street Garage
For the downtown folk, Tyler Street Garage should be, if it isn’t already, swiftly appointed your official local. Towards the end of the working week the loyal patrons begin their descent from lunchtime, and we can see why. If its slick industrial interior and cool crowd aren’t enough to lure you down to take a load off, then their selection of tasty bar snacks may be the drawcard you need. A vast expanse of a bar, the pièce de résistance is the rooftop terrace bar; a small intimate space with its own bar that offers an uninterrupted view over the busy container wharf to the glistening harbour beyond. It’s the kind of place that, if you secure your position early enough, you could easily find yourself whiling away the better part of an afternoon. On the last occasion we visited, we got a head start on selecting our summer libation and found a top contender in their Little Jarhito cocktail. Think of it as the slightly less potent little brother to the Mojito. Light and refreshing, and safe enough to drink your way through lunch or an afternoon meeting without having to be escorted home. The Little Jarhito is muddled with lots of fresh mint and lime and served in a novel glass jar. Which makes you (or at least made us) feel a little more comfortable about ordering one pre-sundown.
120 Quay Street, Auckland

The Nightcap. The Cuban Cloud - 1885 Basement Bar
It might be late, but the night’s not over yet. May we suggest you might be ready to make a post midnight pilgrimage downtown to 1885’s Basement Bar.  The perfect escape for a nightcap when you’re not quite ready to call it a night, Basement Bar serves a robust menu of classic cocktails, best enjoyed from the comfort of their oversized leather sofas. They say a nightcap should consist of more than a third of a glass of something dark, something more than just a ‘drink’, and one that takes a little more work than just a stiff pour. The Cuban Cloud is a tipple that is favoured by Basement’s after-dark crowd. Havana club rum, lemon juice, egg white, earl grey tea are whipped up and dusted off with icing sugar before the blowtorch comes out to deliver the finishing caramelising touch. It’s the perfect prelude to a night of equally sweet dreams.
27 Galway Street, Britomart, Auckland

„ Œ

Pucker up your pout with some of our tried and tested favourite tones and limited edition hues; an accessory perfectly matched with a sun kissed summer complexion.

1. NARS lipstick in Schiap from Mecca Cosmetica

2. Iris Afpel for M.A.C lipsticks in Morange, Party Parrot, Pink Pidgeon and Scarlet Ibis from M.A.C counters

3. Bobbi Brown neon lipcolour in Atomic Orange from Bobbi Brown counters

4. Shiseido Perfect Rouge lipstick in Day lily from Shiseido counters

5. Yves Saint Laurent lipstick in Incandescent orange from YSL counters

TŽoћѓP‡ И$ 2‡pИ$h Д Ž

Unlike Sydney, Auckland doesn’t have nearly as many outdoor bars or pubs as there should be, but thankfully, La Zeppa’s new arrival looks set to change this. Just in time for our better-late-than-never arrival of warm weather, the expansive new sun drenched space is is a much needed addition to the Auckland outdoor bar scene and an ideal spot to throw down a few cold ones alfresco style on a sunny afternoon. The deck has a garden feel with plants and come sundown, is lit up with lanterns and fairy lights. Well equipped with comfy oversized outdoor couches, a convenient outdoor bar (with Becks and Mac's Cider on tap) and an inviting and rather summery view over Victoria Park, the new space is the perfect place to enjoy afternoon drinks coupled with a great selection of tapas and a relaxed atmosphere.

If you’ve yet to experience it, we recommend you revisit La Zeppa and move the party outdoors; although might we suggest getting in early to settle in before the post work rush, as it fills up fast.

33 Drake Street
Freemans bay 
(09) 379 8167


>eido counters

5. Yves Saint Laurent lipstick in Incandescent orange from Bobbi Brown counters

4. Shiseido lipstick in Day lily from Shiseido counters

5. Yves Saint Laurent lipstick in Incandescent orange from Martha Stewart Makes Cookies

Keep the kids (or yourself) entertained on a rainy day with Martha Stewart's Cookies app. The app library contains all of Martha's favorite cookie recipes, step-by-step baking videos, and one-of-a-kind packaging tips to help you make the best holiday cookies on the block this year.


Embrace your inner cocktail creative this summer and serve up the perfect seasonal drinks with the Mixology app. It acts as your personal little bartender, as well as a refined recipe device. You can browse various beverages by category, ingredient, favourites or simply type in the liquors or mixers you have in your home bar and it will present you with the drink options that you're able to concoct. There's also a Bartending Guide that teaches you about the types of glasses, tools of the trade, terminology and how to keep your bespoke bar stocked.


 Mix your music tracks at your holiday soiree with ease with DJay for iPad. Transforming your portable tech into a fully-fledged DJ system, you can recreate the experience of turntables as you mix your tunes from your iTunes music library. With its unprecedented ease-of-use and innovative multi-touch mixing features, DJay for iPad takes DJing to the next level and is perfect for even the most amateur of mixers. 


No summer vacation would be complete without the Kindle app. With a larger collection of ebooks than the Apple book store, regular discounts & offers, it also syncs your reading position across different devices. Once you're ready to curl up and read, the Kindle app really shines - you turn pages with a short swipe, or a tap on the edge of the screen, and there's also different background/text colour combinations. There'll be no more filling your suitcases with heavy books.


Even if astronomy's not your thing, it's hard to not be impressed by the night sky on a clear summer's eve. Ever wondered what the starscape is that you're gazing at? Starwalk is an award-winning education app that allows you hold your iPad up to the sky and using its digital compass you'll see a virtual starscape on your screen. It gets even better when you start to move around - the view pans with you highlighting what constellations you see before you. Better yet, there's no internet connection required so you can walk and gaze in any location.

Jamie's Recipes

Jamie's Recipes is a virtual cookbook based on the British chef's personal recipes and style. There is a wide variety of recipe packs available, perfect for when you've got unexpected guests coming to stay and you want to serve up something new and seasonal. Each pack contains ten recipes and an additional video, and includes ingredients and supplies lists telling you what kinds of pots, pans and other equipment you'll need. Our favourite feature is the app's ability to create shopping lists based off the recipes and allows your to easily email the lists without leaving the cookbook.


Edit your holiday snaps like a pro with the Luminance photo editing app. Giving your pro photo editing capabilities in a simple and elegant interface, this sleek looking app allows you to effortlessly add effects to your photos by choosing from built-in presets. Better yet, you can save your favourite adjustments and apply them to multiple images. Get picture perfect with just a few minor tweaks. 


To lock in color, moisture and give your hair a brilliant glossy shine, The Sans PH Shine Corrector is the most potent form of sun protection for hair in a bottle. It works by closing the cuticle of the hair to restore it back to it's natural PH balance. Just spritz through your hair pre beach and then again after swimming for continuous sun protection. 

For a softer cream based alternative, the Ultra Hydrating Plus is a great option for people who experience fluffy hair blues,  it not only protects and softens your hair from the damaging effects of our harsh rays, but is a fantastic styling aid for soft beach waves. Apply to the hair after shampooing as a weekly treat, or throw it in your beach bag to apply to the hair straight out of the water. Suitable for all hair types, it is advised to be applied in small quantities and layered on for the most natural finish.

Avoid over shampooing the hair through this time. It leads to quicker color fade & strips the hair of its natural protective oils, which ultimately leaves the hair feeling dry and brittle. Try and stick to your routine as much as possible. 

Embrace the slightly looser approach to hair styling summer encourages - put away those heated tools and pick your stylists brains on techniques on how you can experiment with new creative ways of putting your hair up using bobby pins & fun clips. You'll be surprised at how easy and effective it is.

Stephen Marr 

Ponsonby 09 360 0588

Newmarket 09 360 0848

Takapuna 09 488 0585To lock in color, moisture and give your hair a brilliant glossy shine, The Sans PH Shine Corrector is the most potent form of sun protection for hair in a bottle. It works by closing the cuticle of the hair to restore it back to it's natural PH balance. Just spritz through your hair pre beach and then again after swimming for continuous sun protection. 

For a softer cream based alternative, the Ultra Hydrating Plus is a great option for people who experience fluffy hair blues,  it not only protects and softens your hair from the damaging effects of our harsh rays, but is a fantastic styling aid for soft beach waves. Apply to the hair after shampooing as a weekly treat, or throw it in your beach bag to apply to the hair straight out of the water. Suitable for all hair types, it is advised to be applied in small quantities and layered on for the most natural finish.

Avoid over shampooing the hair through this time. It leads to quicker color fade & strips the hair of its natural protective oils, which ultimately leaves the hair feeling dry and brittle. Try and stick to your routine as much as possible. 

Embrace the slightly looser approach to hair styling summer encourages - put away those heated tools and pick your stylists brains on techniques on how you can experiment with new creative ways of putting your hair up using bobby pins & fun clips. You'll be surprised at how easy and effective it is.

Stephen Marr 

Ponsonby 09 360 0588

Newmarket 09 360 0848

Takapuna 09 488 0585

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Apple iPad 2
Apple managed to do two things with their second-generation iPad; firstly launch their iPad 2 before most competitors managed to launch their first-generation tablets; and secondly, produce a thinner, sleeker and faster product to enable us to access information on the run, anytime. The iPad 2 has literally revolutionised the way we work and play. Now there’s no excuse to not be up with the play, no matter where you are.

Kindle Fire
When Kindle first launched, we couldn’t quite get our heads around leaving the tactility of the books we’ve loved and the ones we’re yet to read, in favour of absorbing them on a screen. But then practicality got the better of us. What if we could take literally dozens of books away with us without booking an additional bag on long-haul? The recently launched Kindle Fire offers little excuse to not have the library you’ve always dreamed of. With its 7-inch screen, complete with Gorilla Glass coating, it boasts 8GB of internal storage. You can also make the most of the Kindle owners’ lending library, with access to over 10,000 movies and TV shows and over 30,000 books. With Wi-Fi capability, you can also access all of your emails, read documents, browse the internet and more. And, at its low-cost of $199, it’s set to become the first tablet to really take on Apple’s infamous iPad.

Nest thermostat
Many years ago, Tony Fadell took an idea for a new gadget to Apple. Apple was impressed and just over a decade ago they released his idea – the iPod. Many years later, Fadell left the company to spend some quiet time with his wife and children on Lake Tahoe. Here he devised an idea for a new product, taking something that is so ordinary and unremarkable within the home and giving it intuition – giving it the capacity to think for you. His Nest Thermostat can pay attention to its surroundings and turn down the heat when you’re not around. As you adjust the temperature within the home, it literally takes notes, and over time mimics your behaviour automatically for you. It also turns its own interface blue when it’s cooling down and red when it’s heating up, so that you know what it is up to. It’s completely set to revolutionise an otherwise, uninspiring field.

Wacom Inkling
We like a product that appeals to the inner artist in all of us. And the Wacom Inkling pen does just that. The Inkling pen enables us to work digitally and analogously in the same step (in laymans terms draw as you would on paper but create a digital record.) The pen sports 1,024 levels of pressure for natural pen strokes, stores hundreds of high resolution sketches on the receiver before transferring to your PC or Mac, and enables versatility in the types of files you create: JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, SVG and PDF. This digital sketch pen actually allows you to sketch with a read ballpoint pen on any paper, eliminating additional work you would have encountered with older devices.

Sony Digital Binoculars
Take your binocular prowess one step further, and record what you’re spying on along the way. Sony’s revolutionary digital binoculars add a new element to the age-old bird watching. The first in the world to provide video recording along with an all important 3D filming option, now you can watch and record your kids’ sport games comfortably from the sideline, all whilst, the electronic auto-focus keeps all moving subjects sharply in focus at all times.

Samsung Galaxy S II
How hard is it to build a phone that actually trumps the coveted iPhone? Pretty damn hard. But Samsung’s recent Galaxy S II release has managed to do it. Cited as the smartest phone in the market, this little number does a whole number of things, all whilst sporting an incredibly large and clear LCD screen. Its 1GB of dual-core RAM processing prowess makes downloading, applications, games, emailing run at lightning pace, and on top of all that, it’s only 8.49mm thick and very light. With built in photo editing, voice activated controls, its unique swipe option for txting, and HD video recording, all help cement this phone as the forerunner for 2011.

D-Link Boxee
Like the idea of Apple TV but don’t like being pinned to iTunes? D-Link’s cube now brings your TV access to YouTube, iPlayer, 4od, Channel 5, Indiemoviesonline and MUBI movies, all over WiFi or Ethernet. Get up to speed with your favourite directors and movie stars with this box that is easy to use and operate.

Lytro Camera
Take a photo and it’s out of focus? We all know too well what this feels like. Step in Lytro. Due to a series of successful algorithms, the Lytro camera allows you to refocus the shot after it has been taken. For a photographer, whether amateur or professional, the Lytro camera means that the headaches of focusing a shot disappear. Capturing the entire light field, which means all the light travelling in every direction in every point in space and any one given moment in time (that’s 11 million rays of light), this camera produces pictures that are rich in intensity and colour.

Sonos Play:3 and Sonus Play:5 wireless music systems
Once you set up these magic speakers, you can operate your music through your smartphone or your PC. Which means, you can set up different music with different Sonos devices anywhere in your home – literally creating a dance party at any one time. Stream your entire music library and radio stations all whilst controlling it wirelessly. You can also place these speakers horizontally or vertically dependent on the space available.


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Recording on the DFA label run by LCD Soundsystem front man James Murphy (who by chance was soundman for Six Finger Satellite) Maclean deepens the relationship by working closely with LCD’s Nancy Whang  who contributes vocals on the epic ten minute extension of “Feel So Good”.

Despite being his first release since The Future Will Come (that’s if you exclude his 2010 contribution to the long running DJ Kicks series), Everybody Gets Close is a collection of rarities and remixes that demonstrates Maclean’s an impressively expansive arrange of electronic styles.

The hypnotic “Feel So Good” will please many as a classic get-on-to-the-dancefloor-shape cutter, but there will be something for everyone here as Maclean swings wildly from heavy ambient dub (“Deviant Device”), dark industrial grind (“X2”) and classic house (“Talk About Me)”.

Also included are two separate remixes of “Human Disaster” from Holmes Price and Jee Day, while Aussies Cold Cut also contribute a re-take of “Happy House” that is probably the weakest track on an otherwise excellent collection.

The rumours are that Maclean and Whang are a long way down the path for the new album.  For now though, Everybody Get Close is a timely reminder of Maclean’s undoubted skills and a fantastic introduction for anyone new to his work.

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Thanks to our fine friends at M.A.C, we were lucky enough to be given a little insight into this collection, from none other than the fabulous Miss Guinness herself.

Though Guinness says she never actually played with makeup growing up, she instead chose paint. “Instead of makeup I would use watercolours or acrylics or anything I could get my hands on. Sometimes I would paint pictures on my face, on my eyelids or whatnot but now, it seems to me that the only point of being a human being is being able to transform the way you look. So of course I love it now.”

It’s safe to say that this latest M.A.C collaboration is couture makeup at its finest; personal as opposed to trend-orientated. Unafraid to dirty her well-manicured hands, Daphne, who worked on the collection for weeks, personally mixed her chosen colors and hues.

"I was in the Beverly Hills hotel, and let me tell you there’s always some mad project going on in my bedroom when I’m there. I had parchment papers spread all over the floor and all sorts of different powders and watercolors that I was mixing together. I was painting for so long on that floor. When the pieces were done, I packed them all in my suitcase to show M.A.C. couture to me means handmade, and I mixed the colours by hand and really, really, really put a lot of thought into them! The only thing I missed is I wanted to be right there in the factory. I would have loved that.”

The final result? A masterpiece which Daphne refers to as ‘a window on my imagination’. A window in the form of a 21-piece collection, which includes artisan ombre blushes, nail lacquers and lip glosses in dark shades, from deep aubergine to violet with hints of pink and lavender and touches of grey, right through to absolute black. Such a palette reflects a myriad of her personal inspirations, from pigeon's blood to the intricate wings of a butterfly and Duccio blues.

Might we suggest you make a dash to your M.A.C counter swiftly come January 2nd when this collection hits stores. Like all good things, it’s super limited edition, and we can’t imagine it will be around for long – it’s far too pretty.



Shutting down due to business and family politics, Equipment has recently made a triumphant return. Guided by the creative direction of LA-based Serge Azria the label’s cult following has been firmly reinstated in just one year. An Equipment silk shirt was the most coveted item to own during the 80s and early 90s; fast track to now, and we can’t imagine not owning at least one ourselves.

There is something effortlessly French about a classic silk blouse and with this season’s colours and prints knowing no bounds, we don’t see any reason to stop at just one. With that said, we were pleased to find a whole new range of Equipment shirts have just landed at Fabric. From bright orchid purple, to fun prints, we suggest you get in quick - before we do!

Available from Fabric.

(09) 366 4528



This said, if there is anyone who could get me to change my mind, it’s musician Andrew McMillan. Drew and I collaborated on a project many moons ago, Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas for Silo Theatre. It was during this experience that I came to appreciate Drew’s ability to translate mood and feeling in to actual sound: to create a world of ideas and emotion beyond the written or spoken word.

It was with this in mind that I spoke with him about his latest project, the evocatively titled Bathing with Elephants and Other Exotic Reveries, presented in The Civic January 26-28th 2012. I say in The Civic, rather than at The Civic because the work created is in direct response to the space itself, “I’ve always been interested in the small rooms & foyers of the Civic and all the little joiny bits in between”, Drew reveals. Presented as part of The Edge’s STAMP festival, Drew selected submissions from improvisational performers for installations and concepts that integrated interactive technologies in to a performance that responded to the reappropriated imagery of The Civic itself. “We wanted to not be in a black box theatre, we wanted to be somewhere which would provoke…Everybody has had to come up with a concept that responds to where it is.”

The over arching notion Drew has been developing is to create “a carnival like event with a bit of random chaos” in and amongst the smaller nooks and crannies of the venue. The experience itself he equates to “being in a bizarre with all this cultural reappropriation & intermingling of past, present and future coming together in one place… and you’re left to roam through things and discover things for yourself…”

Without doubt, I am intrigued. But my niggling fear of the unknown returns: will I get it or is this going to an awkward 90 minutes of smiling politely? I challenge Drew on the very nature of experimental and improvisational music: what is it all about? His response is typically perceptive, “There can be a lack of understanding, but it’s not so much understanding what it is or isn’t but it’s more about being open to what’s happening in front of you and making connections for yourself ”.

I guess this is when the penny started to drop for me. This kind of performance requires an audience to meet it halfway; to not only attend to be entertained but to be engaged. One must bring a bit of oneself to the experience, in order for you to get something back, “You have to want to give it a chance and see what you’re going to get out of it” Drew explains.

This leads us in to a discussion of the merits and higher ideals of conceptual, experimental and improvisational work and what it is about this particular approach that Drew loves, “that it is never the same, that it is never ending….It’s like standing on the edge of a cliff & I really enjoy that feeling”.

As our conversation draws to a close, something that Drew says sticks with me, “When I see a great musician, dancer or improviser I’m never left questioning anything about what they’re doing… because what they’re doing is so convincing that it might as well not be improvised. I mean, that’s the point. It shouldn’t be really obvious.”

My suggestion is if like me, you’re a little curious, then give something new a chance. I will be.

Bathing With Elephants and Other Exotic Reveries

Thursday 26 - Saturday 28 January, 8.00pm
Taj Mahal and Safari Rooms, The Civic

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Always a sucker for the ‘latest’ and ‘greatest’ natural health products I have tried just about everything when it comes to detox and detox formulas, only to reach the conclusion that nothing beats good old fruit and vegetables. With this in mind I decided to investigate which vegetables / herbs are the most detoxifying. The result I found was Green Cleanse capsules, a unique blend of barley grass, alfalfa, psyllium, licorice root and slippery elm. Here’s what each ingredient does:

Alfalfa - Rich in chlorophyll it has strong blood cleansing and building properties. It contains all 27 vitamins and aminos, 28 minerals and antioxidants. Alfalfa is well known as a nutritive tonic, which cleanses and detoxifies the body.

Barley grass - Barley grass contains one of the highest known herbal quantities of blood purifying chlorophyll.

Psyllium hulls - Supports healthy bowel movements and improve the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Slippery Elm - A highly nutritive tonic food for all conditions of deficiency. It helps to rebuild the body at a cellular level and calms inflamation. High in niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamins E, F, and K. It also contains the minerals calcium, iron, sodium, selenium, iodine, copper, zinc, potassium.

Licorice root - A natural anti-inflammatory which aids in the relief of muscle spasms and inflammation. Licorice root will help expel excess toxins and mucus from the bowel.

So if you’re half way through a detox or just starting one, Nature’s Relief Green Cleanse capsules will support your bodies cleanse and can even speed up the detox process. It’s recommended you take 2 capsules a day before Breakfast for 4 weeks. When doing a detox it’s important to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day (ideally you should aim for 2-3 litres) and include a generous portion of leafy greens with every meal. It hopefully goes without saying that you should cut out all sugar, caffeine and processed foods. Do this for 2 – 4 weeks and your body will be glowing after. Detoxing may leave you feeling low energy – especially if your body is used to running on sugar and caffeine. Take it easy by trying light walking, yoga or pilates.

Green Cleanse is available online here

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It seems the clever folk at The Department Store share our same thoughts when it comes to summer transportation with their latest offering in the form of a bike loan. The concept, formed in collaboration with the renowned king of bikes, T White’s Bikes, and the Takapuna Business Association sees a set of restored Brooks Cruiser bicycles, available for loan from their Northcroft Steet store. Available seven days a week at no cost to hire, the slick looking rides, equipped with their handy wicker basket on the front for keeping all of your gear at bay, are perfect for a leisurely ride down to the shores of Takapuna beach post shop.

Once there, we suggest you park up and find a sunny spot to enjoy one of Takapuna Beach Café’s hampers. Packed full of gourmet delights, including cheeses, Serrano ham, chorizo, fresh fruit, sandwiches and quiches and a beach towel to match, these hampers contain everything you need for a perfect summer picnic. If you plan on taking your cue from our idea of the ideal weekend date, then make sure you phone ahead, as these hampers do require 24 hours notice to prepare.

Bikes are available from the Karen Walker counter and secured at no charge with credit card details and a form of I.D.

Monday - Saturday 9.00am- 4.30pm and Sunday 10.00am - 3.30pm, with no time limit on your ride so long as they are returned by 4.30 / 3.30 the same day.

The Department Store
10 Northcroft St


Takapuna Beach Cafe
22 The Promenade
(09) 484 0002 


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If you’re seeking a little redemption from a night of excess, or perhaps just an afternoon snack, these might just do the trick. The only thing better than a good burger? Three mini ones, for the small sum of $14.50.

The tasty Five Loaves sliders are available all day - the perfect follow up to a late Sunday morning sleep in.

Five Loaves
208 Jervois Road

(09) 361 5820


While we’re certainly not advocating skipping washing your hair, we've found lately that this clever spray has become a daily go-to. With the sticky summer humidity, we’ve found even freshly washed hair seems to end up limp and lackluster by the end of the day. KMS’s genius Makeover Spray works much like a dry shampoo - helping to absorb any excess oil, increasing volume at the roots, and giving texture and body after a few quick tousles. In other words, it magically revitalises hair in need of a wash. It also works equally as well as a styling product, blasting volume and texture into too-clean hair to give it the perfect ‘bed-hair’ finish.

We’ve tried and tested a number of dry shampoos on the market, including the trusty Talcum powder trick, and this product seriously holds its own against the lot. We can also attest it works its magic on us brunettes too, leaving no telltale traces of white powder like some products tend to do. As such, the can has now found itself as a regular saviour in-between shampoos, now permanently residing on our desks at the Denizen offices.

KMS Makeover Spray

Click here for stockists: www.kmscalifornia<c’

While we’re certainly not advocating skipping washing your hair, we've found lately that this clever spray has become a daily go-to. With the sticky summer humidity, we’ve found even freshly washed hair seems to end up limp and lackluster by the end of the day. KMS’s genius Makeover Spray works much like a dry shampoo - helping to absorb any excess oil, increasing volume at the roots, and giving texture and body after a few quick tousles. In other words, it magically revitalises hair in need of a wash. It also works equally as well as a styling product, blasting volume and texture into too-clean hair to give it the perfect ‘bed-hair’ finish.

We’ve tried and tested a number of dry shampoos on the market, including the trusty Talcum powder trick, and this product seriously holds its own against the lot. We can also attest it works its magic on us brunettes too, leaving no telltale traces of white powder like some products tend to do. As such, the can has now found itself as a regular saviour in-between shampoos, now permanently residing on our desks at the Denizen offices.

KMS Makeover Spray

Click here for stockists: www.kmscalifornia.com

T?“ѓP‡ КЪh№КЪhTe“§ѓP‡ЛDjрЛDjˆ>Ejg>

Click here for stockists: www.kmscp;


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In my humble opinion one of the real hidden gems on the market right know is actually being produced here in Aotearoa. Broken Shed Vodka is a superfluous spirit and the type that I speak of with vehement fervour by the reckoning of two cardinal points. One: it is luxurious boutique vodka that simply cares about quality as opposed to quantity. Two: the people behind it are admirable and palpably ardent about the first point. Most boutique brands are happy to share some half cocked old wives tale about how they filter their vodka through diamonds and add the tear of a first-born unicorn to every bottle. Here however we discover something rather extraordinary within the world of the drinks industry: A product that brings sincerity back to booze.

Mark O’ Brien and Steve Turner hail from Connecticut in the United States. They both moved over to New Zealand with their families, for a fresh start and that classically Kiwi laid back lifestyle. To begin with they were initially nothing more than fans of vodka that had found themselves in a small Otago township trying to work out a way of making a living.  They then moved to Marks Shed in Wanaka for booze-fuelled discussions on future prospects. The resulting epiphany was the idea to take one of their favourite tipples and spin it around for the luxury market back in the States. Though one thing was clear from the offset; they were not prepared to cut corners. It would be expensive, time consuming, and labour intensive, but its purity would remain utterly incontestable.         

They were introduced through mutual friends to Kiwi drinks, alchemist Mark Simmonds, who had spent the last twenty years producing, cider, fruit juices, mineral water and wine throughout Central Otago. Two became three and after months of deliberation they figured out the best possible blending techniques and base product to generate what we now know as Broken Shed.

Making vodka itself is a reasonably simple process, but to make a smooth one that is completely free from any additives or preservatives is an exceptionally problematical assignment. Many primarily iniquitous, yet eminent brands of vodka, add small amounts of sugars, chemical softeners, and additives such as Glycerin and Glycerol alongside various ageing syrups to artificially enhance the mouth feel and reduce the burn of the alcohol. Certainly a pretty disgraceful carry on and lamentably, one that legally they do not have to declare, no matter where in the world it is sold. Our three protagonists considered that cheating. Thus they devised a unique fresh water blending and charcoal filtration process that makes it one of the cleanest, purist and completely additive and preservative free vodkas available on the market today.

After multiple product experimentation and meticulous blind tasting they finally settled upon whey as the base source of starch. An immense misconception by philistines with very limited knowledge is that if it’s not made from grain it’s rubbish. I can tell you first hand that this is absolute propaganda and is rather like saying if it isn’t Miles Davis it isn’t Jazz.  Grain vodkas, which seem to give off a dry and slightly oily mouth feel and potato vodkas, which are considered more creamy and often much smoother, both call for acres and acres of arable farmland to grow in. These crops are then annually treated with pesticides that go straight back into the soil. Whey is readily available in New Zealand due to the countries booming dairy industry and requires neither the ploughing up of countless fields nor dangerous chemical pesticides to cultivate it.

Whey is an extremely clean starch source, which in turn means a clean fermentation. This is as vital as, if not sometimes more so, than the distillation process. The latter is usually the one which people pay most attention to.  Thus here it should be mentioned that the amount of times that a product is distilled is in no way an indication to the purity of that product. Broken Shed is triple distilled through a continuous still and comes off at 96%. This is then blended down to 40% with Cromwell alpine water from 65 metres below ground level on the bed of the original Kawarau River. This water source is rich in calcium and perfect for demineralising and fusing with the whey based distillate. 

The bottle itself is another important factor, and here the guys sensibly decided to use a baked on artwork method as opposed to the more commonly practised acid wash technique. The latter produces the classically sexy frosted glass effect used by myriad renowned brands. The trouble with acid washing is that it yields a scary amount of highly toxic waste product, which causes indelible damage to the environment.  Careful attention to details like these is another reason why this vodka is well ahead of the game. New Zealand promotes clean living and ecologically friendly concepts, thus its products should naturally reflect this. Here we see a perfect example of how a little eruditeness can have a positive effect on both the environment and the future train of thoughts of other producers.

Broken Shed has a very distinctive toasty cream soda like scent and a wonderfully smooth mouth feel and finish. This is a vodka drinkers’ vodka and one for those who appreciate the finer things in life. I’ve seen it turning up at some of this country’s most exclusive parties and it has seemingly been greeted with open arms by the leading bellwethers of New Zealands’ fashion, art and music worlds. As a result of this the guys have been constantly plagued by mixology muppets to do cocktail competitions and the suchlike, but they remain indefatigable about the purity of their product and although it’s a fantastically mixable one, they feel it to be luxurious, yet approachable vodka that should be enjoyed as they intended it to be, i.e. without any unnecessary grandiosity.

Back in Wanaka we find no chicanery. This is uber-cool vodka without all the bravado; an accessible prerogative that is remarkably not simply reserved for the esoteric. Am I a mixologist? Hell no! I’m a drinks guy. It’s time we all cut the bullshit. Broken Shed are doing something special here...they’re bringing the honesty back to vodka. Maybe we could all learn a little something from that.



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A drink to toast the festive season or one to commemorate the first weekend at the beach should be given much consideration. We pay a visit to some of our favourite cocktail creatives to establish our drinks of the season. These are the cocktails that will transport you from dusk till dawn.the-summer-libation1375_mainImage.jpg05b §ыШ@Й’ЭŸ1^РŸŠШ@ jЩй€яqq{ŸHow to: Summer Hair careStephen Marr's head stylist Mobeen Bikhoo takes us through the essential summer hair care tips.шˆЦ1378_bigThumbImage.jpg1378_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Summer Hair careStephen Marr's Mobeen Bikhoo takes us through the essential summer hair care tips.Summer is when spirits are at an all time high, but weeks at the beach wreck havoc on the condition of your hair.. Fear not, we have a few tried and true remedies that will ensure your hair is looking beach hot whilst still preserving your color condition and shine.how-to-summer-hair1378_mainImage.jpg05c Р—йШ)пиСŸСщ˜#РŸ‰…@ rгу€љ1’Ќ)HZThe New Year's Culinary Round UpStuck for where to eat and drink this New Year's Eve in Auckland? We put in the hard work for you#‰п1379_bigThumbImage.jpg1379_smallThumbImage.jpgThe New Year's Culinary Round UpStuck for where to eat and drink this New Year's Eve in Auckland? We put in the hard work for youNew Years Eve, restaurantsStaying local this New Year’s Eve? And worried that the crowds exiting Auckland will affect what’s open? Fear not, we’ve rounded up what a number of leading Auckland restaurants are offering their patrons to ring in the New Year. From seared scallops dining waterside, to a full degustation courtesy of Des Harris at Clooney, we have you covered no matter your culinary preference.The-New-Years-Culinary-Round-Up1379_mainImage.jpg05e >Ѕт(СŸбт(РŸ‰{@€ `ЄД€Ът№44*<Beauty Blenderget airbrush like perfection in the hands of this clever beauty toolN‰п1381_bigThumbImage.jpg1381_smallThumbImage.jpgBeauty Blenderget airbrush like perfection in the hands of this clever beauty toolIt’s well known that the secret to making makeup application look completely undetectable is proper application – a skill often only mastered by the hands of the pros. However I can now lay claim to discovering one of their secrets.beauty-blender1381_mainImage.jpg05` `Z‡B”_ЧŸB§РŸ‹@ nюў€,HЋ šЖШMost Revered Gadgets of 2011Looking to streamline the way you communicate or do business? These gadgets are a sure fire way to do what you're doing, better.pˆр 1376_bigThumbImage.jpg1376_smallThumbImage.jpgMost Revered Gadgets of 2011Here are the devices that have or are set to change the way you actively engage in the modern worldWacom Inkling, Gadgets 2011, Ipad 2, Samsung Galaxy S2, Kindle Fire, Nest Thermostat, Lytro CameraWe're not talking about the coolest gadgets to have hit the market this year. No, this is about gadgets that actually work. Some of them are cool, some are slick, but more importantly they work really really well. Revered the world over for changing the way we carry out leisurely and business activities, here are the must-have gadgets that will literally change your life and improve efficiency.most-revered-gadgets-of-20111376_mainImage.jpg05d ›йШт№lНŸСтY#РŸŒj@ jЙЩ€пї|“ЅWin: Tickets to Unveiledhead along to an exhibition that indulges in a romantic take on fashion history+‰п1380_bigThumbImage.jpg1380_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: Tickets to UnveiledTis the season, of parties, barbeques, summer fun, and of course weddings. In a rather aptly timed exhibitionwin-tickets-to-unveiled1380_mainImage.jpg05a РїыШ„(hУŸA„‘РŸŠј@€ vЦж€ь''<є&Must Have: Daphne Guinness For M.A.CWe get the inside word on the latest inspiring cosmetic collaboration from M.A.CтˆЦ1377_bigThumbImage.jpg1377_smallThumbImage.jpgMust Have: Daphne Guiness for M.A.CDaphne Guiness, M.A.CWe’re never ceased to be amazed by the ever-inspiring collaborations and collections that M.A.C tirelessly come up with each season. However an upcoming collaboration with a certain muse really struck a chord with us. M.A.C really could not have made a better choice for its latest collection when they decided to team up with the alluring heiress and socialite Daphne Guinness. Often celebrated for her dramatic fashion choices, she is one of those fantastically eclectic people who cannot really be placed in a single archetype. Mother, model, muse, journalist and actress, the fascinating Daphne Guinness has channeled her somewhat unconventional taste into an amazing collaboration with M.AC.must-have-daphne-guiness-for-mac1377_mainImage.jpg05f №€ ТШŸ@Л-РŸ‹W@€ lПЯ€х§jjЖЯсIn Store: Equipment ShirtsCapitalise on the comeback of the shirt and invest in these summer wardrobe staples•‰ь1382_bigThumbImage.jpg1382_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Equipment ShirtsCapitalise on the comeback of the shirt and invest in these summer wardrobe staplesFirst created in 1976 by Christian Restoin, the longtime partner of former Paris Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld, Equipment garnered quite a name for itself. Its combination of a working girl aesthetic and Studio 54 disco glamour epitomised by Restoin’s signature style of breezy silk menswear-style shirts gave it instant cult status.in-store-equipment-shirts1382_mainImage.jpg05g ``Œ…TД,ЯŸTД,ЯŸ‹^@ aИШ€оі\\ЛЩлOn sale: Fabricone of our favourite shopping destinations opens the doors to their annual summer saleS‹& 1383_bigThumbImage.jpg1383_smallThumbImage.jpgOn sale: Fabricone of our favourite shopping destinations opens the doors to their annual summer saleIn the midst of our lack-of-summer blues has come a saving grace - and that is the great Fabric sale. Arguably one of the most anticipated post-Christmas sales of the year (and one we too are very excited about), starts today. Providing a great distraction from playing cards, and the rather uninspiring overcast skies, we suggest you pop into one of the Fabric stores for a look. Always packed full of goodies from some of our favourite labels – Isabel Marant, Current Elliott, J Brand and Comme de Garcons, just to name a few, we expect it won’t be hard to keep your mind off the weather with this outing.on-sale-fabric1383_mainImage.jpg05h@žUлŸ@žUлŸ‹Ќ@€ qпя€<ЊЊ_}Theatre: Bathing with ElephantsCaroline Bell Booth talks to musician Andrew McMillan about his latest performance project debuting this monthЅ‹р 1384_bigThumbImage.jpg1384_smallThumbImage.jpgTheatre: Bathing with ElephantsCaroline Bell Booth talks to musician Andrew McMillan about his latest performance project debuting this monthOften, it’s human nature to dismiss the merits of an art form when one is ill informed or ignorant of its meaning, purpose or intent. I freely admit that this is the case with me and experimental music. My limited exposure to the art form has tended to leave me feeling a bit old and confused to be honest, and has further entrenched me in the standard format of a good old ‘sing-along’ with the reassuring presence of chorus and bridge.theatre-bathing-with-elephants1384_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&Kj› ŸAЂDз `№5ђ `[‘ёЪЙ!юP05i=ŽАP9лŸ!0FZлŸ‹Ц@€ cЈИ€Юцї::цї The Green CleanseGive your body a new year's kick start with this green detox solutionН‹G1385_bigThumbImage.jpg1385_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Green CleanseKick start your body in the new year with this green detox solutionWith New Years over its time to say hasta la vista to the Champagne, pastries and caffeine, and hello to green juices, vegetables and water. Oh yes indeed, it’s detox time.the-green-cleanse1385_mainImage.jpg05k ƒЋRпzпŸ!вRнŸ’@€ kБС€зяNN $6Win: Karen Walker EyewearShun the sun and take some shade behind a pair of these stylish shades§‹ю1387_bigThumbImage.jpg1387_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: Karen Walker EyewearShun the sun and take some shade behind a pair of these stylish shadesAs the sunshine finally begins to show its face, we’re all about opting for retro frames when it comes to shielding our eyes from the rays. You can’t go past Karen Walker's range of striking and unique frame shapes when it comes to sunglasses that are both stylish and practical. Our pick? The ‘Number One’ in black. A modern cat-eye wayfarer hybrid, these vintage style sunglasses have slightly raised corners, with thick black frames and arms.win-karen-walker-eyewear1387_mainImage.jpg05l ’@нŸI’@нŸŒV@@ ^˜Ј€ОжтДРвBright SparkEmbrace summer’s brightest trend with a bit of lip service Œю1388_bigThumbImage.jpg1388_smallThumbImage.jpgBright SparkEmbrace summer’s brightest trend with a bit of lip serviceIf there is one makeup trend we are welcoming this summer it’s the bright lip. While summer heat can leave us hesitant to experiment much with matters of the face, the lip is one exception. When it comes to our shade of choice, the brighter the better we say. Not only does it perk up the complexion, but it also does wonders for mood too. Think tones of bright tangerine, shocking pinks and blinding orange.bright-spark1388_mainImage.jpg05j ``Œ…СЂФлŸ\мŸŒy@ ]Сб€чџ rr.?QA Local Gemour resident bon vivant introduces us to a luxurious boutique vodka hailing from our very own shoresЩ‹& 1386_bigThumbImage.jpg1386_smallThumbImage.jpgA Local Gemour resident bon vivant introduces us to a luxurious boutique vodka that hails from our fine kiwi shoresSpirit producers are forever gasconading that they’ve created the next big thing. Gin made with pomegranate, Rum with gunpowder. More often than not these self-proclaimed wonder products tend to be nothing more than a flash in the pan, and to the devil with them anyway. If there really is something worth knowing about, it is often the case that you either stumble across it or are introduced to it by someone that is already well in the know.broken-shed-vodka1386_mainImage.jpg05n ]ј–Gw}нŸЁЧъоŸ/@ tдф€њ4™™žОаThe Best of: Men's summer footwearSpend less time in the shops and more outside with our handpicked selection of seasonal footwearФŒы1390_bigThumbImage.jpg1390_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Best of: Men's summer footwearSpend less time in the shops and more at the beach with our handpicked selection of seasonal footwearAs the temperature begins to rise, feet tend to get hot, but fret not boys, there is no need to sacrifice style for practicality. Here is our pick of the best warm-weather footwear choices to ensure your feet stay breezy, whilst still looking slick this summer.the-best-of-mens-summer-footwear1390_mainImage.jpg05o™ёLрŸ™ёLрŸM@ mех€ћ.––1Listen: Everybody Get CloseAndrew Reinholds discovers a great introduction into the work and talent of groove merchant Juan MacleanFь1391_bigThumbImage.jpg1391_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Everybody Get CloseAndrew Reinholds discovers a great introduction into the work and talent of groove merchant Juan MacleanJuan Maclean, aka John Maclean, has come a long way since he was guitarist for hard-core band Six Finger Satellite. A number of well received 12” releases culminated in 2009’s excellent The Future Will Come long player, which finally established him as a serious groove merchant and resulted in a number of high profile remixes ranging from Stevie Nicks to Yoko Ono.listen-everybody-get-close1391_mainImage.jpg05m wЖgфWсŸA' pнŸa@Р hжц€ќ*˜˜dzŒThe long weekend lunchwith two long lazy weekends on the horizon, make the most of the sunshine and embark on one of these day tripsŒN1389_bigThumbImage.jpg1389_smallThumbImage.jpgThe long weekend Lunchwith two long lazy weekends on the horizon, make the most of the sunshine and embark on one of these day tripsWhile the official holiday break might be over, starting back at work at the height of summer always brings with it the promise of upcoming long weekends. The best way to cheat yourself into thinking you’re still on holiday is making the most of the short weeks ahead and plan an out of town escape. If you’re not already fleeing to the bach, we’ve put together a list of some of the best ‘drive and dine’ getaways from the city for those of you staying local.the-long-weekend-lunch1389_mainImage.jpg05p TЙ7GсŸ7GсŸx@€ eШи€юww':LA night in ParadiseWe find a very good reason to trade in your summer jandals for some dancing shoes this friday nightgХ1392_bigThumbImage.jpg1392_smallThumbImage.jpgA night in ParadiseWe find a very good reason to trade in your summer jandals for some dancing shoes this weekendThis coming long weekend there are plenty of fine reasons to stay around Auckland and celebrate. Firstly, Monday sees the St Jerome's Laneways festival return, this year, taking residence down at Silo Park in Wynyard Quarter. For the night owls after something a little more intimate and luxurious, this Friday night, a few of our favourite people are combining forces to bring you a guaranteed good time in a beautiful environment.a-night-in-paradise1392_mainImage.jpg05q `Z‡DDрсŸ„ѓKсŸ—@ ]Хе€ыmmТЭпOn Yer BikeThe Department Store and T White's bikes have the answer to the perfect ride with their new bicycle loanzХ1393_bigThumbImage.jpg1393_smallThumbImage.jpgOn Yer bikeTakapuna's The Department Store offers us the essential ticket to a perfect summer's day outingA hot summer day is never one that should be experienced from within a car when it comes to getting around from A to B. Such days are much better enjoyed on the seat of a bicycle. Not only is a bicycle a far more efficient form of transport than by foot, but when armed with the right looking ride, you also manage to look infinitely cooler.on-yer-bike1393_mainImage.jpg05r РЗДЬцЯтŸAдŸтŸŽ@@ eех€ћ&––ѓMust have: BB CreamThe latest wonder product being revered by the beauty industry finds a well-deserving place in our daily routine™& 1394_bigThumbImage.jpg1394_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: BB CreamThe latest wonder product being revered by the beauty industry finds a well-deserving place in our daily routineFirst developed in the fifties as a treatment to help heal skin post surgery, BB - or 'Blemish Balm' is the latest beauty phenomenon to take up residence on our top shelves. Never one to miss a beauty beat, Bobbi Brown has developed its own BB cream too, and after testing out a few of these revolutionary creams, it’s the one we just can’t go past.must-have-bb-cream1394_mainImage.jpginfinitely cooler.xx-bike1393_mainImage.jpgrces to bring you a guaranteed good time in a beautiful environment.a-night-in-paradise1392_mainImage.jpg Œю1388_bigThumbImage.jpg1388_smallThumbImage.jpgbright-spark1388_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!z›O’Т УŸiq`ё5ѓ`зжђс„ѓ@05s ~­всŸЅ>gтŸњ@€ ^ЛЫ€сљbbћA lucky brewThe chinese new year has us swapping out our morning coffee rituals for this shiny new gadgetЃЦ1395_bigThumbImage.jpg1395_smallThumbImage.jpgA lucky brewThe chinese new year has us swapping out our morning coffee rituals for this shiny new gadgetYesterday, Monday January 23rd, saw the first day of the Chinese New Year. According to Chinese traditional beliefs, 2012 is the year of the dragon, arguably the most iconic of all of the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals. Unfortunately, while as a rabbit, this is not tipped to be my year of luck, horoscopes aside, we’ve found a rather unique take on celebrating the dragon dance, in a product we can all relate to.a-lucky-brew1395_mainImage.jpg05t наЮ8‚фŸjyуŸŽ`@ aТв€шpp˜ЊVisit: Room 228One of our favourite local coffee haunts now gives us all the more reason to stop by for a visit.DŽљ1396_bigThumbImage.jpg1396_smallThumbImage.jpgVisit: Room 228One of our favourite local coffee haunts now gives us all the more reason to stop by for a visit.Following on from last summer’s successful stint of opening up a previously unused room at the back of her thriving cafщ to sell her popular Jellie shoes, Zus & Zo’s Clare Van Den Berg has renamed the back room as ‘Room 228’ and given it a permanent fixture as part of the Zus & Zo space.room-2281396_mainImage.jpg05v0й‡гСрфŸ1Ь*хŸŽn@ \‰™€ЏЧбўўакьHome GrownSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on the food billjŽM1398_bigThumbImage.jpg1398_smallThumbImage.jpgHome GrownSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on the food billPulling over to buy a bag of 10 avocados for $3 from a 12-year old kid on the side of the road makes me proud to be a kiwi. And the only thing that makes me prouder is buying asparagus from the same kid for $4.home-grown1398_mainImage.jpg05w Р—S‚щŸозMщŸŽ№@€ fЧз€эzz 0Waiheke CheesemakersRenee Tanner introduces us to the couple behind Waiheke Island’s very own artisan cheese company.Žъ1399_bigThumbImage.jpg1399_smallThumbImage.jpgWaiheke CheesemakersRenee Tanner introduces us to the couple behind Waiheke Island’s very own artisan cheese company.This coming Waitangi weekend sees the Waiheke Island Cheese Company celebrating its second year in business. Already winners of three bronze awards for their cheeses at the annual Monteith’s Cheese Awards, the island business is swiftly gaining a reputation for its top quality products. This year saw them milking a handful of ewes on a small Waiheke farm and producing a natural probiotic yoghurt.waiheke-cheesemakers1399_mainImage.jpg05u_XBхŸЧ_C„фŸЗ‹@€ lбс€ї*˜ŠЅЗHow to: Be age appropriateOur sartorial advisor Murray Crane offers up some no-nonsense advice on the art of ageing gracefully.bŽM1397_bigThumbImage.jpg1397_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Act age appropriateOur sartorial advisor Murray Crane offers up some no-nonsense advice on the art of ageing gracefully.etiquetteIt struck me the other day as I confirmed my attendance to a school reunion that I was getting older. This thought then managed to creep into my ever-diminishing brain capacity and got me thinking: Something you apparently do less as you age.how-to-act-age-appropriate-1397_mainImage.jpg05uŸlхŸЧ_C„фŸЗш@€ lбс€ї*СГЮрHow to: Be age appropriateOur sartorial advisor Murray Crane offers up some no-nonsense advice on the art of ageing gracefully.bŽM1397_bigThumbImage.jpg1397_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Act age appropriateOur sartorial advisor Murray Crane offers up some no-nonsense advice on the art of ageing gracefully.etiquette, how to be age appropriate, murray craneIt struck me the other day as I confirmed my attendance to a school reunion that I was getting older. This thought then managed to creep into my ever-diminishing brain capacity and got me thinking: Something you apparently do less as you age.how-to-act-age-appropriate-1397_mainImage.jpge couple behind Waiheke Island’s very own artisan cheese company.This coming Waitangi weekend sees the Waiheke Island Cheese Company celebrating its second year in business. Already winners of three bronze awards for their cheeses at the annual Monteith’s Cheese Awards, the island business is swiftly gaining a reputation for its top quality products. This year saw them milking a handful of ewes on a small Waiheke farm and producing a natural probiotic yoghurt.waiheke-cheesemakers1399_mainImage.jpg05|РїЂвљАuщŸбЙьKщŸ[@€ oвт€ј,Џ]y‹Listen: Looping State of MindDespite all of its brooding atmosphere, The Field's latest album is still essentially a dance albumуŽщ1404_bigThumbImage.jpg1404_smallThumbImage.jpgListen Looping State of MindDespite all of its brooding atmosphere, The Field's latest album is still essentially a dance albumLooping State of Mind, The FieldThe Field is Swedish producer Axel Willner, and the aptly titled Looping State of Mind is his third album on the most excellent and uber influential German label Kompakt. The perfect soundtrack for after the after party, each of the album’s seven tracks is no shorter than eight minutes in duration, as Willner layers deep and lush synths over looping bass melodies to create huge walls of sound that you simply get swept away in.listen-looping-state-of-mind1404_mainImage.jpg05x ``Œ…F§ шŸFшNщŸ‡@ {сё€HЎЎFl~WIN: Polo lessons & a BMW for the weekendTwo lucky readers will enjoy an exclusive Denizen polo experience thanks to BMW & Auckland Polo School”Žј1400_bigThumbImage.jpg1400_smallThumbImage.jpgWIN: Polo lessons & a BMW for the weekendTwo lucky readers will enjoy an exclusive Denizen polo experience thanks to BMW & Auckland Polo SchoolWith long sunny days on the horizon it's the perfect time to take up a new hobby - and what better hobby than "the sport of kings". With a grand history of more than 2600 years, Polo was conceived around 600BC by a savvy group of Persians. Fast-forward to today and the sport has great appeal due to its association with the caddish younger members of the British royal family, and squareijawed strapping Argentinians. Smacking a small piece of wood with a large stick around a large field, all the while clutching on for dear life on the back of a hyped up pony, has become the international, royal approved, champagne swilling sport favoured by the global elite.win-polo-lessons-a-bmw-for-the-weekend1400_mainImage.jpg05{ шѕsщŸсЈ1JщŸc@ gЭн€ѓ  ’’ђAn Imperial SelectionThe new addition to Auckland’s inner city eateries serves up hard to resist tapas for us city dwellersЯŽш1403_bigThumbImage.jpg1403_smallThumbImage.jpgAn Imperial SelectionThe new addition to Auckland’s inner city eateries serves up a hard to resist tapas selection for us city dwellersWe’ve watched with a glowing pride over the past year as our inner city Auckland has transformed from a tired downtown scene into a busting metropolitan of successful establishments and eateries that rival that of great cities like Melbourne. In the heart of our CBD, the newly opened Imperial Lane precinct in downtown Auckland is certainly a stand out - one that checks all our boxes as a savvy downtown eatery. Already fans of their delectable selection of European pastries and breakfast offerings from Danish patisserie Elske, we set out to sample their tapas selection, which are available from midday.an-imperial-selection1403_mainImage.jpg05}RЯn\ъŸ№Яn\ъŸ™@ hhx€‹     ЖХFebruary Film Round Up–M0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgfebruary-film-round-up0_mainImage.jpglThumbImage.jpgan-imperial-selection1403_mainImageёЯи Н Z#і y`ђ5є `BЊѓы=[L}605x ``Œ…F§ шŸFшNщŸ‡@ {сё€HЎЎFl~WIN: Polo lessons & a BMW for the weekendTwo lucky readers will enjoy an exclusive Denizen polo experience thanks to BMW & Auckland Polo School”Žј1400_bigThumbImage.jpg1400_smallThumbImage.jpgWIN: Polo lessons & a BMW for the weekendTwo lucky readers will enjoy an exclusive Denizen polo experience thanks to BMW & Auckland Polo SchoolWith long sunny days on the horizon it's the perfect time to take up a new hobby - and what better hobby than "the sport of kings". With a grand history of more than 2600 years, Polo was conceived around 600BC by a savvy group of Persians. Fast-forward to today and the sport has great appeal due to its association with the caddish younger members of the British royal family, and squareijawed strapping Argentinians. Smacking a small piece of wood with a large stick around a large field, all the while clutching on for dear life on the back of a hyped up pony, has become the international, royal approved, champagne swilling sport favoured by the global elite.win-polo-lessons-a-bmw-for-the-weekend1400_mainImage.jpg05y"[3€6-щŸ6QщŸГё@€ iЧз€э!6HThe L.A files: Part onePluto's Tim Arnold walks us through his journey as a muso making it big in the city of angels.šŽG1401_bigThumbImage.jpg1401_smallThumbImage.jpgThe L.A files: Part oneOur newest Denizen Tim Arnold, of Pluto fame, moved to Los Angeles to make his mark in the bright lights and big city of dreams. In the first installment of his ongoing series, Tim takes us through the trials and tribulations of making it in the L.A muso scene.the-la-files-part-one1401_mainImage.jpg05z [3€§TщŸС§TщŸŽЭ@ gОЮ€фќggsˆšNew: La Zeppa Rooftopwe revisit Drake St's iconic La Zeppa to find it's had a welcome new alfresco expansion Žю1402_bigThumbImage.jpg1402_smallThumbImage.jpgNew: La Zeppa Alfrescowe revisit Drake St's iconic La Zeppa to find its had a welcome new outdoor expansionWe needn’t have to spend summer’s balmy nights stuck indoors inside a bar, so it’s safe to say that here at Denizen, we’ve been eagerly awaiting the reopening of La Zeppa’s new outdoor expansion. We can happily report that the deck is now officially open for business.new-la-zeppa-alfresco1402_mainImage.jpg05{ (<)шŸсЈ1JщŸМe gЭн€ѓ  ’’ђAn Imperial SelectionThe new addition to Auckland’s inner city eateries serves up hard to resist tapas for us city dwellersЯŽш1403_bigThumbImage.jpg1403_smallThumbImage.jpgAn Imperial SelectionThe new addition to Auckland’s inner city eateries serves up a hard to resist tapas selection for us city dwellersWe’ve watched with a glowing pride over the past year as our inner city Auckland has transformed from a tired downtown scene into a busting metropolitan of successful establishments and eateries that rival that of great cities like Melbourne. In the heart of our CBD, the newly opened Imperial Lane precinct in downtown Auckland is certainly a stand out - one that checks all our boxes as a savvy downtown eatery. Already fans of their delectable selection of European pastries and breakfast offerings from Danish patisserie Elske, we set out to sample their tapas selection, which are available from midday.an-imperial-selection1403_mainImage.jpg05|РїЂвљАuщŸбЙьKщŸ[@€ oвт€ј,Џ]y‹Listen: Looping State of MindDespite all of its brooding atmosphere, The Field's latest album is still essentially a dance albumуŽщ1404_bigThumbImage.jpg1404_smallThumbImage.jpgListen Looping State of MindDespite all of its brooding atmosphere, The Field's latest album is still essentially a dance albumLooping State of Mind, The FieldThe Field is Swedish producer Axel Willner, and the aptly titled Looping State of Mind is his third album on the most excellent and uber influential German label Kompakt. The perfect soundtrack for after the after party, each of the album’s seven tracks is no shorter than eight minutes in duration, as Willner layers deep and lush synths over looping bass melodies to create huge walls of sound that you simply get swept away in.listen-looping-state-of-mind1404_mainImage.jpg05}R3†ъŸёЯn\ъŸ’ @ hЗЧ€нѕ ee+February Film Round UpTee up a cinema date to ensure you get along to this month's hottest film picks–M1405_bigThumbImage.jpg1405_smallThumbImage.jpgFebruary Film Round UpEnsure you tee up a cinema date to ensure you get along to this month's hottest film picksWant to make the most of these rainy days? Look no further than our selection of films that should be making an appearance on your cinematic radar this month.february-film-round-up1405_mainImage.jpg05~ нїИmчшъŸё-Ё3ыŸя@€ `ŸЏ€Хны**~ŒžOne Fine GrillWe bring back the sizzling 60s with this compact barbecue grillм21406_bigThumbImage.jpg1406_smallThumbImage.jpgOne Fine GrillWe bring back the sizzling 60s with this compact barbeque grillAlthough undeniably an essential, a barbecue has never to us, seemed like a particularly stylish addition to the backyard or deck. However ,we stand corrected after coming across the new Bodum FyrKat charcoal grill. An example of enduring design, which in our books, has swiftly earned the right to enjoy pride of place in any outdoor area.one-fine-grill1406_mainImage.jpg05 Рз•ВмNSыŸ!мNSыŸ@€ iГУ€йёRR3EInstore: Willow sneakerWe're trading in our heels in favour of a pair of these statement sneakersЭ 1407_bigThumbImage.jpg1407_smallThumbImage.jpgInstore: Willow sneakerWe're trading in our heels in favour of a pair of these statement sneakersHaving had our eye on these for a while, we were pleased to find Fabric has just received an all new delivery of Isabel Marant's coveted Basket sneaker - and in an all new soft grey and taupe colourway.in-store-willow-sneaker1407_mainImage.jpg05  Ќ…юŸMн|яŸ’L dЅЕ€Ыуѕ66ЅМЮJoshua's Ice Creamwe find a summer refuge with this creamy homemade artisan delight!Я1409_bigThumbImage.jpg1409_smallThumbImage.jpgJoshua's Ice Creamwe find a summer refuge with this creamy homemade artisan delightYou'd be forgiven for missing this hole in the wall coffee-cum-ice cream bar, set off the main stretch in Saint Heliers on Maheke Street. From the street front, a bicycle and sign signals the Village Co-op is open for business, but the real giveaway is the queue of patrons lining up outside – an obvious reflection of its popularity despite its lack of foot traffic.we-scream-for-ice-cream1409_mainImage.jpg05€ ``Œ…ь‚ъŸdtьŸТ‰@ _­Н€гыјFFHXjManuka DoctorDetoxify and refresh stale skin with this new range of skin-sprucing products.Я1408_bigThumbImage.jpg1408_smallThumbImage.jpgManuka DoctorDetoxify and refresh stale skin with this new range of skin-sprucing products.Much has recently been made of the antibacterial healing properties of Manuka honey. In an effort to transform our somewhat tired and stale skin post party season, we decided to ditch the detox in favour of sweetening up our skincare, and put it to the test.xx-doctor-manuka1408_mainImage.jpgelight!Я1409_bigThumbImage.jpg1409_smallThumbImage.jpgYou'd be forgiven for missing this hole in the wall coffee-cum-ice-cream bar, set off the main stretch in Saint Heliers on Maheke Street. From the street front, a bicycle and sign signals the Village Co-op is open for business, but the real giveaway is the queue of patrons lining up outside – an obvious reflection of its popularity despite its lack of foot traffic.we-scream-for-ice-cream1409_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r@-dй Р &о`ѓ5ѕ `ŠbєаГТYѓS05‚р,?Њвш­№Ÿ’$„яŸT@ aКЪ€рј``&A Pinch of SaltSarah Kapeli seasons us with the finer details on one of our favourite cooking condimentsMћ1410_bigThumbImage.jpg1410_smallThumbImage.jpgA Pinch of SaltSarah Kapeli seasons us with the finer details on one of our favourite cooking condimentsSalt is a topic close to my heart (and tongue). Simply open my kitchen cupboard and you’ll find a large collection of sea salts: Maldon, Hawaiian, Celtic, Kelp, Himalayan, Black Lava sea salt and the list goes on. However, the one salt you will never find in my house is nasty old-fashioned iodized salt. If you’re now thinking salt’s salt right? It’s all sodium. And hang on, isn’t it bad for you? - you’d be very wrong.a-pinch-of-salt1410_mainImage.jpg05„ ``Œ…Ы7№ŸЫ7№Ÿc@ wŸЏ€ХнннннDish of the Week: Five Loaves SlidersOur quest for the perfect burger is over_M1412_bigThumbImage.jpg1412_smallThumbImage.jpgdish-of-the-week:-five-loaves-sliders1412_mainImage.jpg05† К/0№ŸК/0№Ÿy@ kЖЦ€мє XX7IDish of the Week: SlidersOur quest for the perfect hamburger may well be over with these mini snackskЭ 1414_bigThumbImage.jpg1414_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the Week: SlidersOur quest for the perfect hamburger may well be over with these mini snacksSimple and hearty, a hamburger is a dish that very few (including us) can resist. While the humble burger is relatively easy to prepare, it somehow always tastes better to us when whipped up by someone else. This is where our fine friends at Five Loaves step in. Our quest for the perfect burger just may be over upon discovery of their latest offering of sliders. Their handmade beef patty inside a mini toasted bun, is finished off with Chipotle mayonnaise and a gherkin. There is nothing worse than a burger so large it collapses, and these mini sliders allow you to exercise a little restraint (although this might be hard considering they are very more-ish) and take a bite without making a complete mess.dish-of-the-week-sliders1414_mainImage.jpg05‡ +ЏЖ№ŸEыSC№Ÿ‘8€ gСб€чџ\\`|ŽVote: Incubator AwardSupport our local design talent and vote for your favourite New Zealand furniture designerqо1415_bigThumbImage.jpg1415_smallThumbImage.jpgDesign Folio Incubator AwardYour chance to vote for your favourite New Zealand design entrantDenizen's sister magazine Design Folio launched the Design Folio Incubator Award presented by Peroni in 2011. The award seeks to promote and encourage the best original, innovative and authentic furniture design being produced locally by New Zealand designers.design-folio-incubator-award1415_mainImage.jpg05ƒ S{žёŸ“* №Ÿ‘@€ kПЯ€х§kkz’ЄMy City: Louisa RichwhiteThe talented jewellery designer takes us on an inspired tour of her hometown, LondonWћ1411_bigThumbImage.jpg1411_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City: Louisa RichwhiteThe talented jewellery designer takes us on an inspired tour of her hometown, London.Louisa Richwhite is one half of the fantastical jewellery line, Violet Darkling. The talented New Zealand born designer combines her outdoor roots and quirky sense of humour to bring to life her distinctive and bewitching designs that range from nocturnal animals to stars and bones bejewelled with semi-precious stones. After growing up in New Zealand, her family relocated to Switzerland when Louisa was 14, and then onto England, where she began her university studies. Take one look at Louisa’s jewellery designs, inspired by a fascination with after dark and her vivid imagination, and it’s no surprise to find her favourite places in London are all unique and slightly magical themselves. With this in mind, we asked Louisa to take us through the city she has long called home.my-city-louisa-richwhite1411_mainImage.jpg05ˆ  цяŸЕMЏQ№Ÿž]€ eПЯ€х§(New Opening: Mexicowe take a sneak peek inside britomart's newest addition, set to open its doors this Friday}Ь 1416_bigThumbImage.jpg1416_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: MexicoIt’s no secret that here at the Denizen, we’re big fans of Mexican cuisine. The mere suggestion of Mexican as a lunch option rings in a unanimous vote across the office, however, after sampling many offerings around the city, we have yet to find a place that completely satiates such Mexican cravings. And so we have watched with excitement on our daily Britomart lunch excursions as the old Kiwi Tavern building has been feverishly transformed into a little slice of Mexico over the past few months.new-opening-mexico1416_mainImage.jpg05‰  Ј4rЧyёŸ2P№Ÿ”@€ dЕХ€лѓOO‹œЎWIN: Macho PintxosYour chance to win the perfect gift for the man in your life this Valentine's dayд§1417_bigThumbImage.jpg1417_smallThumbImage.jpgWIN: Macho PintxosSabato dishes up the perfect answer to please both parties this ValentinesThey say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and we suspect this may ring true for many females too. So why not start by teaching him a few tricks in the kitchen too? As Valentine’s day nears, we’ve discovered the perfect solution that will benefit the both of you – Sabato’s Macho Pintxos cooking class.win-macho-pintxos1417_mainImage.jpg05ŠлЧШ/Њ№ŸбСj€№Ÿ‘ž@Р gдф€њ'””bvˆListen: Hello SadnessAndrew Reinholds welcomes back Los Campesinos! with their fouth album compiled of flawed stories of lost love—‘Я1418_bigThumbImage.jpg1418_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Hello SadnessAndrew Reinholds welcomes back Los Campesinos! with their fouth album compiled of flawed stories of lost loveWelsh scallywags Los Campesinos! are back. They go straight for the jugular in their fourth album, the aptly titled Hello Sadness as they explore relationships not only breaking down but then falling apart.listen-hello-sadness1418_mainImage.jpg05‹ РWіЅп№ŸЁв˜KёŸ‘ц@€ mТв€шpp8RdRead: Paris versus New YorkWe find a book that pays a clever visual homage to two of the world’s greatest citiesМ‘ы1419_bigThumbImage.jpg1419_smallThumbImage.jpgRead: Paris versus New YorkWe find a book that pays a clever visual homage to two of the world’s greatest citiesGraphic designer Vahram Muratyan, a self-described ‘lover of Paris, wandering through New York’ has been documenting his travels and the contradictions between the two cities for the past two years on his blog. Garnering more than a million views in a mere few months, the blog quickly became one of the most talked about sites on the Internet and now, as a result, his work and observations have been put together in this new book - Paris versus New York.read-paris-versus-new-york1419_mainImage.jpg05…"аЅ{ Ы2:ќŸ И)№Ÿ)@ hЃГ€Щсї22dy‹The LA Files: Part twoTim Arnold reveals the rocker’s guide to the great unwashedfЭ 1413_bigThumbImage.jpg1413_smallThumbImage.jpgThe LA Files: Part twoTim Arnold reveals the rocker’s guide to the great unwashedIn this edition, we will journey through a night out in LA, with live music being the thread that binds. Clubs are featured in descending order of sophistication. Start your night at the top, and work your way on down, all the way down. Remember, all clubs close at 2am, so I’d advise that you start early.the-la-files-part-two1413_mainImage.jpg office, however, after sampling many offerings around the city, we have yet to find a place that completely satiates such Mexican cravings. And so we have watched with excitement on our daily Britomart lunch excursions as the old Kiwi Tavern building has been feverishly transformed into a little slice of Mexico over the past few months.new-opening-mexico1416_mainImage.jpgnImage.jpg!sы=уšз†q `є5і`Ъ6ѕЮl ПтШ005Œ `Z‡ЈЕT№Ÿ(ЋuёŸ’@ oГУ€йёSSay‹Exhibition: Bottled LightningRenee tanner introduces us to the intriguing work of Reuben Patersonї‘Ъ1420_bigThumbImage.jpg1420_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Bottled LightningRenee tanner introduces us to the intriguing work of Rueben PattersonThe current exhibition at Gus Fisher Gallery, entitled Bottled Lightning, is an optically dazzling treat for admirers of artist Reuben Paterson’s trademark glitter-dust paintings. The exhibition presents a synopsis of the artist’s work to date, starting with glittering depictions of kowhaiwhai and fabric designs on canvas, and diversifying into a range of objects and installations using sequins, foil, diamond-dust and other shimmering materials to render formal arrangements that develop from a range of disparate sources.exhibition-bottled-light1420_mainImage.jpg05 `Z‡U ЮёŸХ•Й9ѓŸ’4@ nар€і*ŒгЩфіWhat to Buy: Valentine's DayForget flowers and chocolates and take your cue from our selection of unique Valentine's day gifts ’Я 1421_bigThumbImage.jpg1421_smallThumbImage.jpgWhat to Buy: Valentine's DayForgot flowers and chocolates and take your cue from our selection of unique Valentine's day giftsvalentines day, gift, world beauty, hermes, bocca sofa, matisse, lanvinIt may universally be regarded as one of the most clichщ and commercialised days of the year (we’ll be honest, most Valentine’s Day related offerings make us cringe too) but regardless of your stance on the day, a gift is still a gift, and who doesn’t love that? So with February 14th mere days away, now is the time to start hinting, so take heed of Denizen’s list of some more unique gifts that are sure to please and surprise your loved one (and some that would happily be accepted in our books too)what-to-buy-valentine's-day1421_mainImage.jpg05Ž``Œ…ajѕŸajѕŸ’@@ mЮо€є '„„Шуѕ5 minutes with Stephen BainCaroline Bell Booth talks to the driving force behind the unconventional New Performance Festival6’и 1422_bigThumbImage.jpg1422_smallThumbImage.jpg5 minutes with Stephen BainCaroline Bell Booth talks to driving force behind the unconventional New Performance FestivalAll in all, Stephen Bain is a pretty fascinating character. Although, I may be biased. I was a huge fan of his work with his Wellington theatre company “Under Lily’s Balcony” (which is an admission that dates me). This aside, I still think he’s pretty special and was delighted to talk with him about his up-coming project.5-minutes-with-stephen-bain1422_mainImage.jpg05JƒѕŸ5JƒѕŸ’H@€ _ВТ€и№№№№9FXChocolate FixSarah Kapeli whips up a guilt-free chocolate treat just in time for Valentine's DayC’љ1423_bigThumbImage.jpg1423_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Mayan’s called it 'the Food of Gods'. The Aztec’s believed it would bring them power and wisdom. The French declared it a ‘dangerous drug’ and today we call it… dark chocolate. So this Valentine’s don’t worry about the silly roses just give me some 85% dark chocolate. *Please note: Other gifts of love or food still welcome.chocolate-fix1423_mainImage.jpg05 нД™“іŸqSеJіŸ’Ё@€ oЖЦ€мєXX›­Must have: KMS Makeover SprayWe discover a genius hair pick-me-up that helps refresh a flat hair dayc’љ1424_bigThumbImage.jpg1424_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: KMS Makeover SprayWe discover a genius hair pick-me-up that helps refresh a flat hair dayWe were first introduced to KMS Makeover Spray when interviewing hairdressers for Issue Two of Denizen magazine. We asked Hamilton Brooks of Hamilton Brooks Hairdressing to name his favourite product for summer one very hot Friday afternoon. If we weren’t already sold on his rather convincing promise of its results, we were upon leaving the salon, immediately noticing our locks had been magically transformed with just a few spritzes. Just the thing we needed after the weather had taken its toll on our future Friday night hair throughout the day.must-have-kms-makeover-spray1424_mainImage.jpg05’ їЦюіŸAїœrіŸ’ЮР ^КЪ€рј``куѕHola Mexico!As promised, we set out to taste test the mexican fare on offer at Britomart's newest eateryЌ’ј1426_bigThumbImage.jpg1426_smallThumbImage.jpgHola Mexico!As promised, we set out to taste test the mexican fare on offer at Britomart's newest eateryLast week we wrote about the highly anticipated opening of Britomart’s Mexico restaurant and it appears many of you shared in our excitement. Come 12pm on Friday, when we eagerly headed down to Mexico for lunch, we found the restaurant already rammed with patrons christening the first lunch setting – it seems Mexico has successfully introduced themselves to the neighbourhood.xx-mexico1426_mainImage.jpg05“ Р—ЮТѓ—6іŸѓы.їŸ“<@ lКЪ€рј__ъNew Opening: Shore Rd CafщRemuera’s newest addition serves up a clever twist on the classic caesar saladй’21427_bigThumbImage.jpg1427_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Shore Rd CafщRemuera’s newest cafщ addition serves up a clever twist on this classic saladWe heard good things about the Shore Road cafщ, which opened its doors in December last year. Behind Remuera’s new establishment is none other than Tim and Jon Tohill – the brothers originally responsible for Newton’s Benediction and Grey Lynn’s Jafa – so we were confident we were in good hands. Looking to mix up our usual lunch choices, we paid a somewhat overdue visit to the cafщ this week.dish-of-the-week-caesar-salad1427_mainImage.jpg05” РWриЗЛCїŸЗЛCїŸ“&@ mТв€ш,Denizens learn to play poloOur polo competition winner, Angela Merrie, debriefs us on her polo lesson experience§’о1428_bigThumbImage.jpg1428_smallThumbImage.jpgHorsepower, of both the engine and the four-legged variety have long been passions of mine. Some might even say obsessions. So when the competition on The Denizen to win polo lessons and a BMW Z4 for the weekend presented itself, I could hardly contain myself.a-denizen-polo-lesson1428_mainImage.jpg05‘#Ў[дїŸ†Ў1XіŸ“=@€ mЛЫ€сљкѕThe Early Morning Boot CampOur new contributor, Dion Nash, takes us through his latest fitness revelationЄ’р1425_bigThumbImage.jpg1425_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Early Morning Boot CampOur latest Denizen, Dion Nash, cut his teeth as an athletic and sometimes fiery all rounder in the cauldron that is international cricket. Dion then made the transition into the world of business via 42Below Vodka, where by various acts of subterfuge, audacity and cunning he earned the title of Marketing Director. A qualified Pilates instructor, Dion has since gone on to spend a year teaching Remuera housewives the importance of lower abdominal control and how to pliщ and arabesque, and more recently, has founded the men's grooming range 'Triumph & Disaster'. Dion is a keen but at times misguided guitarist and an active member of local Herne Bay sound known to its many supporters as 'The Camel Toes'.the-early-morning-boot-camp1425_mainImage.jpg05•ЏHїŸЏHїŸ“C@ kk{€‘ЉЉЉЉ№Listen: Given to the Wild?“ю1429_bigThumbImage.jpg1429_smallThumbImage.jpgThe UK music press is notorious for hyping the next big thing (particularly if they happen to be English) only to tear them to shreds at the drop of a hat. Imagine being The Maccabees then, who have just released their ambitious third album ‘Given to the Wild’, to reviews ranging from exultant hyperbole to dismissive disdain.listen-given-to-the-wild1429_mainImage.jpgt times misguided guitarist and an active member of local Herne Bay sound known to its many supporters as 'The Camel Toes'.the-early-morning-boot-camp1425_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!щал. ж сы`ѕ5ї`':імПЪЅР+05 нД™“іŸqSеJіŸ’Ё@€ oЖЦ€мєXX›­Must have: KMS Makeover SprayWe discover a genius hair pick-me-up that helps refresh a flat hair dayc’љ1424_bigThumbImage.jpg1424_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: KMS Makeover SprayWe discover a genius hair pick-me-up that helps refresh a flat hair dayWe were first introduced to KMS Makeover Spray when interviewing hairdressers for Issue Two of Denizen magazine. We asked Hamilton Brooks of Hamilton Brooks Hairdressing to name his favourite product for summer one very hot Friday afternoon. If we weren’t already sold on his rather convincing promise of its results, we were upon leaving the salon, immediately noticing our locks had been magically transformed with just a few spritzes. Just the thing we needed after the weather had taken its toll on our future Friday night hair throughout the day.must-have-kms-makeover-spray1424_mainImage.jpg05’ їЦюіŸAїœrіŸ’ЮР ^КЪ€рј``куѕHola Mexico!As promised, we set out to taste test the mexican fare on offer at Britomart's newest eateryЌ’ј1426_bigThumbImage.jpg1426_smallThumbImage.jpgHola Mexico!As promised, we set out to taste test the mexican fare on offer at Britomart's newest eateryLast week we wrote about the highly anticipated opening of Britomart’s Mexico restaurant and it appears many of you shared in our excitement. Come 12pm on Friday, when we eagerly headed down to Mexico for lunch, we found the restaurant already rammed with patrons christening the first lunch setting – it seems Mexico has successfully introduced themselves to the neighbourhood.xx-mexico1426_mainImage.jpg05•ЏHїŸЏHїŸ“D@ kгу€љ*’’йёListen: Given to the WildAndrew Reinholds discusses the somewhat mixed reviews behind the Maccabees ambitious third album release?“ю1429_bigThumbImage.jpg1429_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Given to the WildAndrew Reinholds discusses the somewhat mixed reviews behind the Maccabees ambitious third album releaseThe UK music press is notorious for hyping the next big thing (particularly if they happen to be English) only to tear them to shreds at the drop of a hat. Imagine being The Maccabees then, who have just released their ambitious third album ‘Given to the Wild’, to reviews ranging from exultant hyperbole to dismissive disdain.listen-given-to-the-wild1429_mainImage.jpg05‘#.fГіŸ‡Ў1XіŸГч@€ mЛЫ€сљbSn€The Early Morning Boot CampOur new contributor, Dion Nash, takes us through his latest fitness revelationЄ’р1425_bigThumbImage.jpg1425_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Early Morning Boot CampOur new contributor, Dion Nash, takes us through his latest fitness revelationdion nash, early morning boot camp, gus lamOur newest Denizen, Dion Nash, cut his teeth as an athletic and sometimes fiery all rounder in the cauldron that is international cricket. Dion then made the transition into the world of business via 42Below Vodka, where by various acts of subterfuge, audacity and cunning he earned the title of Marketing Director. A qualified Pilates instructor, Dion has since gone on to spend a year teaching Remuera housewives the importance of lower abdominal control and how to pliщ and arabesque, and more recently, has founded the men's grooming range 'Triumph & Disaster'. Dion is a keen but at times misguided guitarist and an active member of local Herne Bay sound known to its many supporters as 'The Camel Toes'.the-early-morning-boot-camp1425_mainImage.jpg05” РWриЗgKїŸЗЛCїŸ“—@ mЫл€ё $~–›АТDenizens learn to play poloOur BMW competition winner, Angela Merrie, fills us in on her experience learning to play polo§’о1428_bigThumbImage.jpg1428_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizens learn to play poloOur competition winner, Angela Merrie, debriefs us on her experience learning to play polopolo, angela merrie, bmwHorsepower, of both the engine and the four-legged variety have long been passions of mine. Some might even say obsessions. So when the competition on The Denizen to win polo lessons and a BMW Z4 for the weekend presented itself, I could hardly contain myself.a-denizen-polo-lesson1428_mainImage.jpg05“ Р—ЮТѓ—6іŸѓы.їŸ“„@ l№.H•• =ONew Opening: Shore Rd CafщRemuera’s newest cafщ addition serves up a delicious array of daytime fare, including this clever twist on the classic caesar salad.й’21427_bigThumbImage.jpg1427_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Shore Rd CafщRemuera’s newest cafщ addition serves up a clever twist on this classic saladWe heard good things about the Shore Road cafщ, which opened its doors in December last year. Behind Remuera’s new establishment is none other than Tim and Jon Tohill – the brothers originally responsible for Newton’s Benediction and Grey Lynn’s Jafa – so we were confident we were in good hands. Looking to mix up our usual lunch choices, we paid a somewhat overdue visit to the cafщ this week.dish-of-the-week-caesar-salad1427_mainImage.jpg05– F€іŸжеNїŸ”@ hЪк€№€€ІЖШWin: A day at the poloWe have two coveted tickets to giveaway to watch the polo from the Veuve Clicquot tent this sundaye“ю1430_bigThumbImage.jpg1430_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: A day at the poloWe have two coveted tickets to giveaway to watch the polo from the Veuve Clicquot tent this sundayIt will come as no surprise to our readers over the past few weeks that the NZ BMW Polo open this Sunday is an event we have been looking forward to for quite some time. And there is no place better to enjoy this spectacular afternoon than from the prime position of the Veuve Clicquot marquee.win-a-day-at-the1430_mainImage.jpg05— ^w/§Ÿ^w/§Ÿœ#@@ džЎ€Фмю((bs…In Store: In BloomWe liven up our wardrobes with a posy of new season printsи›Њ1431_bigThumbImage.jpg1431_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: In BloomWe liven up our wardrobes with a posy of new season printsWith the late onset of our antipodean summer, now really is the perfect time to be stepping out in pretty floral prints. We’ve noticed floral patterns in all incarnations popping up in the new season satorial offerings, which inspired us to put together some of our favourite pieces from the designer garden party.in-store-in-bloom1431_mainImage.jpg05™Џžo§ŸдЏžo§ŸœЖ€ hжц€ќ);New Opening: Dragonflywe try out the delicious new asian-fusion establishment by brother and sister team Tania Siladi and Brent Wong@œ›1433_bigThumbImage.jpg1433_smallThumbImage.jpgnew-opening-dragonfly1433_mainImage.jpg05˜ &ѓкSўŸ ѓкS§ŸœЕ@Р vЩй€я+~~ч New Opening: Alexandra Owen Boutiquewe attend the reopening of the revered fashion designer's flagship Wellington store&œЖ1432_bigThumbImage.jpg1432_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Alexandra Owen Boutiquewe attend the reopening of the revered fashion designer's flagship Wellington storeDenizen ventured down to Wellington last week to attend the reopening of the Alexandra Owen flagship boutique. Longtime fans of Owen’s sophisticated and elegant garments, we were excited to see the new space that will house her coveted wares. Owen’s approach to design is classic, focusing on feminine tailored pieces that have an enduring quality – a trait that we find is often lacking in New Zealand fashion design. From the perfect white shirt, an impeccably cut winter coat or a ladylike cocktail frock, these are the kind of pieces that will tirelessly sit at the forefront of your wardrobe season after season.new-opening-alexandra-owen-boutique1432_mainImage.jpgister team Tania Siladi and Brent Wong@œ›1433_bigThumbImage.jpg1433_smallThumbImage.jpgnew-opening-dragonfly1433_mainImage.jpgage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!у^–…G  `і5 `œPїгDцжU05” РWриЗgKїŸЗЛCїŸ“—@ mЫл€ё $~–›АТDenizens learn to play poloOur BMW competition winner, Angela Merrie, fills us in on her experience learning to play polo§’о1428_bigThumbImage.jpg1428_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizens learn to play poloOur competition winner, Angela Merrie, debriefs us on her experience learning to play polopolo, angela merrie, bmwHorsepower, of both the engine and the four-legged variety have long been passions of mine. Some might even say obsessions. So when the competition on The Denizen to win polo lessons and a BMW Z4 for the weekend presented itself, I could hardly contain myself.a-denizen-polo-lesson1428_mainImage.jpg05•ЏHїŸЏHїŸ“D@ kгу€љ*’’йёListen: Given to the WildAndrew Reinholds discusses the somewhat mixed reviews behind the Maccabees ambitious third album release?“ю1429_bigThumbImage.jpg1429_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Given to the WildAndrew Reinholds discusses the somewhat mixed reviews behind the Maccabees ambitious third album releaseThe UK music press is notorious for hyping the next big thing (particularly if they happen to be English) only to tear them to shreds at the drop of a hat. Imagine being The Maccabees then, who have just released their ambitious third album ‘Given to the Wild’, to reviews ranging from exultant hyperbole to dismissive disdain.listen-given-to-the-wild1429_mainImage.jpg05– F€іŸжеNїŸ”@ hЪк€№€€ІЖШWin: A day at the poloWe have two coveted tickets to giveaway to watch the polo from the Veuve Clicquot tent this sundaye“ю1430_bigThumbImage.jpg1430_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: A day at the poloWe have two coveted tickets to giveaway to watch the polo from the Veuve Clicquot tent this sundayIt will come as no surprise to our readers over the past few weeks that the NZ BMW Polo open this Sunday is an event we have been looking forward to for quite some time. And there is no place better to enjoy this spectacular afternoon than from the prime position of the Veuve Clicquot marquee.win-a-day-at-the1430_mainImage.jpg05› €9€С№ўŸQСDўŸ“@ ]ЇЗ€Эх№::ХатNice Blockswe find some relief from the heat with these summer-on-a-stick iced treats 1435_bigThumbImage.jpg1435_smallThumbImage.jpgNice Blockswe find some relief from the heat with these summer-on-a-stick iced treatsIt seems summer is finally here. Yes, it’s hot, but let us tell you it’s even hotter in our (although glorious) 6th floor loft office space. Seeking refuge from the somewhat stifling humidity, the discerning Denizen team has taken to sampling our way through a number of icy treats in order to cool us down in the afternoons. The unanimous winner? Local artisan ice block company ‘Nice Blocks’.nice-blocks1435_mainImage.jpg05— ž“hќŸ^w/§Ÿ*@@ džЎ€Фмю((ct†In Store: In BloomWe liven up our wardrobes with a posy of new season printsи›Њ1431_bigThumbImage.jpg1431_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: In BloomWe liven up our wardrobes with a posy of new season printsWith the late onset of our antipodean summer, now really is the perfect time to be stepping out in pretty floral prints. We’ve noticed floral patterns in all incarnations popping up in the new season sartorial offerings, which inspired us to put together some of our favourite pieces from the designer garden party.in-store-in-bloom1431_mainImage.jpg05ьИ€фВўŸ!€/ўŸ В@ hжц€ќ&““gy‹Road Testing a ClassicOur editor-in-chief moonlights as our resident guinea pig by putting this popular skincare classic to the test,–1437_bigThumbImage.jpg1437_smallThumbImage.jpgTrialing a ClassicOur editor-in-chief moonlights as our resident guinea pig by putting this popular skincare classic to the tesFor nigh on 30 years Estee Lauder's iconic Advanced Night Repair has been the go-to serum for women all over the world. With seven bottles of Advanced Night Repair selling every minute and a grand total of four million bottles per year sold somewhere in the world - it's hard to argue the popularity of this product. Like most women I have been known to become wooed by the promise of smoother clearer skin offered by the vast myriad of serums available on the market.trialing-a-classic1437_mainImage.jpg05œ рŒCИF?џŸF“ўŸž}@ qЪк€№ nn–­ПWin: Fashion degustation dinnerYour chance to win our pick of the NZ fashion festival event line up - dinner at The RoxyІ1436_bigThumbImage.jpg1436_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: Fashion Fine DiningYour chance to win dinner at our pick of the NZ fashion festival event line upWith the abundance of exciting new openings that have been happening around town, even we have been pushed to try and tick each one off the list. There is however a swanky new establishment that we have been purposely holding out for the special reason to pay a visit to – and we finally have it.win-fashion-fine-dining1436_mainImage.jpg05š `@MŠ9(zџŸ€9д§ŸžН@ gхѕ€ #8||ЪцјWin: Volvo Long LunchWe welcome the return of the long lunch by offering the chance for two lucky Denizens to win an indulgent Friday afternoon outїœ1434_bigThumbImage.jpg1434_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: Volvo Long LunchTwo lucky Denizens will win an indulgent Friday afternoon long lunchThe Friday long lunch is back in a big way. Volvo’s Long Lunch has taken up new residence in Britomart’s Takutai Square. Now that we are finally getting a taste of summer, we can’t think of a better way to ring in the weekend than whiling away a Friday afternoon in the sun, enjoying a feast from some of our favourite local eateries.the-return-of-the-long-lunch1434_mainImage.jpg05˜ &3uџŸ ѓкS§Ÿт@Р xгу€љ5ˆˆё&Store Opening: Alexandra Owen BoutiqueThe revered fashion designer's flagship Wellington store takes up a glamorous new residence&œЖ1432_bigThumbImage.jpg1432_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Alexandra Owen Boutiquewe attend the reopening of the revered fashion designer's flagship Wellington storeDenizen ventured down to Wellington last week to attend the reopening of the Alexandra Owen flagship boutique. Longtime fans of Owen’s sophisticated and elegant garments, we were excited to see the new space that will house her coveted wares. Owen’s approach to design is classic, focusing on feminine tailored pieces that have an enduring quality – a trait that we find is often lacking in New Zealand fashion design. From the perfect white shirt, an impeccably cut winter coat or a ladylike cocktail frock, these are the kind of pieces that will tirelessly sit at the forefront of your wardrobe season after season.new-opening-alexandra-owen-boutique1432_mainImage.jpg05™ я8ўŸеЏžo§Ÿу€ hГУ€йёuul“New Opening: DragonflyWe visit the delicious new Asian eatery helmed by a brother and sister team@œ›1433_bigThumbImage.jpg1433_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Dragonflywe try out the delicious new asian-fusion establishment by brother and sister team Tania Siladi and Brent WongProviding some much needed competition to the already established Asian dining scene in Wellington, is Dragonfly, a new venture by restaurateurs and brother and sister team Tania Siladi and Brent Wong. With an Asian-fusion designed menu, and a contemporary interior by Wellington’s interior designer and architect of the moment Allistar Cox – you can expect to find the same interior details that define other favoured Wellington institutions such as Matterhorn, Good Luck and the more recent Ancestral.new-opening-dragonfly1433_mainImage.jpg_mainImage.jpgson to pay a visit to – and we finally have it.win-fashion-fine-dining1436_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UрэŸН—Я %"`‚_„ƒјЭ=5–ŽЎ[gŒ

Ransom Wines, Warkworth

A scenic vineyard nestled just off State Highway 1, Ransom Wines is the perfect place to enjoy the better part of a long weekend. While Ransom is certainly no new stop on the Matakana vineyard map, a recent revisit reminded us why it is so worthy of its reputation as one of the best. Ransom has a range of superb tasting platters and tapas on the menu that include an extensive array of antipasto offerings, dips, cheeses, fruit and freshly baked bread. On the occasion we visited, we enjoyed the wine tasting platter for two, which, we might add, could have easily fed four. Accompanied with their award winning selection of wines (we highly recommend the rosé), it is the perfect spot to settle in amongst the picturesque outlook of rolling hills and grapevines for the afternoon. 

46 Valerie Close, Warkworth
(09) 425 8862


Kohu Road Creamery and Cafe, New Lynn

Perhaps nothing is more rewarding at the end of a lengthy hot summer drive than sitting down to enjoy the sunshine in the company of a cone piled high with a creamy ice-cream delight. Luckily, we’ve discovered a spot perfect for a spontaneous day trip, and one that comes with the promise of an ice-cream on arrival. Kohu Road is renowned for their specialty ice cream and sorbet flavours, and a short jaunt heading west to New Lynn’s industrial Portage Road is where you’ll find all the magic happens. A café located within the creamery offers patrons a viewing window into the production of the icy delight and tours are also available. The café serves up superb coffee, fresh lunch with cabinet options, all made on site. This is the ideal place to take a post-lunch drive; just far enough to work your appetite back up for an extra scoop.

44 Portage Road
New Lynn

(09) 827 9990


Hallertau Brewery, Riverhead

Hallertau specialises in unpasteurized beers, and is a brand you will find in some of the hippest bars and restaurants around town, including Golden Dawn, Coco’s Cantina and Racket Bar. Just 20 minutes out of central Auckland in Riverhead and is the home of this microbrewery and restaurant nestled amongst rolling farmland. The restaurant serves up a fresh range of authentic fare reflective of Hallertau’s countryside surrounds. Think garden fresh veges, freshly baked bread and chickens that roam around the garden freely.  Offering a little more than just your standard lunch experience, the Hallertau brewery is a great reason to set out on a mini road trip and really feel like you are getting away from the big smoke. Head out there for lunch, and if you’re lucky to beat the crowds, you can take up residence on the outdoor deck and indulge in a little rural charm enjoying lunch alongside flowing jugs of their naturally brewed beer.

1171 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway
(09) 412 5555


Bracu, Bombay

South of Auckland amongst the Simunovich olive estate in the Bombay Hills and you’ll find one of our favourite Sunday lunch destinations. On a sunny afternoon, you won’t find a much better way to indulge in a little country escapism than a position on their outside veranda.  The extensive wine list and breathtaking surrounds, coupled with Bracu’s selection of platters to share, or hearty lunch options including a range of classic dishes including pork belly, roast duck and market fish, make it rather hard to pass up the decision to settle in for the long haul.

49 Main Road, Bombay
(09) 236 1030


Man O’ War Bay Tasting Room, Waiheke Island

Offering up some of the most picturesque and expansive views of the Hauraki Gulf, the Man O’ War Bay tasting room, located at the eastern end of Waiheke Island, has all the makings of a quintessential summer weekend escape. The beachfront tasting room, which overlooks the beach, is the perfect place to take refuge from the city for a day and indulge in an long afternoon enjoying a selection platters and tapas that perfectly complement their award-winning wines. We bet that after a few hours nestled in a seat on their sunny veranda you'll find it rather hard to leave.

Open 11am to 6pm daily
(09) 372 9678 


T”Ž Ї њѓP‡Оз`ОзTЌ’їјѓP‡Нѓj you`Нѓj@єjЌ’

We could have easily ordered one of everything on the menu, but in an effort to execute a little lunchtime restraint, we settled on a selection of snacks and specialties to start, all designed for sharing, and a round of soft shell fish tacos as our main. We suspect, like us, you will find it hard to settle for just one option so we would advise taking this approach to ordering and you won’t be disappointed. The fresh ceviche and the specialty fried chicken deserve a notable shout out. The food is simple, fresh and authentic – with not an ounce of cheese or sour cream in sight. A welcome change to Mexican food as you know it.

Yes it was a little early for Margaritas, but if the virgin one we did taste test is anything to go by, they are excellent. Purely for research purposes, we concluded it wasn’t too early for us to sample a jug of the Tinto Sangria, which we would highly recommend as an essential to accompany any meal there – no matter what time of day.

Mexico’s interior is unassuming and entertaining, and with not an empty seat in the house by 1pm, the atmosphere was lively – exactly how an authentic Mexican eatery should be. This is certainly an institution that will have a tendency to quite rowdy as the evening unfolds so we’d suggest getting in early to secure a seat.  Mexico has swiftly found a place in our books as a regular on the dining circuit.


23 Britomart Place

(09) 366 1759



The world has been buzzing on the Nespresso concept, and it finally made its way down to our antipodean shores late last year. We were admittedly, a little slow to catch on to this innovative coffee lifestyle, however we can attest that we are now converts.

While we still find it hard to completely trade in our morning trim flat white, by comparison, using the Nespresso makes our usual coffee making seem somewhat glacial in speed. In short, the Nespresso concept takes a compact countertop espresso machine that produces coffee using capsules rather than ground coffee. While it may not be for everyone, it is super speedy and easy to use -  ideal for the morning rush or for use in the office. In addition, it produces an excellent cup of coffee that would rival many cafés in the area, which we would argue is a small feat in itself.

In Nespresso’s very first foray into a limited edition collection, the brand has joined forces with luxury Chinese lifestyle brand Shanghai Tang, to combine the vibrant eastern design with our western coffee drinking lifestyle - a release timed with the auspicious year of the dragon. The result? A limited edition dragon collection, which subtly combines the symbolic Chinese dragon into the design of the machine. The collection includes a Nespresso 'CitiZ' machine, a set of cappuccino cups and a capsule holder featuring the unique dragon design.

If it’s luck you’re after, we can’t promise that this is your answer, but we can promise it will unfailingly deliver you a cup of seriously good brew, which we think is worth the investment alone.

Available from the Nespresso Boutique

203 Broadway

0800 234 579



Although I am far from elderly whether I like it or not I am a middle-aged man.

I have many of the trappings of middle age minus a few (no sports car or mistress) and I am reversing the dreaded spread with a modicum of exercise and abstinence. More importantly I have resisted the temptation to wear Ed Hardy. In fact I would advocate avoiding anything that is “cool” in a world plentiful with choice, taste is the hallmark of restraint. 

We have the opportunity to buy once and buy well, for instance a beautiful pair of English Goodyear welted shoes or Italian loafers will outlast 10 pairs of those hybrid, stripey and Velcro, cross trainer things from Diesel. We can grow old gracefully in a stylish skin and as I get older I become increasingly resolute on what I do and do not like.

Trends take on less meaning as I aspire to develop my own “permanent style”. Style is a simple way to say complicated things. That’s why fashion is shallow, but taste is deep. As men we have a fantastic arsenal of non-cosmetic procedures at our fingertips. A well-cut suit will hide a multitude of sins as will an absence of polar fleece or anything from Kathmandu. exercise gear has its place, ¾ pants and printed tee shirts do not.

Excessive jewellery and leather wristbands are fine when you are 18 but there reaches a point when an aspirational heirloom watch from a well respected (and coveted) brand like Rolex or Omega says more. Real luxury is understanding quality, and having the time to enjoy it. 

So forget getting down with youth and trying to be groovy, dress your age but never act it.

œ ’

Scroll through above to view image slideshow

1. The Loveseat: The infamous red lipped ‘Bocca Sofa’ from Matisse. Originally designed by Salvador Dalí who based the sofa design on the lips of Mae West, this iconic piece of modern furniture design makes for a very suitably themed Valentine’s gift.

2. The Proust Questionnaire book from Assouline. Learn the true personality of your lover with the most famous interview in history. This keepsake book of questions includes Proust’s orginial answers, including a raft of other celebrities throughout history including Bridget Bardot and Diane von Furstenberg as well as blank pages for you to fill in answers. 

3. ‘Marry Me’ fragrance by Lanvin from World Beauty. Get straight to the point with Lanvin’s special edition Valentine’s fragrance.

4. Unattached? Perhaps a set of Hermes tarot cards from Hermes may help shed a little more light on your future love plans.

5. A weekend away - in a luxury tent. Embrace the outdoors on your romantic getaway at the Wainamu luxury Tent Safari in Bethells beach. The two bedroom canvas tents are inspired by the luxury safari tents and gas heating ensures all the comforts of home are still at the ready. The outdoor bath overlooking the picturesque farmland and bush-clad hills cements this location as our ultimate Valentine’s getaway.

TC’)in aѓP‡ИO is a pr`ИOcinating chaTc’.юѓP‡Нѓj Нѓj`Нѓj@єjчшž

Lighter and more citrusy smelling than the Moisture Repair shampoo, it leaves my hair feeling clean, but not excessively squeaky, thanks to the conditioner containing just enough of the wonder ingredient, Argan oil, to sort things out in the shine and moisture department.  The product, which maintains that it gives body back to hair, seems to do just that without losing moisture – essential for those of us with fine or long hair that needs some love during the dry winter months. Both the shampoo and conditioner contain an extract from the Linden plant, which works to plump up the hair cuticle, aiding the creation of longed-for volume while nourishing your locks. I can also safely attest to none of the drying and colour fading that can often come with other volume shampoo products. Perhaps this is testament to the fact that the product is also free of sulphates, phosphates and those nasty parabens. 

If your locks are in need of a little extra moisture and volume then this pair most certainly delivers the goods.

Moroccan Oil Extra Volume shampoo and conditioner


Ph: 0800 25 25 30 for stocklsts

TdŸA ѓP3О. О.`О.V3pО./wainamu?sk=info" target="_blank">Wainamu luxury Tent Safari
in Bethells beach. The two bedroom canvas tents are inspired by the luxury safari tents and gas heating ensures all the comforts of home are still at the ready. The outdoor bath overlooking the picturesque farmland and bush-clad hills cements this location as our ultimate Valentine’s getaway.

TC’)in aѓP‡ИO is a pr`ИOcinating chaTc’.юѓP‡Нѓj Нѓj`Нѓj@єjer (Carey Mulligan) moves into his apartment stirring memories of their shared painful past, Brandon's insular life spirals out of control.

“Few filmmakers have plumbed the soul-churning depths of sexual addiction as fearlessly as British director Steve McQueenhas in Shame.” Justin Chang, Variety

The Ides of March

Stars: Ryan Gosling,Paul Giamatti, George ClooneyDirector: George Clooney
Season starts: 16 February
Rating: M - Sex scenes & offensive language

A supremely well-acted drama that moves at a calm, confident pace, The Ides of March takes place during the frantic last days before a heavily contested Ohio presidential primary. An up-and-coming campaign press secretary (Ryan Gosling) finds himself involved in a political scandal that threatens to upend his candidate's shot at the presidency. The Ides of March is an intelligent and engaging political drama which offers realism in place of hope, and boldly addresses the morality of politics.

The acting is heavyweight, as are the moral questions about the personal cost of serving the greater good that propel the story with an unstoppable force.” Stella Papamichael, Radio Times

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Stars: Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock
Director: Stephen Daldry
Season starts: 23 February
Rating: TBC

With two Academy Award nominations, this film is also a must-see. Starring Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks is the beautifully told story of a boy, Oskar, trying to make sense of the senseless; the death of his father in the 9/11 tragedy. He is convinced that his father (Tom Hanks), has left a final message for him hidden somewhere in the city. Feeling disconnected from his grieving mother (Sandra Bullock) and driven by an active mind that refuses to believe in things that can’t be observed, Oskar begins searching New York City for the lock that fits a mysterious key he found in his father’s closet. His journey takes him beyond his own loss to a greater understanding of the observable world around him.

Jonathan Safran Foer's acclaimed novel about a boy whose father was killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11 has been brought to the screen with great sensitivity and heart.” Nell Minow, Beliefnet



Stars: Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan and James Badge Dale

Director: Steve McQueen
Season starts: 23 February
Rating: R18 Sex scenes & suicide

Director Steve McQueen boldly explores one man’s struggle with sexual addiction in this graphic and unsettling film, featuring a bracing performance from Golden-Globe nominated lead Michael Fassbender. Brandon is a New Yorker who shuns intimacy with women but feeds his desires with a compulsive addiction to sex. When his wayward younger sister (Carey Mulligan) moves into his apartment stirring memories of their shared painful past, Brandon's insular life spirals out of control.

“Few filmmakers have plumbed the soul-churning depths of sexual addiction as fearlessly as British director Steve McQueenhas in Shame.” Justin Chang, Variety


We’ve previously found that tracking down a decent pair of quality leather pants on our antipodean shores can be rather difficult, however this season, local stalwarts Workshop Denim have executed our sartorial vision to a tee. These slick cropped skinny leather pants, complete with their biker zip detailing and knee patches, have just the right amount of rock 'n' roll detailing to offset their sleek tailoring - and of course, to justify their necessary placement in our winter wardrobes.

We first spied these puppies on the runway at fashion week last year and we’ve been waiting for them to hit stores ever since. Now they have just landed both in-store and online -we can’t imagine they will be around for long.

Skinny Leather Biker pants

Available online from Workshop

(09) 52ђ 

We’ve previously found that tracking down a decent pair of quality leather pants on our antipodean shores can be rather difficult, however this season, local stalwarts Workshop Denim have executed our sartorial vision to a tee. These slick cropped skinny leather pants, complete with their biker zip detailing and knee patches, have just the right amount of rock 'n' roll detailing to offset their sleek tailoring - and of course, to justify their necessary placement in our winter wardrobes.

We first spied these puppies on the runway at fashion week last year and we’ve been waiting for them to hit stores ever since. Now they have just landed both in-store and online -we can’t imagine they will be around for long.

Skinny Leather Biker pants

Available online from Workshop

(09) 524 6844


If you haven’t seen this film, or just want to relive the hilarity all over again, the comical journey of the Kerrigan’s fight for their house will have you belly laughing in no time.

Also, in order to keep moviegoers snug over the winter months, Silo Cinema is catering for the cold with steaming mugs of mulled wine and the novel addition of a hot water bottle filling station. No need to shy away from the outdoors with these stellar companions, especially when combined with the mullets, smiles and dimwitted happiness of The Castle.

Silo Park
Corner of Jellicoe and Beaumont Street
Wynyard Quarter


Watch some highlights from The Castle below:

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Stephen is the driving force behind The Edge’s New Performance Festival, which runs February 17th -25th. Having worked with The Edge on a number of works over the past few years, Stephen proposed to present a festival of cutting-edge new work by local and international performance artists, the likes of which Auckland audiences may not yet be familiar as it tends to be staged in non-conventional venues. “The more adventurous and innovative work happens outside the main stage, we don’t see that en masse”, Stephen notes. It is his hope that by presenting these works in a festival format that “together, we’ll understand them as a significant movement of work”.

Expect innovative, adventurous storytelling from small, lesser-known practitioners who merge the boundaries of traditional theatre, dance and performance practice. “This is where the big risk, innovative stuff goes on because the big companies can’t afford to take a risk in a 400 seat theatre. So what’s missing off the main stage is a current snapshot of what the innovative trends are”.

Arguably the common thread that binds the array of work Stephen has selected is their treatment of audience participation, which has become “a lot more sophisticated & personalised….”. Gone are the dreaded days of being selected out of an audience to be guffawed at, “new performance is trying to engage the public in an absolutely different way that film and mainstream theatre is not able to do”.

Incredibly passionate about taking theatre to the people, Stephen has ensured that ticket prices of around $10-$15 per show make this work financially accessible to most, “If public money is going in to art work, then the public should be able to see it. And if I have to pay $80 to go see it, I feel really ripped off”. This accessibility of price also shifts an audiences expectation of what they are about to see: it allows us to be a little more open to new and experimental concepts (if we haven’t spent a fortune on the ticket prices) and makes the opportunity of watching a show less exclusive. It is also Stephen’s wish that a low ticket price will encourage audiences to experience more than one piece of work, so that they can contrast and compare the different shows as they build an understanding of the work within a context.

Essentially, the project offers a chance to not only cohesively appreciate work which otherwise lives on the fringe of our entertainment options but to appreciate developing trends in storytelling, which you won’t see from the more established theatre companies around town. Or as Stephen puts it, “it’s acknowledging and giving a platform to something that is disparate at the moment”.

So if you’re a little tired of the traditional, perhaps this is the festival for you.




Luckily for us the historical reputation of dark chocolate (raw cacoa) is more than just wishful thinking. Today researchers have found that chocolate contains more antioxidant properties, weight for weight, than acai berries, blueberries and green tea. It is 21 times more potent and 14 times stronger than the antioxidants in red wine and may contribute to improved cardiovascular health, healthy cholesterol levels and reduced blood pressure.

Aside from the long-term health benefits, dark chocolate is also said to create those feel-good endorphins. According to Yale University Associate Professor Dr Katz (who has conducted more than 20 studies in the past decade on the healthy value of cacoa and chocolate), dark chocolate (or raw cacao) contains the naturally occurring chemical Phenylethylamine (PEA), an adrenal-related chemical that is created within the brain and released when we are in love. It also plays a role in alertness and focus. So next time you’re looking for a thoughtful present or craving some chocolate remember the words of Dr Katz “dark chocolate is good for you" …in moderation of course.
Always look for chocolate that is 70% to 85% dark. The darker the chocolate, the higher the concentration of cocoa powder (and the more bitter the flavor). Try Green and Black’s 85% dark chocolate or buy loose cacao powder available at Huckleberries Wholefood stores.
Raw Coconut Cacoa Balls

1 1/2 cup Raw cacao powder

1/2 cup Cashew nuts

1/4 cup Chia seeds

1/2 cup Coconut Oil (Cold Pressed, Extra Virgin Oil)

1/3 cup + 1 tbsp Raw Honey

2 pinches Celtic Sea Salt

Shredded dried coconut
-Place Cashew nuts in food processor and grind until crumbly powder. Add all other ingredients and blend until well mixed into a doughy consistency. 

-Roll batter into balls and then cover with shredded coconut

-Place balls on a plate and put in freezer for an hour and then place in refrigerator.

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When not in use, your prized pen will stand stable and upright - the perfect accompaniment to our minimal desk aesthetic and no doubt set to make  note taking an infinitely more pleasurable task.

Available from Simon James Concept Store


When not in use, your prized pen will stand stable and upright - the perfect accompaniment to our minimal desk aesthetic and no doubt set to make  note taking an infinitely more pleasurable task.

Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

(09) 489 6955

When not in use, your prized pen will stand stable and upright - the perfect accompaniment to our minimal desk aesthetic and no doubt set to make  note taking an infinitely more pleasurable task.

Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

(09) 489 6955


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&в~G `‚_ŒънтF'yXЄ’

No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

Socrates - Xen.,MEM.iii 12.


‘I’m forty fuck it, how did that happen?”

If you are anything like me, your twenties were spent keeping in some sort of shape, sure you liked a party but a few weights and the odd run meant that the armour plating stayed pretty much intact.

Bring on the thirties and things might have slipped a little, though for the most part the work you did in your twenties held together or at least you were able to convince yourself of this through a combination of false bravado and smart wardrobe choice.

But now you’re forty, that fact alone is enough to shine a little pre-dawn light on the chassis and the news is not good ‘Trouble at mill’ in fact.

I’m talking of course about my epiphany that clarified the need to start doing some exercise.

Trouble was the inside of a gym by this point makes me want to hurl, running ‘give me a break’ and yoga well I’m one ‘down dog’ past my expiry date, none therefore were options I wished to pursue.

Step up to the plate early morning boot camp – A.K.A ‘The Rope Squad’.

What a revelation, twice a week up at 5.45am to be there for a 6am kick off, come rain or shine, light or dark, a full hour of exercise twice a week.

Part exercise regime, part world of hurt, part motivation, all man time.

The exercises range from dragging tractor tires like a draft horse to down & ups more commonly referred to as burpies, hammer throws, press ups, wind sprints, sit ups, pull ups, boxing, weights and the dreaded monkey walk (down on all fours walking like a monkey across a wet, cold and muddy paddock, it pains me just thinking about it).

The Rope Squad participants range anywhere from four to 20 depending on time of year, weather and the previous night’s social activities. We are trained by Gus Lam, formerly of the Auckland Blues and currently of David Tua fame, Gus’s favourite word is ‘consequences’.


The benefits of the Rope Squad are profound, providing a marshmallowed green horn like me some well needed male indulgence. For an hour twice a week, I’m allowed to imagine that I could be farming or building or working in a mine, giving me a surprising sense of wellbeing. It reminds me that I can be physically strong and mentally tough when I put my mind to it.

The Comradeship is real, as it takes commitment, stamina and more than a little motivation to get up in the dark for an hour workout before the rest of the city rises, resulting in a sense of admiration for your fellow members, guys you weren't sure about or perhaps did not really even know initially.

Then there is early morning Auckland, magnificent at first light, nearly always calm and still, it has a melodic pace to it at this time of the day and once you’re done there is time to read the paper and enjoy your coffee without rush or even the need for a conversation.

Finally, you do get fit, or at least fitter, you see an hour is a long time, it’s a shit load of down and ups and even more push ups and monkey walks, so eventually the excess gives in to the wonder of the new regime, which in itself feels pretty good.


So if like me you are a tick over 40 and feel like you need a little funk back in your step (if the thought of rising before dawn twice a week delivers a cold chill, even better), I recommend you get a few mates and mates of mates together, find a park somewhere central, engage a trainer to set up a boot camp (insert name here….) and give it a crack.

Make no mistake the glory days are gone, you will never get your hairline back and probably not your waist either, but you will learn a few things about yourself. You will enjoy the hard yards and the time spent with mates, and every now and again you will believe it is worth the pain.


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We highly suggest committing to starting the day with one of these, and promise you will start to feel the benefits almost instantly.

The smoothie recipe is as follows:


250ml organic apple juice

250ml filtered water

3 big leaves of organic curly kale

1 frozen banana

half a dozen frozen blueberries

1 capful of FeMax Iron Tonic (available from Harvest Wholefoods)

1 heaped teaspoon of Matakana Superfoods Super Green powder (this contains spirulina, chlorella, broccoli and spinach powder)


 - Whizz the ingredients together in a blender for about one minute, pulsing if the kale is refusing to puree.

 - Mango slices, golden kiwifruit or pineapple chunks can also be added to taste if on hand but always try to keep them organic. Similarly soaked Chia seeds are good additions.

Harvest Wholefoods

403-407 Richmond Road

(09) 376 3107


The antique store has been a landmark on the corner of Williamson Ave and Ponsonby Road for over 20 years, and sadly, due to the passing of proprietor Lord Ponsonby, a.k.a David Brown, the institution will be closing its doors and ringing in the end of an antique era with a final auction, to be held on site this Saturday 14th April.

We suspect the final auction will be attracting quite the crowd – from avid antique collectors to local residents wanting to get a piece of the final action. There is undoubtedly a huge collection of collectible pieces (some going under the hammer for the first time) that are set to find themselves new homes after Saturday’s auction.  We know we’ll be there.

To view the auction catalogue click here

Saturday 14th April, 11am

On site at Lord Ponsonby's Antiques.

86 Ponsonby Road


09) 376 6463

Viewing: Thursday 12th & Friday 13th April – 10am to 5pm and on the morning of auct—CД

The antique store has been a landmark on the corner of Williamson Ave and Ponsonby Road for over 20 years, and sadly, due to the passing of proprietor Lord Ponsonby, a.k.a David Brown, the institution will be closing its doors and ringing in the end of an antique era with a final auction, to be held on site this Saturday 14th April.

We suspect the final auction will be attracting quite the crowd – from avid antique collectors to local residents wanting to get a piece of the final action. There is undoubtedly a huge collection of collectible pieces (some going under the hammer for the first time) that are set to find themselves new homes after Saturday’s auction.  We know we’ll be there.

To view the auction catalogue click here

Saturday 14th April, 11am

On site at Lord Ponsonby's Antiques.

86 Ponsonby Road


09) 376 6463

Viewing: Thursday 12th & Friday 13th April – 10am to 5pm and on the morning of auction from 9am

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My obsession with horses started young.  Pre-school it was all about drawing them.  Every minute of every day, thousands of pictures later, I had honed my craft to a tee.  Then I graduated to the real thing, at age eight I finally owned my own horse. His name was Pablo and we stuck by each other for years.  Other horses came and went, faster horses, younger horses.  Horses that could jump so high it felt like you were flying, but Pablo was by far the coolest dude there was.

I was slightly older when I first started noticing cars, but my admiration of them was the same.  My first taste of German automobile engineering came in my early 20s, driving down the autobahn with the wind in my hair.  So on Friday when I picked up the Z4 I got to put that precision engineering to the test again.  This was no basic Z4 mind you, this was top of the line, 3.5 litres of turbo charged engine. It was a Motorsport, and it was unreal! 

On Sunday we took the Z4 out to Clevedon for our lessons, the car proved to be a real head turner, never have we experienced so much attention!  We arrived at the Auckland Polo Association’s beautiful grounds, and were immediately welcomed by the lovely Matt and his team. 

Our lessons began on the wooden horse, learning how to hold the stick and hit the ball. Once we had mastered the art we were then introduced to our ponies and the real test began! The ponies were amazing, so responsive, like riding an incredibly schooled dressage horse. With the slightest move of the reins they would spin left or right and turn on a dime.  It was certainly no problem that we were a mixed group of experienced riders and not so experienced, the polo school had a horse to suit everyone.

Matt proved to be a great teacher, so patient and by the time we played our first polo game we were flying around that paddock, and scoring goals like pros.  By the end of the day we were beaming, nothing was going to remove those smiles from our faces. 

Going out to the polo school was one of the best things I have ever done. I cannot recommend it enough.  Whether you’re an experienced rider or not, get a group of friends together and spend an afternoon with Matt and his team.  I guarantee it will be one of the best things you do all year.

We had so much fun we’ve decided to get together for polo lessons every month.  The only thing missing will be the BMW, but I’m working on it.  Oh to be a Denizen girl every day.

Hourly lessons are $100, and for lucky Denizen readers, Matt is offering up a 50% discount for your first lesson. 

For polo lessons: www.aucklandpolo.co.nz


So why the criticism? 

The Maccabees are one of a number of UK indie rock bands such as The Vaccines and Bombay Bicycle Club who, in the best traditions of The Libertines and Bloc Party, are looking beyond the small stages and low roofed venues they currently play to the bigger, brighter stadium lights and the riches that wait.

The result is an album that for many lacks the soul and urgency of previous efforts, and has become just another faceless set of songs that roll out a tried and tested formula perfected by the likes of Coldplay and U2 that never fail to offend or challenge the listener.  Think “measured”, “mature”, “melodic” and “sophisticated”. 

And with a bunch of names like Orlando, Hugo, Felix, Rupert and Sam, there is no denying that The Maccabees perfectly fit the stereotype of well educated, serious young men sitting around drinking red wine and dissecting the song writing talents of Ray Davies versus Paul McCartney.

On the other side of the fence, is the argument that ‘Given to the Wild’ represents a watershed record for a talented group of young musicians with the ability to be the next Elbow – everyone’s favourite underachievers who after years of toil finally hit the jackpot with the excellent ‘The Seldom Seen Kid’ without once ever having to compromise their principles.

So is this the record that will catapult The Maccabees onto the main stages of the Northern Hemisphere’s festival circuits this summer?  One would have to say most probably.  Whether or not they are able to take the next step remains to be seen - it seems like only yesterday I watched a relatively unknown Coldplay walk play an early afternoon slot in front of a sceptical BDO crowd one sunny Auckland afternoon.  The rest is of course history… 


Coconut oil is one of the best forms of natural nutrition for hair. The benefits come from its richness in anti fungal and anti bacterial elements and vitamins and minerals. A bi-weekly massage of coconut oil into the hair and scalp will not only maintain scalp sebum balance and improve circulation but it will also get rid of dandruff, rebuild weak hair and rehydrate every strand. Not bad right? The saturated fatty acid content in coconut oil has a softening and smoothing effect on the hair.

To get maximum results apply a small amount of coconut oil to towel dried hair and massage onto the scalp and hair from mid lengths to ends. Leave in overnight and thoroughly shampoo out the next morning. Finish with conditioner. This is suitable for all hair types.

Vision Products Coconut Oil is available here

*Vision Products buy their coconut oil from a model farm in Labasa, Fiji that teaches local people how to grow organically and sustainably. From coconuts wild harvested on the island, they make cold pressed 100% pure coconut oil. All profits made go to Vision for Humanity Charitable Trust which aim to raise awareness on social and global issues.


TО КjѓP“АЗЂИЂevable) workout. It's a tremendous stretch for both the mind and the body, the perfect way to start the day. With promises of long, lean thighs and sculpted arms, improved posture, flat abs? Yes please. I was naturally curious. 

Originating from ballet fitness, it's a craze that was bubbling away in LA, where Casey Green, the talented and beautiful founder of Body Beautiful, stumbled across the concept. It was there in a ballet studio in Santa Monica that the initial romance sparked. New Zealand was in desperate need of this style of work out...and so here we are. The first studio has recently opened its doors, finding its home on Queen Street, Auckland. 

Body Beautiful strikes perfect balance between a strength work and stretching, using the ballet barre to assist your workout. Rest assured, you don’t have to be a dancer to take the class, as the 50-minute workout is an achievable mix of Casey's favourite exercises as well as incorporating a dash of yoga, pilates and core conditioning to complement the traditional ballet movements. The class was a low-impact fusion of cardio, free-weight exercises, core work and a series of ballet barre exercises that got the heart rate surprisingly worked up and really felt like it was working its magic on all of my muscles. Give it a go, if anything I can assure you that you'll bounce out of this class on a well-deserved high. 

Body Beautiful

Level 3
203 Queen Stre!Q!ЭО `‚_ш к †:(Рg\їœ

Set amongst the ever-expanding and exciting Britomart Precinct, one large table seating 500 people will weave around the entirety of the square. The menu features a five-course feast, serving up a selection of signature dishes from Café Hanoi, District Dining and Ebisu, to be washed down with your choice of Peroni Beer, Yealands Estate wines and Old Mout Cider. Sounds to us like this has all the makings of the memorable Friday lunch.

And if the delicious culinary and beverage offerings aren’t enough of an excuse to take the afternoon off, Volvo’s Long Lunch will also play host to a raft of great entertainment, including Peter Urlich, Jonny Love and a series of roving fashion shows from some soon-to-be Britomart residents Zambesi and World.

We suspect that our readers will like the sound of this long lunch just as much as we do, and as such, we have two tickets to give away to Denizen readers to join us in the festivities. Put in a few extra hours on Monday and tell us why we should send you along for the afternoon off next Friday. To enter, you must be a fan of Denizen on Facebook, comment on our wall, and tagging in the friend within the post you would bring along to enjoy it with.

Volvo Long Lunch at Britomart

Friday 2nd of March

1.30pm – 5:30pm


Tickets are $175 (inclusive of drinks) and can be purchased here. Get in quick before they sell out!


The Roxy officially opened its doors late last year. The fine dining restaurant sits on the upper floor of downtown’s Imperial Lane and is helmed by Sean Marshall (formally of Wellington’s Matterhorn) who also holds fort at the more casual Everybody’s Bistro on the level below.

The Roxy has teamed with the New Zealand Fashion Festival, to present a unique dining experience that will fuse their fine dining with five fashion designers’ unique style.  Sitting down to enjoy an exclusive showcase of the collections from Juliette Hogan, Hailwood, Zambesi, Cybele and Trelise Cooper, guests will indulge in a five course food and wine degustation dinner that has been uniquely matched to complement each designer’s themes. 

In between a rather hectic fashion festival schedule this year, this is definitely more our idea of an ideal way to soak in the best of the new season’s fashion offerings, all the while getting to sample a selection of the delectable fare available at the Roxy.

We have a double pass to Fashion Fine Dining at the Roxy to giveaway to one lucky Denizen reader. To enter, you must be a fan of Denizen on Facebook, and then comment on our wall, tagging in the friend you would bring along to join you for the evening.

Competition now closed. Thank you to all who entered.

Fashion Fine Dining at The Roxy

Saturday 25th February



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There was an all too brief time in my early 20s when I dabbled in Advanced Night Repair - but like most things at that frivolous time in my life, I didn't really stick with it long enough for it to make any lasting impact to my complexion.

Fast forward (quite) a few years and my cosmetic needs have changed dramatically. It's all about survival now, and fixing the wrongs of my misspent youth. In the quest for eternal radiance it's often difficult to sort the actual results from the promises. Which is why I have decided to embark on my own evaluation of the benefits of this hugely popular serum.

Having recently celebrated 30 years Estee Lauder’s Advanced Night Repair continues to break new ground in terms of its effectiveness. When it first launched in 1982 as Night Repair the serum heralded a new era in skin repair, being the first skin serum ever created, the serum has gone on to become the leader in skincare repair. In a recent 12 month extensive trial, women who used Advanced Night Repair showed a dramatic reduction in the visible signs of ageing including lines and wrinkles, skin tone, skin soothing, clarity and radiance. The results continued to steadily improve throughout the 12 month study with the following results;

75% increase in skin tone

76% increase in skin clarity

68% improvement in lines/ wrinkles

Based on these impressive figures I am feeling seriously encouraged by what dramatic results lie ahead for me. Three weeks ago I added Advanced Night Repair to both my morning and night routine, applying four drops to clean skin before moisturising. The serum has a light texture similar to a gel that quickly seeps into the skin.  I can happily say that I am already beginning to see an improvement in my skin’s texture and tone and with a little tenacity I expect to see some great results.

If you would like to join me on my Advanced Night Repair challenge I have one bottle to give away to a committed reader. The only catch is that you have to stick to it for at least one month - and send me your feedback on the product.

To be in to win simply post on our Facebook wall why you need to trial this product. You must be a fan of The Denizen in order to enter.



One only needs reference the video for latest single ‘Gee Up’ which halfway through turns wildly into an excellent and most ironic spoof (one assumes) of the wonderful shallowness that is a career in the music industry.

Bainbridge’s real talent shines through on his mind warping cover of Anita Dobson’s ‘Anyone Can Fall In Love’.  Most commonly recognised as the theme to Eastenders, here Bainbridge flips it into an achingly melancholic and beguilingly beautiful ballad that is easily the most beautiful moment on the album.

Not far behind is ‘House’ – which shakes off its slow-mo beginning to grow into a wonderfully uplifting pop song that melds pulsing synths and driving piano chords with a gorgeous chorus.  Elsewhere, his cover of ‘Swinging Party’ by 80s indie guitar heroes The Replacements becomes the great long lost blissed out dance floor track Talking Heads never made.

This is hipster cool on steroids and a record to be enjoyed for what it is – one that is as warm and welcoming as a sunny Sunday afternoon in late autumn.

Whatever you do, don’t take it too seriously – because the joke is probably on you if you do. 


s the sublime ‘Rill Rill’ did on their debut.

So decision time then for Sleigh Bells – it almost seems as they need to go back a step if they really want to progress.

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The fact that Hunter S Thompson ended up shooting himself and ending it all ahead of the clock perhaps emphasises the fact that sometimes, the things we believe and say don’t always reflect the way we live and things we do.Still, I’ve always liked this quote from the ‘Gonzo’ journalist and generally liked his attitude toward the establishment and life in general - up until his last move that is.

For me quotes like this one act as reminders to not to give in to the prescribed model of how we should live our lives - get an education; a job; a mortgage; pay taxes; retire; grow a garden – but instead, to strive to live a life less ordinary. 

Growing up in Dargaville, on the west coast of Northland, isolation meant we already felt a bit rebellious, wild and untamed. There was an inbuilt sense of adventure if only to ensure we made it out of the place alive.One of my mates from Dargaville days was a guy called Sean.

Sean and I started school the same day and played in the same rugby teams, listened to the same music, and chased the same girls.

Sean was an intelligent guy, a serious guy who was meticulous, a lover of detail by nature, who as a result, ended up forcing himself at every turn to be crazy, free, and always up for a cliff jump or a party.

Sean and I parted ways at the end of high school, for a time we would catch up at summer holidays or New Year’s eve parties but then slowly not at all.

In fact I didn’t see Sean for a whole decade. We lost touch completely until I was at a stopover in Frankfurt airport in 2008 and a thick Aussie accent broke me from my transit terminal stupor, it took a few seconds but the first words to come from my mouth were Sean’s name. It was instantly like old times, we could have been at ‘Glinks Gully’ or ‘Bayleys beach’, mullets flowing, talking shit about things we didn’t know.
Sean explained he had been in Norway, doing some ‘jumping’. Over the next two hours he enthralled, shocked and entertained me with stories, YouTube clips and his general energy for a passion that I had no idea my friend had become so expert in.

Sean had become a world class base jumper, clocking up thousands of jumps, from planes, buildings, cliffs you name it - Sean had jumped it. His latest acquisition was a wing suit that meant he could literally fly through canyons in order to seek out a little more adrenaline.
This week that passion for adventure and adrenaline would cost my mate his life. 

When I received the text, the news did not come as a shock. Perhaps I had logged that this was a probable,  rather than a maybe, but even so, the reality and sadness of the moment jarred as I tried to reconcile that my globetrotting daredevil mate, was gone.
As the night went on and I read the tributes and the condolences on Facebook, my emotions wavered from intense sadness at a life ended too soon, to amazement at how many people Sean had touched . I couldn’t help thinking of his mum and how little all the kind words would mean to her - they were not going to bring her son back. 

As I struggled to resolve in my head the loss, all of a sudden those ‘live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse’ ideals that had appealed in my youth, were drawn sharply into focus, for a moment it all seemed so juvenile, so pointless. Is it really better to have lived life on the edge, constantly pushing for more, more, more? At what point, is enough, enough?But then I began to think about Sean and how what he had achieved made me feel. I was/am immensely proud of Sean, the way that he had been true to his boyhood ideals, that he had become expert in something, had taken risks, and ultimately lived his life fuelled with a high octane type of passion.

My thinking started to become less cloudy.

I started to think about my own kids, how do I want them to live their lives? Do I want them to be conservative in following the path that society maps out for us. Or do I want them to live with an indomitable sense of adventure, to explore, take risks, and chase a dream?
It was at this point that the great gonzo journalist’s words came back to me, the idea of living like a rebel, challenging the status quo, running as hard as you can, rocking, ripping, loving, hurting over indulging, struggling to find balance and composure but digging every minute of it. This is what life is, what living is.

Of course everything has a flip side, success has failure, risk delivers both reward and loss and life ultimately ends in death. 

So if I take anything from the passing of my friend it is a reminder that we are playing for keeps, there are no trade backs and the choices we make have consequences, both good and bad. I’m reminded about the importance of courage, of taking responsibility, of attacking the day, and of hugging my mum.

And so this is how I will remember my mate, as a guy who tore it up, a winner, a dreamer, kind, intelligent and happy in his own skin…oh and of course always looking for the next big ride.

RIP Sean – you will be missed.

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Resting on a bed of perfectly cooked, light-as-souffle polenta (made from chicken stock, cream, rosemary, parsley and parmesan), the veal, which has been marinated overnight, is succulent and tender. Accompanied by a porcini and button mushroom sauce, alongside ample amounts of spinach, it's a welcome addition to staple items on their menu (we certainly have swapped the eye fillet in favour of this wintry dish whilst it lasts). Introduced only last week, it's already proven to be a popular favourite with Ponsonby Road Bistro's many locals and we couldn't recommend it more. Wash it down with a glass of red, and try and secure yourself the window seat by the fire, for a cosy winter's night out.


Ponsonby Road Bistro

165 Ponsonby Road

(09) 360 1611


Resting on a bed of perfectly cooked, light-as-souffle polenta (made from chicken stock, cream, rosemary, parsley and parmesan), the veal, which has been marinated overnight, is succulent and tender. Accompanied by a porcini and button mushroom sauce, alongside ample amounts of spinach, it's a welcome addition to staple items on their menu (we certainly have swapped the eye fillet in favour of this wintry dish whilst it lasts). Introduced only last week, it's already proven to be a popular favourite with Ponsonby Road Bistro's many locals and we couldn't recommend it more. Wash it down with a glass of red, and try and secure yourself the window seat by the fire, for a cosy winter's night out.


Ponsonby Road Bistro

165 Ponsonby Road

(09) 360 1611



Album opener is the creepy horror story ‘No Future/No Past’ that comes on like Kurt Cobain fronting Slint.   Such is the bleakness of the tale that Baldi’s voice almost seems to become possessed as he slips deeper into the darkness.

From there, we are into the epic nine minutes of ‘Wasted Days’ an amphetamine rush that recalls Sonic Youth in their prime, as it builds to peak after peak of guitar freak out that continues to climb and climb just when you think it can’t possibly go any higher.

Other highlights include the instrumental ‘Separation’ and ‘Stay Useless’ with its simple verse-chorus-verse structure and incredibly catchy hooks.

Steve Albini - legendary Big Black frontman and producer of some of the more pivotal rock albums of the last twenty or so years  is producer, and it is his signature that is all over the record.  Baldi claims that “he (Albini) played Scrabble on Facebook almost the entire time…he would alternate between that and writing on his food blog. I don't even know if he remembers what our album sounds like”.

Whatever the case, the sound is most strikingly reminiscent of the Pixies’ masterpiece Surfer Rosa, produced by Albini, who as on that record allows for clear white space between the instruments – at times you feel as though you are in fact right there amongst the band so clear and wonderfully loud the record is.

It’s all here – the first real exciting record of the year.  Spotty and snotty, loud and proud – it is breezy pop-punk dialled up to eleven.  Exhilarating and wild there is no fat at all on this record. 

Get into it.


I was clever enough to stumble upon an amazing little boutique hotel in South Yarra called The Hatton. The family owned and run residence with just 20 rooms, is a mere five mins by tram from the CBD and set just around the corner from the Royal Botanic Gardens.  The Hatton is housed in a century old Italianate building that has been lovingly restored and updated to offer everything you need for an amazing stay.  From the moment my wife and I arrived in the café for check-in, through to entering our room via Ancient Indian Temple Doors we were impressed.  A special mention must be made of the enormous bath in the Eastern Balcony suite - it required a ladder to climb in! The L'Occitane beauty condiments were a nice touch too. The bathtub was only outsized by the massive private balcony running the width of the hotel overlooking the street.  The perfect position for our afternoon duty-free cocktail hour to take place.

As well as the beautiful antique furniture and fittings throughout the hotel, there is a spectacular private rooftop lounge which offers perhaps one of the best spots in town to watch the sun go down over the botanical gardens and take in the Melbourne skyline, vino in hand. (65 Park Street  South Yarra, Melbourne, (03) 9868 4800)


 I was interesting to revisit old spots like St Kilda and discover they had pretty much lost their chutzpah and charm – I suggest you check out spots like Fitzroy and Prahran instead for a much more engaging and rewarding time. A particular highlight of the weekend had to be the Chapel Street Bazaar- home to around 70 stalls crammed full with second-hand decorative items and cameras, chinaware, jewellery, lighting, vintage haberdashery, fashion and everything you could possibly think of. (217 Chapel Street, Prahran, Melbourne, (03) 9529 1727)

If vintage is your cup of tea also well worth a look is the vintage store "Lost & Found" in Collingwood - a similar concept to the C.S Bazaar, but on a slightly smaller scale. (1/5 Perry Street, Collingwood, Melbourne, (03) 9419 4477)



 As well as the obvious food, fashion and arts side of Melbourne, if you're into music in any way, shape or form - you need to check out 'Diggin Melbourne' - a handy pocket sized guide to over 50 Record dealing spots in the city - considering we're lucky to have maybe five, here in Auckland, this is like Disneyland for a vinyl fiend - perhaps start off in Fitzroy at the legendary Northside Records and indulge yourself from there on in. I'd also suggest before you get too into the digging, pop next door and check out "Trippy Taco" for lunch - it seems that the Mexicans are not just taking over here at home. (236 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne (03) 9417 7557)


 It appears the only way I got away with so much time in record stores was that my wife had scoped out Australia's first TopShop store had recently opened just around the corner from the hotel.  Nice one Melbourne, everybody wins!

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The cult New York label VPL was born from the mindset that underwear should be a visible, stylish part of everyday attire. Forget pretty frills and sheer lace, The sporty athletic-inspired lingerie is thick enough to provide coverage without padding, and the graphic, minimalist designs are begging to be seen - peeking out from a slightly sheer shirt or strappy top.

We are pleased to note that Children of Vision has just acquired the VPL brand to New Zealand for the very first time. The first drop includes two of the most iconic styles; the ‘B’ bra and the ‘Insertion’ bra are a prelude to the main delivery that arrives in August. Get in quickly before we do!

Shop 16, St Kevins Arcade

179 – 183 K’ Road

(09) 379 8930



ductId=8021" target="_blank">Afternoon Delight’ pantsuit. A tough look to master, but newcomer Liam have nailed it with this loose-fitting, rolled sleeved and super effortless off- white look.

4. World ‘Demonic’ jacket. This showstopping rose print jacket caught our eye, interestingly not on the runway itself, but rather on a lady sitting in the front row.

5. Kate Sylvester pant suit. This impeccably tailored camel coloured smoking suit has well considered finishing touches – a cuffed hem and a contrast black lapel – that give it that certain je ne sais quoi

6. Zambesi winter essentials. The men’s ‘Kilo’ parka jacket and the belted women’s ‘ www.aucklandartgallery.com

Image Credit:

Roy Lichtenstein

In the Car, Oil on magna on canvas, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art

© Trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland


One look in my cupboard and it’s quite clear that I’ve invested some serious research into such health fads. The quest for the new-and-improved me has seen moments of both solid and fleeting dedication to the task, however, in amongst the multitude of vitamins and powders is one bottle of wonder capsules that I quite simply, cannot live without.

Flaxseed Oil is a well-known source of essential fatty acids Omega-3, 6 and 9 to aid our bodies general wellbeing. Research has shown that the majority of western diets are in fact deficient in Omega-3. This is where my Waihi Bush Flax Boost capsules step in – as it is one of nature's richest sources of Omega-3 with 56% Omega-3, 15% Omega-9 and 15% Essential Fatty Acids. Waihi bush is unique in the way its capsules blend the cold pressed flax with blackcurrant and borage seed oils - not only adding a secondary source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 but also boosting the body's ability to utilise all the omega goodness.

These capsules help nourish the skin from the inside out, delivering on all those ‘beauty’ promises you wish for; stronger nails, longer, glossier hair and naturally glowing skin. In addition, on a recommendation from my beautician, I also started taking these before I went to bed, to aid in a relaxing sleep, and if you take couple extra before going out drinking, they definitely help ease the pain of a hangover the next day.

Having recently gone a month sans my beloved Waihi flaxseed oil capsules (and suffered), I can honestly promise these will change your life.

Waihi Bush Flax Boost capsules are available from Lucy & the Powder Room and most leading health stores.


O dŸ

Breakfast total at Zus & Zo: We initially visited Jervois Rd’s Zus & Zo with a recommendation to sample their traditional Uitsmijter Dutch-style fried egg breakfast. Owner Joost van den Berg instead suggested we try the ‘Breakfast Total’.  The sampler-style plate if you will, is a menu offering that you will be hard pressed to find on offer at any other café in town. The European style breakfast choice features a selection of Bircher muesli, toast with dutch cheese + preserves, avocado, eggs and salmon. The breakfast total reads a little like a morning version of an afternoon tapas platter – a perfect option for those of you who already have trouble selecting from their delicious menu. (228 Jervois Rd, Herne Bay, 09 361 5060)

Sardines on toast at Coffee Supreme Douglas St:  Coffee Supreme (formally Good One café) is renowned for their famous sardines on toast dish. Although not for everyone, we urge you to give it a try – even if not for breakfast, it’s just as delicious at any time of the day. Another European breakfast specialty, a choice of either plain sardines or sardines with hot sauce (served fresh from the tin) are served on toast alongside fresh lemon and horseradish. (42 Douglas Street  Ponsonby 1021 09 360 5040)

Dill potatoes at Landreth and Co:  Landreth and Co, located just next to Superette on Ponsonby Road serves up a great middle ground between unique and reliable breakfast fare with their dill potatoes and poached eggs combo. We highly recommend trading in the usual toast in favour of this delicious fried potato base, topped off with sage butter, garlic yoghurt and watercress. We like taking up our brunch position in Landreth’s sunny courtyard, especially if you want to enjoy a quiet brunch without bumping into all of Ponsonby Road on a weekend day. (272 Ponsonby Road, 09 360 7440)

Pigs trotters on toast at Kohi Café. We’ve written of this unusual, yet mouthwateringly tasty dish before but felt it deserved another notable shout out in this round up. Chef Marc Kinvig says this dish tends to fall in his ‘unmentionable cuisine’ category on the Kohi café menu but we’re determined to change this notion. The trotters are cooked for a lengthy five hours before the meat is removed from the bone. They are then combined with lemon zest, and black truffle salt to make a pork-jelly which once set, is thinly sliced onto a baguette and melted under the grill. The dish is served with parsley and wild rocket, bacon vinaigrette, sliced Pancetta and olive oil – a very tasty brunch indeed. (2/237 Tamaki Dr, 09 528 8335)

TЭ  ѓP3ЙтРИтPЙтfore I went to bed, to aid in a relaxing sleep, and if you take couple extra before going out drinking, they definitely help ease the pain of a hangover the next day.

Having recently gone a month sans my beloved Waihi flaxseed oil capsules (and suffered), I can honestly promise these will change your life.

Waihi Bush Flax Boost capsules are available from Lucy & the Powder Room and most leading health stores.




Saunas aren’t normally my thing. But throw in a bar and a dimly lit, tepid pool with a crisp underwater sound system, and you can sign me up. Combining elements of a health club with elements of a nightclub, the Liquidrom is the perfect antidote to a heavy weekend. The saltwater pool is housed under a concrete dome and filled with floatation devices so you can lay back with your ears under the water listening to electronic beats (on weekends they have live DJs) and watching the lights bounce on the ceiling.  Every hour, on the hour, a different “ritual” takes place in one of the three saunas. Scented salts might be tossed on the embers or you might be passed honey and salt to rub all over your body, or ice cold tea to sip. The whole place is covered in loungers with blankets; you can book a massage; and chipped bracelets mean you can eat and drink to your heart’s content without having to worry about stuffing euro down your speedo. The German’s celebrate Frei Köper Kultur (free body culture), so expect to be confronted with full-frontal nudity. But don’t be shy, no one else is. (Möckernstraße 10 10963 Berlin)



Little Otik

This sweet little restaurant began in the living room of the equally sweet American owners. When it became too popular for its own good, they were forced to open a more permanent fixture in Kreuzberg, with a relatively simple, cosy dining room. The menu changes weekly, but always has a celebratory Thanks Giving Day feeling to it, with old-fashioned cocktails, good cuts of meat, classic side dishes and American-style pies like Pecan and Brown Sugar. Everything is made in house, and it shows. I have never had a bad meal here. (Graefestraße 71 10967 Berlin)



Edelweiss 36 (Tuesday night jazz)

A rotating group of regulars and amateurs spontaneously take to the stage every Tuesday night at Das Edelweiss jazz jam session. If you want to get a seat you’ll have to show up early, as it gets tightly packed, loud, smoky and hot. But if it’s already rammed when you arrive, the crowd here is so friendly they are always willing to step aside so you can squeeze through – always a good excuse to rub up against the sexy jazz-lovers that seem to be dripping from the sweaty walls. If you’re hungry when you stumble out around 4am, get a half chicken and chips from the Hühnerhaus just by the exit of Görlitzer park, it’ll be the best 3.50 you ever spend. (Görlitzerstraße 1-3 Haus 2 ?10997 Berlin)



Club der Visionare

When the sun is shining through the weeping willow that hangs over the terrace of this ramshackle shed right on the river, it is my idea of heaven. In the summer it is open all day, every day; the Caipirinhas are good and strong; and up the back you can order damn good Pizza. What more could you ask for? The dance floor is tiny, but that is part of its appeal. It’s always teeming with smiles and good vibes, making it nearly impossible to drag yourself away once you are there. You can come here for an all night dance, or for a casual drink anytime of the day. But be warned: the number of times I have been here for “one quiet drink and a pizza”, and not left until sunrise, I have lost count. (Am Flutgraben/12435 Berlin)




I could come here every Sunday for the rest of my life and never tire of it. Big statement, but true. You can spend hours sifting through this seemingly endless flea market, and probably find whatever it is you are looking for, no matter how obscure. Among the stalls are beer gardens serving good food, with DJs, sand and sun chairs in the summer time. Once you exit the market, you could be forgiven for thinking you have stumbled across a festival on the adjacent stretch of grass, with African drummers, spontaneous open-air parties and groups of topless youngsters sprawled all over the place drinking beer. Every Sunday in summer hundreds of people fill the slope surrounding a concrete amphitheater to watch the Bearpit Karaoke – good times guaranteed. (Bernauer strasse 63-64 13355 Berlin-mitte Berlin)




If Wald was my wardrobe, I would be the happiest girl in all of Berlin, or possibly the world. The small collection here is expertly curated, with good-quality leather – jackets, shoes and bags – mixed with more affordable wardrobe staples. They are always playing good music, which usually makes me want to max out my credit card and make a beeline for the nearest dance floor. (Alte Schönhauser Strasse 32c 10119 Berlin)



Sneaking in to this abandoned US listening post from the Cold War is an experience you will only have in Berlin. Everyday the holes in the mesh wire fence that surround the complex are stitched up by the authorities. But everyday new holes are made. Once you’re in, you’ll have to creep around commando-style so the security guards don’t catch you. But if they do, the worst that will happen is they will tell you to leave. Anywhere else in the world they would just tear down a structure that caused such recurring problems, but not in Berlin, it’s almost as of they are encouraging it. Although it is dilapidated, covered in graffiti and kind of dangerous, there is something strangely beautifully about Teufelsberg. Especially if you can make it to the top of one of the listening posts where the views are vas, it is dead silent, and you feel as though you have the whole city to yourself.(Grunewald, 14193 Berlin, Germany)



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These powerful seeds not only nourish our beautiful bodies with more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon but are also high in protein and minerals: iron, calcium, niacin, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Weight for weight they contain 3 times more iron than spinach and 3 times more antioxidant activity than blueberries. The essential fatty acids contained in Chia seeds helps to boost metabolism and promote lean muscle mass.seed-goodness1438_mainImage.jpg05Ÿ#-Ј§Ÿ7ˆјLўŸГю@€ fТв€шOO^r„A Life Less ordinaryDion Nash reflects on the notion of living life on the edge after the loss of a close friendБ1439_bigThumbImage.jpg1439_smallThumbImage.jpgA Life Less ordinaryDion Nash reflects on the notion of living life on the edgeLife should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming – “Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S Thompsona-life-less-ordinary1439_mainImage.jpg05 ћЌ,лe ,лe ž~@€ jжц€ќ,˜˜NewListen: Attack on MemoryNineties Indie legends inspire the exhilarating guitar rock tracks of 20 year old Dylan Baldi’s latest albumuž1440_bigThumbImage.jpg1440_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Attack on MemoryNineties Indie legends inspire the exhilarating guitar rock tracks of 20 year old Dylan Baldi’s latest albumDylan Baldi is twenty years old and from Ohio. Cloud Nothings is his “band” and Attack on Memory is his third record, however the first that he has put out with a full time band to support him. Together they’ve created a spiky and scuzzy alt-rock gem. Eight tracks of wonderfully twisted guitar rock taking inspiration from the indie heroes of the nineties that clocks in at just over half an hour and never once overstays its welcome.listen-attack-on-memory1440_mainImage.jpg05Ё`@MŠŽ$8 ƒŽ$8 žЋ@ iбс€ї&ŽŽE\n36 hours in South YarraMurry Sweetpants pays a fleeting visit to Melbourne to unearth some new gems off the usual tourist track‚ž1441_bigThumbImage.jpg1441_smallThumbImage.jpg36 hours in South YarraMurry Sweetpants pays a fleeting visit to Melbourne to unearth some new gems off the usual tourist trackThis holiday season I had the pleasure of a quick dash to Melbourne. It has been a good few years since I've last spent any time in the city, and it was nice to see it’s still a great place to loiter about for a few days. The laneways and secret spots scattered through the central city have long been a joy to discover, but this trip we'd set our sights on unearthing highlights other than the standard St Kilda/Southbank/Bridge Rd fare.36-hours-in-south-yarra1441_mainImage.jpg05Ђ ЊdR сЊdR žМ rТв€ш pp6UgDish of the Week: Japanese RamenWe visit our neighbourhood local to sample their delicious authentic ramen soupЎžр1442_bigThumbImage.jpg1442_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the Week: Japanese RamenWe visit our neighbourhood local to sample their delicious authentic ramen soupOur Denizen lunch missions often involve a drive (or dare I say it, delivery service) to our favourite spots to ensure our rumbling stomachs are left suitably satisfied for the remainder of the day.dish-of-the-week-japanese-ramen1442_mainImage.jpg05Ѓ ІЁТ ІЫ> Ÿ^@ kиш€ў/œœˆ ВExhibition: Degas to DaliAuckland Art Gallery’s must-see new exhibition will serve as visual delight and art history lesson all in oneПž1443_bigThumbImage.jpg1443_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Degas to DaliAuckland Art Gallery’s must-see new exhibition will serve as visual delight and art history lesson all in oneIf you’ve yet to get along to the newly re-opened Auckland Art Gallery, then you no longer have an excuse as to why – Degas to Dali, the exhibition that opens this Saturday the 3rd of March is one that is simply unmissable in our books.exhibition-degas-to-dali1443_mainImage.jpg05Є `@MŠ? ? žѕ@ bЗЧ€нѕZZšЊМThe Beauty BoostWe single out a powerhouse in the oftentimes confusing realm of wellbeing supplementsХž1444_bigThumbImage.jpg1444_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Beauty BoostWe single out a powerhouse in the oftentimes confusing realm of wellbeing supplementsWith so much hype these days surrounding vitamins and super foods it can be difficult to navigate through the new age wellbeing trenches to single out exactly which ones you should be including in your diet. Promising everything from better skin, longer, more luscious hair, increased energy and ultimately, a ‘new you’.the-beauty-boost1444_mainImage.jpg05Ѕ [МA 5[МA žѓ@€ hВТ€и№PP_t†The connoisseur's caseWe find the ultimate luxury whisky accessory for the discerning bon vivantвž1445_bigThumbImage.jpg1445_smallThumbImage.jpgThe connoisseur's caseWe find the ultimate luxury whisky accessory for the discerning bon vivantStuck for what to buy for the distinguished gentleman in your life? We may have just the ticket. Inspired by the exclusive country pursuits of British shooting parties, this Ardbeg Double Barrel case adds an element of sport to the tasting rituals of fine whisky. The bespoke leather gun case comes complete with a matching pair of exceptionally rare bottles of 1974 Ardbeg whisky – arguably one of the finest single malts available in the world -with each bottle in the set coming from a separate barrel of cask strength malt.the-connoisseurs-case1445_mainImage.jpg05І Р7љЯЃ&Ю ЃPJ Ÿ`@€ dМЬ€тњ dd„–ЈThe height of hairIn our eternal quest to defy hair gravity, we find a new duo that helps master the trickшž1446_bigThumbImage.jpg1446_smallThumbImage.jpgThe height of hairIn our eternal quest to defy hair gravity, we find a new duo that helps master the trickThe quest for volume is a tough one. One wants their hair to shine with health and moisture, but at the same time feel weightless, with just the right amount of body - it is our constant, everyday accessory after all. Considering the balancing act that must take place, Morocconoil’s Extra Volume shampoo and conditioner has just exceeded my rather high expectations in the hair department. Already a convert of the cult product Moroccanoil, (and one with rather fine hair at that) I needed little convincing to offer myself up as a test bunny.the-height-of-hair1446_mainImage.jpg05Ѓ ІЁТ ІЫ> Ÿ_@ kШи€юŒŒxЂExhibition: Degas to DaliThis must-see new exhibition will serve as a visual delight and art history lesson all in oneПž1443_bigThumbImage.jpg1443_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Degas to DaliAuckland Art Gallery’s must-see new exhibition will serve as visual delight and art history lesson all in oneIf you’ve yet to get along to the newly re-opened Auckland Art Gallery, then you no longer have an excuse as to why – Degas to Dali, the exhibition that opens this Saturday the 3rd of March is one that is simply unmissable in our books.exhibition-degas-to-dali1443_mainImage.jpgOil, (and one with rather fine hair at that) I needed little convincing to offer myself up as a test bunny.the-height-of-hair1446_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!З1u_\ ю wѓ`5  `”Z лТёчИФ05Ђ ЊdR сЊdR žМ rТв€ш pp6UgDish of the Week: Japanese RamenWe visit our neighbourhood local to sample their delicious authentic ramen soupЎžр1442_bigThumbImage.jpg1442_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the Week: Japanese RamenWe visit our neighbourhood local to sample their delicious authentic ramen soupOur Denizen lunch missions often involve a drive (or dare I say it, delivery service) to our favourite spots to ensure our rumbling stomachs are left suitably satisfied for the remainder of the day.dish-of-the-week-japanese-ramen1442_mainImage.jpg05Ѓ цчw ІЫ> Ћf@ kШи€юŒŒxЂExhibition: Degas to DaliThis must-see new exhibition will serve as a visual delight and art history lesson all in oneПž1443_bigThumbImage.jpg1443_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Degas to DaliAuckland Art Gallery’s must-see new exhibition will serve as visual delight and art history lesson all in oneIf you’ve yet to get along to the newly re-opened Auckland Art Gallery, then you no longer have an excuse as to why – Degas to Dali, the exhibition that opens this Saturday the 3rd of March is one that is simply unmissable in our books.exhibition-degas-to-dali1443_mainImage.jpg05Є `@MŠ? ? žѕ@ bЗЧ€нѕZZšЊМThe Beauty BoostWe single out a powerhouse in the oftentimes confusing realm of wellbeing supplementsХž1444_bigThumbImage.jpg1444_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Beauty BoostWe single out a powerhouse in the oftentimes confusing realm of wellbeing supplementsWith so much hype these days surrounding vitamins and super foods it can be difficult to navigate through the new age wellbeing trenches to single out exactly which ones you should be including in your diet. Promising everything from better skin, longer, more luscious hair, increased energy and ultimately, a ‘new you’.the-beauty-boost1444_mainImage.jpg05Ѕ [МA 5[МA žѓ@€ hВТ€и№PP_t†The connoisseur's caseWe find the ultimate luxury whisky accessory for the discerning bon vivantвž1445_bigThumbImage.jpg1445_smallThumbImage.jpgThe connoisseur's caseWe find the ultimate luxury whisky accessory for the discerning bon vivantStuck for what to buy for the distinguished gentleman in your life? We may have just the ticket. Inspired by the exclusive country pursuits of British shooting parties, this Ardbeg Double Barrel case adds an element of sport to the tasting rituals of fine whisky. The bespoke leather gun case comes complete with a matching pair of exceptionally rare bottles of 1974 Ardbeg whisky – arguably one of the finest single malts available in the world -with each bottle in the set coming from a separate barrel of cask strength malt.the-connoisseurs-case1445_mainImage.jpg05І Р7љЯЃ&Ю ЃPJ Ÿ`@€ dМЬ€тњ dd„–ЈThe height of hairIn our eternal quest to defy hair gravity, we find a new duo that helps master the trickшž1446_bigThumbImage.jpg1446_smallThumbImage.jpgThe height of hairIn our eternal quest to defy hair gravity, we find a new duo that helps master the trickThe quest for volume is a tough one. One wants their hair to shine with health and moisture, but at the same time feel weightless, with just the right amount of body - it is our constant, everyday accessory after all. Considering the balancing act that must take place, Morocconoil’s Extra Volume shampoo and conditioner has just exceeded my rather high expectations in the hair department. Already a convert of the cult product Moroccanoil, (and one with rather fine hair at that) I needed little convincing to offer myself up as a test bunny.the-height-of-hair1446_mainImage.jpg05Ї ЈI 5ЈI Ÿ„@€ jар€і'ЭЭ’ЋНThe unexpected breakfastIn an effort to move away from our usual breakfast fare, we unearth some unexpected breakfast delightsdŸљ1447_bigThumbImage.jpg1447_smallThumbImage.jpgThe unexpected breakfastsIn an effort to move away from our usual breakfast fare, we unearth some unexpected breakfast delights that are sure to impress regular patrons on the brunch circuit.Here in Auckland, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to breakfast options, however, we suspect that many of you (admittedly, us too) fall into a routine of settling for old favourites when it comes weekend brunch time. Like your morning coffee ritual, it’s comforting to know you can rely on certain institutions to unfailingly deliver your favourite breakfast fare and be guaranteed to leave you with a stomach suitably content. In an effort to mix things up from the usual poached eggs and spinach combo, we had the urge this week to try something a little different. Denizen set out on a mission to round up some of Auckland’s more unique breakfast menu offerings, and here are four of our best finds.the-unexpected-breakfasts1447_mainImage.jpg05Ј bQ' "Зy Ђ2@ gбс€ї$РсѕMy City: Leisha JonesEmbarking on a year-long love affair with Berlin, writer Leisha Jones leads us through her treasured spotsѓŸЮ1448_bigThumbImage.jpg1448_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City: Leisha JonesEmbarking on a year-long love affair with Berlin, writer Leisha Jones leads us through her treasured spots.leisha jones, berlin, travel, city, denizen, homeOur newest Denizen contributor, Leisha Jones’ love affair with the city of Berlin came about by what she describes as somewhat of an ‘accident’. The freelance writer, who was living in Amsterdam at the time, first found herself in the German city on a weekend away with friends. Falling in love with the city on the first day, she moved there just four months later with the intention of studying the language. A year later and Leisha is still firmly placed and just as passionate about her new home as when she first arrived. She currently works as a writer for Design Hotels, and also as a freelance ‘texter’(what the germans call a copywriter for websites) Although constantly discovering new and exciting spots in the vibrant European city, here, she takes us through her current favourite places.my-city-leisha-jones1448_mainImage.jpg05Љ =7y =у€ ЁŽ@ rї5Qжжнј How to: Negotiate a seat upgradeeverything is open to negotiation, so take heed of these tips and you may find yourself securing a prime position on your next flightЃ и 1449_bigThumbImage.jpg1449_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Negotiate an upgradeeverything is open to negotiation, so take heed of these tips and you may find yourself securing a prime position on your next flightMy mother once wisely told me that when checking in at the airport one should always be well dressed. Why? Because no one wearing comfortable flying attire (read trackpants) sneakers, or jandals ever got a seat upgrade. Such advice has stuck with me and after a recent discussion in the office on the art of negotiating, we put together a list of tips to ensure that with any luck (provided you’re not already), your next overseas jaunt might see you turning left, as opposed to right, when stepping foot on the plane.how-to-negotiate-an-upgrade1449_mainImage.jpg05Њ@ЉѓH_п  H5c  Ё@ eЌМ€въ§DD'9March film round upOur resident film buff sums up the essential flicks to watch this monthЭ 1450_bigThumbImage.jpg1450_smallThumbImage.jpgMarch film round upOur resident film buff sums up the essential flicks to watch this monthThe arrival of a new month brings with it the promise of some exciting new release films. Michelle Veysey rounds up her pick of the four that should be making an appearance on your cinematic radar this March.march-film-round-up1450_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SЋ %iЧ` 5  ` ф тb=ŠлЌ05Ќ  к  JV  Ё”@ kЧз€эzz2K]Fashion Festival Round upWe collate our list of our favourite local looks to grace the catwalk at NZ Fashion FestivalЁ1452_bigThumbImage.jpg1452_smallThumbImage.jpgFashion Festival Round upWe collate our list of our favourite local looks to grace the catwalk at NZ Fashion FestivalThe past week’s Fashion Festival shows gave us reason to revisit the local looks that we saw last year at Fashion Week. While looming magazine deadlines meant that we couldn’t make an appearance at every show, what we did see, has left us with a rather long, yet seasonally appropriate, wish list - a welcome change from the many months of waiting that the usual fashion week shows leave us with. Here is our well-curated pick of the bunch.fashion-festival-round-up1452_mainImage.jpg05­П>%  П>%  Ё–@ iЦж€ьxx‚˜ЊListen: Reign of TerrorAndrew Reinholds reviews the latest installment from New York based musical duo, Sleigh BellsЁџ1453_bigThumbImage.jpg1453_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Reign of TerrorAndrew Reinholds reviews the latest installment from New York based musical duo, Sleigh BellsNew York duo Derek Miller and Alexis Krauss came out of nowhere in 2010 to deliver one of the surprise albums of the year. Treats was a ragged glory of shrieking fuzz guitars and ear piercing distortion that had the strength to blow your socks off. A true DIY gem.listen-reign-of-terror1453_mainImage.jpg05Ў р UОєР  бєьC  Ђ;@€ dЈИ€Юцј<<ЁВФMust Have: GHD AirNo hair primping session should be without this genius new hairdryer˜Ёџ1454_bigThumbImage.jpg1454_smallThumbImage.jpgMust Have: GHD AirNo hair primping session should be without this genius new hairdryerThere’s no doubt there are a million products on the market that promise to maintain and enhance your glossy locks, however no spray, shampoo or gel can ever compete with the power wielded by your trusty hairdryer. You could say we’ve been rather hair obsessed of late, perhaps in part to the humid weather, or the sudden fixation on reaching maximum Victoria’s Secret-esque volume with our locks. However, a few weeks of playing guinea pig to a number of new products, my hair is looking just-left-the-salon kind of good on a daily basis, a triumph that is undoubtedly thanks to a new toy from GHD - the GHD Air.must-have-ghd-air1454_mainImage.jpg05Џ р UОЁgI  бЁgI  Ђ8@€ mщљ€'BННЧсѓNew Opening: Bird on a WireWe test out Ponsonby Road’s new kid on the block and discover some of the best tasting free range rotisserie chicken in townЏЁ1455_bigThumbImage.jpg1455_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Bird on a WireWe test out Ponsonby Road’s new kid on the block to discover some of the best tasting free range rotisserie chicken in townWe’ve been hot on the heels of this new opening for a while. A little bird (as it would so have it) gave us word late last year that there was to be a gourmet free-range rotisserie taking over the space where iconic late-night burger joint Nina’s resided on Ponsonby Road. The promise of free-range, home-style rotisserie chicken had all of a sudden left us with a sudden dissatisfaction of the take-out offerings around Auckland. Since then, we’ve waited somewhat impatiently, for this new local eatery to open its doors.new-opening-bird-on-a-wire1455_mainImage.jpg05Ћ ЉМ)  ЉМ)  Ђ9@ jКЪ€рј``і In Store: The biker pantwe're sassing up our new season wardrobe with these biker-style leather skinniesђ 1451_bigThumbImage.jpg1451_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: The biker pantwe're sassing up our new season wardrobe with these biker-style leather skinniesSometimes, you needn't have to call on bright colours, bold prints or oversized accessories to create an arresting look. Sometimes, all you need, is a foundation of classic essentials. Like the essential need for timeless white shirt in every wardrobe, here at the Denizen, a pair of perfectly tailored black leather pants is undoubtedly the effortless staple element to many of our favourite winter looks.must-have-the-biker-pant1451_mainImage.jpg05А ~\  ~\  ЂN@ sИШ€оі\\‹ЋНIn Store: Minimalux Ballpoint Penput pen to paper with this luxurious take on the humble ballpoint pen@Ђ1456_bigThumbImage.jpg1456_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Minimalux Ballpoint Penput pen to paper with this luxurious take on the humble ballpoint penLondon-based design house Minimalux are renowned for their simplistic aesthetic. Their striking designs embody a sense of refined luxury – taking an extravagant approach to everyday necessities. Much like this ballpoint pen that has just landed at Simon James Concept Store. Encased in a single sleeve of solid brass, Minimalux have taken the common Biro pen to new heights. The elegant pen has been designed ergonomically, with careful consideration to weight and balance, resulting in a smooth and fluid pen line delivered with very little applied pressure.in-store-minimalux-ballpoint-pen1456_mainImage.jpg05В №ЃЛЋХK +e Ђб@ uЙЩ€пї^^ŸСгMust have: Acne leather accessoriesAdd some finesse your outfit with Acne’s latest range of accessories•Ђы1458_bigThumbImage.jpg1458_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: Acne leather accessoriesAdd some finesse your outfit with Acne’s latest range of accessoriesIf there ever was a time to reinvest in life’s daily essentials it is now. Just arrived at Zambesi Man is a coveted range of Acne leather goods. The luxurious accessories are essential purchases for any fans of the iconic Swedish brand or for anyone whose daily accoutrements are urgently calling for a sartorial upgrade.must-have-acne-leather-accessories1458_mainImage.jpg05Г  5–a! Ѓh@€ fЭн€ѓ ††ЦЪмThe best of the bunsIn our quest to find the perfect easter treat, we round up the best hot cross buns on offer around townЩЂ1459_bigThumbImage.jpg1459_smallThumbImage.jpgThe best of the bunsIn our quest to find the perfect easter treat, we round up the best hot cross buns on offer around townThe arrival of hot cross buns into bakeries seems to come around earlier every year. But let me assure you we aren’t complaining - the longer we get to extend our indulgence in the delightful spicy buns for the better. While there are many variations of hot cross buns available from bakeries and supermarkets alike, there are certainly those that stand above the rest. Luckily for you (and even luckier for us) we’ve got in early and done the hard work sampling through the extensive range available for you. Here, we present our round up of the only places you should think about purchasing your sticky, glazed hot cross buns from. Might we suggest calling well in advance to place your Easter order, on the Monday morning we visited the folk at Little & Friday, the delicious looking buns you see above, were already almost gone.the-1459_mainImage.jpg05Б [№ŒфБП бфл; Й‡@ rРа€цў^Ѕ(:Etiquette: The Golf CommandmentsAn all-important golfer's guide on how to behave on and around the golf course„Ђы1457_bigThumbImage.jpg1457_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Golf CommandmentsThe all-important golfer's guide to etiquette on and around the golf coursegolf, etiquette, sport, culture, gentleman, gentlewoman, fashion, enjoyI was once told that etiquette should be the first lesson for golfers, perhaps reflecting the importance of what some may call manners in this most refined of sports. While we can't take responsibility for your swing, we can tell you that consideration of our ten simple commandments below will ensure that your credibility on the green starts off on the right foot.The Golf Commandments1457_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!ЮћЊ>+ gН` 5 `ы с€§мrЅ05Ж РзПЭp>  0јT Ѓ\@ kОЮ€фќhhЊМЮMy City video: WellingtonAlexandra Owen takes us on a unique virtual tour of her favourite Wellington haunts Ѓ1462_bigThumbImage.jpg1462_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City video: WellingtonAlexandra Owen takes us on a unique virtual tour of her favourite Wellington hauntsLooking to expand our virtual horizons, we set about exploring Denizen’s ongoing My City features on a more sensory level. And what better place to start than in our fine capital city. We asked fashion visionary, Alexandra Owen, to take us on a personal tour of her favourite places to visit in her hometown of Wellington.my-city-wellington1462_mainImage.jpg05Е ћšЈэH‹ э]I Ѓ[@€ tМЬ€тњtШў My City: Sydney by Mark TreviranusOur resident coffee guru takes us through his favourite Sydney hot spotsжЂ1461_bigThumbImage.jpg1461_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City: Sydney by Mark TreviranusOur resident coffee guru Mark Treviranus takes us through his favourite Sydney hot spotsSydney, Ivy, Beach, City, Coffee, Travel, Mark, Treviranus, Bronte, Toko Restaurant,When it comes to coffee, few are as well versed in the art of a good brew as our resident coffee specialist Mark Treviranus. Having worked throughout his early coffee career marketing coffee in both Wellington and Auckland, Mark went on to extend his skills abroad and soon found himself working as the brand manager for Australia’s oldest coffee company, based in Sydney. After a four year love affair with the city, Mark returned to Auckland to take up his current position as general manager of Atomic Coffee Roasters. A recent trip back to the city that holds his heart (he still maintains it feels like his home and tries to visit at least once a month), proved the perfect opportunity for Mark to take us through his must visit places. Here, he takes us through his favourite local haunts in his old stomping groundmy-city-sydney1461_mainImage.jpg05З .y nщD Ѓ`@ aдф€њ!ŠŠ-<NScent of HonourWe unveil an under the radar luxury fragrance destined to become a signature scent for the most discerning of noses-Ѓ1463_bigThumbImage.jpg1463_smallThumbImage.jpgScent of HonourWe unveil an under the radar luxury destined to become a signature scent for the most discerning of nosesOn a recent visit to World’s spectacular new Britomart premises, which houses both the beauty and fashion components of the brand, we were introduced to a scent, so unlike anything we had smelt before, which got us reconsidering the concept of a signature scent. When considering that one's sense of smell is one of the most unique things about us, choosing a scent that reflects this individuality is hugely important.scent-of-honour1463_mainImage.jpg05ЙУГ№ бC”S Єќ@ _Фд€ъжИФжListen: PlumbThe impressive music making duo have returned with more heavenly harmonies for our listening pleasurewЄ1465_bigThumbImage.jpg1465_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: PlumbThe impressive music making brothers Peter and David Brewis have returned with more heavenly harmonies for our listening pleasuremusic, field music, album, andrew reinholds, peter, david, brewis, popAbstract, angular and arrhythmic, Field Music’s fourth album is a bewildering collection of ideas that hurtle by at breakneck speed recalling the stilted pop of XTC spliced with The Beatles’ lush Abbey Road-era orchestrations.Listen-Plumb1465_mainImage.jpg05И ф a Є4y Ѕ @ nВТ€и№ OO<XjRead: The Wine QuestionnaireThe essential dinner party companion for the budding wine aficionadobЄ1464_bigThumbImage.jpg1464_smallThumbImage.jpgRead: The Wine QuestionnaireThe essential coffee table addition for the budding wine aficionadoIf you could only drink one wine for the rest of your life, what would it be? Assouline’s latest release ‘The Wine Questionnaire’ allows you to ponder the answer to questions like this, in a book dedicated to wine and its drinkers. Using the same format as interview helper the Proust Questionnaire, this charming book will make the perfect addition to your next dinner party. The infamous Proust Questionnaire has been reworked by author Jay McInerney and contains a collection of handwritten answers from an extensive range of fascinating personalities, offering personal insight such as the favourite vintages from everyone from renowned wine critic Robert Parker to Graydon Carter, editor in chief of Vanity Fair to film director Sofia Coppola.read-the-wine-questionnaire-1464_mainImage.jpg05К Pn)К Cn LШ] Ѕ|@ dЌМ€въќDDњ The Super SmoothiePrepare yourself for the day ahead with this powerhouse morning smoothieƒЄ1466_bigThumbImage.jpg1466_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Super SmoothiePrepare yourself for the day ahead with this powerhouse morning smoothieWe were recently introduced to this super-charged green smoothie by a member of the Denizen team who began arriving at work each day toting a mysterious green concoction. Curious as to what was contained within the mixture, she revealed it was a new health kick she had set about committing herself to as part of her New Year’s resolution. Quick to jump on the back of any energy-boosting promise, we too, quickly became converts of this super-charged smoothie. We can almost guarantee that the long term health benefits of the ingredients contained within (detoxifying, energy-boosting, skin improving and life-extending just to name a few) will far outweigh the forewarned organic store bill.the-super-smoothie1466_mainImage.jpg05Л ;УЊIЁ: !Щџ Ѕ‚@ iЪк€№&‡‡пэџThe Caker's new kitchenJordan Rondel's revered sweet delights have now found themselves a permenant inner-city residenceЯЄџ1467_bigThumbImage.jpg1467_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Caker at Eight Thirty cafщJordan Rondel's revered sweet delights have now found themselves a permenant inner-city residenceIn just under two years, Jordan Rondel has garnered herself a reputation around Auckland as the queen of cakes. Not only are her delicious masterpieces the undeniable highlight of birthdays here in the Denizen offices, but they have also quickly found themselves as the treat of choice at almost every fashion event around town worth attending.the-caker-at-e1467_mainImage.jpg05ДVr Ї–6I Зф@€ pгу€љ+”РлќA guide to Children and eventsStuck for a babysitter? Murray Crane offers some insight on when it’s appropriate to bring the kidsдЂ1460_bigThumbImage.jpg1460_smallThumbImage.jpgA guide: Children & EventsStuck for a babysitter? Murray Crane offers some consideration to when it’s appropriate to bring the kidsetiquette, children and events, murray craneRecently my Art Friend and I were invited to an event that happens to fall on a Sunday. Given we have children that we enjoy spending time with, we RSVP’d for ourselves with an addendum that we would be bringing said children, who we have described as well behaved and ‘art friendly’. Obviously this is ultimately the host’s decision and we will respect their choice if they say no but I always feel slightly smug in the knowledge that my children have been raised to be moderately well behaved in public, on aeroplanes and at restaurants.how-to-wrangle-children-at-events1460_mainImage.jpgly are her delicious masterpieces the undeniable highlight of birthdays here in the Denizen offices, but they have also found quickly themselves the treat of choice at almost every fashion event around town worth attending.the-caker-at-e1467_mainImage.jpginImage.jpgField Music’s fourth album is a bewildering collection of ideas that hurtle by at breakneck speed recalling the stilted pop of XTC spliced with The Beatles’ lush Abbey Road-era orchestrations.Listen Plumb1465_mainImage.јкš pL`.ї 5  `EЉ л!йŽBп05М BH BH Ѕ@ jЫл€ё !’’щExhibition: Bernar Venetthe french sculptors' momental steel creations are showcased in Gow Langsford's latest exhibitionеЄ1468_bigThumbImage.jpg1468_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Bernar Venetthe french born sculptors impressive and momental steel pieces are showcased in Gow Langsford's latest exhibitionFrench born sculptor Bernar Venet is internationally renowned for his large-scale steel sculptures. Basing himself between Europe and New York since 1967, Venet has shown his work extensively across major museums worldwide for over forty years, including a notable recent commission for the palace of Versailles, which saw a series of seven sculptures located amongst the giant French garden and at the entrance of the chтteau. It is thus with much anticipation that the acclaimed artist is now gracing our shores with an exhibition at the Gow Langsford gallery which we urge you to pay a visit too.exhibition-bernar-venet1468_mainImage.jpg05О ЏџO я„? Ѕ€@€ gФд€ъtt,The March Beauty EditWe rifle through the latest offerings to bring you our coveted picks from the beauty cupboardўЄ1470_bigThumbImage.jpg1470_smallThumbImage.jpgThe March Beauty EditWe rifle through the latest offerings to bring you our coveted picks from the beauty cupboardExperimenting with new beauty formulas, colours and technology can be a little like dress up for the face – you take to it with an unwavering enthusiasm and excitement until such time that the choices simply become overwhelming. So, in amongst the hoards of new season beauty essentials we’ve been road testing, here is our carefully considered edit of the best new beauty releases we're reaching for.the-march-beauty-edit1470_mainImage.jpg05П1‡ ё@R Ѕƒ@ pбс€ї-зєNew Opening: Botswana ButcheryA Queenstown institution comes north with a promise of great southern hospitality and hearty fareЅћ1471_bigThumbImage.jpg1471_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Botswana ButcheryA Queenstown institution comes north with its promise of great southern hospitality and hearty fareSince it first opened its doors in 2007, Botswana Butchery has satiated the hunger of many a visitor to the Queenstown district. Its warm and inviting dining room along with hearty fare has proven the perfect confines for enjoying a long heady evening of culinary indulgence matched with the Otago region’s award winning wines.new-opening-botswana-butchery1471_mainImage.jpg05Сl l ls"! Ія@€ bОЮ€фќ hhзчљCoconut hair fixNourish dry locks back to their former glossy glory with this at-home organic hair treatmentЩЅ1473_bigThumbImage.jpg1473_smallThumbImage.jpgCoconut Hair FixNourish dry locks back to their former glossy glory with this at home organic hair treatmentIf you’re anything like me your hair takes a daily ritualistic thrashing with a blow dryer and pair of GHD’s which leaves it extremely dry and looking half dead in its un-groomed state. Now the obvious solution here would be to simply stop, however if that is an impossibility, then may I suggest you try using coconut oil as your bi-weekly nourishing hair treatment.coconut-hair-fix1473_mainImage.jpg05РРІ:"ЄЙЎ фh! ІЦ@€ zар€і6Дў0Listen: World, You Need a Change of MindAndrew Reinholds reviews UK producer Kindness' debut album of hedonistic disco groovesФЅ1472_bigThumbImage.jpg1472_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: World, You Need a Change of MindAdam Bainbridge aka Kindness, brings us balmy vocals and free-flowing grooves that will encourage dance parties in your brain.Listen, music, album, andrew reinholds, kindness, adam bainbridge, gee up,Kindness is the alias of enigmatic UK producer Adam Bainbridge. Together with producer Phillipe Zdar (of Cassius, Cut Copy and Phoenix fame) he has released a debut album that is a hedonistic mix of late 70s/early 80s funk and disco that is almost too clever for its own good.Listen-World1472_mainImage.jpg05У аЇU„œ з()! ІЩ@€ iЮо€є  ƒƒau‡Revival of the classicsWe rediscover some old school classics that are currently enjoying a renaissance on menus around townхЅ1475_bigThumbImage.jpg1475_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Classics revivalWe revisit some classic culinary provisions we’ve found that are enjoying a renaissance around townWith all the gourmet provisions on offer come lunchtime, sometimes it’s nice to simplify the decision and opt for these tried and true favourites that have stood the test of time through everything from Marie Antoinette’s high teas to corporate cocktail parties in their 80s heyday. We’d argue that these are among some of gastronomy’s greatest snack inventions, so we’ve set out to unearth some classic menu delights that are currently finding a position back in the spotlight.the-classics-revival1475_mainImage.jpg05Ф]‘ЫЎ#  œЃD! ІЪ@€ cЏП€еэўpp*Hitting the BarreJade Hurst incorporates a graceful new addition to her daily exercise rщgime#І1476_bigThumbImage.jpg1476_smallThumbImage.jpgHitting the BarreJade Hurst channels her inner Black Swan as she road tests this graceful new addition to her daily exercise rщgimeI've been seeking out some inspiration of the fitness persuasion. Something to get me moving in ways that I didn't realise I could. I've recently injected a bit of excitement into my regime - a regime that I previously was starting to grow very weary of. Without sounding too much like an infomercial for a new fitness-fad, I've introduced a new way to work out, and it sold me in the name - Body Beautiful.hitting-the-barre1476_mainImage.jpg05Т р Fй&r б(! ІЫ@€ mТв€ш{{‹ІИGiant butter beans on ToastA new Grey Lynn cafщ adds a gourmet twist to the traditional beans on toast favouriteжЅ1474_bigThumbImage.jpg1474_smallThumbImage.jpgGiant butter beans on ToastA new Grey Lynn local serves up a gourmet twist on the traditional baked bean on toast favouriteWe’ve been a little slow off the mark in paying a visit to organic institution, Kokako Cafщ & Roastery in Grey Lynn. Located in the majestic old Post Office building, the refurbished space has been charmingly decked out with white subway tiles, checkerboard floors and an inviting assortment of industrial style wooden tables and chairs. Both the menu and the delicious looking cabinet offerings to have a strong emphasis on organic ingredients and are accompanied of course by the delicious Kokako coffee brew, roasted on site.giant-butter-beans-on-toast1474_mainImage.jpg05Н mab  mЪ Ів@ uЮо€є /ˆЩ>asFour of the best life changing appsWe round up four apps that promise to change the way you go about your day-to-day affairsлЄ1469_bigThumbImage.jpg1469_smallThumbImage.jpgFive of the best life changing appsWe round up five apps that promise to change the way you go about your day-to-day affairsapps, iPhone, iPad, spotify, instapaper, find my car, paypal hereIt is always pledged that technology is there to help us, to guide us, and to ultimately, make our lives that little bit easier. While it may be debatable whether Angry Birds, Words with Friends or Instagram has had such an effect, here, we bring you four apps that we promise will change your life for the better and ensure that you are always one step ahead of the iPack.Four of the best life-changing apps1469_mainImage.jpgmage.jpg.hitting-the-barre1476_mainImage.jpgmage.jpge.jpgapps1469_mainImage.jpgImage.jpgkako coffee brew, roasted on site.giant-butter-beans-on-toast1474_mainImage.jpg Kokako coffee brew, roasted on site.dish-of-the-week:-butter-beans-on-toast1474_mainImage.jpgng apps1469_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TЭ~Є  žr6` 5 `яџ оѓЄч_05Х$an  7сыE! Ію@€ nЮо€є (zz|…—The Melbourne Brunch CircuitOur newest Denizen Kat Patrick takes us on a gastronomic tour of Melbourne's varied brunch scene-І1477_bigThumbImage.jpg1477_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Melbourne Brunch CircuitOur newest Denizen takes us on a gastronomic tour of the Melbourne breakfast sceneDenizen's latest contributor, Kat Patrick hails from England but is in a self-confessed long-term relationship with the Antipodes. Kat’s enthusiasm for all things south of the hemisphere is yet to dwindle. Newly passionate about pies, black sand beaches, native birds and weekend getaways to Australia, she’s nominated herself an unofficial ambassador for life in the faraway lands. In her first Denizen installment, Kat offers some food for thought on the humble brunch meal whilst on a recent visit to Melbourne.xx-brunch1477_mainImage.jpg05Цуl% уl' ЕX@@ bМЬ€тњ mйЖЪмWin: April FilmsYour chance to win tickets to the exclusive premiere of one of this month's must-see filmsŒЋЊ1478_bigThumbImage.jpg1478_smallThumbImage.jpgApril film round upWe turn to film aficionado Michelle Veysey, who showcases the must-see films to watch this monthFilm, films, april, michelle veysey, cinema, rialto, separation, blackthorn, the most fun you can have dyingAutumn is the prime time to hideaway in a cosy theatre and let the cinematic goodness unfold. Here are our picks of this month's eclectic mix of thought provoking films that will most certainly satisfy your film cravings.april-film-round-up-1478_mainImage.jpg05Ъ РЗ`ˆu4' Дn( ГU@ cУг€щ††ЉКЬThe cheese makersWe discover a class that promises to leave you skilled in making two delectable cheese varieties4ГШ1482_bigThumbImage.jpg1482_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Cheese MasterShow off your culinary prowess with a class that promises to leave you the master of two delectable cheese varietiesThere is no denying the delicious taste of homemade cheese. We’ve professed our desire to master the culinary skill of making mozzarella in the past however the discovery of a brand new installment of Richmond Road’s Cook the Books’ cheese-making classes is one that we simply can’t pass up.the-cheese-master1482_mainImage.jpg05Щ Лf\' Лf\( ГY@Р hКЪ€рјR™›ЊМThe best easter treatsWe swap the traditional chocolate offerings in favour of some gourmet alternatives$ГЊ1481_bigThumbImage.jpg1481_smallThumbImage.jpgThe best easter treatsWe swap traditional chocolate in favour of some gourmet alternativesEaster, chocolate, Chick, gourmet, Bennetts of Mangawhai, Sabato, Loaf,With the sheer amount of chocolate treats on offer, you can almost smell the sweetness in the air at the moment. All of them are vying for the undivided attention of our taste buds. For those of us who have ended up with more than their fair share of sweet delights, deciding which goodies to indulge in over the break can be tricky. This Easter we are trading in our traditional confections for something a little more gourmet. Here is our selection of Easter delights that are bound to both satisfy and surprise.The-sweet-stuff1481_mainImage.jpg05Ч k' k?S( Г[@@ kЗЧ€нѕZZH`rIn Store: Stackable ringsA highly anticipated collection of coveted stack rings arrives on our shoresБЋІ1479_bigThumbImage.jpg1479_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Stackable ringsA highly anticipated collection of coveted stack rings arrives on our shoresDaily accoutrements don’t always call for chunky cocktail rings or statement jewels. They do however, call for a collection of delicate beauties that can be stacked, mixed and combined in infinite combinations to suit any preferred style.in-store-stackable-rings1479_mainImage.jpg05Ь`Р|ˆЏљQ( ЏљQ( Гj@ eРа€цўll!3EListen: Shallow Bedthe debut album from Dry the River promises plenty for fans of indie-rock and nu-folk alikedГ1484_bigThumbImage.jpg1484_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Shallow Bedthe debut album from Dry the River promises plenty for fans of indie-rock and nu-folk alikeEver since being included by the BBC in their “Sound of 2012” list, and various acclaimed live shows in 2011 the anticipation has been building for the debut album by Dry the River.listen-shallow-bed1484_mainImage.jpg05Ы №К€“к{( C“к{( Гя@ wиш€ў:›Ећ1My City: Barcelona by Olga Diez RomanWe take you on a stylish tour of a city that serves as a hot spot for travellers and locals alike]ГЪ1483_bigThumbImage.jpg1483_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City Barcelona by Olga Diez RomanWe take you on a stylish tour of a city that serves as a hot spot for travellers and locals alikeBarcelona, Olga Diez RomanFrench born Spaniard Olga Diez Roman has been in and around design for over twelve years, representing reputable Spanish furniture manufacturers in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. In 2006, Olga came to New Zealand for a six month stint working for design company Matisse which went on to spark a love affair with our country that led to her permanent residence. Olga now resides in Auckland but returns to her native Barcelona every summer to rediscover some of her favourite spots. Here, she takes us on a tour of the Mediterranean city where the sun never goes down.my-city-barcelona-by-olga-diez-roman1483_mainImage.jpg05Э 8Љч€э. Бэ/ Д@€ nПЯ€х§nœџ,In Store: IRO Barbara JacketWe find a trophy jacket worthy of a position in any true rockstar muse's wardrobe2ДН1485_bigThumbImage.jpg1485_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: IRO Barbara JacketWe find a trophy jacket worthy of a position on the back of any true rockstar groupieiro, barbara jacket, fabric, french, sequinnedA recent visit to Fabric had us making like a magpie for an electric blue number shining from the racks. Taking a luxe approach to the athletic inspired bomber jackets (which thanks to Ryan Gosling in Drive, seems to be enjoying a fashionable resurgence everywhere), the sequined ‘Barbara’ bomber jacket comes care of Fabric’s newest label addition – IRO.in-store-iro-barbara-jacket1485_mainImage.jpg05Ш `€Б„PЬ"& ƒP ]( Е5@ sУг€щ"rr^~How to: Pack for the long WeekendWe present the essential skills to master in order to perfect the art of packingЦЋЅ1480_bigThumbImage.jpg1480_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Pack for the long WeekendWe present the essential skills to master in order to perfect the art of packingPacking for a trip abroad can be considered an art form - one that is mastered over time (or put simply, the more you do it, the better you get). However, as someone who has a tendency to pack like-I’m-never-coming-home on even mere weekend escapes, every piece bit of advice helps. As we set our immediate sights on the glorious four-day Easter weekend ahead, there are some golden rules that will ensure your time is spent enjoyed, and not reaping the consequences of poorly-packed luggage.how-to-pack-for-the-long-weekend1480_mainImage.jpgjpgƒцIn Store: IRO Barbara JacketWe find a trophy jacket worthy of any true rockstar muse2ДН1485_bigThumbImage.jpg1485_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: IRO Barbara JacketWe find a trophy jacket worthy of a position on the back of any true rockstar groupieiro, barbara jacket, fabric, french, sequinnedA recent visit to Fabric had us making like a magpie for an electric blue number shining from the racks. Taking a luxe approach to the athletic inspired bomber jackets (which thanks to Ryan Gosling in Drive, seems to be enjoying a fashionable resurgence everywhere), the sequined ‘Barbara’ bomber jacket comes care of Fabric’s newest label addition – IRO.in-store-iro-barbara-jacket1485_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CЭгŸ o[ ї` 5`МЃојz`05Я р,cВ5Мў. С5ћ8/ Дv@ sвт€ј1Рcƒ•Auction: Lord Ponsonby's antiquesYour chance to secure a piece of Ponsonby history as this iconic antique store closes its doorsCД1487_bigThumbImage.jpg1487_smallThumbImage.jpgAuction: Lord Ponsonby's AntiquesYour chance to secure a piece of Ponsonby history as this iconic antique store closes its doorsponsonby road, antiques, lord ponsonby, auction,Lord Ponsonby’s Antiques has long been an iconic fixture on the Ponsonby Road strip. I suspect I’m not alone in the number of times I have found myself gazing through the window at the fascinating array of antique furniture, vintage Rolex and Omega timepieces, eclectic knick-knacks and an impressive collection of classic tin signage (including a rare ‘Ponsonby Road’ street sign) that has been amassed over the years.auction-lord-ponsonby's-antiques1487_mainImage.jpg05бР’Ќ“СA0 Ё“СA/ Д@€ sкъ€9  Mn€The clean fifteen and dirty dozenSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on exactly which foods you should be swiftly making the organic switch to.mД1489_bigThumbImage.jpg1489_smallThumbImage.jpgThe clean fifteen and dirty dozenSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on exactly which foods you should be swiftly making the organic switch to.A trip to the supermarket or local fruit ‘n’ vege store can often leave you standing in the aisles perplexed over the choices. No longer is it just a case of what apples are in season, or whether to buy a firm or semi-firm avocado; nowadays we are faced with an overwhelming array of options when it comes to purchasing produce. The question hot on everybody’s lips is exactly which foods you should be making the organic switch.the-clean-fifteen-and-dirty-dozen1489_mainImage.jpg05в Ke0 Ke/ ДЖ@€ fЙЩ€пї ^^.Hakanoa Ginger SyrupA local Grey Lynn resident serves up the key ingredient to an at home winter elixir}Д1490_bigThumbImage.jpg1490_smallThumbImage.jpgHakanoa Ginger SyrupA local Grey Lynn resident serves up the key ingredient to an at home winter elixirWe were recently introduced to Hakanoa by way of a delicious lemon and honey concoction sampled at a local cafщ. Eager to unearth what the secret ingredient was, we enquired and discovered it was the handiwork of a local Grey Lynn woman, who began making homemade ginger beer and ginger syrup from her home on Hakanoa Street after finding a niche in the market for freshly brewed, bottle fermented and organic ginger products.hakanoa-ginger-syrup1490_mainImage.jpg05Ю `Р|ˆšі/ й0/ Д@ rУг€щ!qвe†˜The undiscovered weekend marketsGet your share of local bounty with these three markets that are hot on our radar7Д1486_bigThumbImage.jpg1486_smallThumbImage.jpgThe undiscovered weekend marketsGet your share of local bounty with the three favourite markets hot on our radarfarmer's markets, mark wallbank, local produce, french markets, french bay, beachlands, silo parkThere is something wholesomely satisfying about coming home from a weekend trip to the markets with bags laden with fresh, delicious produce and stomachs suitably lined after indulging in delectable pastries and homemade savoury offerings. A trip to the local food markets has quickly become one of our favourite weekend rituals. Not only is the fare mouthwatering delicious, but the environmental and community kudos of buying your weekly groceries from a farmer’s market is certainly worth celebrating too. As Auckland takes to the homegrown market trend with gusto, it’s timely to put together three semi-undiscovered favourites currently hot on our radar.the-best-weekend-farmer's-markets1486_mainImage.jpg05гРзPЂя’/ ёялW/ Дк@ oТв€ш—кUqƒListen: Out of it and into itTall Firs strip everything back to the bare necessities in this introspective albumЊД1491_bigThumbImage.jpg1491_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Out of it and into itMaryland musicians Dave Miles and Andrew Mullen strip everything back to the bare necessities in this introspective albumTall Firs, music, Andrew Reinholds, song, Aaron Mullan, David MilesTall Firs formed in 1990. A full eleven years later they finally made it to the stage and a further five years later released their debut album on Thurston Moore’s label. Good things take time, or so we’ve been led to believe, and since moving with glacial like speed things have definitely stepped up a notch with the release of ‘Out of It and Into It’ being their third album.Listen-Out-of-it-and-into-it1491_mainImage.jpg05а ``Ђˆs1, s1/ Е@ oар€і+ŒзƒŸБTravel: Surf Goddess RetreatsWe discover an adventurous Bali retreat set to be the perfect remedy to the summer that never was]Д1488_bigThumbImage.jpg1488_smallThumbImage.jpgTravel: Surf Goddess RetreatsWe discover an adventurous Bali retreat set to be the perfect remedy to the summer that never wasBali, winter, Surf Goddess Retreats', tropical, surfing, wellbeing, holidayIt’s little wonder the mid-winter getaway is so popular, after all, there is nothing quite like swapping the familiar grey wash of winter for a tropical destination that heaves with warmth and vibrancy. Bali is one such getaway, and it’s also the home of Surf Goddess Retreats, a slice of Bali heaven that is now only a smooth eight hour direct flight away, thanks to Air New Zealand’s new twice-weekly Auckland to Bali service.Travel-Surf-Goddess-Retreats1488_mainImage.jpg05д ћїЧ|ах1 Б| 2 Е?@ sфє€ "CДД&FXThe need to know: Friday the 13thfrom myths and legends to historical facts, we present the essential need-to-know on this notoriously unlucky day8Е1492_bigThumbImage.jpg1492_smallThumbImage.jpgThe need to know: Friday the 13thfrom myths and legends to historical facts, we present the essential need-to-know on this notoriously unlucky dayAs superstition would have us to believe, Friday the 13th, is arguably the ‘unluckiest’ day on the calendar. We’ll have you know that today has started off to much contention in the Denizen offices. Just why exactly is it so unlucky? Turns out this year, we will experience not just one, but three occurrences of the 13th day falling on a Friday. Unlucky? We’ll leave that one up to you to decide, however, to arm you with the facts, we present the essential need to know about this unlucky day. Don’t walk under a ladder, don’t let a black cat cross your path and for goodness sake, stay away from the guy in the hockey mask.the-need-to-know-friday-the-13th1492_mainImage.jpg05е `Р|ˆeЏг3 €eю 5 Еb@ mсё€RЦх'Exhibition: Hylozoic SeriesNotoriously difficult to define, Philip Beesley's installations are showcased in New Zealand for the very first timeBЕ1493_bigThumbImage.jpg1493_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Philip Beesley Hylozoic Series 'Vesica'Notoriously difficult to define, Philip Beesley's installations are showcased in New Zealand for the very first timeexhibition, philip beesley, hylozoic, vesica, art, installation, wellingtonThis is definitely no ordinary exhibition. In fact, Philip Beesley’s installations are a bit like how wonderland might look if it were to be conceived in the future by a group of scientists, naturists and robots.Exhibition-Philip-Beesley-Hylozoic-Series-Vesica1493_mainImage.jpg05ж рЌh‚P<5 P<5 ЕZ@ TTd€wŒŒŒЄЄІЕxx[Е0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgBest Made Company, nets,xx0_mainImage.jpgic, Andrew Reinholds, Listen, song,Listen-Out-of-it-and-into-it0_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!юЧo;uѕО`Ѓ 5X` фрlхе,г05бР’Ќ“СA0 Ё“СA/ Д@€ sкъ€9  Mn€The clean fifteen and dirty dozenSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on exactly which foods you should be swiftly making the organic switch to.mД1489_bigThumbImage.jpg1489_smallThumbImage.jpgThe clean fifteen and dirty dozenSarah Kapeli dishes the dirt on exactly which foods you should be swiftly making the organic switch to.A trip to the supermarket or local fruit ‘n’ vege store can often leave you standing in the aisles perplexed over the choices. No longer is it just a case of what apples are in season, or whether to buy a firm or semi-firm avocado; nowadays we are faced with an overwhelming array of options when it comes to purchasing produce. The question hot on everybody’s lips is exactly which foods you should be making the organic switch.the-clean-fifteen-and-dirty-dozen1489_mainImage.jpg05в Ke0 Ke/ ДЖ@€ fЙЩ€пї ^^.Hakanoa Ginger SyrupA local Grey Lynn resident serves up the key ingredient to an at home winter elixir}Д1490_bigThumbImage.jpg1490_smallThumbImage.jpgHakanoa Ginger SyrupA local Grey Lynn resident serves up the key ingredient to an at home winter elixirWe were recently introduced to Hakanoa by way of a delicious lemon and honey concoction sampled at a local cafщ. Eager to unearth what the secret ingredient was, we enquired and discovered it was the handiwork of a local Grey Lynn woman, who began making homemade ginger beer and ginger syrup from her home on Hakanoa Street after finding a niche in the market for freshly brewed, bottle fermented and organic ginger products.hakanoa-ginger-syrup1490_mainImage.jpg05гРзPЂя’/ ёялW/ Дк@ oТв€ш—кUqƒListen: Out of it and into itTall Firs strip everything back to the bare necessities in this introspective albumЊД1491_bigThumbImage.jpg1491_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Out of it and into itMaryland musicians Dave Miles and Andrew Mullen strip everything back to the bare necessities in this introspective albumTall Firs, music, Andrew Reinholds, song, Aaron Mullan, David MilesTall Firs formed in 1990. A full eleven years later they finally made it to the stage and a further five years later released their debut album on Thurston Moore’s label. Good things take time, or so we’ve been led to believe, and since moving with glacial like speed things have definitely stepped up a notch with the release of ‘Out of It and Into It’ being their third album.Listen-Out-of-it-and-into-it1491_mainImage.jpg05д ћїЧ|ах1 Б| 2 Е?@ sфє€ "CДД&FXThe need to know: Friday the 13thfrom myths and legends to historical facts, we present the essential need-to-know on this notoriously unlucky day8Е1492_bigThumbImage.jpg1492_smallThumbImage.jpgThe need to know: Friday the 13thfrom myths and legends to historical facts, we present the essential need-to-know on this notoriously unlucky dayAs superstition would have us to believe, Friday the 13th, is arguably the ‘unluckiest’ day on the calendar. We’ll have you know that today has started off to much contention in the Denizen offices. Just why exactly is it so unlucky? Turns out this year, we will experience not just one, but three occurrences of the 13th day falling on a Friday. Unlucky? We’ll leave that one up to you to decide, however, to arm you with the facts, we present the essential need to know about this unlucky day. Don’t walk under a ladder, don’t let a black cat cross your path and for goodness sake, stay away from the guy in the hockey mask.the-need-to-know-friday-the-13th1492_mainImage.jpg05е `Р|ˆeЏг2 eю 5 Ж?@ mсё€RЦх'Exhibition: Hylozoic SeriesNotoriously difficult to define, Philip Beesley's installations are showcased in New Zealand for the very first timeBЕ1493_bigThumbImage.jpg1493_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Philip Beesley Hylozoic Series 'Vesica'Notoriously difficult to define, Philip Beesley's installations are showcased in New Zealand for the very first timeexhibition, philip beesley, hylozoic, vesica, art, installation, wellingtonThis is definitely no ordinary exhibition. In fact, Philip Beesley’s installations are a bit like how wonderland might look if it were to be conceived in the future by a group of scientists, naturists and robots.Exhibition-Philip-Beesley-Hylozoic-Series-Vesica1493_mainImage.jpg05и ЛQ€‹о^4 ‹о^5 Жќ@ qмь€9З [y‹Watch: Bill Cunningham New YorkThe acclaimed documentary screens amongst fresh air and a (hopefully) starry night this friday at Silo ParkЩЕ1496_bigThumbImage.jpg1496_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: Bill Cunningham New YorkThe acclaimed documentary on Bill Cunningham screens amongst fresh air and a (hopefully) starry night this friday at Silo ParkFilm, Silo Cinemas, Wynyard Quarter, Bill Cunningham, New York, documentary, fashionThis Friday, the Silo Outdoor Cinema is screening one of our favourite films, Bill Cunningham New York. Richard Press's captivating and moving portrait of street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham tells the story of an unassuming, adorable man whose devotion to his camera and subjects has created over fifty years of fashion history.Watch-Bill-Cunningham-New York1496_mainImage.jpg05ж рЌh‚P§у2 ‘P<5 Жi@ iЦж€ьˆ ŒžOnline: High 'n Dry netAdd some seaside practicality to your home or hideaway with these cargo net storage solutions[Е1494_bigThumbImage.jpg1494_smallThumbImage.jpgOnline: High 'n Dry netAdd some seaside practicality to your home or hideaway with these High 'n Dry cargo nets by Best Made CompanyBest Made Company, nets,Producing well-considered products that yearn to have a place in your life, Best Made Company hails from New York City, and was born when founder Peter Buchanan-Smith saw the need to produce an exceptionally well-crafted axe.The-holdall1494_mainImage.jpg05з –a62 –a65 З@ tмь€<Ы‡™ЋIn Store: Annie Oxborough displaysSimon James enlists the hand of a botanical artist for this blooming wonderful new collaboration project‹Е1495_bigThumbImage.jpg1495_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Annie Oxborough displaysSimon James enlists the talented hand of a botanical artist for this unique collaboration projectsimon james, annie oxborough, botanical artistOur friends over at the Simon James Concept Store at The Department Store have enlisted the help of botanical artist Annie Oxborough for their latest collaboration. We ventured over to the Department Store today to preview the displays set up within the Takapuna concept store - think beautiful antique vessels, acrylic troughs and science beakers all filled with varying forms of flora and fauna. These striking potted delights that will make for the perfect gifts or simply as living additions to brighten up any room. Alongside these botanical works of art is alsoa clever new cash-and-carry flower concept that will see fresh market flowers being sold from the store on Wednesday’s and Saturdays.blooming-wonderful1495_mainImage.jpg2 ‘P<5 Жi@ iЦж€ьˆ ŒžOnline: High 'n Dry netAdd some seaside practicality to your home or hideaway with these cargo net storage solutions[Е1494_bigThumbImage.jpg1494_smallThumbImage.jpgOnline: High 'n Dry netAdd some seaside practicality to your home or hideaway with these High 'n Dry cargo nets by Best Made CompanyBest Made Company, nets,Producing well-considered products that yearn to have a place in your life, Best Made Company hails from New York City, and was born when founder Peter Buchanan-Smith saw the need to produce an exceptionally well-crafted axe.The-holdall1494_mainImage.jpgt will see fresh market flowers being sold from the store on Wednesday’s and Saturdays.blooming-wonderful1495_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!9›щ‘ р`‚ _іц:‘OѓУЁ Ѓ 

Employ some tactics: There are no hard and fast rules, however there are some tactics that can be employed to give you a running chance.

-       Travel alone. Travelling with a family in tow is an automatic disqualifier.

-       Pack wisely. Where possible, travel with carry on only. Overweight luggage is also not a good foot to start out on.

-      Timing is everything: There are two ways you can approach the timing of your check in. Checking in early can come with a first-in-first-served result. If the flight isn’t full then it might be easy to be bumped up without fuss. Similarly, if you check in late. If the queue is long then you can try your luck checking in at an unattended business class desk.

Attire: The aforementioned dress choice is extremely important. There is an unwritten dress code that applies at an airport. One in which we imagine 85% of your flight will not be following. This leaves you with a greater chance (15%) of bumping your seat further up the plane. You are infinitely more likely to be upgraded if you look like you will fit in with those who willingly paid for a better seat. Long haul? Then keep the lounge wear in your carry on and wait until you are in the air to make the switch. En route to Hawaii? You’re not at the beach until you’re actually at the beach - so anything that vaguely resembles the resort wear you have packed for your tropical vacation is also not advised. Unless the plane you are boarding is your own, you need to look the part.

Attitude: Charm wins every time over cockiness. Remember, your seat fate is entirely at the mercy of the person behind the check-in desk. Chances are that walking in there with a demanding or pushy attitude will only demote you further back in coach. Smile, be polite and where appropriate, even crack a joke . Making the check-in attendant laugh is a surefire way to up your chances of scoring that unattended business class seat.

Status: Some kind of status holding with the airline is essential. Gold Elite is a good place to start, but like all good things, chances decrease the further down the rank you are. Certain seats on a plane are allocated for frequent flyer upgrades – so use your miles to upgrade where you can. Failing that, should there be an upgrade available and there are two people requesting it – the higher status trumps every time.

Happy Flying!


Brothers Peter and David Brewis are Field Music and perhaps it is their relative isolation from the mainstream in the far North East that more than anything influences their particularly complex and unique approach to music making.

Multiple time shifts permeate each of the fifteen tracks of the album meaning one rarely gets the opportunity to become familiar with a particular hook before you are taken off again on a new tangent that stretches and warps the song into a new shape almost completely unrecognisable to where you started.

At first listen it can be baffling and more than a little disorientating, however with repeated listening the share craft and creativity on display becomes far easier to both recognise and admire.

It’s pop at its most pure - from the sublime harmony of ‘A New Town’ that builds sweetly from the most simple of bass lines to the driven throb of ‘Just Like Everyone Else’ and the anthemic closer ‘(I Keep Thinking About) A New Thing that layers idea upon idea to close the album with a real punch.

Elsewhere there is plenty of time for introspection; like on the wry ‘Sorry Again Mate, or the wistful piano melodies of ‘So Long Then’ and ‘From Hide and Seek To Heartache’.

Intelligent and playful, Plum is a rough leftfield pop gem.  


Needless to say we are now extremely excited to report that as of yesterday, Jordan’s cakes have found themselves a permanent home at EightThirty Coffee Roasters on K’Road. As a result of overwhelming demand, Jordan has shifted her cake making skills from her home into their commercial kitchen (with an oven capable of cooking eight cakes in 20 minutes). Her delicious cakes will still be available for made to order, but you can now also stop by to enjoy them by the slice too.

Jordan’s sweet treats have all the charm of grandma’s home baking – the kind that you rarely find when purchasing a cake. You needn’t bother ever having to get out the recipe book again. Each one is made with love using all organic ingredients and simple decorations such as fresh raspberries, dripping lemon curd icing and fresh flowers. We also must mention that the folk at EightThirty know how to make an exceptionally good cup of coffee, which is an all-important essential to accompany your chosen slice of delectable cake.

Eight Thirty Coffee Roasters

553 K’Road

Auckland City

(09) 551 3236


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With the tasty selection of flavours changing on a daily basis, for $8.50, this is a delicious (and affordable) lunchtime offering that often has customers lining up out the door. On our Friday visit, we conquered our hunger with both the broccoli and blue cheese and the ham hock and vegetable options.

Don’t be fooled by the deceivingly small cups, these deep dishes are plentiful enough to satisfy even the most rumbling of stomachs, and should you be left with any room after that, there is always the delicious pizza slices just waiting to help you out.

Il Buco

113 Ponsonby Road

With the tasty selection of flavours changing on a daily basis, for $8.50, this is a delicious (and affordable) lunchtime offering that often has customers lining up out the door. On our Friday visit, we conquered our hunger with both the broccoli and blue cheese and the ham hock and vegetable options.

Don’t be fooled by the deceivingly small cups, these deep dishes are plentiful enough to satisfy even the most rumbling of stomachs, and should you be left with any room after that, there is always the delicious pizza slices just waiting to help you out.

Il Buco

113 Ponsonby Road

(09) 360 4414




553 K’Road

Auckland City

(09) 551 3236

www.thecaker.co.nzMY WEEK WITH MARIYLN
Stars: Michelle Williams, Eddie Redmayne and Kenneth Branagh
Season Starts: March 8
Rated: M - Offensive language
In the early summer of 1956, 23 year-old Colin Clark worked as a lowly assistant on the set of 'The Prince and the Showgirl'. The film that famously united Sir Laurence and Marilyn Monroe, who was also on honeymoon with her new husband, the playwright Aurthur Miller. Nearly 40 years on, his diary account The Prince, the Showgirl and Me was published, but one week was missing and this was published some years later as My Week with Marilyn - this is the story of that week. When Arthur Miller leaves England, the coast is clear for Colin to introduce Marilyn to some of the pleasures of British life; an idyllic week in which he escorted a Monroe desperate to get away from her retinue of Hollywood hangers-on and the pressures of work. Nominated for two Academy Awards and six BAFTA Awards, Michelle William’s performance as Monroe is not to be missed; she gives intimate insight into her character’s fragility, loneliness and insecurity.
“Made with sublime sensitivity - not to be mistaken for weakness - My Week With Marilyn is a shimmering, memorable, magnificent movie.”
Andrew L. Urban, Urban Cinefile

HEADHUNTERS (Hodejegerne)
Stars: Aksel Hennie, Synnøve Macody Lund and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Season Starts: March 8
Rated: R16 - Violence & sex scenes
Intense and entertaining thriller packed with twists and based on award winning mystery writer Jo Nesbo's novel, Headhunters'. It stars Aksel Hennie (Max Manus) as an elite corporate headhunter who finances his lavish lifestyle by stealing art from his own clients. This is another foreign film already set to be remade in the US, with rumours surfacing of Mark Wahlberg putting his hand up to play the lead. A gripping thriller with surprising moments of black comedy.
"...one of the most exciting, flat-out captivating thrillers to come around in quite some time." David Nusair, Reel Film Reviews

Stars: Iko Uwais, Ananda George and Ray Sahetapy
Season Starts: March 22
Rated: TBC
A no holes barred, non-stop Indonesian action flick, this could very well be the best action movie of the year, and is surely set for a remake. As a rookie member of an elite special-forces team, Rama is instructed to hang back during a covert mission involving the extraction of a brutal crime lord from a rundown fifteen-story apartment block. But when a spotter blows their cover, boss Tama  offers lifelong sanctuary to every killer, rapist and thief in the building in exchange for their heads. Now Rama must stand in for the team's fallen leader and use every iota of his fighting strength - winding through every floor and every room to complete the mission and escape with his life. It won the audience award for Best Film at the 2012 Dublin International Film Festival and People’s Choice Award in the Midnight Madness section at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival.
“It's easy to forget the story altogether in the sheer rush of Rama's fight to the top floor; instead, viewers will wonder how the amazing battle that just ended could possibly be topped. But it is, again and again.” Robert Koehler, Variety

Stars: Judi Dench, Bill Nighy and Maggie Smith
Season Starts: March 22
Rated: PG - Coarse language & sexual references
British acting royalty come together in this delightful comedy-drama about a group of British retirees who decide to "outsource" their retirement to less expensive and seemingly exotic India. Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold Hotel and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they arrive to find the palace a shell of its former self. Though the new environment is less luxurious than imagined, they are forever transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love can begin again when you let go of the past.
“There's a refreshing, amusing and touching candour to the picture's portrayal of its oldies in crisis. It turns out they have the same problems as people half their age - just with a different perspective.” Henry Fitzherbert, Daily Express



The film chronicles Mr. Cunningham's extraordinary life, interweaving affectionate stories from his many friends and subjects with witty thoughts and comments from the man himself. The film will be projected onto the giant Silo 7, set amongst the rolling grassy knolls , and offers the ideal ending to a weary work week. We are looking forward to snuggling into blankets and resting our heads on pillows while watching a slice of New York history unfold.

What's more, you can satisfy your thirst at the licensed bar serving local wine and craft beer, as well as Mexican courtesey of MexiKai, wood fired pizzas and chocolate dipped churros to silence any hunger pangs. If you haven't seen this incredible documentary we suggest you find a prime spot upon Silo Cinema's grassy knoll to watch this elegant portrayal of a remarkable man. If you have, well then this is certainly the best excuse for a re-watch!

Silo Park
Corner of Jellicoe and Beaumont Street
Wynyard Quarter

Watch the trailer for Bill Cunningham's New York below:


The film chronicles Mr. Cunningham's extraordinary life, interweaving affectionate stories from his many friends and subjects with witty thoughts and comments from the man himself. The film will be projected onto the giant Silo 7, set amongst the rolling grassy knolls , and offers the ideal ending to a weary work week. We are looking forward to snuggling into blankets and resting our heads on pillows while watching a slice of New York history unfold.

What's more, you can satisfy your thirst at the licensed bar serving local wine and craft beer, as well as Mexican courtesey of MexiKai, wood fired pizzas and chocolate dipped churros to silence any hunger pangs. If you haven't seen this incredible documentary we suggest you find a prime spot upon Silo Cinema's grassy knoll to watch this elegant portrayal of a remarkable man. If you have, well then this is certainly the best excuse for a re-watch!

Silo Park
Corner of Jellicoe and Beaumont Street
Wynyard Quarter

Watch the trailer for Bill Cunningham's New York below:

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1. Helen Cherry’s cherry red cashmere coats and Zambesi’s colbalt blue ‘Luge’ jacket. Both the coat and cropped biker style jackets have us hanging up our neutrals in favour of investing our winter woolies into some more striking hues.

2. Zambesi’s oil-slick look ‘Crevasse’ dress. A maxi dress that packs some serious punch with dangerously high side split and a plunging neckline that can be worn both ways.   

3. LiamAfternoon Delight’ pantsuit. A tough look to master, but newcomer Liam have nailed it with this loose-fitting, rolled sleeved and super effortless off- white look.

4. World ‘Demonic’ jacket. This showstopping rose print jacket caught our eye, interestingly not on the runway itself, but rather on a lady sitting in the front row.

5. Kate Sylvester pant suit. This impeccably tailored camel coloured smoking suit has well considered finishing touches – a cuffed hem and a contrast black lapel – that give it that certain je ne sais quoi

6. Zambesi winter essentials. The men’s ‘Kilo’ parka jacket and the belted women’s ‘Zamboni’ trench coat. A flash of neon lining and a unique short sleeve detail adds some modern touches to these seasonal staples.

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Originally created for the Sultan of Oman using his country of birth as inspiration, fragrance house Amouage was founded over a quarter of a century ago and is renowned for producing some of the most finely crafted and expensive fragrances in the world. Given literally an infinite budget, the Amouage perfumers source the globe and employ the use of only the highest quality ingredients they can find.

Amouage’s latest scent, Honour has just arrived at World and the unique spicy wood notes, tinged with a base that includes Frankincense and vetiver, Honour is unlike any scent we have ever smelt before. Although difficult to describe the uniqueness of the scent (we recommend a visit down to World Beauty when you’ve got ample time, as you’ll certainly want to linger) the fragrant and lavish scent seems to perfectly capture the emotional narrative of the Madame Butterfly opera that we were told inspired its creation.

If the fragrance alone isn’t enough to capture your interest, one look at the intricate white crystal handcrafted bottle, which comes individually inscribed by the person who made it and affixed with a white opal Swarovski crystal, will no doubt seal the deal.

Available from World Beauty

60 Tyler Street

(09) 373 3034



Eager for a hearty late lunch that would satisfy our rumbling stomachs, we rushed out to pay an overdue visit to Kokako, and upon arrival, opted for the butter beans on toast. Somewhat reminiscent of a fancy take of the unassuming baked beans on toast, the creamy oversized beans, served with a homemade herbed tomato sauce are generously piled atop of a piece of sourdough. The dish was tasty, and filling yet still healthy enough to feel like semi-virtuous lunch option. We washed it down with one of the best smoothies we’ve tasted in while. The ‘Grey Lynn Vegan’ is an antioxidant overload filled with Omaha organic Blueberries, All Good Fairtrade bananas, almond milk, coconut milk and Goji berries served in a jam jar. We are kicking ourselves for not having visited Kokako sooner.

Kokako Café & Roastery

537 Great North Road
Grey Lynn
(09) 379 2868




 0508 600 400

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Kapiti Cheese has just launched their new winter specialty – the grilled cheese sandwich. Be forewarned, this is no run of the mill greasy cheese toastie that you’d expect to pick up at a local takeaway joint. While the concept is simple, the folk at Kapiti explain, that’s exactly where the secret lies. Based on a Kappacasein grilled cheese sandwich (one of London’s most famous sandwiches) it is made using only the very best ingredients; Kapiti’s four year aged cheddar cheese and Wild Wheat bakery’s specialty sourdough bread, expertly melted and toasted into one delicious sandwich.

The result is a grilled cheese that is gooey, hearty and mouthwateringly delicious - the perfect antidote to the cold winter days.  

Kapiti Grilled Cheese


Available from 11am – 3pm

Kapiti Store
19 Shortland Street

(09) 358 383Ы˜Й

Kapiti Cheese has just launched their new winter specialty – the grilled cheese sandwich. Be forewarned, this is no run of the mill greasy cheese toastie that you’d expect to pick up at a local takeaway joint. While the concept is simple, the folk at Kapiti explain, that’s exactly where the secret lies. Based on a Kappacasein grilled cheese sandwich (one of London’s most famous sandwiches) it is made using only the very best ingredients; Kapiti’s four year aged cheddar cheese and Wild Wheat bakery’s specialty sourdough bread, expertly melted and toasted into one delicious sandwich.

The result is a grilled cheese that is gooey, hearty and mouthwateringly delicious - the perfect antidote to the cold winter days.  

Kapiti Grilled Cheese


Available from 11am – 3pm

Kapiti Store
19 Shortland Street

(09) 358 3835

) it is made using only the very best ingredients; Kapiti’s four year aged cheddar cheese and Wild Wheat bakery’s specialty sourdough bread, expertly melted and toasted into one delicious sandwich.

The result is a grilled cheese that is gooey, hearty and mouthwateringly delicious - the perfect antidote to the cold winter days.  

Kapiti Grilled Cheese


Available from 11am – 3pm

Kapiti Sto


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They’re back here with their follow up, and as one would suspect given the success of their debut, it’s a much slicker beast to its predecessor.  The result is that, on the surface at least, very little has changed.  In fact, if anything it possibly even louder than Treats – cue opening track ‘True Shred Guitar’ which is a pastiche of the kind of live rock recording that you would expect from the likes of stadium rockers Def Leppard with its mock audience baiting and chanting “push it, push it, push it’.

And it sets the tone perfectly for what is to come.  Guitars, layers and layer of guitars, slice through most tracks like a buzz saw, over which Krauss cusses and curses with almost child-like glee.  While the guitars take their cue from big dumb metal riffs, Krauss is genuinely funny throughout, and while the cheerleader chanting can almost overstay its welcome (as on ‘Crush’) generally they duo move things on just in the nick of time.

Unfortunately, the album hasn’t moved on enough though.  For all the volume and attitude, it lacks the rough edges and unpolished charm that made Treats so enjoyable.  And, ironically enough, it’s the slower songs - ‘End of the Line’ and ‘You Lost Me’ – that show the way forward, just as the sublime ‘Rill Rill’ did on their debut.

So decision time then for Sleigh Bells – it almost seems as they need to go back a step if they really want to progress.


As someone with a very low tolerance for bad behavior, I normally ask myself the question ‘would this annoy me?’ This notion seems to be a good benchmark from which to judge other scenarios.

It does raise the question however, ‘When is it appropriate to bring the kids?’ I am sure that all of us have been to an event and thought the same thing. I believe that my child’s behaviour is a direct reflection of my own and I have always been aware of the importance of teaching them some very basic manners. Obviously saying please and thank you are two fundamental components of any public appearance, as is being able to behave oneself at a dining table. This involves using cutlery, being able to order from a menu and partake in conversation – something I’ve found that many adults even struggle with.

If you are taking along the child as an accessory or for some sort of ironic effect then your intentions are probably misguided and their presence is possibly unnecessary. Lets face it, children are still novices when it comes to conducting themselves well in public and there is always a risk that they will speak out of turn, fidget due to boredom and attention seek if they feel they are not receiving enough.

If they are going to be meeting new people it is important that they understand the importance of shaking hands and that they shouldn’t ask someone why they are so fat. If your child is slightly introverted you may want to make the introduction on their behalf but try not speaking for them. It is also important to be wary of making excuses for their reticence.

If you are at a show or event you need to be prepared to leave if your child has had enough and if they are disturbing others around you. Although inviting a child to an adult performance is a fantastic experience for them, it is also important that it is treated with the respect that it commands.

Both their attire and behaviour should match the event, and it’s well worth testing the waters where appropriate in order to show them that there are things in this world that are worth getting dressed up for.


Little & Friday – This was the first year we had sampled Little & Friday’s delicious buns. And we highly suggest you do too. Light and expertly well risen, the delectable buns are going to be making a regular appearance on the lunch menu this month. (12 Melrose Street, Newmarket, (09) 524 8742 (09) 43 Eversleigh Road, Belmont (09) 489 8527)

Pandoro - Pandoro have long been renowned for their delicious, and all natural hot cross buns. Full of fruit and perfectly spiced, although you can’t beat the classic variety, we are rather partial to their chocolate ones too. (427 Parnell Road, Parnell (09) 358 1962)

Paneton - Consistently good, Paneton are unsurprisingly the folk behind the delicious handmade hot cross buns you will find in many of Auckland’s best cafes, as well as gourmet food markets Nosh and Farrow in the lead up to Easter. Stop by their flagship Halsey St store and pick them up by half dozen. (21 Halsey Street, Freemans Bay, (09) 309 5338)

Il Forno – We have sung the praises of Il Forno’s hot cross buns before and they of course deserve a notable mention again. The decently sized buns are available in both traditional and chocolate variety, and come with the all-essential highly glazed topping and light, doughy spiced centre. (55 Mackelvie Street, Ponsonby (09) 378 0264)

Wild Wheat Mt Eden – Wild Wheat’s buns are the reigning North Island Hot Cross Bun champions, and we can see why. They don't cut any corners making these, hand-soaking the fruit for days beforehand and finishing off with a generous glaze of candied fruit sugar syrup. (811 Mount Eden Road
Mount Eden, (09) 631 7012)

Consumption of the above only requires one simple instruction - Serve them warm and topped with lashings of quality butter.


Hakanoa handmade make a variety of ginger products but our pick of the lot is the organic hot ginger syrup. Like the aforementioned lemon and honey drink, we’ve taken to getting a head start on beating the dreaded winter flu by dosing our hot drinks with this all-curing syrup. The syrup is made from filtered water, organic fair-trade raw sugar, fresh ginger, dried organic ginger, organic sultanas and fresh lemons and its kitchen uses are extensive – adding that little extra something to everything from stirfrys to marinades.

Renowned for its nausea settling and natural pain-relieving qualities, this is one delicious brew worthy of a permanent home in the fridge. And don't just stop at hot lemon drinks, as we can assure you that Hakanoa makes for a welcome addition to cocktail hour too.

Pop by Hakanoa's weekly stall at the Grey Lynn Sunday markets (among others) or visit here for more stockists.


rt on beating the dreaded winter flu by dosing our hot drinks with this all-curing syrup. The syrup is made from filtered water, organic fair-trade raw sugar, fresh ginger, dried organic ginger, organic sultanas and fresh lemons and its kitchen uses are extensive – adding that little extra something to everything from stirfrys to marinades.

Renowned for its nausea settling and natural pain-relieving qualities, this is one delicious brew worthy of a permanent home in the fridge. And just stop at hot lemon drinks, as we can assure you that Hakanoa makes for a welcome addition to cocktail hour too.

Pop by Hakanoa's weekly stall at the Grey Lynn Sunday markets (among others) or visit here for more stockists.

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Needless to say, we are now very pleased to inform you, that this little bird, ‘Bird on a Wire’ will be officially open for business as of this coming Monday. We ventured out for a sneak preview of the menu offerings. There are times when you need to refuel or grab a quick bite without having to settle for ‘fast food’. Bird on a Wire is set to change such notions. Approaching their food using traditional rotisserie and home-style cooking methods with a Vietnamese inspired spin, the menu offers up fresh, gourmet rotisserie chicken and salads for both dining in and taking out. It’s unfussy and simple fare that is deliciously tasty and far more virtuous than your average take-out meal –what’s not to love about beautifully prepared rotisserie chicken?  We’re yet to find an establishment that strikes the same balance between takeout and home cooking – but Bird on a Wire appear to have nailed it.

The locally sourced free-range rotisserie chickens (served natural or with a baste) are available in quarter, half and whole combination potions with a variety of delectable freshly made salads and bread to accompany. A selection of sandwiches are also on offer, including the unique Bañh mi chicken roll – consisting of pulled chicken, handmade pâté, carrot, coriander and Vietnamese dressing (A Bird on a Wire special that deserves a notable shout out); and of course, these essential guilty pleasures, like the chicken burger and grilled cheese sandwich. We almost wish they also hadn’t included the beer batter chips on the menu, served with delicious Harissa mayonnaise, as they are near impossible to resist.

After sampling the menu (rather thoroughly too we might add) we suspect it’s going to be hard to go back to the kitchen again to master our own rotisserie skills. For now, we’ll be leaving it to the experts.

Bird on a Wire

234 Ponsonby Road

(09) 378 6369



Surprisingly, this is GHD’s first foray into the world of hairdryers. Long the go-to brand for straightening irons, GHD has been a many girls’ morning best friend since its inception into the mass market nine years ago. As someone who blow-dries my hair religiously almost every day, enlisting the help of the right tools is the fundamental part to a successful result in my daily ritual.  I’ve been loyal to my current hairdryer for over two years now, and I was convinced that not even a legendary GHD branded product would come between the blowdry process I have perfected down to an art form.

I now stand corrected. GHD Air’s 2100W (the maximum wattage any hairdryer can reach so don’t be fooled by anything else) combined with advanced iconic technology and a super sleek Italian design has now seen my previous love affair left abandoned and relegated to the back of my bathroom cupboard. Like any justified model upgrade, this new power tool has a number of improved features, two concentrator nozzles, a unique ‘cool shot’ button to help fix your blowdry in place and the absolute deal-sealer; considerably faster drying time. My finished bouncy voluminous blow dry has now clocked in at record speed.

For best results, roughly dry hair your with the Ghd AIR until it’s 90% dry before grabbing a round brush and gently brushing through sections of the hair to secure extra body and a natural wave. Gently blast the hair with the ‘cool shot’ to set the hair before misting with hairspray.  Genius.

We’ve had the heads up that the first lot sold out straight away after only being released last week, so with the next shipment just landed, we suggest you nab yours now too!

Available from GHD salons, for stockists phone 0800 HAIR GHD or 0800 424 744.



The range includes various sizes of wallets and travel pouches, along with larger sizes to accommodate your desired choice of technology. All come equipped with ample space to hold everything from coins and cards, to passports, phones, iPads and even your laptop.

With the super soft leather, gold zips and embossed logo and sleek internal compartments, your everyday essentials will never have looked so good.

Acne’s understated designs are destined to add some serious swagger to your business or leisure attire.

 Available in both black and wine colourways from Zambesi Man

Zambesi Man

2 Teed St

(09) 524 7805 



Venet’s minimalist sculptures are impressive to say the least. Constructed of iron and torch cut steel, the monumental curvature pieces define themselves in a rather scientific manner, stemming from the artist’s investigations into science and mathematics, and represent an attempt to liberate art from aesthetic rules.

The GRIB works, showcased within the Gow Langsford gallery walls, continue this exploration between the mathematical and the gestural.  The giant wall-mounted works appear almost like lively sketches, and confront the viewer with their sense of sheer matter - the spontaneity of the drawings counteracted by their monumental physicality.

Alongside the exhibition of his wall mounted and smaller scale sculptural pieces within the gallery, three of Venet’s impressive large-scale works are to be installed in public spaces around Auckland for the duration of the exhibition. The sculptures were all unloaded at Auckland ports on Friday and will be installed in the gallery and around town next week.

Denizen readers are invited to attend the preview evening at Gow Langsford Gallery this Thursday, where Bernar Venet himself will be in attendance.

Gow Langsford Gallery

26 Lorne St

Thursday 22 March



The exhibition runs from 23 March to 14 April 2012

Images courtesy of Gow Langsford Gallery



TўЄ Я ѓP3рЛ30М3, stemming from the artist’s investigations into science and mathematics, and represent an attempt to liberate art from aesthetic rules.

The GRIB works, showcased within the Gow Langsford gallery walls, continue this exploration between the mathematical and the gestural.  The giant wall-mounted works appear almost like lively sketches, and confront the viewer with their sense of sheer matter - the spontaneity of the drawings counteracted by their monumental physicality.

Alongside the exhibition of his wall mounted and smaller scale sculptural pieces within the gallery, three of Venet’s impressive large-scale works are to be installed in public spaces around Auckland for the duration of the exhibition. The sculptures were all unloaded at Auckland ports on Friday and will be installed in the gallery and around town next week.

Denizen readers are invited to attend the preview evening at Gow Langsford Gallery this Thursday, where Bernar Venet himself will be in attendance.

Gow Langsford Gallery

26 Lorne St

Thursday 22 March



The exhibition runs from 23 March to 14 April 2012



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1. Speed of Play

Slow play could quite possibly be the mother of all golfing sins. It’s a fact that every golfer has had to endure the antics of slow golfers. Infuriatingly, they are often the ones who don’t believe they are slow. Classic slow golfer chat may be to say something like “nobody is pushing us.” The problem is, they probably plain old gave up and went home. A few words to the wise; Never search for a lost ball for more than five minutes and absolutely always be ready to take your shot.

2. Noise

No phone calls please. We are not playing golf in a Hollywood movie. Commitment to the game at hand is incredibly important and keeping your gadgets on silent is a large part of this. Keeping the phone off will in fact preserve whatever gadget your currently covet, as others are much less likely to smile as it dutifully smashes against the side of a tree trunk or whatever object in the vicinity is hard enough to do some damage. An exaggeration, but you get my drift. If it’s that important, take the call away from where all the action is taking place.

Also, don’t talk during someone’s back swing. This commandment should sit firmly in your golf etiquette file a bit like how concrete would. It is hard enough concentrating on all the technical facets of your golf swing and where your ball should be going, without having to listen to the mindless banter behind you.

3. Golf carts

Golf carts do hold an element of the irresistible. Any seasoned golf pro reading this will know the feeling all to well. The potential to zip around feeling like Mario in his customized Mario kart is rather large, however I’m here to keep you grounded, act like gravity and pull those video game fantasies back down to solid bedrock. Keep your speed respectable, stay on the designated golf cart paths and respect the golf signs for that day. Golf enthusiasts don’t appreciate it when their turf is churned or their concentration disrupted.

4. Hole in One

Should those golfing gods smile upon you with a tidy hole in one, it is likely that the drinks are on you. However, some golf clubs have an insurance policy whereby the club buys the round for everybody in the clubhouse and claims it on their insurance policy. Just make sure you belong to one of these forward thinking clubs. If you don’t happen to have this sought after glory moment on your home course, it has also been known for the golf club at which you triumphed to contact the golf club at which you are a member and check to see if they will foot the bill. Tip: It doesn’t count if no one saw.

5. Tee

There are very few things you should be doing when another player is addressing the ball. Those things involve standing absolutely still and watching the player hit. Movement is unacceptable. Talking is unacceptable. Our tip? Make like a relaxed statue. Courtesy reigns supreme on the golf course and surely you would want the same consideration while taking your shot.

6. Dress code

Tiger Woods once said that golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps, so one has adequate reason to take care when dressing for this most distinguished of sports. While it can feel like a legitimate runway for men who don’t work in the fashion industry, the clothing you choose to wear has to also be functional and appropriate. In other words, no matter how versatile you think your jeans are, they don’t belong on the golf course. Neither do tee shirts, sandals, jandals or anything a little less casual than collared shirts and bottom halves that are below the knee. As for shoes, I suggest that if you haven’t any, that you make a beeline for the nearest golf apparel store and buy proper golf shoes. They are the cherry on top of your golfing attire, and rather important at that.

7. Temperament

It is well known that golf is as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one, if not more. In fact, those who possess an even golfing temperament start with a greater advantage than those with the ideal golfing physique or a fine natural style. Golf requires a steely concentration, forcing one to commit completely to the round at hand if they are to have a chance of playing well. Becoming belligerent, throwing golf clubs, or even blaming other golfers for your poor performance is unacceptable. In golf, it is not what happens to you, it is your attitude towards the game that determines the ultimate outcome. Most importantly though, golf is a game played competitively for enjoyment. Play like the gentleman or gentlewoman you are and you should be just fine.

8. Cheating

Golf is the last bastion of gentlemanly or gentlewomanly behaviour in which you are responsible for your own score and for accurately recording your penalties. In other words, you are your own umpire and often it is up to you to count those penalties that no one else seemed to see. Be true to yourself and the game. Trust me, it’ll make your wins shine that much more.

9. Groundskeeping

Talk to any remotely serious golfer and course repair is of the utmost importance, whether you are in the bunker or on the green. I’m sure they are all thinking of the times they have had to hit from another’s footprints in the bunker or the time their perfectly executed shot went awry due to the chunky divot in its path. We suggest fixing your ball marks like a meticulous craftsman, leaving no bare ground where the ball mark was. The same goes for bunker etiquette. Remove all evidence that you were ever there and hope to hell others give you the same courtesy.

10. Mulligans

Definitively speaking, a Mulligan happens when a player gets a second chance to perform a certain move or action. A do-over if you like. In golf, it’s that irksome first tee shot you didn’t want and consequently decided that it didn’t count. Unfortunately a Mulligan has no place in any rulebook and consequently, does not exist. In our books, a bad shot is a bad shot and the game must be played accordingly. 

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Reuben Hills

Reuben Hills is the latest addition to the bustling Sydney coffee scene. The big open space opens up with a roller door out the back, and an unassuming shop-front with a couple of wooden stools out the front on Albion Street. Take a seat at the blue-tiled communal table out the back and check out the attractive floor staff as they serve up some of the area’s best coffee. They roast the beans themselves, which are sourced from El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Colombia and Costa Rica. Unlike Sydney’s penchant for copycat café menus, everything here is something original for Sydney. They’ve created a Latino-dominated menu that’s inspired by the places of origin of Reuben Hills’ coffee beans, which right now means Latin and South America. Even with the caffeine dedication, there’s nothing pretentious about the coffee here. They do Clover and Aeropress filtered coffees, but never flaunt it, nor the artfully designed, dual Speedster and Mirage espresso machines from the Netherlands’ Kees Van Der Westen. (61 Albion Street, Surry Hills)


Toko Restaurant

Toko Restaurant sits on the former MG Garage site in Crown Street. The space has emerged from extensive renovations as a sleek, wood-panelled warehouse with an open kitchen, low-rise communal tables and a seated grill running down on one side of the room. The intelligent menu consists of mod-Japanese dishes designed specifically for sharing, with an emphasis on quality local seafood. In Japanese Toko means 'room within a house to relax' and this chic yet informal style of eating is quintessentially Sydney. No bookings so the wait for a table can be long at times but head next door to Tokonoma lounge and savor the intricate  taste and complexity of shochu, Japan's other indigenous beverage. After settling into the plush leather banquettes, enjoy a cleansing pre-dinner shochu tonic, served straight over freshly cleaved ice, or a late night cocktail and cool beats from the in-house DJ. (490 Crown Street, Surry Hills)


Miss Chu

Walk up William Street and you’ll see a Bourke Street shop-front decked out in potted banana trees and colourful little table settings, while dogs of all shapes and sizes sun themselves on the footpath. This is Miss Chu – Darlinghurst’s worst kept secret. It may look like an incredibly random kiosk on a little side street but Miss Chu is a rare gem in Sydney where the hawker style street stall is brought to life offering some of the best rice paper rolls in the city. Make no mistake: you’ll want to have your order ready and your money ready to hand over. Miss Chu herself, equipped with a megaphone fashioned from a paper cup, doesn’t suffer indecision. The Peking duck pancakes are to die for and at $2.50 each you should definitely order more than one. (150 Bourke Street, Darlinghurst)


Eveleigh Farmers Market

A must for everyone who likes farmers markets paired with the vibe of an old industrial site. I have been to many farmers markets in Sydney but my absolute favourite is the Eveleigh Market that happens every Saturday between 8am to 1pm at Carriage Works (under the high roof of what was once a railway carriage). (243 Wilson Street, Darlington) 


Bronte Beach

When it comes to best beaches in Sydney, it’s hard to know where to begin. Around 100 beaches are speckled around the harbour and along the coast, both north and south of the Harbour Bridge. The only vex for travelers and locals can be picking the best one. Except in the far western suburbs, you're never more than half an hour away from one of the popular Sydney beaches. Avoid the tourists and well-trodden sand of Bondi and Manly and head to Bronte instead. Bronte’s sea pool offers a protected ocean swim and is regarded as one of the best in Sydney -- and much like beach culture itself, it’s free. The nearby parkland has spacious barbecue areas for gatherings and is the most family-friendly beach in the eastern suburbs. On public holidays, the park becomes a sea of frenzy as parties take place. Bronte’s east-facing beach picks up plenty of swell and swimming can be tricky at times thanks to the bulky headlands and underwater rocks. Waves can dump close to the shoreline. But the vibes and views on offer make it ideal for those looking to laze around on the popular beach.

Ivy Pool Club

Perched atop the hallowed Ivy compound, this stylish playground is all about the pool and the private cabanas edging it, making Pool Club like no other roof bar in town. This is a place you go to if you want to be seen, so flaunting what you’ve got is de rigueur. And yes, we are definitely talking money, fashion and looks. When the weather’s hot – and especially if you are – Pool Club invites guests to strip down and cool off in the crystalline water, but fear not the deep end. Unlike most of the clientele, the water’s very shallow. If, let’s say, wetting your whistle while dancing in a big shower cubicle with friends – or strangers! – is more your thing, Changeroom downstairs is made for exactly that. (Ivy Level 4, 320 George Street, Sydney)






TлЄ} ѓP3аМ„VNi Н„€-§ˆЬ4ЖэT0З­ѓP“РЙ€К€0З20З

Available from Area 51 


Available from Area 51 

55 High St
(09) 309 1922


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Clockwise from top left:

Chanel No.19 Body Cream. Before covering ourselves up in layers of clothing, nothing is more luxurious than slathering your body post-shower with a rich body cream. This brand new Chanel No.19 Body Cream leaves you suitably moisturized and lingering in the iconic feminine scent all day long. On counter 15th April 2012. www.chanel.com

Noir G de Guerlain mascara. Tipped as the very first refillable mascara, we’re swooning over both the packaging and the impressive results of Guerlain’s new Noir G de Guerlain mascara. The addition of a handy flip out mirror has quickly meant it has found a permanent position in our daily beauty haul. www.guerlain.com

Kiehls Lipgloss in New York Nude. The cult product has become our lip hydrating savior in the harsh windy weather of late. The nude hue is our barely-there colour of choice. www.kiehls.com

M.A.C Optimistic orange cremeblend blush (limited edition colour from the current ‘Cook Shop’ collection).  Like the name suggests, you should be optimistic about this colour choice. Although seemingly rather scary, in reality the actual shade is a flattering coral orange which brightens up the face with a natural flush. www.maccosmetics.com

Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream. Now officially converts of the BB cream, Smashbox’s 5-in-1 BB cream has a luxurious oil-controlling formula that works to instantly blur any imperfections and impart a flawless, long lasting complexion. www.smashboxcosmetics.co.nz

Estee Lauder’s Pure Colour Eye Crayon in Dramatic teal.  We’re trading in the black smoky eye for the velvet finish of these teal-hued eye crayons. The intense pigments are easy to use, and are a welcome touch of colour. Tip: For the brown-eyed-girls among you, these really work to make your eyes sparkle. www.esteelauder.com


Al Spary of Botswana designed the restaurant as a place where he could enjoy a decent manly steak, but where his wife could also feel welcome by an offering of seafood and lighter fare.

Taking over the iconic Ferry Terminal building's ground floor space (once the home of 90's restaurant Cin Cin), Botswana Butchery's Auckland venture will present a similar offering to its Queenstown and Wanaka siblings.

The large interior space has been transformed by Al's wife Charlotte Spary into a contemporary masterpiece where dramatic stone archways are accented by large velvet covered wing back chairs. The once cavernous space has been divided into numerous smaller dining zones bringing the warmth and comfort that one expects from a place where you're likely to settle in for the long haul. 

The menu has an extensive list of the usual "steak house" offerings: eye fillet, ribeye, porterhouse and Chateaubriand cuts of beef, accompanied by a plethora of sauce options including béarnaise, blue cheese and their specialty Botswana horseradish cream. And to keep the non meat eaters happy there is a substantial offering of seafood dishes (perhaps influenced by the restaurant’s waterfront location), such as whole roasted baby crayfish with lemon butter sauce, and vegetarian options such as their legendary french onion soup.

The restaurant opens to the public on Thursday and will be open from midday until midnight daily thereafter. With a substantial bar area only adding to its appeal, we can see this South Island stalwart developing itself a keen Jaffa following.

Botswana Butchery

99 Quay Street


(09) 307 6966



Pizza Bread


1kg of double A baker’s flour
650ml warm water
20g dried yeast 
1tsp sugar 
1tbs salt 
1tbs olive oil 
Parmigiano reggiano


Add the yeast to the warm water and stir.

Next, combine all other ingredients in a bowl, and then add the yeast and water to the bowl. Form dough and knead for 5 minutes. Put the dough back into the bowl and let the dough rise for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, split the dough into 5 balls and roll each ball into a circle.

If you don't have a pizza stone, heat a pan and put the dough in it for 1 minute so that the crust begins to form. Once the crust starts to form, take the dough out of the pan and drizzle with olive oil. To finish, shave parmigiano reggiano on top, add fresh rosemary and cook in a hot oven at 200°c for 8 minutes or until the dough turns golden brown. Serve.


1. My pillow. I use a memory foam pillow and I travel with it wherever I go.

2. iPhone. This doesn't leave my side on a day to day basis.

3. Rolex Submariner watch. I feel naked if I don’t have my watch on.

4. Sans Baobab Regenerative body cream. A non-greasy wonder moisturiser, which is a savior when it comes to dry skin. I can’t go a day without it.

5. Chocolate…gets me through the day. In this instance, it was a jumbo size pack of M & M’s.

6. Bassike grey trackpants. Because everybody needs a decent pair of comfy trackpants to recoil into after a long day at work. Bassike do the best.

7. Emporio Armani Sunglasses from ž№З

1. My pillow. I use a memory foam pillow and I travel with it wherever I go.

2. iPhone. This doesn't leave my side on a day to day basis.

3. Rolex Submariner watch. I feel naked if I don’t have my watch on.

4. Sans Baobab Regenerative body cream. A non-greasy wonder moisturiser, which is a savior when it comes to dry skin. I can’t go a day without it.

5. Chocolate…gets me through the day. In this instance, it was a jumbo size pack of M & M’s.

6. Bassike grey trackpants. Because everybody needs a decent pair of comfy trackpants to recoil into after a long day at work. Bassike do the best.

7. Emporio Armani Sunglasses from Sunglass Bar.

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Prawn Cocktail at Tyler St Garage

This kitsch entrée dish has a somewhat bad reputation, perhaps due to being bastardised as the canapé that conquered the 80s event circuit. Served traditionally in martini glass, this candy pink mix of prawns and Mary Rose sauce nestled on iceberg lettuce was well regarded as the glamorous way to complement cocktails with friends.  While there are many modern takes on the prawn cocktail, we still have a soft spot for the classic retro approach, in all its mayo-laden glory. Needless to say we were rather pleased to find its comeback on the bar snacks menu at Tyler St Garage. The delectable taste of prawn and avocado cocktail, complete with Tyler St’s own spin on the traditional pink dressing, quickly dispelled any disappointment that it didn’t arrive served in a martini glass. (120 Quay St, Auckland CBD, (09) 300 5279)

Scotch Egg at Takapuna Beach Café

We’ve fallen hard for Scotch eggs. Scotch eggs date back to 1738 where they were originally invented as a snack to nourish the weary traveller, so you can be assured that this is one comfort food sure to satiate winter cravings. For these who aren’t familiar with the British pub staple, those are boiled eggs swaddled in sausage meat, then covered with breadcrumbs and fried. It’s a rather hard to come by dish these days, so we were excited to find Takapuna Beach café is serving up Free Range Pork Scotch eggs alongside a delicious heirloom tomato ragu. (22 The Promenade, Takapuna, (09) 484 0002)

Club Sandwiches at Fables café

Lunchtime missions at the Denizen office often find us zipping across town to pick up a selection of the delicious club sandwiches from this under-the-radar café nestled in the iconic Foundation building in Parnell. The traditional three layered sandwiches, a popular favourite at high teas, have many variations on fillings but we can’t go past the classic chicken and rocket clubs. These ones are rather large in the scheme of a traditional club sammie, although that doesn’t seem to stop us from ordering more than just the one. We suggest you get in there before twelve as you will most likely be left disappointed if not, as they sell out fast! (Foundation Building, 8 George Street, Parnell)

Lamingtons at Agnes Curren

 We had to make mention of the classic NZ sponge staple. What’s not to love about the delicious treat? Especially when it comes served with lashings of of fresh cream and rasberry jam.  Agnes Curren’s lamingtons are well regarded as some of the best in town, and we’d have to agree. The large oversized chocolate covered sponge cakes, rolled in coconut served alongside a cup of tea are the perfect nostalgic childhood afternoon tea indulgence. (181 Ponsonby Road, (09) 360 1551)

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Find my Car: We can almost bet everyone reading this has been guilty of wandering around aimlessly trying to find a misplaced parked car. You needn’t ever have to suffer the embarrassment again with Find My Car. Using the iPhone location capability, the application allows you to quickly locate the position of the car and fix it on the iPhone's map function (the application also has a handy ability to record visual information as a helpful prompt using the phone's camera – genius!). Once your excursion is over, simply follow the map back to your car.

Spotify: Spotify is less of a one-off app and more of a game changer. Soon to be launched in New Zealand after huge successes in both Europe and America, Spotify is said to completely change the way we access music. Basically, the application allows subscribers to access more than fifteen million songs that are streamed live, meaning that music doesn’t take up any space on your hard drive. Creating an account lets you subscribe to a free version (ad supported) or a premium service (no advertising) for $10 per month. The application can be used on a variety of platforms, including smart phones, iPads, personal computers and even home audio systems. Also, because the music plays live, there is no waiting for downloads to complete. Spotify understands exactly what we want from music before we know ourselves.

PayPal Here: Launched last week, this brand new app includes a fully encrypted thumb-sized card reader - instantly turning any iPhone (it will soon be android capable too) into a mobile payment solution to send invoices, accept debit and credit cards with one simple app. Genius for business time on-the-go.

Instapaper: This is by no means a new application, however its merits are worth mentioning, especially in its most recent and suitable format, the iPad. Instapaper lets you save magazine, newspaper and blog pieces for reading later, so that you can come back at a more convenient time. A major advantage is that anything you download to the Instapaper app is available to read offline, a useful feature for the daily commute or for when you have a long boring wait in transit. Other features include tilt-to-scroll abilities, night-reading mode, article sharing, adjustable fonts and a variety of text sizes. Simple, yet brilliant.


If you want to stay abreast of what’s happening in the world of interiors, keep your eyes peeled from today for Claire Sullivan and Design Folio Incubator Award winner Tim Webber's favourite moments from the fair in our lively daily updates from Milan (which you can subscribe to at www.designfolio.co.nz). If you know anyone that would like to receive Design Folio magazine’s daily design email updates, encourage them to sign up at Design Folio.


Equal parts cookie, pie, cake and burger, legend has it that the Whoopie was originally conjured up by the State of Maine, where Amish women would bake these treats and put them in the farmers’ lunch pails, the farmers excitedly shouting “whoopie!” come lunch time. No longer a treat reserved just for Amish farmers, Lucy Stuart and Nick Maddren are introducing New Zealanders to these delicious treats, with the opening of their new-albeit tiny cakery in Grey Lynn. Using only the freshest dairy products and natural ingredients, the Whoopies literally melt in the mouth. Red velvet with cream cheese; banana, walnut and cardamom; and black currant, dark chocolate and cinnamon, are just some of the flavours on offer. Each little gem is made with love in Whoopie’s new home in Grey Lynn, which is nestled on a leafy side street off Richmond road.

The cakes are available to buy separately or in boxes of 3-6. Lucy and Nick also make Whoopie Pops, which are basically Whoopie pies on a stick that are dipped in smooth white chocolate and then covered in sprinkles. A great addition to the neighbourhood, these are the perfect lunchtime treats for those lucky enough to work nearby.

2a Hakanoa St (off Richmond Rd)
Grey Lynn


able to read offline, a useful feature for the daily commute or for when you have a long boring wait in transit. Other features include tilt-to-scroll abilities, night-reading mode, article sharing, adjustable fonts and a variety of text sizes. Simple, yet brilliant.

TBЕВѓP“ ЛЦ 2“№ЛЦ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ѕЁ†2оS `‚ _)3цБжBody Beautiful is a well balanced, challenging (yet delightfully achievable) workout. It's a tremendous stretch for both the mind and the body, the perfect way to start the day. With promises of long, lean thighs and sculpted arms, improved posture, flat abs? Yes please. I was naturally curious. 

Originating from ballet fitness, it's a craze that was bubbling away in LA, where Casey Green, the talented and beautiful founder of Body Beautiful, stumbled across the concept. It was there in a ballet studio in Santa Monica that the initial romance sparked. New Zealand was in desperate need of this style of work out...and so here we are. The first studio has recently opened its doors, finding its home on Queen Street, Auckland. 

Body Beautiful strikes perfect balance between a strength work and stretching, using the ballet barre to assist your workout. Rest assured, you don’t have to be a dancer to take the class, as the 50-minute workout is an achievable mix of Casey's favourite exercises as well as incorporating a dash of yoga, pilates and core conditioning to complement the traditional ballet movements. The class was a low-impact fusion of cardio, free-weight exercises, core work and a series of ballet barre exercises that got the heart rate surprisingly worked up and really felt like it was working its magic on all of my muscles. Give it a go, if anything I can assure you that you'll bounce out of this class on a well-deserved high. 

Body Beautiful

Level 3
203 Queen Street
(09) 304 0764 



Director: Mateo Gil
Stars: Sam Shepard, Eduardo Noriega and Stephen Rea
Rating: M Violence & offensive language
Release date: 12 April

It's been said (but unsubstantiated) that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were killed in a standoff with the Bolivian military in 1908. In Blackthorn, Cassidy (Shepard) survived, and is quietly living out his years under the name James Blackthorn in a secluded Bolivian village. Tired of his long exile from the US and hoping to see his family again before he dies, Cassidy sets out on the long journey home. But when an unexpected encounter with an ambitious young criminal (Eduardo Noriega) derails his plans, he is thrust into one last adventure, the likes of which he hasn't experienced since his glory days with the Sundance Kid.

“Spanish director Mateo Gil reappraises the last desperado's legend in a funny, violent examination of America and American cowboy films.” Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune


Director: Asghar Farhadi
Stars: Peyman Moadi, Leila Hatami and Sareh Bayat
Rating: PG Low level offensive language
Release date: 19 April

This 2012 Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film is a compelling drama set in contemporary Iran. Simply put, it is about the dissolution of a marriage, but really this film is so about much more. Simin wants to leave Iran with her husband Nader and daughter Termeh. Simin sues for divorce when Nader refuses to leave behind his Alzheimer-suffering father. Her request having failed, Simin returns to her parents' home, but Termeh decides to stay with Nader. When Nader hires a young woman to assist with his father in his wife's absence, he hopes that his life will return to a normal state. A brilliant, quietly insightful story.

“Dynamically shot and paced like a thriller, the film has the density and moral prickliness of a good novel.” Jon Frosch, The Atlantic


Director: Kirstin Marcon
Stars: Matt Whelan, Roxane Mesquida, Pana Hema-Taylor, Colin Moy
Censor's rating: R16 - violence,offensive language, drug use & sex scenes
Release date: 26 Apr 2012

Shot across Europe and New Zealand, THE MOST FUN YOU CAN HAVE DYING tells the tale of young and charming Michael, who learns he has just a few months to live. Determined to have the time of his life, Michael "borrows" the money raised for his treatment and heads overseas. He is determined to be carefree and irresponsible, with no ties or attachments, and everything goes as planned until he meets and falls in love with Sylvie, a beautiful and enigmatic young French woman. Adapted from the novel Seraphim Blues by Steven Gannaway, this is a dark but compelling insight into the life of a young man living on borrowed time.


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The View-Master's basic design hasn't changed much in the 80 years since its invention, and it seems to us like its childhood charm hasn’t either.

The Image3D website allows you to customise a series of your own View-Master reels with personal photos. You are then posted your own View-Master (in a choice of colours) and your personalised photo reel/s in a pristine white box. And, for those who still have their trusty red toy stashed away in the attic gathering dust, you'll be pleased to note that the reels will work in any original View-Master too.

We were also interested to learn that the Image3D company (who produce View-Master) was founded by Rich Dubnow, who actually worked as one of View-Master’s photographers for over 20 years.

Available from Image3D here.The View-Master's basic design hasn't changed much in the 80 years since its invention, and it seems to us like its childhood charm hasn’t either.

The Image3D website allows you to customise a series of your own View-Master reels with personal photos. You are then posted your own View-Master (in a choice of colours) and your personalised photo reel/s in a pristine white box. And, for those who still have their trusty red toy stashed away in the attic gathering dust, you'll be pleased to note that the reels will work in any original View-Master too.

We were also interested to learn that the Image3D company (who produce View-Master) was founded by Rich Dubnow, who actually worked as one of View-Master’s photographers for over 20 years.

Available from Image3D here.

ded by Rich Dubnow, who actually worked as one of View-Master’s photographers for over 20 years.

VE DYING tells the tale of young and charming Michael, who learns he has just a few months to live. Determined to have the time of his life, Michael "borrows" the money raised for his treatment and heads overseas. He is determined to be carefree and irresponsible, with no ties or attachments, and everything goes as planned until he meets and falls in love with Sylvie, a beautiful and enigmatic young French woman. Adapted from the novel Seraphim Blues by Steven Gannaway, this is a dark but compelling insight into the life of a young man living on borime.

wed time.


Poor breakfast. It probably didn’t see brunch coming. One bright morning it was simply relegated to the working week; dry muesli and trim milk munched by half asleep, resentful and suited beings. Functional rather than enjoyable.

Meanwhile brunch was put on the gastronomic pedestal in the antipodes. Its glorious existence rendered decision making easy on a hangover with menus that suited everyone. It gave birth to meetings that no longer need to start quite so early and most importantly, it finally became OK to have booze with scrambled eggs. 

The etymology is a no brainer: the quite literal love child of the once separated breakfast and lunch. Finally there existed places to get your coffee-with-a-salad-with-a-bloody-mary-then-maybe-a-pastry jollies. And Melbourne gets it, going beyond the standard mushroom on toast and eggs benedict to do something a little more interesting. In the European capital of Australia brunch pushes a few culinary boundaries, just as it should. Brangelina set a standard: any good amalgamation should produce varied offspring, and the Melbourne brunch scene provides just that. 

The first stop was the highly recommended Birdman Eatery in Fitzroy (238 Gertrude Street Fitzroy, (03) 9416 4747).  This would be the first of many stops during the day as I unwittingly conducted an experiment in stomach expansion (results disclosed at end). Birdman has one of those menus that make the first decision any brunch-er is faced with extremely difficult: sweet or savoury? Sweet or savoury… Sweet or savoury... I felt haunted.

So intent I was on answering this age-old dilemma properly that when asked if I would like a coffee ‘sweet or savoury’ was all I had as a response. Regardless, I was brought a flat white and it was lovely. Kick started by caffeine, I honoured a friend’s favourite and ordered baked vanilla ricotta with fresh fruit and almonds. It was all that ricotta could be: creamy and ricotta-y. Good, but not enough of a main event. So I bulldozed through a second choice: smoked, pulled pork, shredded lettuce and mint open sandwich with roast pineapple sorbet. I actually felt my mouth and my brain high five.  A bit like a first true love, this sandwich ruined all other sandwiches for me. The perfect paradox, it was rich, fresh, smooth and for want of a better word: zingy. I left with a good new moral for any brunch story: when in doubt, get sweet and savoury.  

I was full but brave and so proceeded to another popular haunt, Pope Joan (77/79 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East, Australia (03) 9388 8858). A Bloody Mary to ease the previous night’s whisky-quease was first up. Herb salt, vodka and chilled tomato juice combined with the ideal amount of spice were hair of the dog superheroes. Encouraged by alcohol as I often am, I smashed poached eggs, falafels, zucchini, smoked tomato aioli and pine nuts.  Miffed as I was that the waitress did not agree that courgette was the vegetable name, I felt this was an excellent piece of decision-making. Overall the dish was an epic chain reaction of textures: gooey egg, dense falafel, unctuous zucchini, thick aioli and those smooth nuts. You know a dish is a success when you are reminded of how spectacular small ingredients can be and in this circumstance it was the pine nut. That buttery, woody fellow has since been scattered in an all matter of places in my cooking that it probably does not belong.

I learned that food babies exist, and I was pretty sure I was harbouring triplets by this stage. Still, I remained undeterred in the knowledge that octuplets had happened and marched on. A bizarre craving reminded that one need not restrict oneself to cafes with quirky art and wooden tables for breakfast. I wanted a BBQ pork bun and by God, I would have one. Suffering from early onset food coma, I stumbled into Rize on Brunswick (262 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, (03) 9078 1862). I managed one and a half tasty BBQ pork buns before having to lie down on the nearest park bench.  I dreamt I was being eaten by granola. Which by grace of chronology, is also the conclusion to the stomach expansion experiment. Believe the rumours about overindulgence, dear friends, but never be defeated by them. My final cry once woken by a kindly man on fixed gear bicycle was ‘I have no regrets.’ It rings true to this day.


Creamy mash


1kg Sebago potatoes
½ cup cream
50g butter


Boil the potatoes with the skin on until soft.
Set the potatoes aside and let them cool.
Peel the potatoes while still warm and then mash with the cream and butter, adding salt pepper to taste.

Braised cabbage


1/2 head of cabbage
2 rashers of pancetta
½ onion
1 small carrot
50g Butter
½ cup dry white wine


Shred the cabbage and dice the pancetta, onion and carrot.
Fry the pancetta and set aside.
Sauté the onion and carrot in the same pan using the remaining fat.
Melt the butter in a large saucepan and add the cabbage.
Cook the cabbage until soft.
Add the pancetta, onion and carrot.
Then add the wine and simmer until evaporated.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

For Erwin's delectable braised pork belly, see the latest issue of Denizen magazine. On sale now.


We have a fantastic subscription offer for our readers of Denizen magazine. Pay only $35 for a one year subscription (August, November, April) or $60 for a two year subscription (August 2012 – April 2014) and you will go in the draw to win two nights at the luxurious Huka Lodge in Taupo. You and a friend will enjoy a five-course degustation dinner each night of your weekend stay at the exclusive luxury riverside retreat.

Upon subscribing to Denizen, you will also receive a complimentary 7mL sample of Estee Lauder’s perfectionist (CP+) wrinkle lifting serum (valued at $35) sent out to you. Perfectionist is Estee Lauder’s most comprehensive lifting treatment ever, working to amplify new collagen production in just two hours and reversing the visible effects of lines and wrinkles after four weeks.

Denizen magazine will be available at Whitcoulls stores, Mag Nation and other leading newsagents. Make sure you pick up a copy! 

Subscribe by clicking one of the below.

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Screen shot 2012-04-20 at 4.57.36 PM.png

uté the onion and carrot in the same pan using the remaining fat.
Melt the butter in a large saucepan and add the cabbage.
Cook the cabbage until soft.
Add the pancetta, onion and carrot.
Then add the wine and simmer until evaporated.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

For Erwin's delec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=г`‚ _ў юъ-ыщ1яmЦЋ

1. Time. Chances are you’ve been planning your Easter escape since at least Queen’s Birthday so allow yourself some time to pack to ensure you don’t 'panic pack'. Throwing your haul in a bag five minutes before you’re out the door will result in half your closet and hardly anything you actually need.

2. Equipment. Good packing starts with a decent bag to pack your prized possessions in. This is fundamentally the key point in separating the organised from the disastrous. Invest in a quality holdall that is sturdy enough to withstand being thrown around in a car or plane and never ever travel with anything that you cannot carry on your own accord (unless you’ve got an entourage to carry your stuff for you).

3. Restraint. This may seem glaringly obvious but only pack the bare essentials. Less is always more. We suspect most weekend getaways will have some sort of civilization located within a 5km radius. Therefore don’t pack like there isn’t. It’s a common mistake to overestimate one’s free time and spontaneity on a weekend away. Packing five books for a four-day weekend is not ambitious, it’s unnecessary. Taking heels away on a beach trip is not being prepared, it’s being ridiculous.  But always pack a sweater or jacket, as unexpected cold snap is always on the radar.

4. Technique. The proof is in the unpacking – clothes will inevitably end up creased but there are some ways you can avoid spending the entire weekend looking like you just rolled out of bed. Adopt the rolling technique (also a nifty trick for those serial over-packers who will inevitably fail at step three) and don’t pack linen, silk or dirty clothes into a weekend bag unless you plan on spending your time washing and ironing too. Pack in logical sections (underwear, toiletries, tops, bottoms and shoes etc) to optimise space and ensure all items can be located swiftly.


Described by frontman, Norwegian Peter Liddle, as “folksy gospel music played by a post-punk band” Shallow Bed is rooted in folk with the guitars are turned up to eleven.

The album lurches into life with the rumbling bass of opener ‘Animal Skins’ which seems more like it has been included as an opener to allow the band to find their bearings, and it is really on the album’s excellent second track, and single, ‘New Ceremony’, with its thundering chorus that the band feel comfortable to really get fully into stride.

The epic 12 minutes of closing track ‘Lion’s Den’ is almost a microcosm for the entire album – a slow burner that finally takes hold and rages through a flowing melody to a crescendo that finally collapses in on itself – stirring stuff indeed.

Full of soaring dramas and poetic lyrics, the imagery and themes - from dusty roads to even dustier medicine men - are anchored in turn of the century Americana, which acts as a perfect backdrop for the scale of the band’s ambition and sound. 

Mostly it is dark and depressing stuff.  The stories full of lonely and broken people, which are given otherworldly warmth by Liddle’s delicate choir like vocals that at times are reminiscent of Nick Drake, particularly when the band does occasionally take their foot off the pedal.

Produced by Peter Katis (The National / Interpol), Shallow Bed will offer plenty for fans of both those more traditional indie-rock bands as well as the nu-folk of Okkervil River. 

Brave, authentic and passionate – expect to be hearing a lot more from ‘Dry the River’.

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Annie Oxborough is renowned for her unique approach to floral design. Specialising in wedding and events her concepts move beyond the traditional confines of floral design as she takes on ‘recreating nature’s handiwork’.

We suggest you pop by and have a nosy, the displays (all available for purchase) will be changing weekly as will the freshly cut flower selection.

Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

(09) 489 6955

Annie Oxborough:www.memyselfandi.co.nz

TёЛDfѓP“№И@ЙTэС‰ ѓP“АЖБдЅ•ЗБTP Вoken people, which are given otherworldly warmth by Liddle’s delicate choir like vocals that at times are reminiscent of Nick Drake, particularly when the band does occasionally take their foot off the pedal.

Produced by Peter Katis (The National / Interpol), Shallow Bed will offer plenty for fans of both those more traditional indie-rock bands as well as the nu-folk of Okkervil River. 

Brave, authentic and passionate – expect to be hearing a lot more from ‘Dry the River’.

TmДd ѓP“€КааКаTЊДяѓP“АЖЖ0ЗЖ0T[ЕѓP“ Й №Й ­T‹Е„ѓP“ К|№К|˜=}‹Е­‹Е

Annie Oxborough is renowned for her unique approach to floral design. Specialising in wedding and events her concepts move beyond the traditional confines of floral design as she takes on ‘recreating nature’s handiwork’.

We suggest you pop by and have a nosy, the displays (all available for purchase) will be changing weekly as will the freshly cut flower selection.

Available 9‹Е

Annie Oxborough is renowned for her unique approach to floral design. Specialising in wedding and events her concepts move beyond the traditional confines of floral design as she takes on ‘recreating nature’s handiwork’.

We suggest you pop by and have a nosy, the displays (all available for purchase) will be changing weekly as will the freshly cut flower selection.

Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

(09) 489 6955

Annie Oxbo’‹Е

Annie Oxborough is renowned for her unique approach to floral design. Specialising in wedding and events her concepts move beyond the traditional confines of floral design as she takes on ‘recreating nature’s handiwork’.

We suggest you pop by and have a nosy, the displays (all available for purchase) will be changing weekly as will the freshly cut flower selection.

Available from Simon James Concept Store

The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street

(09) 489 6955

Annie Oxborough:www.memyselfandi.co.nz

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The 1992 Olympic games put Barcelona firmly on the map as a Mecca for hoards of young Europeans in search of a luxe lifestyle, good food, shopping, art and sunshine. Seven million tourists visit this fine capital every year, half of them for professional reasons, and the rest, not only to admire the revered architecture of Gaudi but also to enjoy the beach and embrace the all-night party life that this city has to offer. When you visit, you must go to these places:

Hotel Casa Fuster

This Art Nouveau hotel in the centre of Barcelona occupies one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. Even if you don’t stay here, it’s worth having at least one drink at the bar, which often stages live music, transporting you successfully to another time and place. The hotel’s interior consists of grandiose pillars and large brooding rooms with opulent fabrics. And if you fancy a seat outdoors, make your way to the rooftop pool where the entire city’s skyline will be laid out before you. (Paseo de Gracia 132).


Tickets restaurant

Ferran Adria, one of the world’s greatest chefs has done it again with the opening of his casual tapas restaurant. This place has a two-month waiting list (so make the reservation this side of the world before you depart for your European adventure) and is a popular haunt for both travellers and locals alike. With a cheerful and theatrical venue that offers Spanish tapas, try their take on the fantastic Jamon Iberico. This place is a whole new experience for one’s culinary senses, like only Mr Adria can do. (Av de la Meridiana, 358  08027)

Bar Mut restaurant

This is another one of my favourite tapas bars – the name is word-play for Vermouth in Catalan. Small and elegant, this place presents an impressive selection of more than 400 wines from all over the world. You must try their carpaccio of fried eggs and their beef fillet with foie gras cubes – both will leave you wanting more. (Pau Claris, 192)


When in Europe, you really cannot go past Zara for shopping. There are ten stores in the city. Or, if you are after something more unique, perhaps try walking through the Rambla de Catalunya or Puerta Ferrissa – both are incredible areas for shopping with a great array of shoes. If you are shopping for your kids, you must check out Suit Beibi – it’s a fantastic store, with the coolest and most original accessories, all courtesy of the excellent taste of owner Susana Lafarga. Be sure to check out the other two shops she owns in the upper part of town also. (Santalo, 60 and Benet I Meteu, 52)

BD Barcelona design gallery and other design stops

This dark and minimal contemplative space is the ideal canvas for this furniture company, whose work includes iconic designs by past masters Salvador Dali, Antonio Gaudi, and current ones like Jaime Hayon. (Ramon Turro, 126). If you have the time, also try and make your way to these stores: Pilma, Arkitektura and the very famous Vinçon in Paseo de Gracia.


Futbol Club Barcelona

For the football and sports’ fiends among us, a visit to this club to see ‘Barça’, one of the greatest teams in the world, is well worth a visit. Boasting the largest stadium in Europe, the club’s home Camp Nou has a capacity of 99,354 spectators – and the ambience of a match here, is mind blowing. Try and get tickets to a game, they run every second weekend during the season, and by the time you leave you’ll surely be infected with the contagious passion of the crowd, all shouting “Força Barça!”



Barcelona is a city that never sleeps. The city comes alive after the sun goes down. We eat late, and party late. The night scene has changed a lot over the years but some noteworthy places remain:

Betty Ford

Along with its great name, here you’ll find delectable cocktails and a fantastic party atmosphere. This is well worth a look in if you around Raval – the old part of town. (Joaquim, Costa, 56)


Sala Apolo

Old and cosy, this club is a hotspot for concerts and is a hub for dancing almost every night of the week. It’s infamous for its famous “Nasty Mondays” parties…(Nou de la Rambla, 113)


Day Trip to Sitges

And, if you fancy a day tour out of Barcelona, visit Sitges, a nearby town. Only 40 minutes by train from the centre of Barcelona, this is well worth a trip on a sunny day. As the gay capital of the Europe, its vibrant and colourful beach village atmosphere is the perfect backdrop for enjoying paella or Esquiexada (a local gourmet salad made with cod and Romesco sauce). With beautiful modernistic buildings, along with a good mix of traditional village lifestyle and an international vibe, Sitges has a lot to offer if you are looking for something different from the bright lights of Barcelona. When there, dine at La Fragata (www.restaurantefragata.com) overlooking the beautiful 17th century church, or at Al Fresco restaurant (www.alfrescorestaurante.es/en/) in the middle of town. Both are great examples of Catalan cuisine.

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Cheaney shoes hail from a small market town of Desborough in the heart of the Northamptonshire countryside and the company has been hand making traditional English shoes since 1886. Everything from the cutting of the leather, to the final polish is lovingly handcrafted by the family-owned English company.

These sleek and refined working shoes have all the quality of Goodyear welt construction (a traditional method of the manufacture of men’s working shoes) with a contemporary update; the perfect accompaniment to any stylish man's wardrobe. The addition of the Cheaney range also marks Crane Brothers reacquaintance with the shoe market after a break of over two years.

Although the Cheaney range is extensive, Murray Crane has hand selected the styles he felt best represented the brand for his store: A hand finished tan brogue, a double monk strap in both black and brown (pictured) and two styles of ‘City’ shoes in black calf leather.

2/4 High Street

(09) 377 5333


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French Bay monthly French markets

While many rush to Parnell’s now iconic La Cigale French Markets, thanks to a tip off from Denizen’s gourmand, Mark Wallbank, we have traded the central weekend stop off for a Sunday drive to the rather aptly positioned French markets in West Auckland’s French Bay. The ever-expanding Auckland French community has unofficially adopted the French Bay yacht club in West Auckland as the home of their monthly market. Held on the second Sunday of every month, the indoor markets are bursting with all of the delicious French pastries, coffee, crepes and cheeses you could wish for, as well as arts, crafts and entertainment. The markets overlook the beautiful French bay beach surrounds. All the makings of a perfect Sunday drive.(Corner of Otitori Bay Road & Valley Road, French Bay)

Silo Night markets

If Wynyard Quarter has been rendered only a faint World Cup memory then think again. Giving very good reason to pay an evening visit downtown is the Silo night markets, held in conjunction with the Silo Cinema – a free public outdoor movie experience that has been running throughout summer. While it may fall a little outside of the farmers’ market category, the wide variety of food stalls that operate on Friday and Saturday nights from 5pm and include wood-fired pizza, Spanish churros and fresh paella that you won’t find anywhere else. A must visit for foodies in the know. We must mention that this is also where you will often find the elusive taco truck ‘MexiKai’ – serving some of the most delicious and authentic soft tacos in town. (corner of Jellicoe and Beaumont Street. Wynyard Quarter)

Pine Harbour fresh markets

Modelled on the common French village ‘marche local’ or green market, the Pine Harbour markets in Beachlands are held every Saturday from 8am – 12pm and offer a plethora of local food and European imported delicacies. At the markets, you can fill your baskets with fresh local produce and delicious ingredients for a week's worth of good eating. From organic produce to fresh seafood, free range chicken and eggs to cheese, charcuterie artisan breads and wines, we can assure you there is no chance of leaving empty handed (or on an empty stomach for that matter. (Jack Lachlan Drive, Whitford)


Gracing our shores this week, this internationally renowned architect is showcasing the next installment of his Hylozoic series as part of the 2012 DeSForM Conference: Meaning Matter Making, a conference that celebrates and explores all things in the digital creativity realm. To be exhibited at Wellington’s City Gallery, Beesley’s works are ethereal and complex, pieces of ‘living architecture’ created from artificial materials and embedded with electronics that imitate the processes found in biological forms. These creatures of Beesley’s are also responsive, their intricate links and skeletal patterns fitted with sensors so that they respond to any movement around them, twitching and twisting to create strangely poetic works of art.

Strongly aligned with both the DeSForM Conference and Wellington’s 2040 future living initiative, this is the first time Beesley’s work has exhibited in New Zealand and serves as a key contemporary reference for those looking towards the future of architecture, whatever form it may take.

19 April - 10 June

Hirschfeld Gallery,

Ph: 04 801 3954


Since then, Best Made Company has blossomed, producing a line of products alongside esteemed designers and manufacturers. These High 'n Dry cargo nets are one such product. Handmade in Rhode Island, the nets are made with 70 feet worth of 550lb tensile strength synthetic paracord, which is hand knotted and woven, with the ends crimped. Each net is finished off with a traditional French hitch knot and brass O rings. We like the idea of using these red and white numbers as an alternative way to display our paraphernalia, or even to fasten between two trees as a way of storing items on a weekend glamping trip. 

High 'n Dry Cargo net: $48

Available to purchase online from www.bestmadeco.com


Obviously this says so much more about his debut album Learning which trawled the depths of Hadreas’ drug and alcohol fuelled past.   His new record broadens the perspective from that of confessional subject to world-wary storyteller and explores themes of love, heartbreak and hopefulness across 12 delicate and deeply emotional tracks.

Musically, Handreas recalls early Sufjan Stevens, Elliott Smith, Bon Iver of For Emma fame and most obviously Antony Hegarty.  That means minimalist piano and guitar codas supported by various keyboards that cloak each song with a dark veil of sadness.

‘Floating Spit’ could almost the great theme to Twin Peaks that never was, while ‘Take Me Home’ emerges from the gloom to re-invent itself as a glorious neo-gospel triumph.  Elsewhere ‘Dark Parts’ most clearly demonstrates the new found confidence and inner-strength that lies at the heart of the album as Hadreas memorably exclaims “he’ll never break you baby”.

Without doubt this remains a dark record.  But it is also one that seeks redemption and offers hope for a brighter and better future.  Hadreas has created a compelling and moving record that perhaps most surprisingly given some of its subject matter is an absolute comfort and joy to be in the company of.&nbsѓLЙ

Obviously this says so much more about his debut album Learning which trawled the depths of Hadreas’ drug and alcohol fuelled past.   His new record broadens the perspective from that of confessional subject to world-wary storyteller and explores themes of love, heartbreak and hopefulness across 12 delicate and deeply emotional tracks.

Musically, Handreas recalls early Sufjan Stevens, Elliott Smith, Bon Iver of For Emma fame and most obviously Antony Hegarty.  That means minimalist piano and guitar codas supported by various keyboards that cloak each song with a dark veil of sadness.

‘Floating Spit’ could almost the great theme to Twin Peaks that never was, while ‘Take Me Home’ emerges from the gloom to re-invent itself as a glorious neo-gospel triumph.  Elsewhere ‘Dark Parts’ most clearly demonstrates the new found confidence and inner-strength that lies at the heart of the album as Hadreas memorably exclaims “he’ll never break you baby”.

Without doubt this remains a dark record.  But it is also one that seeks redemption and offers hope for a brighter and better future.  Hadreas has created a compelling and moving record that perhaps most surprisingly given some of its subject matter is an absolute comfort and joy to be in the company of. 

TuП| kѓP“рЗ]0И]e future of architecture, whatever form it may take.

19 April - 10 June

Hirschfeld Gallery,

Ph: 04 801 3954

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Created as a holiday to nurture women mentally and spiritually, Surf Goddess Retreats is, as the name suggests, surf focused, where you learn to ride waves in a luxurious haven where every need is met and nothing is too much to ask for. Focusing on one’s wellbeing along with unwinding from work pressures, you will sleep in private villa accommodation, eat organic cuisine prepared by the retreat’s resident chef, spend hours having spa treatments and explore the best that beautiful Bali has to offer.

We guarantee there will be no sign of cold showers and rough bedding, however, you can expect fresh fruit baskets and top-notch surf equipment. On the retreat’s ‘Follow Your Bliss Day’ you can choose to go white water rafting through ancient gorges with lunch overlooking rice fields, or if something more serene is your thing, there is the eco walking tour through Bali’s heartland or a traditional Indonesian cooking class at the five star Tugu hotel.

A rare find, Surf Goddess Retreats will be sure to instill a sense of balance back into your life. The warm Bali air doesn’t hurt either.



Along the way they have lost their drummer meaning they have been forced to strip things right back to their original form – the twin guitars of Aaron Mullan and David Miles.

The result is a collection of eleven fragile songs that shift subtly from deep contemplation to moody introspection.  Yet, despite the songs titles (cue: ‘Suffer So Long’, ‘Axeman’, ‘Suicide’, ‘Whole Thing Is Over’ and ‘Loss For Words’) there is a real strength and stubbornness that fights through the albums enveloping gloom.  The duo defiantly croon “It’s my world, It’s my song, No one asked you to sing along” from the sweet slide guitar infused ‘I Couldn’t Say It To Your Face’ and you just know they’re going to pull through.

Any percussion support is minimal and sparse in the extreme - in fact it is four tracks in before any appear at all – which importantly allows the whispered lyrics and intimate guitar work to take centre stage. 

If you’re still intrigued but looking for reference points you could do a lot worse than sound checking Thurston Moore’s solo album from last year - the excellent ‘Demolished Thoughts’ - or even the more melancholic moments of Kurt Vile’s ‘Smoke Ring For My Halo’.

Tormented and tranquil, ‘Out Of It And Into It’ is ultimately a triumphant “fuck you is that the worst you can do?” salute to life, and the crap it deals us all at one time or another.  What else is there to do, but get on with it?

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1. The longest period of time we can sustain without enduring a Friday the 13th is 14 months.

2. The 13th day of the month is slightly more likely to be a Friday than any other day.

3. If we start the month on a Sunday, bad luck guys, there will be a Friday the 13th.

4. Friday the 13th has long been associated with the stock market after a Boston stockbroker published a book in 1907, called Friday the Thirteenth, which told of an evil businessman's attempt to crash the stock market on the unluckiest day of the month. The Wall St folk continued their superstitions about the day when in 1925, the NY Times noted that people "would no more buy or sell a share of stock today than they would walk under a ladder or kick a black cat out of their path." Many traders also blamed the infamous Black Monday (Oct. 19, 1987) on the fact that three Fridays fell on the 13th that year.

5. There have been exactly 12 movies made about this unlucky day...which new film will claim the title of 13th?

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th Part II

Friday the 13th Part III (originally in 3D)

Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning

Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday

Jason X

Freddy vs. Jason

Friday the 13th

5. The stress management centre and the phobia institute in the United States estimates more than 17 million people are affected by this day.

6. The following famous people were born on Friday 13th:

- Butch Cassidy

- Fidel Castro

- Christopher Plummer

- Steve Buscemi

- Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine in Seinfeld)

- Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

 Other interesting facts about the number 13?

 7. Apparently if 13 people sit down to dinner together, one will die within the year.

 8. If you have 13 letters in your name, you will have all the makings of a serial killer (Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Theodore Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer).

9. Famous Downing Street in London avoids the number 13. It used to have a door with the number 13, but it disappeared in a fire more than 100 years ago.

10.  In 1881 an organisation called the Thirteen Club attempted to improve the number's reputation. At the first meeting, the 13 members walked under ladders to enter a room covered with spilled salt. The club grew to almost 400 members and went on to include five U.S. Presidents: Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.


The ‘envy’ panel this Thursday is comprised of theologian Sir Lloyd Geering, World’s Denise L’Estrange Corbet, artist Reuben Paterson and host Wallace Chapman, who will lead the panel through a discussion. Are the seven sins still indicative of the worst human behaviours? Do the sins still apply, how do they play out in modern life, is envy a bad thing or a motivator? Sounds to us like a very fascinating evening indeed.

There is even a confessional booth for these of you needing to make your own revelations…we suspect you’ve all got some!

The Late Series is held on the first Thursday of every month, until the seven sins have all been rolled out (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony).

7pm – 11pm

Cost: $20

Auckland Museum
The Domain


TŸНœѓP“€ИЁИb=ФаИЁ< >“Ьive of the worst human behaviours? Do the sins still apply, how do they play out in modern life, is envy a bad thing or a motivator? Sounds to us like a very fascinating evening indeed.

There is even a confessional booth for these of you needing to make your own revelations…we suspect you’ve all got some!

The Late Series is held on the first Thursday of every month, until the seven sins have all been rolled out (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony).

7pm – 11pm

Cost: $20


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Should you pay triple the price for an avocado because it is organically grown? Probably not… but perhaps you should consider it now if you’re buying celery.

There is a widely differing opinion on whether or not organic produce is nutritionally more beneficial than non-organic and as we all know buying organic can be outrageously expensive. So the real question is - how important is it to buy organic? Aside from the nutritional value the main issue is the chemical residue from pesticides, fungicides, fertilisers that are sprayed onto the produce when farmed. For example, potatoes are sprayed several times with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides in their short little lives: firstly, as sliced potato “seeds” before they are planted, then the leaves are sprayed while the potatoes are growing below, and finally the mature potatoes are sprayed after they’re harvested.

Recently the Environmental Working Group released their Short List of the Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen; the fruits and vegetables that are very low in pesticides (clean) and those that retain the most pesticides (dirty). This is a great list to keep in mind next time you’re doing the weekly grocery shop. I’m not too concerned about buying non-organic produce but I do and would recommend at least avoiding the Dirty Dozen.

The Clean 15 (least pesticide residue found; okay to buy non-organic)

1. Onion

2. Avocado

3. Sweet corn

4. Pineapple

5. Mangos

6. Sweet peas

7. Asparagus

8. Kiwifruit

9. Cabbage

10. Eggplant

11. Cantaloupe

12. Watermelon

13. Grapefruit

14. Sweet potato

15. Honeydew melon

And on the flip side these are the list of fruit and vegetables you should try to buy organic (from the farmers’ markets or wholefood stores if possible).

The Dirty Dozen (this produce should always be purchased organic)

1. (The dirtiest) Celery

2. Peaches

3. Strawberries

4. Apples

5. Blueberries

6. Nectarines

7. Capsicum

8. Spinach

9. Kale

10. Cherries

11. Potatoes

12. Grapes (imported)

The EWG estimates that by avoiding the most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eating the cleanest, consumers can reduce their pesticide exposure by 80%. It’s a well known fact that exposure to pesticides can account for a number of adverse health effects, ranging from simple skin irritations to more severe health implications.  So consult your list and with a clean conscience load up your basket with fresh, seasonal produce.

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The boutique Hotel DeBrett located at the bottom of High Street in the stately old De Brett’s building is arguably one of the CBD’s best kept secrets, but discovering their new lunch offering is certainly one we left worth sharing. Hotel DeBrett’s in-house restaurant Kitchen’s, new ‘Square Meal’ offering is conveniently served so you can be in and out within one hour.

Head Chef Mark Sycamore is the genius behind the delicious square meal lunch offerings – a gourmet, European cuisine take on the Japanese bento box concept.

For a mere $30, the square meal comes with a three-course meal artfully presented on a dish featuring Hotel DeBrett’s signature stripes, alongside a choice of Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc or Pelorus NV from award-winning Cloudy Bay wines. The main courses on the square meal were designed as smaller versions of Kitchen’s la carte menu and upon the notion that this way, a three course meal can be enjoyed in the same time as one main a la carte dish. A choice of pan seared snapper, slow cooked Angus beef or corn fed chicken ballotine is served alongside an entrée of house cured Marlborough salmon and a dessert featuring a delicious take on the Italian tiramisu. On the occasion we visited, we managed to sample all three of the delicious square meal offerings between us, and can safely attest that all are equally as delicious as each other.

Kitchen is set on the second floor of Hotel DeBrett and thanks to the insanely high studs, glass roof and exposed brick walls, you easily could be forgiven for thinking you were sitting on a rooftop courtyard. The swift, impeccable service coupled with the unique take on a ‘bento’ lunch box means this is the kind of lunch you can easily take in under an hour, but yet leave feeling like you’ve spent the better part of your afternoon out of the office.

Thanks to the promise of weekly rotating entrees and desserts and our very satisfied stomachs, Kitchen will certainly be seeing us again very soon for round two.

Kitchen restaurant

Square meal lunches 12pm - 3pm daily (including weekends)

2 High Street

(09) 925 9000



We were given a tip off to this Dominion Road patisserie haven after sampling one of Tetsuya Namekawa’s creations at the newly opened cafe The Grassy Knoll, who purchase all their delicious pastries and macarons from him fresh each day.

The master behind this authentic French bakery is Tetsuya Namekawa, a young Japanese baker who studied alongside Pierre Hermé, a legendary French pastry chef who is famous for his macarons (once touted by French Vogue as the Picasso of Pastry). Needless to say, Tetsuya’s creations are legendary in their own right.

Not wanting to miss out on sampling both savoury and sweet treats, we opted for a selection across the board – a traditional brioche croque monsieur, a savoury baked croissant with onion and cheese, a breakfast bap and to finish, a traditional apricot Danish. The light, fluffy pastry was melt-in-your-mouth good, with that authentic buttery, layered goodness that is rarely found outside of France itself.

Despite arriving after the day’s baking had officially finished, the smell was seriously amazing - fresh baguettes, pasteries and other French temptations wafted out of the door and down the road. This isn’t somewhere you want to try and execute any kind of dietary restraints.

We suggest you stop by La Voie Française early morning to stock up on your haul for the day. We made the fatal mistake of visiting just after lunch, only to find there was very little left for us.

Shop 4, 875 Dominion Road
Mt Roskill 

(09) 620 5947

finished, the smell was seriously amazing - fresh baguettes, pasteries and other French temptations wafted out of the door and down the road. This isn’t somewhere you want to try and execute any kind of dietary restraints.

We suggest you stop by La Voie Francoise early morning to stock up on your haul for the day. We made the fatal mistake of visiting just after lunch, only to find there was very little left for us.

875 Dominion Road
Mt Roskill 


 <ds like the perfect lunch option for you and we will put you in the draw.

Kitchen restaurant

Square meal lunches 11am - 3pm daily (including weekends)

2 High Street

(09) 925 9000



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Amongst the gems on their bar menu we discovered the golden ticket, Pork buns - steamed Yum Cha style and stuffed with braised sticky pork belly. These are some seriously tasty snacks. Washed down with a glass of our favourite Man O' War Chardonnay, they make it very easy to order more - of both!

Pork buns $16

Tyler St Garage
120 Quay Street
ph: 09 300 5279


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And while this App has been around for a little while, it's the recent ground breaking upgrades that have made DJ Mixer one of the most popular music related Apps available for download.

The App manages to recreate the remarkable experience of the same 2-turntable vibe you'd get in a real DJ booth, featuring a full analog interface, real-time scratching, direct touch screen music control and more. 

DJ Mixer App for iPads available here.

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Situated in Lorne Street in the heart of Auckland City, Faro gets it right from the very beginning. A well designed interior makes the space feel modern and upscale. Each table is appointed with its very own extraction fan that is spring loaded allowing it to be pulled right down over the food. This sophisticated set up is actually beneficial in ensuring that you don't go home reeking of BBQ'd meat. 

Faro serves a wide range of traditional Korean dishes all with an emphasis on fine ingredients. Entrees of spicy soup, Kimchi, and tasty Bulgogi-ssam (traditional savory sweet beef rolled up inside Korean lettuce) and marinated tofu salad are all delectable, with their taste and freshness setting them apart from other establishments.

The main dishes are all designed to be shared, and include beef rib-eye, pork belly and tiger prawns, accompanied by an amazing array of condiments, and side dishes. The genius thing about Korean BBQ is the ability to cook your meat to your own liking, however unlike other Korean BBQ establishments the lovely folks at Faro will also gladly step in and cook the food for you if you're looking out of your culinary depth.

The service at Faro was exceptional, it is not often you engage in interesting conversations with the waitstaff at such establishments, but on the night we visited we found our waiter to be entertaining and informative.

Faro is the perfect spot for a cheap and cheerful gathering, with main dishes starting at a very reasonable $15, which includes the vast array of accompanying side dishes, its a very affordable night out.

5 Lorne Street
Auckland CBD
ph 09 379 4040


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Their free range pork belly cooked with pistachio and mixed herbs is served up on a bed of cannellini beans and spicy greens that complement the meat perfectly. The cannellini beans served as the perfect light accompaniment to the rich pork, and made us feel better for indulging once again in our favourite calorie loaded dish.


53 Nelson Street
ph 09 302 2665



Italian masters of precious jewellery, Pasquale Bruni has taken the classic charm bracelet and upped the game with their elegant and meticulously crafted Le Monde collection of charms. The charms are available in 18k yellow and white gold, with either single or full pave set diamonds and are inspired by the five elements of ‘creation’. The collection comprises a moon symbolising mystery, a star for fire, a fish representing water for life, a dove for peace and love and a cross to symbolise faith.

Available as a bracelet, necklace or as individual charms that can be added on to an existing bracelet, these are the kind of gift that has already had a lot of thought put into it. If you’re on the hunt for a little something special for the upcoming festive season, might we suggest that these might just be your magic touch.

Pasquale Bruni Le Monde charm collection is available from Hartfield Parnell.

327 Parnell Road

Italian masters of precious jewellery, Pasquale Bruni has taken the classic charm bracelet and upped the game with their elegant and meticulously crafted Le Monde collection of charms. The charms are available in 18k yellow and white gold, with either single or full pave set diamonds and are inspired by the five elements of ‘creation’. The collection comprises a moon symbolising mystery, a star for fire, a fish representing water for life, a dove for peace and love and a cross to symbolise faith.

Available as a bracelet, necklace or as individual charms that can be added on to an existing bracelet, these are the kind of gift that has already had a lot of thought put into it. If you’re on the hunt for a little something special for the upcoming festive season, with any luck these might just be your magic touch.

Pasquale Bruni Le Monde charm collection is available from Hartfield Parnell.

327 Parnell Road
(09) 373 2472


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Landmark House is a queerly parochial name for the delicate and sophisticated headquarters of the Auckland Electricity Power Board. Built in 1930, at the start of the country’s excited dive into the electric age, this Art Deco ‘mini-skyscraper’ was a little symbol of patriotism. Designed and built by locals, the building represented a desire for Aucklanders to stride confidently into an electrified future of boundless possibility.

The delicacy of proportion and detail marks this building by architects Wade and Bartley (whom are also responsible for that other wondrous miniature of the CBD, the 1YA Radio Station, now the Gus Fisher gallery on Shortland Street) as special. Its sandwiching between two curtain walled by-products of that once eagerly anticipated electric age only serves to reinforce its importance. In a city of lost treasures, this is a rare gem, to be cherished.

187-189 Queen Street. Best viewed from the sofas (with a slice of Algerian date cake balanced on your knee) of The Mezze Bar, 9 Durham Street East.

reet East.



Katie Lockhart is brilliant at colour. Her deft ability to wield those soft in-between colours – dusty pinks, blue-green-greys – is a pitch-perfect foil to her bold use of cadmiums. The yellow of a K-Rd gallerist’s floor played against the pale, fleshy-lipstick of its skirting boards is a brilliant paradigm.

It turns out she’s got some pretty interesting mates, too. Her time at Prada and Vogue opened the doors to a most elegant Europe, with her London chums suitably diverse and prolific. These interesting mates are all makers of interesting things, and after years of imploring our local emporia to carry her favourites, Lockhart has simply started selling them herself.

Everyday Needs is a digital emporia of decidedly analogue product. Gems from the oeuvre of Carl Aubock (has anyone seen such an elegant watering can?) sit alongside Swedish goat-hair brushes, Japanese palm-bristle brooms, and Bruce Martin’s anagama pottery from Kamaka. This is the stuff from which to assemble your new, post-digital, Arte Povera life. Fill your house with these carefully curated and crafted objects, and soon you’ll start to feel like you’re living in a really beautiful Joseph Beuys.

In his biography of Robert Irwin, Lawrence Weschler described a life of “modest needs lavishly met”. It’s a fine epigram, and Everyday Needs gets it, delivering us the perfect instruments of this lavish indulgence. Sell your iPod dock on Trade Me, and go buy yourself a goat-hair face brush.



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I came away with a lovely sense of unexpected documentary in the photos themselves, as well as in the story - as told in the exhibition press release, of how these two photographers met in order to bring about the exhibition.  

They met at an exhibition opening of Broughton’s own show Foreland: the Coromandel at Hauraki House Gallery when Barbara Smith, a small elderly woman, approached Stuart and introduced herself. In the conversation that transpired, Smith revealed that she was something of an amateur photographer, having as a young woman worked in the darkroom of an aerial mapping company for several years, and encouraged to take photographs.

As a result she had a large collection of images from around rural North Island, including the Coromandel, from the 50s and 60s, which she thought, may be of particular interest to Broughton with his own interest in the area. Boughton was immediately struck with her work, and it was in the conversations that transpired that the exhibition Annie Get Your Gun was born.
Lining the Landreth café’s walls are black and white images of small town New Zealand, lifted directly from Barbara's family album and offering observations from the daily fabric of life at that time, with Barbara bringing a softer view to the subject matter, not unlike the photographs of Ans Westra or even Walker Evans. 

'I chose these images', Broughton says, 'for an attitude I found in their style; the adventurous spirit and peculiar expectation of the taker.  And I found there were certain things going on with [Barbara's] photography, for example; taking pictures of people with their backs to the camera - which in their documentary style, is her obvious desire to ‘say something’, which to me gives them an insightfulness that lends itself to a modern photographic approach.'
The family photograph album is a means, by which we reconstruct the past, loved ones and even ourselves. Memories are indelibly lodged in each, mostly ordinary, occasionally extraordinary.  This is Barbara Smith’s story of family, friends, cars, walks in the country, ski trips, Christmas parades, high-jinx, autumn harvests: mnemonics of a gentler time and place, where people are, as Broughton puts it, ‘getting on with the hard work, and having a good time where possible’.  Hard work and simple good fun, Annie Get Your Gun reveals images of mid-century New Zealand rural life, just part of Barbara’s story, and perhaps even our own.
Annie Get Your Gun An Exhibition By Barbara Smith
(As featured in The Auckland Festival Of Photography)
Landreth Café
272 Ponsonby Road
6.30am to 4pm daily until June 30th.

> Auckland
6.30am to 4pm daily until June 30th.

l June 30th.



Appropriately local fashion emporium Superette is hosting an exhibition of her latest works titled Click Habit in their Ponsonby store. Born in Wellington with a Bachelor of Design from Massey University in Wellington, she's an artist who's accomplished both photography and illustration to an exceptional standard for her young years.


She also takes commissions, which might make for the perfect unique gift for a loved one.

Click Habit Exhibition by Kelly Thompson

Friday 17th December to Friday 24th December 2010

Superette, shop 8, 282 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, 6-9pm.


TH8ž! ѓPНЉ…xperienc`Љ… to none.The image above is a head detail from the sculpture 'A time for revenge and remorse-salome with the head of salome.'

This is Nirmala's second exhibition held with Wunderkammer.

Each of her sculptures is meticulously individually crafted using a wire armature to form the shape with a plaster of paris exterior and then painted white. Almost life size in scale, the sculptures are imposing and distinctly unique.

Exhibition currently on at:

76A Ponsonby Road

Nirmala's work can be viewed on her site www.bloodlilley.com



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Simon James Concept Store at  The Department Store

10 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland


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“Borrowing the visual style of kids' comics and cartoons, Mitchell's provocative paintings often have playful or dark subject matter. The underworld of tattoos is a visual language that Mitchell also borrows from. With a knack of pitching uncanny combinations and elements together, Mitchell's works are delicately and deftly painted but often have a seething undercurrent that takes you by surprise. Her virtuoso polite-society painting and sweet-as-pie titles are a foil for snarling innuendo or irreverent humour. Working predominantly with watercolours or with reverse painting on perspex Mitchell paints imaginary character studies and hybrid animals. In her works, bodies or birds often float, with no painted background, like the cell of a cartoon, or a tattoo on the body, the images cut down to just the essential storytelling elements. The world depicted in Mitchell's work has a childlike reality, the salient parts are deeply observed and rendered in meticulous, loving detail, just as the background slips into blank anonymity.” – Hanna Scott

The exhibition includes Sam Mitchell’s trademark Perspex works as well as a new direction into watercolour on found photography.  A direction which fits in well with her previous works and use of found materials and imagery.

Sam Mitchell was the 2010 Paramount winner of the Wallace Trust Art Award, and is off to New York in mid-June for a six month residency at New York’s ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program).  The first opportunity to view the residency works will be at the Auckland Art Fair in August, when Melanie Roger Gallery will be exhibiting the works Sam Mitchell will be sending back from New York.

Melanie Roger Gallery
226 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
from 18 May to 11 June with an opening tonight from 5:30 – 7:30pm.

; 7:30pm.


The opening show of works by Winston Roeth is the perfect fit for new walls. Roeth combines works on slate with works on panel. Velvety soft tempera pigments applied to the natural topography of slate panels, or flat matte panels. In Roeth's border paintings he teases our eye with the subtle fluctuations of speed that the border invokes. Most often this is experienced in an anti-clockwise zip of movement around the edges and then one falls into the slower indeterminacy of the centre space. This dance between edge and middle and the shifting experience of colour as the light shimmers at the border is the essential character of Roeth's border paintings.

In the slate paintings it is the topography of the slates themselves that cause the eye to travel across their surface and around their variegated edge. Then the juxtaposition of colours - some hot, others cool, some expanding, others contracting, some shifting, others a still point in a grid of light and colour - these relationships invite a gentle rhythmic oscillation between the slates up and down and across the grid.

You've got until 18 March to view the exhibition. And don't forget to drop by the new Jensen Gallery in Sydney.

Jensen Gallery
Corner McColl & Roxburgh Streets




Bill Cunningham is the fashion photographer for the New York Times, and even now in his 80s, he is still going strong. For close to seven decades, this bicycle-riding fashion journalist has been passionately and creatively capturing fashion trends through the lens and documenting high society charity events that will now - thanks to him and his camera - be a slice of New York history.

His vision can be seen in the style section of the Times in his columns 'On the Street' and 'Evening Hours'. The film touches on a taste of everything from Bill's early years as a hat designer and fashion journalist, right through to his lifestyle, friends and everything in between. His energy, focus and utter dedication to fashion is documented thoroughly, following his weekly routine attending countless uptown fashion soirees for the likes of Brooke Astor and David Rockefeller, to name just a couple of the high society notables. 

What is most intriguing and perhaps the reason we can relate to his life at all, is Bill's disinterest in fashion and charity, and it is here where the film identifies a humility and selfless view on life that is certainly sparse in the Big Apple. There is also irony in Bill's elegant pursuit for faceless pictures - he could take as many pictures of celebrities as he would like, but chooses not to - whilst the paparazzi feverishly fight for their money shots. 

Bill's body of work now covers the fashion history of NY for close to 50 years, and his work is regarded as more reliable than any catwalk as an illustration of time, place and individual flair. This film's tone is soft, jovial and often poignant in its portrayal of a devoted artist whose wealth simple resides in his own humble, unassuming grace.

nassuming grace.


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A little over a year ago owners Mikey Riordan and Jimmy Macken expanded on their success and opened another Five Loaves café in Devonport. Since then the café has won several awards including the accolade of Best café in Devonport; a definite reason for me to head over and check it out.

Located on Church street off King Edward Parade, the café sits on the sunny side of the road high enough up to afford partial views of the harbour below. With a generous amount of both indoor and outdoor seating this is a great spot on any day, regardless of Auckland's temperamental weather.

Anyone who knows Five Loaves in Herne Bay will be well aware of their delicious Chili scramble ($15). Creamed eggs, with feta, fresh chilis and fresh spring onions served on aioli smothered toasted ciabatta. It's the type of dish that'll get you out of bed in the morning - regardless of your state.

The menu at Five Loaves in Devonport  features all of the best offerings from the Herne Bay outpost, but includes a few welcome additions for good measure. Take the Caesar burger ($19.50) for example. A handmade burger patty inside a toasted sesame bun, poached egg, bacon, cos lettuce and freshly grated Parmesan, served with potato skins, onion dip and homemade tomato relish. Delicious.

Every good neighbourhood deserves a good local - lucky for the folks in Devonport I'm willing to share mine.

Five Loaves
29 Church Street
ph 09 445 8954

ph 09 445 8954

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 Available from Louis Vuitton. 56 Queen Street, Auckland 09 358 5080

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Available from Douglas & Bec
9 St Mary's Road
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Available from Douglas & Bec
9 St Mary's Road

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Dan Flavin (installation shown above) began using 'electric light' in 1961 and his installations of fluorescent tubes have surely shaped the thoughts of many. The stark simplicity of his compositions are associated primarily with the minimalist movement, which is interesting considering the adaptation of such a style in the world of fashion and retail - which realistically relates much more closely to excess than reduction.

Perhaps it is the cool glow of the Fluoro bulb that bridges this gap. To me it implies a cleanliness, even in such a haphazard arrangement in the 'fashion context' of Yohji Yamamoto. An interesting development, or adaptation in this contextual rally between fine art and retail installation is the work of contemporary artist Banks Violette. I'm sure his work (as well as all of the others mentioned) contains a narrative with a much greater relevance than the pale parallels I'm drawing here, but this is about context, not concept. It seems to me that the works of Violette considers both sides, recognising the consumers approach to space as well as the minimalists' reductive aspect. Maybe the same could be seen in the work of our own master of light, Bill Culbert.


There are really so many fantastic artists and artworks in this field, but what got me thinking about all of this in the first place, was the exciting news of a new gallery (Hopskinson Cundy) at One Cross street opening next week.

The space is amazing, and the people are too. The artwork will be spectacular - the pieces I've seen are incredible.

The fascination/obsession continues with the simplicity of the fit-out. Classic of course with white walls. Don't forget to look up.

Hopkinson Gallery, 1/1 Cross Street, Auckland 09 551 1644 www.hopkinsoncundy.com


So it has been then, for the past two years twice a week I rustle up some inner angst and head along to Ringside boxing gym to show my sloppy body who's boss. Any initial trepidation of having your ass kicked by some angry wide-boy boxing trainer dissolves upon meeting Turi Ward-Holmes. Turi has the ability to turn the unconditioned boxer into a fighting machine in a matter of weeks. 

Located in the car park adjacent to Les Mills in Victoria Street, Auckland, Ringside is a bit more sophisticated than your average fightclub garage set up. Run by experienced boxers who've all done their time in the ring, using a wide range of varied equipment designed to further enhance your training experience.

An hour long session for me usually involves a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise that enhances my fitness level, improves my balance and mental agility and helps me to cleanse my mind of pent up aggression. 

Boxing twice a week has completely changed my life, and as much as I can be known to express profanities whilst at Ringside, I always leave feeling amazing.

Ringside offers several forms of training, from one-on-one sessions with trained boxers (as I do) through to intense hour long classes involving the hugely effective kettle bell, amongst other equipment designed to torture - I mean tone.  All you need are some wraps and boxing gloves - accessories everyone should own anyway - and you're away.

$22 for a casual visit (class visit)
$155 for a ten class concession (class visit)

186 Victoria Street West
Auckland City
ph 09 355 6776



Bank in the form of a Pig by Harry Allen for Areaware.

Available from Simon James/ Concept Store

Ground floor, The Department Store, 10 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland. 09 489 6955


Torch by Jonas Damon for Areaware

Available from the Simon James/ Concept Store

Ground floor, The Department Store, 10 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Auckland. 09 489 6955

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We're pretty obsessed with the packaging of all the Portland General Store products, and we'll be sure to be stocking up on them for stocking fillers.


Available exclusively from
Simon James Concept Store
The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street
Ph 09 489 6955



The auction also includes some of New Zealand’s own racing legends own bikes, including a 1968 Bultaco TSS that once belonged to Ginger Molloy – one of New Zealand’s greatest race pilots. The historic Bultaco has remained in Ginger Molloy’s possession since that day, with Ginger personally stripping down and rebuilding the machine. This is just one of the highlights amongst an exceptional range of rare and important classics on offer to the passionate investor or enthusiast.

Webb’s 19 October Classic Motorcycle & Car Auction


Top Deck, 90 Wellesley Street


Daily viewing from 8th - 19th Oct, 9am - 3pm. 



Kate's famed desserts have been served up as dependable allies to Cibo's celebrated main fare for many years, and we recently had a dangerous liaison with her modern take on the classic Kiwi lamington. Crafted from milk sponge with icing made from raspberry powder, coconut cream and coconut ice, this light and fluffy cake literally melts in your mouth and is the ultimate Marie-Antoinette style after-dinner indulgence. 

This is one dessert that truly is as dangerously delicious as it looks. Now that we've fallen under its spell, we imagine that on our next trip to Cibo this is one accompaniment that will be impossible to resist, or perhaps one that is worth a cheeky trip alone.

Axis Building
91 St Georges Bay Road

(09) 303 9660


p alone.

Axis Building
91 St Georges Bay Road

(09) 303 9660



esign.com" target="_blank">www.simonjamesdesign.com

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The houses were typically formed from ‘booleans’; a handful of perfect modernist boxes were allocated one or two uses each, then aggregated and subtracted until a swirl of stained black positives and glossy white negatives coagulated into a gloriously dynamic house. This was good kiwi stuff – the eager adoption of radical international ideologies, tempered by a critical respect for the local, and the improvised. It’s Corb meets crib.

After years of quiet championing, there’s been a recent flood of great publishing around our architecture of this period. Brown features prominently. The resulting curiosity has seen busloads of otherwise respectable bird-watchers leering over garden fences, startling occupants in their pyjamas.

Save your dignity, Denizens: you can go and stay in your own private slice of Brown paradise. Salvaged by an enlightened couple at the turn of the century, Brown’s 1942 Haigh House – formerly of Remuera – now sits ensconced above the Kaipara harbour and is publicly available as a homestay. Carefully sited, painstakingly restored and romantically appointed, this is our perfect holiday spot. With our humble old modernist gems falling like flies before the tide of our bloated bourgeois palaces, we need to encourage this sort of thing. And after a whole week back at work, who doesn’t need a weekend on the coast?




Choc-o-laits are pretty much heaven on a stick. A big chunky hunk of Belgian chocolate on the end of a wooden stick. All you need is a steaming hot cup of milk and you've got yourself an authentic hot chocolate made from exquisite Belgian chocolate.

Choc-o-laits come in a range of flavours, our favourites being dark chocolate and hazelnut. Stock up the pantry for winter - these are the perfect rainy Sunday treat.

$6.90 for two sticks.

Available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
ph 09 630 8751




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Easter isn’t the same without some awesome Hot Cross Buns. I load mine with spices and fruit and my recipe below is a clear winner with both adults and kids. If you're short on time and want the same home-baked feel, pick up some Loaf Hot Cross Buns from your local Farro Fresh – we make them using the same tasty recipe below.


600g baker’s flour

8g salt

60g sugar

70g butter

20g dried yeast

50g milk powder

400g water

25g mixed spice

120g sultanas

120g raisins

60g Bing cherries (optional)

40g mixed peel

10g cinnamon

10gm ground ginger

Crossing mix ingredients

3 tbsp plain flour

1 tbsp caster sugar

3 tbsp water


Mix all dry ingredients in an electric mixing bowl. Add the butter and water and mix on slow speed for two minutes until the dough starts to form. Once formed, change the speed to second or medium and mix for a further six minutes. Add the fruit and mix peel and mix for a further two minutes until all the fruit is combined.

When mixed remove the dough from the bowl and place on a lightly floured bench. Scale the dough into 120g pieces then round into tight balls. Place on a lightly greased pan with high sides, leaving a gap about half the size of each bun between them on the tray.  Cover loosely with cling film and place in a warm place, allowing them to double in size.

Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees on fan bake.

Mix the crossing mix ingredients together. Once the buns have doubled in size, use a piping bag to cross the tops of the buns with the crossing mix and place in your pre-heated oven. Drop the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 18-22 minutes or till golden brown.

Remove from oven and serve hot with salted butter.

Recipe courtesy of Loaf Handcrafted Breads.

">Loaf Handcrafted Breads.



The steamy combination of whiskey, cloves, cinnamon, lemon juice and honey make for the perfect answer to your woes, and present a more dignified and palatable option than those nasty over-the-counter concoctions.


1 teaspoon of honey. I prefer creamed honey as it has a more subtle and less over-bearing flavour.
1 measure of scotch whiskey. I recommend Lagavulin, in times like these you deserve quality Scotch whiskey.
two cloves
half a cinnamon stick
one lemon
boiling water


Put whiskey and honey in a glass. Leave the teaspoon in the glass as this will prevent the glass cracking from the boiling water. Add the cloves and cinnamon stick. Squeeze in the juice from one lemon and pour boiling water to the top. Add a slice of lemon to garnish.

Drink while steaming hot for best effect.

It's easy to fall deeply for these heartwarming elixirs, but be careful not to combine them with your regular cold medicine as it's likely to bring on unwanted dehydration (basically a hangover), which you could probably do without under the circumstances.

Likewise I recommend no more than two at a time...for similar reasons.



ar reasons.

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These Hurricane lamps by Ralph Lauren Home are a great example of his approach to timeless design. The Spencer Modern Lantern, is constructed in polished nickle with brushed leather supporting the base, a detail that is repeated on the handle to aid its transportation. The lone candle creates the perfect candle lit ambiance for any room.


Available from Cavit & Co
547a Parnell Road
Ph 09 358 3771

Arrow Mews
18 Buckingham Street
Ph 03 442 0128



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Available from Douglas + Bec
9 St Marys Road
ph 09 551 3685


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The vast array of colour options available allow you to make a dramatic statement in any room. Clustered together with like colours the E27 will be sure to make an impact.


Available from Douglas + Bec
9 St Mary's Road
ph 09 551 3685


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CB Perfumes are created by New Yorker Christopher Brosius. A life long passion for art and science has resulted in a career as a perfumer. Brosius blends all perfumes himself and bottles them by hand in his Brooklyn workshop. Using traditional often laborious methods allows him to create perfumes that are unique and impossible to achieve on a mass-produced scale. 

CB Perfumes are now available exclusively in New Zealand from Made, where they have such scents as At The Beach 1966 - "Imagine it's about 4 o'clock on a golden summer afternoon and you've been at the beach all day rubbing yourself with Coppertone suntan lotion - the Coppertone that existed in the 60's that is... you walk into the breaking surf and bend down to touch the surf, and notice the smell of your warm skin. It has just the faintest hint of watermelon rind..."

What's not to love about these unique scents.

Available from Made
30-32 Customs Street, Auckland
ph 09 366 1693


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From soft merino wool knits, to silk voile/ cotton shirts, sans collar and with an exaggerated tail, topped off with a well cut two button jacket - you've got yourself a perfectly machinated layered look for winter.

Available from Black Box Boutique and Area 51.


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Lucky for us then that we have the services of Cameron at Flotsam and Jetsam to guide us in the right direction. On a recent visit this light caught our attention. Enormous in scale with industrial proportions, it would look fantastic either resting on the ground or hung from the ceiling. Its add the perfect amount of industrial grunt and history and could be easily integrated with modern furniture without compromising the overall aesthetic.

Cost $350 each (Six available)

Available from Flotsam & Jetsam,
168 Richmond Road,
Grey Lynn,

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What's more, the oversized birds nest can be hung from a tree in the garden for maximum bird-like behaviour. 

Available from Domo
Cnr Churton & Farnham Streets, Parnell, Auckland


T†8% ѓPНЉ…xperienc`Љ… to none.Designed by Bruce and Stéphanie Tharp.


Available exclusively from Domo, 1a Farnham Street, Parnell, Auckland ph 09 921 5574

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Handcrafted and scented with Curio Noir's first perfume scent Vetyver Bouquet, the Lilith Doll is a limited edition piece that comes exquisitely packaged, making it the perfect gift for someone unique.

Cost: $160

Available from Simon James Concept Store, The Department Store, 10 Northcroft Street Takapuna, Auckland. 09 489 6955

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The Haparanda sets sail Monday and Thursday evenings at 6pm returning again at 8.30pm.

$179.00 per person includes cocktail on arrival.

Full cash bar available on board.

Bookings are essential, as numbers are limited on each sailing.

Berth 11, Viaduct Harbour (diagonally opposite Soul Bar & Restaurant)

ph 027 373 2677



$185 with 2.5 metres of cable to hang, or you can rest them on the ground.

Available from Douglas & Bec,
9 St Mary's Road,


The Der kleine Lehner (The little Leaner) is a gracefully designed stand which can be leaned against almost any wall to create a shelf. The stand offers space large enough to display a book, or create an area on which to take notes or leave a telephone. There is also a third leg that can be assembled allowing you to place the Der kleine Lehner anywhere in the room.

Available from Katalog,
31 Crummer Road,
09 360 4290



Constructed from vintage brass, it's one of many pieces from the collection that's available.

Cost: $185

Available from Douglas & Bec
9 St Mary's Road


Wegner and a handful of fellow Danish designers changed the course of modern furniture design with pieces such as this. Now after sixty continuous years of production it is hard to deny the success of this humble chair.

Available from Corporate Culture.

ph 09 379 4466



English company Established & Sons have a reputation for producing eye catching furniture, and so too they now produce a range of eye catching homeware.

Influenced by space capsules, their Store series of canisters have a gentle obtuse angle with a snuggly fitting cork top. Available in a range of subtle glazes including a metallic, each canister also has a matt glaze on the base allowing it to conveniently grip to the bench surface. 

Show your cookies, and other kitchen necessities the respect they deserve by providing them shelter in these sophisticated vessels.

Available in four sizes from $118-$182

Simon James Concept Store
The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street
ph 09 489 6955


t Mary's Road


Wegner and a handful of fellow Danish designers changed the course of modern furniture design with pieces such as this. Now after sixty continuous years of production it is hard to deny the success of this humble chair.

Available from Corporate Culture.

ph 09 379 4466


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The perfect gift, ‘thank-you’, pick me-up or event showstopper means they are never far from my grasp! Created in bold creative colours, with delicious flavours that taste like a celebration, my only hesitation is in the choosing. Think rose-water, zesty lemon, sticky date pudding, grapefruit and campari, licorice, pear and ginger, chilli chocolate, pistachio – the list goes on.

What's more they're not only available to us lucky folk in Christchurch, they can be delivered anywhere in New Zealand. 

J'aime les Macarons
9F Normans Road
03 355 0597

(Also stocked at Dizengoff in Auckland)


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And to really get the evening started, James is the first restaurant in Auckland to offer an array of French champagne by the glass. Krug Grande Cuvée and Vintage Dom Perignon both feature at a respectable $50 and $39.50 per glass respectively. This treat is only made possible due to the wonderment of their hugely expensive state-of-the-art La Verre de Vin wine storage system that's guaranteed to keep the French fresh. We'll drink to that!

The menu has dishes arranged by serving size, with small dishes designed to be ordered individually - such as the sardines and tomato on sourdough at $6.50 each,  medium plates such as the beef cheek and carrot mash are designed for two. And the large plates such as the gigantic tasty paella at $95 are hearty enough to serve four people.

Tinned spanish sardine, tomato and sourdough. $6.50 each

Lamb cutlet, pork paprika paté, prosciutto and salsa verde. $9.50 each

Seafood Paella, bomba rice and saffron. Serves four people. $95

With a grand total of 25 different dishes on offer, all designed for sharing, we were in foodie heaven. Call us modern, but we love this more casual shared approach to dining, almost as much as we loved the French champagne.

Bookings Essential.

18 Stanley Street
ph 09 366 4755


That was until we arrived home, only to discover that L'Assiette had opened on our doorstep. L'Assiette is a little slice of Paris right here in Auckland. Offering some of the most authentic examples of French bistro style food we've tasted, it is (if we dare suggest), better than some of the food we experienced in Paris. 

Owners Romain and Natalie met in a small pizza shop in Chamonix, and after cooking their way around France, returned to New Zealand where they brought their passion for French cuisine to our shores.

With a daily blackboard menu including such classics as Boeuf Bourguignon (shown top) for $18.50, and a raft of classics on the fixed menu, like croque monsieur, crepes and omelettes; L'Assiette is the Francophile's home away from home. We're impressed by the quality of their food and even more impressed by their very affordable prices. You won't find a dish over $20, with most of the large main courses at $18, making it easy to keep going back.

L'Assiette is open seven days, and is also open Wednesday to Friday evenings.

9 Britomart Place
Auckland City
ph 09 309 0961

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1. Louis Vuitton Keep It bracelet from Louis Vuitton

2.  Zegna Monterubello watch from Zegna

3. Knight light by David Moreland from Simon James design

4. Zegna swimming trunks from Zegna

5. Beats by Dr Dre headphones from Superette

6. Minimalux ballpoint pen enquiries to Simon James Design

7. Terre D'Hermes fragrance from DFS Galleria

8. Assorted summer footwear from Fifth Ave

9. Ettinger Bridle Hide small zip purse from Crane Brothers

10. Ralph Lauren desk blotter from Cavit & Co

11. Reidel O decanter from The Studio of Tableware

12. Kent folding comb from Crane Brothers

13. D&AD 11 book from Taschen

14. Bally Canvas belt from DFS Galleria

15. Gucci Backgammon set from Gucci

16. Peter Lorimer Bone Handle chef's knife from Sabato  

Illustrations by Guy Brock

TS‹хХѓP‡@НFНFTЩ‹,яѓP‡`Ж~ck &АЖ~X9T™шшѓP‡К$*`К$*(&Шget="_blank">Simon James design

4. Zegna swimming trunks from Zegna

5. Beats by Dr Dre headphones from Superette

6. Minimalux ballpoint pen enquiries to Simon James Design

7. Terre D'Hermes fragrance from DFS Galleria

8. Assorted summer footwear from Fifth Ave

9. Ettinger Bridle Hide small zip purse from Crane Brothers

10. Ralph Lauren desk blotter from Cavit & Co

11. Reidel O decanter from The Studio of Tableware

12. Kent folding comb from Crane Brothers

13. D&AD 11 book from Taschen

14. Bally Canvas belt from DFS Galleria

15. Gucci Backgammon set from Gucci

16. Peter Lorimer Bone Handle chef's knife from SabatoA recent visit to Louis Vuitton filled me with memories of this dying art. New York based artist Ruben Toledo has long been the go-to artist who's created the stunning works of art that feature prominently in the wildly successful Louis Vuitton travel guides.  These postcards further immortalise his stunning art as Louis Vuitton have turned 100 of his illustrations into dedicated postcards for an array of global cities. 

The limited edition box set contain 100 vibrantly coloured works that captivate the essence of various cities in Toledo's signature illustrative style. 

The perfect gift for the widely travelled friend, the postcards are sure to bring back the lost and glamorous art of postcard sending.

100 Postcards by Ruben Toledo for Louis Vuitton. $175

Louis Vuitton
53 Queen Street
09 358 5080


With news of the lunchtime opening we took immediate advantage and indulged in our favourite fresh palate cleansing cuisine, the perfect way to kick start your afternoon.

Open for lunch Tuesday to Friday, dinner Tuesday to Saturday.

23 Ponsonby Road
ph 09 360 6262



Peter Gordon himself a fan of Man O' War wines, has designed a six course degustation menu to complement a range of wines from the vineyard.

The evening will be hosted by award winning Man O' War winemaker Duncan McTavish who will introduce the philosophy behind each vintage. 

There are a very limited number of seats left available for this one night only event to be held on Monday 23 May at 6.30pm

Six course degustation with accompanying wines - $165 per person

Winemaker dinner menu

Canapés on arrival

Man O’ War Gravestone Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2010

Deep-fried goats cheese ball with a salad of rocket, spinach and watercress, roast baby beets, salted Marcona almonds and Man O’ War EV olive oil Man O’ War Chardonnay 2009

Panko crumbed smoked kahawai fritter with red cabbage, green mango, chilli and papaya slaw, crispy shallots and grilled pork belly Man O’ War Valhalla Chardonnay 2009

Seven hour braised Firstlight Wagyu beef short-rib with smoked kumara mash Man O’ War Ironclad Cabernet Franc Merlot 2009

Roast Hawke’s Bay lamb rump with mustard and cumin roast cauliflower, slow braised lamb shoulder stew, kalamata olive salsa and roast baby carrots Man O’ War Dreadnought Syrah 2008

Mascarponemousse with runny black currant centre, lemon doughnuts, cinnamon crumble and apple shiso sorbet Man O’ War Exiled Pinot Gris 2010

A selection of petits fours

Tea and coffee

Skycity Grand Hotel
90 Federal Street
ph 09 363 6000


Our host, Mark Wallbank of MooChowChow, masterfully matched superb award winning wines from Man O' War vineyards, with a delicious selection of Asian dishes from his stunning menu - much to the delight of our highly entertaining guests. 

Make sure you are signed up for our The Denizen Weekly email newsletter to keep you informed on all of our exciting new developments.

Thank you all for your ongoing support!


Kicking off tonight and running through until Saturday 22 October, the four-day culinary festival will play host to some of the most talented local and international chefs and foodies. Stalls from an extensive array of over 140 artisan food, wine and beer producers will be showing off their wares alongside a selection of some of our top restaurants from around the country, who will be on site serving up mini-versions of the finest dishes from their restaurants.

Some of Denizen’s favourite eateries are taking place in the festivities, including The Grove, District Dining, Waiheke’s Te Whau vineyard and the Hawkes Bay’s luxury getaway Cape Kidnappers. All 13 restaurants participating in the festival will be offering at least two of their signature dishes. 

We are planning on setting aside a good few hours this Saturday afternoon to peruse the stalls and indulge in some of our country's finest fare. With the festival hosting two sessions per day 12pm – 4pm, and 5.30pm - 9.30pm, there is ample chance for both lunch and dinner visits.

To celebrate this excellent event we've put together a Taste of New Zealand experience - Denizen style. We figured, that if you’re anything like us, you’ll want to round up the crew and make a night of it. Kicking off at 6pm on Friday 21st, six lucky Denizens will on arrival find themselves greeted by champagne and Regal Salmon hors d'oeuvres. At 7pm, the good folk at Neat Meat and Moa beer have set up a unique Denizen experience in which you and your friends will eat your way through a delicious carcass (in the finest way possible), whilst washing it down with some seriously good Moa Beer. You'll be joined by the ever-entertaining company of Neat Meat's Tim Eriksen and Moa beer's master-brewer Josh Scott.

To win, simply comment on The Denizen’s Facebook wall and encourage your friends to ‘like’ your post. At 5pm on Thursday 20th, we’ll give the person with the most likes all six tickets. A prize so good we think we're going to find it rather hard to part with!

View the full Taste of New Zealand lineup and menus here



o;s Te Whau vineyard and Hawkes Bay’s luxury getaway Cape Kidnappers. All 13 restaurants participating in the festival will be offering at least two of their signature dishes. 

We are planning on setting aside a good few hours this Saturday afternoon to peruse the stalls and indulge in some of our country's finest fare, however, with the festival running between 12pm – 4pm, and 5.30pm - 9.30pm each day, there is ample chance for both lunch and dinner visits.

We've teamed up with a few of our good friends to offer you the opportunity to experience Taste of New Zealand - Denizen style. We figured, that if you’re anything like us, you’ll want to round up the crew and a night of it. Kicking off at 6pm, six lucky Denizen's will find themselves indulging in champagne and salmon h'orderves



So to win, simply comment on The Denizen’s Facebook wall and encourage your friends to ‘like’ your post. At 5pm on Wednesday 19th, we’ll give the person with the most likes all 10 of the tickets to enjoy the festival with a group of their friends!A must in summer is ‘Blairs on the beach’ out at Piha. Sun, surf and the best hand cut fries around finished off with a vanilla milkshake (right on the beach next door to the surf club).

Rakinos because they have great coffee, as well as Andy and the staff having a bit of funk...oh, and they pour a good vodka on the rocks (Level 1, 35 High St)

Howick Meats, it's a bit of a hike but well worth the free range pork loin.  Mike the butcher will take care of you, just call him butch though, and be sure to cook the loin medium rare (68 Vincent St, Howick)    

Garelja Bros strawberry farm out Kumeu way. Hands down the best strawberrys, pick your own usually from around January for about $6 per kilo (63 State Highway 16)

The Maple Room in Remuera. Marty, Smithy and the lads will look after those hunger pains with their tasty tapas plate and a cheeky glass of Chateau de Pennautier (93-95 Upland Rd, Remuera)
Fishing out at Wenderholm at the mouth of the Puhoi river, there's always a bit of snapper about and the token Tui can be spotted.

be spotted.





Eight Thirty makes the best coffee on K Road.  As minimal as you can get, this new coffee shop roasts its own coffee right there in the middle of the room.  It's organic and it comes in biodegradable cups and that's all they sell.  No chance of getting waylaid by muffin choices.  Brilliant.  (553 K road, Auckland)

Bellota was designed by me for chef Peter Gordon to accompany his finer dining restaurant (Dine) across the street, it has authentic Spanish tapas and authentic Spanish staff.  Like a subterranean wine cellar with its rough vaulted ceiling and stone entry, it's always packed but still manages to feel intimate and comfortable.  Definitely worth the visit into the dreary Auckland CBD to taste Peter Gordon's food without having to book or dress up. (91 Federal street, Auckland)

Industry Zen I love this new incarnation of Cafe Rikka.  I've been a Rikka devotee since the beginning and they just keep getting better.  This time they have created a space that nearly rivals the food.  Very, very enjoyable and authentic.  Anyone who has spent time in Japan will know that nothing is too abstract.  Each night the movie screen winds up exposing the kitchen and staff, they all shout their heads off for a while then the screen rolls down and dinner resumes.  Classic. (104 Customs street West, Auckland)

Piha Bowling Club is an actual functioning club and the atmosphere is as subtle as its fluoro lighting, but it is classic Kiwi and with an ex-VBG chef now doing the food, the menu is great.  Highly recommended if you are in the area, particularly if you're a local.  You might even be tempted to join. (15 Seaview Road, Piha)

Conch Records is a place run by the coolest people out there.  With Brazilian Ninja Bobby on the coffee and Cian on the music, it's a regular spot where a lot of old friends seem to congregate and discuss anything and everything.  Very much like the old school barber style you see in movies.  If everyone was old.  Which they will be, and they'll probably still be there.  I love the smell of the rough cut timber interior wall and floorboards too.   Along with great coffee, Conch sells the kind of music you don't find anywhere else.  Obscure cds and vinyl, books and clothes.  If you're ever stuck buying a present, you'll find one here. (15a Ponsonby Road, Auckland)

Golden Dawn is a a very cool bar literally in the middle of Ponsonby.  Unrecognisable from the street and somewhat difficult to find the door, when you do it's well worth the trouble.  About as far from a typical Ponsonby watering hole (Chapel, anyone?) as it's possible to get, this place has 'popped up' and feels like it could pop off at any moment.  Has a strangely international vibe, which is to say that you feel like you're not in New Zealand. Which can be nice from time to time.  (134 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

Sacred Tattoo is located behind Starbucks in the George Courts building on K Road and is the best tattoo shop in the country.  I have known the owner Dean Parkin for about eight years and been tattooed by him that whole time.  Even though I call him a friend he still makes me wait in line for an appointment, and that stupid line is usually four months long.  The good thing is that he knows my office is two minutes away and rings me when anyone cancels their appointment.  Not your traditional tattoo parlour, Sacred deals in bespoke designs.  If you are thinking of getting one, or want to add more, go no further.  (238 Karangahape Road, Auckland)

Elemental, practically prehistoric, KareKare is 45 mins from Auckland city by car but light years away in atmosphere.  Unlike its neighbour Piha, there are no shops, no signs and virtually no houses.  We are fortunate to own one of them and have been steadily renovating it for over a decade.  The drive down the hill is a real arse and you have to walk to the beach to see it, but it's nature at it's most breathtaking and it rewards you every time.  Highlights include the Pareraha Track (five hours descending dozens of waterfalls), Mercer Bay Track (underwater caves) and eeling in the stream down the back of our garden.  Actually, the only time I ever caught one was with a bit of bacon tied to the end of a ribbon, but it was cool. 

Loaded sell streetwear but their little underground room is where the sneakers are sold.  There aren't too many shops around Auckland that deal in serious sneaker obsessions, and even though the selection is small they have product I couldn't even find in LA.  I have tracked down rare shoes overseas to come home and find them sitting there on the shelf in my size.  I ask there first before hunting from now on. (57 High Street, Auckland)



fore hunting from now on. (57 High Street, Auckland)




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'High Street is an urban pocket – maybe it’s more accurate to call it a tall, thin corridor. Like a school corridor, its entrances and exits disgorge a whole lot of life at various times of day. Packed between businesses and buildings, sun, people, and cars (funneled along at pedestrian pace) acquire fresh interest. It’s the fashion district, so the shop window experience is diverting. At newcomer, Tatty’s, mannequins are re-clad more often than you can step out for coffee. Architects wax about the Victoria Street car park on the South Eastern corner; a modernist masterwork on the site of one of Auckland’s earliest volcanoes. My own magnet is further along at No. 47.

Canterbury Arcade
Before I opened my gallery in 2003, I would wander up and down O’Connell and High Streets gazing at the buildings. My favourite was always 47 High Street, Peter Beaven’s 1965-67 Canterbury Arcade; a slender 9-storey tower that once sported stripey awnings. According to legend, Beaven was inspired by French domestic architecture. Tiles, balconies and shutters embellish the High Street façade with brick-filled arches within. My gallery is a light-filled west-facing room on the fourth floor. Recently the building has endured a renovation that includes acres of granite and mystifying quantities of unappealing typography, neither of which, fortunately, do too much to suppress its charm. (47 High Street, Auckland)


Canterbury Arcade is one of the taller (and younger) buildings. For the most part, the street’s low-rise, early 20th Century architecture is remarkably intact. Argus House and the Lewis Eady building are prime examples of the dominant classical/modernist mode. (192 Queen Street)

Landmark House 
Little known spots afford great vantage points. A trip up the staircase Beaven cantilevered off his narrow brick tower opens up my favourite view of the city. As if the extraordinary turret on the 1927-30 Landmark House wasn’t enough, a trellis-clad pergola has been added to its rooftop. I like the idea of visiting the dentist in this penthouse gazebo poised above Queen Street. (187 Queen Street, Auckland)

Down on the street, things are not looking so good. Once fashion retailers had only one shop — in High Street — but many have now replicated in Ponsonby and Newmarket. To my eye, the large lapels of a Helen Cherry swing coat at one of my favourite stores Workshop will always look more alluring in town. (16 High Street, Auckland City)


Trade Aid
High St is inclusive, sometimes appealingly so. I also love a glimpse of the crewelwork in the window of Trade Aid. (28 High Street, Auckland City).


The Engine Room
However, around the corner from Trade Aid, the pile of snuggle-wear cluttering the ground floor of Ellen Melville Hall (presently home to Pumpkin Patch) would be better replaced by a restaurant by Natalia Schamroth of the applauded Engine Room restaurant.  At present, The Engine Room is located on Queen Street, Northcote — but bring it over the bridge — its irresistible! Natalia runs the most fantastic restaurant - definitely fit to occupy this space in the memorable modern pavilion opening onto Freyberg Place. Make sure you order the steak. (115 Queen Street, Northcote Point)


Sunday Painters
Likewise up the hill in Ponsonby, Sunday Painters is the perfect place for a post-opening soiree. Upstairs in the private room being plied with fine wine by James Kirkwood, enjoying fine cooking especially of ducks and other birds by Isobel Thom and with all needs (including fire eaters, belly dancers and any other entertainment you desire) taken care of by the formidable Esther Lamb, what could be better? (185 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)


Some things in my neighbourhood, however, remain the same; take coffee at one end of the Street, a drink at the other. At my favourite morning spot Sheinkin, just across Victoria St on Lorne St, coffee regularly arrives at the table before you. (3 Lorne Street, Auckland City)

House bar at Hotel deBrett
At the opposite end of the street and day, tucked discreetly upstairs, the House Bar at Hotel DeBrett transports you to 1925 when the original 1841 Hotel was rebuilt.  It seems strange to recommend a bar for its restrained plaster mouldings, but why not? The bar’s Deco icing reminds me of the amazingly elaborate geometric meringue up the road, surrounding the coloured glass dome in the foyer of the former 1YA now Gus Fisher Gallery (1935). Interestingly, both were designed by the same architects, Norman Wade and Alva Bartley. (Hotel De Brett, 2 High Street, Auckland City)


For me, the House Bar has the same stripped-back cool of the facades of the nearby South British Insurance (1927) and General Buildings (1928) that lend this part of town a formality worlds away from the bobby-socks bowling alley of Queen Street around the corner. The crisp architectural language of the early 20th Century Insurance company also stands in contrast to its 19th Century Italianate variant, as demonstrated by the Blackett’s Building. This was the original office of South British Insurance and is now home to Jane Sanders Art Agent. Travel up in the original ornamental cage elevator to her first floor gallery. (Blackett's Building, corner of Shortland & Queen Streets, Auckland City)

Premium Eyewear
Aided by a drink, DeBrett’s elegant blue House Bar is the best place in town to dream the dream of grown-up urban existence — and the Street is the place to acquire the accessories. High Street has become an enclave of opticians. For glasses without bling or logos to shield you from the morning glare as you hurry along to the architect, diamond-setter or fashion PR, seek out Michael Holmes in an underground suite at 5B. (Premium Eyewear, 5b High Street, Auckland City)


Unity books will keep you in crime fiction and their window groans with coffee table heft. (19 High Street, Auckland City)

Jason's Books
For a more adventurous literary journey take a trip to Maud Cahill’s Jason’s Books downstairs in O’Connell Street just below the Gothic wonder, Chancery Chambers. (16 O'Connell Street, Auckland City)


If in doubt on High Street – look up. Take the lift to Level 4 in the Canterbury Arcade and keep an eye on the architectural treasures riding along above the verandas.

Smith & Caughey
Lastly, a fine pair of tights is what you need to wear in the company of smart mini skyscrapers that owe more than a little to the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚_ *|iШЎ8 Chicago style. Take a trip to the always tempting stocking department of Smith & Caughey and look for the great creations of Jonathan Aston of London. (253-261 Queen Street, Auckland)


Anna Miles Gallery 

Suite 4J
Smith & Caughey and look for the great creations of Jonathan Aston of London. (253-261 Queen Street, Auckland)



Anna Miles Gallery 
Suite 4J
47 High Street
09 377 4788


/> 09 377 4788






Escobar, West Lynn
"It was while I was at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market a couple of weekends ago that it struck me just how much the West Lynn shops have changed in the 11 years I’ve lived here. Plenty of suburbs in Auckland don’t have a central point or a high street but cheeky old Grey Lynn has two and they’re even distinctly different from each other. It was just when I was pondering this point that I stumbled into Escobar, an exceptionally well polished espresso bar. Built in the tradition of a Columbian coffee house, Escobar only serves coffee and pastries and has been carefully put together by its owners Natalia and Nigel. Natalia comes from generations of coffee-growers in Colombia and lived on the family plantation until she left for the US at the age of 20 so she has a rich knowledge and appreciation for the little brown bean. In fact, what she doesn’t know about it could probably fit on one." (483 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn, Auckland).

Ayrlies Garden, Whitford
My Kiwi mum lives out Whitford way so winters are spent by the fire and summers are spent walking the dogs out to the beach, lunching at the waterfront cafes at Maraetai (where Waiheke looks close enough to touch) and tiki tours to Ayrlies Garden. Sculpted across 12 acres of formal gardens and 35 acres of natural wetland, Ayrlies is a magnificent and loving tribute to the late Malcolm McConnell who built it with his wife Beverley and the perfect way to spend an afternoon outdoors. The Whitford peninsula is stunning and the village is adorable (perhaps I love it so much because it reminds me of England) and only 45 minutes south-east of Auckland. Ayrlies is half way along Potts Road but viewing is by appointment so don’t forget to book. (125 Potts Road, Whitford, Auckland)


Lew Lew, Kingsland
Situated in a lovely old Kingsland villa, sisters Gua and Nilla Loheni of Lew Lew (with their mum and a friend called Wendy) craft classic, tailored garments with a hint of the Orient and inspired by their lifelong passion for the Wu Tan Clan (I'm serious!). Nilla learned her craft in the cutting and hand finishing room at Zambesi and both girls have been making clothes for years. Together, they’ve created a unique and seriously beautiful collection that comprises kung fu pants and slinky silk dresses. They only make tiny runs of each item so you have to get in quick and their work is soon to be exhibited in Anna Miles’ Gallery on High Street. Make an appointment for a pot of tea and a look through the rack. (16 First Avenue, Kingsland, Auckland)


Piako Yoghurt
Started by husband and wife team Shaun and Kathryn, Piako is a range of gourmet Greek yoghurt that some friends of mine first discovered in the Takapuna markets. We got so hooked on the stuff that it became imperative to get there early on a Sunday morning before they sold out, but we can’t have been alone in our addiction because it has made its way onto the supermarket shelves. I love that it’s made down the road in the Waikato from natural ingredients and despite being 94% fat free, it tastes like sheer indulgence. The plain one is the best flavour.


Blend Wine Store
My Friday night ritual is a visit to the Blend Wine Store at the corner of Jervois Road and Kelmarna Avenue where I can guarantee the jazz will be pumping and I’ll get a great recommendation for a classy drop from Chris and Colin. I give them a brief that includes who I’m going to see, the venue and how much I want to spend and then I leave the rest up to them. They’ve never let me down once and they also do wine tastings. They’ll plan your wine menu for a dinner party and they’ll give you a hand with your cellar maintenance. (246 Jervois Road, Herne Bay)


The veggie man at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market
The produce at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market is not only locally grown, it also tends to be the stuff that you wouldn’t find at a supermarket or fruit and veg shop – like unusual varieties of apples or big bunches of locally sourced watercress. There’s also an entire range of products made from honey (edible and otherwise), home-made ginger beer, fabulous Mediterranean food and a swaps table for home-grown veggies. The market runs from 9am to 12.30pm every Sunday (except the last Sunday of the month) at the Community Centre on Richmond Road. (510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland)


Antonia Baker runs The Property Market, a real estate agency that offers a new type of service with a transparent and more cost effective fee.  Based in Ponsonby, Auckland, they provide clients with a selection of online marketing tools including individual websites for each property. To read more about their unique services visit their website.

The Property Market
p. 09 965 3656



propertymarket.co.nz" target="_blank">www.thepropertymarket.co.nz



TТ88.ѓPН`ЋsАЋsЈ­sTФ8-€?ѓPН№Ќ_€?@­_,|Ў8 Chicago style. Take a trip to the always tempting stocking department of Smith & Caughey and look for the great creations of Jonathan Aston of London. (253-261 Queen Street, Auckland)


Anna Miles Gallery 

Suite 4J
47 High Street
09 377 4788


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Westmere Butchery for their organic lamb racks and Peri Peri chicken sausages. (131 West End Road, Westmere, Auckland)

Dizengoff café for their amazing ability to create the best Allpress coffee in town. (256 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

Zus & Zo café for tasty sandwiches (228 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland)

Swimming at Thorne Bay off Minnihaha Ave in Takapuna

Nishiki - Japanese just the way I like it - quick and tasty. (100 Wellington Street, Freeman's Bay, Auckland)

The backside of North Head with a rug and fish and chips from the Devonport fish & chip shop. Always take the dog, kids and cardboard. (26 Victoria Road, Devonport)

Mondial for sangria and the best tapas in town. (549 Great North Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland)

And Burrell's demolition across the road from my work that offer everything from used kitchens, bathrooms, shop fittings and cabinets. I always find amazing structures for shop fittings here. (18 Westmoreland Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland)

ttings here. (18 Westmoreland Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland)



"The Yoga Academy on Federal Street specialises in Ashtanga  – a dynamic style of yoga that focuses on synchronising the breath with a progressive series of postures. Yoga Academy directors, Jude and Peter, are wonderful teachers who have many years experience, and they work hard to provide a serene and supportive environment for students to gain maximum benefits from their yoga practice. The Yoga Academy is my ultimate happy place. (190 Federal Street, Auckland)



Gypsy Tea Room is the quintessential neighbourhood bar and my regular haunt. Nestled amongst the West Lynn shops its rustic walls, Italian mosaics and iron furniture provide the perfect setting for almost any occasion. The gyppo, as locals affectionately know it, is an inviting spot for a prelude to dinner, evening with friends or nightcap. It has a thoughtful wine list, exceptional cocktails, and (so my discerning male friends tell me) a damn good lineup of craft beer served at the perfect temperature. Bar staff are charming, yet professional, and they’re always glad you came. (455 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland)



A typical Sunday night for me is spent enjoying Peking duck pancakes with friends at the Herne Bay institution, Empress Garden. The duck is sensational, as is the rest of the menu, and the service is welcoming and cheerful. BYO wine or choose from the decent list of lagers on offer. It’s the perfect place to de-brief the weekend. (227 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland)



I have a love affair with Scotties on Blake Street in Ponsonby.  Scotties are the sole stockists of some of my most adored labels including: Ann Demeulemeester, Comme des Garcons, Marni and Dries van Noten.  Many of these labels can be found in the Scotties recycle boutique at the back of the shop.  A treasure trove of pre-loved classics that I broadcast reluctantly! (2 Blake Street, Herne Bay, Auckland)



If you have a fetish for luxury stationery goods, Pencil Boutique is your spiritual home.  Stocked full of premium brands from around the world, including: Rhodia, Paperpack, Archie Grand, G.Lalo and Delfonics, plus a range of vintage furniture and a selection of Stephen Tilley artworks.  Expect this newbie on the corner of Franklin and Ponsonby Roads (behind Agnes Curran) to gain a cult following rather quickly. (Corner of Ponsonby & Franklin Roads, Auckland)



Every weekend La Cigale host a French style farmers market in the heart of Parnell.  Rain, hail or shine the markets are always buzzing with atmosphere and heaving with artisan' goodies, fresh produce, flowers and wine. I usually find myself unashamedly queuing for the mouth-watering Croque-monsieur, as well as picking up my fur-baby a selection of handmade treats from the organic pet food stall. (69 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland)



Ease Thai Foot Massage based on Ponsonby Road is a wee gem. Specialising in ancient massage techniques, their treatments instantly transport you into a blissful state. Open late Tuesday to Sunday and with treatments starting at just $25, they cunningly leave you no excuse not to pamper yourself. (49 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)



Eden Garden is Auckland’s best-kept secret. Hidden beside Mt Eden, is over five acres of stunning native plants and trees and resident native birds for all to enjoy. In a nod back to the good ol’ days, the garden's own café makes to-die-for homemade scones with jam and cream, and has loose-leaf tea served in china teapots accompanied by delicate bone china cups. To me, Eden Garden is a garden full of souls, and the special place where my best friend’s memorial rests alongside hundreds of other loved ones. If you feel like escaping the pace of the city and gaining some perspective, I highly recommend Eden Garden". (24 Omana Avenue, Auckland)


/www.edengarden.co.nz" target="_blank">www.edengarden.co.nz


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Mag Nation for a sift through the periodicals then to free Mondays at the Auckland Art Gallery for a more puzzling loiter. (Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby & Auckland Art Gallery corner of Wellesley & Lorne Streets, CBD)

The The Little Grocer for homemade ice blocks before heading to the West Coast. (The Little Grocer, 311 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn)

El Faro in Elliot stables for a quick tapas and sangria before the movies at Academy Cinemas. Afterward to Bellota for dulce, cheeses and Spanish imports. (El Faro, 39 Elliott Street, CBD & Bellota, Sky City Grand Hotel, Federal Street, CBD)

El Caminos for the only good Mexican in Auckland and pitches of tropical Margarita’s. (480 New North Road, Kingsland)

Brazilian beats, brews, and barbecues at Ponsonby Social Club on late Sunday afternoons. (152 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby)

ernoons. (152 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby)



The yoga Academy on Federal St, I try to go 2-3 times a week in the mornings before work to clear the head. It’s a great way to start the day and I always leave feeling taller! (190 Federal Street, Auckland CBD)

Satya Indian – K Road, they have the most delicious Spinach Paneer along with a colourful, authentic interior for a cheap and cheerful Sunday dinner. (271 K Road, Auckland)

Thornes Bay – Minehaha rd, Takapuna… it’s a short walk around the rocks from the North end of Takapuna beach, a great sheltered bay for swimming and picnics throughout summer.

The Vitrine – Grey Lynn, a warehouse space selling a collection of antique French furniture that has been imported and restored with love. They have amazing chairs, desks, tables and lamps … it's hard to say no! (1a Grosvenor Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland)

23 Café at the top of Mt Eden rd – great coffee, super friendly, delicious menu all in a relaxed environment. (23 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland)

Ludus Magnus gym on Glenside cres & Eden tce. They embrace a Spartan type training that I never thought I’d enjoy as much as I do. The trainers are fun and keep you motivated throughout the pain! (4 Glenside Crescent, Eden Terrace, Auckland)




"Without doubt my favourite dining haunt for the last 17 years, Sharaku Japanese serve up unquestionably the best Japanese in Auckland.  Located at the end of this little arcade at 75 Queen Street, the decor is a little dated but the food and service are exceptional and with the odd exception, it’s been the same staff there all this time.  I rarely take anyone there, except my husband and my best guy friend Huru – it’s one of my best kept secrets. (75 Queen Street, Auckland)

Natasha Radonich’s one-on-one boutique salon in Three Lamps, Ponsonby is very high on my list of places to go.  Accessed through a secret door on Ponsonby Road, once inside you’re transported into this gorgeous luxe feminine salon and get to indulge in the latest magazines, sip San Pellegrino, chatter in total privacy and have your hair made fabulous by Natasha.  The woman is a genius. (Three Lamps, Ponsonby, Auckland)

A favourite indulgence is to visit Mary Castles who manages the World Deluxe store in Ponsonby.  Mary & I share a passion for candles, and she’s turned me onto Cire Trudon, a very old French candle-making company.  My new obsession is Roi Soleil – the fragrance of waxed wood floors – surprisingly, it's a very seductive and other-worldly smell. (175 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

Adorno stocks some of my favourite designers – J Brand, Isabel Marant, Phillip Lim, Husk, Helmut Lang, 3 Dots, and the list goes on.  The selection is huge for such a tiny store and on the rare occasion you don’t spy something that takes your fancy, the ladies there will whip upstairs and reappear with some exquisite piece of fabulousness that you can’t possibly leave without. (282 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)


Zealandia is about a 35 minute drive north of Auckland city, along Mahurangi Road West (just south of Warkworth), and it is the wonderland of Terry Stringer, one of my favourite New Zealand artists.  His work is dynamic and other-worldly, and the various installations throughout the garden make for a magical journey (the step walkway through the trees is a nature and art combination at its best).  If you aren’t able to make the drive north, you can see one of his masterpieces outside Smith & Caughey’s on Broadway, Newmarket. (138 Mahurangi West Road, RD 3, Warkworth)



The Avondale Markets have been around since before I was born – every Sunday without fail.  Located at the Avondale Racecourse, it’s a wonderful place to source the freshest produce (particularly Asian greens), plants, fish, second-hand treasures and utter junk.  It’s got a great community feel and there is always some interesting entertainment. (Auckland Racecourse, Ash Street, Avondale)


Santos is my early morning haunt, and has been for around 15 years.  The coffee is the best (fact) and the food is simple but incredibly yum.  The staff are mainly South American, and there is always a great community vibe.  Much like me, there is a large group of Aucklanders who have been beating a track to Santos everyday for years, so it’s a bit like a home away from home and it's testament to the continuous level of quality coffee, food and service." (114/116 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

rack to Santos everyday for years, so it’s a bit like a home away from home and it's testament to the continuous level of quality coffee, food and service." (114/116 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)


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La Petit Village, this place is a treasure trove of amazing bits of furniture, housewares, toys and beautiful old things that I only wish I had the space to accommodate in my home - it's run by a French man who also happens to own a 747 flight simulator as well.  Every few months another motherlode of magic appears in the showroom, not only are the contents desirable - they are priced well within reach. (376 Great North Road, Auckland)

The Grove
, Michael & Annette Dearth are my favourite Americans, they moved to NZ from San Fran a fair few years ago, and have not only created one of the best restaurants in town, they've created a beaut little NZ family too - and we've been good friends over the last few years. The Grove seems to be a spawning ground for legendary chefs - as both Michael Meredith & Sid Sarawat spent time in the kitchen there. I only hope current chef Ben Bayly goes nowhere in a hurry.  Whether you go a la carte or take the degustation route, make sure you try the roquefort icecream. (Saint Patrick's Square, Wyndham Street, Auckland)

Der Metz, at the other end of the culinary scale, is 'Der Metz' German Resataurant in Kohi. The Schnitzel is bigger than your head, and the German Beer on Tap comes in Steins bigger than the Schnitzel.  We have a Christmas tradition to enjoy a 'festivus dinner' on December 23rd each year here, and it's kind of a 'guilty pleasure' as you know that large quantities of meat, served with a token side of sauerkraut & fries are not something you're supposed to indulge in these days…(5-11 Averill Avenue, Kohimarama, Auckland)

Poderi Crisci Vineyard, if you find yourself on Waiheke Island any given weekend, make sure you make the effort to get out to Awaawaroa Bay, to the vineyard restaurant of Poderi Crisci, run by the man behind NSP in Parnell, Antonio Crisci. Their Sunday lunch is really an experience, allow around 3 hours, be there by 12.30pm to start and have a very light breakfast.  Antonio himself is in the kitchen, which I think is awesome, as he could easily be in his house on the hill overlooking his kingdom with the Sunday papers.  Last time we went, as I was paying, I was thinking to myself, when can I get over here again next? It would be a good idea to book in advance, and order the bottle of Merlot, just a glass won't be enough. (205 Awaawaroa Road, Awaawaroa Bay, Waiheke Island)

Conch Records, starting out as a stall in a market, then spending a few years in a tiny space just off High St, it's great to see Cian, Dustin & the gang has really found themselves a good solid home up on Ponsonby Rd. Part cafe, part record store, part hang out joint, it's easy to waste hours browsing through a selection of records you'll find nowhere else, or just talkin' shite with one of the many crew loitering out front with a coffee.  Ask any international DJ in town, they'll tell you that Conch is one of the best record shops in the world. (115A Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

World, speaking of World, and people in my neighbourhood, I must make mention of the crew at World on the corner of Ponsonby & Picton.  Francis Hooper is the only man who could have convinced me it's more than okay to wear a bow tie. Mel who runs the Ponsonby shop dresses my wife in the right thing, every time, much to the dismay of my credit card. And, I love that both my wife & I have found 'our label' and have become part of the World family. And they do treat you like family. (97 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

One more thing in the Ponsonby hood is Il Forno, not the prettiest, but definitely the best bakery in town. Situated on Mackelvie St, just behind the Mini Garage, you should pop in and have the gnocchi for lunch, or take home a loaf of porridge rye - you won't regret it.

The Brooklyn Apartments were built in the late 1920's and rumor has it that there is the exact same building located in Brooklyn NYC - they used the same plans.  My wife & I lived here in a caravan-sized apartment for nearly four years, intending only on staying for about six months until we found something bigger… now years later we still have friends in the building and every time I drive by looking for a park, I wish we were still there. I've heard stories about Hells Angels squatting in the basement back in the day and certain famous "dudes" scaling drainpipes to make a quick exit from an apartment they weren't supposed to be in.  From the entrance to the hallways, it's just a beautiful thing to look at, and I'm glad to have been a small part of its history. (Emily Place, Auckland)
Italian Film Festival, each October this festival serves as an escape to a place I'd rather be… (not that Auckland is that bad, but still...) 2011 will be its 15th year, and for three weeks I get a leave pass from the family and get to sit in the dark reminiscing about holidays in Como, Rome and the Italian Riviera. The man behind the festival, Tony Lambert, has arguably one of the best jobs in the world, sourcing old & new Italian cinema and then touring it around the country. It's become an increasingly difficult job over the last few years what with the economic climate and sponsorship, but in my eyes, it's an awful lot cheaper than spending three weeks in Italy every year. (Rialto Cinemas, 167 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland)

ks in Italy every year. (Rialto Cinemas, 167 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland)



Barwicks Auction Mart is in my home town of Gisborne. It's an institution in Gisborne and has been there for years. It sells a wide range of junk really, but there are some great antiques and collectible finds as well as industrial furniture. It's always changing and you can find everything from industrial lamps to beautiful wooden display cabinets and writing desks. Everything is reasonably priced and if you're lucky you'll find some real gems but you have to be quick. (127 Grey Street, Gisborne)

The Ridge House
is not only my family home, but also one of Gisborne's finest luxury B&B's. It has amazing views of Wainui beach and the surrounding area. It's the perfect spot to hang by the pool, play golf on the homemade golf green or hang with my Dad on the land. (103B Wheatstone Road, Wainui Heights, www.ridgehousenz.com)

Rain Dogs Books is run by a close friend of mine. They sell reclaimed books, magazines and reference material. They also have a selection of records including re-released Flying Nun LP's. (37 Peel Street, Gisborne www.raindogsbooks.blogspot.com)

Wine Makers Daughters Café is run by two sisters. It's a great little space that's the perfect spot to grab coffee from. (88 Grey Street, Gisborne)

 Paulnache Gallery has some of the most amazing local and national artists and their exhibitions showcasing a real mixture of contemporary and traditional works. It's also the gallery that represents my father Glen Mills whose work is shown below. (89 Grey Street, Gisborne www.paulnache.com)



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Plato-8, the best restaurant in Dunedin. It is full of clutter - there is so much awesome crockery, coffee pots and paintings that you want to fill your bag as well as your tummy. My fiancé Bill Munro runs the place, so I go there heaps...he puts on great intimate gigs in the Billards room too. They are only open for dinner except on Sundays for Brunch. (Birch Street, Dunedin)

Plume, my favourite shop. It's the only place to buy Company of Strangers in Dunedin. The store stocks Margiela, Rick Owens, Nom * D and Zambesi as well as heaps of others.  When I drop off stock I have to run past the shoes, as I'm addicted...(310 George Street, Dunedin)

Modern Miss, Violet Fagan has the most beautiful selection of vintage clothing. Here you'll find 40s crepe dresses, 50s gowns, but I love the collection of sunglasses and did I mention all the shoes? (Moray Place, Dunedin)

Whiteroom, right next to Modern Miss, there is a great design store that has David Trubridge, Sam Foley Paintings, furniture by Simon James and a cool collection of ceramics from various parts of Dunedin and NZ. (Moray Place, Dunedin)

I also love driving down the harbour and going to The Broad Bay China Shop.  They have rooms of Crown Lynn and Royal Albert. All the china you could imagine! I have banned myself from there for a year, as I can't help but leave with boxes full of stuff! (13 Waikana Street, Broad Bay, Dunedin)

Discovery World Tropical Forest at The Otago Museum, is my favourite place to take my daughter Frankie Madonna, as the beautiful tropical butterflies are hatched there daily and fly around and land on you, all in 40 degree temperature (rare for Dunedin). It's a great place to go in winter!  We were so inspired by it, we got a swan plant and our own butterflies for the workroom.




Epolitos Pizzeria owned and run by Chick Rose, Epolitos provides authentic New York-style pie from 10” to 18” in the heart of Oranga. Open Tuesday through Saturdays; go for the lemon, artichoke & Parmesan Eastside, stay for the Einstürzende Neubauten. (1 Rawhiti Road, Oranga)         

Barber Dan, if you like your cuts high and tight go straight to Barber Dan. The flyer says it all. No longhairs. (4/23 Shortland Street, Auckland City)

Musiquarium, from Johnny Devlin to the Dead C, Musiquarium has an incredible archive of all varieties of New Zealand musics for purchase; also notable is their import section full of reissues and hard-to-find records. View their catalogue online at newzealandcds.com (369 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Auckland)                 

Real Time for 37 years the incomparable Peter Rogers & Maria Pomirska have had Real Time on Ponsonby Road specialising in interior furnishings, lighting and Rick James records. A trove of bygone and almost-bygone artifacts, Real Time is a difficult love but one worth every ache.  Little else beats lunching with Peter on the weekends and the street gigs often featuring daughter Billie’s band, Street Chant. It’s a family affair.  (74 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

Reuben café, situated a level above Lorne St in the New City Gallery, Reuben offers a quiet atmosphere that puts you off the street and amongst the canopy of the oaks of Khartoum Place. The refined interior palette and cyclical art pieces from the gallery are matched with an uncomplicated breakfast and lunch menu.   (Cnr Khartoum Place & Kitchener St, Auckland City)

Wunderkammer, how do you begin to write about an institution like Wunderkammer. It has what no other store in Auckland has, a soul.  Ann Demeulemeester, Costume National & Comme des Garçons. Open seven days. Showroom by appointment. (76a Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)

Clooney, the conversion of this 1960s industrial shell by Fearon Hay and restaurateur Tony Stewart makes for an intimate, somewhat Lynchian, atmosphere and one of the best fine dining experiences in Auckland. The richness in this massive space, with its thin black veils around the apricot banquettes and blown-glass pendants, is something very special and this is mirrored by the exceptional wine, menu and professionalism of the staff.  (33 Sale Street, Auckland City)

Imperial Buildings a soon-to-be complete Fearon Hay project situated between Auckland’s arterial Queen Street and Fort Lane. The Imperial Building houses a number of eclectic spaces, ranging from disused theatres to basement taverns; the project aims to link these currently disparate spaces into a collection of retail, hospitality and creative tenancies through lane occupation and internal courtyard space.  (Fort Lane, Auckland City)

Parsons Bookstore, independently owned for over 35 years, Parsons specializes in the finest new and second-hand art, architecture, history and gastronomy books. Parsons courteous staff are more than happy to source and order peculiar titles upon request and their bi-weekly emails are always a thorough update on what’s new in store.  (26 Wellesley Street East, Auckland City)

Colin McCahon House, a pilgrimage every New Zealander should make. (67 Otitori Bay Road, French Bay, Titirangi, Auckland)

Kiraku - Mid City Building the tired interior, empty aquarium, no attempts to hide industrial services, standing-room only, hard neon lighting, ramen and gyoza and late opening hours; there’s always been something Blade Runner about Kiraku, especially when it’s raining. My favourite. (Elliot Street, Auckland City)

lant and our own butterflies for the workroom.






TCDC (Thailand creative and design centre) tucked away on the top floor of the Emporium Mall sits an amazing design centre, exhibition space and resource library. It carries over 25,000 books, a multimedia library and a huge material sampling resource. Open to anyone to join and use for a small fee - even overseas visitors. TCDC also holds fantastic seminars, lectures, workshops and events plus cutting edge, often surreal, design exhibitions open to the public. (6th Fl., The Emporium Shopping Complex, 6th Fl, 24 Soi Sukhumvit, Bangkok)


 Pla Dib restaurant I will use any excuse to go here. A renovated modernist house with a slightly industrial vibe and casual atmosphere, serves up stunning Japanese-Thai fusion food, with some wood fired Pizza thrown in for good measure.  This place never disappoints. Pla Dib translates as raw fish in Thai - if you can take things spicy, don’t miss their signature dish, Salmon Larb - raw salmon with a spicy dry rub – incredible. (Soi Aree Samphan 7, Ari.)

Ice Idea fresh creative ideas combined with original flavours make Ice Idea a treat for the mind as well as for your mouth.  From apple crumble to global warming icecream, sushi platters or soccer turf brownies - this place brings out the inner child in everyone. Located in the Guggenheim-esque Bangkok Cultural Centre. (4th Fl. Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre, 939 Rama 1 Road.)

Weekend Markets Bangkok has one of the biggest weekend markets in the world, but it would be a mistake to think it was all about cheap tee-shirts, tacky souvenirs and knockoffs. This is a serious market, and you can buy just about any commodity under the sun: great clothes by young designers, modern ceramics, beautifully made leather goods, Danish style stainless bowls, Thai silk, just to name a fraction. Cross the road and you will find a whole section dedicated to midcentury furniture and homewares. Tip – if you are looking for anything in particular make sure you have a Nancy Chandler map in hand, the place is a maze. (Chatuchak Park - Kampheng Phet)


 True Café - Paragon is an offshoot of the leading Internet and cable provider in Thailand, and while the coffee is only average, the environment alone makes it worth hanging out in. Ipod docks are provided on every table with sound pods for individual listening pleasure.  The central corridor through the space has an amazing giant black and red kinetic highway billboard and the rear of the space is filled with every telecommunication device old or new known to mankind.  Flat screens mounted to poles fill another area, free internet, games and videos are all provided to wile away your time. You’ll find it next to the Maserati showroom on the 4th floor, Paragon Mall

The flower markets the smell alone is worth coming for - a sweet, vibrant, colourful, assault on all the senses.  This 24-hour market is bustling at anytime of the day or night.  Flowers are an integral part of the Thai Buddhist’s daily life - the sheer volume of flowers being bought and sold is simply overwhelming.  Just absorb the atmosphere, take photos, or go on a massive floral shopping spree - they are sold at ridiculously cheap prices. (Pak Khlong market   - Thanon Chak Phet)

CDC  (Crystal Design Centre) this brand new purpose built Design Centre is an interior designer’s dream come true.  With nine enormous buildings set in a giant courtyard, almost every product you need to get the job done is represented here, local and international.  Instead of battling Bangkok traffic getting from showroom to showroom one can enjoy the time saved in one of the many fantastic cafes and restaurants also in the complex. (Praditmanutham Road - Ekamai-Ram-Indra)


White Café a stylish, airy fit out, with a glazed floor to ceiling kitchen - but people really come here just for the food alone.  The owner, Benya, has been on the Thonglor scene for many years and her signature dishes are considered by many Thais (and me) to be some of the best tasting around, they have all the positive elements of Thai home cooking, beautifully and creatively presented. (988/5 Ground Floor Noble Solo Condominium, Soi Thonglor)

Soul Food Mahanakorn American expat Jarrett Wrisley, a food writer for The Atlantic, HK Magazine, Time Out and The South China Post amongst others, has realised his dream and set up a stylish bar where you can enjoy authentic Thai style street food in a relaxed environment – and it totally works. He mixes some pretty mean cocktails too - American style doubles – I highly recommend the Jai Yen Yen. Reservations recommended. (56 / 10 Soi Thonglor)


 Tuba is a second hand retro furniture/object gallery by day, and a bar/restaurant by night - a truly eclectic place with lots of nooks and cosy seating arrangements, it’s the perfect place for a casual drink with friends - its location at the end of our street means we often do.

(34 Room 11-12A Soi Ekamai 21)

Soi 38 Night Food Hawker Market go there for the street food, but don’t miss the mango sticky rice, it’s the best in Bangkok - period. I’m not sure if it’s the lovely smile served with it that makes it so extra delicious, or the combination of perfectly ripe mango with the slightly salty sweet coconut sticky rice. Heavenly. (Soi 38 Sukhumvit - Thonglor BTS Station)

 Local fresh markets with one of these wonderful markets just around the corner from our house in Ekamai, grocery shopping is never dull. Available in any neighbourhood in Bangkok. Mine is (Soi 30 Ekamai)


Local fresh markets with one of these wonderful markets just around the corner from our house in Ekamai, grocery shopping is never dull. Available in any neighbourhood in Bangkok. Mine is (Soi 30 Ekamai)



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Cafe Sopra, I absolutely adore this place. Set in an industrial factory building; downstairs houses an Italian grocer, the mezzanine floor hosts an Italian cooking school and upstairs is the home of an incredible homestyle Italian restaurant & larder.  Without a doubt my absolute favourite lunch destination in Sydney. (7 Danks Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017)

Published Art, besides having an amazing array of design/fashion/architecture books, Sharon the owner is a book fanatic with answers to absolutely any literary question. (2/23-33 Mary Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010)

Speak Easy, one of Bondi's hidden breakfast/lunch/dinner treasures. With a refreshingly creative menu, the suburb's best coffee and an impressive wine list - I can't get enough of this joint. (83 Curlewis Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026)

Zoo Emporium, for Sydney's BEST vintage finds. Do believe the hype. (80 Campbell Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010)

Camp Cove, my favourite beach spot. It's a bitch to find a park during summer, so cab it if you don't want to waste sunbathing time in the car. (Cove Street, Watsons Bay, NSW 2031)

Mitchell Road Antiques, a retro furniture/vintage clothing fiend's paradise. With an auction house downstairs over flowing with furniture, and a huge warehouse space upstairs housing about 50 different stalls, It was a dream come true when I discovered this place! (76 Mitchell Road, Alexandria, NSW 2015)

Doug up on Bourke, anatomy posters, printing presses, taxidermy camels, antique garden tools, vintage stamps, church pews, old school cash registers, medieval armour suits..... this store is ideal for collectors of all things unique and eclectic. (901a Bourke Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017)

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Monterey, an awesome neighbourhood bar in Newtown with I think, the best cocktails in Wellington. Great atmosphere, cool decor, and super friendly and talented staff. (4 Rintoul Street, Newtown, Wellington)

About Asia gallery, this is a cool little shop in Kilbirnie that sells dirt-cheap kimonos, and scraps of beautiful material, often hand-dyed silk. (5-23 Bay Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington)

Kreuzberg Summer Cafe, best coffee in Wellington, hands down. On a sunny day, the outdoor seating here is perfect; surrounded by a garden centre, it’s a little park in the centre of the city. The food, especially the haloumi burger- is amazing too. (50 Webb Street, Te Aro, Wellington)

2nd Hand bookstores on Cuba St, there is a great trifecta of bookstores on Cuba that I love perusing. Ferret bookstore on the mall itself, a little shop up left bank, and the bookstore connected to Milk Crate on Ghuznee St.

K Bar, I’m a total sucker for karaoke, and this place, will change your life. Each karaoke song (performed on a main stage, none of this private rooms rubbish) is interspersed with great hip hop. (40 Dixon Street, Wellington)

Kazu Yakitori, this Japanese restaurant is my favourite; the food is delicious, and they have umeshu. (43 Courtney Place, Wellington)

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My good friend and artist Martin Poppelwell resides in Hawkes Bay. It’s important for me to have a collective of creative friends around who support each other. Martin gave me my first pattern cutting table when I started Salasai in 2006 and I still owe him a suit for an amazing piece of artwork I've had for a few years now. He is a raw talent that we are lucky to have here in the Bay.

Martin's work is available from Black Barn Art Gallery here.

Everyone that comes to Hawkes Bay has to experience Pipi's café in Havelock North. It’s one of those places that is a home away from home.  You always know someone eating there when you arrive and the staff remember you by name. I love its shabby chic appeal, its amazing pizzas, honest flavoursome menu and the 'help yourself to drinks' fridge. My fav pizza is Pollo with squeezed lemon and the Pipi's platter complete with olives, cheese and freshly made Pipi’s pizza bread doused in olive oil - it's a must. (16 Joll Road, Havelock North)

Maraetotara waterfall is Hawkes Bay’s hidden secret and is situated 10 minutes out of Havelock North on the way to Ocean beach. Pack a lunch and take a river side trek along the riverbank until you reach the waterfall. It even has a 5m high rope swing for the brave. It’s a beautiful serene spot popular with the locals in summertime.

Napier Antiques and Jewellery Centre is located on Tennyson Street in Napier and this little gem has one offs of everything from records, jewellery, clothing, china, books and lamps - all with an art deco period feel. I love getting lost in this store, which is easily done.  Give yourself a few hours to search through the myriad of memorabilia. (63 Tennyson Street, Napier)

Black Barn Art Gallery has gained a reputation as Hawkes Bay's leading 'white wall' gallery showcasing works by noted NZ artists in a beautiful space that is small and humble next to Black Barn vineyard and restaurant on the outskirts of Havelock North. Black Barn also hosts a 'Black Barn Market' on Saturdays in the summertime sporting whitebait fritters, Hohepa cheeses, fresh organic fruit and produce, local olive oils and Hawthorne ground coffee. (Black Barn Road, RD12 Havelock North)


I love the Aroha and Friends Store proudly owned by my cousin Rakai Karaitiana and his wife Melaina Newport. Founded in 2005 it is Hawkes Bay’s finest high fashion design and community store stocking the best of NZ designers. The industrial space with a homely Kiwiana feel, hosts brands like Natures Baby, Zambesi, Karen Walker, Leanna Coully homewares, Nick Von K, Workshop, Nom.D, and of course, Salasai. Rakai also produces his own graphics that you can choose to put onto organic cotton tees, and complete with the printing press in full view, it adds a nice personalised touch. (14 Hastings Street, Napier)


, it adds a nice personalised touch. (14 Hastings Street, Napier)



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Sense 99 was my first introduction to Hong Kong nightlife and on first impressions I loved it. However, it was the last place I would have expected to exist here.  Ascending up a steep flight of stairs you will find Sense 99.  A two level private bar, live music venue, exhibition space and chill-out lounge, open only on weekends or for special occasions. Sense 99 is set in a old prewar building with high ceilings, original tiled floors and small outdoor terraces overlooking the street; this combined with the mismatched vintage leather chairs and revolving artwork sets the scene for a no fuss or frills lounge bar. The first floor is the bar and the second floor is where you'll find the microphone, piano, drum kit & guitars waiting for whomever wants to give it a go. There is also a great mix of chilled out characters here and it's always a good place to post up for a few beers, a laugh and some general chit chat. (2/F-3/F 99F Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong)


Lei Dou is right in the thick Lan Kwai Fong which is Hong Kong's party central (apparently there used to be a secret bar and hangout on the second level but now it has moved to the ground floor, however, it has no signage and if you didn't know it was there you would be oblivious to its existence). It's cluttered with old European furniture, antiques, pot plants and mirrors. It's always playing really good loungy music. It also has a little smokers' lounge out the back. It's a great spot for after work drinks or a great place to finish the night. (G/F, 20-22 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, Hong Kong)

South Bay Beach Club so you're looking to escape your shoe box apartment, have a late lunch, laze around and get some sun. Or if you're fond of a good Sunday session then this is the spot. South Bay is about a half an hour excursion from central involving a bus and a small walk or taxi. It is the beach of choice for a lot of expats due to its private location and amazing surroundings. Set at the foot of steep hills and surrounding bush is the sandy beach and the South Bay Beach Club.

The Beach Club is the only building there, it faces the ocean with DJs  playing good tunes, has a fully stocked bar and a kitchen that serves a quality grill-oriented menu. On a sunny day there is a good crowd of people here and it is a great place to get away from the city. A good place to hang out and watch the sun go down.

The Pawn is a three story establishment housed in an atmospheric heritage building and named after what it used to be in the old days - a pawn shop. The interior is an eclectic mix of vintage furniture with a dash of contemporary detailing, namely the re-use of old timber as a vertical wall lining in a number of the rooms. There is a narrow sheltered outdoor terrace off the dining room and bar areas where you can sit on the comfy couches and have a few vinos whilst overlooking a classic scene of Hong Kong's street life: neon lights, the passing trams and of course the skyscrapers. On certain nights there’s a jazz band that plays live music. A good place to start the night and another great spot for a few casual drinks. (62 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong)


Shanghai Lane is my frequented restaurant of choice for lunch. It serves traditional Shanghai style food. The interior is nothing to write home about but the food is damn good - you can pretty much close your eyes and point to anything on the menu and you'll be happy (don't play this game elsewhere, I've tried and it generally ends in tears...or in a napkin). Shanghai Lane is located on Gough Street in Soho, Central and has a few really good furniture and design shops around it so it's always a long lunch break for me. (35-37 Gough Street, SOHO, Central)


Barista Jam is good. There is not much in the way of good coffee out these ways but Barista Jam located in Sheung Wan is worth the short walk from central to get your coffee hit. I think we are super spoilt with good coffee spots in Auckland so you really appreciate a good coffee when it's taken away from you.  Barista Jam is a two level semi-industrial styled cafe selling great coffee, great sandwiches, small sweet treats and all the stylish coffee paraphernalia you need to make a good coffee at home. (126-128 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan)





26-128 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan)



Steve Carr
Mystical realism; modest gestures
30 June - 13 August 2011
Michael Lett 
285/2 Great North Road
ph 09 376 1266


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Open since October 2010, District Dining has taken a more casual bistro approach to dining than its sister restaurant Assiette, another of Turnball's ventures. With a warm wood paneled interior, laden with blackboards that outline the daily specials, the atmosphere is casual yet chic.

Tasty fare is served on chopping boards and is designed for sharing. Smoked eel pate (above) is served in its own District Dining labeled tin, and dished up with cucumber and green onion flat bread.  

We highly suggest a visit next time you're in Sydney and looking for great food and a friendly face.

District Dining, open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Saturday.

17 Randle Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW 2010, ph +612 9211 7798





Our first impression is of a restaurant that is perfect for casual dining Japanese style with friends. The restaurant is large with tables set to accommodate big groups without making tables for two feel overwhelmed.  Much of the seating around the perimeter of the restaurant are leather banquettes, which add to the overall casual comfortable ambiance. The Quay St entrance houses an internal courtyard of sorts, where on a sunny day the doors can be opened up to create a sense of outdoor dining. 

With the head chef previously holding fort at the Auckland Japanese institution Kura, we are expecting a similar level of good quality accessible Japanese food perfect for sharing with friends.

Open for both lunch and dinner. 

116 Quay Street

116 Quay Street


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Peter McLeavey Gallery, there are few who have had the influence on New Zealand culture as the visionary Peter McLeavey has, birthing artists such as Bill Hammond and McCahon back in the late 60's when New Zealand was in a relative cultural dark age. Run for over 40 years by Peter and his rock of a wife Hillary by his side,  the gallery has become known as much for Peter himself; his kindness, caring for artists, his sartorial style, and fervent belief in the magic of art. In true Wellington form, Peter is frightfully humble, would never overstate the importance of what he does, nor would he talk about himself first without being asked.
Daughter Olivia McLeavey has come on board to take the Gallery in to the future as Peter takes his leave. (147 Cuba Street, Wellington)


 Avid is full of beautiful and obscure things. One half applied art, one half jewellery it is hard not to become captivated by every last piece. The buying is impeccable and the variety of product is perfectly balanced. Artists such as Johanna Campbell, Dorthe Kristensen and Steph Lusted can be found.  Everything within these walls is very New Zealand in a truly contemporary sense (no Kiwiana in sight) and with more beautiful craft than one could ever hope for. Dorothy and Anna are joyous hosts and will make your visit heavenly. (48 Victoria Street, Wellington)


Deluxe Cafe & Maranui Cafe, Matt Wilson and Katie Richardson are the owners of these two institutional cafes. The best coffee  in the country hands down (Havana beans) and backed up by the ultimate feel good food. The cafes' epitomise Wellington's unpretentious excellence, and the city's taste for outstanding produce without fanfare. The mix of Wellingtonians found at any one of these cafes is truly eclectic from politicians to musicians. Maranui burned down in a fire back in 2009, and left such a void in Lyall Bay that donations came pouring in only for it to be rebuilt again in 2010 to the delight of locals. (Deluxe - 10 Kent Terrace, Wellington & Maranui Cafe - The Parade, Lyall Bay Beach, Wellington)

Capitol (next to Deluxe Cafe), the best casual bistro food in town. Sitting at the tail end of Courtney place, the ambiance is always lively and bustling, and always packed full. They do not take bookings and turn over several times throughout the evening which makes for a great energy. You can't go wrong with things on the menu from crispy fried whitebait (in season) with lemon aioli to a perfect fillet of beef, It's bistro at its best. The Maitre'd Rob is also very witty (we have had a running joke going with him for about 2 years now). (10 Kent Terrace, Wellington)


 Museum Hotel, hotelier Chris Parkin is one of Wellington's biggest ambassadors, patron of the arts and an all- round enthusiast. Under his guidance, the hotel has moved (on wheels) down the road, had a new wing of luxury apartments added to it, flooded it with local art and now boasts one of the finest and most authentic French Cuisine experiences with restaurant Hippopotamus. Perfect for an evening cocktail at the new bar, the hotel hums with happy staff who love what they do. General Manager Kathy Tipler would have to be one of the best hosts I have ever come across, adding to the generosity and joy that exudes from this little gem. (Wakefield Street, Wellington)





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If you've missed out on getting a copy, you still have a chance to get your hands on one. Simply subscribe for one year at the special rate of only $40 and you will receive the April, August and November 2012 issues. Plus to show our appreciation of your support, we will send you the bumper summer 2011 issue absolutely free.

If not for you, Denizen also makes the perfect gift. If you were lucky enough to receive a copy, why not gift one to your loved ones instead?

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Our lunch selection of a Caesar salad came with a glowing recommendation from the waiter, an art student, who after spotting my camera, went on to explain that the salad was a very avant-garde version of the original. Naturally, we were intrigued as to how this would pan out. When our salads arrived, we were pleasantly surprised. Large pieces of Cos lettuce, complete with the essential Caesar components of a boiled egg, crispy bacon, anchovies and topped with parmesan and delicious dressing, were all carefully placed on the plate.  It was as tasty as it was artistically assembled, and certainly decent enough to satisfy a rumbling lunchtime stomach.  The chili and rocket spaghetti that was also ordered was simple, but equally as delicious. 

While you’re there, we highly recommend ordering one of Shore Road’s milkshakes. Counteracting the good intentions behind a salad order – perhaps, but fans of Jafa will agree with us on this one – they are some the best in town. 

Shore Road Uй’

Our lunch selection of a Caesar salad came with a glowing recommendation from the waiter, an art student, who after spotting my camera, went on to explain that the salad was a very avant-garde version of the original. Naturally, we were intrigued as to how this would pan out. When our salads arrived, we were pleasantly surprised. Large pieces of Cos lettuce, complete with the essential Caesar components of a boiled egg, crispy bacon, anchovies and topped with parmesan and delicious dressing, were all carefully placed on the plate.  It was as tasty as it was artistically assembled, and certainly decent enough to satisfy a rumbling lunchtime stomach.  The chili and rocket spaghetti that was also ordered was simple, but equally as delicious. 

While you’re there, we highly recommend ordering one of Shore Road’s milkshakes. Counteracting the good intentions behind a salad order – perhaps, but fans of Jafa will agree with us on this one – they are some the best in town. 

13 Shore Road

(09) 522 2783

p>13 Shore Road

(09) 522 2783





dding to the generosity and joy that exudes from this little gem. (Wakefield Street, Wellington)




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Walls are festooned with mosaics of lady 'MooChowChow' who greets diners with her come hither gaze. The addition of warm oak paneled walls and casual built in communal seating successfully helps re-invent the space and the transportation of ones senses to southern Thailand. 

Chef Che Barrington's travels through Thailand and his time under Martin Boetz at Sydney's Longrain restaurant instilled in him the essence of Thai food - that vibrant zing of sweet, sour, salty and hot.  Mark is pairing this party-in-your-mouth with a cocktail menu of fresh fruit, shaved ice and smashed herbs that will cool and refresh. The cocktail menu designed by the infamous mixologist Jacob Briars, includes the likes of a White Lady Boy (a lemongrass twist on the gin and Cointreau classic) and Brasil Basil Smash (Cachaca, lime and basil).  Like a stroll through the fragrant night markets and food stalls of Bangkok,  MooChowChow is a boost to the senses.

The menu delighted us on our visit with the welcome presence of some of our favourite contemporary Thai dishes. The Betel leaf makes its introduction to our shores, a long time favourite when dining in more tropical climates (the Betel leaf is not fond of the cold), we're excited to see them on the menu here

No contemporary thai menu is complete without the inclusion of caramelised pork, MooChowChow serves up its own stunning version of crispy pork hock and chili vinegar. And then there are the beef short ribs. These are simply melt in your mouth tasty.

We sampled the betel leaf topped with chili, lime, ginger, peanuts and coconut caramel $4.50, and the Grilled beef short rib with coriander, mint, roasted chili and shallots for $28.

With MooChowChow's tasty food, exotic cocktails, vibrant atmosphere and host-with-the-most 5, we can guarantee you'll have yourself a great old night. 

Opening Friday 8 April 

Open Tuesday to Saturday for dinner only


23 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.

09 360 6262



Taylor Boutique is currently offering a selected range of Nikki's limited edition hand crafted garments for sale. 


Or your can purchase one of Nikki's knitting patterns, bespoke wool and construction tools to knit an assemble your very own creation. 


Available from Taylor Boutique

20 Jervios Road, Ponsonby, Auckland
ph: 09 376 6554



Designed in conjunction with the owners Jo and Ganesh Raj by Maggie Carroll and Jessica Barter of Bureaux, the space exudes rustic charm. Walls lined with ageing crates, exposed steel beams and an assortment of low slung lanterns give the sense that this place was always meant to be here.

The outdoor terrace gives the all important connection with the restaurants rural surroundings, with a robust shelter that did an excellent job of warding off the winter chills on the wintry afternoon we visited, reminding us that come summer, this spot will be simply idyllic.

The menu at The Tasting Shed is just what you would expect from a place named as such. Numerous plates of tasty delights such as braised and rolled pig's head, chargrilled quail and steamed clams, are all designed to share. 

With all the new restaurant hype surrounding central Auckland at the moment, it's nice to know our rural friends are keeping up the pace too. We highly suggest making your next Sunday jaunt out this way for an afternoon that won't disappoint.

The Tasting Shed
609 State Highway 16
09 412 6454 



At the time of its completion in 1929 it was the tallest building in Auckland.  It was also the second headquarters for the South British Insurance Company and marked their dominance in the commercial world of that period. 

South British Insurance had outgrown their former premises in the adjacent Blacketts Building – built in 1878 and located on the corner of Shortland and Queen Streets.  They commissioned architects Grierson, Aimer & Draffin, the same team responsible for the design and construction of the Auckland War Memorial Museum, to design a new corporate headquarters.

The company made sure that their British connections were reflected in the final design of the new building with the use of English stone cladding and the repositioning of a statue of Britannia from the façade of the Blacketts Building to their new home.

From Shortland Street the magnificent high arched entranceway leads into a stunning lobby, a lobby that says, “You have arrived”.  The lobby features some of the city’s best preserved examples of Art Deco design, including the black and white marble inlay flooring and the gorgeous bronze plated light boxes at the building’s entrance.

Nowadays the building is listed as a category I on the Register of Historic Places. Its premium location on the corner of High Street, in the heart of Auckland’s business center, makes it one of the most coveted inner city locations.

This property is currently available for lease, for enquiries go here.

Ray White Commercial
Whillans Realty Group Limited
Level 2, 23 O’Connell Street, Auckland
Phone 09 304 1453


Spanning 45 countries, it bridges the gap between photographers and the general public, and puts the public in front of the lens, for an eye-opening account of some beautiful; some devastating; but always real accounts of the history that is unfolding globally. An international jury chaired by David Burnett - a USA photojournalist and founding member of Contact Press Images, judged the World Press Photo’s 54th annual competition. Prizes were awarded in nine themed categories to 54 photographers of 23 nationalities.

And, with imagery spanning mutilation in Afghanistan to Milan’s Fashion Week, there is no better way to reach complete visual saturation than taking a trip down memory lane - this time conveniently located in Britomart.

World Press Photo Exhibition 2011

On until Sunday 9th of October 2011

Ground floor
Nathan Building
40 Customs Street East

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5pm
Late night on Wednesday 9am to 7pm
Saturday, Sunday 10am to 5pm


day, Sunday 10am to 5pg>B&B (Burger and Barrel) corner Mercer and East Houston. This great spot is not too far from where I live, satiating my need for meat many a time. B&B has a broad menu but the award winning 'Bash' burger is right up there with the best - caramelised onion, bacon jam, pickles, American cheese, special sauce - what more do you want? (25 W Houston, New York)

Last but certainly not least, in fact one of my favourite burgers to date was consumed at 508 restaurant on Greenwich St. Well off the tourist path, in a slightly more commercial part of town, this is a wicked spot with a diverse menu. Dine at the bar, marinate in a good glass of red and tuck in.

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A few remain. The Civic Theatre is a delight; a whimsical, exotic and imaginative masterpiece for a city so small and isolated as we once were. The Dilworth Building, on the corner of Customs and Queen, was almost extraordinary. Originally, there were to be two, flanking Queen and standing like the giant gate-keeping colossi at the entrance to the city. Very Lord of the Rings. They would have been magnificent, but they could never make the second one work. More recently, RTA’s exuberant Ironbank took to the K-Rd skyline with a peculiarly Kiwi mixture of aggression and wit. The result, in a city where nearly every large building is designed by Australians (you did know that, right?) is a wonderful vision of freedom.

There’s only one building in the city, however, that can make me giggle. Shortland Street’s old 1YA building is a ripper. It’s like something Willy Wonka might produce: a whole castle complete with turrets, domes, blind arcades, an arched gateway, moat and drawbridge, scaled down to a tenth the size and topped by a red-and-white striped poor-man’s Eiffel tower. So the moat is dry, and the drawbridge doesn’t move – who cares? This is a romantic Deco-Romanesque mash-up at its best. It’s decorated equally with the motifs of ancient civilizations and industrial machinery. They even messed with the proportion of the facade, like a clown pulling faces, and used miniature bricks to make it look bigger. It’s brilliant, and it’s hilarious.

Built in 1934, 1YA was the broadcasting base of the first licensed radio station in New Zealand, and a couple of decades later morphed into the base of our first ever TV station. It was designed by Wade and Bartley, who were the stars of central city architecture at that time – De Brett’s is theirs, as is the wonderful Auckland Electricity Power Board building on Queen Street (see the Denizen archives for more). 1YA is monolithic, to keep out the sound of course, with huge windowless walls covered in cast stone and at least nine different colours of Glenburn brick.

Crossing the threshold of its Romanesque doorway, the fortress-like carapace gives way to a light, elegant Deco interior – fairly extensively modified over several iterations of use, but nonetheless special – now occupied by the University’s Gus Fisher gallery. Illuminated by skylight from a glittering, coloured-glass dome, and decorated with moulded ceilings, ornate pilasters, and corbels, it’s a sweet little thing inside.

If you manage to get behind the scenes, the trickery of the facade continues, as what appears from the street to be a single-storey building slips secretly down the slope behind, stacking another three stories below.

This is a building worth visiting, and a string of interesting shows and performances at the Gus Fisher help sweeten the deal. Be sure to spend some time with the bronze and opal glass lamps that flank the entry. Designers: have you yet delivered the city lamps – or indeed any public object at all - as good as these? What have we lost since this building was made? Make your pilgrimage, observe the entrances of the buildings that flank this beautiful wee thing, and dwell on the loss, amongst other things, of the decorative and the whimsical. I think it’s time that Modernism grew up…

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For well over a year now, Jamie and Gisele have been conducting their catering business from an old grand building on Stanley Street in Parnell. You'd be forgiven if you missed them, despite being next door to the recently completed, and very grand National Library building, the windows have been papered up to detract attention from what is brewing inside.

Working with Tom Rowe from Noel Lane Architects, Jamie and Giselle have converted this grand 1920s building that was in its day a steel mill, and turned it into a stunning example of contemporary dining. With double height windows overlooking the bustle of Stanley street, and a soaring ceiling with clusters of ornate chandeliers, James is set to add impact to the dwindling Parnell dining scene.

We've had word that James will be open for business after Easter. And with the promise of large shared tapas plates, and paellas big enough for four, you can be sure we will be amongst the first diners looking to report back.

18 Stanley Street

09 366 4755

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Housed in the old parking garage of the 42 Below offices on Tyler St, the Tyler St Garage is the first of several ventures planned in the area by the team at brand agency Shine. We've heard promising things about the bistro and its rooftop terrace and bar. Our sneak peak today promised a well executed interior design scheme. The combination of design by Kirsty Mitchell (who also designed the Britomart outpost of Shaky Isles cafe), the branding genius of the team from Shine and the undeniable hospitality expertise of Brendan Turner of Shenkin and Dizengoff fame, this new addition is sure to fit nicely into our entertainment regime.

Check back next week when we'll have had a chance to photograph the space.

Tyler St Garage, Britomart, Auckland

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Often referred to as fish eggs, caviar, for the more gastronomically minded among us is otherwise known as the unfertilised roe of the sturgeon – a common name for some 26 different species of fish in the family of Acipenseridae.

The traditional source of such fish has always been the Caspian Sea, but due to both pollution and overfishing, wild sturgeon are now highly endangered resulting in a moratorium on the trade of wild caviar from this area.

A development in the 1990s in the Bordeaux region in France has shifted the main source of sturgeon to a sustainable ocean farm that produces Sturia - an equally high quality caviar. The eggs are lightly salted with no preservatives resulting in an incredible fresh tasting mouth explosion with a nutty finish. Sturia caviar has full-sized grains, with a fine skin and colour, ranging from anthracite grey to golden brown.

We suggest you pair Sturia caviar with classic egg white blinis (topped with crème fraîche), or quite simply on its own with toast.

We’re pretty confident you, and your next dinner party guests, won’t be left disappointed in the hands of this delicious delicacy.

Sturia caviar is available from Maison Vauron

5 McColl Street
Newmarket 1023
(09) 529 0157


TPEq OkcѓPŽ Нf nten№Нf s Formka, Pol Roger Champagne, a ceramic hip flask of Pussers Rum, two tickets to the next Quay to the Groove boat party, and an afternoon sailing on board Bevan's yacht - the Blue Bell.

Included in your ticket is a drink on arrival, light snacks, along with an exclusive mix CD. 

Limited tickets left available from www.iticketexpress.co.nz.



TWў[ ѓPŽ0М”Р攈̔јA•T.Аг€=ў€рНnаST@љаST!!!!!!!!!!!!лмрЯ{-й `0ˆ4_"<5цEVШ2Ёєђ8

Famously remembered for Easy Rider (1969) and his performance in Apocalypse Now - the book publishes some of his first moments as a budding photographer from 1961 and also includes introductory essays by Tony Shafrazi and West Coast art pioneer Walter Hopps along with an extensive biography by journalist Jessica Hundley.


Available from Novel,
202 Jervois Road,
Herne Bay,
ph 09 376 5869

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Starring suntanned bodies; well-oiled skin; bikini-clad women; yachts; summer cocktails; sumptuous buffets; spectacular locations; and most of all: fun. Poolside is not so much a Who’s Who of society, aristocracy, and celebrity—although C. Z. Guest, Lilly Pulitzer, Cheryl Tiegs, Peter Beard, and many who have appeared in the previous books are here—as it is about leisure time and how the rich make use of it. This is a more intimate peek into very private lives, to which Slim Aarons was given unprecedented access to in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Novel's new shipment has just arrived, so if you're looking for a reminder of your glamorous poolside summer days we suggest you pick up a copy.


Available from Novel
202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 376 5869

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Equipped with stunning photography of suits, store fronts, interiors and clients - it considers the impact of Savile Row on fashion houses including Ralph Lauren, Armani and Tom Ford. Ford even writes in his foreword of the book, 'This English style, in fact, became the international style for well-dressed men all over the world, and this influence has not waned even in today’s more casual world. I suppose that when it comes to men’s clothes I am an Anglophile and if I did not design my own men’s collection, I would have virtually my entire wardrobe made on Savile Row. The book also includes sections dedicated to other gentlemanly desires including the best barbers, umbrella makers and hat makers including addresses, phone numbers and websites for these various pursuits.

It's a must-have book for all aspiring gentlemen.


Available from Novel
202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 376 5869

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Step One: Get up and throw some cold water on your face, it's essential you play things cool - don't say anything stupid. And please, for the love of god, don't walk around in the white dressing gown you stole from that one time you ever stayed in a decent hotel.

Step Two: Drawing inspiration from the immortal words of Jim Morrison 'The time to hesitate is through, No time to wallow in the mire. Try now we you only lose, and your love become a funeral pyre'. In other words, immediately ditch the lettuce leaf, glass of water, line of nose candy and supplement pills. What you really need to do is to give this beautiful specimen the 'fillet' (Savannah Angus beef eye fillet)

Rich in iron, high in protein and containing one of the lowest fat levels of all steak cuts. Said supermodel can not only enjoy one of the tastiest meals known to mankind, she more importantly doesn't have to worry about consuming a sparrow size portion as you can assure her, this meal is healthy.

Unfortunately (and unsurprisingly), I personally have never woken up next to a supermodel. But I know a man who has…and this was his secret:

2 x Savannah Angus beef eye fillet portions
1 x olive oil

And whatever else you can conjure up in the kitchen to accompany this fine piece of meat.

Optional extras:

1 x supermodel

1 x bottle of your finest Shiraz

1 x Barry Whites’ greatest hits - your taking this morning after romance seriously

Providing you have no major hiccups along the way, these tips are a sure-fire way to ensure you can have your meat (and eat it too.)

Be prepared - you never know when such a fine specimen might grace herself with your presence again. Savannah Angus beef eye fillet is available from Neat Meat (you can order online and have your meat delivered directly to the doorstep in time for dinner.)




Needless to say, a recent visit to Superette did little to curb this sartorial weakness. New season Lover has just arrived. Marking the 10th anniversary of the brand, the spring/summer collection entitled ‘The White Serpent’ sums up what designers Susien Chong and Nic Briand have spent a decade perfecting – understated modern femininity.

Swathes of incredible lace, silk and leather in a colour palette of scarlet, cream and beiges make up the collection that consists of trademark pieces that have become Lover staples: think short shorts, tailored shirts and of course, beautiful lace dresses that are now synonymous with the Lover brand. It’s hard to pick just one favourite, but the fire engine red ‘Elixer’ shirt (pictured) is a definite frontrunner.

As yet another Lover piece takes up residence in my wardrobe, I suggest you pop in for a look - no doubt you will be wooed by the flawless pieces for the upcoming season ahead just as much as I was.

Available from Superette

(09) 360 2360


tte - show her not only that you are a fan of traditional media, but that you appreciate the finer things in life)

Providing you have no major fails along the way, these tips are a sure fire way of ensuring you can have y{u0Јthat rare th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C я L› G ^ ЈT` — ы ‚_7Є6ћ}Mž8Hъ ј8

I am not among these. Auckland is a city of exhilarating potential: it is a superbly narrow isthmus and has a varied volcanic topography, a benign sub-tropical climate, an increasingly cosmopolitan demographic, and a magnificent harbour that it has yet scarcely grazed, let alone exploited. What it does not yet have, however, is many people, and what few we have are stubbornly diffused. The city is growing fantastically, as cities ought, but it is yet an infant.
In a city like this, in a street like Fort Street, a car counts as a fairly sizable chunk of action. Maneuvering amidst a smattering of hurried businesswomen, earnest parking wardens, laconic backpackers and the last vestiges of the fishnet-stockinged few, even my little Toyota seems lively. The deep-throated rumble of an iridescent purple, LED-lit, tricked-out Bentley delivers about the same level of interest and action here as at least twenty beer-hugging English globe-trotters. For all their vileness, these world-destroying petroleum-addicted beasts are enormous contributors to what makes our little streets hum.
Like it or not, to occupy our city is to participate in a game between pedestrians and motor vehicles. Every time we walk out our doors we pick a side - the team of the little green man, or the jay-walker - and commence battle. A year or so ago, our city decided it would change the playing field. Fort Street is the beginning, the flagship, and Elliot, Darby and Lorne (at least in part) are supporting acts. Footpaths have been abolished, roads torn up, and curb-lines - the sacred dividing line between the realm of the foot and the domain of the tire - vanished. In these streets pedestrians are to share space with vehicles, each roaming freely across an almost-undifferentiated flat plane, negotiating primacy from first principles.
It sounds dangerous, ugly and chaotic. The evidence from the rest of the world, we are told, is that it is safer. As a construction site - free of both cars and people - it looks elegant and exciting. Our lives are increasingly free of boundaries as we roam actual, political, social, cultural and cyber spaces unchecked; why not our streets too?
Within a few weeks both cars and people will be unleashed on this fluid field, and the game will begin anew. I’m not sure how long it will be until cars exit our lives altogether, but in the meantime, the game’s about to get a whole lot more interesting.

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In saying this, it is New York city itself which also lends itself to foot and bike traffic. A cleverly thought out grid system which recently turned 200 years old is what allows for this seamless mode of activity. Certified by New York City Commissioners on Mach 1811 - 'the 200 foot long block is short enough to provide continuous diversity for the pedestrian, and the tradition of framing out the grid by building to the street-wall makes New York streets walkable and vibrant', according to Amanda M. burden, the director of city planning.

If you are fortunate enough to have a reasonable period in NYC, then purchasing a bicycle would be worth its weight in gold. Why not bike the streets like a local in your Alexander Wang boots or Gucci loafers, arriving at your destination in style and comfort. Whilst the subway and yellow cabs are both clearly corner stones of transport, the city is vastly more accessible on bike, visible at your own pace and above ground. Your knowledge of the city's lesser known and more eclectic areas will also increase ten fold when you are responsible for directions.

Where to buy? I recommend online at www.greatusedbikes.com which specialise in 'old school' fixed up bikes.

Why old bikes? Well theft is obviously a consideration, as a bike will set you back about $250 USD, plus a decent chain and padlock. No small fare but an investment you will not regret, especially if you are planning on spending time during the summer months. For those in the city for a short time however, all is not lost. Plenty of hotels have their own bikes to rent, such as the Bowery Hotel.

Bike rentals are also a plenty and cost anywhere from $8 - $20 an hour depending on which type you choose from the vast selection.


Now on yer bike! 



Our consistent and widely publicised moot is how exactly decisions will be made. To ease a little tension the very engaging www.shareanidea.org.nz was recently launched. With the goal of gathering ideas and feedback for the future city, the true strength of this voice is in the capture of local, national and international opinion. A platform to stimulate the very best of ideas.

Supporting the draft Central City Plan, this opportunity is available for the short term, so come on Denizens, check it out and help shape the image of our oh so fabulous future!


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Part nightclub, part musical revue, and part cultural revolution - Amsterdam's RoXY rose to worldwide fame in the late 80s and early 90s for its spectacular décor, notoriously shocking performances, elitist door policy and famous guests. Like the Hacienda in Manchester it championed Acid House music cementing the RoXY in nightclub history.

The documentary features never before seen archive footage of Fingers Inc, Boy George, Right Said Fred, Dimitri and New York's electro clash founder Larry Tee. The documentary also delves into the RoXY's expansive creative policy that helped launch the careers of some of the world's most prominent erotic performers and artists including Leigh Bowery, Zubrowka and photographer Erwin Olaf.

Screening at the Academy Cinema on Monday 16 May at 8.30pm (cash bar from 7.30)
Free admission - get there early to get a seat!

Academy Cinema
4 Lorne Street



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When we visit, Sarah is gently unwrapping various jewels and vintage pieces she's picked up from her travels throughout the Middle East and Europe. She gestures to the vintage brooch in her hand, 'it's so rare to see this level of craftsmanship now.'

As a self-professed adopter of old beautiful things, she finds new ways to rework them so that they can have new lives with new owners. 'I like a sense of history,' she explains, 'that's why I don't remove the backs of the vintage brooches - I don't want them to lose their authenticity'. Many of the vintage brooches she's picked up can now be found carefully threaded or pinned onto new designs to add an element of history and elegance.

The collection incorporates a sense of drama and power. A tribal necklace in dusky oranges and browns is accompanied by a string of pearls; the juxtaposing materials in each piece lending a distinctive sense of style. With every necklace bespoke and handmade, Sarah brings a sense of uniqueness, quality and history to a market that's flooded with mass produced knock-offs.

Silk & Steel has a range of unique individual pieces available for sale here at her online store www.silkandsteel.co.nz


Starring Javier Bardem as Uxbel, it tells the story of a tragic hero and father of two on the road to redemption. Those familiar with Iñárritu's previous works, will know that his films have a haunting realism to them; he has a huge capacity to push characters to the heights of personal despair alongside completely arresting cinematography.

New York Times has hailed Iñárritu's latest cinematic debut as 'raw [with] sprawling intimacy, with every shot full of emotional and social detail,' whilst Bardem's performance has been praised by critics such as Betsy Sharkey of the LA Times as 'a performance of staggering depth [and] unquestionably one of the year's best.' Nominated for two Academy Awards in 2011 for Best Foreign Language Film (which it lost out in the end to The King's Speech), it's a performance and directorial work not to be missed.

The Spanish film festival includes films from Chile, Argentina, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Spain and Venezuela and presents the top 15 films of these countries, marking The Spanish film festival's inaugural appearance in Auckland.

18th to 26th of May 2011
Rialto Cinema
167-169 Broadway




When we recently received word that Simon Gault and the team at Nourish (Euro, Jervios Steak House) were taking over the kitchen and relaunching it as Fish we were excited at the prospect of a decent restaurant in this idyllic location.

You’d be hard pressed to find a better spot in Auckland. Located at the end of Princes Wharf, Fish affords views from the west of the harbour and beyond to the Waitakere ranges through to the islands of the Hauraki Gulf – it doesn't get much more picturesque than that in Auckland.

With such grand views, however, can come the global dining phenomenon where great views are in most cases compensating for terrible food and service. We were keen to ensure that this wasn't the case at Fish.

The restaurant has received somewhat of an overhaul – thankfully. A recent visit to Bellini (the downstairs bar at the Hilton) disappointed us with the state of the worn out furniture and overall general shabbiness.

The menu at Fish consists of a large array of seafood – not surprising given both the location and the name. We started with salt and pepper tempura paua, which was delicious. Half expecting something chewy, the tender fresh paua was a pleasant surprise. This is the sort of dish that I would definitely come back for, and is a far more interesting option than calamari.

Our main courses of tuna and hapuka were not particularly outstanding. Both were accompanied by a few too many competing flavours, making it difficult to enjoy the freshness of the fish as a result.

Fish is clearly positioning itself as an upmarket establishment with prices at the top level for Auckland. The main course of hapuka for $44.00 seemed a tad excessive to me, as did some of the prices of the entrees ($28.50 for the paua).

I’m not adverse to these types of prices, but I do think they should be relative to the quality of the food that is offered, rather than perhaps trading off the idyllic location.

There is no doubt that there will be many willing to pay these prices as the fabulous descend upon Auckland over the coming months. And when the sun starts to shine brighter I’m sure I too will be back to enjoy this idyllic spot.

Princes Wharf
147 Quay Street
Ph: 09 978 2000

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Her collection of furniture for American furniture brand McGuire has a mid-century appeal that exudes a sense of harmony, texture and proportion. Working with a mix of rattan, wood and antique bronze, she creates timeless pieces that stand the test of time.

For the first time, she is on our shores exclusively at Cavit & Co, where we have the opportunity for several of our readers to meet her in person at an exclusive cocktail party next Thursday evening (13th of October 2011).

To register your interest in attending this event please email contact@thedenizen.co.nz.

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Drawing from 25 years of photographic efforts, Lux et Nox showcases some of the best of this master photographer's work to date. This is a large book, and one with few words, allowing the work to speak for itself. And boy does it ever. There are many beautiful photography books out there but this is one that allows you to truly appreciate the genius and allure of Bill Henson’s work. I guarantee you’ll find it hard to put it down.

Like all great things, this book is super hard to come by, having been out of print for some time now. Perhaps it’s my lucky week; first the elusive Porsche glasses, and now word that our friends at Novel have just received a few copies of this prized tome. While owning an original Henson may still be up there on my bucket list, for the near foreseeable future I will be settling for this to take pride of place on my coffee table.

Available from Novel
202 Jervois Road
Herne Bay

Ph (09) 376 5869

/p> to pay these prices as the fabulous descend upon Auckland over the coming months. And when the sun starts to shine brighter I’m sure I too will be back to enjoy this idyllic spot.

Princes Wharf
147 Quay Street
Ph: 09 978 2000

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Personally, it seems fairly obvious to me that any city is best explored by foot or bicycle. Wandering or cycling the streets, getting lost on purpose, discovering what may be around each new corner or down a lane...it lends itself to serendipitous discovery.ride-nyc1057_mainImage.jpg05'okyoСХиžq1€ѕ ЙžtF@@ WХе€ыOivzŒSumo!A regular visitor to Japan our new denizen finally indulges in the country's most infamous sporting experience9A1063_bigThumbImage.jpg1063_smallThumbImage.jpgSumoFrank Liew heads along to Japanese most famed of sports - sumo wrestlingSumo wrestling, Frank LiewWhen offered tickets to witness Japanese Sumo wrestling, on a recent visit to Tokyo, I eagerly snapped up the opportunity for another 'rare' first in crazy Tokyo-town. I hadn't really given much thought to one of the most infamous (and mysterious) products of Japanese culture: Sumo. Hosted in the 102 year old Ryogoku Kokugikan complex (Ryogoku National Martial Arts Centre), located in the heart of old-town Tokyo, a 45 minute cab ride (or 30 minute train) from Shibuya. I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked inside.sumo1063_mainImage.jpg05%n't СХчžQСХчžKx@@ gЊК€аш№Hp!6HSpanish Film FestivalThe acclaimed film Biutiful opens the Spanish film festival tonight961061_bigThumbImage.jpg1061_smallThumbImage.jpgBiutifulSpanish film festival opens in Auckland with one of the most acclaimed films of the yearBiutiful, Spanish film festival AucklandFor the best-of-the-best in Spanish and Latin American contemporary film, you can't go past the Spanish film festival. Opening tonight at the Rialto cinema in Newmarket with the critically acclaimed film Biutiful by Mexican director Alejandro Gonzсlez Iёсrritu (whose repertoire includes 21 Grams and the controversial film Babel), Biutiful is the first film by the successful director to be entirely in Spanish, his native language.spanish-film-festival1061_mainImage.jpg05$ СХяaСХ№yй ^КЪ€рј5OžЉЛSilk & SteelJewellery designer Sarah Cotterall has a passion for reworking vintage pieces for new lives.961060_bigThumbImage.jpg1060_smallThumbImage.jpgSilk & SteelNew Zealand designed jewellery by Sarah Cotteralljewellery, Sarah CotterallTucked away in a villa in Herne Bay, Auckland, Sarah Cotterall's front room is dedicated to the creation of her jewellery collection Silk & Steel. In her working space, the bookshelves are lined with books from Cartier and Chanel whilst vintage gems sourced from 1950s costume jewellery lie hidden in velvet bags awaiting their future.silk--steel1060_mainImage.jpg05"piecСХпžqССХпžr“@@ uМЬ€тњ=xaƒ•Screening: One Fire Ignites AnotherThe story behind Amsterdam's legendary RoXY nightclub screens next weekў85 1058_bigThumbImage.jpg1058_smallThumbImage.jpgRoxy NightclubThe story behind Amsterdam's legendary Roxy nightclubDirected by Clare van den Berg, Zus and Zo, Claire SullivanCo-directed by Aucklander Clare van den Berg (of Zus & Zo cafe), this 53 minute piece tells the story of the RoXY nightclub and its eclectic mix of characters intent on pushing the extremes and redefining what it meant to feel alive.screening-one-fire-ignites-another1058_mainImage.jpg05! s inаž#ЛаžГь@@ ZœЌ€ТктRw &Ride NYCDana Johnston DISCOVERS THE BEST WAY TO NAVIGATE HIS NEW HOME TOWNќ85 1057_bigThumbImage.jpg1057_smallThumbImage.jpgRide NYCDana Johnston hits the streets of New York on his bicycle and discovers its a good way to learn about a new cityDenizen, NYC bike riding, city ridingI like to experience any city as much 'as a local' as possible and it's with this in mind that I ponder how best to really 'be' in New York City. Personally, it seems fairly obvious to me that any city is best explored by foot or bicycle. Wandering or cycling the streets, getting lost on purpose, discovering what may be around each new corner or down a lane...it lends itself to serendipitous discovery.ride-nyc1057_mainImage.jpg05%n't чžQяСХчžxЙ@@ gЊК€аш§U}.CUSpanish Film FestivalThe acclaimed film Biutiful opens the Spanish film festival tonight961061_bigThumbImage.jpg1061_smallThumbImage.jpgSpanish Film FestivalSpanish film festival opens in Auckland with one of the most acclaimed films of the yearBiutiful, Spanish film festival AucklandFor the best-of-the-best in Spanish and Latin American contemporary film, you can't go past the Spanish film festival. Opening tonight at the Rialto cinema in Newmarket with the critically acclaimed film Biutiful by Mexican director Alejandro Gonzсlez Iёсrritu (whose repertoire includes 21 Grams and the controversial film Babel), Biutiful is the first film by the successful director to be entirely in Spanish, his native language.spanish-film-festival1061_mainImage.jpgHerne Bay, Auckland, Sarah Cotterall's front room is dedicated to the creation of her jewellery collection Silk & Steel. In her working space, the bookshelves are lined with books from Cartier and Chanel whilst vintage gems sourced from 1950s costume jewellery lie hidden in velvet bags awaiting their future.silk--steel1060_mainImage.jpg05%n't СХчžQСХчžKx@@ gЊК€аш№Hp!6HSpanish Film FestivalThe acclaimed film Biutiful opens the Spanish film festival tonight961061_bigThumbImage.jpg1061_smallThumbImage.jpgBiutifulSpanish film festival opens in Auckland with one of the most acclaimed films of the yearBiutiful, Spanish film festival AucklandFor the best-of-the-best in Spanish and Latin American contemporary film, you can't go past the Spanish film festival. Opening tonight at the Rialto cinema in Newmarket with the critically acclaimed film Biutiful by Mexican director Alejandro Gonzсlez Iёсrritu (whose repertoire includes 21 Grams and the controversial film Babel), Biutiful is the first film by the successful director to be entirely in Spanish, his native language.spanish-film-festival1061_mainImage.jpg05$ edicяaСХ№Kт@ ^КЪ€рј5OžЉЛSilk & SteelJewellery designer Sarah Cotterall has a passion for reworking vintage pieces for new lives.961060_bigThumbImage.jpg1060_smallThumbImage.jpgSilk & SteelNew Zealand designed jewellery by Sarah Cotteralljewellery, Sarah CotterallTucked away in a villa in Herne Bay, Auckland, Sarah Cotterall's front room is dedicated to the creation of her jewellery collection Silk & Steel. In her working space, the bookshelves are lined with books from Cartier and Chanel whilst vintage gems sourced from 1950s costume jewellery lie hidden in velvet bags awaiting their future.silk--steel1060_mainImage.jpglThumbImage.jpgThis year we have the perfect solution to your woes. Whether renovating, building, or simply a dedicated follower of excellent design, Design Folio is the design aficionado's must have accessory.special-offer---the-perfect-gift1062_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fќ™C \ кjjД> љ Ž@5: `ц9с‡5$ Тїэ054 oste€ŒjЎž ЎžLУ@@ h†–€ЌФФФФ+=Wanted: Foster ParentsWho can say no to these faces?"9C1076_bigThumbImage.jpg1076_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Auckland SPCA urgently requires people who are equipped and experienced to foster litters of puppies. You will need to be at home for most of the day to observe and care for the puppies. The SPCA will provide all veterinary care and food along with training and support to help you care for the puppies until homes are found for them.wanted-foster-parents1076_mainImage.jpg059 res€Œj„žd„žLЭ@@ vТв€швѕWin: A Degustation Dinner at VinniesNothing sorted for Valentines day yet? We may be able to help you with that.,9C 1081_bigThumbImage.jpg1081_smallThumbImage.jpgWith Valentine's Day just a few days away, Geoff Scott owner and chef of Vinnies restaurant in Herne Bay, Auckland has put together a special four course degustation menu which kicks off with a delicious champagne cocktail on arrival. We have a degustation dinner for two to give away to our readers (read on for entry details). Geoff Scott has also graciously prepared for us a Prawn & Marlborough Regal Salmon recipe for you to prepare for your loved one at home.win-a-degustation-dinner-at-vinnies1081_mainImage.jpg056unch—IžcеР;жžЗъ@@ vНЭ€ућKx?asWhat I've Learned: Lucy Vincent-MarrOne of New Zealand's leading beauty experts gives us a personal insight&9C 1078_bigThumbImage.jpg1078_smallThumbImage.jpgLucy MarrWe speak to Stephen Marr's Lucy Vincent Marr about what she has learnedLucy Marr, Stephen Marr, the department storeWith a career spanning over two decades in the beauty industry and the recent launch of her own chemical-free skin and haircare line Sans, we ask Lucy Vincent-Marr what she has learned along the way.what-ive-learned-lucy-vincent-marr1078_mainImage.jpg052 —I"ži%Р;ж"žt‘@ dЕХ€лѓM†њ Vintage Pedal CarsThe perfect gift for the active toddler - there's nothing quite like pedal power.9C1074_bigThumbImage.jpg1074_smallThumbImage.jpgVintage Pedal CarsWe journey to Philippes antiques on Great North Road for French antiquesVintage pedal cars, Philippes antiques, Auckland antiquesJourney into the quieter end of Great North Road, Grey Lynn and you'll stumble across a little piece of France at Philippe's French Antiques & Interiors. Owner Philippe Gallais who's lived in Auckland for many years, travels back to his native home of Burgundy each year to source all manor of French specialties. On our recent visit these Vintage Pedal cars took our eye.vintage-pedal-cars1074_mainImage.jpg051€ŒjЁžeFР;ж žrZ@ aЉЙ€Ячі9(:Tyler St GarageThe new addition to Auckland's Britomart Precinct adds some welcome heat9C1073_bigThumbImage.jpg1073_smallThumbImage.jpgTyler St GarageTyler St opens in AucklandLucien Law, Shine, Ebisu, Tyler St GarageIt's getting hot down here. The Britomart precinct continues to add allure to the previously lagging downtown Auckland scene. The recently opened Tyler St Garage is the best of the new entrants with its cool industrial interior conceived by designers Kirsty Mitchell and Tim Dorrington, slick food and beverage offerings by host Brendan Turner, and the overall well executed aesthetic produced by the branding team at Shine - Tyler St Garage has been appointed our official local.tyler-st-garage1073_mainImage.jpg05. , I МžgЉСХМžГъ@ dЄД€Ътє&M_qThe New York GrindOur man on the street in NYC tracks down the best coffee in town9B1070_bigThumbImage.jpg1070_smallThumbImage.jpgBest Coffee in NYCBest Coffee in NYCcoffee, new york, dana johnston,I never thought I was a coffee snob until I came to New York but like many of us, I soon realised how important the sweet scent and taste of that freshly brewed brown bean was to my morning and daily ritual. Not a coffee connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination, I am however spoiled by my experiences back home - where decent espresso coffee is pretty easy to come by and great baristas are a plenty. I suppose I was a tad fortunate to have my own little coffee dispensary at A&M and it was this treat that allowed me to hone my tasting skills.the-new-york-grind1070_mainImage.jpg05/e raСХйžm2СХиžx3@@ ˆ§ #;Ol‘гTravel: Discovering Antiques and Curiosities in LondonDedicated hunter of the old and the curious Jade Hurst takes us rummaging through some of London's lesser known spots9B1071_bigThumbImage.jpg1071_smallThumbImage.jpgLondon by Jade HurstLondon antiques by Jade HurstLondon, Jade Hurst, Antiques, Travel,London. It's a place where your pound gets pounded. But with the current exchange rate, there's no better time to plan a trip. So off I went. If you're like me and you have an appreciation (bordering on obsession) for antiques, jewellery and rare findings, there really isn't anywhere else in the world I would rather go. You can stick to what the travel guides tell you, heading to Spittlefields and Portobello Rd. Or you can do as I did and rummage a little deeper into the dusty underworld of antique fairs, and travel out of the city to uncover some truly amazing treasures.travel-discovering-antiques-and-curiosities-in-london1071_mainImage.jpg055РeR$žp Р&$žЗы uр№€,t]‘What I have learned: Rachel GardnerThe celebrated executive producer responsible for some of the best shows on TV gives us a few life pointers$9C1077_bigThumbImage.jpg1077_smallThumbImage.jpgRachel GardnerThe Denizen talks to television producer Rachel Gardner about her careerRachel Gardner, Great Southern TelevisionAs co-owner and executive producer of one of New Zealand's most successful production houses - Great Southern Television, Rachel Gardner knows a thing or two about getting the tough jobs done.what-i-have-learned-rachel-gardner1077_mainImage.jpg058 orseР&†žlо€ѕ …ž“”@@ hЏП€еээээEI[Win: A Day At The PoloTwo lucky readers will enjoy a day at the polo hosted by Veuve Clicquot*9C 1080_bigThumbImage.jpg1080_smallThumbImage.jpgPolo is a spectacular spectator sport. The exhilaration of a team of galloping horses charging down the field with attractive strapping men astride their backs wrangling them into just the right position to strike the chukka - a glorious vision indeed. Made more glorious by the swilling of Veuve Clicquot Champagne, it's the perfect afternoon.polo1080_mainImage.jpg0_mainImage.jpg uncover some truly amazing treasures.travel-discovering-antiques-and-curiosities-in-london1071_mainImage.jpg055€Ё($žp Р&$ž{} uр№€,t]‘What I have learned: Rachel GardnerThe celebrated executive producer responsible for some of the best shows on TV gives us a few life pointers$9C1077_bigThumbImage.jpg1077_smallThumbImage.jpgRachel GardnerThe Denizen talks to television producer Rachel Gardner about her careerRachel Gardner, Great Southern TelevisionAs co-owner and executive producer of one of New Zealand's most successful production houses - Great Southern Television, Rachel Gardner knows a thing or two about getting the tough jobs done.what-i-have-learned-rachel-gardner1077_mainImage.jpgns, we ask Lucy Vincent-Marr what she has learned along the way.what-ive-learned-lucy-vincent-marr1078_mainImage.jpgskin and haircare line Sans, we ask Lucy Vincent-Marr what she has learned along the way.what-ive-learned-lucy-vincent-marr1078_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5  ‹Єњ`5 рo95?`~š:Е57$|Œ­^05;- Loaf DєžhєžFРsP dАР€РРРРР@SWin: Designer DonutsGet your hands on these irresistible sugary treats that deserve to be shared09CWe've just got word that one of our favourite cures for the mid afternoon slump - Loaf Donuts, will next week be available in handy four packs for sharing. Thankfully we'll no longer have to smuggle these sensational delights back into the office to prevent sharing them. The good people at Loaf have realised they are onto a good thing and are arming us with handy packs for sharing.win-designer-donuts05<the chefэž эž:БРs €Ра€ааааа;iWin: Dinner at the Chef's Table with Simon GaultLearn the best epicurean techniques from the Master Chef at Euro29CI recently had the opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience of dining at the chef's table with Euro executive chef and MasterChef judge Simon Gault. A couple of philanthropically minded friends had kindly invited me along to share the experience, one that they had purchased for a very generous sum of money at a recent charity auction. I happily obliged. win-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gault<5=ugural NЇžlЇž?^РsP pгу€ууууу5Win: Tickets to Fashion FestivalThe fashion event of the year is set to kick off next week, lucky for you we have some free tickets49DFrom Monday 21st to Friday 25th March Auckland will be dressed in style. The inaugural New Zealand Fashion Festival is the brainchild of NZ Fashion Week's Pieter and Myken Stewart. Fashion Festival provides fashionistas with the enviable opportunity to view the Autumn/ Winter 2011 collections just prior to hitting the fashion boutiques. Each evening's show curates collections from some of the most notable fashion designers in New Zealand. So if you are a budding fashionista we recommend you purchase your show ticket ASAP. We have some tickets to giveaway.win-tickets-to-fashion-festival<5>nd resta‹žL‹ž:ГРsP n›Ћ€ЋЋЋЋЋ„ЁWin: Tickets to Sale St ShortsDinner and a movie under the stars at Sale St69EA collaboration between film guru Ant Timpson of 48 Hour Film Festival acclaim and restaurateur Luke Dallow sees the launch of Sale St Shorts. And we have a dinner and movie prize pack to giveaway to one lucky reader.win-tickets-to-sale-st-shorts05?yle wineŸhŸ:ДРsP WœЌ€ЌЌЌЌЌфыWinehotWe establish what all the fuss is about at this French style wine bar89EWe've long been hearing good things about Winehot, the Kingsland-based French-style wine bar tucked away at the quieter end of New North Road. It's slightly off-track location meant it didn't immediately spring to mind when looking for a French fix, but we were keen to see if it lived up to its recommendations.winehot<5Ad of the/Ÿ /Ÿ?_РsP j“Ѓ€ЃЃЃЃЃЏШXXX In Store: Knight LightWe find the perfect bedside accompaniment<9FWith our penchant for cosying up with a good book in bed, we're in desperate need of the perfect bedside table lamp to light up our night. Lucky for us local designer David Moreland has crafted his Knight Light that brings a touch of modern cool to our bedside table.xxx-in-store-knight-light<5@mousСХ Ÿa/Ÿ>.@@ aІЖ€ЬффффyˆšXXX Il CanarinoJoin the international social elite and savour this wise man's tipple:9E1088_bigThumbImage.jpg1088_smallThumbImage.jpgThe allure of a gentleman toting a martini glass is undeniable. A trait made famous by Mr Bond and his penchant for shaken not stirred has long been a must-have accessory for a certain type of gentleman. Anyone who has indulged in martini drinking will however know that this sought of behaviour is fraught, and that one's gentlemanly demeanor can deteriorate very quickly over the course of an evening.xxx-il-canarino1088_mainImage.jpg05?yle СХŸiоСХŸrМ@@ YžЎ€Фму%]dvWinehotWe establish what all the fuss is about at this French style wine bar89E1087_bigThumbImage.jpg1087_smallThumbImage.jpgWinehotWinehot in Kingsland, Aucklandkingsland, french, auckland, winehotWe've long been hearing good things about Winehot, the Kingsland-based French-style wine bar tucked away at the quieter end of New North Road. It's slightly off-track location meant it didn't immediately spring to mind when looking for a French fix, but we were keen to see if it lived up to its recommendations.winehot1087_mainImage.jpg05;- LoєžhСХєžI*@@ fВТ€и№№№№pƒ•Win: Designer DonutsGet your hands on these irresistible sugary treats that deserve to be shared09C1083_bigThumbImage.jpg1083_smallThumbImage.jpgWe've just got word that one of our favourite cures for the mid afternoon slump - Loaf Donuts, will next week be available in handy four packs for sharing. Thankfully we'll no longer have to smuggle these sensational delights back into the office to prevent sharing them. The good people at Loaf have realised they are onto a good thing and are arming us with handy packs for sharing.win-designer-donuts1083_mainImage.jpg05<the СХэž!эžHl@ ‚Тв€шj˜ЊWin: Dinner at the Chef's Table with Simon GaultLearn the best epicurean techniques from the Master Chef at Euro29C1084_bigThumbImage.jpg1084_smallThumbImage.jpgI recently had the opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience of dining at the chef's table with Euro executive chef and MasterChef judge Simon Gault. A couple of philanthropically minded friends had kindly invited me along to share the experience, one that they had purchased for a very generous sum of money at a recent charity auction. I happily obliged.win-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gault1084_mainImage.jpg05;- LoєžicСХєž{Н@@ a­Н€гыыыыk~Designer DonutsGet your hands on these irresistible sugary treats that deserve to be shared09C1083_bigThumbImage.jpg1083_smallThumbImage.jpgWe've just got word that one of our favourite cures for the mid afternoon slump - Loaf Donuts, will next week be available in handy four packs for sharing. Thankfully we'll no longer have to smuggle these sensational delights back into the office to prevent sharing them. The good people at Loaf have realised they are onto a good thing and are arming us with handy packs for sharing.win-designer-donuts1083_mainImage.jpg05<the СХэž эžAэ@ ‚Тв€шElжWin: Dinner at the Chef's Table with Simon GaultLearn the best epicurean techniques from the Master Chef at Euro29C1084_bigThumbImage.jpg1084_smallThumbImage.jpgDinner at the chef's tableJoin Simon Gault at Euro for a gourmet mealSimon Gault, Denizen meal, Chef's tableI recently had the opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience of dining at the chef's table with Euro executive chef and MasterChef judge Simon Gault. A couple of philanthropically minded friends had kindly invited me along to share the experience, one that they had purchased for a very generous sum of money at a recent charity auction. I happily obliged.win-dinner-at-the-chefs-table-with-simon-gault1084_mainImage.jpgersonalised Original artwork that puts children and their little friends into the storyF9G1094_bigThumbImage.jpg1094_smallThumbImage.jpgA Little InkPersonalised artwork for childrenchildren, artwork, story, custom gifts, a little ink, personalised artLooking for something unique for a little person in your life? A Little Ink has the perfect solution. Original artworks of watercolour characters that are custom made to feature the names and personality traits of children, pets, favourite toys or imaginary friends.a-little-ink1094_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЫКcš=L6Џн ???„є?5A`"Š;Дt<$бT$05No a cons№ №:УРsP ZВТ€ТТТТТ‰Black MassAn Exhibition of New works by Auckland artist Erin Forsyth is on display at WunderkammerV9HIt takes a talented artist to exhibit macabre work that can still fit easily into a conservative environment. With titles including: The Flight of all Souls, Sacred Trickster, Exodus and the Descent, it's clear that artist Erin Forsyth's work has a dark and often mystical direction. Her skill is such that your focus is able to shift from the subject matter of her work to the level of incredible detail she is able to achieve with black ink. black-mass05Pew month‹ž`‹ž:ХРsP fНЭ€ЭЭЭЭЭщџBritomart Country ClubWe get the first look at the newest establishment due to open in the Britomart precinctZ9H Our friends from 1885 and Agents & Merchants have been very busy over the last few months. Not satisfied with just two successful establishments satiating the appetites of inner city Auckland, the team are set to open their new pride and joy - The Britomart Country Club any day now. britomart-country-club<5K unique,џlџ;!РsP юў€ўўўўў›ЦAuctions: Vintage & Collectors' MotorcyclesLooking for a new investment? With recent auctions achieving record prices vintage motorcycles are the new art P9HWith an increasing local and global demand for investments that tend towards the unique, Webbs forthcoming Vintage and Collectors' Motorcycles auction is likely to attract collectors, enthusiast, restorers and aficionados alike. In 2009 a record price was set for a vintage motorcycle at auction in New Zealand with the, now famous, 1936 Burt Munro/Duncan Meikle special "“ velocette drag bike realising $81,000.auctions-vintage-amp-collectors-motorcycles05MatinСХ Ÿu8 Ÿz@@ X•Ѕ€ЛгпGущћBasqueWe venture to Newmarket to check out the new Spaniard in townT9H1101_bigThumbImage.jpg1101_smallThumbImage.jpgBasque TapasSpanish Tapa's at Basque, Newmarketbasque, tapas, barcelona, spainsh cuisine, auckland, spain, newmarketOne of my best dining experiences occurred in Barcelona, Spain at roughly 2am. Eating dinner at this time is common practice in Spain, which is no doubt why the Spanish have developed the early evening/after work custom of tapas. Derived from the word Tapar, which basically translates to 'to cover', tapas are designed as small snacks to get you through the long stretch until dinner is served at 11pm or later.basque1101_mainImage.jpg05Oe). ThisЯž Яž>!РsP X­Н€НННННЙСBodyneedDenizen Jade Hurst goes on a mission to discover a better way to cure her ailing backX9HI've had an ongoing slightly niggly issue with my back (insert your sympathy here). This sort of thing shouldn't be happening to me, I'm fit and young. I want to run not walk. I want to dance not sit back and watch everyone else having all the fun. Fed up, I went in search of caring hands to put me on the path to an injury free body. After trying a slew of remedies, including X-rays, a chiropractor, a personal trainer and a massage therapist, I found myself still broken and at the doorstep of Bodyneed.bodyneed05Lght,СХпžeпžHч@ \™Љ€Пззззˆ’ЄBarber DanFor the slickest cuts in town look no further than Barber DanR9H1100_bigThumbImage.jpg1100_smallThumbImage.jpgHaving previously been introduced to Barber Dan by Denizen contributor Rufus Knight, who suggested that if 'you like your cuts high and tight go straight to Barber Dan,' we've been intrigued by this character ever since. Considered as somewhat of a maestro of the scissors, we hear from some of Auckland's finer gentlemen that Barber Dan is about as authentic as you can get when it comes to the finer details of men's hair grooming.barber-dan1100_mainImage.jpg05Oe). СХЯž!ЯžHј@@ ZЏП€еээээщёBodyneedDenizen Jade Hurst goes on a mission to discover a better way to cure her ailing backX9H1103_bigThumbImage.jpg1103_smallThumbImage.jpgI've had an ongoing slightly niggly issue with my back (insert your sympathy here). This sort of thing shouldn't be happening to me, I'm fit and young. I want to run not walk. I want to dance not sit back and watch everyone else having all the fun. Fed up, I went in search of caring hands to put me on the path to an injury free body. After trying a slew of remedies, including X-rays, a chiropractor, a personal trainer and a massage therapist, I found myself still broken and at the doorstep of Bodyneed.bodyneed1103_mainImage.jpg05Pew mРP”Œža4Р;ж‹žv‹@@ hПЯ€х§§§§.@Britomart Country ClubWe get the first look at the newest establishment due to open in the Britomart precinctZ9H 1104_bigThumbImage.jpg1104_smallThumbImage.jpgOur friends from 1885 and Agents & Merchants have been very busy over the last few months. Not satisfied with just two successful establishments satiating the appetites of inner city Auckland, the team are set to open their new pride and joy - The Britomart Country Club any day now.britomart-country-club1104_mainImage.jpg05N o a № №LО@@ \ДФ€кђђђђЎИЪBlack MassAn Exhibition of New works by Auckland artist Erin Forsyth is on display at WunderkammerV9H1102_bigThumbImage.jpg1102_smallThumbImage.jpgIt takes a talented artist to exhibit macabre work that can still fit easily into a conservative environment. With titles including: The Flight of all Souls, Sacred Trickster, Exodus and the Descent, it's clear that artist Erin Forsyth's work has a dark and often mystical direction. Her skill is such that your focus is able to shift from the subject matter of her work to the level of incredible detail she is able to achieve with black ink.black-mass1102_mainImage.jpg05Lght,СХпžeHСХрžy@ \™Љ€ПзсCєўBarber DanFor the slickest cuts in town look no further than Barber DanR9H1100_bigThumbImage.jpg1100_smallThumbImage.jpgBarber DanHaircuts for gentlemen on Friday nights at OneScrap Wall, Barber Dan, One, mens haircuts, groomingHaving previously been introduced to Barber Dan by Denizen contributor Rufus Knight, who suggested that if 'you like your cuts high and tight go straight to Barber Dan,' we've been intrigued by this character ever since. Considered as somewhat of a maestro of the scissors, we hear from some of Auckland's finer gentlemen that Barber Dan is about as authentic as you can get when it comes to the finer details of men's hair grooming.barber-dan1100_mainImage.jpg05Oe). СХбž!ЏСХаžz8@@ ZЏП€еэі+IEM_BodyneedDenizen Jade Hurst goes on a mission to discover a better way to cure her ailing backX9H1103_bigThumbImage.jpg1103_smallThumbImage.jpgBody NeedJade Hurst discovers Body Need for her pilates answerJade Hurst, Body Need, PilatesI've had an ongoing slightly niggly issue with my back (insert your sympathy here). This sort of thing shouldn't be happening to me, I'm fit and young. I want to run not walk. I want to dance not sit back and watch everyone else having all the fun. Fed up, I went in search of caring hands to put me on the path to an injury free body. After trying a slew of remedies, including X-rays, a chiropractor, a personal trainer and a massage therapist, I found myself still broken and at the doorstep of Bodyneed.bodyneed1103_mainImage.jpgns. An interior of cleverly curated eclectic lamps, vintage timepieces, artworks and mismatched furniture make it a hip spot to linger, consume hearty food, and savour siphon coffee.christchurch-black-betty1108_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j“ - J+QЎA5=`уŠ<БCA$4щT<5Zimmy. Wh№t№=іРs iчї€їїїїї™Denizen: Andrew ReinholdsA self-confessed habitual shape-cutter, he's the go-to guy when it comes to determining what music you'll be listening to nextn9JAndrew lives in a Baptist Church near Grey Lynn Park with his three-legged cat Jimmy. When not out traipsing the bars and clubs in search of new and inspiring music acts he works in advertising. When he grows up he'd like to become a professional footballer. Likes: The Fall, John Updike, Stanley Kubrick, NYC, Philip K. Dick, Ann Demeulemeester. Dislikes: Morning, Rugby League, Jim Carey, Chardonnay. denizen-14<5[ Her wor ž` ž=їРs bар€рррррБЛDenizen: Anna HoodTime spent living the life of riley abroad has this local gal yearning for the best of the good life back homep9KHaving grown up in Auckland, Anna began her career here before moving to London. Her work there allowed her to travel and experience the 5-star lifestyle, leaving her weekends for backpacker delights and foraging through London markets, walking adventures and sunny afternoons at the pub. Since returning home she is devoted to making the most of everything Auckland has to offer, finding hidden gems outside her own suburb and making the most of the city of sails.denizen-13<5Y7 years,џhџC4Рs eкъ€ъъъъъ‚‹Denizen: Andrew MabenWith an undeniable passion for the written word, he's the savant you can rely upon for the best wordy recommendationsl9IHaving owned Novel bookshop situated on Jervois Road in Herne Bay for the last 17 years, it's fair to say Andrew Maben is completely part of the landscape for people in this locality. Complete with his six year old sidekick, a sheltie dog called Max (that Andrew insists dislikes all customers - unless they bring him food), Andrew offers his patrons the recommendations that keep them coming back for more. denizen-9<5Xzen СХёhёJЌ@@ mѕ3333c~Denizen (Noun. Inhabitants)Welcome to your new go-to destination for local news, reviews and interviews that help you to celebrate and enjoy the art of living wellj9I1112_bigThumbImage.jpg1112_smallThumbImage.jpgBrought to you by the publisher of the Design Folio magazine & website, The Denizen celebrates the art of living well right in our own backyard. Updated daily with insights and musings from a variable list of local Denizens, it's your go-to place for unveiling the best of the life that surrounds you. Our Denizens are people you may know, they all have knowledge in their chosen subject and a unique point of view. They'll serve up daily doses of the things they're loving right now, things that perhaps without their insight you may never have heard about.denizen-(noun.-inhabitants)1112_mainImage.jpg05W ogreРP”wždР;жvžLЄ@ cТв€ш?d˜ЉЛDecade by PhaidonWith 500 engaging photographs, Phaidon's Decade creates a visual timeline of the last ten yearsh9H1111_bigThumbImage.jpg1111_smallThumbImage.jpgDecade by PhaidonA book celebrating 100 years of human progressPhaidon, photography, Century, DecadeA successor to Phaidon's award-winning CENTURY: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, Suffering, Regression and Hope (1999) "“ described by American Photo as a "˜veritable road map' of the twentieth century's seminal events "“ Decade provides a startling visual overview of the last 10 years in world history.decade-by-phaidon1111_mainImage.jpg Liew traverses the globe regularly to seek out the cool, networking with a huge range of international runway designers, graphic artists, fine artists, musicians, DJs, the odd celebrity and other cultural luminaries along the way. His travels have taken him to Japan, Asia, Europe, and the U.S.A on a regular basis in his relentless quest to hone his vision for Qubic Store and New Zealand.denizen-frank-liew1118_mainImage.jpg05Y7 years,џhџC4Рs eкъ€ъъъъъ‚‹Denizen: Andrew MabenWith an undeniable passion for the written word, he's the savant you can rely upon for the best wordy recommendationsl9IHaving owned Novel bookshop situated on Jervois Road in Herne Bay for the last 17 years, it's fair to say Andrew Maben is completely part of the landscape for people in this locality. Complete with his six year old sidekick, a sheltie dog called Max (that Andrew insists dislikes all customers - unless they bring him food), Andrew offers his patrons the recommendations that keep them coming back for more. denizen-905]ter refiЇž ЇžC5Рs iЩй€йййййfoDenizen: Dr John FergusonOur new resident doctor is in the house and dishing out health advice we should all take note oft9KA doctor and spine surgeon, Dr John Ferguson returned to his favourite city Auckland in 2006 after refining his spinal surgery skills in the USA. When he's not performing life changing surgery at Starship or Auckland hospital, he can be found enjoying the spoils of the Hauraki Gulf. A resident of Herne Bay, John is a captivating host of many a soiree on his veranda that overlooks the harbour.denizen-405_nicationпžxпžC6РsP iШи€иииии›ЄDenizen: Hayley MiddletonOur new Christchurch based contributor unveils the very best of this beautiful city on the mendx9K In the business of brand amplification at her Christchurch based media and communications company Tailor and Muse, Hayley Middleton knows a thing or two about what's happening in and around Christchurch. The perfect person to keep us up to date on the success stories emerging from this grand dame of a city, Hayley's insights into the happenings in and around her stomping ground will prove that this city is rebuilding bigger and stronger than ever.denizen-705` make ouvžhvžC7Рs cГУ€УУУУУ№љDenizen: Jade HurstThe self-confessed magpie and prolific collector uncovers the new and noteworthyz9K Jade Hurst is the perfect person to lead us through the jungle of things we covet to help make our lives just that little bit more fabulous. As the a brand specialist at her business Raw Brand + Connect, Jade has worked with a number of brands including Huffer, Heineken, Stolen Rum, Mini and G-Shock.denizen-605W ogre@FЕvževžIL@ cТв€ш4EWDecade by PhaidonWith 500 engaging photographs, Phaidon's Decade creates a visual timeline of the last ten yearsh9H1111_bigThumbImage.jpg1111_smallThumbImage.jpgA successor to Phaidon's award-winning CENTURY: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, Suffering, Regression and Hope (1999) "“ described by American Photo as a "˜veritable road map' of the twentieth century's seminal events "“ Decade provides a startling visual overview of the last 10 years in world history.decade-by-phaidon1111_mainImage.jpg05Xzen СХёhёJЌ@@ mѕ3333c~Denizen (Noun. Inhabitants)Welcome to your new go-to destination for local news, reviews and interviews that help you to celebrate and enjoy the art of living wellj9I1112_bigThumbImage.jpg1112_smallThumbImage.jpgBrought to you by the publisher of the Design Folio magazine & website, The Denizen celebrates the art of living well right in our own backyard. Updated daily with insights and musings from a variable list of local Denizens, it's your go-to place for unveiling the best of the life that surrounds you. Our Denizens are people you may know, they all have knowledge in their chosen subject and a unique point of view. They'll serve up daily doses of the things they're loving right now, things that perhaps without their insight you may never have heard about.denizen-(noun.-inhabitants)1112_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! е1. ТДљљљЯ <5U`e­=ВрL$фvA<5eion in o7žl7ž:кРsP qнэ€эээээ_€Design Folio Incubator ExhibitionWe recently opened the doors to our new office & gallery and showcased the latest works from local designers„9LLast Thursday evening saw the launch of the first Design Folio Incubator Exhibition in our new Notoriety Gallery. design-folio-incubator-exhibition<5ble in ceј`ј=ўРsP eФд€ддддд&/Denizen: Nat CheshireAs a delineator by trade he's a keen observer of the architecture and design that surrounds us.~9KNo stranger to design, Nat helps run Cheshire Architects "“ a studio of 15 people in central Auckland, where architecture is considered a "˜total' practice, and where he moves organically from huge institutional work to fabricating bespoke door handles and furniture. He spends much of his day running a triangle between building sites at Britomart and High Street, and his office in St Patrick's Square - usually hardhat in tow and smeared with cement dust - doing terrible things to his shoes. In the evenings he retires to his sliver of an abode located in a 130-year old Turkish Bath house.denizen-805de's spenјdј>РsP cЩй€ййййй Denizen: Scrap WallWith an eye for thoughtful considered art and design he has a passion to unveil the new and innovative‚9K12 is a curator of simple beautiful things. Owner of One on K-Road, Auckland - he's spent his life studying/making art and working in fashion. For his Bachelor of Arts he majored in installation and applies what he learnt everyday with the constantly evolving state of his showroom. When not in his store he visits friends in their studios, stores and apartments, makes quick investigations of galleries, eats good food (he can't cook) or sits in his apartment upstairs from his store and draws diagrams and make lists. "I remember objects, not days"denizen-1205fst wСХŸaтŸvБ@@ q А€Цоооо '9Mystic Realism; Modest GesturesAn exhibition of new works by artist Steve CarrК=01126_bigThumbImage.jpg1126_smallThumbImage.jpgDescribing his works as often portraying 'beautiful little moments' artist Steve Carr's work often illustrates a distinct sense of humour. Latest works by the accomplished artist and lecturer at Whitecliffe School of Art and Design, will go on display at Michael Lett Gallery in Auckland this week.mystic-realism-modest-gestures1126_mainImage.jpg<5crator ofDžpDžC8РsP eкъ€ъъъъъ=GDenizen: Renee TannerWith a career immersed in promoting the visual arts she's the perfect guide for navigating us through an artful world€9KRenee Tanner has been immersed in visual arts for the past 10 years, first as Assistant Curator of Asian Art at the National Gallery of Victoria, which lead on to two years working in Taiwan and travelling throughout Asia. On returning to New Zealand, she assisted in developing the Art Suitcase project, a touring show initiative for schools while the Auckland Art Gallery is under redevelopment. Then, as public programmes coordinator for Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts, she undertook a wide range of new initiatives, including establishing a community orchard in Otara with artist A.D.Schierning, holding a talk series on architecture, design and art collecting, holding artist-run spaces tours, hosting the Home New Zealand Design Awards, and holding Krumping sessions with local teenagers as well as healthy cooking classes for afterschool children.denizen-10<5de's spenјdјC9РsP cЩй€ййййй Denizen: Scrap WallWith an eye for thoughtful considered art and design he has a passion to unveil the new and innovative‚9KScrap Wall is a curator of simple beautiful things. Owner of One on K-Road, Auckland - he's spent his life studying/making art and working in fashion. For his Bachelor of Arts he majored in installation and applies what he learnt everyday with the constantly evolving state of his showroom. When not in his store he visits friends in their studios, stores and apartments, makes quick investigations of galleries, eats good food (he can't cook) or sits in his apartment upstairs from his store and draws diagrams and make lists. "I remember objects, not days"denizen-12 of One on K-Road, Auckland - he's spent his life studying/making art and working in fashion. For his Bachelor of Arts he majored in installation and applies what he learnt everyday with the constantly evolving state of his showroom. When not in his store he visits friends in their studios, stores and apartments, makes quick investigations of galleries, eats good food (he can't cook) or sits in his apartment upstairs from his store and draws diagrams and make lists. "I remember objects, not days"denizen-1205hrn tСХŸeСХŸ>о@ hЇЗ€ЭххххNdvBlack Perigord TruffleOne of our favourite delicacies is available for a limited timeО=01128_bigThumbImage.jpg1128_smallThumbImage.jpgWith our penchant for the most elusive of fungi - a delicacy that's defined some of the most coveted dishes in the world, we were excited to learn that head chef Alberto Usseglio of The Langham's Barolo restaurant, has secured a small amount of the famed Black Pщriogord Truffle and has developed a 'Selezione' winter menu to showcase this exclusive ingredient.black-perigord-truffle1128_mainImage.jpg05i y foŸeСХŸ>к@@ h‘Ё€ЗЯлі'3HZIn Store: Knight LightWe find the perfect bedside accompanimentР=01129_bigThumbImage.jpg1129_smallThumbImage.jpgKnight LightDavid Moreland Knight LightDavid Moreland, Knight Light, bedside table, lampWith our penchant for cosying up with a good book in bed, we're in desperate need of the perfect bedside table lamp to light up our night. Lucky for us local designer David Moreland has crafted his Knight Light that brings a touch of modern cool to our bedside table.in-store-knight-light1129_mainImage.jpg05jt ovСХŸ!СХŸ?д@@ vЯп€ѕ    *<Listen: Go Tell Fire To The MountainIs Wu Lyf's album set to be the record of the year? Or is it just the outcome of PR hype?Т=11130_bigThumbImage.jpg1130_smallThumbImage.jpgDepending on which camp you are in, Go Tell Fire To The Mountain is either the most important record that will be released this year, or the most overrated load of nonsense to be hyped by a music business desperately searching for the next big thing.listen-go-tell-fire-to-the-mountain1130_mainImage.jpg05fst wСХŸaŸ@@@ q А€Цоооо '9Mystic Realism; Modest GesturesAn exhibition of new works by artist Steve CarrК=01126_bigThumbImage.jpg1126_smallThumbImage.jpgDescribing his works as often portraying 'beautiful little moments' artist Steve Carr's work often illustrates a distinct sense of humour. Latest works by the accomplished artist and lecturer at Whitecliffe School of Art and Design, will go on display at Michael Lett Gallery in Auckland this week.mystic-realism-modest-gestures1126_mainImage.jpg05krathŸeСХŸ@в@@ aœЌ€Ткщ+O‚‘ЃRaising the barWe revisit an old school favourite, the classic bar of soapФ=11131_bigThumbImage.jpg1131_smallThumbImage.jpgRaising-the-barClaire Sullivan uncovers a soap cleanser from the brand PhilosophyClaire Sullivan, Philosophy soap barCleanliness over godliness, is definitely our mantra. And while there are hundreds of options of creamy cleansers available, there is something rather reassuring about a good old fashioned bar of soap. The stimulating process of lathering the bar against your skin, brings back memories of muddy childhoods.raising-the-bar1131_mainImage.jpgil-canarino1132_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Љѕ€&Арж5т`bь>ДU$7ћЏ05Рte, we h žl ž:5Рs kІЖ€ЖЖЖЖЖ}—Dish of the Week: Pork BunsWe find our new local serving up delicious sticky pork buns:8 With the plethora of swanky new bar establishments opening around Auckland of late, we have taken to sampling their wares with gusto. It could be said that we have a passion for nibbly bits. Small, tasty snacks that soak up the excesses that have a habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. And while many an establishment relegate the humble bar snack as an after thought, this is not the case at our newly appointed local - Tyler St Garage. dish-of-the-week-pork-buns05Сf not onLžtLž:6РsP aЃГ€ГГГГГ DJ Mixer iPad AppReacquaint yourself with your old school DJing moves with this app<8  The advent of portable music devices such as the iPod bought about the culling of not only treasured album collections, but also the dust collecting 90's decks that were used to play them on. Lucky then for all the old school "DJ's" out there that someone has developed an App that allows you to mix your music tracks the old fashioned way. dj-mixer-ipad-app05Тimes, itцž`цž:7РsP Y€€йсEat: FaroWe discover the best Korean BBQ in town>8  With the plethora of Asian and ethnic cuisine establishments opening in recent times, it's difficult to know what's worthy and what's not so worthy of your well earned dollar. The disparity that can exist amongst these restaurants can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Literally. Not so at the upmarket Korean BBQ restaurant Faro.eat-faro<5У every Sиžtиž:8РsP ^КЪ€ЪЪЪЪЪ™ІEat: SanthiyasWith all you can eat Banana Leaf Sunday, Santhiya's is the perfect alternative brunch option@8  Santhiya's Malaysian restaurant in Auckland's Mt Roskill offers something unique every Sunday with owner and chef Yougeswari Subramaniam coming up with the brilliant idea of starting 'all you can eat banana leaf Sundays' in 1993. The banana leaf - a staple in Malaysian cuisine for centuries has many uses from wrapping fish for steaming or grilling to packaging up spices. We asked Subramaniam to share her most popular recipe from her Sunday repertoire with us.eat-santhiyas05ФBut РP”živ€ѕ žoќ@@ _ПЯ€фћ)W`m~Electric CityNat Cheshire ponders the significance of an architectural gem from the past in downtown AucklandB8 964_bigThumbImage.jpg964_smallThumbImage.jpgElectric CityArchitecture in downtown Aucklandauckland, queen st, architecture, nat cheshireLet's make one thing clear: I am unreservedly for the future in architecture. But the extraordinary comes first, and fewer places in the city demonstrate the richness of the past and the pitfalls of the future than the corner of Queen Street and Durham Street East.electric-city964_mainImage.jpg05Х  wom€ŒjEžeР;жDžz@@ `ЛЫ€рї$QшіEveryday NeedsNat Cheshire introduces us to a local design aficionado who's fulfilling our everyday needsD8 965_bigThumbImage.jpg965_smallThumbImage.jpgEveryday NeedsKatie Lockhart's Everyday Needskatie lockhart, nat cheshire, everyday needs,I sat down to dinner last week (upon a hay bale, no less) and said, to the young woman next to me, "˜Katie Lockhart, I have been dying to meet you'. I had. Lockhart is that rare thing: a designer with dimension and depth. Her reputation precedes her; barely out of her twenties and she has a vertiginous back-catalogue of editorials in international heavyweights like Wallpaper*, World of Interiors, and Italian Vogue - the best of the Vogue stable, I think. Locally, she provides some of the most interesting content in Home NZ, House & Garden, and No magazines. Since leaving design school in Wellington, she's worked closely with Karen Walker and Mikhail Gherman, graduating from design assistant in the fashion atelier to co-conspirator, stylist and designer of their stores. The Department Store interiors are hers, as is the polychrome Blaze salon, where her panelized colours remind me of a candied Imi Knoebel.everyday-needs965_mainImage.jpg05ТСХцžaцžHˆ@ [‚’€ЇОООО Eat: FaroWe discover the best Korean BBQ in town>8  962_bigThumbImage.jpg962_smallThumbImage.jpgWith the plethora of Asian and ethnic cuisine establishments opening in recent times, it's difficult to know what's worthy and what's not so worthy of your well earned dollar. The disparity that can exist amongst these restaurants can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Literally. Not so at the upmarket Korean BBQ restaurant Faro.eat-faro962_mainImage.jpg05Рte, РP”ЁžmњР;ж žxФ@ mЈИ€ЭффффЊФеDish of the Week: Pork BunsWe find our new local serving up delicious sticky pork buns:8 960_bigThumbImage.jpg960_smallThumbImage.jpgWith the plethora of swanky new bar establishments opening around Auckland of late, we have taken to sampling their wares with gusto. It could be said that we have a passion for nibbly bits. Small, tasty snacks that soak up the excesses that have a habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. And while many an establishment relegate the humble bar snack as an after thought, this is not the case at our newly appointed local - Tyler St Garage.dish-of-the-week-pork-buns960_mainImage.jpg05Сf no€ŒjLžtLžLі@@ cЅЕ€Ъсссс5FWDJ Mixer iPad AppReacquaint yourself with your old school DJing moves with this app<8  961_bigThumbImage.jpg961_smallThumbImage.jpgThe advent of portable music devices such as the iPod bought about the culling of not only treasured album collections, but also the dust collecting 90's decks that were used to play them on. Lucky then for all the old school "DJ's" out there that someone has developed an App that allows you to mix your music tracks the old fashioned way.dj-mixer-ipad-app961_mainImage.jpg05ТСХцžaЛчžwI@ [‚’€ЇОТћ!jrƒEat: FaroWe discover the best Korean BBQ in town>8  962_bigThumbImage.jpg962_smallThumbImage.jpgFaroClaire Sullivan heads along to Faro for a Korean barbequeKorean barbeque, Faro, Claire SullivanWith the plethora of Asian and ethnic cuisine establishments opening in recent times, it's difficult to know what's worthy and what's not so worthy of your well earned dollar. The disparity that can exist amongst these restaurants can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Literally. Not so at the upmarket Korean BBQ restaurant Faro.eat-faro962_mainImage.jpginternational heavyweights like Wallpaper*, World of Interiors, and Italian Vogue - the best of the Vogue stable, I think. Locally, she provides some of the most interesting content in Home NZ, House & Garden, and No magazines. Since leaving design school in Wellington, she's worked closely with Karen Walker and Mikhail Gherman, graduating from design assistant in the fashion atelier to co-conspirator, stylist and designer of their stores. The Department Store interiors are hers, as is the polychrome Blaze salon, where her panelized colours remind me of a candied Imi Knoebel.everyday-needs965_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ˜ i=:5;`’ ?Е9;$ˆlХ<5Btipu is Ÿ`Ÿ?`РsP jЎО€ООООО6XXX Jack's Point ClubhouseWe have lunch at one of the most breathtaking locations in the world>9FNestled at the base of the dramatic Remarkable ranges on the shores of lake Wakatipu is a 3000 acre lifestyle settlement known as Jack's Point. A settlement where discrete modern architecture sits within the spectacular landscape, and where you can wander on kilometers of walking trails that lead you through some of the most stunning scenery around.xxx-jacks-point-clubhouse05F the РP”žu žz@@ ^ЖЦ€мє!gq}A Little InkPersonalised Original artwork that puts children and their little friends into the storyF9G1094_bigThumbImage.jpg1094_smallThumbImage.jpgA Little InkPersonalised artwork for childrenchildren, artwork, story, custom gifts, a little ink, personalised artLooking for something unique for a little person in your life? A Little Ink has the perfect solution. Original artworks of watercolour characters that are custom made to feature the names and personality traits of children, pets, favourite toys or imaginary friends.a-little-ink1094_mainImage.jpg<5Ho announŸtŸ:НРsP eАР€РРРРРBWAnd the winner is....After an unprecedented number of entries we're happy to announce the winnerJ9GLiam Bowden's Deadly Ponies sure is popular with our readers. We're very happy to announce that the winner of this competition is:and-the-winner-is....<5Dnd f€ŒjЋd@1їЋOб@@ dЕХ€лѓѓѓѓ4FXXXX PETAL CUPCAKESWe've found some delicious fluffy cupcakes that'll keep your sweet tooth satiatedB9F 1092_bigThumbImage.jpg1092_smallThumbImage.jpgLaurel Watson's Petal cupcakes are just the way good cupcakes should be, light and fluffy with delicately whipped frosting. The television chef of Good Morning fame, whips up delicious batches of cupcakes with flavours like Manuka honey, red velvet buttermilk and Hawkes Bay peach in her Petal Cupcakes shop in Newmarket.xxx-petal-cupcakes1092_mainImage.jpg05Jount—I2žmŸ@1ї1ž{С@@ _ЃГ€Щсссс&Artisan BreadStock up on freshly baked restaurant quality bread made with passionN9G 1098_bigThumbImage.jpg1098_smallThumbImage.jpgIt can be a tough road finding decent European style fresh baked bread in this country. I've been told it has something to do with the quality of our flour. Andrew Fearnside is one person who's love of baking is saving us from the darkness of dire bread with his artisan bakehouse - Wild Wheat.artisan-bread1098_mainImage.jpg05I hat РP”žiqР;жžoX@@ ggw€ЅЅЅЅ,ASArchitectural DetailsL9G1097_bigThumbImage.jpg1097_smallThumbImage.jpgBefore summer deems black literally uncool, make the most of these dark pieces that carry their hallmarks in fine structured detailing.architectural-details1097_mainImage.jpg<5Ct du€ЖцˆЌd@p1ЌPD@@ eНЭ€ућ   ЎСгXXX Pack your lunchGrab a tartan blanket because here's a much more wholesome way to spend a lazy Saturday.@9F1091_bigThumbImage.jpg1091_smallThumbImage.jpgPack your lunchThe ever popular Takapuna Beach Cafщ hits a few chords with its punters no doubt due to its excellent menu and seaside disposition. However, it's the slightly more obscure item on the menu that grabbed our attention on our last visit - gourmet takeaway picnic baskets, completely prepared by their chef, in a woven basket for you to whisk away on a romantic escapade. sdjfgkhdkjshf jsdhf dsfkjsdfh jkfdhskf ksdfjkdhk hjxxx-pack-your-lunch1091_mainImage.jpgopean style fresh baked bread in this country. I've been told it has something to do with the quality of our flour. Andrew Fearnside is one person who's love of baking is saving us from the darkness of dire bread with his artisan bakehouse - Wild Wheat.artisan-bread05Dnd f@FЕЋdЋ?Ы@@ dЕХ€лѓѓѓѓ4FXXXX PETAL CUPCAKESWe've found some delicious fluffy cupcakes that'll keep your sweet tooth satiatedB9F 1092_bigThumbImage.jpg1092_smallThumbImage.jpgLaurel Watson's Petal cupcakes are just the way good cupcakes should be, light and fluffy with delicately whipped frosting. The television chef of Good Morning fame, whips up delicious batches of cupcakes with flavours like Manuka honey, red velvet buttermilk and Hawkes Bay peach in her Petal Cupcakes shop in Newmarket.xxx-petal-cupcakes1092_mainImage.jpg05Ct du€Ё(…Ќd@1ї†ЌO@@ eНЭ€ућћћћj}XXX Pack your lunchGrab a tartan blanket because here's a much more wholesome way to spend a lazy Saturday.@9F1091_bigThumbImage.jpg1091_smallThumbImage.jpgThe ever popular Takapuna Beach Cafщ hits a few chords with its punters no doubt due to its excellent menu and seaside disposition. However, it's the slightly more obscure item on the menu that grabbed our attention on our last visit - gourmet takeaway picnic baskets, completely prepared by their chef, in a woven basket for you to whisk away on a romantic escapade.xxx-pack-your-lunch1091_mainImage.jpg05Jount—I2žm@1ї1žN'@@ _ЃГ€Щсссс&Artisan BreadStock up on freshly baked restaurant quality bread made with passionN9G 1098_bigThumbImage.jpg1098_smallThumbImage.jpgIt can be a tough road finding decent European style fresh baked bread in this country. I've been told it has something to do with the quality of our flour. Andrew Fearnside is one person who's love of baking is saving us from the darkness of dire bread with his artisan bakehouse - Wild Wheat.artisan-bread1098_mainImage.jpg05I hat РP”žiР;жžN#@@ ggw€ЅЅЅЅ,ASArchitectural DetailsL9G1097_bigThumbImage.jpg1097_smallThumbImage.jpgBefore summer deems black literally uncool, make the most of these dark pieces that carry their hallmarks in fine structured detailing.architectural-details1097_mainImage.jpg05Ct duРeR‡ЌdР&‡ЌO2@@ eНЭ€ућћћћ~‘ЃXXX Pack your lunchGrab a tartan blanket because here's a much more wholesome way to spend a lazy Saturday.@9F1091_bigThumbImage.jpg1091_smallThumbImage.jpgThe ever popular Takapuna Beach Cafщ hits a few chords with its punters no doubt due to its excellent menu and seaside disposition. However, it's the slightly more obscure item on the menu that grabbed our attention on our last visit - gourmet takeaway picnic baskets, completely prepared by their chef, in a woven basket for you to whisk away on a romantic escapade. sdjfgkhdkjshf jsdhfxxx-pack-your-lunch1091_mainImage.jpg05Ct duЌˆЌd@{ŠЌO<@@ eНЭ€ућћћћŸВФXXX Pack your lunchGrab a tartan blanket because here's a much more wholesome way to spend a lazy Saturday.@9F1091_bigThumbImage.jpg1091_smallThumbImage.jpgThe ever popular Takapuna Beach Cafщ hits a few chords with its punters no doubt due to its excellent menu and seaside disposition. However, it's the slightly more obscure item on the menu that grabbed our attention on our last visit - gourmet takeaway picnic baskets, completely prepared by their chef, in a woven basket for you to whisk away on a romantic escapade. sdjfgkhdkjshf jsdhf dsfkjsdfh jkfdhskf ksdfjkdhk hjxxx-pack-your-lunch1091_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HHдддддњ –‚_(ж@•GЦiqv9

Entering the gigantic arena the atmosphere is nothing short of electric; a strange paradox in comparison to the stoic nature of traditional Japanese culture, especially so amongst the older crowd present; resplendent in oversized, thick-rimmed bi-focal glasses and beer cans in hand. Split into two levels, the initial spectacle is truly breathtaking, with the large dohyo fighting ring in the centre with an ornate, traditional awning suspended above it, and thousands of people on both levels. All around the inner circumference of the ceiling are portraits of famous grand champions (yokozuna) of the arena immortalised in traditional painting, whilst large NHK TV cameras line the edge of the seats broadcasting live to millions of viewers across the country. As we wound our way through the curious mix of old and new to our rather fortunate traditional Japanese box seats (futons on a raised platform) eight rows from the front of the ring (rumour has it the ringside seats are reserved for Sumo stablemasters and organised crime heads), there’s yelling, screaming, and laughter in the air from the typically sold-out 13,000 capacity crowd. (To put this in perspective, Auckland’s Vector Arena has a 12,000 person capacity, so imagine a Katy Perry or U2 sized concert in attendance…just to watch large men grapple each other in underwear.)
With grand tournaments such as the one we were attending in May spanning 15 days with bouts across the entire day, we arrive on the penultimate day in time for the Makuuchi division fights; perhaps the equivalent of the top-tier ‘heavyweight’ division. Fixed at 42 wrestlers with entry only allowed after winning lower division classes and dictated by the national Sumo association, my friends eagerly point out the star wrestlers amongst the line-up in the menu-like fight programme, listing each individual bout along with each fighter’s stats. To satisfy curious minds, the fighters in this division weigh between 160-180kgs; with the heaviest fighter in the division, a Georgian born wrestler named Gagamaru tipping the scales at a well-rounded 200kgs.

After the elaborate dohyo-ri ring entering ceremony, each bout starts with the two adversaries entering from opposite sides of the ring, always from two different heyas (Sumo training stables), accompanied by a monstrous roar from the crowd. After introductions with much pomp and ceremony by the brightly attired referee, the fighters then begin the rather drawn-out Shinto rituals, seemingly trying to outdo the other in spectacle. There’s the clapping of the hands followed by the famous stamping of their feet to drive away evil spirits, the slapping of their stomachs and buttocks, the ceremonial throwing of salt to purify the dohyo (ring), before crouching down on their haunches and staring straight into each other’s eyes. Consummate experts of ceremony, the anticipation is built to a feverish pitch before they walk away and repeat the entire process. Depending on how and who breaks this impromptu game of stare-down the crowd flies into hysterical applause. You have to wonder what goes through one’s mind, looking at a 170kg man ready to run you over. “Come at me bro?” By the third repetition the crowd starts to yell and roar their chosen fighter’s name, before they turn back to their corner for the final ritual – to rinse their hands and mouths with “power-water”, another Shinto ritual before returning to face each other for the last time. When they face off for the final time, the entire arena drops to an eerie silence for a split second and in a blink of an eye, the fighters launch at each other as the crowd simultaneously erupts into another gigantic roar. The act is fast and furious (excuse the pun) as they try to slap, push, or pick up their opponents. Camera flashes erupt from all corners, and the bout is normally over in a matter of seconds as one fighter is either pushed out of the ring or thrown to the ground, again to thunderous applause.

With this back and forth play of anticipation and emotion you can’t help but be swept away by the madness of the crowd, even if you have absolutely no idea who you’re cheering for. Just being inside the arena is an experience all unto itself, and perhaps exacerbated by the effects of constant consumption of alcohol throughout the day. Pretty soon you’re sitting there furiously fist-pumping the air, watching bout after bout and following the roars and laughter of the crowd as a fighter is pushed out, or, in one case, sent flying from a throw straight into the front row, crashing into a few poor ringside seated individuals like a boulder. My friends also mentioned to me that it’s tradition to fling your futon cushion at the ring if there’s an upset victory, but alas, none came in the time we were there. By the time the final bouts came around with the incumbent yokozuna grand champion Hakuho of Mongolia fighting the ozeki (the second highest rank) Kaito of Estonia, the applause was almost thunderous.

With grand tournaments, or honbashos held only three times a year during January, May, and September, Sumo is a highly revered part of Japanese society with its wrestlers and champions achieving superstar celebrity status amongst the general population, often seen in tabloids dating Japanese pop stars and models. Originating as a form of entertainment amongst bored Samurai looking for additional income, it quickly turned into professional sport during the 17th century, and since 1909 has had its Tokyo tournaments held exclusively at the Ryogoku centre, which was rebuilt in 1985 on the site of a temporary structure after suffering bombing-damage during WWII. Held in such high regard, both the fighters and the establishment are held to a strict code of conduct; with the last yokozuna having to forfeit his title after being involved in a minor drunken brawl in a bar after a tournament in 2010. With the sport emerging from a betting and match-fixing scandal prompting the first cancellation of a tournament this year since 1946, the level of the sport has also risen to its peak, with every fighter wanting to uphold the honour of their heya (training stable), making the bouts fast paced and thrilling to watch.

Evidently, catching a Sumo tournament in time along with procuring tickets is a rather tricky exercise, something I realised when re-living my Sumo adventure with other friends after the event. Ticket sales begin a month in advance, and vary in price from Y5,000 (NZ$80) for arena seating on the second level all the way up to Y40,000 (NZ$600) for box seats close to the ring. Ticketing information and tournament schedules can be found on the Japanese Sumo Association website:


Although I would recommend bringing a Japanese speaking person with you for ease of communication at the Kokugikan, as well as explaining the intricacies of the ceremonies and rituals.

All things considered, if by chance you find yourself in the rare scenario of being in town during a tournament and have a chance to go, do it. It’s enough to bring a smile to even the most blasé’d world traveler, and a butt-slapping, big-boy-slamming, weird yet wonderfully unique experience second to none.

Ryogoku Kokugikan

1-3-28 Yokoami
Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0015

Next Grand Tournament:

Sunday Sept 11th  – Sunday Sept 25th 2011

Advanced Ticket sales begin: Sat Aug 6th 2011

Getting there:

By Train from Shibuya Station, take the Yamanote Line to Yoyogi.

Transfer at Yoyogi to the JR Sobu line.

Take JR Sob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚ _QA•Gp@Ц†'9u Line to Ryogoku station.

It’s a 2 min walk from station; you can see the building from the station.

By Taxi from Shibuya: 45 mins, approx 4-5000 yen.

(Any taxi driver will know where this is.)  



(Any taxi driver will know where this is.)  

T9h@ ApЊЯnd to noРЊЯ>
One thing, however, that can dull New Zealand's sophistication is the apparent lack of dining options available on Sunday (and Monday for that matter) evenings. I am often asked for recommendations for where to go on these evenings, whether it be for a special occasion, to host out of town guests, or merely for something a little more glamorous than your typical Sunday night. We're a little (excuse the pun) starved for options.

Identifying this predicament, Tony Stewart sensed it's time to expand our cosmopolitan horizons one step further and has opened the doors of Clooney on Sunday nights. Tony has also had the rather genius foresight to add to the experience by offering a BYO option on the evening, another rarity in our fine dining scene.

And, so it was that we recently dusted off one of our savoured bottles of Chateau Latour in search of some Sunday glamour. I will admit that I kept my crowd expectations low (it is winter after all) and the social set are more than likely in partial hibernation mode. We were, however, pleasantly surprised by the number of guests in attendance, from a larger group commandeering the private dining room; to smaller tables of attractive, and in some cases very intimate (we saw pashing!) couples. I'm proud to report that the Sunday social scene is alive and well at Clooney.

Once settled into our cosy booth, Clooney did not disappoint in graciously taking us on a gastronomic voyage through some of the best dishes we've ever experienced.

So, if you're looking for something a little different from your usual Sunday night, I can highly recommend Clooney. What better way to launch into the week ahead.

33 Sale Street
Freemans Bay
ph 09 358 1702

gg yolk, cauliflower and taleggio

Above: Farm raised Venison with red fruit, radicchio, beetroot, cocoa nib and licorice scents

So, if you're looking for something a little different from your usual Sunday night, I can highly recommend Clooney. What better way to launch into the week ahead.

33 Sale Street
Freemans Bay
ph 09 358 1702



Don't however be complacent and assume that you don't need to book well in advance. With menu items such as flour-dusted shallow fried yabby tails, buckwheat pasta with mushrooms, golden fried chestnuts and spinach, or slow roasted spatchcock direct from chef Sean Moran's farm in the Blue Mountains, it's a very popular place indeed. Without a doubt Sean's is the perfect Sunday afternoon in Sydney. Book your table for 2pm and spend the remainder of your afternoon working through the wine and food menus while you gaze in amazement at the tenacity of North Bondi's surfers.

Seans Panaroma, 270 Campbell Parade, Bondi Beach, Sydney  02 9365 4924





T 9ѕAesѓPН`­є AnnА­єшSV€9S9

This is a city fueled by the inflamed desires of an increasingly sophisticated populace. Never before have we been so widely travelled. Our increasingly broad experience of superb little local cities like Melbourne, and international heavyweights like Tokyo, London and Berlin, mean our expectations are now globally-informed. The ambition that we deliver our grandchildren a ‘world-class city’ is a terrifyingly banal bit of political copy, but it does signal an acknowledgment that we haven’t done things well here, that there is much we have since learnt from our international experiences, and that we’re ready to take a shot at making good on the geographical promise of Tamaki Makaurau.

I’m not sure the city knows what’s coming. For all the fiasco – and do not get me started – it will be a great day in our history that the populace finally claims Queen’s Wharf as its own. It’ll be an even better day when the Barmy Army leaves. Britomart’s huge new East Building opened this week, and by the time its last few fit-outs are completed, will inject 3,000 people straight into the guts of this burgeoning downtown precinct. Remember what this place was like five years ago? In another five, its going to be our new heart, or at least a lung. How long after that until we tear down that appalling red fence (metaphorically, heritage watchdogs, metaphorically!) and spill onto the wharves?

The tank farm will be the city’s greatest surprise. How long since you looked down there? Now renamed Wynyard Quarter, the Sea+City agency has spent the last few years busily shaping a masterplan for the city’s newest precinct. Like most who stumble across it, you’ll likely be stunned to see huge, glittering projects nearing completion on Jellicoe Street. Come spring, new buildings by Fearon Hay and Moller will be open, and a pedestrian and cycling bridge will link the precinct to the Viaduct. They’re the first steps in a program that will deliver this ever-promising but of industrialised waterfront back into our arms. What’s exciting is that the stinking fishing boats are likely to stay (we have enough sterility at the viaduct already, thank you) and that they’ll have a TRAM. I’m not one for capitalization, but the idea of adding even a little tram to the city has me breaking out in hot sweats.

You can have a look at an eerily frozen image of the future here:

Complete with yet another Australian-designed big building, this time for ASB. Far better, however, that you get on your bike and explore it yourself. Be sure to take a shopping bag to stock up at the wonderful Fish Market while you’re there.

All of this activity, not to mention the consolidation taking place in its wake  – particularly in and around Fort Street and Lane - should be cause for excitement. It should also be read as a clear signal of our ambition for this city. No longer a lonely, single spine reaching up the Queen Street valley, the city is finally pushing back the other way, exerting pressure on the waterfront and pressing out sideways in a hammer-head form that one day will stretch past the Harbour Bridge to the west, and well toward the beaches to the East. People of Auckland, keep pushing. I think it’s working.

o the East. People of Auckland, keep pushing. I think it’s working.

;s working.

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Until recently hot cross buns were only available for purchase on Good Friday in the UK. Luckily for us, in New Zealand we have a slightly more relaxed approach to when we can enjoy such simple pleasures.

With the hundreds of variations of baked goodness available, we suggest the only ones that you need to buy are the sticky, doughy, spicy buns from Il Forno.

Good hot cross buns are round with an approximate diameter of 10cm, well risen and airy, highly glazed to the point of being sticky to touch and with just the right amount of spices and dried fruit.

Best eaten warm with a liberal spread of good old New Zealand butter. Not margarine - you should know better!

Hot Cross Buns $2 each

Il Forno

55 Mackelvie Street

ph 09 378 0264



The exhibition is a collection of 25 Diana cameras, customised by some of the most interesting artists, illustrators, creative types that Australia and New Zealand have to offer.  Each clone is a complete one-off.  Some of my favourites include contributions by Denizen contributor 12, Black Box manager Jae Mills, Pebbles Hooper among others.
After touring parts of Asia, the US, Europe and Australia, The Diana World Tour is now on view at The Department Store - but only until this Thursday. 

But If you miss out, I can’t encourage you enough to visit online, because as part of the Diana World Tour, The Lomography Society Australia / NZ introduced a charity auction of the one-off clones online to raise money for a couple of charities in need of support – www.seethroughme.com.au and World Child Cancer. 

This auction is now open to online bids and will close 31 March 2001, 9pm (EST).

Take a look at this amazing selection of these one-of-a-kind pieces of art, which can be displayed proudly in your very own home!
I will definitely be there online bidding for my favourites and for a cause. The future is analogue!

Cast your bid here.

T9ЬB3/ѓPНрЇn Te0ЈBarefoT9Ј BѓPНАЇТЈТT9zC10ѓPНрЇport0Јonny -Ж 9

Gimme Coffee (228 Mott Street, Manhattan, NYC)

There is no doubt that coffee in New York city is as much of an icon as the yellow cab and the hot dog stand. There is a certain - dare I say it -  'romance' behind the perked black filter coffee that the USA is renowned for serving in its diners and restaurants. Now thrillingly, the espresso - the cup of goodness us Kiwis only know - has gradually crept into the city over the last two years.  You can find it at numerous spots in the East & West Villages and of course, Soho. Like one of my personal favourites, Saturdays Surf Shop on Crosby St, who hold their own in producing great cups of espresso just the way you like it. Complete with the well rehearsed and elaborate designs in the cappuccino’s foam -  a sign that the barista properly steamed the milk so that it holds its form.   

(86 E. 7th St., nr. First Ave, NYC)

Van Leeuwen Artesian Ice cream (They do Coffee)
(642 Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint, Brooklyn)

However, as I'm experiencing time after time, some of the obsessiveness in these places boasting excellent coffee may get a bit off-putting. Baristas at famed places take coffee culture very seriously and to their credit do produce great coffee, But don't be surprised when you're confronted with establishments refusing to serve take-away cups as they believe it should be drunk immediately in a ceramic cup, or simply taking forever to make, because most likely the barista has thrown out more than one shot of espresso, unhappy with its consistency before finally handing you a complete drink. What's more, I often ask for a double and blow me down I have to buy two singles.

Blue Bird (72 East 1st Street, NYC)

Anyway, we can all in some form understand the complexities of making a great espresso...coffee evenly tamped, the water temperature matched for the particular bean, the timing just right and so on...but can we hurry it up please and lose the precious attitude? Surely Hospitality 101 includes be friendly and polite?

Saturdays Surf Shop
(31 Crosby Street, NYC)

Casetta Organic Coffee
(11 W 8th Street, NYC)

All is not lost in the search for great coffee and new places are springing up all over the show. Of course, putting my money where my mouth is, I have found the following little gems. I hope the above and below coffee destinations hit the spot on your next visit to NYC.

Cafe Gitane
(242 Mott Street, NYC)

Think Coffee (248 Mercer Street, NYC)

The Smile (26 Bond Street, NYC)

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Recently I’ve become obsessed with a certain spray that adds just the right amount of ‘second day’ texture and body. Kevin Murphy’s Anti Gravity volume spray is a brand new product that transforms squeaky-clean hair into a perfectly rumpled bed-head texture, working better than a Sunday sleep-in.

Where volume is concerned, this could be considered hairstyling gold. Kevin Murphy is well known for his great range of products that perfect the ‘beach hair’ look. I’ve always favoured natural tousled hair over sleek straight shampoo-ad hair so anything that promised to pump up the volume just that little bit more was going to command my instant attention.

The product, which declares itself a weightless volume spray, speaks every bit of the truth. Spray through damp hair before a rough blow dry, subtly curl with the tongs, and finish with a quick rake through with the hands. It’s light, and adds just the right amount of bouffant without weighing hair down later in the day. Plus, it smells amazing, which never goes amiss in my books.

I suggest if you’re after adding some seriously salon-worthy volume to your mane that rivals that of Bardot, then you must give this a try.

Click here for Stockists

. It’s light, and adds just the right amount of bouffant without weighing hair down later in the day. Plus, it smells amazing, which never goes amiss in my books.

I suggest if you’re after some seriously salon-worthy volume to your mane that rivals that of Bardot, then you must give this a try.

For Stockists: www.iacf.co.uk

If you time your trip well, it's likely that there will be another fair you can attend. Take a train for half an hour West of the city and you'll find yourself in Kempton, home of the Kempton Park Antiques Fair. A little more tame, this is a one day affair. There were a few of the same traders from Newark, but it was by no means 'old hat'. I was once again drawn into the thick crowds looking for, anything really. And that I did. Backpack loaded and weighing me down, I had no more room. So it was back into the city for me.


Time for some tea and cake at Drink, Shop & Do. You enter in off a busy street in Kings Cross to a strikingly different pace. Pass through the gift shop where you'll find clever hand made items and jars of sweets and continue up the stairs to the cafe. It's an overload of quirky and I take my seat at the one of the many kitsch Formica tables. It's cupcake-cute with charming, mismatched everything. It's shabby-chic meets craft goddess. It's ugly duckling and beautiful swan. From the huge, ornate skylight above hangs an array of origami paper planes. The jukebox in the corner plays upbeat sounds of yesteryear but it doesn't feel at all out of date. This is by no means just for the tea-sippers of London. They can offer you a Pimm's or a G&T if that's more to your liking. They also encourage you to bring your knitting and have a great stack of board games to while away your afternoon with tea, cakes and good friends.


Still not satisfied the urge for antique splurge? Then take the tube to Angel, this is a place with a culture unto itself. It's where you'll discover Camden Passage. It's a small, thriving antiques village offering vintage clothing, art deco jewellery, furniture and curious collectibles. Every Wednesday and Saturday you can experience the flea market that runs through the lanes. I recommend going on a Wednesday if you can, just to fend off the large crowds that flock here. Once laden with bags of treasure (and before you face the tube), rest your weary legs at The Elk in the Woods for tapas and a coffee.


You can spend a good day (and a good deal of pounds) in the Oxford Circus area when it comes to shopping. It's not all about the chain stores, although they're an experience best enjoyed during a weekday morning. Here is a few of my favourites.

If you're in the market for something quite special, it would be my strong suggestion to head to Grays Antique Market located off the busy Oxford St. Set out in a two level arcade style across two buildings, with 200 dealers! It's the largest collection of antique jewellery I have ever seen. Huge diamonds and estate pieces. Quite extraordinary. They also have an interesting mix of vintage Louis Vuitton luggage and trucks, as well as militia collectibles. It's enough to make your head spin looking left and right trying to take in the shear splendor of it all.


Tucked away off the main drag, Sketch is a special place to seek refuge from the nauseating experience that is Oxford St. Take a seat in one of the five eating establishments, I choose the Parlour. It oozes with cleverly curated modern and re purposed Victorian furniture. Bean bag ottomans fashioned from old tapestry cloth. A huge spider-like lighting rig hangs from the ceiling made of an assembly of old office desk lamps. Tall tasseled lamps give the majority of the light here in this dimly lit space. There's a huge amount of imagination in this small space. The waitresses are all in dresses of clashed camel and hot pink paired with flouro pink Chuck Taylors. Very cute. The menus are put together on pink paper like a newspaper of yesteryear. My cauliflower soup and bread was served to me with a twist on the traditional, sticking with what they do best. And the bread basket was fashioned from lego.







Industrial detailing such as raw steel trusses, and exposed brass pipes celebrate the space's gritty heritage as a car parking garage. Beer is served in old school enamel coated pitchers, and cocktails in jam jars. And, as we've noted in our Dish of the Week column, their bar snacks are second to none.

Its piéce de résistance is the roof top terrace. A small intimate space with its own bar affords excellent views of the activities of the downtown part area - and an excellent spot to catch the afternoon sun.

Tyler St Garage
120 Quay Street
ph 09 300 5279




T9щCngѓPНрЇ- Mi0Јt Bare9Е9

The magic of Pedal power is likely to take instant appeal with any youngster, and create a healthy pursuit that'll tucker them out after a long day behind the wheel. You're only problem might be their damaging of the finely restored paint work.

1950's Pedal Cars from $1300

Philippe's French Antiques & Interiors
376 Great North Road, 
Grey Lynn,

Ph 09 361 2407

61 2407

T9ЇCѓPН ЌŽ№ЌŽT 9 rney into the quieter end of Great North Road, Grey Lynn and "9s"9

For more information email James Fitzroy at the Auckland SPCA.  james.fitzroy@spca.org.nz

T"9eC0 ѓPНpЊЯte -РЊЯe 21/0T$9 XDѓPŽЗ4ПжPЗ4А[PЖ4T&9DвѓPН ЋЉ?pЋЉ}T(9nDѓPН@дSЧ)ёдST*9ТDѓPНЎxPЎxВ.•p”€T,9B Ds ѓPНЋб/05/рЋбanish T.9йEџџџџѓPН№УБ)-@ФБЩќ?љT09ЌEesѓPН`­є AnnА­єшSV€T29q E ѓPН№­xperienc@Ў to none."When I was eight, I cracked the Rubik's Cube in 16 minutes flat. Mum and Dad were shocked. So was I, when I realised all the trouble people were going to all over the world to crack this puzzle when the stickers peeled off so easily.  If you think you can you will.

For the last 20 years I have worked in the beauty industry and been confronted with our obsession with the pursuit of youth. I guess you can change and alter the way you look but it still doesn’t change the fact that you might be boring.

You know that good old chestnut about ‘knowing then what you know now’. I cared too much about what people thought. If only I had known how little people gave a shit.

When I was five my friend and I decided to set up a shop. That shop was in my Nan's garage loaded with vintage goodies.  The neighbors heard about this amazing sale, stuff being hocked off for a song. Nan was pretty cool when she found out I have to say. I think its important to find your own way to develop your smarts when you're young, however creative that might be."


Having kicked off the 2011 Veuve Clicquot Season with a marquee at the Karaka Premiere Yearling Sales, the Veuve Clicquot marquee is the place to be at the BMW New Zealand Polo Open on February 20th 2011.
Internationally, Veuve Clicqout has long been associated with the sport of Polo, with many celebrities and Royals often in attendance at Veuve Clicquot events. We can’t promise any Princes here, but the Veuve Clicquot team will include international Polo star Guy Schwarzenbach and New Zealand’s highest ranked Polo player, JP Clarkin.

Veuve Clicquot would like to invite two Denizen readers to attend the Veuve Clicquot marquee. Located in a prime location, guests will enjoy a light lunch, Veuve Clicquot Champagne and entertainment throughout the afternoon

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than watching a chukka or two while sipping Clicquot?

This competition has now closed.

P ,9

Prawn & Marlborough Regal Salmon with red pepper compot, cauliflower puree & kawakawa crème sauce

Serves 6

Prawn & Salmon
6 peeled black tiger prawn tails
6 x 120 gram pieces of Regal Salmon
Season the prawn tails with salt, sear in a fry pan on a high heat till golden.
Lightly coat the salmon in olive oil and season with salt.
Bake in the oven at 180C for 10 minutes till just cooked.
Red pepper compot

½ cup peeled sliced roast red capsicums
½ cup chopped peeled tomatoes
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon capers
Place all the ingredients, except capers, in a small saucepan.  Gently simmer till thick then stir in the capers and allow to cool.
Cauliflower puree

3 tablespoons butter
300gr finely sliced cauliflower
2 cups milk
¼ teaspoon salt
Melt the butter in a large fry pan, cook the cauliflower gently over a low heat for 20 minutes.
Pour over the milk, season with salt then cover with a lid and cook slowly till the cauliflower is soft and completely cooked through.  Drain off excess milk then puree till smooth in a blender.
Kawakawa crème sauce

200ml cream
200ml milk
3 fresh Kawakawa leaves (these may be substituted with rosemary)
1 sprig thyme
1 clove sliced garlic
1/8th teaspoon salt
Bring to the boil all the ingredients and simmer gently for 15 minutes, allow to infuse then strain.  Warm the sauce and froth up with a whisk.
Serve a spoonful of hot cauliflower puree next to the salmon, arrange a little red pepper compot on top of each salmon, lean the prawn on the compot and carefully spoon the frothed up Kawakawa crème sauce around.

Vinnies four course Valentines Menu $125 per person.

Vinnies Restaurant
166 Jervois Road
Herne Bay
ph 09 376 5597

Entry has now closed.


After studying at the London School of Economics, Rachel worked as a journalist for the BBC before returning to New Zealand in 2002. She has since executive produced such successful shows as Eating Media Lunch, Birdland, the Back of the Y,  scripted comedies The Pretender and Bogan Family Films, the critically acclaimed drama series The Cult, a raft of Light Entertainment Shows including The Apprentice, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and Singing Bee, and a pile of factual shows including New Zealand's most successful television export which is, believe it or not, The Lion Man.

We asked the uber talent to give us a few life pointers that she's learned on her way.

"Hell hath no fury like a creative person scorned.  But at the end of the day if you live by the sword, you can die by the sword. 

Life is not a highway. It's like one long giant horrific Autobahn with multiple toll booths.

My mother always told me that you can't please everybody. So don't try and have a stiff alcoholic beverage instead.

If you don't know the words in a song that you're singing out loud, insert 'peanut butter' as the lyric and it always works.

Laughter is the best medicine or if that fails, a great pair of boots.

Life is better in the Koru Lounge. Fact."

T„ MМѓPŽНё`НёTЗј ЪѓPŽPЗZ ЗZH:[uds part to open the sky for the sun’s gentle kiss, it is time for us again to sit with our white legs exposed prematurely in thigh-high swim shorts. Spring is here! And we embrace its arrival with open arms.

The grass is green, the air smells fresh and those cute little lambies are frolicking through the pasture right onto your plate.

The same great tasting lamb - which is revered across the planet –  can be found ready for your consumption from Neat Meat (naturally) with the most succulent and delicious cuts on offer, this spring is all about decadence, great tastes and Piri Weepu.

We need to be setting an example in patriotism as 2011 rounds out – one that involves eating delicious kiwi born and breed spring lamb and rioting if the world cup doesn’t go to plan. Simple really.

Simple and uncomplicated. Because lamb is so tasty, cooking it doesn’t need to be complicated. So prepare yourself for the upcoming Semi-final game with this tasty Sunday night feast:

- bring lamb to room temperature

- cover in olive oil and season with salt and pepper

- load into an oven that is pre-heated to 190 degrees

- cook for 18 minutes exactly

- remove from the oven and rest for five minutes

- carve, eat and enjoy!


To enter go here.

Princess Wharf
Shed 143
Quay Street
ph 09 309 9866


T89FѓPН Ћўџџџџџџџ№Ћ Фђ‚h Œф

Lentil as Anything (at Collingwood Children's Farm): This is a super cute vegetarian cafe situated right by the farm where you pay what you want for the food - it's run mainly for artists whose income is irregular and run off donations - the food rules and it's a lovely place to eat before you go hang with the animals for the day! (41 Blessington St, St Kilda, Melbourne)


Forum Theatre: My favourite venue in Melbourne (excited to be playing there in September!). The interior is amazing with a roof designed to look like the night sky so although you're inside watching a concert you feel as though you're outside! It's a real experience. (154 Flinders St, Melbourne)


Mornington Peninsula: Beautiful area for beaches and bush walks about an hour out of Melbourne city, perfect for a daytime getaway and reminds me a bit of home!

The Toff: This is a super cute bar and venue situated in the heart of the city - you can sit in little private booths with a wee cocktail or check out a gig in the intimate red-curtained venue next door. (Second Floor, Curtin House, 252 Swanston Street, Melbourne)


Patee Thai: These guys make the best Pad Thai in Melbourne I think! There are a few restaurants around but my favourite is this joint on Brunswick St! (371 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, Melbourne)

Lost and Found: I'm a huge op-shopper and this is pretty much a big vintage market of second hand clothes and knick-knacks located down Smith st. I love their vintage frocks and second hand book section. (12 Smith Street, Collingwood, Melbourne)




Kimbra's debut album 'Vows' is out on August 29th and we are rather excited that the songstress is returning to New Zealand for an exclusive performance at Kathryn Wilson's upcoming show at New Zealand Fashion Week on September 2nd. To RSVP to the public (and free) event click here.

ne; color: #000000; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank" href="http://www.iticket.co.nz/">www.iticket.co.nz

Or win a double pass here.

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Crafted from laser cut spun aluminium, the lamp is available in a slick black or crisp white powder coated finish.


Available from Simon James Concept Store
Ground Floor
The Department Store
10 Northcroft Street
ph 09 488 6955

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With recent reports that they had changed tack slightly and were focusing on offering a selected outstanding array of traditional French terrines, pates and rillets to match their exceptional wine list, it seemed like the perfect spot for a rainy Saturday.

It's widely known that French white wine (namely Chablis) is one of my favourite drops. Contrary to popular belief, this is not in an effort to seem fancy, but simply because French white wine is delicate and subsequently more palatable in larger quantities - which at times can suit my lush lifestyle.

Winehot then, with its well chosen selection of both French and New Zealand wines (all by the glass or bottle), is the place for me.

Add to that with their delicious array of traditional French meats and cheese, and I am very suitably satisfied. The menu consists of the kind of authentic French fare that deserves a decent glass of wine to wash it down.  We selected the meat platter which included Le Terrine de Queue de Boeuf (Ox tail terrine), Les Rillettes de Canard (shredded confit duck) and Les Grattons of Pork from Bordeaux. The platter came with hot crusty French bread, which proved to be some of the best I've tasted in Auckland. 

Fear not if you are of the vegetarian persuasion, there are vegetable terrine options too, such as the La Terrine de Légumes en Vinegrette, or a blue cheese and pumpkin pate.

Winehot is small, intimate and out of the way. It's the type of place you might go if you want to be discreet. Though don't count on it. The night we visited we ran into two different groups of people we knew - all thinking they too were onto something unique and undiscovered.

605 New North Road
Auckland City
ph 09 815 9463


We recently got word that the new summer range from Australian label Jac + Jack had arrived at Siena Home, giving us a great excuse to update on some must have essentials. Renowned for quaiity Jac + Jack is a label you can rely upon for covetable, effortless basics. As a girl who manages to justify just about any purchase as a necessity, the white ‘Walsh’ shirt (pictured above) stood out as an instant must-have, with its short sleeves instantly filling a gap in my white shirt collection. The classic, simple piece in over-size cut silk will be perfect for hot summer days, with the button front neck making for just the right amount of sexiness.

A flick through the rest of the lookbook leaves me lingering on some of the intensely bright colour hues that feature in the new collection. Colour in my wardrobe generally goes about as far as red lipstick, but I figure if you are going to do colour, you may as well do it properly, right? Come summer, I plan to be sporting that bright pink better than Barbie.

Jac + Jack is available from Siena
347 Parnell Road

Ph 09 377 7555


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The biggest health benefit to eating this frozen yogurt, is the presence of live cultures. Live and active cultures offer a number of health benefits and have been linked to bone and joint health as well as a healthy immune system. The bacteria contained in this tasty treat are good bacteria, the kind that are actually needed by your body. One known benefit of eating yogurt is the fact that the live cultures and bacteria help with digestion. 80% of your immune system is actually in your gut, and thus having a healthy digestive system will help boost your immune system.

You can imagine our delight after researching our favourite frozen yoghurt a little deeper (it's quite insightful when you actually take the time to peel back the label, that Howaru - the most powerful strain of good bacteria, is available exclusively in this frozen yoghurt across Australasia. We asked the company to validate this finding and explain why its a good choice for the health conscious. They told us that Artisan Made Frozen Yoghurt's Howaru probiotics greatly enhances the live, active bacteria you take in - which basically means you stay healthier for longer.

And, while to us, more than 1 billion active bacteria per serve doesn’t sound particularly yummy, it certainly says a lot about how fortified their product is. This combined with the anti-aging qualities of the natural Caspian Sea Yoghurt (which forms the basis of the frozen delight) and you've suddenly got yourself a pretty powerful, and now justifiable, sweet treat.

To buy Artisan Made Frozen Yoghurt visit Cone Kings for stockist details.


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So it came as no surprise to find out for their latest collaboration, a foray into the world of jewellery, that Workshop’s Chris Cherry has teamed up with one of our favourite, and most prolific jewellery talents; Zora Boyd of Wunderkammer.

The collection of classic mens signet rings are hand-cast and finished, and feature designs from one of the most memorable Workshop collaborations – that of artist Martin Poppelwell. We think these would be would be a perfect gift for the man in your life, but might we suggest you get in quick for these, we can’t imagine they will be around for long!

Available from Workshop

(09) 303 3735

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Join Rick Stein and acclaimed Cibo chef Kate Fay for a five-course dinner. Guests will enjoy a five-course Malayasian influenced meal designed in collaboration with both chefs and served with wines that match beautifully with the cuisine. Cibo will be transformed into a Malayasian hideaway for the evening.

Tickets are $265pp and include a ticket to Taste of NZ on Friday 21st October.

We have have one chance for you to win dinner for two at this coveted event.  To go into the draw to win simply update your own Facebook status saying why The Denizen should award you such a fantastic experience. You must be sure to tag The Denizen in your status update in order for us to see your entry (check our wЂј„

Join Rick Stein and acclaimed Cibo chef Kate Fay for a five-course dinner. Guests will enjoy a five-course Malayasian influenced meal designed in collaboration with both chefs and served with wines that match beautifully with the cuisine. Cibo will be transformed into a Malayasian hideaway for the evening.

Tickets are $265pp and include a ticket to Taste of NZ on Friday 21st October.

We have have one chance for you to win dinner for two at this coveted event.  To go into the draw to win simply update your own Facebook status saying why The Denizen should award you such a fantastic experience. You must be sure to tag The Denizen in your status update in order for us to see your entry (check our wall to see that it shows).

Congratulations to Kristy Mayo on winning the tickets!

d will enjoy dinner on Thursday 20th October.

rkshop.co.nz" target="_blank">Workshop

(09) 303 3735

Tј„р“’€$и‹/www.conekings.com" target="_blank">www.conekings.com

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A Little Ink provides an online service where you simply supply a description of the child, pet, or whomever, a little bit about their personality, and a photo and they'll create a one-of-a-kind personalised artists rendition along with a poem. The artworks are 295mm x 195mm and are block mounted,  there will also soon be the option to have them printed on archival paper and supplied either framed or unframed.

The process takes up to three weeks from the time your submit your order online.

A Little Ink - www.alittleink.co.nz


Clockwise from top left:

Masters Chair by Philippe Starck for Kartell, P.O.A from Kartell.

Two Timer dress by Zambesi, P.O.A from Zambesi.

Serge Lutens Eau du parfum $259 from Mecca Cosmetica

Ann Demuelemeester black handbag $875 from Scotties Boutique

No 124 Ring in oxidised silver $300 by Ann Wallis from Fingers.co.nz

Boring Postcards by Martin Parr $29.95 published by Phaidon, from Artikel

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What started as a bakery servicing the restaurant trade that focused on Artisan breads, especially Sourdoughs, made very naturally using a then 5 year old Apple based starter. The company has stayed true to the original philosophy of using traditional recipes with no additives or preservatives.

Demand from restaurant patrons led to the opening of retail outlets, one in Mt Eden and the Factory Shop in Pakuranga. The bakeries offer a great selection of freshly baked breads, along with pastries, and delicious pies. We suggest you get in very early if you are looking for a pie for lunch - they sell out quickly.

Wild Wheat,
811 Mt Eden Road,
20 Rylock Place,

Ph 09 577 5164


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Coconuts (specifically coconut oil) have been erroneously labeled unhealthy over the past 20 years because they are high in saturated fat- something we all want to avoid right? However, the saturated fat in coconut oil is completely different from the type of saturated fat found in meats and other vegetable oils. The benefit of using coconuts (and coconut oil) for weight loss is the fact that it is easy to digest. The fat molecules in coconut oil are unique and unlike any other fats and oils, require fewer digestive enzymes to be broken down. Instead of being stored as fat, the body converts it straight into usable energy. Not only is it easy to digest, coconut oil actually works to improve the body’s absorption of minerals and vitamins too.

My advice? Start incorporating coconut into your diet and you will reap the health benefits. Switch to coconut oil instead of other oils for all your cooking (it’s significantly healthier than vegetable oil and olive oil). Try adding a tablespoon of coconut oil (or coconut cream- yes, you read this correctly) to your fruit smoothies – it tastes delicious! Drink fresh coconut water instead of fruit juice or ghastly fizzy drinks. If you need to use flour, then try coconut flour. Not only is coconut flour gluten free, but is also naturally low in digestible carbohydrates and rich in dietary fibre.

With Sarah's sound advice, we don’t think it will be too hard for you to trade in the olive oil for coconut...Pina Colada anyone? Virgin that is.


Duncan graduated from Elam at the University of Auckland with a BFA in sculpture in 2007. In the last year of his degree he found that his explorations in sculpture were tending towards furniture. Upon graduating he launched into further investigations of furniture design, and now, after two years of development, he has launched his self- titled brand Duncan Rooney Design.

An affinity for enduring materials and craftsmanship is immediately apparent in Duncan’s work.  He uses hardwoods such as ash, oak and walnut and each piece is skilfully handmade, with no shortcuts taken.  I particularly like that the component parts are fixed together without screws or nails and that each piece has been given a name suggestive of its look or functionality such as; El Toro, Mr Executive and Lady B.

Duncan’s work may be examined online at www.duncanrooneydesign.com.

‘Mr Executive’ and ‘Thoracic’ will be on display with Fox Jensen Gallery at the Auckland Art Fair, 4th-7th August 2011.

Duncan graduated from Elam at the University of Auckland with a BFA in sculpture in 2007. In the last year of his degree he found that his explorations in sculpture were tending towards furniture. Upon graduating he launched into further investigations of furniture design, and now, after two years of development, he has launched his self- titled brand Duncan Rooney Design.

An affinity for enduring materials and craftsmanship is immediately apparent in Duncan’s work.  He uses hardwoods such as ash, oak and walnut and each piece is skilfully handmade, with no shortcuts taken.  I particularly like that the component parts are fixed together without screws or nails and that each piece has been given a name suggestive of its look or functionality such as; El Toro, Mr Executive and Lady B.

Duncan’s work may be examined online at www.duncanrooneydesign.com.

‘Mr Executive’ and ‘Thoracic’ will be on display with Fox Jensen Gallery at the Auckland Art Fair, 4th-7th August 2011.


T '’ѓPŽ0ЙLж|!€ЙLTа MT§ЖНѓPŽ№ЖМ@ЗМT[§чLѓPŽ0Лœ>7€Лœ PBT20 Rylock Place,

Ph 095164

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And while he works daily from his shop in Shortland St, he's now also offering Friday night cuts from 12's ONE store on K Road.

So if you're looking for a slick cut, and some rousing Friday night entertainment courtesy of the humorous Mr Wall, make your next grooming appointment at ONE. No long hairs - guaranteed!

504 K Road
ph 09 550 5403


Bodyneed are a physio/sports massage/clinical pilates outfit in Ponsonby.

I started out receiving physio and acupuncture with Stacey, and upon arrival of their new, specialised pilates equipment, I was transitioned to the Allegro Pilates Reformer.

After an assessment of my situation, involving a few back bends and a question/answer session, I'm straight into it.  If I've been having some niggles with my back, the session will start with a deep tissue massage to loosen me up before we move onto the reformer machine.

The reformer takes a little getting used to, and can take a certain level of balance for the more complicated moves where you're kneeling as apposed to lying flat on your back. But in no time you'll  work your way up to the more advanced moves. Stacey often makes me flap my arms like a bird, and I've been known to 'hug a tree' from time to time. You'll see. It's definitely a whole new range of movement.

To get the most out of it, an hour session is recommended, but if you're doing this in a lunch break, a short sharp 45 minute burst will give you an adequate work out. Just like any strength training, if you haven't used your muscles for a while, or are tapping into new ones you didn't know were there, you're going to hurt. Just a little, but it doesn't last long. Just walk it off the following day.

I wasn't in any position to launch into a large Pilates class full of yogis and yummy-mummy's...I needed (and still do) the specialist attention of one-on-one training. Bodyneed was able to facilitate this. Soon I'll be set free with a head full of good habits and a body full of strength. No more putting my back out during my personal training sessions. I am a pillar of strength, a centered and stable person, most of the time...

27 Crummer rd
09 360 8821


Located directly next door to 1885 on Galway Street, The Britomart Country Club is another successful design project by Denizen contributor 8. A series of shipping containers positioned around a stunning outdoor courtyard and garden bar - complete with a putting green. 

The word is they'll be serving Iced Tea and Sangria by the pitcher alongside pizzas cooked in the wood-fired oven.

Check back soon for more information on the opening date. 

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We recently got word of a new tapas restaurant in Auckland's Newmarket, and after hearing that they served the best pork belly in town, we needed no further motivation to head to Newmarket to check it out.

Basque Kitchen & Bar is helmed by James King, an Aucklander who's done his time in the Basque region of northern Spain, hence the name.  Located on Davis Crescent, the restaurant is a low key casual space, pretty much what you would expect to find in an area renowned more for its retail prowess than its culinary one.

What the space lacks in ambiance, however, it over compensates for with its simple menu of delightful Spanish tapas. The slow roasted pork belly served with pear chutney ($14.50) was as described, some of the best we've ever tasted.

 There's something for everyone on the menu, and all dishes are very reasonably priced. The wine list features a range of Spanish wines, that Carole, the Maitre'd will happily guide you through if you happen to get lost in translation. 

If you're looking for something low key that's excellent value for money, we recommend a visit to Basque Kitchen & Bar.

Basque Kitchen & Bar
61 Davis Crescent
ph 09 523 1057

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Well we think fine jewellery is no exception. Step in Chaumet.

Celebrating their 230th anniversary, the renowned French jewellery house embodies every bit of the term classic. Their latest collection pays tribute to the house’s first muse Empress Joséphine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.The collection, which includes tiara inspired rings, watches and necklaces also includes this pair of drop diamond earrings - a direct interpretation from the “chérusque” motif, which was the lace found on Josephine’s imperial gowns. The Joséphine Earrings are 18-carat rhodium plated white gold is set with brilliant cut diamonds.

So while we wait for a certain fine piece of jewellery to adorn our fingers, we are turning to the timeless, elegant addition of a pair of diamond earrings to add a bit of sparkle to the everyday.

Available from Hartfield Parnell

www.hartfield.co.nzWell we think fine jewellery is no exception. Step in Chaumet.

Celebrating their 230th anniversary, the renowned French jewellery house embodies every bit of the term classic. Their latest collection pays tribute to the house’s first muse Empress Joséphine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.The collection, which includes tiara inspired rings, watches and necklaces also includes this pair of drop diamond earrings - a direct interpretation from the “chérusque” motif, which was the lace found on Josephine’s imperial gowns. The Joséphine Earrings are 18-carat rhodium plated white gold is set with brilliant cut diamonds.

So while we wait for a certain fine piece of jewellery to adorn our fingers, we are turning to the timeless, elegant addition of a pair of diamond earrings to add a bit of sparkle to the everyday.

Available from Hartfield Parnell


.nzThe work almost feels three dimensional with the illusion of texture she creates on the page – feathers look as though you could pluck them; whilst the intensity of depth she is able to achieve with oils and aerosols offers further enhancement to her work. Her exhibition titled Black Mass currently on at Wunderkammer in Auckland is her sixth solo exhibition in Australasia.


As a practicing artist and arts commentator, and now also part of the creative duo The Busy Nice that she heads up with her sister Leah; her work has consistently drawn the attention of galleries throughout Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne and gained a following with sub-culture magazines like Yen, Duke and French Lurve. We met up with the artist last week to ask her a few questions.

Can you explain your thought processes behind your works in your exhibition Black Mass? To me they feel mystical and ethereal with dark elements. Were they inspired by anything in particular?

The thought processes behind my work? I’ll try...Figuratively I’m interested in gesture, whilst thematically I’m interested in dystopia and eschatology in the context of our age. The title ‘Black Mass’ references John Gray’s Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (2007), which I am currently reading. I drew further inspiration from; residual collective memories of mythology, alchemical diagrams, the works of Gustave Doré, New Zealand in Colour and various other sources, to create transcendental imagery in a guise or treatment similar to pop iconography. Like pop iconography, these works don’t necessarily have a definitive meaning, but instead are informed by the viewers own associations.

What are the basic steps you undertake with each piece, you mentioned you initially draw the bare bones, can you expand?

When I am producing illustrative work, I begin by sketching in just the construction or 'bones' of a composition or object. I then proceed to flesh out each small segment of the work using various mark making techniques. Working this way allows me to consider how each mark relates to the whole composition and incorporates personal expression to an often very technical way of drawing. It is surprisingly quite a sculptural process.

What's your favourite medium to work with?

I definitely enjoy working with pigment liners for detailed work, oils for tactility, aerosols for speed, and found objects for their potential. I try to practice a wide range of mediums, as competency across the range eases ones ability to communicate successfully. 

I understand you've recently returned from overseas. Can you tell me a bit about The Busy Nice and what you both do?

My sister/business partner Leah and I both returned at similar times from living in Australia (Leah had been living in Melbourne and I had been living in Sydney). Inspired by the various creative communities that we’d grown to be part of there, we got together and decided to continue our involvement in creative projects here. Being back here, rather than feeling limited by our location, I view it as an opportunity and consider creatives in other locations (internationally) to be my peers equally as much as those working out of New Zealand.

We decided from the outset to use an open framework for our Busy Nice and let it be defined by practices rather than surmises.


And lastly what should a piece of art in your opinion impart on its owner?

Opportune contemplation

The Black Mass exhibition is currently on at Wunderkammer, 62 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland.



Inner-city design firm Bureaux, led by the inimitable architect/designer duo of Jessica Barter and Maggie Carroll, pulled together a team of some of the city’s smartest talents to make this show. The centerpiece is a trinity of sinuous screens, onto which is projected the large-scale, close-range whale and dolphin footage they scoured the globe for. Bureaux’s cunning is to free the projection field of regular edges and even a regular depth; and with the help of a master AV team (Mike Dean, Mike Hodgson & Nic Fay), the result is as close to immersion as 2D projection gets. Lost amidst dinner plate eyes and slowly crashing tails, one cannot help but be moved by these extraordinary beasts, and grateful to the team that so artfully evoked them.

If the city’s getting too much for you, requisition one of the children’s beanbags from the corner, take a seat, and make this your next escape.
Voyager New Zealand Maritime Museum, corner of Quay and Hobson Streets, Viaduct Harbour. Admission from 9 until 4 each day, free for Auckland residents with proof of address.

uckland residents with proof of address.


Hundreds of years on the owners of Man O' War vineyards have maintained the magnificence of this stunning bay with an ongoing commitment to maintaining the land's native glory through the planting of thousands of native trees. Man O' War bay is one of the most idyllic spots on Waiheke. Whether you get there by car, or anchor in the shallow waters off the beach - you'll be blown away by the serenity.

Located mere metres from the beach is the award winning vineyard's Cellar Door where they offer tastings of their latest vintages. All wine is available for purchase and if you get too carried away with your order - as we did - they conveniently arrange shipping anywhere in the world.

This spot is so magical we suggest that you pack a picnic lunch and enjoy an afternoon amongst the breathtaking scenery.

Man O' War Cellar Door

Man O' War Bay, Waiheke Island, Auckland

Open Thursday to Sunday 11am to 6pm



anowarvineyards.co.nz" target="_blank">www.manowarvineyards.co.nz


to your new go-to destination for local news, reviews anTl9‡JѓPН@дSЧ)ёдS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jб`‚_$JTwT@$ЂYK“pb9

Siphon is a coffee extraction technique that is relatively new to our shores. The amazing performance takes you back to those memorable days in high school chemistry classes.  Using heat, expansion and pressure, the siphon moves hot water through the coffee in an eye catching way.  This extraction technique added to Black Betty's beans that are roasted specifically for siphon brewing, produces a sublime subtle coffee, with a flavour and aroma that is typically missed through espresso extraction. 

A mere 160 years after the siphon coffee maker was first invented in France and Germany the technique is set to explode (figuratively, not literally) in New Zealand.

Black Betty
163a Madras Street
ph 03 365-8522



Adhering to the same standards of historical accuracy and scholarship as its predecessor, this book offers a sensitive anthology of 10 years in photography that will appeal to readers of all ages and interests.

Cost: $67

Available from Novel, 202 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland.
09 376 5869


Likes: Books that haven't been published for the masses, novels by Haruki Murakami, architecture and design, trekking and climbing in the Himalayas, films and theatre, music - especially jazz, the weekly tennis foursome that is in its 18th year.

Dislikes: People who talk, eat loudly or rustle sweet papers during a film and iPads as they will never replace books!

Tn9) e's the go-to guy when ­\9

And with direct flights from Auckland to Buenos Aires several times per week on Argentina's national airline Aerolineas, it's a relatively painless journey getting there.

Once in Buenos Aires you are spoiled for choice. Here we expose the tip of the iceberg and give you  a few places worth investigating on your next visit.

Where to Stay

Buenos Aires hotels have long had a reputation of being expensive, and while the whopping 21% room tax might be partly to blame, there is no doubt there are some hotels that will take you for a ride. B.A. does however do an excellent job of offering modern design savvy hotels at the affordable and the indulgent ends of the market.

Home, Honduras 5680, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires

A boutique hotel on the cusp of the hip Palermo Hollywood district, Home is just that, a hotel that feels like home. The brainchild of English record producer Tom Rixton and his Argentinean wife Patricia, Home has everything you need to make your stay in BA enjoyable. Decent sized rooms, a cosy restaurant and bar, and a secluded garden complete with pool and cocktail bar. www.homebuenosaires.com

Faena Hotel + Universe, Martha Salotti 45, Buenos Aires

Having long been on my hit list of places to stay since I published the first images of this Philippe Starck designed masterpiece back in 2004 when it first opened. Unlike many establishments of this ilk, the Faena still fulfills its objective of catering to the design savvy stylish crowd. Starck's elaborate design is still awe-inspiring, and reason enough to justify the pricey room rates. And if you were in need of another excuse to stay here - the hot local action poolside should be enough to seal the deal.


Where to Indulge

With global record setting levels of beef consumption per capita, there is no doubt that steak houses are popular. Meat simply tastes better here, however we would caution you to choose your steak house wisely, not all deliver succulent delectable beef that the country is renowned for. This international city does however also offer up world class cuisine from other nations in keeping with its reputation as an exotic local.

Piegari, Posadas 1042, La Recova, Buenos Aires

In search of the perfect bovine experience we took the advice of a friend and headed to Piegari. Located just across the street from the Four Seasons Hotel, this is a serious establishment that caters to the very demanding tastes of the highfalutin tourists whom inhabit the nearby hotels. You will not be disappointed here, if it is quality, melt-in-your-mouth steak you are after Piegari delivers. www.piegari.com.ar

Osaka, Soler 5608, Palermo, Buenos Aires.

Whilst it may seem a little strange to rave about a Japanese restaurant in Argentina, Osaka is one place that deserves such attention. Considered by many to be one of the best restaurants in BA, Osaka is definitely worth a visit. And with a waiting list for a reservation we suggest you get in early. Osaka serves Peruvian Asian fusion food, which may take a little getting used to. On our visit we chose to let the waiter do the ordering, and he did not disappoint. With dishes like sea bass carpaccio topped with rows of pesto, chili, spicy mayo and olive oil, or salmon marinated in passion fruit syrup and lemon juice, sprinkled with watercress and wasabi it's easy to see why the crowds flock here. 


Green Bamboo, Costa Rica 5802, Palermo, Buenos Aires

Another Asian fusion restaurant that's uber popular with stylish locals, Green Bamboo serves a tasty range of Asian/ Vietnamese fusion dishes such as dumplings, fresh spring rolls and a delicious duck curry. The bar has an excellent array of cocktails to accompany the spicy food - all the more reason why the locals love this place.


Oasis Clubhouse, Palermo, Buenos Aires

Designed as a venue for travelers who are renting luxury apartments from their vast selection, the Oasis Clubhouse is the perfect place to wile away an afternoon. Keep an eye out for their Sunday afternoon parties where the locals mix poolside with stylish visitors. 

www. oasiscollections.com/oasis-clubhouse


Designed as a venue for travelers who are renting luxury apartments from their vast selection, the Oasis Clubhouse is the perfect place to wile away an afternoon. Keep an eye out for their Sunday afternoon parties where the locals mix poolside with stylish visitors. 

www. oasiscollections.com/oasis-clubhouse

e that is in its 18th year.

Dislikes: People who talk, eat loudly or rustle sweet papers during a film and iPads as they will never replace books!

Tn9) e's the go-to guy when !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!а`‚ _Œ[KžK1ўт§^d9

If your usual offering for guests is a beer or wine, sure no problem. But I suggest you put down the wine knife and step away from the six pack. This is something that even the most inept of hosts can handle, welcome to the often overlooked art of cocktail creation.

This is really easy to whip up and makes you look like some kind of a cocktail aficionado (aka show off). We can all make something amazing with a few simple ingredients, here's how:

The Stolen Moment:

Stolen white rum 
Apple juice
Chi mineral water 

Add ice to a short glass, pour in Stolen rum to your desired buzz level, squeeze in a couple of wedges of lime, fill 3/4 of the glass with apple juice and finish with a splash of Chi.



It appears, at least to others, that I have been losing my touch. The other night, one of our young whizz-kids left me in the studio with a couple of his renders. In the morning, I handed him back a handful of populated, polished images, bound carefully into a small book. There was a brief double-take, and he said: “um, your Photoshop work’s actually not so bad”. He looked at me as though I might be dangerous, an old man playing with children’s toys. I am thirty.

The next day he introduced me to Hugin. Perhaps I‘d passed some sort of test, or perhaps he just thought I could use the help. Hugin sounds like some kind of platonic group-love event, but is an open-source photo-stitching tool with benefits. It operates independently of any camera, so you can use it for everything. Its interface is simple and clear, so basic operations are straightforward, but the depth of its programming means you have access to great power should you want it. The hyper-fisheye ‘whole-world-from-one-spot’ is my favourite process, but I’ve stitched together elevations of whole city blocks with this wonderful wee thing. From showing off the two-snap view from your hotel window, to multiple vanishing-point interiors and 360-degree panoramas, Hugin is your toy. Just don’t let the kids see you using it. They’ll think you’re weird.

Download Hugin here

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For over a decade, SCAPE has been installing contemporary public art from renowned artists throughout central Christchurch.  After being twice interrupted by the earthquakes, a creative rethought has resulted in the event taking on a new shape, allowing SCAPE to now extend its offering to a wider audience. Launching alongside the Auckland Art Fair, this year's Christchurch Biennial will see the renowned public artworks produced throughout both Christchurch and Auckland.

As part of the project, artists were asked to explore the city as a collective civic space and to consider how a more viable, populated and environmentally sustainable inner city could be achieved. Despite some curators and artists beginning their creations in early 2010, the results still resonate with the rebuild the city of Christchurch faces. Post-earthquake, SCAPE delivers a healthy dose of artistic inspiration into the public at a time when it is needed most.

SCAPE begins at the Auckland Art Fair from 4th to 7th August culminating with an Earthquake Recovery Auction on the 6th of August, where an amazing selection of artworks by SCAPE participant artists including Billy Apple (Auction print, pictured above) Bill Culbert, Tacita Dean and Lonnie Hutchinson will be auctioned off.

The auction is being held 6pm on Saturday 6 August 2011 and after just perusing through the catalogue, we agree it's well worth a look.

Level 5, Achilles House, 8 Commerce St, Auckland City.

There are two viewing days of these works, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th August 2011 9am – 4pm on both days.


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So while you're busy getting serious about your holiday escapism plans we suggest you make some wise sartorial choices to match. We've found the perfect lightweight accessory thanks to Paul Smith. The classic beige canvas holdall bag has a slightly rugged appeal with leather buckle straps and handle - perfect for embracing your spontaneous traveller yet still substantial enough to carry all of your weekend essentials without fuss.

Paul Smith Canvas Holdall Bag Available from Fifth Ave

216 Ponsonby Road

(09) 360 9700

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Choose a show-stopping champagne pail to complement your bubbles of choice. It comes as no surprise to find that Christofle, a brand synonymous with elegance and luxury, would take its inspiration for this piece from the iconic works of the master glass worker of the Art Nouveau period, Emile Gallé. The beautiful anemones (the famous, swirling and artistic flowers that are seen on the handles) by the artist, are also seen on the bottles of legendary champagne Perrier-Jouët - a company Christofle has had a long standing relationship with since 1935.

Plated in the finest Christofle silver, the bucket is part of the Christofle Belle Époque collection. Once filled with ice, this luxury ice pail will ensure that your favourite bubbles remain refreshingly chilled, while its beautiful design will work to keep your table looking its very best.

The perfect accompaniment for the forthcoming festive season.

Christofle is available locally from the Studio of Tableware

5 Harold Street
Mt Eden

Ph 09 638 8082


>pan>brand synonymous with elegance and luxury, would take its inspiration for this piece, from the iconic works of the master glass worker of the Art Nouveau period, Emile Gallé. The beautiful anemones (the famous, swirling and artistic flowers that are seen on the handles) by the artist, are also seen on the bottles of legendary champagne Perrier-Jouët - a company Christofle has had a long standing relationship with since 1935.

Plated in the finest Christofle silver, the bucket is part of the Christofle Belle Époque collection. Once filled with ice, this luxury ice pail will ensure that your favourite bubbles remain refreshingly chilled, while its beautiful design will work to keep your table looking its very best.

The perfect accompaniment for the forthcoming festive season.

Christofle is available locally from the Studio of Tableware

5 Harold Street
Mt Eden

Ph 09 638 8082


Available from Fifth Ave

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Clear your schedule: You are in for the long haul as you fetch medication, warm soup and even run errands for them if the case is severe. Best to clear your schedule completely even to the point of taking time off work so you can devote your time entirely to your man’s well being.

Be patient: Being sarcastic about the 'Man Flu' probably won’t help right now. Try and be patient and supportive. Encourage them to drink water, eat something and rest. Think of it this way…the sooner they get better the sooner they’ll be able to resume normal life

Supplement: Get him taking a supplement - try Naturebee Potentiated Pollen as it’s 100% natural and will help support his immune system and fight off the cold. Naturebee also contains all of the B-group vitamins so you may want to pop a few yourself on the side to help moderate stress levels!

Stock up: Head straight to the supermarket. Stock up on comfort food, hot drinks, magazines and tissues. Store them within arm's reach to ensure that your man has to make minimal effort – concentrating all resources on getting better.

With these tips in tow, you should be well prepared to play nursemaid when even the most acute onslaught of Man Flu sets in. We wish you luck!

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Guided by BMW driver training instructors, you’ll get to experience first hand the BMW’s xDrive.  Throughout the day you'll learn to master all the skills you’ll need to drive in extreme alpine conditions. Doing so in nothing less than some of the latest BMW vehicles on the market.  Controlled drifting on snow and ice, power slides and timed challenges - it'll be the most off piste fun you'll ever have.

The package (valued at $2000) also includes two nights accommodation at Millbrook Resort & Spa, transfers from Millbrook Resort to the testing facility & to/from Queenstown airport, a welcome cocktail function and awards dinner and one full day jam packed full of driving in BMW vehicles.  

To be eligible to win, you will need to be in Queenstown for the event on August 17th, 2011.

To enter, simply email contact@thedenizen.co.nz with your name and contact details along with the make, model and year of the current car you are driving by Wednesday 10th August.

The BMW xDrive Experience is taking place from August 15 -22nd further details can be found here.


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Jason Chong at Stephen Marr Newmarket
Stephen and Lucy are inspirational people with their ball crushing work ethic. I love going there and being pampered. All the staff are cool and some of them I have come to regard as friends over the years. Jason Chong is uber-talented and I love his hot towel treatments - they take you to a 'good place'...the white room! I love his fashion gossip delivered in his broken English accent and he always makes me laugh. I have actually never been to any other hair salons besides Stephen Marr in Auckland, it's my sanctuary from a busy week. (16 Morrow Street, Newmarket, Auckland)

Whatipu beach
Situated at the headland of Manakau Harbour it's awe inspiring just travelling there as you pass large scale ever changing landscapes, around the quaint seaside village little Huia past the Waitakere damn. The last 20 minutes is a dirt road which I always regard as a good sign for a great beach to come! It is protected land and an absolute amazing visit, I have shot there many times and I love the light, scale, textures and timeless feel of the place.

Silo theatre
I am always fascinated with live theatre and I love going to the Silo. Equipped with an intimate indie feel, you always feel like you are part of the production and it's easy to get swept up in the atmosphere, so much so, you're almost living the experience. I think Shane Bosher does an amazing roster of first class productions and I am always surprised and inspired in some way every time I go. (Level 1/108 Quay Street, Auckland)

The Bridgeway Theatre
I love foreign art-house films and always enjoy going to the Bridgeway as it feels like you are out of the city, yet still so close. There is always a great movie to see and I enjoy having a wine (or two) and a pizza at Sausalito next door before going to see another amazing film. (122 Queen Street, Northcote, Auckland)

Real Groovy 
Let's face it, Real Groovy is an Auckland icon. I am a collector of books and I adore music so at the end of the day Real Groovy is my happy place, I can lose hours if my schedule allows, flicking through the bargain bins for treasures, listening to music on the headphones, finding another rock biography I have not read. I was devastated late last year when Real Groovy's existence was hanging by a thread, in part due to the Internet download tragedy we find ourselves in. But was buoyed to hear it survived! Long live Real Groovy. (438 Queen Street, Auckland City) 


Check out some of the fun from the evening above.

Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support of Denizen online and the newly launched magazine. You can pick up a copy of Denizen magazine from Mag Nation on Queen St or Ponsonby Road.

(09) 376 6933


My tailoring workroom

'There is something about being in the tailoring workroom when the tailors have all finished for the day. I like the way the irons sound when they have been turned off and the smell of the machines as they rest. Multi-coloured pieces of thread on the floor, odd buttons and partially finished suits. This is where I get my inspiration.


I am not a beach person so Piha suits me fine. I love the chance to relax here over the Christmas break, exploring rock pools with the kids and reading books.


Walking into Sabato always inspires me. Good home cooked food is such a wonderful thing and Sabato definitely helps make that a reality. With good ingredients you’re half way there. (57 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland)


Melanie Roger Gallery

My art friend's gallery represents some of my favourite contemporary New Zealand artists. I particularly like the work of Gavin Hurley and Sam Mitchell as well as Liyen Chong. (226 Jervois Road, Herne Bay, Auckland)


Bambina Café

Part of my morning ritual, I have been going here nearly every morning for the last 14 years at least. These days I don’t drink coffee but it’s like Cheers for me; it’s nice to go somewhere that everyone knows your name.' (268 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland)


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That is until now. There is one outfit that is about to do just that. Scott Towers (AKA Chopper Reedz from Fat Freddies Drop) has joined forces with local Drummer, Producer & DJ, Julien Dyne to create 'Taco Truck'. An event kicking off this coming Sunday at Barrio on Ponsonby Road, Taco Truck is based on the concept of the mobile taco vendors in LA & NYC that rely on social media to spread the word on where the next taco fix will be located.

These boys have been friends for years, having shared duties in bands like OpenSouls, Tyra & the Tornadoes and more, but they have only recently discovered that they both have a love for Mexican food; one that was cultivated on trips through the US touring with their bands. It’s a love only outweighed by their joint obsession of record collecting. From 2pm out in the courtyard at Barrio, expect to hear the kind of tunes that wouldn't usually get an airing at a club or bar, Jazz, Latin, African music, Trippy Soul & the like, while the hotplates will be busting out Carne Asada, Kalibi Carnitas, Pescado & Frijol Negro corn tortillas. The afternoon is definitely set to be one that is family friendly, so drop by with your crew and fill your belly with tasty taco treats & your ears with fine tunes.

Befriend the Taco Truck on Facebook to keep in the loop with where they'll spring up next. There are rumors of a repeat performance on Boxing Day, so I suggest you save yourself some space in the puku after that Christmas dinner.

Taco Truck @ Barrio

2-7pm, Sunday 27 November

44 Ponsonby Rd


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After a few days of whizzing around town in my BMW 118d, it became clear to me that this zippy car was much better suited to being pushed into Sport mode than it was in its fuel-saving Eco mode (where the car cleverly turns itself off when stationary to save fuel and then restarts the engine as soon as the brake is released). While playing time trials with myself as I drove to and from Herne Bay to the Denizen offices was fun, this is clearly a car that has a lot more talent to offer. So as luck would have it, as the the weekend rolled around I had the chance to take it through its paces on the open road.

Anyone who knows me well knows that ‘Sunday drives’ are one of my favourite pastimes. When the need to escape the city takes hold, there is really nothing better than setting off on a road trip. Well as it turns out, there actually is. And that is setting off on a road trip in a fine example of German automotive engineering. For a compact car, the 1 series takes to the open road with gusto. The Scenic Drive route to Piha proved a dream. With its ability to turn with precision, it made what can otherwise be a rather stomach-churning windy drive, into an absolute breeze.

The BMW 118d has all the bells and whistles you could imagine. And those you probably never thought you needed too. Additional features such as the built-in navigation system only aids the urge to escape Auckland every weekend. Thanks to a clever little 'points of interest' function within the GPS, us denizens could get really ambitious with our road trip destinations, and leave it to this built in guide to tell us the best restaurants, cafés and beaches that we should be stopping at along the way. Might I add here that the car's computer has full internet access too, so you can book ahead and turn that day trip into a cheeky overnighter without fuss.

The plethora of other functions make zipping about town just as enjoyable too. Take for example the keyless engine start.  It wasn't hard to get used to getting into the car and taking off at the simple push of a button whilst the keys sat riding shotgun in the passenger seat. Then there is the parking assistant with rear camera and distance control, which allowed me to approach tricky parallel parks with a new-found confidence. All functions that have proved rather ideal and now apparently 'necessary' if like me, you have a tendency to get distracted by things whilst driving.

My only problem? Going back to actually having to put the keys in my own car ignition and not just throwing them on the passenger seat is going to prove rather tough.


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While there is no doubt we are all running out of time, there is nothing like having a little indulgence planned for the future. The thoughtful people at one of New Zealand's longest serving beauty therapy clinics - Jouvence spa in Merivale, Christchurch, have put together an exclusive offer for our Christchurch based Denizen readers.

Simply book in for an experience and unwind in their beautiful spa facilities, and you'll receive a special Sothys Christmas treat.  All facial or body treatments booked this week (prior to December 25th) will receive a Sothys travel kit containing the essential products you need for any holiday including a Cherry Blossom and Lotus Escape shower cream, relaxing body scrub, conditioning shampoo and a scented soap.

Our pick for the best treatment?  The Sothys customised exfoliation and massage treatment is the perfect pre holiday ritual for getting you beach ready. If you're still stuck for a gift idea, a spa package makes the perfect treat for a loved one this Christmas. 

Simply mention Denizen when booking to receive your complimentary Sothys gift.


51 Holmwood Road
(03) 355 6488

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The Village Co-op hand make their own ice cream on site under the name, 'Joshua's Ice creams'. We were first tipped to pay a visit to this place by a local family member, who custom orders her favourite flavour by the tub ahead of time, to ensure she never misses out. Her pick? Rewa Rewa Honey. You can expect flavours a little out of the ordinary here, along with all of the staples. Fancy Butterscotch Fudge, Espresso and Caramel Fudge, Lemon Curd, Passionfruit Pavlova or Strawberry and White Chocolate Truffle? The ice cream bar, lines the front of the Village Co-op with its range of creamy lush ice creams - its queue is the one that far surpasses those lining up for coffee - which is saying something.

For a very young man, Joshua's passion for ice cream rivals that of a child. "Everything in my ice creams is from New Zealand from the berries to the dairy products," he explains, "we use quality ingredients, and absolutely nothing is scrimped on." 

If you haven't found this little place yet, and we doubt you have, it's well worth a visit to the bays. A few licks in and we bet you’ll be leaving with a takeaway pot in tow too.

Village Co-op

8 Maheke St

St Heliers

(09) 575 1088

T_№ŠЦРрќ‚/кІ ŠЦРџџџџџџџrget="_blank">www.jouvence.co.nz

51 Holmwood Road
(03) 355 6488

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Although many plant pollens can cause or exacerbate hay fever, bee pollen can actually help reduce the symptoms of the conditions. Bee pollen is different to airborne, allergy-causing pollen as they come from two different sources: bee-pollinated plants and air pollination-reliant plants. There have been over 45 bee pollen clinical studies performed through out the globe on individuals who suffer from hay fever and asthma, among other things. The hay fever sufferers whom took part were given bee plant pollen capsules and monitored. An overwhelming 73% of people revealed a 75% progress rate when taking a daily dose of bee pollen. 78% of asthma patients averaged a 75% improvement in taking bee pollen orally.

Another reason why bee pollen is so effective in decreasing allergic and hay fever responses is the Quercetin and Vitamin C content. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that promotes a healthy inflammatory response and inhibits the release of histamine into the body. Vitamin C is one of the most important anti-allergy vitamins as it builds a strong immune system and immediately relieves allergic reactions and is also anti-inflammatory. Many naturopaths advise taking bee pollen before the allergy season begins as it may take a few weeks for the pollen to work

If you have a love / hate relationship with spring because of hay fever you may want to give bee pollen a go. It’s a 100% natural alternative that may even help rid you of allergies in the long term. I recommend Naturebee Potentiated Bee Pollen. Unlike other bee pollen’s that can be hard to digest, Naturebee is almost completely bio-available – ready for your body to soak up all its nutrients. As with any bee products you should take caution if allergic to bee stings.

Naturebee Potentiated Pollen is available from www.naturebee.com

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So, with that in mind, you can imagine my delight when their latest album ‘Ersatz GB’ arrived on my desk first thing Monday morning.

I have resisted the temptation to download the album on iTunes, instead waiting patiently and truth be told, painfully, for it to finally arrive.

So now it’s here, how does it stack up against the previous 28 (yes t-w-e-n-t-y-e-i-g-h-t) albums that have preceded it, in a remarkable career stretching right back to 1977?

Well, after just two listens, it’s everything I love about the philosophy, the vision, the ethic, the idea that is The (mighty) Fall. Album #29 finds head honcho Mark E Smith and crew in refreshingly enigmatic, caustic and savage form. 

Right from opener ‘Cosmos 7’ through to closer ‘Age of Chang’ this is a full frontal assault on the senses as MES lays waste to the complete collapse of England’s moral, spiritual, political and economic being.

Over a thrilling marriage of garage, rockabilly and electro, Smith creates incredibly vibrant and compelling characters such as on the gargantuan and vintage Fall that is ‘Nate Will Not Return’ who has a penchant for trash US TV (Gossip Girls) through to Smith himself, confronting false Fall imitators in the faux-heavy metal pastiche that is ‘Greenway’ where Smith hilariously laments “I had to wank off the dog to feed the cat”.  No stone of mediocrity remains unturned, with Smith, perhaps unfairly picking on MOR band Snow Patrol (“I am so sick of Snow Patrol, and where to find Esso lubricant”) who, as luck would have it, just released a new album a few weeks prior. I say unfairly, because let’s be honest, it could be any number of bands. 

Smith’s Greek wife Elena even takes over lead vocals on ‘Happi Song’ where she delivers a Stars In Their Eyes quality Nico impersonation. It is just a small break in the maelstrom though – immediately we’re back to the dense and claustrophobic ‘Monocard’.

The album has been both panned (BBC) for being “unremarkable” and praised (The Quietus) who claims it “still trumps most records released this year, as, one suspects, The Fall always will”.

So back to my original question – how does one judge ‘Ersatz GB’ against such an exhaustive back catalogue? To be honest, I still need to listen further, to fully appreciate what Smith and his cohorts have created here. At the end of the day, I keep coming back to the late, and much missed, John Peel for the last word: “with The Fall, you can never be absolutely certain what you’re going to get. Sometimes it may not be what you want.  But they’re The Fall and it’s all you need”.


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This is the perfect kit to easily pack into the car packed full of all our favourite gourmet offerings, from summer dining essentials like Peter Gordon’s sunny avocado oil & pomegranate molasses dressing to Sabato’s pasta sauce with rocket, to more indulgent accompaniments such as Adami Prosecco and Fig Vincotto. If the indulgent selection of tasty treats within this hamper don't impress your fellow house guests over summer, then nothing will.

Packed in a natural wooden box, the full kit contains: Ines Rosales Seville orange tortas, Peter Gordon sunny avocado oil & pomegranate molasses dressing, Adami Prosecco, Ferron Vialone Nano rice, Forum chardonnay vinegar, Goccia di Sole EVO, Alain Milliat fruit nectar, Sandimais breadsticks, Salvagno olives in brine, Sabato pasta sauce with rocket, Sabato garlic aioli, Harney & Sons English Breakfast tea, Julie Le Clerc balsamic honey mustard, Sabato semi-dried cherry tomatoes, Sabato Sicilian orange marmalade, Sabato pesto, Callipo tuna in EVO, Talatta anchovies and Fig vincotto.

The Bach Kit is available from Sabato.

57 Normanby Road
Mt Eden
(09) 630 8751


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Lovingly compiled by founder Roger Shepherd, the collection spans 40 tracks that have been evenly split across two CDs. Where there is some form of delineation, then it is that CD1 consists of acts considered more mainstream and popular than CD2 which houses some of the label’s more progressive and experimental talents.

Personally, it’s hard for me to fully describe just how important the songs on this collection released between 1983 and 1985 are in what were then my teenage years. At the time it didn’t feel like I had many other friends than The Verlaines with ‘Death and the Maiden’, Fetus Productions and ‘What’s Going On’, or The Great Unwashed ‘Can’t Find Water’ and Tall Dwarfs’ ‘The Brain That Wouldn't Die’.

The real gem for me however is the bleak sadness and melancholy of Shayne Carter and Peter Jefferies cult classic (even for Flying Nun) ‘Randolph’s Going Home’. The seven inch single still takes pride and place in my collection; it never fails to send a shiver down my spine.

So what was the attraction back then? Perhaps it was the freshness. The fact that here was something completely different to everything else that was then haunting mainstream radio and music TV (other than RTR I guess there wasn't really too much to be fair).

What strikes me now is just how strongly most if not all the older tracks have stood the test of time. Even now songs like ‘She Speeds’, ‘Buddy’ and ‘Outer Space’ have an edge and experimentalism about them - as well as a unique Kiwiness that is just so hard to put your finger on – that marks them as timeless classics.

After international ownership interests from the 90s, Roger Shepherd bought back the label with new business partners Neil and Sharon Finn. We all hope this is the dawning of yet another golden era in the label’s proud history. More recent releases from Grayson Gilmour and F in Math (ha, here come my teenage years back to haunt me) both suggest it may just be around the corner.

We should be so lucky.


The covetable goat-skin purses and coin wallets update the classic Comme des Garçons designs in a range of limited-edition, eye-catching neon greens, blues, and reds and are finished off with their signature gold zip.

Available from Fabric.

(09) 366 4528



Café Pedlar

My local coffee shop in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, makes very good coffee which is still quite hard to find in New York. The beans are roasted by their neighbours at Stumptown Coffee Roasters and they use only organic milk. After collecting my coffee I head to the charming Cobble Hill park.


The Smile

Sitting somewhere between a café and restaurant, this is the perfect spot for lunch on weekdays.  As well as serving as a relaxing respite, it has lovely tea and the best sugar snap peas you can find.



Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, you can’t visit NYC without wandering around this beautiful gallery. Serving as a home to modern and contemporary international art, there are always a multitude of upcoming exhibitions to keep your eye on. 


Neue Galerie

This German and Austrian gallery devoted to early twentieth-century art and design has a wonderful permanent collection by Gustav Klimt. With art displayed across two floors in an opulent rich-wood setting, once you’re done you should have afternoon tea at the gallery’s own Café Sabarsky and sample their delicious cakes and creamy coffees.


Dean and Deluca

The best licorice, olives, and artisan food, Dean and Deluca is a great spot to stop for a food break if you’re wandering in SoHo.


Shelter Island

A charming weekend destination with lovely horse riding. Just three hours drive from NYC and you feel a million miles away.


Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

This is definitely worth a trip. It’s special and quiet. I love to take photographs there.



The exhibition includes a number celebrity gowns to swoon over including that of Dita Von Teese and Gwen Stefani and  lavish gowns by some of the biggest names in international fashion, including Norman Hartnell, Christian Lacroix and Vivienne Westwood. Three exclsuive wedding dress designs by New Zealand designers WORLD, Lindah Lepou, and Jane Yeh accompany the exhibition – all commissioned by Te Papa themselves.

Thanks to Visa Platinum we have five double passes to give away to the Unveiled exhibition. The exhibition is open until 22nd of April 2012 and is showing in the Visa Platinum Gallery.

To go in the draw, simply email your contact details to contact@thedenizen.co.nz and we will draw the winners on January 31st.

The exhibition is open until 22 April 2012.



The classically retro shape with its attention-grabbing neon yellow accent are a summer accessory that will lend some effortless style to any poolside or beach ensemble.

We have one pair of the ‘Number One’ sunglasses to give away to a lucky Denizen reader. To go in the draw, simply forward on a copy of this week's Denizen Newsletter to five of your friends and encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter too. You will find the 'Forward to a Friend' option at the bottom left hand side of your weekly newsletter.

Competition closed: Congratulations to Laura Jane Justice. 

Not signed up for Denizen's weekly newsletters? Sign up here.

ewsletter too. You will find the 'Forward to a Friend' option at the bottom left hand side of your weekly newsletter.

Winner will be drawn Tuesday 31st January.

Not signed up for Denizen's weekly newsletters? žd>ž:Рs jЦж€жжжжжЭчPrivate Degustation DiningCelebrity chef Anne Thorp opens up her private residences for tailor made dining experiencesю84 Anne Thorp has made a successful career out of creating simple, fresh, healthy unadulterated food. As host of the popular Food Channel Show Kia Ora and author of the cook book with the same name, Anne's focus is quality food enriched by its own natural flavours. Anne's popularity is such that she's the guest chef on a Food and Wine themed three night cruise on the refurbished Pacific Pearl in January, where she'll be creating a seven course Taste of New Zealand degustation menu for guests on board.private-degustation-dining<5  a littl}ž }ž:•РsP bКЪ€ЪЪЪЪЪ!2Relocation: IndiceOne of our favourite design showrooms and stockists of Driade relocate around the cornerњ85 Indice, formerly a design staple of Maidstone Street in Ponsonby, has moved just a little over a stone's throw away to their new premises on Rose Road. The interior design showroom, formerly situated in a minimalist concrete setting, has instead opted for an old villa to house their beautiful range of Driade furniture, homewares and storage.relocation-indice05precСХќž98СХћžnq@@ iЮо€є m‘›ВФReinventing Fort StreetLike it or not, to occupy our city is to participate in a game between pedestrians and motor vehiclesј85 1055_bigThumbImage.jpg1055_smallThumbImage.jpgReinventing-Fort-StNat Cheshire looks into Auckland city developments around the Fort Street areaNat Cheshire, Fort St, Auckland CityThere are many who believe in the abolition of the motor vehicle from our most precious streets; that High Street ought to be pedestrianised as an extension of the Vulcan and Durham Laneways, or that even Queen Street ought to operate as an enormous pedestrian mall.reinventing-fort-street1055_mainImage.jpg05ter иžqйžK@@ bЛЫ€сљљљљчіRead: Savile RowJames Sherwood presents a beautiful and historical account on the home of Men's tailoringі851054_bigThumbImage.jpg1054_smallThumbImage.jpgIn an insightful and visual feast, James Sherwood's new book Savile Row: The Master Tailors of British Bespoke, examines the impact of London's famous Savile Row in Mayfair on menswear worldwide. A must-have historical account for any gentlemen in our midst, it recalls the history of tailoring in London from the opening of Henry Poole & Co in 1806 (the first tailor) right through to the impact of tailoring on royalty, rock stars and the modern celebrity (David Beckham even gets a mention).read-savile-row1054_mainImage.jpg05 967.€ŒjЎžtЎžLР@@ oдф€њ„ ВRead: Dennis Hopper 1961-1967Capturing the feeling of an era, Hopper's work transgresses the line between pop-culture and politicsђ851052_bigThumbImage.jpg1052_smallThumbImage.jpgPreviously unpublished photographs form the basis of Dennis Hopper's book 1961-1967. The extensive volume outlines key moments from a generation and distills the essence of Hopper's brilliant photographic career. As an artist, actor, screenwriter and director and rarely without a camera, he captured some of the most memorable popular and political moments of this era.read-dennis-hopper-1961-19671052_mainImage.jpg05 nd pцžeHСХцžrW@@ qФд€ъ]ŒЙзщRead: Poolside with Slim AaronsSlim Aaron's best known works form the basis of a book dedicated to poolside posingє851053_bigThumbImage.jpg1053_smallThumbImage.jpgRead PoolsideRead Poolside by Slim Aarons, follow the glamour set poolside around the worldPoolside by Slim Aarons, old school glamour setAmerican photographer Slim Aarons is best known for his jet-setting lifestyle, and photographs of thousands of 'attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places'. His book 'Poolside with Slim Aarons' depicts the jet-lagged, glamour-set famous and the wealthy indulging in poolside play.read-poolside-with-slim-aarons1053_mainImage.jpg05ter иžq{йžrU@@ bЛЫ€сљU€n}Read: Savile RowJames Sherwood presents a beautiful and historical account on the home of Men's tailoringі851054_bigThumbImage.jpg1054_smallThumbImage.jpgSavile RowRead Savile Row, James Sherwood's account on the home of men's tailoring in LondonSavile Row, men's tailoring, James SherwoodIn an insightful and visual feast, James Sherwood's new book Savile Row: The Master Tailors of British Bespoke, examines the impact of London's famous Savile Row in Mayfair on menswear worldwide. A must-have historical account for any gentlemen in our midst, it recalls the history of tailoring in London from the opening of Henry Poole & Co in 1806 (the first tailor) right through to the impact of tailoring on royalty, rock stars and the modern celebrity (David Beckham even gets a mention).read-savile-row1054_mainImage.jpg fСб€чџ5q5I[Quay to the Groove 2One of Auckland's finest DJs is back with his latest gig held at a secret nautical location№851051_bigThumbImage.jpg1051_smallThumbImage.jpgQuay to the Groove 2Quay to the Groove 2 by Bevan Keysquay to the groove, murray sweetpants, bevan keys, auckland,We've just had word from Denizen contributor and Ponsonby radio host Murry Sweetpants that Bevan Keys is performing shortly for a mid-year knees up. After last summer's sell-out Quay to the Groove boat party, DJ Bevan Keys is back in the captain's seat again with an exclusive gig held at a secret, nautical venue. Bevan Keys is widely renowned for providing the essential dance floor soundtracks to many of Auckland's finest parties for over 20 years.quay-to-the-groove-21051_mainImage.jpg05 nd pСХцžeцžHw@@ qФд€ъ/M_Read: Poolside with Slim AaronsSlim Aaron's best known works form the basis of a book dedicated to poolside posingє851053_bigThumbImage.jpg1053_smallThumbImage.jpgAmerican photographer Slim Aarons is best known for his jet-setting lifestyle, and photographs of thousands of 'attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places'. His book 'Poolside with Slim Aarons' depicts the jet-lagged, glamour-set famous and the wealthy indulging in poolside play.read-poolside-with-slim-aarons1053_mainImage.jpg05ter иžqйžK@@ bЛЫ€сљљљљчіRead: Savile RowJames Sherwood presents a beautiful and historical account on the home of Men's tailoringі851054_bigThumbImage.jpg1054_smallThumbImage.jpgIn an insightful and visual feast, James Sherwood's new book Savile Row: The Master Tailors of British Bespoke, examines the impact of London's famous Savile Row in Mayfair on menswear worldwide. A must-have historical account for any gentlemen in our midst, it recalls the history of tailoring in London from the opening of Henry Poole & Co in 1806 (the first tailor) right through to the impact of tailoring on royalty, rock stars and the modern celebrity (David Beckham even gets a mention).read-savile-row1054_mainImage.jpg05 967.@FЕЎžuЎžI@@ oдф€њ„ ВRead: Dennis Hopper 1961-1967Capturing the feeling of an era, Hopper's work transgresses the line between pop-culture and politicsђ851052_bigThumbImage.jpg1052_smallThumbImage.jpgPreviously unpublished photographs form the basis of Dennis Hopper's book 1961-1967. The extensive volume outlines key moments from a generation and distills the essence of Hopper's brilliant photographic career. As an artist, actor, screenwriter and director and rarely without a camera, he captured some of the most memorable popular and political moments of this era.read-dennis-hopper-1961-19671052_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AGyрї E у5ф`пеTЕH#$œкyЏ<5пchael BaЇžlЇž?NРsP mЇЗ€ЗЗЗЗЗGcIn Store: Alphabetti PapermatTailor make your own placements for your next dinner partyx8$Inspired by childhood memories of using pasta to practice spelling, Tessa and Michael Bautovich of lifestyle brand The Lower Case, have created the Alphabetti Papermat. Designed with both children and adults in mind the papermats can be tailor made to your dining needs and include heartfelt statements to commemorate the evening, or simply an outline of the dinner menu. Customise your next soiree.in-store-alphabetti-papermat05с om tСХюžuСХэžJR@@ hžЎ€УкђKav‡In Store: Bright IdeasLight up your gloomy life with these colourful numbers|8%993_bigThumbImage.jpg993_smallThumbImage.jpgLamp by Mattias StahlbomBright light bulb lamps by mattis stahbombulb, mattias stahlbom, e27, douglas & bec, lampIt's hard to compete with the simplicity of a naked bulb. Hung above a dining room table it has the ability to give off the same sense of romance as a flickering candle. The E27 pendant lamp by Scandinavian designer Mattias Stahlbom, is a classic example of stunning simplicity.in-store-bright-ideas993_mainImage.jpg05м rom СХŸu Ÿ{а@ bНЭ€тљCcЫльHot Toddy RecipeSucumbed to the dreaded lurgy? Knock back this soothing elixir to ease your aches and painsr8$988_bigThumbImage.jpg988_smallThumbImage.jpgHot-ToddyWe unveil a Hot Toddy recipe sure to keep the winter colds at bayhot toddy, whiskey, winter cold,It's that time of the year, the time when you're only a stranger's sneeze away from coming down with a nasty cold. It's a fact of life, a right of passage to summer of sorts that's not easily avoided. And, while it's not the best experience, there are ways to make the most of your situation, such as indulging in the medicinal benefits of a classic hot toddy.hot-toddy-recipe988_mainImage.jpg05н duceќžeCСХћžv@ cšЊ€Пжч36GXHurricane LanternWe're swept away by this classic from Ralph Lauren Homet8$989_bigThumbImage.jpg989_smallThumbImage.jpgHurricane Lanternralph lauren hurricane lanternralph lauren home, hurricane lantern, homewareRalph Lauren a man synonymous with luxury and classic American fashion, also produces an esteemed line of accessories for the home. Like his fashion line, his homeware collection embraces timelessness, creating pieces that will be cherished for years to come.hurricane-lantern989_mainImage.jpg05лrossСХЩžhСХЩžQВ@@ gЂВ€ЧооооПдхHot Cross Buns RecipeGet your bake on in preparation for this week's festivitiesp8#987_bigThumbImage.jpg987_smallThumbImage.jpgEaster is only a few days away but there's still time to make a batch of Hot Cross Buns for friends and family. Chef and Baker Sean Armstrong from Loaf Handcrafted Breads shares his winning recipe for a classic Hot Cross Bun.hot-cross-buns-recipe987_mainImage.jpg05кthe РP”ЏžuWР;жЎžy%@@ dЗЧ€мѓѓѓѓ&7Hot Chocolate MessSteaming hot Belgian chocolate is the perfect cure for the forthcoming winter bluesn8#986_bigThumbImage.jpg986_smallThumbImage.jpgThere is something very comforting about hot chocolate, it's firmly cemented as the go-to drink when you're feeling a little rough around the edges. And while a hot cuppa Milo might do the trick - we've tracked down a slightly more exotic option that is sure to cure all that's ailing you.hot-chocolate-mess986_mainImage.jpg05о ans СХ§iРz§IЫ@ kОЮ€уњњњњ+Icons: The Wishbone ChairA chair that's managed to remain in production for 60 years is worth getting behindv8$990_bigThumbImage.jpg990_smallThumbImage.jpgIf it's a classic dining chair your after it's hard to go past Danish designer Hans Wegner's Wishbone chair. Effortlessly fitting into both contemporary and traditional areas, it's the type of chair that one keeps around the dining table for the family's lifetime.icons-the-wishbone-chair990_mainImage.jpg05р m loСХїaїJ@@ tжц€ћђ$In Store: Belle of the Ball LightsRebecca Snelling's new lighting design is versatile in its application as a floor lamp or pendant.z8%992_bigThumbImage.jpg992_smallThumbImage.jpgThese wired-frame lights can sit like birdcages on the ground or can be hung from long cables. Made from powder-coated wire and available in black, yellow, grey or red, they're an excellent statement piece for a great price.in-store-belle-of-the-ball-lights992_mainImage.jpg05р m loСХїajСХјt]@@ jЬм€ё4<=NBelle of the Ball LightsRebecca Snelling's new lighting design is versatile in its application as a floor lamp or pendant.z8%992_bigThumbImage.jpg992_smallThumbImage.jpgBell of the Ball LightsLighting for the homelightingThese wired-frame lights can sit like birdcages on the ground or can be hung from long cables. Made from powder-coated wire and available in black, yellow, grey or red, they're an excellent statement piece for a great price.in-store-belle-of-the-ball-lights992_mainImage.jpg05о ans @{џiыAўLL@ kОЮ€уњ /X`x‰Icons: The Wishbone ChairA chair that's managed to remain in production for 60 years is worth getting behindv8$990_bigThumbImage.jpg990_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Wishbone ChairClassic dining chair by Hans Wegnerdining chairs, Danish design, Hans WegnerIf it's a classic dining chair your after it's hard to go past Danish designer Hans Wegner's Wishbone chair. Effortlessly fitting into both contemporary and traditional areas, it's the type of chair that one keeps around the dining table for the family's lifetime.icons-the-wishbone-chair990_mainImage.jpg05с om tСХюžuxСХэžrи@@ ^”Є€ЙашAWl}Bright IdeasLight up your gloomy life with these colourful numbers|8%993_bigThumbImage.jpg993_smallThumbImage.jpgLamp by Mattias StahlbomBright light bulb lamps by mattis stahbombulb, mattias stahlbom, e27, douglas & bec, lampIt's hard to compete with the simplicity of a naked bulb. Hung above a dining room table it has the ability to give off the same sense of romance as a flickering candle. The E27 pendant lamp by Scandinavian designer Mattias Stahlbom, is a classic example of stunning simplicity.in-store-bright-ideas993_mainImage.jpg05о ans €ЫЄџiGыAўv@ jНЭ€тљ .W_wˆIcon: The Wishbone ChairA chair that's managed to remain in production for 60 years is worth getting behindv8$990_bigThumbImage.jpg990_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Wishbone ChairClassic dining chair by Hans Wegnerdining chairs, Danish design, Hans WegnerIf it's a classic dining chair your after it's hard to go past Danish designer Hans Wegner's Wishbone chair. Effortlessly fitting into both contemporary and traditional areas, it's the type of chair that one keeps around the dining table for the family's lifetime.icons-the-wishbone-chair990_mainImage.jpgot-chocolate-mess986_mainImage.jpg05о ans СХ§iРz§IЫ@ kОЮ€уњњњњ+Icons: The Wishbone ChairA chair that's managed to remain in production for 60 years is worth getting behindv8$990_bigThumbImage.jpg990_smallThumbImage.jpgIf it's a classic dining chair your after it's hard to go past Danish designer Hans Wegner's Wishbone chair. Effortlessly fitting into both contemporary and traditional areas, it's the type of chair that one keeps around the dining table for the family's lifetime.icons-the-wishbone-chair990_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ааљM6JŽ s =5Q`‹UДІнТ?‹f<5gtive to ŸdŸ=НРsP rЛЫ€ЫЫЫЫЫ *My City: Auckland by Antonia BakerThe director of The Property Market takes us through her favourite hauntsМ=0A born and bred Londoner, Antonia Baker is the director of The Property Market, a real estate agency that offers a unique cost effective alternative to marketing properties. Based out of an old Victorian bakehouse tucked down a driveway in Ponsonby, Antonia revels in the spoils of her adopted hometown - Auckland. my-city-auckland-by-antonia-baker05hrn tСХŸeСХŸB‡@ hЇЗ€ЭххххNdvBlack Perigord TruffleOne of our favourite delicacies is available for a limited timeО=01128_bigThumbImage.jpg1128_smallThumbImage.jpgWith our penchant for the most elusive of fungi - a delicacy that's defined some of the most coveted dishes in the world, we were excited to learn that head chef Alberto Usseglio of The Langham's Barolo restaurant, has secured a small amount of the famed Black Pщriogord Truffle and has developed a 'Selezione' winter menu to showcase this exclusive ingredient.black-perigord-truffle1128_mainImage.jpg05i y foСХŸeСХŸHP@@ h‘Ё€ЗЯлі'3HZIn Store: Knight LightWe find the perfect bedside accompanimentР=01129_bigThumbImage.jpg1129_smallThumbImage.jpgKnight LightDavid Moreland Knight LightDavid Moreland, Knight Light, bedside table, lampWith our penchant for cosying up with a good book in bed, we're in desperate need of the perfect bedside table lamp to light up our night. Lucky for us local designer David Moreland has crafted his Knight Light that brings a touch of modern cool to our bedside table.in-store-knight-light1129_mainImage.jpg05jt ovСХŸ!СХŸG@@ vЯп€ѕ    *<Listen: Go Tell Fire To The MountainIs Wu Lyf's album set to be the record of the year? Or is it just the outcome of PR hype?Т=11130_bigThumbImage.jpg1130_smallThumbImage.jpgDepending on which camp you are in, Go Tell Fire To The Mountain is either the most important record that will be released this year, or the most overrated load of nonsense to be hyped by a music business desperately searching for the next big thing.listen-go-tell-fire-to-the-mountain1130_mainImage.jpg05krathСХŸeћŸyŠ@@ aœЌ€Ткщ+O‚‘ЃRaising the barWe revisit an old school favourite, the classic bar of soapФ=11131_bigThumbImage.jpg1131_smallThumbImage.jpgRaising the barClaire Sullivan uncovers a soap cleanser from the brand PhilosophyClaire Sullivan, Philosophy soap barCleanliness over godliness, is definitely our mantra. And while there are hundreds of options of creamy cleansers available, there is something rather reassuring about a good old fashioned bar of soap. The stimulating process of lathering the bar against your skin, brings back memories of muddy childhoods.raising-the-bar1131_mainImage.jpg05l  beeŸeоСХŸ\Њ@ ]ЂВ€Шррррs~Il CanarinoJoin the international social elite and savour this wise man's tippleЦ=11132_bigThumbImage.jpg1132_smallThumbImage.jpgThe allure of a gentleman toting a martini glass is undeniable. A trait made famous by Mr Bond and his penchant for shaken not stirred has long been a must-have accessory for a certain type of gentleman. Anyone who has indulged in martini drinking will however know that this sort of behaviour is fraught, and that one's gentlemanly demeanor can deteriorate very quickly over the course of an evening.il-canarino1132_mainImage.jpg05me of potŸpŸ=ЩРs qЙЩ€ЩЩЩЩЩŸMy City: Auckland by Tatum SavageThe beauty industry maven introduces us to a few of her favourite placesШ=1Aside from her role as communications manager at M.A.C cosmetics Tatum Savage has an obsession with felines (this even translates into her choice of pottery), is the first to cut shapes on the dance floor and has a passion for acting. When she's not busy doing what she does best (working with some of the industry's most creative people for M.A.C) she's found alongside her husband Gavin making the most of her current hometown Auckland.my-city-auckland-by-tatum-savage05me ofŸs<ŸtЧ@ sЛЫ€сљ–Ll~My City: Auckland by Tatum SavageThe beauty industry maven introduces us to a few of her favourite placesШ=11133_bigThumbImage.jpg1133_smallThumbImage.jpgTatum SavageAuckland by Tatum Savagetatum savage, M.A.C, beauty, auckland, dizengoff, ponsonby road bistro, askew, jo malong, mexican specialties, TawharanuiAside from her role as communications manager at M.A.C cosmetics Tatum Savage has an obsession with felines (this even translates into her choice of pottery), is the first to cut shapes on the dance floor and has a passion for acting. When she's not busy doing what she does best (working with some of the industry's most creative people for M.A.C) she's found alongside her husband Gavin making the most of her current hometown Auckland.my-city-auckland-by-tatum-savage1133_mainImage.jpg05hrn tСХŸe СХŸHX@ hЇЗ€Эхћ9ЂИЪBlack Perigord TruffleOne of our favourite delicacies is available for a limited timeО=01128_bigThumbImage.jpg1128_smallThumbImage.jpgBlack Perigord TruffleBlack Perigord Truffle at Baroloblack perigold truffle, baroloWith our penchant for the most elusive of fungi - a delicacy that's defined some of the most coveted dishes in the world, we were excited to learn that head chef Alberto Usseglio of The Langham's Barolo restaurant, has secured a small amount of the famed Black Pщriogord Truffle and has developed a 'Selezione' winter menu to showcase this exclusive ingredient.black-perigord-truffle1128_mainImage.jpg05hrn tŸeŸ{N@ hЇЗ€Эхћ9ЁЗЩBlack Perigord TruffleOne of our favourite delicacies is available for a limited timeО=01128_bigThumbImage.jpg1128_smallThumbImage.jpgBlack Perigord TruffleBlack Perigord Truffle at Baroloblack perigold truffle, baroloWith our penchant for the most elusive of fungi - a delicacy that's defined some of the most coveted dishes in the world, we were excited to learn that head chef Alberto Usseglio of The Langham's Barolo restaurant, has secured a small amount of the famed Black Pщrigord Truffle and has developed a 'Selezione' winter menu to showcase this exclusive ingredient.black-perigord-truffle1128_mainImage.jpg05jt ovСХŸ!жŸyг@@ vЯп€ѕ )S“АТListen: Go Tell Fire To The MountainIs Wu Lyf's album set to be the record of the year? Or is it just the outcome of PR hype?Т=11130_bigThumbImage.jpg1130_smallThumbImage.jpgGo-Tell-Fire-To-The-MountainAndrew Reinholds review Wu Lyf's new albumGo Tell Fire To The Mountain, Wu Lyf new album, Andrew ReinholdsDepending on which camp you are in, Go Tell Fire To The Mountain is either the most important record that will be released this year, or the most overrated load of nonsense to be hyped by a music business desperately searching for the next big thing.listen-go-tell-fire-to-the-mountain1130_mainImage.jpg05i y foСХŸeDСХŸxЛ@@ ^‡—€­Хбь)>PKnight LightWe find the perfect bedside accompanimentР=01129_bigThumbImage.jpg1129_smallThumbImage.jpgKnight LightDavid Moreland Knight LightDavid Moreland, Knight Light, bedside table, lampWith our penchant for cosying up with a good book in bed, we're in desperate need of the perfect bedside table lamp to light up our night. Lucky for us local designer David Moreland has crafted his Knight Light that brings a touch of modern cool to our bedside table.in-store-knight-light1129_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hh9 – y;Ат5у`н uVмУ$)lyѕ05Ю Spe—IždР;ж žXџ@@ ^ЋЛ€ачччч ,=Fluoro ManiaScrap Wall considers the subtleties of the often overlooked Fluorescent lightV8"974_bigThumbImage.jpg974_smallThumbImage.jpgOne seemingly simple thing that I am always drawn to is the lighting of a space. Specifically the use of light in art. There are favourites, of course, artists that have played with the effective use of the humble lightbulb, those who use projections, but for me the fascination with fluorescent tubes never ends.fluoro-mania974_mainImage.jpg<5Яthis FriЎžtЎž?JРsP aЗЧ€ЧЧЧЧЧ*Friday Long LunchBeing partial to the odd long Friday lunch, we are getting our teeth into a good causeX8"One of the more creative ways of raising funds for Christchurch is being hosted this Friday on Auckland's High Street. One long table seating 300 people along the length of High Street with 12 restaurants serving a two course delicious lunch, matched with Yealand Estate wines and Monteiths beer and cider - sounds like a good time to us.friday-long-lunch05Э tha€ЫЄЙžm,Рz™žyˆ@ gЃГ€Шпъџ.яFive Loaves DevonportWe check out the popular Herne Bay cafe's Devonport locationT8"973_bigThumbImage.jpg973_smallThumbImage.jpgFive LoavesFive Loaves Devonportfive loaves, devonport, herne bay, coffee, cafeFive Loaves in Herne Bay is my local. Every morning I collect my Allpress coffee that I savour on my drive to the office. I am not alone in my regularity here, most mornings I see the same people, all there for the same reason; the coffee is good, the service entertaining (in a good way) and the food delicious. Five Loaves is the hub of the Herne Bay community, a place where friendships are forged with neighbours and a sense of belonging ensues.five-loaves-devonport973_mainImage.jpg05Ь outСХЯžqЯžHё@ wѓ////žТгFilm Review: Bill Cunningham New YorkDana Johnston HEADS ALONG TO SEE THE STORY OF NEW YORKS MOST UNASSUMING YET WIDELY INFLUENTIAL FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER ON FILMR8"972_bigThumbImage.jpg972_smallThumbImage.jpgArt house movies have never been high on my radar however, from time I will step out of the mainstream and let's face it, most often at the suggestion of my more arty friends) and am always pleasantly surprised. So the other night I went along and saw Bill Cunningham New York and this was no exception. In fact, suffice to say, I could easily go along for round two.film-review-bill-cunningham-new-york972_mainImage.jpg05в life@FЕRž!RžIW@@ gЉЙ€Юхххх•ЉКGift Giving: FacebombWith a name like Facebomb we're anticipating some dramatic results^8" 978_bigThumbImage.jpg978_smallThumbImage.jpgWe've been assured this all-natural cleansing ball is great for the men in your life that really don't like any fuss. Made from rhassoul mud, a natural anti-bacterial cleanser and finely ground walnut shells, it works to gently remove dead skin cells to improve skin's appearance. Hand blended into the mud are fragrances including geranium, damascus rose and sandalwood that all combine to leave your man smelling pretty darn good.gift-giving-facebomb978_mainImage.jpg05б e gi€Œjž!Р;жџL|@@ jбс€і    BYjGift giving: city guidesLooking for the perfect gift for the hard to please, look no further than the Louis Vuitton City Guides\8" 977_bigThumbImage.jpg977_smallThumbImage.jpgFor the past 10 years the Louis Vuitton City Guides have been one of my favourite gifts to give. Available in a box set covering the continents of Europe, Asia or America each book captures the essence of its subject city perfectly. With inspired writing and informed commentary the guides provide surprisingly off-beat reviews on food, bars, design, fashion, art and more. Drawing upon the resources of local journalists in each of the cities they cover the guides successfully deliver an interesting and varied point of view of each city. I highly recommend them.gift-giving-city-guides977_mainImage.jpg05аh gyСХцžmМСХцžrl@@ `‹›€АЧб* +Get Boxing FitGet yourself in the best shape of your lifeZ8"976_bigThumbImage.jpg976_smallThumbImage.jpgBoxing FitClaire Sullivan gets boxing fit the guys at Ringside in Auckland CityBoxing Fit, RingsideOver the past two years boxing has strangely become my thing. Not one for rah-rah gym classes amongst glamorous make-up wearing ladies, I'm more of a results person, and boxing as I have discovered definitely produces results.get-boxing-fit976_mainImage.jpg05в life@[sSž! Р;жRž{@@ ZœЌ€СирќРдхFacebombWith a name like Facebomb we're anticipating some dramatic results^8" 978_bigThumbImage.jpg978_smallThumbImage.jpgFacebombAnti-bacterial face cleansercleanser, exfoliant,We've been assured this all-natural cleansing ball is great for the men in your life that really don't like any fuss. Made from rhassoul mud, a natural anti-bacterial cleanser and finely ground walnut shells, it works to gently remove dead skin cells to improve skin's appearance. Hand blended into the mud are fragrances including geranium, damascus rose and sandalwood that all combine to leave your man smelling pretty darn good.gift-giving-facebomb978_mainImage.jpg05б e gi€Œjž!к€ѕ ž{@@ kвт€ї'E_”ЋМLouis Vuitton City GuidesLooking for the perfect gift for the hard to please, look no further than the Louis Vuitton City Guides\8" 977_bigThumbImage.jpg977_smallThumbImage.jpgLouis Vuitton City GuidesCity guides from Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton, city guidesFor the past 10 years the Louis Vuitton City Guides have been one of my favourite gifts to give. Available in a box set covering the continents of Europe, Asia or America each book captures the essence of its subject city perfectly. With inspired writing and informed commentary the guides provide surprisingly off-beat reviews on food, bars, design, fashion, art and more. Drawing upon the resources of local journalists in each of the cities they cover the guides successfully deliver an interesting and varied point of view of each city. I highly recommend them.gift-giving-city-guides977_mainImage.jpg05Ь outЯžqСХЯžГы@ wѓ/G€Ї:KFilm Review: Bill Cunningham New YorkDana Johnston HEADS ALONG TO SEE THE STORY OF NEW YORKS MOST UNASSUMING YET WIDELY INFLUENTIAL FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER ON FILMR8"972_bigThumbImage.jpg972_smallThumbImage.jpgBill Cunningham New YorkDana Johnston heads along to see Bill Cunningham New YorkBill Cunningham New York, Dana JohnstonArt house movies have never been high on my radar however, from time I will step out of the mainstream and let's face it, most often at the suggestion of my more arty friends) and am always pleasantly surprised. So the other night I went along and saw Bill Cunningham New York and this was no exception. In fact, suffice to say, I could easily go along for round two.film-review-bill-cunningham-new-york972_mainImage.jpg05Ю Spe—Iže˜€ѕ žrz@@ ^ЋЛ€ачѓ5nz‹Fluoro ManiaScrap Wall considers the subtleties of the often overlooked Fluorescent lightV8"974_bigThumbImage.jpg974_smallThumbImage.jpgFluoro ManiaScrap Wall on the Fluoro Lightfluoro mania, scrap wall, exhibitionOne seemingly simple thing that I am always drawn to is the lighting of a space. Specifically the use of light in art. There are favourites, of course, artists that have played with the effective use of the humble lightbulb, those who use projections, but for me the fascination with fluorescent tubes never ends.fluoro-mania974_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ўўугъЧŸф5х`L WЕ0$$v“яU05яge tўžeК§žrЂ@ \ЉЙ€ЯчёSƒŒžL'AssietteAnother addition to the Britomart scene woos us with its impressive offerings˜8&1007_bigThumbImage.jpg1007_smallThumbImage.jpgL'AssietteL'Assiette french cafe in Britomart Aucklandlassiette, france, britomart, french cuisine, aucklandA little under a month ago we made our annual post Milan Furniture Fair pilgrimage to Paris, home of fabulous fashion and haute cuisine. While in Paris we indulged in all manor of Francophile food knowing that it would be at least another year before we experienced it in all its delectable authenticity.lassiette1007_mainImage.jpg<5№ establi‘žd‘ž?ЅРsP iЬм€ммммм(@Listen: Suuns - Zeroes QCCutting a lean ten tracks, this album creates a menacing presence of paranoia right from the outsetš8& There seems to be something in the water up in Canada. Hot on the heels of more established bands such as Besnard Lakes and Stars (both reviewed here on The Denizen), come Suuns "“ four guys from Montreal, with their debut album Zeroes QC that sits comfortably alongside the recent efforts of their more illustrious contemporaries.listen-suuns---zeroes-qc05щ tantСХєžiєžLЏ@@ a“Ѓ€ЙбуRћ In Store: StoreWe find the perfect storage solution for your homeŒ8%1001_bigThumbImage.jpg1001_smallThumbImage.jpgEstablished & SonsEstablished & Sons kitchen storage canistersstorage, kitchen, Established & Sons, simon james, department storeIt's a hard task finding elegant storage solutions for your home. Not all inhabitants of one's kitchen should be relegated to the pantry. There are some things, like freshly baked cookies, that deserve pole position, ensuring that at any given time they are only an arm's reach away. Such treats should be given suitable housing, suitable enough to sit proudly on one's kitchen bench without distorting the visual aesthetic.in-store-store1001_mainImage.jpg05ь r th€ŒjDžhDžLС@@ d•Ѕ€ЛгггггуѕIt's a Man's WorldGift inspiration for the gentler man in your life’8&1004_bigThumbImage.jpg1004_smallThumbImage.jpgits-a-mans-world1004_mainImage.jpg05эacarпži;СХпž{z@@ eІЖ€Ьфї3bЇЙЫJ'aime Les MacaronsHayley Middleton discovers the perfect gift, or event showstopper”8&1005_bigThumbImage.jpg1005_smallThumbImage.jpgJ'aime les macaronsHayley Middleton reports on the best macarons in New ZealandHayley Middleton, macarons, j'aime les macaronsFrom early beginnings at the infamous Christchurch Farmers Market J'aime les Macarons has continued to be inspired by the great maker of macarons Parisian pastry chef Pierre Herme. A reflection of co-owners Amanda McBeath and Bridget O'Sullivan's obsession with perfection these morsels of delight bring glamour back to food.jaime-les-macarons1005_mainImage.jpg05юпžqЌСХпž{[@ bАР€жюўByGWiJames RestaurantThe eagerly awaited new Auckland restaurant officially opens its doors tonight–8&1006_bigThumbImage.jpg1006_smallThumbImage.jpgJames RestaurantThe eagerly awaited new restaurant James opens its doors in AucklandJamie Miller, Gisele Trezevant Miller, James restaurantSuccumbing to pressure from our readers after we reported their forthcoming opening several weeks ago, Jamie Miller and Gisele Trezevant-Miller are pleased to advise that they are now open for business. With an emphasis on shared plates the menu offers an extensive array of tasty dishes. Anything from small bite sized morsels such as the Calamari Sandwich with pickles and mayonnaise through to aged beef rib, charcoal cooked and big enough for four to share.james-restaurant1006_mainImage.jpg05ъ ts f€ŒjžuTР;жž{˜@ aПЯ€х§§§§ТкьThe Lilith DollLooking for a gift that's slightly obscure? Tiffany Jeans new Lilith Doll Candle fits the billŽ8%1002_bigThumbImage.jpg1002_smallThumbImage.jpgStylist Tiffany Jeans who creates a unique hand crafted line of curios and objects for the home under the name Curio Noir, has added the The Lilith Doll candle to her collection of handmade pieces.in-store-the-lilith-doll1002_mainImage.jpg05ыr th—IЕžiyР;жЕžo~@@ vЫл€ё -Q‡Lp‚Italian Tapas on board the HaparandaIndulge in an intimate sailing and dining experience on board the beautiful Haparanda8&1003_bigThumbImage.jpg1003_smallThumbImage.jpgItalian Tapas on board the HaparandaItalian Tapas on board the Haparandaitalian tapas, auckland, haparanda, sailing, waitemataWith a history that dates back over 50 years Haparanda is a classic 70ft schooner that's been built and rebuilt by two generations of one family. With a spacious open plan modern saloon and extensive deck, the Haparanda is the perfect vessel on which to enjoy an afternoon on the Waitemata harbour. While on board chef Alessandra Manunza prepares a degustation of Italian tapas, while you sit back and enjoy the stunning views and sunset over the water.italian-tapas-on-board-the-haparanda1003_mainImage.jpg05щ tantєži(єž{И@@ W‰™€ЏЧйHёџStoreWe find the perfect storage solution for your homeŒ8%1001_bigThumbImage.jpg1001_smallThumbImage.jpgEstablished & SonsEstablished & Sons kitchen storage canistersstorage, kitchen, Established & Sons, simon james, department storeIt's a hard task finding elegant storage solutions for your home. Not all inhabitants of one's kitchen should be relegated to the pantry. There are some things, like freshly baked cookies, that deserve pole position, ensuring that at any given time they are only an arm's reach away. Such treats should be given suitable housing, suitable enough to sit proudly on one's kitchen bench without distorting the visual aesthetic.in-store-store1001_mainImage.jpgпžqСХпžMB@ bАР€жюўByGWiJames RestaurantThe eagerly awaited new Auckland restaurant officially opens its doors tonight–8&1006_bigThumbImage.jpg1006_smallThumbImage.jpgJames RestaurantThe eagerly awaited new restaurant James opens its doors in AucklandJamie Miller, Gisele Trezevant Miller, James restaurantSuccumbing to pressure from our readers after we reported their forthcoming opening several weeks ago, Jamie Miller and Gisele Trezevant-Miller are pleased to advise that they are now open for business. With an emphasis on shared plates the menu offers an extensive array of tasty dishes. Anything from small bite sized morsels such as the Calamari Sandwich with pickles and mayonnaise through to aged beef rib, charcoal cooked and big enough for four to share.james-restaurant1006_mainImage.jpg05ъ ts f€ŒjžuР;жžLМ@ aПЯ€х§§§§ТкьThe Lilith DollLooking for a gift that's slightly obscure? Tiffany Jeans new Lilith Doll Candle fits the billŽ8%1002_bigThumbImage.jpg1002_smallThumbImage.jpgStylist Tiffany Jeans who creates a unique hand crafted line of curios and objects for the home under the name Curio Noir, has added the The Lilith Doll candle to her collection of handmade pieces.in-store-the-lilith-doll1002_mainImage.jpg%1001_bigThumbImage.jpg1001_smallThumbImage.jpgEstablished & SonsEstablished & Sons kitchen storage canistersstorage, kitchen, Established & Sons, simon james, department storeIt's a hard task finding elegant storage solutions for your home. Not all inhabitants of one's kitchen should be relegated to the pantry. There are some things, like freshly baked cookies, that deserve pole position, ensuring that at any given time they are only an arm's reach away. Such treats should be given suitable housing, suitable enough to sit proudly on one's kitchen bench without distorting the visual aesthetic.in-store-store1001_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!` N Yn‚№5Y`.тXуp Л-a05й PЌ^Ѕ‹5 ЅЪ>6 З@€ kЮо€є .•Ф;MMust Have: The fat busterWe find a revolutionary body cream that delivers a unique alternative to your morning caffeine kick)Ж1497_bigThumbImage.jpg1497_smallThumbImage.jpgMust Have: Essential 24 Body CreamWe find a revolutionary fat-busting product that delivers another way to get your morning caffeine kickSothys, cellulite, cream, beauty, fat, caffeineIf you’re someone guilty of hitting the snooze button more often than you make it to your morning gym session, or have all-to-frequent bouts of guilt over that extra slice of cake, then we suspect this product will be one for you. It has been noted that afternoon and evening ‘sugar hits’ are one of the primary causes of cellulite formation.Must-Have-Essential-24-Body-Cream1497_mainImage.jpg05к#/ˆ 5 /ЧC6 Ж@ lВТ€и№ P~/ALet’s drink to reciprocityDion Nash offers some valuable insight into the concept of reciprocity1Ж1498_bigThumbImage.jpg1498_smallThumbImage.jpgLet’s drink to reciprocityDion Nash offers some valuable insight into the concept of reciprocityDion Nash, reciprocity, reap, insight, musingsHe aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people! Proving that life is as much about happenstance as it is about design or planning, I spent the better part of six years working for the New Zealand Vodka brand 42Below because of a chance meeting with one of its founders at a rowing competition in a gym.Let’s-drink-to-reciprocity1498_mainImage.jpg05л ˜­^rz5 §rЙR6 Ж‹@ xщљ€'EЖп@^pDesign Folio Magazine Live From Milan!Stay at the forefront of the design scene with our live daily updates from Milan, the birthplace of global designGЖ1499_bigThumbImage.jpg1499_smallThumbImage.jpgDesign Folio Magazine in MilanStay at the forefront of the design scene with our live daily updates from Milan, the birthplace of global designClaire Sullivan, Milan, Salone del MobileFor the tenth consecutive year Denizen’s sister website and magazine Design Folio (helmed by Denizen’s Editor-in-chief Claire Sullivan) have embarked on an annual design pilgrimage to the Salone del Mobile in Milan. The Salone del Mobile is the world’s largest interiors and design fair, with over 400,000 people descending on the city for the occasion.design-folio-magazine-in-milan1499_mainImage.jpg05м |h4 ё|ЇS6 КЁ sЯп€ѕ .ŠК:ZlWin: The three course power lunchWe offer you the chance to win a lunch for four at our new found favourite lunchtime retreatJЖ1500_bigThumbImage.jpg1500_smallThumbImage.jpgWin: The three course power lunchWe offer you the chance to win a lunch for four at our new found favourite lunchtime retreathotel DeBrett, kitchen, bento lunch, sqaure mealFor most of us, the better part of the working week is unfortunately not dictated by the long lunch, so when the hour of precious time rolls around at midday from Monday through to Friday, we are left with the big decision on ‘what to do for lunch’. Forget last night’s sad leftovers, the takeaway sushi or the last disappointing cafщ sandwich- we have found the ultimate power lunch.win-the-three-course-power-lunch1500_mainImage.jpg05н0™У4Аe5 4Аe6 З@ aгу€љ …Я'Listen: VisionsThe talented Claire Boucher a.k.a Grimes is back with her dreamy dance-pop songs destined to be enjoyed after darkЗa1501_bigThumbImage.jpg1501_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: VisionsThe sweetly sexy Claire Boucher is back with dreamy dance-pop songs destined to be enjoyed after darkVisions, Claire Boucher, Grimes, montreal, music, pop, experimental, indieEccentric and odd. Innocent and beguiling. Visions, the new album by Montreal electronic experimentalist par excellence Claire Boucher, aka Grimes, is a jaw dropping display of raw talent that immediately has propelled her to the vanguard of hipster chic and the intersection of pop, electronic, indie and dance.Listen-Visions1501_mainImage.jpg05о РuвЎ`Н8 ЁЎ!ƒ7 З@@€ nэ§€+GЦЦ (:In Store: Converse x MissoniConverse and Missoni have paired up yet again, with the iconic All Stars kitted out in Missoni’s signature multi-coloured weave0З1502_bigThumbImage.jpg1502_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Converse x MissoniConverse and Missoni have paired up yet again, with the iconic All Stars kitted out in Missoni’s signature multi-coloured weaveConverse are the kind of shoes that lend themselves well to a refresh, encouraging creative outfits of all sorts to cast their own aesthetic onto the shoes iconic silhouette. In their fifth collaboration together, the limited edition 2012 spring collection for Converse and Missoni consists of two women’s versions and a refreshed unisex option. This time, the women’s sneakers are rendered in the signature Missoni zig-zag, the first in hues of cream, gold, silver and white, while the second shoe is decked out in cream, gold, silver and teal. The unisex offering sees the famous multi-stitch space-dyed cotton in navy and cream. All three designs are complete with leather detailing on the tongue, toecap, heel tab and lining, giving birth to yet another highly recognisable rendition of the Chuck Taylor. We’ll take one of each thanks.in-store-converse-x-missoni1502_mainImage.jpg05п `Р|ˆ+Г]7 +Г]8 З‰@ iою€3Ји!7IHow to: Win an argumentImprove your strike rate and take heed of these essential tips that are sure to help you steer your way towards a winEЗ1503_bigThumbImage.jpg1503_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Win an argumentImprove your strike rate and take heed of these essential tips that are sure to help you steer your way towards a winetiquette, argument, how to, etiquette, winning,If Charlie Sheen has taught us anything, it’s that ‘winning’ is the ultimate victory. Nobody likes to lose an argument but because you won’t always win an argument on your facts alone, here we present the essential guide that will arm you with an arsenal of tricks to ensure you hold court against even the toughest of opponents.how-to-win-an-argument1503_mainImage.jpg05р ЛPЯёгk8 ёгk8 З™@ oхѕ€ #@Бм2DDenizen Issue Three launches!Your chance to win a luxury weekend at Huka Lodge with the launch of Denizen magazine's highly anticipated third issueyЗ1504_bigThumbImage.jpg1504_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizen Issue Three launches!Your chance to win a luxury weekend at Huka Lodge with the launch of our our highly anticipated third print issuedenizen, magazine, issue three, huka lodge,Jam packed with exciting and inspiring content, we are pleased to announce that the third issue of Denizen magazine is hot off the press. From asking five leading foodies to tell us where and what they are eating this coming season, to Murray Crane’s concise guide for how to behave at art parties and our debut fashion editorial that showcases the essential new season edit, this issue has a plethora of fascinating content, that, as always, celebrates the art of living well from the eyes of our vast network of fascinating contributors living both locally and abroad.denizen-magazine-issue-three1504_mainImage.jpg05с .”8 .”8 ЗЁ@ ~~Ž€ЄМхх№№*xxRecipe: Ribs with BBQ Sauce by Mark Kinvig›З1505_bigThumbImage.jpg1505_smallThumbImage.jpgRecipe: Mark Kinvig's Ribs with BBQ Saucemarc kinvigRecipe-Marc-Kinvig's-Ribs-with-BBQ Sauce1505_mainImage.jpgat, as always, celebrates the art of living well from the eyes of our vast network of fascinating contributors living both locally and abroad.denizen-magazine-issue-three1504_mainImage.jpgage.jpgpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Иt+ёЪ ^ ю­`X5Z`fŠYфŒб№Ъ/05н0™У4Аe5 4Аe6 З@ aгу€љ …Я'Listen: VisionsThe talented Claire Boucher a.k.a Grimes is back with her dreamy dance-pop songs destined to be enjoyed after darkЗa1501_bigThumbImage.jpg1501_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: VisionsThe sweetly sexy Claire Boucher is back with dreamy dance-pop songs destined to be enjoyed after darkVisions, Claire Boucher, Grimes, montreal, music, pop, experimental, indieEccentric and odd. Innocent and beguiling. Visions, the new album by Montreal electronic experimentalist par excellence Claire Boucher, aka Grimes, is a jaw dropping display of raw talent that immediately has propelled her to the vanguard of hipster chic and the intersection of pop, electronic, indie and dance.Listen-Visions1501_mainImage.jpg05о РuвЎ`Н8 ЁЎ!ƒ7 З@@€ nэ§€+GЦЦ (:In Store: Converse x MissoniConverse and Missoni have paired up yet again, with the iconic All Stars kitted out in Missoni’s signature multi-coloured weave0З1502_bigThumbImage.jpg1502_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Converse x MissoniConverse and Missoni have paired up yet again, with the iconic All Stars kitted out in Missoni’s signature multi-coloured weaveConverse are the kind of shoes that lend themselves well to a refresh, encouraging creative outfits of all sorts to cast their own aesthetic onto the shoes iconic silhouette. In their fifth collaboration together, the limited edition 2012 spring collection for Converse and Missoni consists of two women’s versions and a refreshed unisex option. This time, the women’s sneakers are rendered in the signature Missoni zig-zag, the first in hues of cream, gold, silver and white, while the second shoe is decked out in cream, gold, silver and teal. The unisex offering sees the famous multi-stitch space-dyed cotton in navy and cream. All three designs are complete with leather detailing on the tongue, toecap, heel tab and lining, giving birth to yet another highly recognisable rendition of the Chuck Taylor. We’ll take one of each thanks.in-store-converse-x-missoni1502_mainImage.jpg05п `Р|ˆ+Г]6 +Г]8 ИV@ iою€3Ји!7IHow to: Win an argumentImprove your strike rate and take heed of these essential tips that are sure to help you steer your way towards a winEЗ1503_bigThumbImage.jpg1503_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Win an argumentImprove your strike rate and take heed of these essential tips that are sure to help you steer your way towards a winetiquette, argument, how to, etiquette, winning,If Charlie Sheen has taught us anything, it’s that ‘winning’ is the ultimate victory. Nobody likes to lose an argument but because you won’t always win an argument on your facts alone, here we present the essential guide that will arm you with an arsenal of tricks to ensure you hold court against even the toughest of opponents.how-to-win-an-argument1503_mainImage.jpg05р ЛPЯёгk6 ёгk8 Лk@ oхѕ€ #@Бм2DDenizen Issue Three launches!Your chance to win a luxury weekend at Huka Lodge with the launch of Denizen magazine's highly anticipated third issueyЗ1504_bigThumbImage.jpg1504_smallThumbImage.jpgDenizen Issue Three launches!Your chance to win a luxury weekend at Huka Lodge with the launch of our our highly anticipated third print issuedenizen, magazine, issue three, huka lodge,Jam packed with exciting and inspiring content, we are pleased to announce that the third issue of Denizen magazine is hot off the press. From asking five leading foodies to tell us where and what they are eating this coming season, to Murray Crane’s concise guide for how to behave at art parties and our debut fashion editorial that showcases the essential new season edit, this issue has a plethora of fascinating content, that, as always, celebrates the art of living well from the eyes of our vast network of fascinating contributors living both locally and abroad.denizen-magazine-issue-three1504_mainImage.jpg05у 3ЌQ =9 Q =9 ЗЕ@ `ЇЗ€Эхѓ:X7EWA perfect poutGloss lovers beware; we may just have found the lipstick to convert youБЗ1507_bigThumbImage.jpg1507_smallThumbImage.jpgA perfect poutGloss lovers beware; we may just have found the lipstick to convert youlipstick, beauty, karen murellAs much as I love a splash of colour on the lip, all too often I find my lips dried from lipstick and I’m left with a less-than-perfect pout. Thus, lipstick is often demoted by midday in favour of a tint or gloss, - or so it was, until the recent discovery of Karen Murrell’s range of lipsticks. Although touted as a lipstick, we’re more inclined to think of it as hybrid between a balm and a stick. The longwearing formula actually cares for your lips as it imparts one of the natural, richly pigmented shades. The Karen Murrell range fuses lip-loving ingredients such as avocado oil and evening primrose oil to provide moisture and hydration, along with our particular kryptonite - the addition of cinnamon, to aid in plumping the lips (we must admit we are rather addicted to the smell of it too). I can’t go past the new ‘coral dawn’ hue, one of the four new shades that has just been added to the range. The tangerine organic shade hits all the right notes as we welcome the new season.a-perfect-pout1507_mainImage.jpg05с .”8 .”8 Зл@ | 1Irr}EWRecipe: Ribs with BBQ Sauce by Marc KinvigAn absolute classic, it can be rather difficult to ignore a plate of sticky, smoky BBQ ribs, especially when following this Kohi chef's recipe.›З1505_bigThumbImage.jpg1505_smallThumbImage.jpgRecipe: Mark Kinvig's Ribs with BBQ Saucemarc kinvigAfter working and travelling the world, chef Marc Kinvig spent the next few years at the infamous Icebergs in Sydney, before setting in Auckland. Marc is currently head chef at Auckland's waterfront institution Cafe on Kohi, where diners revel in his unique take on brunch fare. Here, Marc walks us through his delicious BBQ ribs recipe, a staple for friends and family and always popular with a large group of boys.Recipe-Marc-Kinvig's-Ribs-with-BBQ Sauce1505_mainImage.jpg05ф Р„; РУS9 Зю tдф€њ4‹Ћћ.Recipe: Pizza bread by Marc KinvigSoft and slightly crunchy on top, this Italian pizza bread recipe is a gift from the baking godsЧЗ1508_bigThumbImage.jpg1508_smallThumbImage.jpgRecipe: Pizza bread by Mark KinvigSoft, slightly crunchy on top, Marc's pizza bread recipe is a gift from the baking godsmarc kinvig, recipe, pizza breadAfter working and travelling the world, chef Marc Kinvig spent the next few years at the infamous Icebergs in Sydney, before setting in Auckland. Marc is currently head chef at Auckland's waterfront institution Cafe on Kohi, where diners revel in his unique take on brunch fare. Here, he shares with us his delicious pizza bread recipe.Recipe-Pizza-bread-by-Marc-Kinvig1508_mainImage.jpg05т Ž*.< ЩŽ*.9 КŸ …Щй€яIЋ N`Recipe: BBQ corn with basil and parmigiano reggianoCorn is given a makeover as Marc Kinvig's ultimate BBQ accompanimentІЗ`1506_bigThumbImage.jpg1506_smallThumbImage.jpgRecipe: BBQ corn with basil and parmigiano reggiano by Marc KinvigCorn is given a makeover in Marc Kinvig's ultimate BBQ accompanimentmarc kinvig, recipe, BBQ, cornIn the latest issue of Denizen magazine (in store now), chef Marc Kinvig, who helms the kitchen at the Cafe and Store on Kohi, introduced us to his delicious brussels sprouts salad, a recipe hot on his radar for the winter months ahead. Here, he shares with us the secrets behind another of his go-to dishes - BBQ corn with basil and parmigiano reggiano.Recipe-BBQ-corn-with-basil-and-parmigiano-reggiano-by-Marc-Kinvig1506_mainImage.jpgmainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ќN*Ѕ С‡`Y5[ `$ЪZхцŽW%05х ``ЂˆиІ ; €ихF< ЙZ@ oЬм€ђ '„А8JThe essentials: Mobeen BhikooThe well-groomed hair guru shares with us the items he simply can’t live without week to week№З1509_bigThumbImage.jpg1509_smallThumbImage.jpgThe essentials: Mobeen BhikooThe well-groomed hair guru shares with us the items he simply can’t live without week to weekmobeen bhikoo, stephen marr, the essentials,In the start of our new ongoing series, entitled The Essentials, we ask a slew of ever-inspiring denizens ‘what they can’t live without’ on a weekly basis. Mobeen Bhikoo, co-owner and senior stylist at Stephen Marr Newmarket and The Department Store, is the man responsible for some of this city’s best hair. Here, he reveals the things he simply won't do without.the-essentials-mobeen-bhikoo1509_mainImage.jpg05ц ͘Ю~о; ё~S< ЙХ@ iгу€љ(’Н.@In Store: Cheaney ShoesPut your best foot forward with a pair of these heritage English shoes that have just landed on our shoresXИ1510_bigThumbImage.jpg1510_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Cheaney ShoesPut your best foot forward with a pair of these heritage English shoes that have just landed on our shorescrane brothers, cheaney shoes, murray craneAs the chill of winter looms, as does the need for a quality pair of shoes that can withstand wet and cold weather whilst still looking sleek.The forthcoming news will be a treat for all of the well-heeled men in our midst, as Crane Brothers are lucky enough to have secured the exclusive rights to Cheaney shoes after a recent buying trip abroad.in-store-cheaney-shoes1510_mainImage.jpg05ч ЁT< ёЁT< ИŸ@€ tр№€@ŽФEfxNew Opening: The Grassy Knoll cafщShortland St’s latest cafщ addition provides a sunny lunchtime sanctuary for its inner city business patronsiИ1511_bigThumbImage.jpg1511_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: The Grassy Knoll cafщShortland St’s latest cafщ addition opens its doors a flock of inner city fansnew opening, the grassy knoll, cafe, CBD, shortland stHoused in the beautiful DeBrett’s building, owners Natasha Macindoe and Roy Bell saw the need for a friendly local spot in the inner city. When the opportunity to take over the existing cafщ arose, the couple jumped at it and worked around the clock for a little under three weeks to transform the existing space into their freshly opened sunny inner city sanctuary – The Grassy Knoll.new-opening-the-grassy-knoll-cafщ1511_mainImage.jpg05щНЁС”< !‚Z< ЙW@ nУг€щ”У1Listen: Put Your Back N 2 ItAndrew Reinholds reviews the dark and twisted sounds of Perfume Genuis’s latest albumLЙ1513_bigThumbImage.jpg1513_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Put Your Back N 2 ItDelicate and melancholic, Perfume Genuis’s latest album is the ultimate sorrowful story, interwoven with a dash of hopeandrew reinholds, perfume genuis, music, album,Perfume Genius is 30 year old Seattle-ite Mike Hadreas and this, his second album, takes us on a journey beyond the dark twisted stories that haunted his debut album to a much warmer and hopeful place where people exchange anonymous sex for drugs and AWOL Marines get up to what you could only probably not want to guess.Listen-Put-Your-Back-N-2-It1513_mainImage.jpg05ш Фа: •ФL< Мf€ bнэ€+Диr‚”The sweet burgerNestled down a leafy Grey Lynn side street, a new cakery offers a sugary treat that is sure to satisfy any candied cravingsЁИ1512_bigThumbImage.jpg1512_smallThumbImage.jpgThe sweet burgerNestled down a leafy Grey Lynn side street, we came across a sugary treat that is sure to satisfy any candied cravings you happen to havewhoopie, cake, pie, treat, grey lynnIt can be rather difficult to resist a sweet treat, especially when it reminds you of an inside out cupcake and tastes like something the heavenly kitchens would produce. Introducing the Whoopie. For those of you who have no clue what this strangely named ‘thing’ is, a Whoopie is traditionally a sweet baked treat made up of two dome shaped cakes sandwiched together with the help of a sweet and creamy icing.The-sweet-burger1512_mainImage.jpg05ъ `Р|ˆtХq< tХq< Й–@ hЯп€ѕ #uœѓ The last sip of summerWe wrap our lips around a new Swedish cider that is perfect to enjoy on these last few sunny afternoons\Йb1514_bigThumbImage.jpg1514_smallThumbImage.jpgThe last sip of summerWe discover a new cider that is perfect to enjoy on a clear, sunny April afternooncider, Rekorderlig, pear, summer tippleIt seems that summer has decided to linger a little longer, shoving autumn from the seasonal stage and showing its sunny self off in April instead of its usual early year slot. We are most definitely making the most of this summer resurgence, having just discovered the refreshing tipple, Rekorderlig cider that has just arrived on our shores.the-last-sip-of-summer1514_mainImage.jpg05ы лЩЋЯhъ< !ЮЇ$= К@€ ]ЉЙ€Ячђ>‰ЃЎРThe Wrap UpKeep warm with our pick of the new season jackets hot on our radar right now‰Й1515_bigThumbImage.jpg1515_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Wrap UpKeep warm with our pick of the new season jackets hot on our radar right nowjackets, karen walker, kate sylvester, camilla and marc, therese rawsthorneEvery winter wardrobe deserves a new addition as we prepare to buckle down to the chill of winter. Make it count by investing in a statement piece that will see you through the entire season in suitable style. Here is our pick of the latest in store offerings all available locally.the-wrap-up1515_mainImage.jpg05ь єЃ+cя< cР)= К„@ yйщ€џ>žТk‘ЃDish of the week: kapiti grilled cheeseWe discover a gourmet local cheese company serving up the best grilled cheese sandwiches in town˜Й1516_bigThumbImage.jpg1516_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the week: kapiti grilled cheeseWe discover a gourmet local cheese company serving up the best grilled cheese sandwiches in towngrilled cheese, lunch, kapiti cheeseGrilled cheese is one of the quintessential winter comfort foods. Who can argue with the simple delicacy of delicious melted cheese and bread? While the classic grilled cheese sandwich has always assumed its culinary position as a kid's favourite, or for its magical qualities in helping soak up the excesses of the night before, thanks to Kapiti Cheese, it's now elevated its status back up to an acceptable lunchtime treat.dish-of-the-week-kapiti-grilled-cheese1516_mainImage.jpg05э эбВ@ хэ’x? Кž@€ ~Яп€ѕ 9ŠАш%Watch: Architecture and design film festivalbroaden your cultural bandwidth with this must see film festival, opening in May.†КЫ1517_bigThumbImage.jpg1517_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: Architecture and design film festivalbroaden your cultural bandwidth with this must see film festival, opening in May.cultural, architecture, design, rialtoIf you’re looking for a way to while away a lazy May afternoon then we suggest you quickly fill in your upcoming schedule with movie dates to these exceptional flicks soon to be gracing the screen at Rialto cinemas in Newmarket. Rialto and Design On Screen (a non-profit organisation that produces, distributes and preserves high-quality films on architecture and design) have come together to present the festival which will showcase a stellar line up of 20 exciting films from the world of Architecture and Design. The festival offers an simply unmissable lineup for anyone with an interest in the world of architecture and design, or simply these wishing to extend their cultural horizons – with films offering insight into the minds of some of the most influential names. Here is our pick of must-sees from the schedule.watch-architecture-and-design-film-festival1517_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ЅB'b “ ъЊ`Z5\`њЕ[хY‚pкЩ05ю `ЈDПQ? DПQ@ М0@ iЕХ€лѓ VV4J\In Store: VPL Underwearthe cult New York underwear-as-outerwear label finally arrives on our shoresК1518_bigThumbImage.jpg1518_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: VPL Underwearthe cult new york underwear-as-outerwear label finally arrives on our shoresSometimes underwear, however impractical it may be, is just far too stylish to keep under wraps. However, thanks to the practical thinking of New York ex-stylist Victoria Bartlett, VPL has no reason to be kept hidden away.in-store-vpl-underwear1518_mainImage.jpg05ё тж5A €тж5C Лg fбс€ї#ЌЌCWiThe Six Dollar feastWe get our vegetarian fix in an establishment that’s been serving locals and wanderers alike for many years№К1521_bigThumbImage.jpg1521_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Six Dollar feastWe get our vegetarian fix on the main stretch of K’Road in an establishment that’s been serving locals and wanderers alike for many yearsMake no bones about it – this is not a glamorous affair. But then again, except for a small handful of places, K’ Road isn’t really renowned for its refined execution. At Vegetarian Cafщ, you won’t find menus on the table, or staff that attend them, and you’ll also be encouraged to clear your own plate. But, you can expect large tasty portions, and for as little as $6, you’ll leave bursting at the seams.the-six-dollar-feast1521_mainImage.jpg05я ЂКB ёЂКC Лq@ wЯп€ѕ  fŒШкьRecipe: Creamy mash & braised cabbageErwin Zimmet's shares the accompanying recipes to his celebrated braised pork belly dishЃКЯ 1519_bigThumbImage.jpg1519_smallThumbImage.jpgRecipe: Creamy mashRestauranteur Erwin Zimmet's shares his deliciously creamy potato mashrecipe creamy mash potato irwin zimmetIn the latest issue of Denizen magazine, restaurateur Erwin Zimmet from Ponsonby Rd's Ella restaurant takes us through his tasty pork belly recipe - best enjoyed of course in the company of his delicious creamy potato mash and braised cabbage. Here, he shares with us the secrets behind these perfect partner dishes.recipe-creamy-mash1519_mainImage.jpg05№ =1€Ќ ѓB ЌI-C Лi@€ gОЮ€фќhЄ#5The Louis Vuitton ZooA recent trip to Milan saw us get up close and personal with the luxury label’s new zooЏКо1520_bigThumbImage.jpg1520_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Louis Vuitton ZooA recent trip to Milan saw us get up close and personal with the luxury label’s new zoolouis vuitton zoo, billie achilleos, milan, salon del mobileCutting and pasting Louis Vuitton leather is a craft project that most could only dream of doing – or perhaps not! The idea of tampering with any prized Louis Vuitton purchase presents itself as rather frightening, unless of course your name is Billie Achilleos, and you’re given free reign of the luxury house’s leather goods as part of a collaboration project.the-louis-vuitton-zoo1520_mainImage.jpg05ђрЌЯЮл~ў@ AлН8C М2@Р fці€ $;‘З‘ЇЙElixir: Pacific NoniSarah Kapeli introduces us to the impressive benefits of the tropical island plant tipped as Miranda Kerr's secret beauty weaponљКb1522_bigThumbImage.jpg1522_smallThumbImage.jpgMust have: Pacific NoniSarah Kapeli discovers the impressive medicinal benefits of this tropical island plantmiranda kerr, noni juice, pacific noniEver stopped to think about your kidney health? Probably not. Most of us go through life torching the candle at both ends (myself included) blissfully unaware of the real value of our health until we actually get sick.must-have-pacific-noni1522_mainImage.jpg05ђрЌЯЮл~ў@ AлН8C М3@Р fці€ $8ŽДŽЄЖElixir: Pacific NoniSarah Kapeli introduces us to the impressive benefits of the tropical island plant tipped as Miranda Kerr's secret beauty weaponљКb1522_bigThumbImage.jpg1522_smallThumbImage.jpgElixir: Pacific NoniSarah Kapeli discovers the impressive medicinal benefits of this tropical island plantmiranda kerr, noni juice, pacific noniEver stopped to think about your kidney health? Probably not. Most of us go through life torching the candle at both ends (myself included) blissfully unaware of the real value of our health until we actually get sick.must-have-pacific-noni1522_mainImage.jpgpening-bluebells-cakery1525_mainImage.jpg05ѓ C‹#иC #OC Лљ@ hкъ€. сђAl Brown at Huka LodgeWe receive word of a once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience offered at our country’s most iconic riverside retreatZЛ1523_bigThumbImage.jpg1523_smallThumbImage.jpgAl Brown at Huka LodgeWe receive word of a once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience offered at our country’s most iconic riverside retreathuka lodge, al brown, owners cottage, culinary experience, luxuryIt’s not often (if ever) you’re presented with the opportunity for you and seven friends to indulge in a private five-course dinner personally prepared for you by celebrated chef Al Brown, all enjoyed from within the comforts of the exclusive Owner’s Cottage at Huka Lodge.al-brown-at-huka-lodge1523_mainImage.jpg05іЎџ0C Ўџ0D Лќ@ „щљ€'XНѕ9hzListen: Steven Patrick Morrissey - A retrospectiveOur resident music man looks back on Morrisey's solo musical journey after his earlier rock band fameёЛ1526_bigThumbImage.jpg1526_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Steven Patrick Morrissey. A retrospectiveOur resident music man looks back on Morrisey's solo musical journey after his earlier rock band famemusic, steven patrick morrissey, album, andrew reinholdsSo Morrissey isn’t making it down to either Australia or New Zealand for his 2012 global tour. As a result, I am taking the plunge and heading up to Singapore to see him live for the second, and most probably last time in my lifetime.My first Mozza experience was in Manchester 2004, during his triumphant return to form with the excellent ‘You Are The Quarry’ album. For many, their relationship with Morrissey ended with the demise of The Smiths. Unlike his great song writing partner Johnny Marr – who has popped up with any number of different bands since – Morrissey has continued on a very clear and single-minded career path since the disintegration of The Smiths in 1987. So, let’s take a quick look back at the highlights of what has at times been a chequered solo career of one of rock’s most unique and enduring front men.listen-steven-patrick-morrissey-a-retrospective1526_mainImage.jpg05єzЎ\C azЎ\C М$@ cЬм€ђ ‡Чhy‹May film round upMay delivers us an eclectic collection of films that are sure to have you beelining to the nearest cinematЛЯ 1524_bigThumbImage.jpg1524_smallThumbImage.jpgMay film round upMay delivers us an eclectic collection of films that are sure to have you beelining it to the nearest cinemafilm, movie, michelle veysey, may, starbuck, le havre, last willOur resident film buff Michelle Veysey selects the three films that will keep your eyes and ears entertained with cinematic goodness throughout the month of May.may-film-round-up1524_mainImage.jpg05ї ZйFD ZйFD М'@ kбс€є    ;TcTwelve halves and a wholeAnna Hood trades in wine for electrolytes as she takes us through her six month running journey so far&МЬ0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgSo 2012, if you believe the hype, life as we know it is about to end, and for me that’s the plan. 2012 started sober (feeling good on the 1st January is always a novelty) with a run, a swim and the writing down of a string of goals to take me on a different journey from what has been my normal day-to-day.twelve-halves-and-a-whole0_mainImage.jpg-up1524_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!џњtрџМ %`[5]`~<\ц%ysQ…05єzЎ\C azЎ\C М$@ cЬм€ђ ‡Чhy‹May film round upMay delivers us an eclectic collection of films that are sure to have you beelining to the nearest cinematЛЯ 1524_bigThumbImage.jpg1524_smallThumbImage.jpgMay film round upMay delivers us an eclectic collection of films that are sure to have you beelining it to the nearest cinemafilm, movie, michelle veysey, may, starbuck, le havre, last willOur resident film buff Michelle Veysey selects the three films that will keep your eyes and ears entertained with cinematic goodness throughout the month of May.may-film-round-up1524_mainImage.jpg05ї ZйFD ZйFD М1@ kбс€ї(ŽЊмѕTwelve halves and a wholeAnna Hood trades in wine for electrolytes as she takes us through her six month running journey so far&МЬ1527_bigThumbImage.jpg1527_smallThumbImage.jpgTwelve halves and a wholeAnna Hood trades in wine for electrolytes as she takes us through her six month running journey so faranna hood, running, marathonSo 2012, if you believe the hype, life as we know it is about to end, and for me that’s the plan. 2012 started sober (feeling good on the 1st January is always a novelty) with a run, a swim and the writing down of a string of goals to take me on a different journey from what has been my normal day-to-day.twelve-halves-and-a-whole1527_mainImage.jpg05іЎџ0D Ўџ0D М+@ „шј€&WЛѓ7fxListen: Steven Patrick Morrissey - A retrospectiveAndrew Reinholds takes a look at the highlights of one of rock’s most unique and enduring front men.ёЛ1526_bigThumbImage.jpg1526_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Steven Patrick Morrissey. A retrospectiveAndrew Reinholds takes a look at the highlights of one of rock’s most unique and enduring front men.music, steven patrick morrissey, album, andrew reinholdsSo Morrissey isn’t making it down to either Australia or New Zealand for his 2012 global tour. As a result, I am taking the plunge and heading up to Singapore to see him live for the second, and most probably last time in my lifetime. My first Mozza experience was in Manchester 2004, during his triumphant return to form with the excellent ‘You Are The Quarry’ album. For many, their relationship with Morrissey ended with the demise of The Smiths. Unlike his great song writing partner Johnny Marr – who has popped up with any number of different bands since – Morrissey has continued on a very clear and single-minded career path since the disintegration of The Smiths in 1987. So let’s take a quick look back at the highlights of what has at times been a chequered solo career of one of rock’s most unique and enduring front men.listen-steven-patrick-morrissey-a-retrospective1526_mainImage.jpg05ѓ C‹#OC #OC М-@ nј6LОџ&8The Ultimate Culinary EscapeA once-in-a-lifetime experience to enjoy celebrated chef Al Brown as your own personal chef at our country’s most iconic riverside retreatZЛ1523_bigThumbImage.jpg1523_smallThumbImage.jpgAl Brown at Huka LodgeWe receive word of a once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience offered at our country’s most iconic riverside retreathuka lodge, al brown, owners cottage, culinary experience, luxuryIt’s not often (if ever) you’re presented with the opportunity for you and seven friends to indulge in a private five-course dinner personally prepared for you by celebrated chef Al Brown, all enjoyed from within the comforts of the exclusive Owner’s Cottage at Huka Lodge.al-brown-at-huka-lodge1523_mainImage.jpg05ѕ •щB !•]#D Мd€ oФд€ъi’БЭпNew Opening: Bluebells Cakerywe take a nostalgic trip back in time and discover the newest boutique cakery in townŽЛe1525_bigThumbImage.jpg1525_smallThumbImage.jpgNew Opening: Bluebells Cakerywe take a trip back in time to discover the newest boutique cakery in towncupcakes, karla goodwin, bluebells cakeryWhile it may feel like there has been an abundance of cupcake offerings around the city over the past year (we’ve certainly eaten our way through a fair few), none, in our opinion, have quite nailed the same old-fashioned baked perfection as the new kid on the block – Bluebells’ Cakery.new-opening-bluebells-cakery1525_mainImage.jpg05ј РїIЯјбE !јбE Мc@ kЗЧ€нѕZyŽІИWatch: Late at the MuseumAuckland Museum indulges in a little sin with their latest after-dark seriesYМ1528_bigThumbImage.jpg1528_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: Late at the MuseumAuckland Museum indulges in a little sin with their latest after-dark seriesmuseum, late, seven deadly sinsA recent late night drive through the Auckland Domain had us marveling at our majestic museum, lit up in all its glory as soon as the sun goes down. It reminded us that we were urgently in need of a revisit and we were pleased to find the perfect excuse was just a few days away. Auckland Museum’s latest execution of their popular ‘Late’ series kicks off this Thursday 3rd May and sees series explore the intriguing concept of the Seven Deadly Sins and their relevance in today’s world. Starting with “Envy”, Auckland Museum will examine the sins in a contemporary context, discussed amongst a panel and is then coupled with a series of live entertainment from The Bellbirds, a Shakespeare vignette and a gallery tour of the museum collections inspired by envy or capable of inspiring it.watch-late-at-the-museum1528_mainImage.jpg05љ ‡a E ‡ GF Мq@ lЖЦ€мєX„žЗЩIn Store: The Phantom ToteScotties receives their new drop of the hotly coveted Celine leather goodsjМd1529_bigThumbImage.jpg1529_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: The Phantom ToteScotties receives their new drop of the hotly coveted Celine leather goodsceline, scotties, phantom tote, luggage toteJust when we thought our obsession with Celine handbags had begun to subside, this gem caught our eye and it was love (or more like longing) all over again. The perfectly oversized Phantom holdall is both classic and practical – essential justifications of a new handbag investment, and we are rapidly coming up with more. The super soft black calfskin tote is a take on the Celine ‘luggage’ bag but has the advantage of side flaps which fold out to extend its interior space - making it useful for carting around weighty day to day haul.in-store-the-phantom-tote1529_mainImage.jpg05њ РЗ’—‘ЗЦF с‘іG Нk@ nСб€чџnЗњ(The Mother's Day beauty editOur selection of cosmetic delights that promise to please mummy dearest next SundayНg1530_bigThumbImage.jpg1530_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Mother's Day beauty editOur selection of cosmetic delights that promise to please mummy dearest next Sundayestee lauder, sans, mac, mothers day, opi, kevin murphy, jo malone, grownIn honour of mother’s day, we’ve dedicated this month’s beauty edit to bringing you our definitive selection of gifts from the beauty counter. Forget the last minute flower dash and scribbled card, you’ll can thank us later when you’re left shining your halo after handing over any of these delightful cosmetic confections.the-mother's-day-beauty-edit1530_mainImage.jpg05ћ PŽ зкL@G `кL@G Нm@ pp€€“ЈЈЈЈЈЦеDish of the week: Il Buco SoupnН 0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpgdish-of-the-week:-il-buco-soup0_mainImage.jpg05ћ PŽ зкL@G `кL@G Нo@ pар€і+=Dish of the week: Il Buco SoupAs the chill of winter hits us, we seek immediate comfort in Il Buco’s liquid lunch of championsnН 1531_bigThumbImage.jpg1531_smallThumbImage.jpgdish-of-the-week-il-buco-soup1531_mainImage.jpgge.jpgthe-mother's-day-beauty-edit1530_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!џ9ыђЂ`j \5^`шЭ]чjCњў05ї ZйFD ZйFD М1@ kбс€ї(ŽЊмѕTwelve halves and a wholeAnna Hood trades in wine for electrolytes as she takes us through her six month running journey so far&МЬ1527_bigThumbImage.jpg1527_smallThumbImage.jpgTwelve halves and a wholeAnna Hood trades in wine for electrolytes as she takes us through her six month running journey so faranna hood, running, marathonSo 2012, if you believe the hype, life as we know it is about to end, and for me that’s the plan. 2012 started sober (feeling good on the 1st January is always a novelty) with a run, a swim and the writing down of a string of goals to take me on a different journey from what has been my normal day-to-day.twelve-halves-and-a-whole1527_mainImage.jpg05ј РїIЯјбE !јбE Мc@ kЗЧ€нѕZyŽІИWatch: Late at the MuseumAuckland Museum indulges in a little sin with their latest after-dark seriesYМ1528_bigThumbImage.jpg1528_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: Late at the MuseumAuckland Museum indulges in a little sin with their latest after-dark seriesmuseum, late, seven deadly sinsA recent late night drive through the Auckland Domain had us marveling at our majestic museum, lit up in all its glory as soon as the sun goes down. It reminded us that we were urgently in need of a revisit and we were pleased to find the perfect excuse was just a few days away. Auckland Museum’s latest execution of their popular ‘Late’ series kicks off this Thursday 3rd May and sees series explore the intriguing concept of the Seven Deadly Sins and their relevance in today’s world. Starting with “Envy”, Auckland Museum will examine the sins in a contemporary context, discussed amongst a panel and is then coupled with a series of live entertainment from The Bellbirds, a Shakespeare vignette and a gallery tour of the museum collections inspired by envy or capable of inspiring it.watch-late-at-the-museum1528_mainImage.jpg05љ ‡a E ‡ GF Мq@ lЖЦ€мєX„žЗЩIn Store: The Phantom ToteScotties receives their new drop of the hotly coveted Celine leather goodsjМd1529_bigThumbImage.jpg1529_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: The Phantom ToteScotties receives their new drop of the hotly coveted Celine leather goodsceline, scotties, phantom tote, luggage toteJust when we thought our obsession with Celine handbags had begun to subside, this gem caught our eye and it was love (or more like longing) all over again. The perfectly oversized Phantom holdall is both classic and practical – essential justifications of a new handbag investment, and we are rapidly coming up with more. The super soft black calfskin tote is a take on the Celine ‘luggage’ bag but has the advantage of side flaps which fold out to extend its interior space - making it useful for carting around weighty day to day haul.in-store-the-phantom-tote1529_mainImage.jpg05њ РЗ’—‘ЗЦE с‘іG ОЖ@ nСб€чџnЗњ(The Mother's Day beauty editOur selection of cosmetic delights that promise to please mummy dearest this SundayНg1530_bigThumbImage.jpg1530_smallThumbImage.jpgThe Mother's Day beauty editOur selection of cosmetic delights that promise to please mummy dearest next Sundayestee lauder, sans, mac, mothers day, opi, kevin murphy, jo malone, grownIn honour of mother’s day, we’ve dedicated this month’s beauty edit to bringing you our definitive selection of gifts from the beauty counter. Forget the last minute flower dash and scribbled card, you’ll can thank us later when you’re left shining your halo after handing over any of these delightful cosmetic confections.the-mother's-day-beauty-edit1530_mainImage.jpg05ћ PŽ зкL@G aкL@G Нz@ pар€і,ŒБ;XjDish of the week: Il Buco SoupAs the chill of winter hits us, we seek immediate comfort in Il Buco’s liquid lunch of championsnН 1531_bigThumbImage.jpg1531_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the week: Il Buco SoupAs the chill of winter hits us, we seek immediate comfort in Il Buco’s liquid lunch of championsil buco, winter, soup, johnny rudduckAs the icy chill of winter descends upon us, we’re pleased to find Ponsonby pizza institution Il Buco has all of our lunchtime woes at bay with the return of their famous winter soup. Served piping hot alongside tasty soldiers, Il Buco soup has earned a reputation in our books for its restorative properties, unfailingly providing comfort and curing the winter blues, especially on a cold day.dish-of-the-week-il-buco-soup1531_mainImage.jpg05ќЄ2I iЄ2J НН@@ eкъ€+ Х=Pb12 Gift Giving TipsWith mother’s day hot on our heels this weekend, Murray Crane divulges some helpful tips on how to tackle gift giving–Нc1532_bigThumbImage.jpg1532_smallThumbImage.jpg12 Gift Giving TipsWith mother’s day hot on our heels this weekend, Murray Crane divulges some helpful tips on how to tackle gift givingmother's day, murray crane, etiquetteWith another day on the horizon invented by either a large multinational soft drink manufacturer or greeting card maker it seems poignant to talk about gift buying. Buying gifts is always a challenge and it invariably ends up being a compromise of sorts. Whether it’s your mother, wife, lover, mistress or close friend, here are some tips to make the experience less annoying.12-gift-giving-tips1532_mainImage.jpg05§ њž>I …њž>J НС@€ iЭн€ѓ "†›/EWWeekend Escape: PorciniWe head northwest for a road trip to satiate our hunger with some hearty and delicious European fareŸН1533_bigThumbImage.jpg1533_smallThumbImage.jpgWeekend Escape: PorciniWe head northwest for a road trip to satiate our hunger with some hearty and delicious European farehelensville, porcinisAs the recent weekend rolled around, bringing with it shining sun and glorious bluebird skies, the need to escape the city took hold and we sought refuge in a Sunday drive to a favourite spot on the outskirts of town. Never one to pass up a day trip on a clear winter’s day, there are few better ways to enjoy the end of a weekend than a picturesque drive made complete by lazy evening at a cosy bistro.weekend-escape-porcini1533_mainImage.jpg05џ р,тЪЯи_J АЯи_J Нч@ uu…€˜­­­­­апHow to: Channel your inner comedianшНd0_bigThumbImage.jpg0_smallThumbImage.jpghow-to:-channel-your-inner-comedian0_mainImage.jpg05ў ‚Г I Х‚ђGJ Нъ@€ nЦж€ьvЉЛOnline: The new view-masterRelive your childhood with a unique gift option that puts a modern spin on an iconic toyЙН1534_bigThumbImage.jpg1534_smallThumbImage.jpgOnline: The new viewmasterRelive your childhood with a unique gift option that puts a modern take on an iconic toygift, viewmaster, image3dA quick debate around the Denizen office this morning concluded that the iconic red toy, otherwise known as the View-Master, was a childhood fixture amongst us all. This was met with both amusement and debate, considering our team’s varying generations, but impressive nonetheless. Needless to say we were equally enthused by discovering a website that offers the humble red binoculars equipped with a modern development – and it is quite possibly one of the most genius gift solutions we’ve seen in a long time.online-the-new-view-master1534_mainImage.jpgther, wife, lover, mistress or close friend, here are some tips to make the experience less annoying.12-gift-giving-tips1532_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3мzш g`]5_`C­^ш[ ‘SC№05ћ PŽ зк F aкL@G ОЙ@ pар€і,ŒБ;XjDish of the week: Il Buco SoupAs the chill of winter hits us, we seek immediate comfort in Il Buco’s liquid lunch of championsnН 1531_bigThumbImage.jpg1531_smallThumbImage.jpgDish of the week: Il Buco SoupAs the chill of winter hits us, we seek immediate comfort in Il Buco’s liquid lunch of championsil buco, winter, soup, johnny rudduckAs the icy chill of winter descends upon us, we’re pleased to find Ponsonby pizza institution Il Buco has all of our lunchtime woes at bay with the return of their famous winter soup. Served piping hot alongside tasty soldiers, Il Buco soup has earned a reputation in our books for its restorative properties, unfailingly providing comfort and curing the winter blues, especially on a cold day.dish-of-the-week-il-buco-soup1531_mainImage.jpg05ќЄнїH iЄ2J О@@ eкъ€+ Х=Pb12 Gift Giving TipsWith mother’s day hot on our heels this weekend, Murray Crane divulges some helpful tips on how to tackle gift giving–Нc1532_bigThumbImage.jpg1532_smallThumbImage.jpg12 Gift Giving TipsWith mother’s day hot on our heels this weekend, Murray Crane divulges some helpful tips on how to tackle gift givingmother's day, murray crane, etiquetteWith another day on the horizon invented by either a large multinational soft drink manufacturer or greeting card maker it seems poignant to talk about gift buying. Buying gifts is always a challenge and it invariably ends up being a compromise of sorts. Whether it’s your mother, wife, lover, mistress or close friend, here are some tips to make the experience less annoying.12-gift-giving-tips1532_mainImage.jpg05ў ‚Г I Х‚ђGJ Ня@€ nЦж€ьvЉЛOnline: The new view-masterRelive your childhood with a unique gift option that puts a modern spin on an iconic toyЙН1534_bigThumbImage.jpg1534_smallThumbImage.jpgOnline: The new viewmasterRelive your childhood with a unique gift option that puts a modern take on an iconic toygift, viewmaster, image3dA quick debate around the Denizen office this morning concluded that the iconic red toy, otherwise known as the View-Master, was a childhood fixture amongst us all. This was met with both amusement and debate, considering our team’s varying generations, but impressive nonetheless. Needless to say we were equally enthused by discovering a website that offers the humble red binoculars equipped with a modern development – and it is quite possibly one of the most genius gift solutions we’ve seen in a long time.online-the-new-view-master1534_mainImage.jpg05џ р,тЪЯи_J БЯи_J П^@ uою€?Јнљ-How to: Channel your inner comedianTo celebrate this month’s Comedy Festival, we’re sharpening up our skills with some tips from the mastersшНd1535_bigThumbImage.jpg1535_smallThumbImage.jpgHow to: Channel your inner comedianTo celebrate this month’s Comedy Festival, we’re sharpening up our skills with some tips from the masterscomedy, how to, funny, auckland comedy festival, tipsWhile humour is arguably almost impossible to teach, there are definitely some do’s and don’ts that we can learn. In light of this month’s International Comedy Festival, take heed of these tips we’ve put together from some of the masters to ensure your spontaneous humour is on point.how-to-channel-your-inner-comedian1535_mainImage.jpg05 ЈюiJ yЈAK П\@€ iЧз€эzр2HZExhibition: Ron EnglishOne of the reigning kings of guerilla art showcases his work in New Zealand for the first time˜Оf1537_bigThumbImage.jpg1537_smallThumbImage.jpgExhibition: Ron EnglishOne of the reigning kings of guerilla art showcases his work in New Zealand for the first timeexhibition, ron english, marilyn monroe, charles manson, mcdonalds, banksy, apple, mickey mouse, webbsAn artist who once commented that he measured his own success on whether or not his work landed him in jail, American artist Ron English is arguably one of the most controversial artists to come out of the 1980s/90s. Alongside the likes of contemporaries such as Banksy, English’s work is often credited as a key influence on street art as a means of political expression. In the 1980s he began experimenting with the concept of ‘liberating billboards’, in which commercial billboards were illegally altered to broadcast various political messages. English was subsequently dubbed the godfather of graffiti art – using his practice to take on corporate America. His targets have included the likes of Apple, whom he infamously replaced a Apple billboard image of Gandhi alongside their iconic slogan ‘Think Different’ with an image of Charles Manson.exhibition-ron-english1537_mainImage.jpg05§ њž>H …њž>J ОУ@€ lхѕ€ #:žГF\nWeekend Excursion: PorciniWe head northwest for a road trip to satiate our hunger with some hearty and delicious European fare off the beaten trackŸН1533_bigThumbImage.jpg1533_smallThumbImage.jpgWeekend Escape: PorciniWe head northwest for a road trip to satiate our hunger with some hearty and delicious European farehelensville, porcinisAs the recent weekend rolled around, bringing with it shining sun and glorious bluebird skies, the need to escape the city took hold and we sought refuge in a Sunday drive to a favourite spot on the outskirts of town. Never one to pass up a day trip on a clear winter’s day, there are few better ways to enjoy the end of a weekend than a picturesque drive made complete by lazy evening at a cosy bistro.weekend-escape-porcini1533_mainImage.jpg05 А1J Аp=K О№@ nШи€ю"€Ђ ЛЭRoad test: The Juice CleanseIn the pursuit of a virtuous health boost, we try out a brand new three day juice cleanse.О1536_bigThumbImage.jpg1536_smallThumbImage.jpgRoad test: The Juice CleanseIn the pursuit of a virtuous health conscious, we try out a brand new three day juice cleanse.phd cleanse, juice cleanse, detox,I’ve always been very intrigued by the hype behind juice cleanses. Having read countless times about the importance of ‘internal cleansing’, I have long wanted to try one out, but after failing to find a local company that did all the hard yards for you (in other words, prepared all the juices) I gave up hope. After all, who realistically has the time to spend all day in front of a juicer and blender? But so it was that last week, upon the discovery of PHD Cleanse, I finally found myself playing guniea pig to a three-day juice detox. Introduced into the market a little under a month ago by an ex navy diver and personal trainer who noticed a gap in New Zealand, PHD Cleanse (Pure Health Delivered) is NZ's first completely raw and natural body cleanse system.road-test-the-juice-cleanse1536_mainImage.jpg05 Н€УŸI\K ЁŸI\K Оэ@€ ~Юо€є 8ˆˆШђMy City: Christchurch by Jean-Michel TallottThe marketing manager for luxury cosmetics house de Spa revisits our Garden CityЩО 1538_bigThumbImage.jpg1538_smallThumbImage.jpgMy City: Christchurch by Jean-Michel TallottThe marketing manager for luxury cosmetics house de Spa revisits our Garden CityHaving joined a family-run business which represents luxury Parisian skincare brands Sothys and BC Paris, Jean-Michel Tallott moved north to Auckland seven years ago to take the reigns of the Auckland based office for the growing business. Despite now calling Auckland home, Jean-Michel’s roots are still firmly anchored in his hometown of Christchurch. With our fine garden city currently undergoing a drastic rebuild and revival, we asked Jean-Michel on the back of a recent visit, to take us through his new favourite places to visit in and around the city of Christchurch.my-city-christchurch-by-jean-michel-tallot1538_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Љмч ,nЪ`^5˜`s2_ъ ˜Хa05 ЇwnL ЇwnM Сѓ@ qОЮ€фќhh:LGet fit: Nike training club appForgo the dreaded gym session in favour of this pocked sized personal traineruП1539_bigThumbImage.jpg1539_smallThumbImage.jpgGet fit: Nike Training Club appForgo the dreaded gym session in favour of this pocked sized personal trainerIt's easy to slack off on exercising when not in the company of a personal trainer. Recently I have been strategizing how best to attack my fitness on days which don’t see me having my butt kicked at boot camp. I don’t think I am alone in saying my biggest problem when it comes to solo gym sessions is self-discipline. Without the push of a trainer, an initial promise of an hour’s session quickly diminishes into half an hour when the treadmill, cross trainer and my limited commitment to lunges renders my workout defunct. Thankfully, the smart folk of Nike are already a few laps ahead of the pack, with their Training app – what can best be described as your own pocket personal trainer.get-fit-nike-training-club-app1539_mainImage.jpg05 ІXN ЕІXN Р@€ uИШ€оі\\fˆšIn Store: Comme des Garчons Stripesbeat the sea breeze with this nautical-inspired sweater from fabric Рћ1540_bigThumbImage.jpg1540_smallThumbImage.jpgIn Store: Comme des Garчons Stripesbeat the sea breeze with this nautical-inspired sweater from fabricMen look better in stripes. Fact. Not only that, but these bold sailor stripes from Comme des Garчons will require very little else to keep your entire ensemble looking slick. With its simple cream and dark navy stripes, this nautical-inspired striped sweater is the perfect dose of sailor style for the chilly months ahead. The ecru sweater has contrast red stitching and a shawl collar to keep your neck warm against the sea breeze, yet its lightweight knit allows just enough to fit snuggly under your favourite jacket.in-store-comme-des-garчons-stripes1540_mainImage.jpg05Ќ‹XO •Ќ‹XP Рњ@€ gФд€ъˆТ/AListen: Kill for loveJohnny Jewel brings us the much awaited electronica masterpiece, Kill for Love, by ChromaticsРf1541_bigThumbImage.jpg1541_smallThumbImage.jpgListen: Kill for loveThe enigmatic electro impresario, Johnny Jewel brings us the much awaited new album, Kill for Love, by Chromaticslisten, music, chromatics, kill for love, andrew reinholds“I’m not really a musician” confessed Johnny Jewel the creative engine room of Chromatics. “I’m more like messing with imagery. So it lends itself to film”. 2012 may just be the year that the enigmatic electronic whiz becomes a household name, particularly following the success of Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive which not only features Chromatics on the soundtrack but also Desire, another Johnny Jewel project. Indeed, Jewel was originally commissioned to score the entire movie – it was eventually rejected by the studio but released earlier this year as Symmetry: Themes from an Imaginary Film.listen-kill-for-love1541_mainImage.jpg05 a 'O ѕa 'Q Сы@€ cЖЦ€мєX’АТдLa Voie FranчaiseDominion Road is home to an authentic French bakery with a certain je ne sais quois#Рћ1542_bigThumbImage.jpg1542_smallThumbImage.jpgLa Voie FranчoiseDominion Road is home to an authentic French bakery with a certain je ne sais quoisfrench bakery, patisserie, tetsuya namekawa, pierre herme,A few kilometres down the stretch of Mt Roskill’s Dominion Road, nestled next to a food plaza and across the road from a Chinese acupuncture clinic is hardly the place you’d expect to find a little slice of France. Last Friday however, that’s exactly what we found in La Voie Franчaise.la-voie-franчoise-1542_mainImage.jpg05S€‰ymQ a‰ymQ Рє@€ dТв€шpp2CUWatch: Margin CallSwapping music for movies, Andrew Reinholds reviews the latest financial thriller, Margin CallыРd1544_bigThumbImage.jpg1544_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: Margin CallSwapping music for movies, Andrew Reinholds reviews the latest financial thriller, Margin CallWhile Andrew Reinholds' usual claim to fame lies in his expertise as our resident muso, this week, he lends his skills to world of film. As the rain pours down outside (and supposably for the better part of this week), cosying up in the comforts of a cinema seems like the ideal rainy day remedy. Here, Andrew reviews Margin Call, a thriller set in the high-stakes world of the financial industry during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis.watch-margin-call1544_mainImage.jpg05 }L€НЄ!Q Ну[Q Съ@€ xфє€ "HЕЕ€ЅЗRead: Advertising from the Mad Men EraA beautiful new coffee table book set celebrates the glory days of American advertising from the 50s and 60sЮРы1543_bigThumbImage.jpg1543_smallThumbImage.jpgRead: Advertising from the Mad Men EraA beautiful new coffee table book set celebrates the glory days of American advertising from the 50s and 60s.Much like good marketing itself, this Taschen book set on mid-century ads celebrates the best of American print advertising, and is both highly amusing and thought provoking. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed not to question how anyone managed to get away with selling ties with the slogan ‘Show her it’s a man’s world!’ or the ever so casual sexism ensued from selling an Kenwood Chef mixer with ‘The chef does everything but cook – that’s what wives are for!’read-advertising-from-the-mad-men-era1543_mainImage.jpg05  œЇХmмQ ХЌR Сщ@ q|Œ€ЂКККККиъTravel: Mexico by Frances WillsThe PR extrСi1546_bigThumbImage.jpg1546_smallThumbImage.jpgtravel-mexico-by-frances-wills1546_mainImage.jpg05  `Р|ˆŽI Q ŽI R С@ r&>^ь7АЯсWatch: The Castle at Silo CinemaThis week Silo Cinema screens the downright hilarious comedy,The Castle, as well as introducing some welcome winter movie watching accessoriesќРd1545_bigThumbImage.jpg1545_smallThumbImage.jpgWatch: The Castle at Silo CinemaThis week Silo Cinema screens the downright hilarious comedy,The Castle, as well as introducing some welcome winter movie watching accessoriesthe castle, silo cinema, hot water bottle, mulled wine, film, movie, comedy“We’re going to Boonie Doon!” This week, Silo Cinema is screening The Castle, a comedy about a family of true Aussie battlers, the Kerrigans. This film is quite frankly, hilarious, following the tight knit group of under achievers as they fight to keep their beloved house from being swallowed up by the nearby airport (the runway ends about 200 metres from their living room).watch-the-castle-at-silo-cinema1545_mainImage.jpg œЇХЌR ХЌR С@ q|Œ€ЂКККККиъTravel: Mexico by Frances WillsThe PR extrСi1546_bigThumbImage.jpg1546_smallThumbImage.jpgtravel-mexico-by-frances-wills1546_mainImage.jpght knit group of under achievers as they fight to keep their beloved house from being swallowed up by the nearby airport (the runway ends about 200 metres from their living room).watch:-the-castle-at-silo-cinema0_mainImage.jpgerican print advertising is both highly amusing and thought provoking. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed not to question how anyone managed to get away with selling ties with the slogan ‘Show her it’s a man’s world!’ or the ever so casual sexism ensued from selling an Kenwood Chef mixer with ‘The chef does everything but cook – that’s what wives are for!’read-advertising-from-the-mad-men-era1543_mainImage.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gQ[А‡ FЌ`‚_Š”`тпpц| )Ж

Bad news for us, and we suspect many others, who often succumb to afternoon sugar cravings. Food that is consumed later in the day is up to five times more likely to be stored as fat than if that same food was eaten in the morning. This was a rather grim finding for us until we discovered a secret weapon that promised to target cellulite and restore elasticity to skin.

In an effort to fast track our way to cellulite free toned pins and taut arms (or cheat, depending on which way you look at it) we have quickly become devout converts of Sothys new ‘Essential 24’ Body Cream, undoubtedly our pick from their slimming and firming product line.

 Like any pot of magic that promises to smooth away wrinkles and lines, this is a big call for a single tube to proclaim. After a member of the Denizen team put us onto this citing its impressive, and instant results, we too can now lay claim to its triumphs.

This fat-busting cream smoothes away lumps and bumps with an arsenal of super charged ingredients including the highest available concentration of caffeine. At 8% concentration, it results in a quick and targeted delivery immediately after being massaged into the skin. Alongside this, the cream contains a cocktail of polyphenols, derived from Anise, Hemlock, Prunella and Celosia, which work around the clock to break down fatty deposits sans gym session. As you sleep, it increases adiponectin, which is responsible for the breakdown of fat, after you eat, it reduces the formation of fat and during exercise (yes, you should still do this), it stimulates adrenaline-like molecules that help to increase fat breakdown. Start from your feet and work your way right up the body to optimise its firming effects. Limbs are left feeling smooth, non greasy and most certainly more toned with each use.

Of course, the correct diet and exercise regime all still play a pivotal role in slaying cellulite but this cream has certainly made us think, perhaps we can have our cake, our sleep in, and eat it too? We suggest you add a little rev to your morning with this… think of it as another way to get your caffeine hit.

Available from Sothys' salons.





1. The first and foremost rule to win an argument is to never lose your temper. If you lose your cool, you relinquish control and give your opponent an unnecessary edge. Losing your temper can also cite provocation from your opponent such as, ‘you’re emotional’, ‘calm down’ or the all time, most infuriating, ‘take a breath…lady’. Take heed of this advice, take a breath, and calm down.

2. Be prepared to concede that you won’t win every point. The moment you realise that you don’t need to ‘win’ every detail will ensure you reach the goal post – winning the war. Conceding points gives your opponent a false sense of security. Their guard goes down whilst you prepare for the winning goal.

3. Latin is your friend. Make use of Latin abbreviations such as e.g., i.e. and Q.E.D. In argument terms, these are all short for ‘I'm educated, you're not.’

4. Never, under any circumstance, get personal. Attacking your opponent’s weight, mother, dog or neighbourhood, will only ensure that your points (of which, some may be valid) will almost definitely not be heard. You want your opponent to like you, at least just a little, so that the thought of conceding, and ultimately giving you what you want, is plausible.

5. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted. Whilst they may allude to some shoddy behaviour of yours from the past, keep them on task, and gently remind them that ‘it’s not the issue at hand’.

6. Whilst you are avoiding distraction, make every attempt to distract your opponent. The more you can keep them off task, the more they move away and forget what their point was in the first place.

7. Firing back confident but irrelevant clichés can sometimes work to throw your opponent off course. We suggest you memorize the following one-liners: That begs the question, that is beside the point, you’re being defensive, don’t compare apples and oranges, what are your parameters?

8. A similar tactic can be applied with the use of superfluous but weighty-sounding phrases. Take note of: Let me put it this way, Vis-à-vis, Per se, So to speak.

9. When your opponent is at the height of their attack, look over their shoulder as if you have seen something. Not only will this break their rhythm, when they realise there is nothing there, it will incite fury and they will lose their cool – thus, enabling you to win the argument.

If all else fails, then we suggest you just try say it like the masters:

"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd." – Jules (Samuel L Jackson) Pulp Fiction.

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions." Jules (Samuel L Jackson) Pulp Fiction

"Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit *don't fucking roll*!" –Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) The Big Lebowski

"I’m bi-winning, I win here, I win there." – Charlie Sheen, being Charlie Sheen.

"The Italians have a saying: ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and although they’ve never won a war or mass-produced a decent car, in this area they are correct." – Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) 30 Rock.

TІЗ[‡ѓP“РЙœаЙœКœV“ Кœ&‰Й

1. Camilla and Marc Alaska Wool trench from Superette

2. Helen Cherry Rabbit fur jacket from Workshop

3 .Karen Walker Cocoon coat in herringbone from Karen Walker

4. Kate Sylvester Catherine red wool trench from Kate Sylvester

5. Therese Rawsthorne Hex coat from Black Box Boutique


    1. Camilla and Marc Alaska wool trench from Superette

    2. Helen Cherry Rabbit fur jacket from Workshop

    3 .Karen Walker Cocoon coat in herringbone from Karen Walker

    4. Kate Sylvester Catherine red wool trench from Kate Sylvester

    5. Therese Rawsthorne Hex coat from Black Box Boutique

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j№z `‚_FКaрA=Ютю5б1Ж

    And what a job it was. I would call it business 101: covering everything from how to read an excel spreadsheet, to selling, running events and writing press releases. But perhaps the biggest lesson of all was learning the power yielded from a motivated team and the importance of great people.

    One of the 42below heroes was Jacob Briars a.k.a ‘the Vodka Professor’. A trained lawyer and keeper of an ever-increasing number of facts and obscurities, Jacob is not one with whom to debate a point lightly. Verbose with a dash of flamboyance, Jacob is a natural orator and entertainer, so the role of global Vodka Professor was one well suited to his person.

    For nearly a decade Jacob travelled the world teaching people how to make cocktails with 42Below’s fine products, while at the same time educating them on the history of vodka, leaving behind scatterings of New Zealand facts, 42 Below folklore and little known distilling insights that would inspire and arm the bartender with just enough information to promote our wares. Often this meant that in their embellishment, bartenders mixed facts a little - locating Sydney in middle earth, New Zealand for example.

    It wasn’t all vodka, dancing and voodoo though; there were early morning presentations and red eye flights (often at the same time), head office meetings, corporate events to run and reports to file, a lot of burning the candle at both ends.Anyway my point is this; without Jacob and a few other guys and gals like him (I don’t think anyone will mind me saying this) the 42Below brand would never have made it as far as it did.

    I recently ran into Jacob while he was back in Auckland trying to get a work visa in order to return to the USA, where he now resides in San Francisco working for Leblon Cachaca (A Brazilian spirit). We caught up for a cocktail and discussed life in general terms, Jacob was up to speed that I had started a business and was genuinely excited for me. What a lift it gave me to have someone show encouragement and enthusiasm and get excited - I was reminded of what made him such a great team player in the first place.

    Which brings me to the gist of this ramble, which is, ‘reciprocity’.

    My university experience would best be described as a haze of exploration, adventures and good times. There was, of course, a modicum of learning that took place, the majority of which I can now condense into a three-minute monologue.

    I studied a French philosopher by the name of Marvel Mauss who had surmised that the whole of society could be drawn back to this single concept of ‘reciprocity’. From the roots of our economic system, to the way we interact with each other, to our actions as individuals within a social group, he argued it was all down to reciprocity – The act of responding to a positive action with another positive action.

    Basically he outlined that all our actions have some form of ulterior motive, a tribe may give a gift of kumara to a neighbouring tribe in times of plenty, but that gift would carry a spirit or ‘Hau’ that at some stage would need to be repaid, perhaps when the tribe who gave the gift fell on hard times or needed back up in a local war.

    On a personal level it becomes a little more challenging, because it basically says there is no such thing as altruistic behavior, only behaviour as part of a reciprocal process.

    For example missionaries do good work to help others, but this work pleases God and makes them feel good about themselves; it helps them attain entry to heaven - that is the payback, the reciprocity. So in the end they are doing the work because of the reward of their beliefs which is perhaps not altogether a bad thing, but also not entirely altruistic.

    Of course when a gift is not honoured, reciprocity breaks down and the relationship sours, and this is how wars, divorce and family feuds begin.

    My point here is not to prove or disprove Mauss’s argument but rather outline the principle. Put simply it’s like Karma, you get back what you put in, ‘you reap what you sow’ and if you don’t, well, the other guy better watch his back.

    The one thing about breaking relationships down in this way is it takes away some of the magic. You see, Mauss may have uncovered a philosophical insight of note, maybe even a universal truth; but he cannot possibly explain how good it feels to have someone have your back, how empowering it is when someone shows faith in you, or how uplifting it is when someone gifts you a smile.

    And reciprocity does not explain why it’s the smallest things that often make the biggest impact, how the right word at the right time can have a thousand times more impact than a thousand words at any other time.

    And so it was with Jacob, perhaps I was pleased to see him and enjoyed reminiscing, maybe I just enjoyed his positive San Franciscan mood, or perhaps I was in need of a bit of a slap on the back and he delivered it, what ever the case I was glad to see him and it was good to know that he’s still on my team.

    So cheers Jacob, I raise my Caprioska to you, let's drink to reciprocity.


    Recorded over three weeks of self-imposed deprivation from both sleep and natural light, Boucher has emerged with a fittingly altered and alternative reality where classic pop and childhood nursery rhymes morph into more gothic and ethereal states to create a genre defining record.

    A bewitching melting pot of styles and ideas delivered by layer upon layer of assorted electronica supported by some wonderful bargain basement drum programming that adds an authentic bedroom DIY punk ethic to further charm and disarm you. 

    The real magic here though is Boucher’s astonishing voice. Her range is nothing short of epic as she effortlessly swings from the Julee Cruise and Lykke Li inspired ballad ‘Skin’ to the more ethereal pop sensibilities of fellow 4AD stalwart, Elizabeth Frasier of Cocteau Twins on ‘Oblivion’ and ‘Infinite (heart symbol) Without Fulfilment’.

    And, despite the childlike almost naïve delivery, the power of her lyrics shouldn’t be underestimated either.  There is real depth and feeling that add a further layer of complexity to the album – most notably on ‘Skin’ and the crushing confession “I hate that you’re leaving, you act like nothing ever happened, but it meant the world to me”.

    Surprising, complex, intelligent and immensely enjoyable, Visions is everything great pop should be in 2012.


    othing ever happened, but it meant the world to me”.

    Surprising, complex, intelligent and immensely enjoyable, Visions is everything great pop should be in 2012.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…1`‚_m уbфв№И{Ц ›З

    Ribs with BBQ Sauce



    2 sides of baby back ribs (I buy mine from farm cove butchery)
    100g smoked paprika            
    10g mustard seeds
    500g dark brown sugar
    1 teaspoon dried oregano                       
    1 teaspoon garlic salt                       
    1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    Mix the dry rub ingredients together then rub the mix into the ribs, cover, and leave in the fridge over night.  


    Preheat BBQ or oven to 140°c.

    If you are using a coal fired BBQ, use soaked wood chips to create smoke and leave at that temperature, smoking for one hour. If you are using an oven, put 1 teaspoon of Liquid Smoke into an ovenproof bowl with 200ml of water and place under the tray holding the ribs. Leave at 140°c to cook for 1 hour.

    After an hour, turn the temperature up to 160°c and put 500ml of apple juice into the bottom of the tray of ribs and cook for another 4 hours.

    After 4 hours, your ribs should be tender and all of the apple juice should have evaporated.

    Coat the ribs generously with your homemade BBQ sauce and crank the temperature to 210°c for the last 20 minutes.

    BBQ Sauce


    6 tablespoon dark brown sugar
    ¼ cup molasses
    2 tablespoon dark rum           
    2 tablespoon American mustard
    1 teaspoon liquid smoke
    2 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon all spice
    ½ cup cider vinegar
    ¼ cup Worchester sauce
    4 cups Heinz ketchup


    Put all ingredients into a pan apart from the ketchup and bring to the simmer.
    After 5 minutes add in your ketchup and simmer for 30-40 minutes stirring constantly. 


    Using Atomic coffee blends, The Grassy Knoll has a connoisseur’s take on coffee - serving a black and a white house blend, depending on your coffee order. The white blend (for when you order a flat white for example) is a little punchier, in order for you to distinguish the flavour through the milk whereas the black blend has a velvety, softer finish and is designed for fans of the short or long black coffee variety. Before opening The Grassy Knoll, Roy expertly helmed the coffee machine at local Herne Bay favourite Zus & Zo.

    The café boasts an extensive selection of gourmet cabinet food offerings, including delicious baguettes, mini breakfast buns and pastries, as well as our particular favourite - the freshly made salmon and tuna Gravlax to be enjoyed alongside their delectable salad selection.

    Housing both indoor and outdoor seating, The Grassy Knoll has bi folding doors that open up onto the footpath and allowing the natural light to spill inside – a rarity in most inner city cafés! Outside, tables soak up the sun while inside, the light and airy space takes you away from the hustle and bustle of the morning corporate world and offers the perfect posy in which to enjoy your morning coffee or breakfast from.

    We’ve watched as this new café opened its doors to flocking fans over the past few days– a sure sign that the CBD area was begging for a new local, and we suspect The Grassy Knoll is swiftly going to be appointed just that. Pop by for a coffee and make yourself known to the friendly folk – you’ll be sure to be back.

    The Grassy Knoll

    21 Shortland Street
    Auckland CBD

    Monday – Friday 7am – 4pm
    Saturdays – to commence in the next few weeks.



    Hailing from Sweden, Rekorderlig is a brand of premium, imported cider that is made from pure Swedish spring water that runs directly under the brewery itself in Vimmerby, Sweden. Unlike other ciders, Rekorderlig is not made mainly from apples, rather it is pressed from a pear base, and then refined with other fruity flavours. The pear cider is light, crisp and slightly aromatic, with hints of vanilla that seem to happily surprise all newcomers to the drink.

    Where the pear is tart the strawberry-lime cider is sweet, the lime adding something slightly different to the mix, the perfect option for those who feel like cider but are not after a traditional cider flavour. Regardless of which one you fancy, Rekorderlig is a delicious brew that is at its absolute best when poured generously over ice and fresh fruit. The perfect way to see out the last of the summer sun.


    Hailing from Sweden, Rekorderlig is a brand of premium, imported cider that is made from pure Swedish spring water that runs directly under the brewery itself in Vimmerby, Sweden. Unlike other ciders, Rekorderlig is not made mainly from apples, rather it is pressed from a pear base, and then refined with other fruity flavours. The pear cider is light, crisp and slightly aromatic, with hints of vanilla that seem to happily surprise all newcomers to the drink.

    Where the pear is tart the strawberry-lime cider is sweet, the lime adding something slightly different to the mix, the perfect option for those who feel like cider but are not after a traditional cider flavour. Regardless of which one you fancy, Rekorderlig is a delicious brew that is at its absolute best when poured generously over ice and fresh fruit. The perfect way to see out the last of the summer sun.

    Rekorderlig is available locally at Liquor Land and Henry's Liquor.


    Hailing from Sweden, Rekorderlig is a brand of premium, imported cider that is made from pure Swedish spring water that runs directly under the brewery itself in Vimmerby, Sweden. Unlike other ciders, Rekorderlig is not made mainly from apples, rather it is pressed from a pear base, and then refined with other fruity flavours. The pear cider is light, crisp and slightly aromatic, with hints of vanilla that seem to happily surprise all newcomers to the drink.

    Where the pear is tart the strawberry-lime cider is sweet, the lime adding something slightly different to the mix, the perfect option for those who feel like cider but are not after a traditional cider flavour. Regardless of which one you fancy, Rekorderlig is a delicious brew that is at its absolute best when poured generously over ice and fresh fruit. The perfect way to see out the last of the summer sun.

    Rekorderlig is available locally at Liquor Land and Henry's Liquor.


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    1. Desert Utopia: Midcentury Architecture in Palm Springs

     This documentary traces the origins and growth of midcentury architecture in the modernist mecca of Palm Springs, California. The city boasts many landmark buildings by such modernist pioneers as Richard Neutra, Albert Frey, E. Stewart Williams, Donald Wexler, William Cody and William Krisel. Jake Gorst’s film brings these unique structures alive and features never-before-seen archival footage of the architects and construction.


    2.  Oscar Niemeyer

     A documentary on the life and work of the greatest of modern Brazilian architects, Oscar Niemeyer. In a relaxed atmosphere, the architect tells how his main projects were conceived - among these Brasília, the French Communist Party headquarters and Mondadori Publishers in Milan. He talks also of politics, of friends, of women, and of Brazil. He speaks out vehemently for invention and creativity, which he considers vital in present times. Filmed in six cities in Brazil, and in France, England, Italy, Algeria, Portugal and the United States, the film also includes unpublished and rare images.


    3. Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner

    "The purpose of architecture," said John Lautner, "is to create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all activities in life." Infinite Space traces the lifelong quest of visionary genius John Lautner to create "architecture that has no beginning and no end." It is the story of brilliance and of a complicated life and the most sensual architecture of the 20th century. Renowned architectural filmmaker Murray Grigor explores Lautner's dramatic spaces with choreographed camera moves, as Lautner himself provides the commentary, speaking with insight and wit in recordings culled from archival sources.


    4. Philip Johnson: Diary of an Eccentric Architect

    "My place in New Canaan is...a diary of an eccentric architect." Thus begins a fascinating look into the mind of one of the 20th century’s most creative and significant architects. Philip Johnson lived at the forefront of stylistic change, and his “Glass House” property in New Canaan, Connecticut served as a kind of laboratory where Johnson became his own best client. The Glass House has no walls, and the landscape became "expensive wallpaper." An accompanying guesthouse, by contrast, has no windows. The film reveals a candid and irreverent Johnson at work and underscores the importance of the architectural act -- actual construction -- and how the buildings interact with their environment.  




    Whilst other establishments across the city offer their upmarket version of a dine and dash meal, Vegetarian Café – a traditional Hare Krishna family run restaurant, serve their all mighty ‘combo’ among other offerings – and we swear it is big enough to feed a small family.

    Located just down from the army surplus store, next to Family bar, it’s hard to miss what we’ve nicknamed ‘Vege’ café. It’s frequented by a true cross section of society – expect to find corporates, down-and-outters, students and tourists, all settled in side by side, for lunch on any given day of the week. They’re also open for dinner but the hours are fickle, if you get there at 7pm, you may find they’ve closed shop for the day.

    From the food bar at the back of the restaurant (where they’ll serve you an array of vegetarian options), to the rather spatially set tables, it’s the perfect place if you have a spare twenty minutes for a quick lunch.

    We always opt for the combo. Consisting of rice, a mild vegetable curry, pakoras (deep fried vege balls) soup and a Semolina and custard dessert, not only is it enormous, but it’s pretty fulfilling too. It’s a cheap and cheerful eat, especially when the weather outside is drizzly.

    Next time you’re in the area and fancy a quick meal, stop by and check it out – after all, there aren’t too many places these days that offer a full blown home cooked meal with a price tag of $6.

    268 K’Road

    (09) 300 7585


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    Sound too good to be true? We thought so, until we just had word that this one-off exclusive opportunity to have Al Brown as your own personal chef is set to take place this month as part of a special package being offered by the unrivalled Huka Lodge retreat in Taupo.

    As big fans of our local Al Brown Auckland outpost, Depot, we can assure you that this unique culinary experience is topping our current bucket list. Al Brown’s approach to cooking is one that embraces his passion for fresh, seasonal produce, and hunting and gathering. An honest, unpretentious style of cooking that produces mouth watering, yet hearty fare, filled with both local flavour and special delicacies.

    On Saturday the 26th of May, Al will create a unique five-course dinner for a maximum of just eight guests at the beautifully appointed Owner's Cottage at Huka Lodge. The Owner’s Cottage, which provides secluded accommodation for its eight guests, is an exclusive hideaway situated within the Huka Lodge grounds. Elevated above the spectacular Waikato river, the beautifully appointed cottage boasts breathtaking views extending downstream to the mighty Huka Falls. Almost completely hidden from view, this secluded posse offers its guests total privacy alongside all of Huka Lodge’s luxury amenities. The cottage houses four spacious rooms with ample room for its eight guests.

    This inimitable culinary experience is certainly one that won’t stick around for long. We suggest you book it in as an unforgettable long weekend away for a small group of close friends.

    Huka Lodge

    271 Huka Falls Road

    (07) 378 5791 



    An impromptu trip to Tahiti helped me rediscover a forgotten gem that works wonders for your kidney health: Tahitian Pacific Noni. A tropical fruit baring tree that grows to about 3 metres tall, Pacific Noni or Morinda grows in Tahiti and other Pacific Islands, as well as in parts of Asia, South America and the Caribbean. When Europeans began exploring the islands of the South Pacific in the late 1700s, they made note of the use of Pacific Noni for medicinal purposes among the native people.

    Arguably one of the ugliest looking fruits (taking the resemblance of a mutated green potato); Pacific Noni has an impressive array of nutrients that can help improve kidney function and support overall health and wellbeing. Noni has a rich combination of vitamins and minerals; including A, B vitamins (including the rare B-12), C, E, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc and several trace minerals. It also has 17 of 20 amino acids and powerful antioxidants. It is believed that taking Pacific Noni juice daily can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve blood circulation and blood pressure, alleviate painful swelling around joints (hypertension) as well as offering support to your vital organs and improving overall health. Be forewarned, as the only downside is that the juice tastes disgusting and will most likely have you involuntarily dry retching. No pain no gain! Fortunately, Pacific Noni is also now available in capsule form. It is best to take Pacific Noni first thing in the morning before breakfast when your body and digestive juices are hungry for nutrients. Might we mention here that model Miranda Kerr swears by the wonder juice, claiming it as the one beauty secret she simply can’t live without. We suspect that like us, you’ll find that claim justification enough to stomach any bad taste.

    *If you are willing to torture your taste buds with Noni in juice form then I recommend adding 1 tablespoon of Noni juice to one cup of grape juice. Be warned though, as it will still taste unpleasant.

    Pacific Noni capsules are available online here or in juice form from Harvest Wholefoods (405 Richmond Road?, Grey Lynn, Auckland)


    We suspect there is a reason behind its ‘phantom’ name, it probably has something to do with it not sticking around on the shelves for long! 

    Scotties Boutique

    3 Lorne Street

    (09) 366 1664


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    We have five copies of this limited release book to give away to Denizen readers. The perfect rainy day weekend activity. If this sounds like a challenge you’re up for then simply like The Denizen on Facebook and 


    We have five copies of this limited release book to give away to Denizen readers. The perfect rainy day weekend activity. If this sounds like a challenge you’re up for then simply like The Denizen on Facebook here and s

    www.taschen.comWe have five copies of this limited release book to give away to Denizen readers. The perfect rainy day weekend activity. If this sounds like a challenge you’re up for then simply like The Denizen on Facebook here and the post below and we will put you in the draw.

    here and the post below and we will put you in thЫsТ

    We have five copies of this limited release book to give away to Denizen readers. The perfect rainy day weekend activity. If this sounds like a challenge you’re up for then simply like The Denizen on Facebook here and the post below and we will put you in the draw.


    icking around on the shelves for long! 


    We suspect there is a reason behind its ‘phantom’ name, it probably has something to do with it not sticking around on the shelves for long! 

    Scotties Boutique


    We suspect there is a reason behind its ‘phantom’ name, it probably has something to do with it not sticking around on the shelves for long! 

    Scotties Boutique

    3 Lorne Street

    (09) 366 1664


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    Director: Ken Scott
    Stars: Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton and Antoine Bertrand
    Rating: M Violence, offensive language, drug use and sexual references
    Release date: 3 May

    This Canadian comedy will steal your heart. Just when 42-year-old David Wosniak, an eternal teenager, decides to finally make something of his life, his existence is turned upside down by the appearance of numerous children – the result of his activities as a sperm donor 20 years before. The film takes its name, not from the US coffee house, but a Canadian Holstein bull who produced hundreds of thousands of progeny by artificial insemination in the 1980s and 1990s, Hanoverhill Starbuck.

    “Scott deftly balances David's ridiculous mission with moments of real tenderness, making for several heartfelt moments that help carry you past the fact that such a situation couldn't possibly have the ending it does.” Dave McGinn, Globe and Mail

    “A wonderfully sweet and poignant comedy that goes in all kinds of unexpected directions.” Bruce Demara, Toronto Star



    Director: Aki Kaurismäki
    Stars: André Wilms, Blondin Miguel and Jean-Pierre Darroussin
    Rating: G
    Release date: 31 May

    In this warm-hearted portrait of the French harbour city that gives the film its name, fate throws young African refugee Idrissa (Blondin Miguel) into the path of Marcel Marx (André Wilms), a well-spoken bohemian who works as a shoeshiner. With innate optimism and the unwavering support of his community, Marcel stands up to officials doggedly pursuing the boy for deportation. Critics are raving about this political fairy tale that exists somewhere between the reality of contemporary France and the classic cinema of Jean-Pierre Melville and Marcel Carné; Le Havre is a charming, deadpan delight. Director Aki Kaurismäki washes the town with classical 1950s’ lighting that romanticizes without resorting to any soft-focus distortions that might usually be used to create such a beautiful effect.

    “Endearingly quirky, just this side of precious, but so warm and deftly executed that you go along with it.” Jon Frosch, The Atlantic



    Director: Peter Flinth
    Stars: Malin Crépin, Richard Ulfsäter and Björn Kjellman
    Rating: TBC
    Release date: 31 May

    From the producers of The Millennium Trilogy comes Nobel’s Last Will, the first in a six-feature franchise of Swedish crime thrillers based on bestsellers by Liza Marklund. Marklund’s Bengtzon novels have sold more than 10 million copies worldwide and been translated into 30 languages. While covering the annual Nobel Banquet for tabloid Kvallspressen, crime reporter Annika Bengtzon witnesses a spectacular murder right in front of her. Two people are shot, one of them the controversial Laureate in Medicine, Aaron Wiesel. A terrorist group with connections to the Middle East quickly admits responsibility for the murder however Bengtzon becomes increasingly convinced that the real target of the attack is Wiesels dancing partner Caroline von Behring, Chairman of the Nobel Committee. Her unsanctioned investigation takes her into dangerous territory.


    TŽЛE eat aѓP“0Нвyour eye€Нвrs entertainS ŽЛ

    Owner Karla Goodwin perfected her baking skills during her time living in London, where she worked for a cupcake bakery. She brought back with her the artisan tricks of the cupcake trade and began her own catering company – Bluebells. Although she has been selling her fairytale-esque cupcakes from the La Cigale French markets for a little under a year as of last week, she has now officially opened her own store.

    Located in Hillsborough, just off Mt Albert road, the boutique cakery is certainly no inner city stop off, but we think the short drive almost makes it all the more worthwhile. On the Friday afternoon we ventured to check it out (admittedly a little lost direction wise) the smell of Bluebell’s sweet temptations quickly lured us in from halfway down the road, and the sunny spot with its dreamy pastel colours in amongst the block of shops was hard to miss.

    Walking into the store connotes a sense of childhood nostalgia. The impressive collection of vintage and kitsch baking trinkets and knick-knacks that fill the space makes you feel like you are stepping back into the kitchen of a 1960s domestic goddess. The counter top is filled with cake stands adorned with expertly iced creations alongside a variety of other sweet treats including coconut ice, fudge, biscuits and toffee apples.

    The cupcakes themselves are iced with that inimitable buttercream frosting and decorated with an assortment of picture perfect decorations from online store The Pretty Baker (which are also available for purchase in store.) All of Bluebells’ creations are lovingly made in small batches using only the finest ingredients and can be tailor made to order too.

    The cupcakes come in a variety of flavours, and on the afternoon we visited, we managed to work our way through the better part of the all too tempting offerings – lemon curd, chocolate lamington, vanilla and red velvet. We can assure you they taste as good as they look – light and fluffy, with a sweet (but not too sickly) home baking charm. The lemon curd flavour even has fresh homemade curd hidden inside when you take a bite.

    This little gem is currently only opening its doors Friday and Saturday’s (although you’ll find Karla baking there most days) but catering is available throughout the week, and with plans to have a coffee machine up and running, these hours are set to extend very soon. 

    161A Hillsborough Road




     The Essential.

    Released following his first two solo albums (the excellent ‘Viva Hate’ and the not-so-excellent ‘Kill Uncle’), ‘Bona Drag’ is a collection that brings together his first seven singles as well as a selection of seven B-sides and is the one Morrissey album everyone needs to own.  It’s a reminder of just what a great writer Morrissey is.  At a time when Manchester had morphed into Madchester due to the introduction of ecstasy via The Happy Mondays and The Hacienda, Morrissey was still lamenting England’s past with the brilliant ‘Every day Is Like Sunday’, ‘Piccadilly Palare’ and ‘The Last of the Famous International Playboys’.  The B-sides are very strong too – most notably the ironic humour of ‘Disappointed’, ‘Hairdresser on Fire’ and the (edited) ‘Will Never Marry’.

    The Classic.

    Coming on the back of the nationalistic rockabilly of ‘Your Arsenal’ and some highly controversial live shows that flirted with the National Front, 1994’s ‘Vauxhall & I’ was released following the death of close friend (and ‘Your Arsenal’ producer) Mick Ronson and manager Nigel Thomas.  The result is an album that at times feels like a final hurrah, yet at the same time soars with great hope and joy.  With the glam-rock guitars turned down and far more laid back, Morrissey is in full confessional mode with “Now My Heart is Full, “Hold on to Your Friends” and “Now My Heart id Full” all pull at the heart strings while the scathing “Why Don’t You Find Out for Yourself” sees Mozza’s distaste for the music industry given centre stage.

    Sophisticated and more refined than anything he released before or after, ‘Vauxhall & I’ remains a powerful testament to Morrissey’s solo career without Johnny Marr.

     The Comeback.

    After the disappointment of 1997’s ‘Maladjusted’ Morrissey went into exile for seven years only to emerge out of nowhere with ‘You Are The Quarry’ and his highest ever UK chart position (at #3) with “Irish Blood, English Heart”.

    A triumphant two finger salute, he returned with his razor sharp wit and no-one escapes his tongue lashing – be it his adopted homeland (Morrissey by this time has relocated to Los Angeles) “you wonder why in Estonia they say, ‘Hey, you, you big fat pig, you big fat pig’” the legal profession “evil legal eagles” and the police “uniformed whores”. Album closer again aims at the paper thin talent that passes for pop stars and the warning “the teenagers who love you, they will wake up, yawn, and kill you”.

    Effortlessly brilliant and with his voice never sounding better, ‘You Are The Quarry’ set the scene for a consistently high quality output over the rest of the decade.

     The Contender.

    Criminally overlooked, 1995’s ‘Southpaw Grammar’ remains the dark horse of Morrissey’s solo career.  Following on from the critical and commercial success of ‘Vauxhall & I’, it represented an incredibly brave artistic statement of intent.  Bristling with more aggressive characters than ever before, the eleven minute film noir that is “The Teachers Are Afraid of the Pupils” is a chillingly violent representation of the moment when carefree child becomes wild-eyed adolescent and is worth owning for this track alone.

    Elsewhere, “The Boy Racer” and “Dagenham Dave” breeze in on street wise guitars that simply drag the songs along the gutter and up onto the curb.  Aurally ‘Southpaw Grammar’ was like a punch to the solar plexus, and as a result confounded and confused critics and fans alike.  It is well worth a listen if you are feeling curious.

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    Re: Start, City Mall.
    Cashel Street City Mall was always the shopping hub of Christchurch CBD and this new development using retrofitted shipping containers has injected a new spirit into the precinct following the quakes. There is a range of shops that you won’t usually find in typical ‘burb’ malls including Hunters and Collectors, Trelise Cooper, Workshop and Johnson’s grocers. The addition of busker entertainment means that you can take your time and enjoy the new surrounds. (Re:Start, Cashel Street City Mall, Christchurch)

    Revival Bar
    Another new addition to the city in keeping with Christchurch’s ‘rebuild’ theme, the owners of Revival bar have created a cool recycled look that is relaxed and inviting. This relatively new bar is one of my favourite places to catch up with mates over drinks when I’m in the city and it often has quality live music playing, as well as a handy hair salon as part of the space should you need a quick snip while you’re there. (92-96 Victoria Street, Christchurch) 

    The Pedal Pusher CaĎ.
    This sector of the city has seen a total renaissance and the one spot that well and truly has my attention is the new bicycle themed café, The Pedal Pusher with its hearty no-fuss food menu and regular live entertainment. The café is a nod to Christchurch’s cycling pedigree and delivers big on southern hospitality. Get on your bike and settle in for the afternoon, it’s well worth a visit. (284 Lincoln Rd, Addington, Christchurch) 

    Riccarton Farmers’ Market.
    Located in the stunning Deans Bush of Riccarton, the Riccarton Farmers’ Markets brings the best the area has to offer; butchers, bakers, brewers, wine makers, and all in one of my favourite places in the city - Riccarton house. The house’s impressive grounds in the heart of the city are the ideal way to spend a Saturday morning. (16 Kahu Rd, Riccarton)

    Pegasus Bay Winery.
    Less than an hour out of the central city is one of our country’s top wineries and in my mind, Canterbury’s best. Having claimed New Zealand’s ‘Top Winery Restaurant’ for the 4th consecutive year, this is definitely a must visit. Block out the day at Pegasus Bay, it’s worth every penny. Make sure you enjoy some tastings from the cellar before tucking into lunch and ask for the Maestro, it will rival any Bordeaux! (Stockgrove Rd, Waipara, RD 2 Amberley)



    TР3 lѓP“рЖG0ЗGs well worth a visit. (284 Lincoln Rd, Addington, Christchurch) 

    Riccarton F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!шВ`‚_d˜gцў|>jф&М

    One of these goals was to raise $5,000 for Samnang Thang, a Cambodian tour guide, who uses his knowledge to teach his village English and tourism skills. There are 500 families (about 3200 people) in his village, just out of Siem Reap. 70% are under 25, and at best 10% of them will have some education. Already the small amount of education he has given his villagers has enabled them to get jobs in local schools and given them a future. Samnang Thang wants to build his village a school and I know any money that I can raise will make a huge difference for them.

    And how will I do this? Well short of having a sausage sizzle every weekend for a year I thought instead I would give myself another challenge – to run twelve half marathons in six months and ask friends to sponsor me along the way. My pain, will be Samanag Thang’s gain – I hope.

    This is also a massive personal goal and gamble – yes I have run for fitness before but I am by no means one of those long limbed, lithe people who has run since they could walk. Will I physically be able to do it? Will I be able to find the time? Will I be able to say ‘no’ to drinks in favour of going for a jog? There was only one way to find out.

    Before I knew it, it was January 14 and I was flying to sunny Nelson for my first run. Nervous? Hells yeah – some would say I was slightly under prepared. The longest distance I had run for two months leading up to this was 7km – failing on my first run would have been a little embarrassing. And to add to the worry, to fit around weekends of weddings and work events, my plan had me running four halves in a month - this was initiation by fire.

    Nelson, thank goodness was a reasonably flat course and I ticked it off;  by February 12, I had also completed runs in Lower Hutt, Pukekohe and New Plymouth.

    I quickly came to love my weekends out of town, meeting new people and seeing new places. It is an amazing atmosphere. Many of the halves are organised by the local running club, with just a couple of hundred participants but at every run there has been incredible support.  The number of volunteers that get up at the crack of dawn, give their time to man drinks stations, marshal the course and cheer you on always blows me away.

    I also quickly started to become a boring friend, who always seemed to be running. Too often I have found find myself invited for a drink, dinner, party… “Sorry, I can’t, I’m away running” and on meeting people and telling them what I have been up to, I do believe many people think I am nuts.

    For me it’s been one of the best things I have ever done. I have seen more of my country in the last few months than I have in many years; I have felt my fitness increase and I have even taken to reading running magazines. I have also found there is nothing like the legal cocktail high of endorphins, serotonin and caffeine you get post half marathon run and two soy flat whites and the evening drinks after a half marathon don’t feel indulgent but instead, justified.

    So I was ticking them off; Auckland Cathay Pacific Half, Coatesville Half, Wanaka Southern Lakes Half, it was all going swimmingly and then, my Everest (so far). Number Eight. Tauranga. To be honest, none of the halves have been easy, some more enjoyable than others and there have been moments when those last few kilometres have felt like f.o.r.e.v.e.r. Only sheer stubbornness has kept me from finishing with an enjoyable walk. But Tauranga on the other hand? Awful.

    Everyone has a bad day and apparently this was mine. Honestly, I could have stopped after 2km, I actually hated it. Was I running? It felt like shuffling and every part of me hurt from my head to my feet. To keep going for another 19km when I would have rather the St Johns Ambulance came and rescued me was beyond hard. I don’t know how to describe it, probably because I still don’t like talking about it. The only thing that kept me going was trying to think to myself, this is when I am learning something; surely it must be the bad runs that make you stronger and able to push yourself further. When I finished after 1hr 51min and 51 seconds of pain, I was emotionally and physically exhausted.

    It is now two weeks later and I am still traumatised by it. For two days after I could barely walk, all I could manage was work and sleep and worry. By now I had also added the optional extra goal of a marathon in the mix. The Gold Coast Marathon on July 1st to be exact and so struggling to walk is not ideal scenario for the second week of what is the 12 week countdown to 42.195kms.

    Had I done too much too soon? Were my muscles going to repair in time for me to do the necessary training? Had I blown it by having a few too many drinks in my off weekends and was I done?

    Well I won’t be able to tell you that until July 1, but luckily what I have learned is that with an incredible hellerwork massage (maybe a sports massage earlier on in my adventure would have been a good idea!?) and early nights, muscles do repair. During the week after Tauranga I told myself I had to stick to my marathon plan which meant clocking up 63km, including a long 25km run. Slowly but surely, in no great style, I did it and last weekend I completed number nine of twelve, the Rotorua half marathon and by some small miracle, I actually enjoyed it.

    So from here I have decided to take the running thing a bit more seriously. More early nights than late ones, more electrolytes than wine and more sports massages and more skins!

    I am by no means done. While I ease up to 35km marathon training runs, I have three more official half marathons to run to complete my goal – Blenheim (every finisher gets a bottle of wine, now that’s my kind of running), Huntly (more beautiful than you would expect – who knew Huntly had botanical gardens?) and Christchurch (my first time back since the quakes).

    And as far as fundraising goes, well I am failing dramatically. While I have found the time to run I haven’t found the time to set up my website page and harass friends – so this starts today – look out people! So if all goes to plan I will complete my halves well inside the six month deadline, less than five months in fact but who’s counting (except me). And if I can finish the Gold Coast Marathon in less than four hours and raise money doing it I will be a very happy runner – I think I can now call myself a runner?

    If you would like to help Anna out with her impressive fundraising efforts please visit her page here

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    1. Jo Malone Plum Blossom Cologne. We think its safe to assume that most mothers would be more than pleased to be presented with anything hidden within the signature Jo Malone box. We love this limited edition ‘Plum Blossom’ scent. www.jomalone.co.nz
    2. SANS Nourishing Hair Hydrant Ultra +. Give the gift of great hair. This rich and luxurious hair treatment leaves your hair super hydrated and extra glossy. Plus it smells rather amazing! www.stephenmarr.co.nz
    3. O.P.I polish in Hopelessly in Love. A little gift that won't break the bank but will be sure to put a smile on your mum’s face. www.opi.com
    4. Estée Lauder Pure Colour Blush in Lover’s Blush. As suckers for anything in pretty packaging, we bet your mum’s eyes will light up like ours did with this beautifully packaged blush compact. With its decent sized mirror, handy travel brush, this gold compact houses a sheer, radiant blush that imparts just the right amount of natural pink flush on your cheeks. Available nationwide.

    5. Grown body exfoliant.  Grown is a range of certified organic skincare made in Australia and we can’t go past the delightful old-school packaging proudly listing all their delicious ingredients. With winter hot on our heels, this exfoliating gel infused with Ylang Ylang, Pearl and Peppermint gel is perfect for giving skin a refresh, and its arsenal of bio active ingredients work to visibly improve your skin’s texture. www.grown.com
    6. M.A.C extra dimension eyeshadow in Havana. Add some oomph to your mum’s makeup routine with this liquid-powder hybrid eyeshadow from M.A.C’s limited edition ‘In Extra Dimension’ collection. This shimmering copper brown adds a luminous and buildable touch of colour to the lids. www.maccosmetics.com

    7. Kevin Murphy Full Again. Promising to thicken hair, this formula is applied to the ends and mid-lengths of damp hair before styling so no technique is required. www.kevinmurphy.com.au


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    1. Avoid a last minute rush. It is always good to have a present cupboard where you can store things. That way you can buy them, as you need them. This isn’t always about getting a bargain; it’s about purchasing the right things at the right time. It’s also good for all of those bottles of wine you get given at Christmas; the ones with cards that say things like “all the best” and “thanks for everything”.

    2. Be careful with your re gifting. No one likes getting back what they gave. Also be careful to avoid anything controversial like a balloon ride or sky diving vouchers. The idea is to tell people that you care not that you are looking for ways to get rid of them.

    3. Don’t second-guess other people’s tastes. If in doubt play it safe. If you know the person well you can take a punt, who knows, if they don’t like it they may re gift it to someone who does.

    4. Books are good. They always look expensive and are heavy and easy to wrap, plus you can write in them so you don’t need to buy a card. Obviously if you receive a book, make sure it hasn’t been written in if you are planning on passing it on.

    5. Art will always win the day; even if they hate it they will think that they should like it. Who cares if they only hang it up when they know you are coming over, it may grow on them over time.

    6. A garage sale or school flea market is not the same as an antique store. Vintage jewellery is great; deceased estates personal hygiene items or a collection of retro McDonald’s toys is not. Pets are always a bad idea, plus they are really difficult to wrap.

    7. Avoid anything that screams domestic appliance when purchasing for your wife, Art Friend or partner. A Dyson vacuum cleaner may be a modern design marvel but it is still a vacuum cleaner, likewise blenders, irons and knives. In fact knives are never a great gift.

    8. The same can be said for “more masculine” items. You may appreciate how a new barbecue may enrich their lives but Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel and Costume National don’t make barbecues.

    9. Write cards and attach as you wrap. This is especially important at Christmas when there may be multiple items involved. That way you won’t get that arthritic friendly potato peeler for your Grandmother muddled up with that other moulded plastic item you bought from D Vice.

    10. When wrapping gifts for small children, don’t use the same wrapping paper that Santa uses unless you are hell bent on completely ruining all their belief.

    11. If someone opens something and says “Thanks that will come in handy”, then you’ve probably missed the mark.

    12. Gift buying is not a competitive sport, believing it is can result in a lot of unnecessary expense. Budgeting is a good idea however large or small it may be.

    However cheesy it may sound, at the end of the day it really is the thought that counts. 

    may be.

    However cheesy it may sound, at the end of the day it really is the thought that counts. The leap of humour

    Jerry Seinfeld once compared telling a joke to attempting to leap across a metaphorical canyon and taking the audience with him. If the set up and punch line are too far apart, the listeners don’t make it to the other side. In other words? Don’t ramble on for too long, as when push comes to shove your beloved audience is likely to end up on the rocks at the bottom of your metaphorical canyon. If the jump is too small or quick, your audience may feel cheated, having done none of the work involved in ‘getting’ the joke itself. Balance is key.

    The importance of timing

    Timing is everything. It seems that all the best comedians have learned that perfectly executed pauses and rhythm can make or break in the hilarity stakes. Hence why knock-knock joke books are a waste of time, as our naughty eyes will always skip ahead to the punch line.

    The surprise mechanism

    An essential part of being funny is the ability to catch others off guard, and deliver the unexpected in the punch line. This is also the reason why jokes are not at all funny the second or third you have heard them.

    The place of profanity in comedy

    Some comedians rely on profanity far too much, however, a well-placed swear word can often add the extra grit a punch line needs to launch into the realm of hilarity. There are crude comics who are also brilliant, but it is usually their grunty subject matter that creates the brilliance and not the layer of swearing that comes with it.

    Be culturally specific

    A wise man once said that the comedian is the anthropologist of our everyday lives, and we would be inclined to agree with him. One of Britain’s best loved comedians Peter Kay’s performances are based entirely on microscopic observations that both deflate and celebrate the everyday of British life. Kay is basically giving the audience a licence to find themselves ridiculous. Usually, the best funny people are also those that are the most observant, picking up on the absurd, strange everyday moments that others may miss or pass by.

    Know where you are going (with the joke that is) before you start

    Rambling, incoherent stories that leave us bewildered and confused don’t usually tickle anyone’s funny bone.

    Project a demeanour of relaxed confidence

    Don’t try to push yourself – chances are your audience is probably not stupid, and even if this is the case, they are still likely to sense your supreme awkwardness. If your entire self-esteem is resting on whether people laugh, then you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.


    Real humour is genuine and contextual. Keep in mind the person or people you are telling the joke to, where the joke is taking place and why you are telling it. Launching into a totally irrelevant one liner joke is likely to fall on dead ears, trust us. Relevant, spur of the moment funniness is (in our mind) the best kind of humour there is.

    Save the in-jokes for those who will get them. Attempting to execute in-jokes when your audience is not ‘in’ the group will get awkward pretty quickly. It’s all about context.

    Stay well away from the one-liners

    One-liners reek of unoriginality and unless they are told in the midst of a hilarious barrel of jokes, they are bad news. Truly funny people have wit and tact and don’t need to prop themselves up on predictable one-liners.


    Watch some of the masters in action in these comedy clips. 



    From cars, cigarettes, alcohol to appliances and more, many of the advertisements in the 800 page collection have been restored to show their true brilliance on the page – exactly how they would have appeared on newsstands in that era.

    Short essays accompany each book (split into 50s and 60s) and help to delve into a fascinating history of how both the industry and society evolved over that period from the 1950s copy-heavy ads, full of adjectives and underlined words before making way for the 1960s age of the ‘big idea’ with their witty headlines and picture combos.

    Assembled from thousands of images, Advertising of the Mad Men Era documents many of the clever campaigns of the 50s and 60s, selling everything from girdles to guns, that were created by the masterminds of Madison Avenue (who in fact coined the term "Mad Men" themselves). At the height of American post-war optimism, the vast two-volume tome paints a fascinating Technicolour picture of society at the time in all its carefree booze-and-cigarette-smoking glory.

    Enquiries to Unity Books

    19 High StrЅЮР

    From cars, cigarettes, alcohol to appliances and more, many of the advertisements in the 800 page collection have been restored to show their true brilliance on the page – exactly how they would have appeared on newsstands in that era.

    Short essays accompany each book (split into 50s and 60s) and help to delve into a fascinating history of how both the industry and society evolved over that period from the 1950s copy-heavy ads, full of adjectives and underlined words before making way for the 1960s age of the ‘big idea’ with their witty headlines and picture combos.

    Assembled from thousands of images, Advertising of the Mad Men Era documents many of the clever campaigns of the 50s and 60s, selling everything from girdles to guns, that were created by the masterminds of Madison Avenue (who in fact coined the term "Mad Men" themselves). At the height of American post-war optimism, the vast two-volume tome paints a fascinating Technicolour picture of society at the time in all its carefree booze-and-cigarette-smoking glory.

    Enquiries to Unity Books


    From cars, cigarettes, alcohol to appliances and more, many of the advertisements in the 800 page collection have been restored to show their true brilliance on the page – exactly how they would have appeared on newsstands in that era.

    Short essays accompany each book (split into 50s and 60s) and help to delve into a fascinating history of how both the industry and society evolved over that period from the 1950s copy-heavy ads, full of adjectives and underlined words before making way for the 1960s age of the ‘big idea’ with their witty headlines and picture combos.

    Assembled from thousands of images, Advertising of the Mad Men Era documents many of the clever campaigns of the 50s and 60s, selling everything from girdles to guns, that were created by the masterminds of Madison Avenue (who in fact coined the term "Mad Men" themselves). At the height of American post-war optimism, the vast two-volume tome paints a fascinating Technicolour picture of society at the time in all its carefree booze-and-cigarette-smoking glory.

    Enquiries to Unity Books

    19 High Street

    (09) 307 0731

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    The concept behind PHD Cleanse is to help accelerate the natural process of eradicating and eliminating toxins from your body by flooding it with the essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals required for detoxification. This requires the ingredients to be freshly pressed, raw and unpasteurised in order to reap the benefits of its 'live' enzymes. The enzymes in the PHD Cleanse are about as fresh as you get – staying only active for around 72 hours. Once the juice has been freshly cold-pressed it has to remain chilled until it is consumed.

    Juice cleanses are touted as a great way to alleviate your body from symptoms that come hand and hand with your body not ‘detoxifying’ at an efficient rate. These include lack of energy, low concentration, skin problems; poor sleep, storing excess weight or bloating, among others. Me? Ever chasing the promise of a transformation, I was just keen to give my body a bit of a spring clean. I like to think that I live a (relatively) healthy lifestyle give or take a few late nights, so three days of juice seemed like a more than achievable goal.

    In one of the most efficient delivery service I have witnessed, Tuesday saw my three-day programme delivered to my house freshly squeezed and still on ice. The package came complete with a special carry bag and ice packs to transport my daily juices to and from home over the next three days as well as the specific instructions on which juice to consume when (it is recommended that you drink the juices in two-hour increments).Like magic, and with very little effort required by me, I was completely set.

    So over the next three days, I lived off six juices a day. The basic PHD programme (they also offer an advanced option for these who want to up the ante) is comprised of four juices – Green, Yellow, Silver and White. The ‘green’ juice (the main and most active juice in the programme) is packed full of vitamins and minerals thanks to an ingredients list which boasts cucumber, celery, kale lettuce, parsley, lemon, apple and cos lettuce ( it’s actually a lot tastier than it sounds). The green juice is there to alkalize your system and aid digestion, which is then alternated with a mid-morning ‘yellow’ juice consisting of tasty pineapple, apple and mint, before an afternoon  ‘silver’ juice of cayenne-pepper-spiked lemonade. You day is finished off with the ‘white’ juice - tipped as the dessert juice, which is cashew nut milk infused with cinnamon and vanilla. This one tastes far more like a cheat day than a detox.

    Now I make no qualms, it wasn’t the easiest of three days. There were moments I felt like I was constantly drinking and filling my stomach, and some days I just couldn’t get through all the juices. The adjustment of my body to such a diet meant there was periods throughout the afternoon where I was feeling tired. On day two I caved and ate some carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes – purely just to chew something again. I found myself going to bed much earlier than usual (certainly not a bad thing!) but on reflection this was perhaps less to do with exhaustion and more to do with trying to distract myself from thinking it was time for dinner.

    Tiredness aside, I was sleeping at night like a baby and thus began waking up with boundless (and unlike usual, completely uncaffinated) energy. Not something that happens regularly in my average mid-week routine. Sure, my mind was plagued by food thoughts over the three days, after all, a day without food, is well, a day without food. But in all actuality, there really were only a few times where my stomach actually felt hungry (one daily system contains between 900 - 1200 calories so you are not being completely deprived), and this was mostly when I was surrounded by other people eating.

    The PHD Cleanse is not extremely difficult, but it is a mind vs. body game. In the promise of good health, this is one I can now safely attest is entirely worth playing. There mere fact I completed the cleanse (even if I fell a few carrot sticks and tomatoes short of a perfect score) is an accomplishment in itself. Once I had completed my three days, I came out on the other side. Expecting to spend most of Friday eating to make up for what I had missed, I was pleasantly surprised to find I was less ravenous than I thought I would be, and was certainly more mindful of what I was eating, not wanting to undo my three days of purity. And while I haven’t quite managed to forgo on the daily caffeine hit (now four days later), my body feels more saintly and far more skin-glowy than usual. And we could all do with that.

    I would definitely recommend undertaking the task over a weekday period (be realistic) and in a week where you potentially have a bit of downtime to focus on it. We are all guilty of spending all too much time focusing on primping and preening our external body that it’s easy to forget that our insides also need some serious love.  Trade in the food for juice for three days and I promise you’ll reap the benefits.

    PHD Cleanse is available for order online here


    His career has since evolved and now spans more than three decades, continuing to focus on themes around contemporary culture. English himself coined the term POPaganda to describe his signature mash-up of high and low cultural imagery. His now-famous hyperrealist depictions of McDonalds branding and advertising imagery you will undoubtedly recognise from their prominent feature in the documentary Super Size Me (an obese Ronald Mcdonald) as well as his unforgettable studio paintings that depict appropriations of iconic images: Marilyn Monroe with Mickey Mouse breasts and Barack Obama's face superimposed over that of Abraham Lincoln, which became an image widely discussed in the media as directly impacting the 2008 election.

    An unmissable exhibition for anyone with an interest in street art, or simply for those who are looking to be amused by English’s clever approach to blurring the line between commercialism and art. Webb’s Managing Director Neil Campbell remarks that the New Zealand show contains a mix of large installation works, paintings and a selection of his more iconic paste-ups, as well as some controversial billboards too.

    Denizen readers are invited to the preview evening this Thursday 10th  of May.

    5.30pm – 7.30pm

    Ron English
    10- 20 May 2012
    Webb’s Gallery
    18 Manukau Road

    (09) 524 6804


    Ron English is also speaking at Semi-Permanent in Auckland on the weekend of 18-19 May 2012.

    per Size Me (an obese Ronald Mcdonald) as well as his unforgettable studio paintings that depict appropriations of iconic images: Marilyn Monroe with Mickey Mouse breasts and Barack Obama's face superimposed over that of Abraham Lincoln, which became an image widely discussed in the media as directly impacting the 2008 election.

    An unmissable exhibition for anyone with an interest in street art, or simply for those who are looking to be amused by English’s clever approach to blurring the line between commercialism and art. Webb’s Managing Director Neil Campbell remarks that the New Zealand show contains a mix of large installation works, paintings and a selection of his more iconic paste-ups, as well as some controversial billboards too.

    Denizen readers are invited to the preview evening this Thursday 10th  of May.

    5.30pm – 7.30pm

    Ron English
    10- 20 May 2012
    Webb’s Gallery
    18 Manukau Road

    (09) 524 6804

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    There is something undeniably more satisfying about getting your workout done outside than at a gym. And that’s where my new trusty training app steps in. Alongside my twice-weekly boot camp sessions, this demanding little workout-on-the-go is the perfect answer to getting your daily dose of exercise without having to first rustle up motivation to hit the gym. Put on your gear and stroll down to the park, or even in your own backyard and you’re away.

    The app contains a variety of customisable 30-minute workouts, designed for all skill levels. The workouts are broken down into high intensity intervals with not only instructions on how to do the various moves, but also videos of the moves being done as you go. This is really the best part as it’s almost like having your trainer right there beside you correcting your form as you go. Once you pick a routine (chosen based on what your goals are: get lean, get toned, get strong or get focused) you can set it to any music from your iTunes library and then the audio prompts from your trainer blast over the top, instructing you exactly when to switch from one to another. There are over 90 different moves across cardio, interval and core training and the app monitors your progress as you go - continually challenging you, and increasing in difficulty as your fitness level increases.

    The training app is aimed at women and was developed with the help of Nike master trainer Marie Purvis, who has implemented a training regime based on that of professional athletes. Having recently had the opportunity to experience a workout with Marie herself, I can assure you that one look at her toned body will have you lunging and squatting like you never have before.

    Our favourite routines are the targeted 15 minute ‘Get Focused’ workouts, like ‘better butt’ and ‘sculpted arms’ - with names such as that, its very easy to see how you can get motivated (and addicted). So if it's your own soundtrack, a motivating instructor, and results-orientated programme that draws you to a workout, then the Nike Training app may just be the ticket you need to shake up your fitness routine – without having to hit the gym.

    The app is available for both iPhone and iPad here 


    Yes, many at home treatments can tackle these to some extent, but we’ve been putting some serious research into the benefits of the new Limelight IPL technology after seeing the seriously impressive results it boasts after just a few treatments. While the warmer months are spent preaching about the damaging effects of the sun’s rays, winter in fact, offers the ideal time to put some time into rejuvenating the skin and giving your skin a second chance.

    Many cosmetic spas and clinics offer IPL treatments year round, however, it is vital that the procedure should only ever be undertaken during the winter months, where your skin has a period of ‘down time’ from summer’s damaging rays. When it comes to matters of the face, you don’t want to mess around. And that’s where the state of art technology offered by the Cutera Limelight machine steps in.

    IPL treatments are offered in varying forms, but the Cutera Limelight system really is the crème of the crop, offering a highly sophisticated system which is completely customisable depending on differing skin tones, and ageing conditions. The Limelight uses light to heat the pigment and blood in the top layer of your skin, reducing discolouration and promoting a more even skin tone. While most IPL machines can treat high contrast pigmentation, low contrast pigmentation (lighter discolouration concerns) were previously seen as difficult to resolve. Thankfully, IPL Cutera Limelight effectively treats both, meaning you can treat minimal problem areas before they get worse, and freshen up your skin with minimal interruption to your normal routine.

    The non-invasive and highly effective procedure works to correct skin tone and imperfections such as sun damage, redness or discolouration around the face, neck and décolletage in an estimated one to three treatments (depending on sun-damage). Add this to your little black book of skincare treatments over winter, come summer, your clearer, younger skin will be thanking you.

    Limelight IPL is available at Prescription Skin Care

    243 Remuera Road

    (09) 529 5784


    Yes, many at home treatments can tackle these to some extent, but we’ve been putting some serious research into the benefits of the new Limelight IPL technology after seeing the seriously impressive results it boasts after just a few treatments. While the warmer months are spent preaching about the damaging effects of the sun’s rays, winter in fact, offers the ideal time to put some time into rejuvenating the skin and giving your skin a second chance.

    Many cosmetic spas and clinics offer IPL treatments year round, however, it is vital that the procedure should only ever be undertaken during the winter months, where your skin has a period of ‘down time’ from summer’s damaging rays. When it comes to matters of the face, you don’t want to mess around. And that’s where the state of art technology offered by the Cutera Limelight machine steps in.

    IPL treatments are offered in varying forms, but the Cutera Limelight system really is the crème of the crop, offering a highly sophisticated system which is completely customisable depending on differing skin tones, and ageing conditions. The Limelight uses light to heat the pigment and blood in the top layer of your skin, reducing discolouration and promoting a more even skin tone. While most IPL machines can treat high contrast pigmentation, low contrast pigmentation (lighter discolouration concerns) were previously seen as difficult to resolve. Thankfully, IPL Cutera Limelight effectively treats both, meaning you can treat minimal problem areas before they get worse, and freshen up your skin with little interruption to your normal routine.

    The non-invasive and highly effective procedure works to correct skin tone and imperfections such as sun damage, redness or discolouration around the face, neck and décolletage in an estimated one to three treatments (depending on sun-damage). Add this to your little black book of skincare treatments over winter, come summer, your clearer, younger skin will be thanking you.

    Limelight IPL is available at Prescription Skin Care

    243 Remuera Road

    (09) 529 5784


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    Kill for Love is entirely consistent with Johnny Jewel’s interpretation of what he does best.   At ninety minutes it is cinematic in scope, an epic film-noir which along the way has twists and turns with plots turning into sub-plots as we, the listener, are taken on a wild night ride through faceless streets of a faceless city.

    Opening track is an atmospheric cover of Neil Young’s “Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)” where ice-cold vocalist Ruth Radelet’s lament “it’s better to burn out than it is to rust, the king is gone but he’s not forgotten” beautifully sets the scene for what is to follow – a story on the elusiveness of time and associated themes of memory, aging, loss and regret.

    One only has to reference some of the song titles to understand – “Back from the Grave”, “These Streets Will Never Look the Same”, “The Eleventh Hour”, “Dust to Dust”, “A Matter of Time” and “There’s a Light Out on the Horizon” – each in their own unique way combine to tie this central theme into one cohesive story.

    And it’s there in the lyrics too.  On the infectious pop of “Back from the Grave” Radelet croons “Mother you’re gone, Father you’re gone, Lover you’re gone”; on the detached title track “Everybody’s got a secret to hide, everyone is slipping backwards”; to the unhinged synthetic darkness of “There Is A Light On the Horizon” which is interrupted halfway through by thunderous rain and a prompted voicemail: “It’s me.  Just wondering if you got my text?  Anyway, I’m going to bed pretty soon.  Hope you’re okay out there, wherever you are.  Good night. I love you”.  When prompted, our anonymous listener deletes the voicemail over the warm crackle of a record needle.

    Musically, the album is one of contrasts.  Almost one third of the tracks are moody, introspective instrumentals, yet these are balanced out with synth-pop ebullience that at times combine early Jesus and Mary Chain guitars with XX minimalist grooves and glam=glitter beats to ensure that the album is propelled through the night and never sinks too far into the abyss.

    Timeless and twisted, Kill for Love is an electronica masterpiece.   


    Starting with a brutally ruthless round of staff firings, Margin Call is a wonderful study of calculated greed and the survival of the strongest in a nameless Manhattan investment bank that is plunged into complete chaos thanks to the discovery by a faceless junior Zachary Quinto that the company is on the brink of the biggest bank collapse in history.

    Set over twenty-four or so breathless hours, the implications of the discovery set off a chain reaction that proliferates right to the very top of the bank’s leadership tree and the power plays that follow mean that only the very well connected will survive the inevitable fall-out.

    Writer and director J.C. Chandor received an Oscar nomination for the script which, as well as thankfully simplifying the economic jargon into easily digestible chunks, also brings out the very best of a top-class cast: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Paul Bettany Simon Baker and Demi Moore are all excellent, but for me it is Kevin Spacey and the wonderfully manipulative and untouchable CEO Jeremy Irons who steal the glory with some of the movies best lines.

    Based loosely on events that preceded the 2008 financial crisis, Margin Call is a chilling insight into a shark eat shark world where careers and futures (no pun intended) are tossed around like paper in the wind.  Throughout the entire movie, everyone knows exactly where this particular out of control train wreck will end yet no-one is prepared to make the one fundamental call that could stop it all.


    Margin Call is currently screening at Rialto cinemas.


    Starting with a brutally ruthless round of staff firings, Margin Call is a wonderful study of calculated greed and the survival of the strongest in a nameless Manhattan investment bank that is plunged into complete chaos thanks to the discovery by a faceless junior Zachary Quinto that the company is on the brink of the biggest bank collapse in history.

    Set over twenty-four or so breathless hours, the implications of the discovery set off a chain reaction that proliferates right to the very top of the bank’s leadership tree and the power plays that follow mean that only the very well connected will survive the inevitable fall-out.

    Writer and director J.C. Chandor received an Oscar nomination for the script which, as well as thankfully simplifying the economic jargon into easily digestible chunks, also brings out the very best of a top-class cast: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Paul Bettany Simon Baker and Demi Moore are all excellent, but for me it is Kevin Spacey and the wonderfully manipulative and untouchable CEO Jeremy Irons who steal the glory with some of the movies best lines.

    Based loosely on events that preceded the 2008 financial crisis, Margin Call is a chilling insight into a shark eat shark world where careers and futures (no pun intended) are tossed around like paper in the wind.  Throughout the entire movie, everyone knows exactly where this particular out of control train wreck will end yet no-one is prepared to make the one fundamental call that could stop it all.


    Margin Call is currently screening at Rialto cinemas.

    TsТНdѓP“АМŒ€ОŒНŒўџџџџџџџ`СŒ history.

    Set over twenty-four or so breathless hours, the implications of the discovery set off a chain reaction that proliferates right to the very top of the bank’s leadership tree and the power plays that follow mean that only the very well connected will survive the inevitable fall-out.

    Writer and director J.C. Chandor received an Oscar nomination for the script which, as well as thankfully simplifying the economic jargon into easily digestible chunks, also brings out the very best of a top-class cast: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Paul Bettany Simon Baker and Demi Moore are all excellent, but for me it is Kevin Spacey and the wonderfully manipulative and untouchable CEO Jeremy Irons who steal the glory with some of the movies best lines.

    Based loosely on events that preceded the 2008 financial crisis, Margin Call is a chilling insight into a shark eat shark world where careers and futures (no pun intended) are tossed around like paper in the wind.  Throughout the entire movie, everyone knows exactly where this particular out of control train wreck will end yet no-one is prepared to make the one fundamental call that could stop it all.


    Margin Call is currently screening at Rialto cinemas.


    Mexico is no hop, skip and jump from Auckland, so I suggest you ease your way into the trip with a few days in Los Angeles. I began my Mexican adventure at The London Hotel in West Hollywood. The award winning contemporary five-starhotel is a mixture of Hollywood glamour and abiding sophistication. Plus (always a bonus) their delicious breakfast is complimentary – my favourite part! Kick start the day with a hike up the ‘runyon’ then spend the afternoon in a cabana by the roof top pool surrounded by 360 views of the city. By night, dine at Gordon Ramsay and you may even spot a celeb or two. (1020 n. San Vicente Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069)


    After four days in L.A., the first stop on my list, Oaxaca (via Mexico City). Check in at Camino Real, a five-star hotel built in 1567 and a former convent, located in the centre of the colonial town of Oaxaca (which at a glance, could be mistaken for a village in Spain). With Spanish Baroque architecture and authentic colonial Mexican touches surrounded by perfectly manicured courtyards and gardens, this unique hotel is deemed one of the city’s ‘Colonial Estate Treasures’. (5 de Mayo 300, Centro, 68000, Valley of Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico)


    Oaxaca City has some of the most popular markets in Mexico, so make sure you put aside some time to explore. You’ll find anything from black ceramics (famous within this region) to bread, grasshoppers (surprisingly quite tasty), hats, textiles and many traditional keepsakes. The money spent here largely supports the community – it’s a great place to eat good food and meet the locals.


    What I loved about Oaxaca is that you’re not surrounded by hundreds of tourists. Rich in culture and history, Oaxaca is home to a number of sacred museums, churches and ruins – and the entry fee is a minimal cost of around $5 per person. One of my favourites was the great pre-Columbian archaeological site, Monte Alban, was once the holy city to 30,000 Zapotecs. The sacred destination is breathtaking, commanding views of the entire valley. For $30 an hour, your personal tour guide will walk you through the ruins and teach you a bit about the history behind the archeological site.


    Of the 27 dotted around the city, Santo Domingo was the most grand of all the cathedrals, adorned in gold and ornate sculptures. Built in the 1572 this building took over 200 years to complete and it was well worth the wait. (Corner of Gurrión and Alcalá, Oaxaca, Mexico)

    The food… where do I start? Don’t go expecting anything you’re used to eating at home. There are no burritos or tacos. Oaxaca is where I discovered my passion for mole sauces and tequila – it’s cheap and tastes like liquid gold. There are so many great places to eat well for next to nothing. Ask the locals where they eat, not where you should eat as they’ll send you to an Italian restaurant if you do.

    If you’re looking for something traditional yet slightly more upmarket with alfresco dining and views of the city, you must visit Casa Oaxaca. After four days (and yes you need this long as there is so much to see and do) it was time to move on to Playa del Carmen - the heart of all the action in the Yucatan Peninsula.  A penthouse apartment facing the Caribbean Sea was our home for the next few days.  El Taj is the perfect respite for lounging on day beds drinking cocktails and indulging in USD $20 massages on the beach. (1 Norte Esquina Calle 14 Norte, 77710 Playa del CarmenQuintana RooMexico)


    My final stop in Mexico, Tulum. With our somewhat virtuous attempt at ‘reconnecting with nature’ we arrived from Playa in just 45 minutes at The Papaya Playa Project. The creators refer to this pop-up eco hotel as a ‘communal playground’.Part of the Design Hotel group, the cabanas are located beachfront on a site formally owned by a set of luxury hotels that were abandoned in the financial crisis. The cabanas have limited power i.e. no air con or TV and (relatively) clean running water. Initially we are wary of our ‘back to basics’ abode but you soon see why you lose the need for creature comforts. The water is as calm as a lake and scenery (whichever way you want to look at it) is pretty fabulous. Home to a number of South American tourists in transit, biding time, working to live by day and living the life by night, this is the place to embrace your ‘inner hippy’ and unwind. (Km 4.5 Carretera Tulum-Boca Paila, Tulum, Quintana Roo, 77780, Mexico)


    The Mayan Ruins of Tulum are a must see, situated on 12m tall cliffs along the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. This is a popular tourist destination so a word of warning – arrive early to avoid scantily clad Western tourists showing more skin than one might desire. Make sure you bring your swimwear as it sits above an enclosed beach that was once a common route Mayan ship dedicated to trade around the Peninsula. (Mayan Ruins - Carretera Cancun-Tulum Km. 13377500Mexico)

    You’ll have no trouble finding good places to eat in Tulum. International chef’s opt for the laid back lifestyle of Tulum and open these incredible restaurants bringing in affluent travellers from all corners.

    Hartwood, was one of the standouts, however, like most of the popular restaurants in Tulum, get full from about 7pm so it’s best to arrive a bit early and enjoy one of their exceptional cocktails. This place is easy to miss by sights down the dusty Tulum road, however you won’t miss the smell. Dine alfresco style, surrounded by tea lights and candles with chef’s cooking from the outdoor kitchens right in front of your very eyes. The only thing you need to worry about is what to order from the impressive menus (and maybe the odd bug flying up your skirt). (located on the jungle side of Tulum's beach road 7.6kmMexico)


    For a healthy serving of meat definitely check out Casa Banana, where you can choose from any cut, served in its simplest form brought to life with chile sauces and a side of wood fired tomatoes. (Road Tulum Boca Paila 8.5Km  77780 Tulum, Q. Roo, Mexico)


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Launched in September 2010, The Denizen website has fast become the go-to online destination for those looking for a local fix on the art of living well.</p> <p>Updated daily with contributions from a vast network of taste-making New Zealanders living both locally and abroad, along with contributions from our own editorial team, The Denizen keeps style aficionados abreast of the new and the noteworthy happenings around them.</p> <p>The Denizen is dedicated to providing a unique and individual perspective on life provided by our diverse range of contributors whom have all mastered the art of living well.</p> <h3>Magazine:</h3> <p>Denizen magazine celebrates all that is good about living in New Zealand viewed from the eyes of our vast network of fascinating contributors living both locally and abroad. Denizen is committed to celebrating all that is positive about our ever-changing and forward-thinking nation.</p> <p><img title="denizenaboutus2.jpg" src="/Images/_uploads/storyimages/denizenaboutus2.jpg" alt="denizenaboutus2.jpg" width="495" height="482" /></p> <p><img title="advertisingpartners.jpg" src="/Images/_uploads/storyimages/advertisingpartners.jpg" alt="advertisingpartners.jpg" width="495" height="337" /></p> <h3>How to get involved:</h3> <p>The Denizen offers brands a unique platform with which to integrate their communication into our own content. The Denizen is committed to providing our readership with an unwavering level of quality content, as such brands need to fit within our specific editorial objectives in order to be considered.</p> <h3>About Publisher Claire Sullivan:</h3> <p>Having published and edited some of the most influential lifestyle magazines both in New Zealand and New York, it&rsquo;s no surprise that Claire has an excellent ability to create inspiring editorial content.</p> <p>With an award-winning career in publishing that spans 15 years across the genres of food, fashion architecture and design, Claire is firmly placed as New Zealand&rsquo;s leading authority on the art of living well.</p> <p>In addition to The Denizen Claire also publishes and edits New Zealand&rsquo;s leading design magazine and website Design Folio, as is widely regarded as an authoritative figure in the design community.</p><p>For all enquiries:&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="mailto:contact@thedenizen.co.nz">contact@thedenizen.co.nz</a></p> <p>Ph: 09 302 7707</p> <p><strong>Physical Address:<br /></strong>Level 6, The Tasman Building<br />16-22 Anzac Avenue<br />Auckland CBD</p> <p><strong>Postal Address:<br /></strong>PO Box 46255<br />Herne Bay<br />Auckland 1011<br />New Zealand</p>land</p>land</p>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(жqРƒа^рvv[yFЗ4Ÿ--€?BКY;ММи B€–Cи BŠQ 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шЬА”x\@$ьаДШЌ˜|`‚џ<яxРЩcDѓЏv[from behind the lens to guide us through his favourite city spots.0€?€?€?_The beauty industry maven introduces us to a few of her favourite places0€?€?€?The Dears latest album sees them revert to familar territory with the lead singer's Morrisey-like delivery0€?€?€?`The director of The Property Market takes us through her favourite haunts0€?€?€?hThe eagerly anticipated little sister to Japanese restaurant Soto opens its doors0€?€?€?^The fashion designer takes us on an insider's tour through his hometown0€?€?€?šThe Five Ghosts combines real moments of melancholic tenderness with the bandт€™s signature boy-girls harmonies and synth-pop hooks0€?€?€?`The globe trotting fashion stylist takes us on a tour of her current home0€?€?€?jThe maxi dress trend continues into the winter months with this head turning number0€?€?€?GThe must-have accessory for any fashionable girl0€?€?€?RThe new Japanese restaurant serves up the classics in style0€?€?€?pThe notorious New Zealand family park up at the Auckland Museum for their final swan song0€?€?€?hThe perfect gift for the active toddler - there's nothing quite like pedal power.0€?€?€?hThe Schott & Converse collaboration reignites our passion in the All Star classic0€?€?€?TThe shoe maven takes us on a walk through her city - Auckland0€?€?€?^The story behind Amsterdam's legendary RoXY nightclub screens next week0€?€?€?†The Walkmen have taken their time, but Lisbon, their latest album finds a band more comfortable in its new skin0€?€?€?This duo first met at a music festival and have now produced one of the most pleasant audio experiences you'll encounter0€?€?€?`This talent manager knows a thing or two about discovering the noteworthy0€?€?€?^Two lucky readers will enjoy a day at the polo hosted by Veuve Clicquot0€?€?€?WUnviel the youthful you with this new specialised skin treatment0€?€?€?ZWaiting for the perfect desk accessory? We've found just the answer0€?€?€?^We ask local characters to give us an insight on their favourite haunts0€?€?€?]We ask the burgeoning furniture designer his favourite Auckland haunts0€?€?€?nWe celebrate gucci's restoration of this iconic italian classic at the NZ film festival0€?€?€?iWe channel the glamour of the 70s with this impressive nod to an iconic supermodel0€?€?€?>We discover the best Korean BBQ in town0€?€?€?UWe eagerly anticipate the unveiling of a refurbished Fort Lane0€?€?€?RWe find our new local serving up delicious sticky pork buns0€?€?€?IWe find the perfect storage solution for your home0€?€?€?[We get a head start on our summer wardrobe with some quality staples0€?€?€?VWe get ready for a summer of love with the King of icy delights0€?€?€?nWe get the first look at the newest establishment due to open in the Britomart precinct0€?€?€?fWe have an exclusive opportunity for you to show off your mountainside prowress0€?€?€?RWe revisit an old school favourite, the classic bar of soap0€?€?€?ZWe stumble across this mecca of sweet delights in central Auckland.0€?€?€?DWe test out a new facial mask fit for a queen0€?€?€?TWe venture to Newmarket to check out the new Spaniard in town0€?€?€?OWe're channeling 70s Bianca Jagger with this head topper0€?€?€?cWe're working our way through local restaurants one signature dish at a time0€?€?€?aWhat promises of eternal beauty have been lurking in my handbag this year?0€?€?€?Will the Valhalla Dancehall record finally catapult BSP into the mainstream? Well, the simple answer to that is - maybe0€?€?€?mWITH A DISTINCTIVE SOUND, DEERHUNTER CREATE A MOOD OF REFLECTIVE MEMORY AND LONELINESS0€?€?€?’With an eagerly awaited Auckland show looming, Andrew Reinholds gives us five reasons to love his favourite band - The Fall0€?€?€?iWith Japanese high on our list of favourites we're excited about this new addition0€?€?€?kWith the eagerly anticipated North Wharf opening this weekend, we take a sneaky look0€?€?€?fWith the snow finally settling we take a visit to New Zealand's answer to Aspen0€?€?€?sWith their effortlessly hypnotic style Warpaint, are set to impress at the Laneways Festival0€?€?€?gWith youth on his side, Nicolas Jaar's potential as a musician is anyone's guess0€?€?€?MWrap your laughing gear around these Bavarian delights0€?€?€?bWrap yourself in luxury cashmere before the onset of the real winter months0€?€?†Youthful and fun in approach, the girls from Twenty-Seven Names take us to their favourite haunts in Wellingtonџ((ОA pop-up cafщ in downtown Auckland looks here to stay for the long-haulndrew Reinholds struggles to find any fault in Wildbeasts' latest albumBest listened to in one setting, I Like eaves a hypnotic spell over the listenerDana Johnston HEADS ALONG TO SEE THE STOINFLUENTIAL FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER ON FILMEnjoy award winning wines matched to worne at this special dinner hosted at DineGet back to basics this winter with hand crafted knitwearHot and hungry? There is no better solution for your needs than tasty GazpachoIt's hard to beat ol' fashioned pancakes served up opposite Kohimarama BeachLarge scale works destined for the residences of art enthusiasts go on displayooking for a suitably chic cover for yo possession? We've found just the ticketMake your contribution to the Auckland Cs at the enchanted High Street Xmas ShopNew season offerings from the go-to labe for cool Parisians arrive on our shoresOur initial trepidation is unwarranted at this waterfront establishmentPlayful subject matter with dark undertoine the artist's exhibition of new worksShow winter colds who's boss with this ultra potent Vitamin CThe acclaimed film Biutiful opens the Spanish film festival tonightdirector of The Property Market takes us through her favourite hauntsmust-have accessory for any fashionable girlstory behind Amsterdam's legendary RoXY nightclub screens next weekWaiting for the perfect desk accessory? We've found just the answere eagerly anticipate the unveiling of a refurbished Fort Lanehave an exclusive opportunity for you to show off your mountainside prowress're working our way through local restaurants one signature dish at a timeith the eagerly anticipated North Wharfning this weekend, we take a sneaky lookAРFGGPŽPоP.9~NЗLРQMROŸPюP>GŽPе=%Рb?fEЅ,ъC@YBZРœР;žLйJ%Oo”Y Ÿаt@ЊЌ ™™i? †@ ‡@г[‘ˆ`˜ы?іяŸА@ШЧР†ђj?р?Ш{@–@q0Ифе?-tИ Ÿ@р?ћщiB9,s@ж˜@„@˜d‹ѓ7 @-meone's face with one of these little pots of happinessChef Peter Gilmore steps out from his awand gives insight on how to cook at homeDenizen 6 goes on a mission to discover a better way to cure her ailing backutch Uncles should be applauded for their sense of adventure aloneEvery slick man needs an equally slick pair of kicksFor a wide-eyed look, we tested out lashtensions and found the results addictiveGet reacquainted with the forgotten art of shoe shiningyourself into a comfortable swagger this winterrappling with the benefits of your morning cuppa Joe? I Am Kloot's newly released fifth album h soaring strings and bittersweet lyricsndulge in an intimate sailing and dininerience on board the beau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<&жyПтNaЙТv!K€?€?Qhealthy-takeaway-delicious-chicken-salad-from-charlie-boys0€?€?<hong kong, sam lennon, lane crawford,0€?€?GHot cross buns, Easter, Denizen easter, il forno0€?€?7hot toddy, whiskey, winter cold,0€?€?*hugin, nat cheshire0€?€?QI Am Kloot, Andrew Reinholds, Manchester's Reflective Trio0€?€?KI like Trains, Andrew Reinholds, He Who Saw The Deep0€?€?EIn Praise of More, Engineers, Andrew Reinholds0€?€?'Industrial lamps0€?€?BInsiders Guide to New York, Claire Sullivan0€?€?Aioanna kourbela, taylor boutique, ponsonby0€?€?Bipad, apple, macbook, case, leather, local,0€?€?Hisabel marant, workshop, parisian, womens fashion0€?€?Mitalian tapas, auckland, haparanda, sailing, waitemata0€?€?Bjac + Jack, Siena home, basics, walsh shirt0€?€?5Jade Hurst, Body Need, Pilates0€?€?>Jade Hurst, body-wrapping, bikini ready0€?€?Jjade hurst, wanaka, destination, the cow, 47 frocks0€?€?€?NJamie Miller, Gisele Trezevant Miller, James restaurant0€?€?€?Ajellies, clare van den berg, zus & zo cafa0€?€?€?Ljewellery, new materials, ceramics, christmas wreaths0€?€?€?RJohn Pusateri, skin and bones, lithographs, new zealand art0€?€?€?Dkatie lockhart, nat cheshire, everyday needs,0€?€?€?MKermadec-seafood-Restarant-Viaduct-Harbour-waterfront-0€?€?€?FKohi,cafe,pancakes,beach,sun,maple,Tamaki-drive0€?€?€?)lady, women, gift,0€?€?€?lighting0€?€?€?uliz delaney, santos, adorno, avondale markets, world deluxe store, Natasha Radonich, Zealandia0€?€?€?<London, Jade Hurst, Antiques, Travel,0€?@€?DLouisa Penney, NZ International Film Festival0€?€?@Lucien Law, Shine, Ebisu, Tyler St Garage0€?€?Llucy and the powder room, organic spray tan, auckland0€?€?DLucy Marr, Stephen Marr, the department store0€?€?DMacaroons-french-treats-ganache-Vaniyщ-sweets0€?€?3man about town, gifts, male,0€?€?_maratime museum, nat cheshire, architecture, tangaroa, Bureaux vs Whales0€?€?Zmaria didovich, fashion stylist, fashion quarterly, sydney, my city0€?€?KMark-Wallbank,ideas,christmas,lunch,scallops,seamart0€?€??Mint catering, James Restaurant Parnell,0€?€?(modernist cuisine0€?€?Vmoo chow chow, asian cuisine, ponsonby, mark wallbank, auckland0€?€?0moochi, winter maxi dress0€?€?Smurray crane, suit, packing, folding, tailor, crane brothers0€?€?)My City Anna Miles0€?€?HMy City by Stephen Tilley, photographer, auckland0€?€?~my city, auckland, jonathon logan, ponsonby social club, little grocer, workshop, mag nation, furniture0€?€?;Nat Cheshire, Fort St, Auckland City0€?€?JNat Cheshire, Jeremy Toth, time-lapse Auckland City0€?€?Dnat cheshire, tank farm, auckland, waterfront0€?€?JNicolas Jaar, Space is Only Noise, Andrew Reinholds0€?€?>Nirmala Cooper, Five of Five exhibition0€?€?YNorth Wharf, Halsey Street, Rugby World Cup gastronomy, Fearon Hay0€?€?aNorthcote, stafford road wine bar, queen street, auckland, tapas, wine bar0€?€?WOctopus,Carpaccio,Toto's,Nelson-St,Mediterranean,Sergio-Maglioni0€?€?=OPI, Axxium nails, manicure, servilles0€?€?UOratia,Markets,Whitebait,Mark-Wallbank,Fish,Saturday,Breakfast0€?€?+outdoor, Dedon, Domo0€?€?/packing, summer holidays0€?€?$paperweights,0€?€?`pendant, diamond, diamond skull pendant, graeme thomson antiques, parnell0€?€?<Phaidon, photography, Century, Decade0€?€?"piggy bank,0€?€?CPonsonby-road-bistro,duck-ravioli,restaurant0€?€?€?2Porchetta, pork belly, Toto0€?€?Fpots, gifts, tully and gardner, african violets0€?€?YPrawn-Filo-Tempura-from-Japanese-Restaurant-Soto-on-St-Mary's-Road0€?€?3Quay, cooking, Peter Gilmore0€?€?MQueenstown Gastronomy, Veuve Clicquot, Claire Sullivan0€?€?PRabbit-Hole-Cafe,Coffee,Herne-bay,Breakfast,Lunch,Organic0€?€?@Rachel Gardner, Great Southern Television0€?€?Eralph lauren home, hurricane lantern, homeware0€?€?=Real Life is No Cool, Andrew Reinholds0€?€?Brecycled glassware, transglass, environment0€?€?BRenee Tanner, Customised Clones, Lomography0€?€?€?Qring, jewellery, wing of desire ring, the department store0€?€?€?cSalami-dried-sausage-free-range-pork-beed-french-markets-Salash-Delicatessen0€?€?€?Usans haircare, lucy marr, shampoo, hair renewel, chemical free0€?€?€?:sass and bide, bra, lace, underwear0€?€?€?3Scarfs, winter, mens fashion0€?€?€?OSelaks roast day, Erwin Zimmet, Ella restaurant Auckland0€?€?€?>Simon Gault, Denizen meal, Chef's table0€?€?€?:smashbox, makeup, foundation primer0€?€?€??Soto-Cocoro-Japanese-Restaurant-Ponsonby0€?€?€?1Sumo wrestling, Frank Liew0€?€?€?4superette, maria taylor, sale0€?€?€?bThai cuisine, Ponsonby thai, MooChowChow, Mark Wallbank, Denizen restaurant0€?€?€?7The Big Roar, The Joy Formidable0€?€?€?dThe Food Store, Auckland Viaduct Harbour, waterfront dinning, food television0€?€?€?ˆthe high street guild, workshop, zambesi, kate sylvester, auckland city mission, the high st lucky christmas shop0€?€?€?Tthe o by cloud nine, wavy hair, hair styling tools, servilles0€?€?€?Xthe perfect red lip, mac, nars, lipstick, how to, topshop, chanel0€?€?€?KThe-Caker,cakes,baking,Jordan-Rondel,sweet,chocolate0€?@@€?OTyler Street Garage, Auckland bars and eateries, Denizen0€?@@€?AVietnamese, Restaurant, Brittomart, Asian,0€?€?€?;vitamin c, illness, dr john ferguson0€?€?€?2Walters Prize, Nat Cheshire0€?€?€?Nwellington, 27 names, rachel easting and anjali stewart0€?€?€?Sworking style, briefcase, carry all, mens, business, attache0€?€?€?0yellow pages, book, cover0€?€?@zambesi, sale, the great zambesi scrambleџ((Ё1ya, nat cheshire, auckland, architecture, city, the civic, dilworth builingandrew reinholds, listen, mirror mirror, sons & daughtersuckland, rufus knight, my city, ingram knightborn with stripes, the donkeys, andrew reinholdschloe, love perfume, gift with purchase, stella mccartney, fragranceonverse schott, collaboration, shoes, Area 51Directed by Clare van den Berg, Zus and Zo, Claire SullivanEyelash extentions, cerise lash bar, posh nailsFritz's-Wieners-bratwurst-sausage-BBQ-Customs-StreetHayley Middleton, macarons, j'aime les macaronsipad, apple, macbook, case, leather, local,jewellery, new materials, ceramics, christmas wreathslightingman about town, gifts, male,Nat Cheshire, Fort St, Auckland Citypaperweights,Rachel Gardner, Great Southern Televisionsass and bide, bra, lace, underwearumo wrestling, Frank Liewthe o by cloud nine, wavy hair, hair styling tools, servillesVietnamese, Restaurant, Brittomart, Asian,DLРL8M-…0ВРтCу-&;S/Ž4Н/ё+ 5K€ˆ$Є Ш)еРў"џ!=:*wjY Ÿ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(жzПіНŽv)ЄЗ4Ÿ--€?BКY;УУШ‰ЎA€–CШ‰ЎA+(+я+ї+H{ЋЯ0XˆЅдј%Ih‹ЇЪї B b  Р ў  J k ” С ј ( W  Ї л  & L v  Щ  : t Ќ с I{ЃвђI~­к 9XƒПы2^†ЋЬј"IrŸС№El›ЦюHzЅЭь=hŽЕр?h‰Анџ%V‹НуI„Ам:lЂл7e“Ор2eЎи>w­цSЧў:rЊсN…Сф C p Ѕ Ь !#!S!u!›!Щ!ћ!&"Y"}" "Э"#*#V#‚#Љ#Х#ю#$<$e$Ž$Й$ь$%A%o%—%И%ь%&@&d&ˆ&У&№&+'['„'Ў'н'(0€?€?06th Christchurch Biennial0€?@€?3A Non Traditional Xmas Lunch0€?@@€?0Ann Demeulemeester Wedges0€?€?€?$Artisan Bread0€?@€?1Ask the doctor: Vitamin C?0€?€?0Auction: Iconic Warholana0€?€?(Banjo and Matilda0€?€?0Bank in the form of a Pig0€?€?€?Basque0€?€?€?/Belle of the Ball Lights0€?€?€?$Black is Back0€?€?€?-Black Perigord Truffle0€?€?$Body Wrapping0€?€?Bodyneed0€?€?#Bored shorts0€?€?Bracu0€?€?#Bright Ideas0€?€?-Britomart Country Club0€?€?#Buenos Aires0€?€?(Bureaux vs Whales0€?€?€? Carry All0€?€?€?.Cellar Door: Man O' War0€?€?€?0Christchurch: Black Betty0€?€?€?>Cocktail of the week: The Stolen Moment0€?€?€?Cocoro0€?€?€?/Commoners Alike Menswear0€?€?!Cone Kings0€?€?)Converse by Schott0€?€?-Costume National Shoes0€?€?7Create Photo Wizardry with Hugin0€?€?0CreateFirm by Bioelements0€?€?/Daniel Emma paperweights0€?€?(Decade by Phaidon0€?€?(Delicate Ceramics0€?€?4Denizen: Matthew Bray Heather0€?€?(Der Kleine Lehner0€?€?#Desert Child0€?€?&Designer Donuts0€?€?*Destination: Wanaka0€?€?'Deviation Trench0€?€?,Diamond Skull Pendant0€?€?;Dish of the Week: Braised Pork Belly0€?€?6Dish of the Week: Chicken Salad0€?€?:Dish of the Week: Chinese dumplings0€?€?8Dish of the Week: Cream Doughnuts0€?€?5Dish of the week: Duck Ravioli0€?€?€?1Dish of the Week: Gazpacho0€?€?€?7Dish of the Week: Maple Pancakes0€?€?€?2Dish of the Week: Pork Buns0€?€?€?(DJ Mixer iPad App0€?€?€?/Dr Perricone Cold Plasma0€?€?€? Eat: Faro0€?€?€?%Egyptian Magic0€?€?€?2Essentials: The White Shirt0€?€?€?5Exhibition: Annie Get Your Gun0€?€?€?/Exhibition: Damien Hirst0€?€?€?-Exhibition: Lisa Black0€?€?€?/Exhibition: Sam Mitchell0€?€?0Exhibition: Winston Roeth0€?€?Facebomb0€?€?+Federal & Wolfe Cafщ0€?€?<Film Review: Bill Cunningham New York0€?€?,Five Loaves Devonport0€?€?#Fluoro Mania0€?€?$Fox Umbrellas0€?€?,Franck Muller Watches0€?€?(French Delicacies0€?€?%Get Boxing Fit0€?€?!Get Nailed0€?€?,Get out of here: Piha0€?€?*Ghirlanda '70 Cross0€?€?'Golden Delicious0€?€?)Gucci Kelis Sandal0€?€?-Gucci wide brimmed hat0€?€?"Haigh House0€?€?/Hair today gone tomorrow0€?€?)Hot Chocolate Mess0€?€?,Hot Cross Buns Recipe0€?€?'Hot Toddy Recipe0€?€?/How to: Beat the Man Flu0€?€?+How to: Cook a Chook0€?€?(How To: Dry Brush0€?€?0How to: Feed a Supermodel0€?€?*How to: Fold a Suit0€?€?2How to: The Perfect Red Lip0€?€?+How to: Wear a scarf0€?€?(Hurricane Lantern0€?€?I Scream0€?€?/Icon: The Wishbone Chair0€?€?"Il Canarino0€?€?+In store: Stack Vase0€?€?&Industrial Lamp0€?€?'Introducing Love0€?€?+iPad & MacBook Cases0€?€?$Isabel Marant0€?€?;Italian Tapas on board the Haparanda0€?€?)It's a Man's World0€?€?!Jac + Jack0€?€?€?'James Restaurant0€?€?€?-Keratin Hair Treatment0€?€?€?"La Couronne0€?€?€?&Lazy Labour Day0€?€?€?1Listen: British Sea Power0€?€?€?5Listen: Best of the Beats 20100€?€?€?2Listen: Build a Rocket Boys0€?€?€?&Listen: Cadenza0€?€?€?+Listen: Diamond Mine0€?€?€?;Listen: From Country Hai East Cotton0€?€?€?;Listen: Halcyon Digest by Deerhunter0€?€?€?,Listen: Hotel Shampoo0€?€?€?,Listen: Mirror Mirror0€?€?€?4Listen: Palace by Chapel Club0€?€?€?*Listen: Smart Flesh0€?€?€?2Listen: Space is Only Noise0€?€?€?6Listen: Stars - The Five Ghosts0€?€?€?9Listen: The Fall - A Retrospective0€?€?€?6Listen: The Moonlight Butterfly0€?€?€?&Little & Friday0€?€?€?.London Cocktail Circuit0€?€?€?.Louis Vuitton Postcards0€?€?€?+Lunch at MooChowChow0€?€?€?"Lush Lashes0€?€?%Man About Town0€?€?-Man O' War Degustation0€?€?3Manchester's Reflective Trio0€?€?IManic Street Preachers: Postcards From A Young Man0€?€?*Micro-Hydra-bration0€?€?0Miller's Refreshment Room0€?€?6My City: Auckland by Aaron Root0€?€?9My City: Auckland by Andrew Lister0€?€?6My City: Auckland by Anna Miles0€?€?9My City: Auckland by Antonia Baker0€?€?7My city: Auckland by Dan Gosling0€?€?6My City: Auckland by Gemma Ross0€?€?:My City: Auckland by Jonathon Logan0€?€?:My City: Auckland by Kathryn Wilson0€?€?7My City: Auckland by L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<‹›{* П* i^ЌЭ&Я* "uty treatment in Herne Bay, boddy wrapping0€?€?€?5Jelly shoes resurge for summer0€?€?€?BJoin Simon Gault at Euro for a gourmet meal0€?€?€?6Katie Lockhart's Everyday Needs0€?€?€?9Kermadec-Restarant-Viaduct-Harbour0€?€?€?CL'Assiette french cafe in Britomart Auckland0€?€?€?5Leather iPad and MacBook cases0€?€?,Lighting for the home0€?€?ELimited Edition yours sneakers by Andrew Henry0€?€?1Listen by Andrew Reinholds0€?€?4London antiques by Jade Hurst0€?€?.Louis Vuitton postcards0€?€?oLouisa discovers the perfect healthy alternative to icecream with Artisan frozen yoghurt0€?€?|Louisa Penney heads along to NZ International Film Festival and recalls classic movies in the process0€?€?;Maple-Pancakes-found-at-Cafe-om-Kohi0€?€?WMark Wallbank reinvents himself and turns Rocco into MooChowChow0€?€??Mark-Wallbank-gives-ideas-for-xmas-lunch0€?€?CMark-Wallbank's-Christmas-Churros-from-Rocco0€?€?dMathew Bray Heather takes Denizen readers on the best London cocktail circuit0€?€?LMillers-Refreshment-Room-and-coffee-roasting-and-cafe0€?€?1modernist cuisine cookbook0€?€?1Moochi's Winter Maxi Dress0€?€?2MooChowChow opens for lunch0€?€?=Murray Crane's steps to folding a suit0€?€?0My City by Stephen Tilley0€?€?eNat Cheshire investigates Jeremy Toth's new time lapse series in Auckland city0€?€?eNat Cheshire looks into Auckland city developments around the Fort Street area0€?€?-new manicure technique0€?€?7New season Isabel Marant arrives0€?€?HNew Zealand designed jewellery by Sarah Cotterall0€?€?QNew-Zealand-wild-boar-farm-sold-from-The-Neat-Meat-Company0€?€?.North Wharf Development0€?€?\Nutritious-frozen-yogurt-by-Cone-Kings-purchased-at-icing-on-the-cake0€?€?IOctopus-Carpaccio-Di-Polipo-from-Toto's-Restaurant0€?€?:One off pieces from taylor boutique0€?€?)iz Delaney0€?€?<My City: Auckland by Murry Sweetpants0€?€?8My City: Auckland by Rufus Knight0€?€?€?8My City: Auckland by Tatum Savage0€?€?7My City: Bangkok by Brigid Eyley0€?€?8My City: Dunedin by Sara Aspinall0€?€?5My City: Gisborne by Jae Mills0€?€?€?7My City: Hong Kong by Sam Lennon0€?€?€?<My City: Wellington by Alexandra Owen0€?€?€?#My Fair Lady0€?€?€?6Mystic Realism; Modest Gestures0€?€?€?)New Opening: Ebisu0€?€?€?-Nikki Gabriel Knitwear0€?€?€?5Old School Revisited: Kermadec0€?€?€?'On Sale: Zambesi0€?€?€?4One day only: Ioanna Kourbela0€?€?€?#One Why Aye?0€?€?€?0Opening: The Conservatory0€?€?€?"Petite Pots0€?€?€?&Raising the bar0€?€?€?.Read: Modernist Cuisine0€?€?€?2Read: Quay by Peter Gilmore0€?€?€?+Read: The Glass Room0€?€?€?3Results RX: A Solution Cream0€?€?€?$Root for Ruin0€?€?€?#Sausage Fest0€?€?€?-Scrubbed to perfection0€?€?€?:Signature Dish: Carpaccio di Polipo0€?€?€?#Silk & Steel0€?€?€?,Smashbox Photo Finish0€?€?€?,Spanish Film Festival0€?€?€?'Stacked Necklace0€?€?€?Store0€?€?€?)Sundays at Clooney0€?€?€?.Sydney: District Dining0€?€?€? Tank Farm0€?€?€?)The Best Vitamin C0€?€?€?)The Darkside Dress0€?€?€?+The Inside Word: NYC0€?€?€?3The lost art of shoe shining0€?€?€?*The O by Cloud Nine0€?€?€?+The Rabbit Hole Cafe0€?€?€?.The Taming of the Shrew0€?€?€?(Three more inches0€?€?€?!tranSglass0€?€?€?4Travel: Florianopolis, Brazil0€?€?€?*View: Duncan Rooney0€?€?€?*Vintage Typewriters0€?€?€?$We Love Chloe0€?€?€?$What a Porker0€?€?€?;What I've Learned: Lucy Vincent-Marr0€?€?€?-Win: A Day At The Polo0€?€?€?;Win: A Degustation Dinner at Vinnies0€?€?€?0Win: Clicquot in the Snow0€?€?€?)Win: La Dolce Vita0€?€?€?*Wing of Desire Ring0€?€?€?/Wishlist: Perfected Chic0€?€?€?)Yellow Pages Cover0€?€?%Yours Sneakersџ((6th Christchurch BiennialAuction: Iconic WarholanaBodyneedChristchurch: Black BettyDaniel Emma paperweightsish of the Week: Chinese dumplingsr Perricone Cold PlasmaExhibition: Lisa BlackGet Boxing FitHow to: Beat the Man FluIndustrial LampLa Couronneisten: Diamond MineSmart Fleshondon Cocktail CircuitMiller's Refreshment Roomy City: Auckland by Stephen Tilleystic Realism; Modest GesturesOne Why Aye?Read: The Glass RoomSilk & Steelydney: District DiningThe O by Cloud NineView: Duncan RooneyWin: A Degustation Dinner at Vinnies @2:РST"kЄКШрРя №Рњ  Р./@G!Hi †’РІ ЇВШл$юЉ Ÿps@}МAWj?еЉ†N@—ŠЕќџџџ?˜‡@ш‡@}~KMт›ѓ?1д Ÿ€b@ю ’€+н{?+x5Ъџ@y@Рn@G/<љОэ?њяŸА@ШТ@бТi?@ ‰@W/=eUgё?-€?€?€?+Win: Designer Donuts0€?€?€?7Win: Tickets to Fashion Festival0€?€?€?Winehot0€?€?€?&XXX Il Canarino0€?€?€?1XXX Jack's Point Clubhouse0€?€?€?)XXX PETAL CUPCAKES0€?€?%XXX Queenstownџ((A Legendary Cleanseructions: Vintage & Collectors' MotorcyclesCafщ HanoiDenizen (Noun. Inhabitants): 9ish of the Week: PorchettaEssentials: The White ShirtFound: Vintage TypewritersGift Ideas: TorchHow To: Dry BrushIn Store: Costume National ShoesStacked NecklaceL'Assietteisten: From Country Hai East Cottontake care, take care, take careush LashesMy City: Auckland by Jonathon LoganWellington by Twenty-Seven NamesOn Sale: SunnylifeQuay to the Groove 2Sausage Festpring FeverThe New York GrindWe Love Chloein: Designer Donuts#@Р. BРLРMSgj„ŸЙЪР лхћР  Р8 WР aj „ЄЖРЪ Ы жс@ѓ є1д Ÿ€b@ю ’€+н{?+x5Ъџ@y@Рn@G/<љОэ?њяŸА@ШТ@бТi?@ ‰@W/=eUgё?.tИ Ÿ@а?№НkDRx`@x хnыy‰@ж˜@„@‰оsыя№?7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Š ‚џ<(ж|Р—иv’ЖFЗ4Ÿ--€?tZ;а<ГC€–Cа<ГCВ~№†и‡р‡x‹jI(цХ Є ƒ b A џоН”sR1ЯЎlK* шЧІ…dC" !р!П"ž#}$\%;&'љ'и(З)–*u+T,3-.ё.а/Џ0‹1j2I3(45ц5Х6Є7{8Z99:;ї;ж<Е=”>s?R@1ABяBЮC­DŒEkFJG)HIчIЦJЅK„LcMBN!OPпPОQR|S[T:UVјVзWЖX•YtZP[/\]э]Ь^…_d`Ca"bcрcПdže}fPg/hiэiЬj3kЇk†lemDn#oьoЫpЊq‰rhsGt&uvфvУwЂxy`z6{|є|г}@€?0€?@€?пA born and bred Londoner, Antonia Baker is the director of The Property Market, a real estate agencytucked down a driveway in Ponsonby, Antonia revels in the spoils of her adopted hometown - Auckland.0€?€?€?пA collection of glassware made from recycled bottles conveys a positive attitude and approach towarde bright acid green colours caught our attention along with the reasonable prices starting from $62.0€?€?€?пA grand two story villa on Ponsonby Road, once home to Rocco, now houses Auckland's answer to contemn expect exotic flavours served in modern and stylish surroundings, with communal dining encouraged.0€?€?€?пA little under a month ago we made our annual post Milan Furniture Fair pilgrimage to Paris, home of that it would be at least another year before we experienced it in all its delectable authenticity.0€?€?€?пA most enjoyable weekend encounter, was meeting and chatting with photographers Stuart Broughton andod cafe Landreth, I couldn't resist my curiosity towards two photographers I knew very little about.0€?€?€?пA signature dish is something that over time can define a chef or restaurant, something that sets it that in mind, we're on a mission to eat our way through the best signature dishes on offer locally.0€?€?€?пA very good friend of mine has amazing skin, skin that's smooth, taut and completely free of celluli how she achieves such luminosity, she tells me it's all thanks to her daily ritual of dry brushing.0€?€?€?пAfter a long period of promise that Auckland's downtown Britomart precinct will become the city's ann van Dorsten all combine to make for a restaurant worthy of a cosmopolitan, soon to be, Super City.0€?€?€?пAfter a rather grim period of celebrating straight hair, we're pleased to announce the rebirth of voeights, giving you a look traditionally only achieved from extensive blowdrys from your hairdresser.0€?€?€?пAlong with his concept & marketing role at Fearon Hay architects, Rufus Knight finds time to researcful, considered design. What better person then to take us on a personally curated tour of Auckland.0€?€?€?пAmerican photographer Slim Aarons is best known for his jet-setting lifestyle, and photographs of th Slim Aarons' depicts the jet-lagged, glamour-set famous and the wealthy indulging in poolside play.0€?€?€?пAn award winning architect, Andrew Lister has recently returned to the city he calls home. After a sl restaurant for the SkyCity Grand Hotel. Here he takes us through his favourite places in Auckland.0€?€?€?пAny website glossary that includes delectable words like Pхte de fruits, Financiers, Ganache and Macke, 'velvet chocolate spread made from half-cream and half-chocolate,' is sure to have us take note.0€?€?€?пArt house movies have never been high on my radar however, from time I will step out of the mainstre New York and this was no exception. In fact, suffice to say, I could easily go along for round two.0€?€?€?зAs co-owner and executive producer of one of New Zealand's most successful production houses - Great Southern Television, Rachel Gardner knows a thing or two about getting the tough jobs done.0€?€?€?пAs the morning host of The Long Black on the burgeoning radio station, Ponsonby Radio, and renowned two about living the good life. He is an obvious choice to take us on a tour of his city, Auckland.0€?€?€?пAuckland based artist Lisa Black has a love of animals and their form. Black combines this passion w the Simon James Concept Store is a selection of new works featuring modified animals of the future.0€?€?€?пAuckland's Voyager NZ Maritime Museum for the next few months plays host to an intimate show worthy um show that has more to do with empathy than artifacts, and it's an inventive little piece of work.0€?€?€?žBefore summer deems black literally uncool, make the most of these dark pieces that carry their hallmarks in fine structured detailing.0€?€?€?пBorn and raised in Wellington, art dealer Anna Miles now works from a West-facing room on the fourthstablished artists. When she's not busy in the art scene she can be found at home with her children.0€?€?€?пBrooklyn duo Alexis Krauss (former kindergarten teacher and teen pop group member) and Derek Miller ent "it" group, being the recipients of some of the most incendiary online hype for quite some time.0€?€?€?пCafщ on Kohi offers something of an anomaly: an amazing sea view coupled with excellent food. And wiod measure) and a healthy drizzle of maple syrup, they certainly satisfy any sweet morning cravings.0€?€?€?пChristmas is on the way Denizens, so I'm preparing my lunch menu in advance in order to share it witon a great new truffle egg pasta I've found and tossed in a lemon and mascapone cream sauce, delish!0€?€?€?пCo-directed by Aucklander Clare van den Berg (of Zus & Zo cafe), this 53 minute piece tells the storclectic mix of characters intent on pushing the extremes and redefining what it meant to feel alive.0€?€?€?пCostume National have long been the go-to cobblers of the sartorially minded man. Their slim profile enough to don them. We suggest pairing them with slim cut jeans to show off their reptilian charms.0€?€?€?пDeparting New Zealand earlier in the year to take up a role as lead designer for a design and producam took a moment out of his intense schedule to show us the sights in his new home town - Hong Kong.0€?€?€?пDescribing his works as often portraying 'beautiful little moments' artist Steve Carr's work often itecliffe School of Art and Design, will go on display at Michael Lett Gallery in Auckland this week.0€?€?€?пDespite it's somewhat daggy interior Seans Panaroma continues to be one of the best eating establishi Italian, Sean's focus is on good honest organically grown food, served up in relaxed surroundings.0€?€?€?пEgyptian Magic, a balm used by everyone from recovering surgery patients to pop divas (Madonna appar at the recent international fashion shows, it's garnering a new era of cult-like status everywhere.0€?€?€?пEmbrace your inner fashion Queen with a salute to Jerry Hall - a name eponymous with 70s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(ж}Р—™ЧN^v’ Studio 54 gdarling - equipped with white and black diamonds and onyx all set in an 18 carat white gold setting.0€?€?€?пEvery winter wardrobe needs a decent trench coat. We're excited by this Camilla and Marc number thatorm. In a classic caramel, it's a wardrobe staple that you'll keep coming back to for years to come.0€?€?€?пFashion designers and best friends Rachel Easting and Anjali Stewart have inspired a cult-like follo we asked them for a youthful breakdown of where they like to hang out in their hometown Wellington.0€?€?€?пFeeling the equivalent of dumb and dumber (but in this case dull and duller) we literally scrubbed ied positive for excellence, but will they give us the youthful and dewy skin we're after for summer?0€?€?€?пFor a little under a year Jordan Rondel has been the best kept secret of city dwellers that relish h cakes, tarts and desserts which can be ordered on her website and delivered to your home or office.0€?€?€?пFor the past 10 years the Louis Vuitton City Guides have been one of my favourite gifts to give. Ava successfully deliver an interesting and varied point of view of each city. I highly recommend them.0€?€?€?пFrom a barn-like pool house in Ponsonby, which was originally the Ponsonby Boot Factory, Liz Delaneyspotting great talent, and as such is a great candidate to take us on a tour of her city - Auckland.0€?€?€?пFrom early beginnings at the infamous Christchurch Farmers Market J'aime les Macarons has continued Bridget O'Sullivan's obsession with perfection these morsels of delight bring glamour back to food.0€?€?€?пGemma Ross works with some of the world's most prestigious brands on a local level and is involved itra that's close to our own hearts. Here she takes us on a journey through her home town - Auckland.0€?€?€?пGraeme Thomson Antiques is not necessarily the place you'd expect to find such a dramatic piece of r my face pressed up to his shop window in Parnell, I was instantly drawn to this poetic masterpiece.0€?€?€?пHailing from Kendal in the Lake District, Smother is the widely anticipated follow-up to 2009s ultran and maturation of a band moving rapidly beyond being simply 'promising' to one of the UK’s finest.0€?€?€?пHave you ever woken up next to a supermodel and wondered what the hell to cook for her? Obviously, ybed. Fret not my friend, and know that you only have one chance to impress her - don't mess this up.0€?€?€?пHaving previously been introduced to Barber Dan by Denizen contributor Rufus Knight, who suggested t Dan is about as authentic as you can get when it comes to the finer details of men's hair grooming.0€?€?€?пHere at the Denizen there is no denying our passion for a certain dish, but there is also no denyingy their Italian take on the ever-popular but sometimes controversial dish. And it didn't disappoint.0€?@@€?пI am a long time fan of dry-cured meats. It's not uncommon to find such delicacies residing alone incan often be found scouring the food markets at the weekend in search of the perfect smoked delight.0€?€?€?пI am currently battling the onslaught of a winter cold. And while I don't feel amazing, I'm pretty snow, and can seriously attest to its ability to keep intense illness at bay, amongst other benefits.0€?€?€?пI have a bit of a love affair with frozen yoghurt. Awarding myself a gold-star in recognition of my otics, make this a practically guilt free treat (and thus worth about three gold stars in my books).0€?€?€?пI have limited faith in most face creams. They all too often offer empty promises and false hopes. J? My advice is to seek recommendations from people you trust, teamed up with a solid trial yourself.0€?€?€?пI like to experience any city as much 'as a local' as possible and it's with this in mind that I ponring what may be around each new corner or down a lane...it lends itself to serendipitous discovery.0€?€?€?пI recently had the opportunity to enjoy the very unique experience of dining at the chef's table wit they had purchased for a very generous sum of money at a recent charity auction. I happily obliged.0€?€?€?пIf it's a classic dining chair your after it's hard to go past Danish designer Hans Wegner's Wishbononal areas, it's the type of chair that one keeps around the dining table for the family's lifetime.0€?€?€?пIf you can drag yourself out of bed on a Saturday morning, which some of us find a bit tedious, you ern motorway to the Oratia Farmers' Markets. Being a bit of a Westie myself, this is a local for me.0€?€?€?мIf you're a Chinese dumpling fan you are going to love this little place. I got a tip-off from one of my staff who's been trawling around town in search of a good cheap eat - and what a find it is.0€?€?€?пIf you're still harboring the rather unsightly Yellow Pages in a cupboard under the kitchen sink, weoyfriend cover. Then, and only then, can it take pride of place next to your more respectable books.0€?€?€?пIf you've not ventured down to the end of Halsey street recently, you are in for a big surprise. Witew North Wharf development being made, the new precinct is set to open this weekend to much fanfare.0€?€?€?пI'm on a body-beautiful rampage. With a trip to Bali in my immediate sights, it's high time I steppe difficult to get my head around the fact that soon, I'll be in 30 degree weather and in a bikini...0€?€?€?пImagine my delight at discovering the after-work talents of my colleague Duncan Rooney. To be seen douse, in his own time Duncan lavishes his attentions on furniture of his own design and manufacture.0€?€?€?пIn an insightful and visual feast, James Sherwood's new book Savile Row: The Master Tailors of Britict of tailoring on royalty, rock stars and the modern celebrity (David Beckham even gets a mention).0€?€?€?пIn keeping with her monochromatic and androgynous clothing, these wedges by Ann Demeulemeester will Paired with jeans and a white tee, it's a flawless casual look for the upcoming warmer months ahead.0€?€?€?пIn nine short months the Denizen has reached an unprecedented audience of taste makers. We've been g contributors, and announced our plans for The Denizen magazine that will be launched in September.0€?€?€?зInstead of being a man about town, please the significant other in your life by showing off your nesting prowess. We take a look at the most coveted items sure to keep your man looking dapper.0€?€?€?пIt can be a tough road finding decent European style fresh baked bread in this country. I've been tolove of baking is saving us from the darkness of dire bread with his artisan bakehouse - Wild Wheat.0€?€?€?пIt is difficult to not mention money when talking about British artist Damien Hirst. Arguably more f, owning a Hirst has come to represent the ultimate status symbol amongst a new breed of collectors.0€?@@€?пIt was always the great promise of the Britomart project that it would infect the city. For too longore, something with enough guts to eventually help us leap the red fence and land on our waterfront.0€?€?€?пIt was with immense enthusiasm and a passion for ALL things Brazilian that we descended upon the worand dos of this spectacular slice of paradise - in case you too find yourself with one night in Rio.0€?€?€?пIt’s no secret that here at the Denizen we're food lovers, always hungry for the latest and greatesroundbreaking new cookbook has left us contemplating changing the way we take charge in the kitchen.0€?€?€?пIt's a widely known fact that the sulfates lurking in the bubbles of our foaming hair washes are serng of the n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(ж~Р—˜хŒ˜v’asties that are sulfates we should all be making choices that remove them from our lives.0€?€?€?пIt's been three years since Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson announced her arrival with the critically acight: New Moon soundtrack that gave her exposure to a much bigger (but presumably younger) audience.0€?€?€?пIt's hard to compete with the simplicity of a naked bulb. Hung above a dining room table it has the pendant lamp by Scandinavian designer Mattias Stahlbom, is a classic example of stunning simplicity.0€?€?€?пIt's not easy to perfect the look of industrial chic. Having recently renovated and now decorating oieces with a point of difference that merge with ease into lofty spaces takes some serious research.0€?€?€?пI've had an ongoing slightly niggly issue with my back (insert your sympathy here). This sort of thirsonal trainer and a massage therapist, I found myself still broken and at the doorstep of Bodyneed.0€?€?€?пI've never been a fan of foundation primers, I'm more of a less-is-more type of girl - at least wherr, been romanced by the magical powers of Smashbox's Photo Finish primer to the point of submission.0€?€?€?пJourney into the quieter end of Great North Road, Grey Lynn and you'll stumble across a little pieceo source all manor of French specialties. On our recent visit these Vintage Pedal cars took our eye.0€?€?€?пLast time Zambesi threw a sale like this, it was four years ago, and they reckon it's likely to be amising men's and women's garments, fabrics and shoes at excellent prices just in time for Christmas.0€?€?€?пLed by the husband and wife efforts of Olga Goreas and Jace Lasek, Montreal collective The Besnard Ltains ranges and sea eagles rather than shopping malls, picket fences and deserted suburban streets.0€?@@€?пLocated on Madras Street, in the direct path of Christchurch's creative precinct sits Black Betty. nd mismatched furniture make it a hip spot to linger, consume hearty food, and savour siphon coffee.0€?€?€?пLondon, one of the most infectious cities in the world, is also home to some of the finest bars thatuite simply must-do's for those of us accustomed to life's more esoteric pleasures and destinations.0€?€?€?пLooking for something unique for a little person in your life? A Little Ink has the perfect solution to feature the names and personality traits of children, pets, favourite toys or imaginary friends.0€?€?€?пLoved by fashionistas the world over, Chloe's pretty girl aesthetic has become ubiquitous ever sinceength, with no serious fashionable girl's wardrobe complete without the addition of a Chloe handbag.0€?€?€?пMake the most of the long summer evenings while they last and head to an evening of Shakespearean cumy father - Brian Sullivan, playing the role (funnily enough) of the father of the Shrew - Baptista.0€?€?€?пMancunian legends The Fall return to these shores for the first time in twenty years, to play a one-ruly outsiders stubbornly refusing to compromise on the singular vision of head honcho Mark E Smith.0€?€?€?пMirror Mirror is Sons & Daughters fourth album, but first in three years, when they made a real concturned to local Glasgow club legend JD Twitch (aka Keith McIvor) from Optimo Music to help them out.0€?€?€?пNever trust an album by its cover. Far from being the hippy love it suggested comes Chapel Club - ro gloom of Echo and the Bunneymen, Joy Division and even early U2 (but don't let that put you off).0€?€?€?пNothing beats Auckland on a sunny winter's day. The harbour seems to glisten a little more brightly as these are not complete without the integration of a long lazy lunch to take in the surroundings.0€?€?€?пOn a recent visit to the Gow Langsford Gallery we couldn't help but notice the hive of activity comi petty cakes high on top of carry trays, was reason enough to investigate further what was in store.0€?@@€?пOne of my favourite dishes is veal Milanese. My obsession started from a young age with my mother's st New Zealand lamb and the always welcome addition of haloumi cheese to enhance its delicate crust.0€?€?€?пOne would think that running a thriving cafe was enough to keep you occupied, but not Clare Van Den ed to bring in a small selection herself that she is making available from the backroom at the cafщ.0€?€?€?пOpening last night at Seed Gallery in Newmarket, Pusateri's current exhibition of lithographs depictct. His latest work offers a complementary progression from his previous photographic work of birds.0€?€?€?пOriginally a US only limited edition release of five hundred hand numbered CDs back in 2009, From Coson goes by the name of Jai Lil Diamond on this album) and Scott Hirsch a.k.a Hiss Golden Messenger.0€?@€?пOur friends from 1885 and Agents & Merchants have been very busy over the last few months. Not satisAuckland, the team are set to open their new pride and joy - The Britomart Country Club any day now.0€?€?€?пOur sense of smell is our first and most immediate link to the world around us. It reminds us of whaal of CB Perfumes to our shores gives us just the opportunity to create our own signature fragrance.0€?€?€?пOver the past five years frozen yoghurt has been elevated to cult like status as the icy-cold sweet to towering cones of icy summer pleasures, has taken some time to embracing this global phenomenon.0€?@€?пPhotographer Stephen Tilley is a fashion and advertising photographer based in Auckland. Stephen hasons and talent - thus making him the perfect candidate to let us in on some of his favourite places.0€?€?€?пPork belly, you're generally either all for it or staunchly against it. Me - I'm all for it. Fat is gs. It is with great delight then that I have discovered the delectable pork belly on offer at Ella.0€?€?€?пQuay, one of the top 50 restaurants of the world, is a showcase for chef Peter Gilmore's culinary gere 'sea pearls' will take you on an inspirational adventure exploring flavor, texture and technique.0€?€?€?пRalph Lauren a man synonymous with luxury and classic American fashion, also produces an esteemed lihomeware collection embraces timelessness, creating pieces that will be cherished for years to come.0€?€?€?пRecipe for disaster: common cold + men = Man Flu. Some colds are worse than others but for most men ndle. So how do you manage when your partner is struck down by the Man Flu? Here’s a few pointers...0€?€?€?пSince 1982 the self taught German designer Nils Holger Moormann has been producing and selling produesigners following the principals of simplicity, intelligence and innovation to create design forms.0€?€?€?пSince it opened in 2006 Clooney has been one of my favourite destinations for a memorable night out.how cosmopolitan we have become as a city. A chance to feel proud of our progressing sophistication.0€?€?€?пSince we moved into our Central Auckland office/gallery space last year there has been a constant stre? This week sees the opening of the newest entrant to the Britomart precinct, the Tyler St Garage.0€?€?€?мStylist Tiffany Jeans who creates a unique hand crafted line of curios and objects for the home under the name Curio Noir, has added the The Lilith Doll candle to her collection of handmade pieces.0€?€?€?пSummer is the perfect time to take a closer look at our skin care. Whether we've meant to or not, we enough with regular cleansing and exfoliation. To get real results we need to get deep - real deep.0€?€?€?пThe advent of portable music devices such as the iPod bought about the culling of not only treasuredre that someone has develo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(жРї УЫv’ped an App that allows you to mix your music tracks the old fashioned way.0€?€?€?пThe Auckland SPCA urgently requires people who are equipped and experienced to foster litters of pupood along with training and support to help you care for the puppies until homes are found for them.0€?€?€?пThe city, at last, has found momentum. Its trajectory is directed where it ought be: our waterfront.rmination of the populace to dip its toes in our harbour, and sip a decent macchiato while doing so.0€?€?€?ЙThe fashionisto of Stolen Girlfriends Club, Black Box Boutique and The Department Store fame takes us on a journey of his favourite places in his city - Auckland.0€?€?€?пThe hip boutique stocking a vast range of covertable Australian and New Zealand designer labels is hsummer sale. The manager of their Newmarket branch, Maria Taylor with us shares her must have picks.0€?€?€?пThe mere mention of cashmere often conjures up images of twinsets and pearls, but for those familiarrary luxe. We need to think 'investment piece' when securing one of these stunning staples of style.0€?€?€?пThe Stack vase by Ligne Roset is comprised of four parts in enameled ceramic and adds just the right acts as a reducer when you only have one flower to display, it's a pretty flexible piece of design.0€?€?€?пThere are a couple of things this week that stood out for me. Firstly, Razorback - the first brandedull and go hunting. It's all been taken care of thanks to New Zealand's first commercial boar farm.0€?@@€?пThere is something quite glamorous about a long dress. It's hard not to feel elegant wearing one. Sofrom a viscose crepe, with side pockets and a sexy open back - this dress is a definite head turner.0€?€?€?пThere was a time in my youth when we were judged at school on the merits of our polished shoes. Somegarner long term sustainability benefits for shoes that you've no doubt invested a small fortune in.0€?€?€?пThere's an elevating level of fear amongst kiwi blokes when the temperatures begin to rise - the feaof refinement when it comes to choosing the right shorts to wear off the beach and onto the streets.0€?€?€?пThese wired-frame lights can sit like birdcages on the ground or can be hung from long cables. Made and available in black, yellow, grey or red, they're an excellent statement piece for a great price.0€?@@€?гThis unconventional torch is simple, beautiful and eco-friendly. Perfect for camping or at the bach over summer, or perched on the bedside table, this is one lamp that deserves to be seen.0€?€?€?пTraditionally eaten hot on Good Friday as a symbolic representation of the Crucifixion, there has beI can confirm that after enduring much searching, Americans are not familiar with the hot cross bun.0€?€?€?пTucked away in a villa in Herne Bay, Auckland, Sarah Cotterall's front room is dedicated to the creat vintage gems sourced from 1950s costume jewellery lie hidden in velvet bags awaiting their future.0€?€?€?пWatches to me are luxury defined. The saying that time is a luxury is certainly the case with FranckFranck Muller's Master Banker. (Be wary not to repeat this too quickly, it can get you tongue tied!)0€?€?€?пWe have been suspicious of our cellphones for some time now. Popular culture has blamed them for a to being crimes against fashion, might also have an adverse effect on sperm production and function.0€?€?€?gWe pick out the key pieces necessary for taking the keeping spring in our steps.0€?€?€?tWe select a collection of pieces that'll ensure you keep it real on the dusty trails of life.0€?€?€?пWe were recently invited by Veuve Clicquot to welcome the winter months by drinking Clicquot in the array of sophisticated travellers from all around the world, Queenstown always puts on a great show.0€?€?€?пWelsh trio The Joy Formidable have been making waves across England and Europe for the last eighteen astonishing and unthinkable in equal measures to believe that this band only has the three members.0€?€?€?пWe're suckers for Japanese cuisine, we like the way it makes us feel all healthy and virtuous as wesoft-crab, or chicken karaage. What's not to love about these delectable crunchy deep fried morsels.0€?€?€?пWe've been pacing around outside this establishment for weeks eagerly awaiting its opening. And now e 2000 odd newcomers who are moving into offices in the surrounding buildings over the coming weeks.0€?€?€?ЩWe've just got word of this exclusive opportunity to experience the delectable cuisine of chef Peter Gordon, matched with our favourite wines from Man O' War, at Dine restaurant.0€?€?€?пWe've long been hearing good things about Winehot, the Kingsland-based French-style wine bar tucked o mind when looking for a French fix, but we were keen to see if it lived up to its recommendations.0€?€?€?пWhen offered tickets to witness Japanese Sumo wrestling, on a recent visit to Tokyo, I eagerly snappinute cab ride (or 30 minute train) from Shibuya. I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked inside.0€?€?€?пWhen we think of Dunedin we can reflect on a youthful haze commonly associated with student life. Bu to expand our horizons and introduce us to the best that this beautiful historic city has to offer.0€?€?€?пWhether you're heading to Waiheke for a weekend escape or out for a day of boating on the Hauraki Gu Royal Navy, who went on to designate the bay as a wood and water station. So became Man O' War bay.0€?€?€?пWinter. Its blatant lack of sunshine and bikini wearing weather means it's the perfect time to take summer months, due largely to the sunshine's ability to heat up and unnecessarily irritate the skin.0€?€?€?пWith a history that dates back over 50 years Haparanda is a classic 70ft schooner that's been built station of Italian tapas, while you sit back and enjoy the stunning views and sunset over the water.0€?€?€?пWith a waiting list that averages three months, Eve Lom is one of the world's most sought after faciproduct that replaces your cleanser, exfoliator, toner, and moisturiser with one luxurious cleanser.0€?€?€?пWith an obsession with shoes that started with customising her own Commando M's and Kung-fu's, Kathrer in the New Zealand fashion scene, Kathryn gives us an insight into her favourite Auckland haunts.0€?€?€?пWith our penchant for cosying up with a good book in bed, we're in desperate need of the perfect bedDavid Moreland has crafted his Knight Light that brings a touch of modern cool to our bedside table.0€?€?€?пWith Selaks NZ Roast Day just around the corner on Sunday 7 August, we thought it high time to refin institution for many. Each week he serves up a delectable plate of beautiful prepared comfort food.0€?€?€?пWith the plethora of swanky new bar establishments opening around Auckland of late, we have taken to bar snack as an after thought, this is not the case at our newly appointed local - Tyler St Garage.0€?€?€?пWith the South Island slopes covered in more snow than we've seen in years, you have very few excusere you'll put your skills to the test at a purpose-built testing facility high in the Southern Alps.0€?€?€?жWith winter finally taking hold of our extremeties, it's high time you polished up your appearance and learnt a few tricks that'll help you hold your own on the cold mean streets of suburbia.0€?€?€?пWorn as either a dress or a jacket The Darkside dress by Sass & Bide is on our wish list for summer.rovide that all important personalisation factor that's important when you want to wear it your way.0€?€?€?п!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<‘ R€РїiД~АIІ o.nz

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One md all but dispelled humor from the city.Cleanliness over godliness, is definitelrings back memories of muddy childhoods.Eighteen years since the launch of theirelt their time was already running out".Formed over a decade ago in Texas, Exploaditional riffs and/or chord structures.Having been in and around design for moshat he enjoys about his city - Auckland.I have a new and unexpected food addicti in weight loss and is also anti-ageing.f you're anything like me, you'll know sausage on the block - Fritz's Wieners.n my on-going quest to find the perfectawait for your legs to get summer ready.t was way back in 2005 that Engineers be a real feeling of exquisite fragility.'s that time of the year, the time whedicinal benefits of a classic hot toddy.Like the long lost constellation their ne Fire, arguably the band of the moment.Many a day trip has been had out to Pihathe two nights away were a true delight.One seemingly simple thing that I am alwation with fluorescent tubes never ends.ver the past five years frozen yoghurt ime to embracing this global phenomenon.Simon Mawer's latest book is a historicawners can eventually reclaim their home.The allure of a gentleman toting a martiy quickly over the course of an evening.what's for lunch question poses an oy. Step in Mr Johnny Ruddick of Il Buco.is is a highly contentious issue highlg bypass} device they treated him with).We pick out the essential packing pieceslooking good on the road less travelled.'ve had a bit of a fascination with vity that ensues from a hand typed letter.ith a career spanning over two decades Marr what she has learned along the way.the release of Т ’Years ago I bought my first real umbrella, from Smith and Caugheys. I considered it a public serviceiped in navy, and all topped by an elegantly bent cane handle, with 3 brass rings adorning its stem.0€?€?€?пYou'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't graciously accept three more inches. As we age tho are now lost and seemingly unachievable with hair becoming more dry and brittle as time progresses.0€?€?€?пYoung photographer Jeremy Toth has been shooting up a storm of late, and I've been following his timut even in the few dusky seconds it's afforded, a tall, translucent bronze building steals the show.џ((jA recent sunny lunchtime had us venturinover looking the Viaduct Harbour. Bingo.n advocate for all things exotic and bemust-see spots in this coveted location.uckland has few quirky buildings. One md all but dispelled humor from the city.Cleanliness over godliness, is definitelrings back memories of muddy childhoods.Eighteen years since the launch of theirelt their time was already running out".Formed over a decade ago in Texas, Exploaditional riffs and/or chord structures.Having been in and around design for moshat he enjoys about his city - Auckland.I have a new and unexpected food addicti in weight loss and is also anti-ageing.f you're anything like me, you'll know sausage on the block - Fritz's Wieners.n my on-going quest to find the perfectawait for your legs to get summer ready.t was way back in 2005 that Engineers be a real feeling of exquisite fragility.'s that time of the year, the time whedicinal benefits of a classic hot toddy.Like the long lost constellation their ne Fire, arguably the band of the moment.Many a day trip has been had out to Pihathe two nights away were a true delight.One seemingly simple thing that I am alwation with fluorescent tubes never ends.ver the past five years frozen yoghurt ime to embracing this global phenomenon.Simon Mawer's latest book is a historicawners can eventually reclaim their home.The allure of a gentleman toting a martiy quickly over the course of an evening.what's for lunch question poses an oy. Step in Mr Johnny Ruddick of Il Buco.is is a highly contentious issue highlg bypass} device they treated him with).We pick out the essential packing pieceslooking good on the road less travelled.'ve had a bit of a fascination with vity that ensues from a hand typed letter.ith a career spanning over two decades Marr what she has learned along the way.the release of their second album Bof Lisbon their sixth full length album."AРOOPOŸPюP>PŽPоР.O/O~OЭ@NNkPЙP РYOZOЉPјРHРJLLL˜Nф@2Р3N4N‚@аKдKŸY Ÿаt@Žдj?|†@|‡@ЏЌ[яф?$ЂГ Ÿps@С Œ Џj?в%( №?hs@r@ШљbRхЪп? №ŸА@ГŽ€*,j?№?xt@4Ž@iУv ,Жж?-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(жРjЮRюrv ƒFЗ4Ÿ--€?BКY;ЛЛїБA€–CїБAh&W)ѓ)ћ)и&UˆДиCdЇбђ8eˆАмќ( J v ž Л м  ; n ‘ К є ) b ™ Э  3 q Ї и > f ” У х  DiЈж 9bŽОу 3ZƒКм 4`„Ћг 4]‚Ќд%^Чє,b“Уј%Z‰Мщ8b”Оь 2_„Њй /Y“ФяJoЄж9g•Лц9kГп 8`•Э:pЉпL€ЖёIqžвљ! 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    If you are neither of these people, you’ll be wondering what all the fuss is about.  Q3QWxviSD79c" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">  


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    Including rods, fishing reels and lures from the the most historically important manufacturers inp>

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    Inner-city design firm Bureaux, led by thet Harbour. Admission from 9 until 4 each day, free for Auckland residents with proof of address.


    It appears, at least to others, that I have been losing my touch. The other night, one of our you">Download Hugin here


    It may seem that there are many options when wrapping oneself in winter warmness, here at the Den likely to turn a few heads with your slick sophisticated look.

    You've been warned. 


    It’s probably no surprise given he is the son of Ioan Bowen Rees – “a poet, esstp://www.youtube.com/embed/usGdERPWoPU?rel=0" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">


    It’s this sense of scale and landscape that provides ...Are The Roaring Night its backdrop,amp;hl=en_US&rel=0&border=1" />


    Kermadec is one of those places that's etched in Auckland's dining history. Long renowned as the !

    Level 1
    Viaduct Harbour
    ph 09 304 0454


    Launched in 2008 by former marketing executive (and a certain supermodel’s sister-in-law) B6 1664

    Lynn Woods
    149 Victoria Street
    ph 03 377 9476 


    Locally we've taken the the tapas culture with gusto.  The concept translates well in our owue Kitchen & Bar
    61 Davis Crescent
    ph 09 523 1057


    Located directly next door to 1885 on Galway Street, The Britomart Country Club is another succesd in the wood-fired oven.

    Check back soon for more information on the opening date. 


    May we introduce you to the exotic il canarino, a cheeky drop that will likely set you back &pounntrol of the situation, make yours an il canarino.

    You'll thank us for it in the morning.


    Much has been made of their intellectual approach to music, yet their unusual time signatures are/TMti9fN0VBQ?rel=0" width="485" height="306" frameborder="0">  


    My search may well be over thanks to Gucci. The Sienna clutch combines the perfect balance of evearget="_blank">Gucci.

    48 Queen Street
    ph 09 368 1138


    Now ten years in to their recording career, British Sea Power remains as enigmatic and eccentric /embed/CNOrK_T4UOI?rel=0" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">


    Once inside we were spolied for choice with the cabinet inside offering a tempting assortment of ="http://www.lacouronne.co.nz/lacouronne/" target="_blank">www.lacouronne.co.nz


    One thing, however, that can dull New Zealand's sophistication is the apparent lack of dining opt /> www.clooney.co.nz


    Our first impression is of a restaurant that is perfect for casual dining Japanese style with fri

    Open for both lunch and dinner. 

    116 Quay Street


    Part nightclub, part musical revue, and part cultural revolution - Amsterdam's RoXY rose to worldrel=0" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">   


    Pop in for an afternoon slice of cake and a coffee and pick yourself up a pair.

    Cost: $60 >Auckland

    ph 021 811 770

    Thursday to Saturday 3pm to 6pm or by appointment.


    Recently moving a mere hop, skip and a jump down the road from Cone Kings' flagship store (Icing s.com/#/HOME-01-00/" target="_blank">www.conekings.com


    Right from the salvos of rapid gunfire that opens the album’s epic first track The Ever ChablAMU?rel=0" width="480" height="390" frameborder="0">  


    Scroll through the images above for your how to guide on how to correctly fold your suit.



    Simon James Concept Store at  The Department Store

    10 Northcroft Street, Takapuna, Au/>


    Siphon is a coffee extraction technique that is relatively new to our shores. The amazing perform3 365-8522



    Smother sees them return with ten songs about love, lust and longing.  Just like the most coUJYqhKZrwA?rel=0" width="480" height="303" frameborder="0">  


    Snapdragon holds a dominant position right next door to the well established Soul Bar. With threepdragon Bar & Kitchen, Viaduct Harbour, 204 Quay Street, Auckland Waterfront, ph 09 357 6147


    So it has been then, for the past two years twice a week I rustle up some inner angst and head al355 6776



    So with a staunch fitness regime underway (albeit a few weeks shy of the ideal time frame), teame">www.hernebaywellbeing.co.nz


    Starring Javier Bardem as Uxbel, it tells the story of a tragic hero and father of two on the roaQV8p8?rel=0" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">  


    Step in Lucy Marr, a highly regarded figure in the New Zealand beauty industry, Marr was unable td Lucy and the Powder Room.


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    Synonymous with old school Hollywood glamour, elegance and seduction, there is something about thy reds to spark conversation, pick one from some of our tried and tested favourite shades above.


    Take Care, Take Care, Take Care is the band's sixth album, and their first in four years.  I/kv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`‚џ<(жƒПQЎЧВvІ -yJywbtDI?rel=0" width="480" height="390" frameborder="0">  


    That was until we arrived home, only to discover that L'Assiette had opened on our doorstep. L'Asday evenings.

    9 Britomart Place
    Auckland City
    ph 09 309 0961


    The café interior of Little & Friday is like sitting in your grandmother's kitchen, wip; Friday
    12 Melrose Street (inside of Martha's Fabrics)


    The duo are picking up design awards across the globe, including Wallpaper magazine's 'design dur />
    Available from Douglas and Bec
    9 St Mary's Road


    The exhibition is a collection of 25 Diana cameras, customised by some of the most interesting arf="http://www.lomography.com.au/dwt-cc-charity-auction/" target="_blank">Cast your bid here.


    The friendly and efficient staff coupled with the with exposed brickwork, leather chairs and conten Street
    Northcote Point
    ph 09 480 2690


    The Haparanda sets sail Monday and Thursday evenings at 6pm returning again at 8.30pm.

    $17027 373 2677



    The image above is a head detail from the sculpture 'A time for revenge and remorse-salome with t viewed on her site www.bloodlilley.com


    The magic of Pedal power is likely to take instant appeal with any youngster, and create a health Interiors
    376 Great North Road, 
    Grey Lynn,

    Ph 09 361 2407


    The Miller's Coffee Roasting and Refreshment Room is the perfect place to indulge your inner Italod.

    Open weekdays from 7.30am to 1pm

    31 Cross Street, Newton, Auckland 09 356 7322


    The opening show of works by Winston Roeth is the perfect fit for new walls. Roeth combines worksw.jensengallery.com/artist/?at=Winston+Roeth&a=11" target="_blank">www.jensengallery.com


    The prize is important for the nurturing of our local art-production scene, but for the rest of u

    Auckland Art Gallery, Corner Wellesley and Lorne Streets, open 9 to 5 daily. Ph. 09 307 7700


    The restoration of what is considered one of the world’s best known ‘foreign-languagehere and we'll put you in the draw!

    Competition has now closed!


    The rice is a hybrid that has existed in China for years - it was cultivated for the emperor and .

    Ferron Riso Venere  is available from Sabato, 57 Normandy Road, Mt Eden, Auckland.


    The tasty German-style smoked Bratwurst sausage is served up in a freshly baked baguette bun and />


    The two met at a music festival in Fife, have kept in touch ever since, and along the way have pitube.com/embed/EQp9pz5PWRk" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">   


    The Der kleine Lehnerbr />09 360 4290



    Then nothing until 2009, when follow-up Three Fact Fader finally hit the streets, delayed due to &hl=en_US&rel=0" />   


    There's African Violets potted and gift boxed for a mere $12.

    Pots of Joy for $20


    Tully & Gardner
    139 Richmond Road
    Grey Lynn
    Ph 09 360 7576


    These weekend excursions can sometimes however be fraught by the distinct lack of decent lunch sphe website here. 


    This is a city fueled by the inflamed desires of an increasingly sophisticated populace. Never bell toward the beaches to the East. People of Auckland, keep pushing. I think it’s working.


    This little number is actually rather large in person, and has a total 8.17 carats of diamonds, il Pendant


    Graeme Thomson Antiques, 259 Parnell Road, Auckland. 09 303 1912


    Touted as the country's largest waterfront areas to be revitilised, the area will eventually be transformed into a desirable harbourside community.


    Undoubtedly famous for the tasty pizza slices he's been serving up in Ponsonby for nigh on nine yore affordable summer lunch.


    Il Buco
    113 Ponsonby Road,


    Using freshly shaved truffles harvested from the South Island, chef Alberto Usseglio believes tru.

    at The Langham
    83 Symonds Street
    ph 09 300 2885


    Walls are festooned with mosaics of lady 'MooChowChow' who greets diners with her come hither gaz360 6262



    We recently got word that the new summer range from Australian label Jac + Jack had arrived at Si09 377 7555



    We’ve all talked about doing it but there’s always a reason not to go through with it to join me next year and hopefully bring Dry July over to NZ, I think we’re ready for it.


    We're impressed by this hot number from local sartorial expert Working Style.

    Leather Atta>www.workingstyle.co.nz


    What started as a bakery servicing the restaurant trade that focused on Artisan breads,



    Which is rather outrageous, given their previous effort - 2009’s ‘Hospice’ - wih1j-8?rel=0" width="480" height="390" frameborder="0">  


    With an impressively long supporting cast the duo have created a mini album (clocking in at just uRMVU" width="560" height="349" frameborder="0">   


    With my 30th year rapidly approaching, I thought it timely that I reassess my regime. I have mini href="http://www.prescriptionskincare.co.nz" target="_blank">www.prescriptionskincare.co.nz


    With recent reports that they had changed tack slightly and were focusing on offering a selected inehot 
    605 New North Road
    Auckland City
    ph 09 815 9463


    With these memories however comes trepidation. While a hardy bar of soap might do wonders on your>Available here.


    Yellow Diamonds are the wonderchild of Dr Ben Johnson who formulated the revolutionary Osmosis She Powder Room
    16 Morrow Street
    ph  09 524 6702?
